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Integrating deep learning in an IoT model to build smart applications for sustainable cities
These days, many CS experts focus their efforts on IoT. IoT is an emerging & cutting-edge technology that enables many items, including vehicles and home appliances, to connect and cooperate via mechanisms like machine to machine communication, big data, and AI. It has found use in a wide range of settings, from smart homes and cities, to healthcare and agriculture, to factory automation. Smart cities are becoming smarter, cars are getting more features, and health and fitness devices are getting more sophisticated thanks to the internet of things. Many problems that are directly relevant to the IoT's development have yet to be resolved. The exponential development of IoT has given birth to new problems, including concerns about personal data and security. There is need of a comprehensive approach that tackles the scalability, security, efficiency, and privacy concerns raised by the widespread deployment of IoT. 2023, IGI Global. -
Integrating mindfulness and addiction awareness in higher education: Strengthening resilience and promoting well-being
This chapter explored integrating mindfulness and addiction awareness within higher education. The journey uncovers these practices' profound potential in enhancing student resilience and well-being. The transformative impact of a mindful approach is underscored by examining their symbiotic relationship, individual benefits, and intersection with microlearning. From understanding addiction's prevalence among students to fostering a compassionate learning environment, the discussion navigates ethical considerations, cultural sensitivity, and challenges. A resounding call to action resonates, urging higher education institutions to embed these practices strategically, cultivating an environment prioritizing holistic student growth and development. The promise lies in a brighter future-a generation of self-aware, resilient individuals empowered to navigate challenges with poise, empathy, and well-being. 2024, IGI Global. -
Integration of blockchain to IoT: Possibilities and pitfalls
[No abstract available] -
Integration of Intelligent System and Big Data Environment to Find the Energy Utilization in Smart Public Buildings
Buildings are the leading consumer of energy in the setting of smart cities, and public structures such as hospitals, schools, government offices, and additional institutions have high energy needs owing to their frequent use. However, there needs to be adequate use of the latest innovations in machine learning inside the big data context in this field. Controlling the energy efficiency of public subdivisions is a crucial aspect of the smart city concept. This chapter aims to address the challenge of integrating big data platforms and machine learning algorithms into an intelligent system for this purpose to forecast how much energy various Croatian government buildings will consume, prediction models were constructed using deep learning neural networks, Rpart regression tree models, and random forests using variable reduction techniques. The evaluation of all three techniques considered critical aspects, and the random forest methodology yielded the most precise model. The MERIDA intelligent system aims to enhance energy efficiency in public buildings by integrating big data and predictive algorithms. This research examines the technological requirements for a platform that facilitates public administration in planning public building reconstruction, reducing energy consumption and expenses, and connecting intelligent public buildings in smart cities. Digitizing energy management may improve public administration efficiency, service quality, and environmental health. 2025 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. -
Integration of Mobile Edge Computing in Wireless Technology
This chapter delves into the potential for Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) to revolutionize wireless networks through its incorporation in wireless technologies. The authors give a thorough introduction to MEC, including its components, design, and the reasoning behind combining it with wireless networks. This chapter provides a foundational understanding of technologies for wireless communication, focusing on the establishment and improvement of 4G, 5G, and Wi-Fi networks. Different deployment strategies and supporting technologies for MEC integration with mobile networks are explored to demonstrate the adaptability and scalability of this approach. Improved connection, lower latency, and higher bandwidth utilization are just some of the benefits and obstacles of MEC integration that are demonstrated using practical scenarios and applications. This chapter also discusses techniques for optimizing performance and managing resources, as well as security and privacy concerns unique to wireless networks that make use of MEC. In this article, we explore the continuing standardization efforts and industry activities that are pushing MEC usage in wireless networks. Finally, the authors describe the unanswered questions and potential future developments in MEC-enabled wireless networks. This chapter presents a thorough analysis of MEC's incorporation into wireless technology, revealing how this development has the potential to revolutionize mobile communications and open up fresh avenues for developing useful services and applications. 2024 CRC Press. -
Integration of sustainability in business through finance
[No abstract available] -
Integration of technology initiatives with educational neuroscience and its impact on technology readiness to technology adoption by HSS Teachers, Kerala
The technology-enabled education process remoulded the modern education systems. The facelift of education 4.0 process harmonized the education systems with industrial demands and technology advancements. The education reforms of the State of Kerala with the tools of technology and neuroscience could achieve remarkable milestones in the education sector. This case study analyses the digital initiatives of KITE and its role on providing uninterrupted-effective education during the Covid-19 pandemic in Kerala. This study is affirmed with quantitative study on how these integrated technology initiatives impact on Technology Adoption of the HSS teachers with respect to their Technology Readiness. Responses of 857 teachers from six education districts of Kerala were used for this study. This study is relevant as it could connect the pre-Covid digital initiatives which could successfully empower the teachers to face the Covid-19 pandemic situation without interrupting the education process amidst the Covid-19 restrictions in Kerala. The study identified that the technology learning initiatives with tools of educational neurosciences have partially mediated teachers' Technology Readiness to Technology Adoption. The multiple learning initiatives integrated with the tools of technology and educational neuroscience could fully support the virtual learning throughout the State of Kerala during the Covid-19 pandemic situations. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. All rights reserved. -
Intellectual Property Right - Copyright
The power of cognition of human beings is beyond the imagination of any cognitive person. As gifted and nurtured property, the intellect of human beings has the potential to be original, creative, and innovative. Has the human being got absolute control over her/his intellect? Can human beings possess absolute rights over any product of her/his intellect? How far is a human being indebted to society? If human beings are not given due credit to the product of her/his intellect, the enthusiasm to be more creative and productive may take a coarser path. Human beings have the fundamental right to use her/his intellect to live a life of their choice enjoying economic and non-economic benefits. The right to intellectual property is fundamental to human beings. Hence, any infringement of intellectual property has to be dealt with appropriately. At the same time, human beings should be indebted to society for nurturing their intellect. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Intellectual property rights vis-a-vis food security: A critical analysis
The Right to Food is undoubtedly a human right since it is one of the basic necessities without which it is impossible to sustain life. Food Security refers to the availability as well as accessibility to sufficient and quality food by all individuals. However, there persists a problem of food insecurity which is a major problem especially in the underdeveloped and, to a considerable extent, the developing countries. At an individual level, food security is limited to one's access to food but on a broader sense food security cannot be isolated from agricultural policies, crop technologies, economic and trade conditions. The intersection of crop technologies with economic factors is what links food security with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Over the recent past, IPR has gained immense importance in a number of fields including agriculture. It provides the incentive for the private sector development in advancement of plant science and crop technologies which helps in ensuring food security in the long term. This study aims at discussing the issues of food security with a specific focus on the developing nations, IPR regime, and its introduction into the agriculture sector. It intends to explore the connections and linkages between IPR and food security, especially how intellectual property can act as a medium to cover the path toward achieving global food security. The author aims to put forth the ability of IPR as a means to achieve food security by incentivising human creativity through a detailed study from an international as well as region-specific perspective. 2023 Apple Academic Press, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Intelligent Manufacturing Components, Challenges, and Opportunities
Intelligent Manufacturing shows transformative paradigms in the manufacturing industry; leveraging advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics, to develop highly automated and adaptive production systems. This chapter outlines the Intelligent Manufacturing process, including its key principles, components, challenges, and opportunities. The combination of Machine Learning (ML) techniques and AI enables decision-making, real-time optimisation, and predictive analytics of manufacturing processes, productivity, and quality of products. Robotics and IoT devices play critical roles in enabling automation, data collection, and connectivity within Intelligent Manufacturing environments. Additionally, Digital Twin technology facilitates virtual simulation, modelling, and optimisation of production systems. While Intelligent Manufacturing offers significant benefits, it also presents challenges viz. high investments, integration complexity, and workforce reskilling requirements. Overcoming the challenges requires a holistic approach involving collaboration between industry stakeholders, government agencies, academia, and technology providers. Overall, Intelligent Manufacturing represents a promising future for the manufacturing industry, offering opportunities for innovation, competitiveness, and sustainable growth in a rapidly evolving global economy. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Alka Chaudhary, Vandana Sharma, and Ahmed Alkhayyat individual chapters, the contributors. -
Intelligent Optimized Delay Algorithm for Improved Quality of Service in Healthcare Social Internet of Things
Internet of Things (IoT) interconnects billions of devices by establishing a network that adheres to International Organization of Standardization (ISO) standards. These devices communicate with each other by sharing data regulated by the application. This is performed to accomplish a task or service that the application demands. The social or human-like behaviors are adapted in the IoT environment forming the Social IoT (SIoT). The SIoT integrates social networks in IoT-connected devices, making them unique and identifiable. Recent advancements in networking, intelligent network management, battery management, remote sensing, sensors, and other related technologies convinced users and designers to adopt IoT even for large-scale applications where the data involved is enormous. Leveraging the advancements in medical IoT, which focuses on healthcare to patients, can improve its service by removing redundant manual processes, long wait times, and providing other automated services. The advancements in real-time healthcare IoT devices and wearables make a strong case for implementing SIoT in the healthcare domain. SIoT in the healthcare domain has the potential to benefit users on a large scale. This chapter comprehends the challenges and solutions of using SIoT in medical and healthcare solutions from a networking quality of service (QoS) perspective. In addition, this chapter compares the intelligent algorithm, which can be used to improve the QoS of SIoT. Achieving higher QoS is necessary for healthcare services, especially while handling data from emergency and intensive care units. These data cannot tolerate errors and delays. Intelligent network management has become unavoidable in the health and medical services to achieve a higher degree of QoS system, which indirectly decreases data transfer time. The data from the sensor devices sent across the network leads to data loss and delay in data transmission due to congestion in the network and gateway devices. The optimized algorithms incorporated with the delay-based algorithm improves the QoS predominantly and reduces the delay in data transfer. Similarly, the particle swarm optimization algorithm allocates resources over the network and dynamically makes the network adapt to increased and reduced data flow, which reduces the delay and improves the QoS. Intelligent optimized delay algorithm (IODA) is proposed to improve the network performance by reducing the delay and using available bandwidth for data transfer in SIoT. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Gururaj H L, Pramod H B, and Gowtham M; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Intelligent Water Drops Algorithm Hand Calculation Using a Mathematical Function
The intelligent water droplets (IWD) approach is based on the dynamic of events and changes that take place in a river system. The IWD method is a solution-oriented methodology in which a group of individuals moves in discrete stages from one node to the next as a complete population of solutions is generated. The velocity, soil are the features of natural water drops in the IWD algorithm are modified over a sequence of transitions relating to water drop movement. In this study, the IWD algorithm approach is used with a mutation-based local search to obtain the optimal values of numerical functions. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Intelligent Wearable Electronics: A New Paradigm in Smart Electronics
In the last decade or so, the wearable electronics technology has seen an unprecedented growth which is expected to reach around USD 51.60 billion by the year 2022 with a CAGR of 15.51%. Intelligent wearable electronics is a combination of wide range of technologies like computation, communication, sensors, cloud computing, and display to cite a few. Integration of various technologies resultin systems which are multifunctional along with higher complexity of design presenting a unique challenge for the technologists. With Internet of Things (IoTs) becoming ubiquitous and 5G technologies around the corner, the wearable devices are no longer simple passive systems providing the user limited information, but rather they are multifunctional, powerful, and intelligent devices which make use of complex sensing and signal processing elements along with cloud computing and data analytics to provide real-time data interpretation. In this chapter, we review the recent developments of intelligent wearable electronics (WE) with emphasis on their working principle and design at various levels of abstraction, that includes material, device, and system levels, along with signal processing and communication protocol for external communication. Further, the design and development of smart wearable electronics which involves multivariant problem-solving at various abstraction levels is explained. In addition, we elucidate popular classes of smart wearables like wearable textiles, healthcare wearable electronics, and WE in education. Furthermore, we explore the primary performance constraints of typical WE systems such as battery life (energy), system architecture, communication protocols, and integration with cloud computing to, mention a few. This chapter concludes by elucidating various challenges in developing WE and the future directions of this industry. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Interaction of Nanomaterials with Plant Macromolecules: Nucleic Acid, Proteins and Hormones
Nanotechnology has the ability to change a wide range of industrial and agricultural operations. To harness these possibilities, it is essential to construct nano-materials that have minimum impact on the human body, plant systems as well as the environment. Using different materials can up-or down-regulate diverse genes of plants, create stimulating or stressful conditions and even cause production of metabolites that affect plant-associated microbes. The same nanoparticle can promote one plant species growth and be toxic to another. A small change in the concen-trations could cause either flourishment or senescence. It is crucial to understand how nanomaterials interact with nucleic acids, the most fundamental plant macro-molecule, as well as with the proteins and hormones made by biochemical processes. This chapter explores the basics of nanotechnology, with a brief classification and notes on some of the most recently used nanomaterials in agriculture such as metals and their oxides, quantum dots, graphene, arabinoxylan and chitosan nanoparticles, single and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Interactions with these above-mentioned macromolecules are explored, along with futuristic applications in plants that are currently being tested, like nanocarriers and nanovalves. Through this work, it is hoped that the field will further be extended through proper understanding of the environmental implications of nanomaterials, and that green technology will become the norm. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Interconnected Dynamics of Gold, Nifty, Crude Oil, and USD/INR: Insights from a Panel Data VAR Analysis
This study utilizes a panel data vector autoregression (PVAR) model to examine the relationships between Gold, Nifty, Crude Oil, and USD/INR, drawing from 3105 observations sourced from Yahoo Finance. Descriptive statistics reveal notable volatility, particularly in Gold and Crude Oil. Unit root tests confirm stationarity, crucial for time series analysis. Optimal lag selection recommends a lag order of 2, balancing model accuracy and complexity. Granger causality tests indicate limited predictive power, with gold influencing USD/INR unidirectionally. Impulse response function analysis and variance decomposition underscore Golds relative independence. Robustness tests affirm stability, highlighting USD/INRs endogeneity. This study enhances understanding of financial dynamics, offering insights for risk management, portfolio diversification, and monetary policy. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025. -
Interconnections of yogic practices with mental health
Yoga, an ancient practise of humankind, attempts to promote a lifestyle that is free of maliciousness with emphasis on inculcating qualities that would aid the individual in living a life that is truly actualizing. Practise of yoga is not limited to holding specific asanas but various components of yoga such as pranayama, pratyahara, etc.; all attempt to enhance an individual's wellbeing. The chapter has contextualized yoga therapy including pranayama, mudras, and chakras to biopsychosocial models, and attempted to identify yogic practises that bring holistic enhancement. Yoga, being cost-effective, and having no side effects, unlike pharmacological treatments, can be used as an adjunctive therapeutic agent in improving symptoms or improving mood and reducing stress. However, it is important to note the feasibility and limitations of yoga interventions, like proper trained professionals to minimize any ill effects. The chapter attempted to promote the practise of yoga as an adjunctive form of treatment which would thereby aid in improving biopsychosocial wellbeing. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
This chapter explores the intertwinement between four religious traditions, namely (1) Characheng (primal religion of the Hamai) and its offshoots, (2) Heraka, (3) Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak (TRC), and (4) Christianity in contemporary Hamai (Zeliangrong) communities. The influence of the primal Hamai religion on Christianity is unquestionable, and at the same time, these two traditions hold sway over Heraka and TRC in varying degrees. The impacts of the interaction are at the levels of consciousness, belief systems, practices, and values. The chapter brings out the asymmetric encounter between reformed religious traditions (Heraka) of the Hamai and the proselytisation of Christianity in the Hamai communities that had led to the extinction of the primal religion of the former. Remarkably, Heraka and TRC are counter-proselytising movements against Christianity based on the primal belief system and synthesis of Christian and Hindu belief systems. For this purpose, the research employs comparative and dialogical approaches to explore and analyse the interconnection among the above religions. It argues that the current forms of Christianity, Heraka, and TRC in Hamai tribes are unique in themselves, and at the same time, they are also cyclically inspired by one another in the process of their encounters. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Maguni Charan Behera; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Internet of Senses: immersive eating and traversing into the metaverse
[No abstract available] -
Internet of Things (IoT) as a Game Changer to the Education Sector
This study examines the use of internet of things (IoT) technology in the field of education, concentrating on its uses, advantages, and difficulties. The current educational system frequently fails to provide individualized learning opportunities since it is characterized by traditional classroom settings and teacher-centered learning. But the emergence of IoT and its companion technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence, and network communication, offers fresh chances to transform education. The IoT architecture in the education sector is covered in the opening section of the paper, with an emphasis on the function of IoT devices in building a networked environment. These tools, such as smart HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, make it easier to gather and analyze enormous volumes of data. Institutions of higher learning can get important insights and create individualized learning strategies, thanks to the integration of big data and artificial intelligence. The report also examines a variety of IoT uses in education. It emphasizes the importance of IoT in remote learning, which has become more popular recently. It also demonstrates how the internet of things has influenced the development of smart campuses with interactive whiteboards and other IoT gadgets. The importance of personalized learning in contemporary education is also discussed, with IoT acting as a catalyst for experiences that are specifically suited for students. The study also looks at how IoT might benefit students with disabilities and improve staff and student health monitoring. The use of augmented reality and virtual reality tools in teaching is also investigated. The study explores Edutech-based IoT solutions, concentrating on their function in the processes of teaching, learning, and evaluation. It examines management and government initiatives on both a national and international scale, including those from Ireland's Future Schools, Jharkhand's DigiSAT, and Assam's online job advisory portal. The Kajeet Smart Bus, C-Pen, and Ipevo VZ-X Wireless Document Camera are just a few examples of IoT deployments in education that are highlighted in the study. These instances highlight the concrete contribution of IoT to improving educational practices. IoT tools are also examined in relation to several educational contexts, such as primary, secondary, and higher secondary education. The study also examines the distinct needs of special schools and universities and emphasizes the importance of IoT in STEAM teaching at the university level. The chapter discusses the advantages, disadvantages, possibilities, and difficulties that players in the education sector would have when implementing IoT. It highlights how crucial it is to take advantage of the capabilities of big data, artificial intelligence, and network communication to enhance teaching and learning results. The article also highlights problems with the research and suggests potential fixes, noting areas that could use more investigation. This chapter's conclusion highlights the IoT's disruptive potential in the field of education. Education can be revolutionized by integrating IoT devices, utilizing big data and artificial intelligence, and utilizing network communication. It makes it possible to create individualized, engaging, and data-driven learning experiences that get students ready for the digital era. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Alex Khang, Vugar Abdullayev, Vladimir Hahanov and Vrushank Shah; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Internet of Things and Blockchain in Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions
The Internet of Things (IoT) enables Internet-connected devices to transmit data to private blockchain networks, allowing for the creation of tamper-resistant documents with shareable exchanges. IoT blockchain technology enables you to communicate and connect IoT data with key stakeholders, while avoiding the need for extensive management and control. Each transfer can be checked to ensure there are no disagreements and to build trust in the network. Blockchain technology protects data from being changed, restricts access to Internet-connected devices, and allows vulnerable IoT devices to be shut down. Blockchain encryption eliminates the possibility of someone overwriting existing data records. In addition, storing IoT data on the blockchain adds an extra layer of security, preventing malicious attackers from accessing the system. The many blockchain IoT firms provide significant value in revolutionizing company operations and daily routines. IoT blockchain firms demonstrate the possibility of blockchain and IoT integration. For instance, Helium is a successful blockchain IoT company specializing in securing Internet connections. This chapter presents the vital role of the Internet of Things and blockchain in the healthcare domain. The integration of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry has given us a chance to solve some problems with IoT networks. In recent years, the need for blockchain-enabled IoT transactions has become an essential technology that will change how users share data. A scenario has been developed to enhance this study to analyse the integration, need, and obstacles associated with blockchain-enabled IoT transactions in the healthcare area. As a result, there is also an IoT model designed using devices for hospitals that take into account all of these people and their needs and the office space where they work. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2024.