Thomas, Benny. | A model to measure receptivity among teachers and to facilitate smooth transition of anademic trainers or teachers / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202241032185, Applicant: Trixy Elizabeth John.
The invention provides a model for facilitating receptivity to change in teachers. The model provide a four-correlated factor structure. The model includes individual, organisational, bridging, and educational factors. The factors in the present invention created based on respective sub-factors provides the foundation for the model. The different sub factors comprise self-efficacy and self-regulation for individual factors; school climate, school support, principal support, professional training, communication, and participation for organisational factors. [show more]
Parvati Ramaswamy, Shankar V, Reghu V.R., Nikhil Mathew and Manoj Kumar S | A model to predict the influence of inconsistencies in Thermal Barrier Coating ( TBC) thicknesses in pistons of IC engines / | Journal Article | Engineering |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Engineering |
Description:Materials Today Proceedings, Vol.5, Issue 5, Part 2, pp.12623-12631
Mukhopadhyay, Debarka. | A molecular QCA based UV lamp for water purification / | Patent | Nano Technology |
Type:Patent Subject:Nano Technology |
Description:Patent Number: 201731011405, Applicant: Dr.Paramartha Dutta.
Dominic, Denny - 1870083 | A multi parameterized modified local binary pattern for lung cancer detection by deep learning methods / | PhD | Computer Science and Engineering |
Type:PhD Subject:Computer Science and Engineering |
Mukhopadhyay, Debarka. | A multi-layer memory enriched staticmemory system / | Patent | Electronics |
Type:Patent Subject:Electronics |
Description:Patent Number: 202141039100, Applicant: Debarka Mukhopadhyay.
The present invention is configured with the generation of multiprocessor core of each 15 bit CAM cell and a section works at a lower supply area which will drive a part to work at a more prominent induced voltage for the CAM core processor. The present device is configured in such a way so that no level converters are required. The system operates avoiding the power overhead and low supply area as illustrated in Fig1. This process is used assorting voltage with less area interface inside the CAM cells, related by the applying product on D-FF. The match line indicates the search word and stored word are indistinguishable (the match case) or are extraordinary (a confounding case, or miss) of the CAM cell. [show more]
Balachandran, Krishnan. | A multi-layer memory enriched staticmemory system / | Patent | Electronics |
Type:Patent Subject:Electronics |
Description:Patent Number: 202141039100, Applicant: Debarka Mukhopadhyay.The present invention is configured with the generation of multiprocessor core of each 15 bit CAM cell and a section works at a lower supply area which will drive a part to work at a more prominent induced voltage for the CAM core processor. The present device is configured in such a way so that no level converters are required. The system operates avoiding the power overhead and low supply area as illustrated in Fig1. This process is used assorting voltage with less area interface inside the CAM cells, related by the applying product on D-FF. The match line indicates the search word and stored word are indistinguishable (the match case) or are extraordinary (a confounding case, or miss) of the CAM cell. [show more]
Gupta, Chabi. | A novel data mining and machine learning-based framework for cyber security intrusion detection / | Patent | Bio-Medical Engineering |
Type:Patent Subject:Bio-Medical Engineering |
Description:Patent Number: 202231027007, Applicant: Lingaraj Sethi.
This survey paper describes a focused literature survey of machine learning (ML) and data mining (DM) methods for cyber analytics supporting intrusion detection. Short tutorial descriptions of each ML/DM method are provided. Based on the number of citations or the relevance of emerging practice, papers representing each method were identified, read, and summarised. Because data are so crucial in ML/DM approaches, some well- known cyber data sets used in ML/DM are described. [show more]
Iyer, Sridhar. | A novel dynamic Physical Layer Impairment-Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment (PLI-RWA) algorithm for Mixed Line Rate (MLR) Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) optical networks / | Journal Article | Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Description:Journal of Optical Communications, Vol.37, Issue 4, pp.349-356, ISSN: 2191-6322 (Online) 0173-4911 (Print).
Gowda, Kavitha R. | A novel method for crowd detection and altering social distance using OIT and methods thereof / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202111019009, Applicant: Dr. Purvi Pareek.
The Invention Discloses a Novel Process and Method for Continuously Monitoring public places. The Primary Factors related to density and distance are collected using Sensors and fed to Database Module. The Machine Learning Module analyses the Inputs and sends alerts to the Communication Module. The alert message is activated in loud speaker to ensure social distancing. This Invention ensures safety of Public from spread of air borne diseases. [show more]
Gowda, Kavitha R. | A novel method for employee engagement through digital technology & methods thereof / | Patent | Computer Science |
Type:Patent Subject:Computer Science |
Description:Patent Number: 202111004196, Applicant: Dr.Priti Verma.
The invention discloses a mentoring system capable of improving employee performance in the field of engagement for the betterment of the productivity of an individua's performance in company. The feedback system has the capability of generating feedback with better accuracy and hence easily identifying the areas of weaknesses and strengths of the employees. [show more]
Jose Deepa V., Mustafa, Alfatech., Sharan, R. | A novel model for speech to text conversion / | | Computer Science |
Subject:Computer Science |
Description:International Refered Journal of Engineering And Science, Vol-3 (1), pp. 39-41,ISSN-2319-183X.
O V, Johnson., Sharan, Preeta | A novel moems sensor design simulation and analysis with MEEP / | Journal Article | Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Type:Journal Article Subject:Electronics and Communication Engineering |
Description:International Journal Of Engineering Technology Science And Research, Vol.2, Issue 8, pp.319-325, ISSN No: 2394-3386.
Antony George William | A Paradigm shift in Family therapy in India : Exploration from Socioeconomic, Cultural and Spiritual Perspectives | | Psychology |
Subject:Psychology |
Description:International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 3,pp. 153-166 , ISSN No. 2249-5894
James, Sneha. - 1537154 | A perspective analysis of emotional appeal used in television advertising / | Masters Dissertation | Media Studies |
Type:Masters Dissertation Subject:Media Studies |
Description:The purpose of the study is to find out whether emotional appeal is still prevailing in television advertising. The researcher focuses on the various elements used by advertisers to evoke emotional response on the audienceās side. The advertisements decided by the researcher portray important relationships that are valued and maintained in the society. [show more]
Divakar, Swathy. - 1537158 | A perspective analysis on doodle art used in five educational materials / | Masters Dissertation | Media Studies |
Type:Masters Dissertation Subject:Media Studies |
Description:Doodle Art are simple drawings that have concrete representational meaning in abstract shapes. A doodler intently shifts through information to generate substantial understandings. Doodle Art is one of the evolving styles that are attracting young audience especially through subject materials. Themain aim ofthe study is to understand whether doodling has emerged as a new trend in brand recall. [show more]
Kavitha Jayakumar and B. Valarmathi | A Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities of Supply Chain Management | | Management Studies |
Subject:Management Studies |
Description:Global Journal of Arts and Management Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 227 - 231, ISSN No. 2249-2658
Nair, Kartik Hariharan. - 1537114 | A perspective reading of photographs of the Ahmedabad city / | Masters Dissertation | Media Studies |
Type:Masters Dissertation Subject:Media Studies |
Description:The present study talks about the usage of photographs as a major tool for storytelling. It shows how various photographs of various places, if shown to people and analyzed according to their perspectives and experiences can give us a rich definition and an idea about the events that had shaped the place and led to their current being. Also, it describes the place according to the way or the angle the respondents saw it to be. [show more]
V Rohini | A Phased approach to solve the University Course Scheduling System | | Computer Science |
Subject:Computer Science |
Description:International Journal of Computational Engineering Research Vol.3, Issue 4, pp. 258-261, ISSN No. 2250-3005
Leung Tommy LIANG Kwok | A Phenomenological Investigation of Mens Experiences of Depression and Gender Role Socialization in Early Family Relationships in urban South India | | |
Description:With the overwhelming suicide rate among men over women, and family problems and illness being the major causes of suicide in India, it is vitally important that we have a better understanding of how men struggle with depression in the context of family. Based on increasing studies on depression and family in the last two decades, a number of researchers have suggested that male depression is associated with early family life experiences. As few studies on the experiences of depression and gender role socialization in early family relationships are reported in India, the present study adds credence to the concept of male depression that may relate to early family life experiences. The aim of this study is to understand the subjective experiences of depression and gender role socialization in early family relationships among Indian men. A non-clinical sample of 9 men was selected using purposive sampling from a human service organization. Theoretical sampling of biographical accounts of a clinical group (1 male client with history of clinical depression) was used for triangulation of data. Consensual Qualitative Research methodology is adopted. The subjective experiences of participants are examined by open-ended, in-depth interviews. The interviews are taped and transcribed. Identification of domains and core ideas, and cross-analyses are conducted on transcripts. A research team of three and an external auditor are employed for data analysis. The findings have contributed to new understandings of depression in the light of gender role socialization in early family relationships among Indian men. Implications suggest further studies of male depression in the family context, the challenge of family life education in India, and the importance of gender sensitivity in counseling with men.
Keywords: men, depression, gender role socialization, early family relationships, consensual qualitative research.
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V, Rekha. | A power quality and demand side management system for a smart grid using machine learning for providing efficient resource utilization and the method thereof / | Patent | Renewable Energy resources , IoT , Machine Learning |
Type:Patent Subject:Renewable Energy resources , IoT , Machine Learning |
Description:Patent Number: 202141022163, Applicant: Mallikarjunaswamy S.
A Power quality and demand side management System for a smart grid Using Machine Learning for providing efficient resource utilization and the method thereof Electricity plays a crucial role in different sectors of the nation including national security, economy, agriculture and healthcare. The design of the power system has been revolutionized by the incorporation of communication technology. This makes the grid smart. Several issues have been addressed in order to make the utility grid smart. [show more]