2174 items found
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Creator Title Type Subject
Nachamai MA precise method for gender cataloguing using a minimum distance classifier /Engineering Computer Science
Subject:Engineering Computer Science
Description:The International Journal of Engineering and Science, Vol-3 (2), pp. 1-4. ISSN (p)-2319-1805 ISSN (e)-2319-1813
R, Rajesh.A predictive system for determining the probability of transfer of viruses from animals to humans /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:"Patent Number: 202141012175, Applicant: Rajesh R. The study of viruses transmission from animal to human beings is vital since more outbreaks are happing frequently and from a veterinary viewpoint these viruses causes diseases that are economically devastating. The emergence of animal virus in the human population seeks the importance of animals in harbouring infectious agents. Zoonosis is the scientific term referring to any diseases that are transmitted to people by animals. [show more]
Joseph, Niju P.A predictive system for determining the probability of transfer of viruses from animals to humans /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 202141012175, Applicant: Rajesh R. The study of viruses transmission from animal to human beings is vital since more outbreaks are happing frequently and from a veterinary viewpoint these viruses causes diseases that are economically devastating. The emergence of animal virus in the human population seeks the importance of animals in harbouring infectious agents. Zoonosis is the scientific term referring to any diseases that are transmitted to people by animals. [show more]
P, Sagaya Aurelia.A predictive system for determining the probability of transfer of viruses from animals to humans /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 202141012175, Applicant: Rajesh R. The study of viruses transmission from animal to human beings is vital since more outbreaks are happing frequently and from a veterinary viewpoint these viruses causes diseases that are economically devastating. The emergence of animal virus in the human population seeks the importance of animals in harbouring infectious agents. Zoonosis is the scientific term referring to any diseases that are transmitted to people by animals. [show more]
Ramaswamy, Parvati.A process to beneficiate A-Alumina and magnesium aluminate composite powder /PatentMaterials Technology
Subject:Materials Technology
Description:Patent Number: 202141035837, Applicant: Parvati Ramaswany. An environmentally friendly process to beneficiate a-alumina (AI2O3 - corundum) and magnesium aluminate (MgAbOj - spinel, linear formula: MgOAbOj) ceramic composite powder, from black aluminum dross (an industrial waste), has been disclosed. The process involves grinding of the Al-Dross, leaching of the undesirable compounds (A1N) by using hot carbonated water, dehydration and calcination, wherein the ammonia gas (whenever it was evolved) was scrubbed through dilute H2SO4. [show more]
B, Manoj.A process for synthesis of mixed carbon allotropes /PatentMechanical Engineering
Subject:Mechanical Engineering
Description:Patent Number: 201941052829, Applicant: CHRIST (Deemed to be University). A process for synthesis of novel mixed carbon allotropes is disclosed. The process includes combusting liquid paraffin by a flame via wick; collecting liquid paraffin soot generated during the combustion. The as-harvested liquid paraffin soot comprises of novel mixed carbon allotropes namely H18 carbon and n-diamond blended with Carbon Nano Onions. [show more]
Govindaraju, Santhosh.A process for the synthesis of novel 6-(BENZO[D][1,3]DIOXOL-5-YL)-Pyrroles /PatentChemistry
Description:Patent Number: 202141037575, Applicant: Santhosh Govindaraju. Nitrogen-containing heterocycles are biologically significant structures present in many natural substrates and synthetic drugs. Pyrrole is one such member of the nitrogen heterocycle family consisting of a five-membered ring having a nitrogen atom. Pyrrole forms an integral part of many natural substances such as porphyrins and pigments. The discovery and synthesis of pyrrole derivatives.is an integral and interesting part of research by synthetic organic chemists all over the world. [show more]
Ramaswamy, Parvati.A process to fabricate plasma sprayed magnesium aluminate refactory coating from oxide powder beneficiated from black aluminium dross /PatentMetallurgy
Description:Patent Number: 202141055626, Applicant: Parvati Ramaswamy. A process is described to synthesize magnesium aluminate (MgAl2O4 - spinel, linear formula: MgO-Al2O3) refractory coating that was obtained by plasma spray coating α-alumina (Al2O3 - corundum) and MgAl2O4 ceramic composite powder that was previously beneficiated from black aluminum dross, an industrial waste. The ceramic composite powder was converted into plasma sprayable powder by a combination of processes that included sieving and spray drying with optimized parameters. [show more]
Gupta, Shreya. - 1324049A prospective study on portrayal of rural theme in selected Tamil films /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Tamil film industry is popularly known as Kollywood. It has its own unique elements which makes it different from other film industry in Indian cinema. The researcher has tried to find out if there is any kind of rural element in the films which she has chosen in chronological manner. The researcher has analyzed based on certain concrete parameters. [show more]
Dutta, Ankita. - 1537162A psychoanalytical study of surrealist elements in films /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Psychoanalysis has over the years been a centre of attraction and intense research and study by critiques, psychologists, sociologists, etc. due to its unique outlook at the world, Freud’s psychoanalytical theories have found their way onto films, which use the creativity of visuals, sounds, effects etc to create the world Freud claims to be hidden behind the human consciousness. No film can escape psychoanalysis as it frames the underlying reasoning behind human behavior and thus this forms a most intriguing realm of study. [show more]
Mukherjee, Sukant. - 1424062A psychoanalytical study of the nature and appearance of character analysing 6 songs each of Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Janis Joplin (members of the famous club 27) /Master DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Master Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:To understand how character could be understood by analysing the greatest works of the above artists. This research is to find a possible connection to show that the songs written by the artist is not just a form of expression but also to show the world who they are, and their ideologies and most importantly what they feel about themselves. [show more]
Dr. J. Joseph Durai Selvam and Dr. Manohar KapseA qualitative study on the reasons for online product
return in India /
Journal ArticleManagement
Type:Journal Article
Description:International Journal For Research In Engineering Application & Management, Vol.4, Issue 12, pp.152-154, ISSN No: 2454-9150.
Janaranjani, M. - 1424035A research on the use of VFX in Indian film director Shankar's films /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Shankar is a renowned Tamil film director popular for his technically brilliant films. He is well known for his big budgeted films, which are outstanding. The research consists of an in depth analysis of the use of visual effects in all eleven films made by the director using various parameters. The parameters that are considered are title sequence, song sequence; fight sequence, romantic/, dramatic sequence, comedy sequence and similarity of visual effects (VFX) in scenes. [show more]
Description:Cinema has a huge amount of capacity to influence the audience. And it is because of this attribute that films either go on to become huge hits or a big disappointment. Everything depends on how the audience receives each film. Director S. Shankar has a track record of 100% success and this by any means, is a big achievement. Favourably for Shankar, even the critics have stayed away from dismissing his films from being just a commercial entertainer and for most of his work; there has been immense appreciation from their side. To contemplate more on the success story, there is a specific pattern observed in all his films and arguably, they have played a vital role in deciding the success. And these patterns are not just about the theme or the casting for which many other directors are known for. As a matter of fact, he does not follow the theory of developing a success combination with the actors. This is one such example of many other important yet unnoticed patterns followed by the director. The research paper attempts to identify and explain each pattern found in all or at least, in most of his films. The research also tries to identify the role of the film crew behind the success of Shankars films. [show more]
Riya Datta and Aswathy Maria SunnyA review on semiconductor nanoparticles in photovoltaic cells /Journal ArticleChemistry
Type:Journal Article
Description:International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research And Management, Vol.4, Issue 4, pp.43-50, ISSN No: 2455-6378.
Jose, Sandra., Rajeev, Rijo., Thadathil, Ditto Abraham., Varghese, Anitha., Hegde, Gurumurthy.A road map on nanostructured surface tuning strategies of carbon fiber paper electrode: Enhanced electrocatalytic applications /Research PublicationChemistry
Type:Research Publication
Description:Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, Vol.7, Issue 3, ISSN No: 2468-2179. Impressive characteristics of carbon fiber paper (CFP) electrodes propound greater demand in electrochemical applications. CFP has a network structure composed of interwoven carbon fibers (CFs). The macroporous structure, chemical inertness, high conductivity, low cost, corrosion resistance, good electrical properties, mechanical strength, and self-standing capabilities have led to the large-scale acceptance of CFP. This review appraises the current progress of CFP based electrodes for electrocatalytic applications in the field of electrochemical sensors, electrochemical capacitors, batteries, electro Fenton oxidation, electrooxidation of alcohols, water splitting, hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) together with the different fabrication strategies on the CFP substrate in an organized manner. [show more]
Meghana, M C., Nandhini, C., Benny, LIbina., George, Louis., Varghese, Anitha.A road map on synthetic strategies and applications of biodegradable polymers /Research PublicationChemistry
Type:Research Publication
Description:Polymer Bulletin, Vol.79, ISSN No: 0170-0839 ( print) 1436-2449 (Online). Biodegradable polymers have emerged as fascinating materials due to their non-toxicity, environmentally benign nature and good mechanical strength. The toxic effects of non-biodegradable plastics paved way for the development of sustainable and biodegradable polymers. The engineering of biodegradable polymers employing various strategies like radical ring opening polymerization, enzymatic ring opening polymerization, anionic ring opening polymerization, photo-initiated radical polymerization, chemoenzymatic method, enzymatic polymerization, ring opening polymerization and coordinative ring opening polymerization have been discussed in this review. [show more]
George, Rinson - 1690081A Search for a grounding source in interpersonal relationships through metaxology in the select novels of Bernard MalamudPhDEnglish Studies
Subject:English Studies
Description:This research examines interpersonal relationships in the select novels of Bernard Malamud from a metaxological perspective. By examining the formation of the community through individuals where there are agapeic service and transformation of individuals, it attempts to bring out the relevance of metaxological relationships that give importance to dialogue, ethical relationships and love. It is essential to understand the space between interpersonal relationships to lead a meaningful life in the contemporary world. It explores to ascertain whether human beings attain fulfilment in the community through transformation. This thesis addresses the issues that are relevant to the novelist in the context of Jewish identity and assumes that this study is essential since the study informs us about the interpersonal relationships which are very relevant in today’s context. This study claims that the interpersonal relationships portrayed in the novels of Malamud are metaxological because it affirms the self and transcends towards the other and forms a community where there is agapeic love and service. This research claims that interpersonal relationships attain its fulfilment through metaxological relationships. This mode of interpersonal relationships is relevant since it enables us to understand many existing problems between people, culture and nations, and to find a solution to it. The question of how to maintain a proper relationship with other human beings by giving equal importance to the individuals who are involved in the relationship is prominent today. The analysis of the novels based on metaxology changes our existing understanding of the interpersonal relationships and gives a new dimension to it. [show more]
B J, Bejoy.A self protection shoe to safegaurd women against dangers /PatentComputer Science
Subject:Computer Science
Description:Patent Number: 2020102825, Applicant: Yuvaraj Natarajan.
Carmel Maria JoseA Semiotic Analysis of Political Cartoons in Malayalam Newspapers during the

2016 Assembly Election
Description:I am immensely grateful for the everlasting love and grace of the Almighty God for granting me wisdom and guiding me to complete this study successfully. I would like to thank Dr (Fr) Abraham V M, Vice- Chancellor, Christ University, Bengaluru for giving me the opportunity to pursue research and facilitating me to complete my study. I thank Mr. Padmakumar, Head of the Department of Media Studies for being always approachable, understanding and infusing positivity that motivated me to persist in my endeavours with conviction that has enabled me to complete my thesis. I express my sincere thanks to my guide and supervisor Dr. Pradeep Thomas J.A Department of Media studies, Christ University, Bengaluru for his constant supervision, mentoring and valuable inputs throughout the course of my study. I thank the department of Media Studies for taking time out and guiding my thesis at every stage. I have been able to build my thesis with all your valuable insights. I sincerely thank all my M.Phil. professors for their constant help and guidance. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Sukumaran Potti (Chairman, Kerala Cartoon Academy), Mr. Baiju Paulose (Staff Cartoonist, Malayala Manorama), Unnikrishnan K (Chief Sub Editor, Mathrubhumi), V R Rajesh (cartoonist, Madhyamam), T.K Sujith (staff cartoonist, Keralakaumudi) and Satish Acharya, renowned Indian cartoonist for taking part in the study and giving valuable contribution for the study. Finally, I am thankful to my parents, brother and my friends for their constant encouragement, moral support, continuous inspiration and prayers to carry out this dissertation successfully. [show more]