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Psychosocial rehabilitation through social cognitive approaches
This extensive chapter explores the foundational elements of social cognitive approaches within the context of psychosocial rehabilitation, focusing on their critical influence on the development of successful social interactions. The investigation encompasses fundamental principles, approaches to intervention, ethical implications, and prospective trajectories, such as interventions facilitated by technology and neurocognitive elements. The chapter culminates by urging mental health professionals to actively incorporate these transformative approaches, acknowledging their capacity to cultivate resilience and significant interpersonal relationships in patients undergoing psychosocial rehabilitation. 2024, IGI Global. -
Public Policy, Policy Research, and School Counseling in India
This chapter discusses the development of school counseling in India and examines public policy and policy research that influence the practice of school counseling. The chapter traces the history of school counseling in India followed by an examination of the contribution of several public policies that has implications for the professional practice of school counseling in India from post independent India. Public policies and programs from the sectors of education, health and mental health, family welfare, and department of children and women are evaluated for their implications for school-based counseling services. The chapter also examines the existing policy research base. Research related to school mental health and systematic reviews on child and adolescent mental health are reviewed and their implications for school counseling examined. The chapter concludes by discussing the policy gaps and highlighting specific recommendations for the practice of school-based counseling in India. The authors suggest several recommendations including the identification of education and health policies that can be achieved by having counselors in schools, an evaluation of existing policies and programs to determine the current level of implementation, and development of school counseling competencies and high-quality training models to build competencies in school counseling. Springer International Publishing AG 2017. -
Public-Private Partnership Ventures: A Diasporic Initiative in India Through Social Remittances and Philanthropic Work
Diaspora networks across the globe think of their homeland, which makes them continuously assist various projects that have public-private partnership ventures. Many of the members of the Indian diaspora had difficult times during their childhood in their native country. The conditions were not favorable within India prior to Indian Independence for acquiring desired skills in entrepreneurial activities. However, they managed to sail through the rough sea and reach the western coast in great adversity. The journey itself was a training for the early diaspora that resulted in learning the skills needed for setting up their business in the adopted countries. Indian diaspora from various developed countries have learned a great deal about the local culture, new skills in business partnership, consultancy services, research and innovations in technology that helped them to prosper in the adopted land and implement those ideas in their home country as a part of social remittances and giving back to the society. Developed countries have exhibited the feasibility of sustainable development through social entrepreneurship. Compulsory community service that trains people in new skill development also educates them in preserving the environment in which they reside. The public-private partnership model, which is in practice in developed countries, has become the agent of creation of social entrepreneurship with accountability toward the society. Diaspora communities that send social remittances to their home countries not only in the form of money but also ideas, identities and behaviors help set up public- private models of undertakings that would ensure sustainable growth in the long run. Philanthropic work is reckoned in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model that we see in various parts of India, especially in states like Punjab (Sikh diaspora), Kerala (Malayali diaspora) and Gujarat (Gujarati diaspora). In this background, this chapter tries to examine the Indian diasporas schemes in India on the model of public-private partnership that they had either set up or observed in their adopted countries. This chapter also looks into how far diaspora remittances in totality help mitigate the existing problems in Indian villages, create new job opportunities for the local population, manage skill development centers and educate the masses in preserving the environment that would help in sustainable development through social entrepreneurship. 2024 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. -
Punching above the weight? Role of Sri Lanka in BIMSTEC
[No abstract available] -
Python programming for geospatial applications: Web mapping, interactive visualization, and beyond
Geospatial solutions represent a pivotal toolset for analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing spatial data across diverse domains, facilitating informed decision-making and fostering innovation. This book chapter provides a comprehensive overview of geospatial solutions, emphasizing their critical role in addressing spatially explicit challenges and driving efficiency, productivity, and innovation across various sectors. Furthermore, it explores the integration of Python programming in geospatial applications, highlighting its versatility and extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools tailored for spatial data analysis and visualization. The fundamentals of web mapping are discussed in depth, elucidating spatial representation, technologies, and tools commonly employed in web mapping applications. Also, the chapter explores Python's role in retrieving geospatial data with Python, visualization methods, and interactive web mapping. 2024, IGI Global. -
Python's role in predicting type 2 diabetes using insulin DNA sequence
This chapter examines how Python can assist in predicting type 2 diabetes using insulin DNA sequences, given the substantial problem that biologists face in objectively evaluating diverse biological characteristics of DNA sequences. The chapter highlights Python's various libraries, such as NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit- learn, for data handling, analysis, and machine learning, as well as visualization tools, such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, to help researchers understand the relationship between different DNA sequences and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, Python's ease of integration with other bioinformatics tools, like BLAST, EMBOSS, and ClustalW, can help identify DNA markers that could aid in predicting type 2 diabetes. In addition, the initiative tries to identify unique gene variants of insulin protein that contribute to diabetes prognosis and investigates the risk factors connected with the discovered gene variants. In conclusion, Python's versatility and functionality make it a valuable tool for researchers studying insulin DNA sequences and type 2 diabetes prediction. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Quality Efficacy Issues in Mangoes: Decoding Retailers Supply Chain
This research article tries to uncover the elements and compelling reasons causing supply chain inefficacy concerning low quality at the retailer level of the mangoes supply chain in Karnataka. The descriptive research approach was used in work. The research was conducted in the biggest mango-producing areas of Karnataka. Factors were discovered by factor analysis. A systematic questionnaire was used to determine how much the mango sector may improve supply chain efficacy. Contingent on the factor analysis, four variables for low quality were identified: functional difficulties, knowledge, Manpower, and resources. It was also discovered that the functional component is the compelling factor causing supply chain inefficacy. The study is confined to the retailer level of the Mango supply chain, focusing on four Mango-producing districts in Karnataka. Furthermore, the measures for the key causes under each aspect causing hindrances in supply chain efficiency in terms of quality have been discovered. There is a scarcity of materials to enhance the supply chain efficiency of merchants in Indias mango business. This research attempted to address a literature gap and help practitioners improve the mango supply chain in underdeveloped nations. This paper also serves the 2nd goal, Zero Hunger, End starvation, improve food security and nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture of sustainable development. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2024. -
Quantifying the Impact: Assessing FPO Penetration in Indian Agriculture Through the Lens of the 2019 Situation Assessment Survey
In India, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) are garnering significant attention as a potential solution to address the challenges faced by small-scale farmers. This research paper focuses on the engagement of farmers with more than 33,000 registered FPOs in India. It analyzes data from the Situation Assessment of Agricultural Households 2019 and the FPO dataset by the Tata Cornell Institute. The paper sheds light on how farmers are involved with FPOs to meet their agricultural needs, such as acquiring inputs, managing the sale of farm produce, and receiving technical support for farming activities. Despite the anticipated benefits for farmers through their engagement with FPOs, the actual achievements have not met initial expectations. The impact of FPOs on farmers remains minimal, with fewer than 1% of farmers in India utilizing FPO services. This emphasizes the crucial need for reassessment and targeted interventions to enhance the effectiveness of these organizations. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Quantum approaches to sustainable resource management in supply chains
Quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to process information in ways that classical computers cannot. This capability is particularly advantageous for solving complex optimization problems that are common in supply chain management. Quantum algorithms, such as the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) and quantum annealing, have shown promise in efficiently solving these problems by exploring numerous potential solutions simultaneously and identifying optimal strategies. The purpose of this chapter is to investigate the rapidly developing topic of quantum computing and its potential applications in managing sustainable resources within supply chains. Traditional resource allocation methods often struggle to maximize efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. However, new developments in quantum computing have opened up potentially fruitful pathways for addressing these issues. This study aims to explore how quantum computing can revolutionize through an examination of quantum algorithms, optimization approaches, and case studies. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Quantum cryptography: An in-depth exploration of principles and techniques
Quantum cryptography is evolving in the field of data security and cryptographic research, as it offers a high level of security based on the principles of quantum mechanics. This chapter provides an extensive understanding and in-depth explanation about the basic concepts of the techniques implemented in quantum cryptography. The exploration of the fundamental concepts begins with elaboration on the foundational concepts of quantum mechanics, such as no-cloning, entanglement, superposition, and quantum state measurement, which are crucial for the better understanding of quantum cryptography. Further, the chapter delves more into the quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols such as BB84, BBM92, and B92. All the QKD protocols are analysed and compared based on the underlying principles and techniques. Furthermore, the importance and benefits of the integration of quantum cryptography with the traditional algorithms are also discussed. The chapter also aims to provide thorough study of quantum cryptography principles, challenges, and future directions along with a detailed comprehensive review of quantum cryptographic techniques. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Keshav Kumar and Bishwajeet Kumar Pandey; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Quantum inspired automatic clustering algorithms: A comparative study of genetic algorithm and bat algorithm
This article is intendant to present two automatic clustering techniques of image datasets, based on quantum inspired framework with two different metaheuristic algorithms, viz., Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Bat Algorithm (BA). This work provides two novel techniques to automatically find out the optimum clusters present in images and also provides a comparative study between the Quantum Inspired Genetic Algorithm (QIGA) and Quantum Inspired Bat Algorithm (QIBA). A comparison is also presented between these quantum inspired algorithms with their analogous classical counterparts. During the experiment, it was perceived that the quantum inspired techniques beat their classical techniques. The comparison was prepared based on the mean values of the fitness, standard deviation, standard error of the computed fitness of the cluster validity index and the optimal computational time. Finally, the supremacy of the algorithms was verified in terms of the p-value which was computed by t-test (statistical superiority test) and ranking of the proposed procedures was produced by the Friedman test. During the computation, the betterment of the fitness was judge by a well-known cluster validity index, named, DB index. The experiments were carried out on four Berkeley image and two real life grey scale images. 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. All rights reserved. -
Quantum optimization for machine learning
Machine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that seeks to make machines learn from data. It is being applied for solving real world problems with huge amount of data. Though, Machine Learning is receiving wide acceptance, however, execution time is one of the major concerns in practical implementations of Machine Learning techniques. It largely comprises of a set of techniques that trains a model by reducing the error between the desired or actual outcome and an estimated or predicted outcome, which is often called as loss function. Thus, training in machine learning techniques often requires solving a difficult optimization problem, which is the most expensive step in the entire model-building process and its applications. One of the possible solutions in near future for reducing execution time of training process in Machine learning techniques is to implement them on quantum computers instead of classical computers. It is conjectured that quantum computers may be exponentially faster than classical computers for solving problems which involve matrix operations. Some of the machine learning techniques like support vector machines make extensive use of matrices, which can be made faster by implementing them on quantum computers. However, their efficient implementation is non-trivial and requires existence of quantum memories. Thus, another possible solution in near term is to use a hybrid of Classical Quantum approach, where a machine learning model is implemented in classical computer but the optimization of loss function during training is performed on quantum computer instead of classical computer. Several Quantum optimization algorithms have been proposed in recent years, which can be classified as gradient based and gradient free optimization techniques. Gradient based techniques require the nature of optimization problem being solved to be convex, continuous and differentiable otherwise if the problem is non-convex then they can find local optima only whereas gradient free optimization techniques work well even with non-continuous, non-linear and nonconvex optimization problems. This chapter discusses a global optimization technique based on Adiabatic Quantum Computation (AQC) to solve minimization of loss function without any restriction on its structure and the underlying model, which is being learned. Further, it is also shown that in the proposed framework, AQC based approach would be superior to circuit-based approach in solving global optimization problems. 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. All rights reserved. -
Queering Doctor Who and Supernatural: An ecofeminist response to Bill Potts and Charlie Bradbury
Both Bill Potts from Doctor Who and Charlie Bradbury from Supernatural are iconic lesbian characters who have irreversibly changed the landscape of the long-running shows in which they are featured: the first queer character to appear on Doctor Who as a companion since Captain Jack Harkness, Bill Potts, is the shows first lesbian character to feature in a starring role. Her story arc is bookended by her relationship with Heather, who is first encountered in Bills first episode on the series and who returns to save Bills life at the end of her time as the Doctors companion. Heathers association with what appears to be water or oil-but is eventually revealed to be an alien life force resembling a liquid-is a significant factor in her transition from human to trans-human, and the elemental force that she becomes may be related to the transcendentalist roots of ecocritical discourse. Similarly, Charlie Bradburys role as the Queen of Moondor, a Live Action Role Playing arena, and her subsequent encounter with the faerie Gilda may be viewed in the context of the correlation of geek culture and the return to the natural, pre-industrial/pre-technological world of the episode LARP and the Real Girl (2013). These analyses are examined through an ecofeminist lens that consists primarily of approaches to ecofeminism in the twenty-first century. As Greta Gaard observes in her 2011 essay Ecofeminism Revisited: Rejecting Essentialism and Re-Placing Species in a Material Feminist Environmentalism, " ecofeminism in the late twentieth century declined because of charges of gender essentialism. However, given the emergence of areas such as animal studies, vegan studies, and speciesism, ecocriticism has again risen to prominence in the field of gender studies, and perhaps one way of avoiding the charge of essentialism is to place ecofeminist criticism within the larger framework of questions relating to a pluralistic and queer sense of gender and sexual identities. In this, both Bill and Charlie lend themselves to interpretations based on emerging discourses in ecocritical queer studies. 2021 selection and editorial matter, Douglas A. Vakoch. -
Question-answering versus machine reading comprehension: Neural machine reading comprehension using transformer models
Teaching machines to read and learn natural language documents and seek answers to questions is an elusive task. Traditional question-answering systems were based on rule-based and keyword-searching algorithms without proper natural language understanding. Machine reading comprehension (MRC) belongs to reading comprehension models and facilitates the machines learning from context. MRC can infer the answer from the context through language understanding. Neural machine reading comprehension has built reading comprehension models by employing the advancements of deep neural networks that have shown unprecedented performance compared to other non-neural and feature-based models. The article comprises the MRC span extraction tasks using Transformer models and, in addition, the illustration of the MRC tasks, trends, modules, benchmarked datasets, implementation, and empirical results. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Muskan Garg, Sandeep Kumar and Abdul Khader Jilani Saudagar chapters. -
Ramifications of Climate Change Induced by Anthropogenic Factors on Global Fish Population Scenario
One of the important consequences of climate change is its effect on the global fish population. Though not very highly pronounced each year, the effect of climate change is of cumulative nature. Global aquaculture is being affected by temperature changes of both water and air. Fluctuations in the ocean surface temperatures, ocean current patterns, wind speeds, and wave directions, all have its impact on aquaculture. Each year we see more and more incidences of extreme weather conditions in different parts of the world, be it in the form of hurricanes, heavy floods, etc. Fishes are subjected to various stress factors which in turn take a toll on its growth and development. This can lead to lower weight gain and increased mortality due to higher susceptibility to diseases. This, coupled with direct unsustainable anthropogenic activities in the oceans and rivers may lead to collapse of the marine and freshwater ecosystem. Recent studies have identified specific regions where marine aquaculture production will be positively and negatively affected. One of the sustainable ways of developing aquaculture in the coming decades would be by developing region-wise strategies to maintain or increase fish population levels and thus meet the global seafood demands even in 2050. The current review is an attempt to assess the effects of ocean warming, ocean acidification, and ocean deoxygenation on the growth, survival, and diversity of marine lifeforms and suggest ways to stop a complete collapse of marine fish population by 2050, the year for which the complete collapse is predicted based on projections. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
RAO, R. RAJ (1955-)
[No abstract available] -
Rapid Prototyping Methods in Manufacturing of Biomedical Implants: A Review
The advancements in science and technology have given the flexibility in various levels for the scientists to manufacture variety of components. Rapid prototyping is one of the most sought-after techniques in the field of biomedical engineering for material manufacture. Bio-inertness, biocompatibility, and manufacturability are the desirable properties for biomedical applications. The review aims to provide a valuable contribution to the biomedical field, by identifying and comparing the rapid prototyping methods on the basis of time, quality, and cost. This work is dedicated to study, identify, and compare different methods of rapid prototyping in the manufacture of biomedical implants, the materials used for these processes. It also encompasses comparison of the process parameters for each manufacturing method and the advantages and disadvantages of the processes. Polysiloxane, hydroxyapatite, bioceramics, and titanium alloys due to its bio-inertness and nontoxic nature are some of the identified materials in the current review of the research. The highly sophisticated and complex biomedical implant manufacturing by various methods was studied and compared. Immense researches are being carried out in this novel field and are more prevalent in biomedical field due to its beautiful characteristics. The rapid advanced technological methods facilitate immediate intervention and faster treatment of the patient which reduces the risk and helps in faster recovery. 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Rare-earth-activated phosphor for laser lighting
The chapter describes that Y2Ba3B4O12 doped with europium ions were synthesized by a modified conventional solid-state reaction method. The formations of the phosphor crystal structure are confirmed via the X-ray diffraction technique. The luminescence measurement upon excitation in ultraviolet and emission in visible range shows the characteristics of Eu3+ excitation and emission. The occurrence of the charge transfer band is explained in detail. The emission spectrum of Eu3+ ions consists mainly of several groups of lines in the 550-725nm region, due to the transitions from the 5D0 level to the levels 7FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4) of Eu3+ ions. The phenomena of concentration quenching are explained on the basis of electron-phonon coupling and multipolar interaction. The purity of the red emission is also checked, and it makes Eu3+-doped poly-borate-based phosphor as a promising candidate for laser lighting application. 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Rational Designing of Ni-Ag/C Bimetallic Nanoparticles
Bimetallic nanoparticles have been found to show improved properties due to the synergistic effect between the incorporated metals as a result of electronic charge transfer between them. The importance of using bimetallic particles lies in the high selectivity that they offer. Ni being a reactive metal, was doped with Ag, a highly selective host. In this study, Ni-Ag bimetallic nanoparticles supported on carbon have been synthesized by co-impregnation by using nickel (II) nitrate and silver nitrate as precursors. The catalyst is characterized using XRD, FTIR, DLS, Zeta potential, EDX, SEM, and TEM. The scope of this synthesized catalyst can be extended to several reactions like CO2 reduction reaction, hydrogenation, and industrially important organic reactions. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
This chapter argues that privileged perspectives can be decentered using intersectional pedagogies when engaging with literary texts such as Moonflower, a novel that engages children with vital topics relating to race, gender, and mental health. 2024 selection and editorial matter, KaaVonia Hinton and Karen Michele Chandler; individual chapters, the contributors. All rights reserved.