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This research study entitled-??Current popularity of Assamese Cinema is a study on the status and recent growth of the Assamese film Industry and to explore the present scenario after a lots of bottlenecks. The prime focus is on the current level of popularity of the Assamese films and the paper is also directed towards the understanding of how the industry is rising and trying to achieve the position despite its long history, and its artistic successes, for a state (Assam) that has always taken its cinema seriously and after making a mark various prestigious Awards over the years. The methodology was devised with surveys, which was followed by a predominantly qualitative and quantitative data analysis to help to verify the objective of the research. The research was based mainly on audience survey and Experts?? opinion. After analyzing the survey results, it can be concluded that people still watch Assamese films but it is not as popular like earlier days. The condition of Assamese film industry is not so great but if people take initiatives then there is a hope of a bright future, whereas one cannot ignore the developments which has been taking place in the recent place. -
Current status of e-governance in healthcare in the large hospitals of Bangalore /
Healthcare industry has seen a lot of transformation and innovation over the years. It is coming forward as a recognised sector in India after Information Technology and Pharmaceutical. But despite this Indias healthcare infrastructure has not kept pace with the economies and the sectorial growth. Enormous amount of resources have been spent but very little change on actual health status is noticed. This study is undertaken to assess the current status of e-governance (ICT) in large hospitals and try and find out the awareness and accessibility of e-governance to the patients. The survey conducted in hospitals involved the patients responses and responses from the Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). An attempt has been made to find out the effectiveness of various ICT applications in the healthcare like EHR/ EMR or Telehealthcare. Majority of the research on e-governance focussed on overall effective governance and administration but very few studies have been done to highlight the status of e-governance in healthcare in India. -
Customer Perception and Receptivity to Loyalty Programs offered by Organised Retailers
The Indian Retail Industry is growing at a fast pace. This growth to a large extent is driven by the organised retail market, with more and larger retail organisations investing heavily in increasing their store networks and improving in-store offerings. Apparel, accessories and related merchandise form a considerable chunk of the organised retail space and is in the ambit of a handful of established players vying to capture & increase larger portions of the available market using new strategies. Increased customer satisfaction and service is one of the means through which they will be able to fulfill their goals. The use and implementation of Customer Relation Management tools like Loyalty Programs is one of the ways in which they can achieve customer satisfaction. According to Sharp and Sharp (1997) loyalty programs are structured marketing efforts, which reward and encourage the loyal behaviour of their members. Capizzi et al (2004) defined it as the business process of identifying, maintaining and increasing the yield from best customers through interactive,value-added relationships.Loyalty programs are thereby are a rhetoric of relationship marketing in gaining customer loyalty.(Minami & Dawson ,2008) . Loyalty programs, however serve dual purposes of the organisation ?? acquisition of customer spending related information and ensuring that they patronise their store. According to Peters (1988) the costs of retaining customers are about 80 percent lower than acquiring new customers. This explains why there is a high degree of proliferation of retailer loyalty programs. Loyalty Programs today have become an inseparable part of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy of todays retailers. It is vital to gauge how successful these programs are as CRM tools. This study is concerned with how customers perceive such programs and how receptive they are towards these programs. The sample size consisted of 168 usable samples of member customers of loyalty programs of four competing departmental stores who were members of the stores. The study was confined to the city of Bangalore. Convenience sampling was used for the purpose of data collection. Data was collected through questionnaires and was subjected to descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The reliability of the perceptual scale was found to be 0.766. The major findings of the research are: ? Lifestyle is the most frequented store and Shoppers Stop has the most attractive loyalty program. ? Customers have more important reasons for preference of a store than holding membership to the stores loyalty program ? Customers perceive that a loyalty program membership makes them enjoy monetary benefits. Offers and discounts followed by redeemable points are the most popular form of monetary benefits. ? Customers seek ??real and value creating benefits from loyalty programs ? There is a significant relationship between customer perception of loyalty program benefits and purchase behaviour. ? There is a significant relationship between customer perception of loyalty program benefits and store attractiveness and loyalty. The study will help retail organisations understand their customers better and help them in designing and implementing more satisfying, value creating and differentiated programs as a CRM tool to retain customers and build loyalty. -
Data Encryption Algorithm for Local Area Network (LAN)
The volume of traffic moving over the Internet is expanding exponentially every day due to increase in communication through Emails, branch offices remotely connect to their corporate network and commercial transactions. Hence protection of networks and their services from unauthorized modification and destruction is very much needed. TCPIP is the most commonly used communication protocol in the Internet domain. IP packets are exchanged between the end hosts as plain text (without any encryption). As Internet uses PSDN (Packet Switching Data Network) anybody who has access to PSDN can access/modify the data. Hence securing data over the network is difficult. The goal of network security is to provide, authenticity, confidentiality and integrity. Confidentiality is making sure that no body other than the receiver will be able to read the data. Integrity is making sure that the data didnt get modified by intruder or by some other means while it is getting transmitted. Authenticity is making sure that the data is coming from the right sender. In this paper we propose a new data encryption algorithm based on private key (symmetric key) cryptography method. Keys are shared between two end hosts using simple algorithm. Cyber block chaining method is used while encrypting/decrypting the data. Large prime numbers are generated well in advance and kept for further key refreshments. The keys were refreshed periodically, so it gives very minimal time for the hackers to attack the system. As simple operations are used, we will be able to achieve fast and secure data encryption/decryption using this method. The behavior of the proposed approach is verified through various tests. -
Data Structure Based Loss-less Image Compression Algorithm
Working capital in any organizations has a significant role in driving the business forward. Hence, there is an imminent need for the management of the working capital. The efficiency with which working capital is managed in a business or organization determines the health of the business or the organization. On having an effective working capital management firms tend to be successful and while ineffective working management leads to the failure of the business. Hence, the management of working capital is of great importance. The research study is to evaluate the effectiveness of working capital management in maximizing the profitability of construction companies in Bangalore. The research will analyze the construction companies to establish an understanding of the significance of effective WCM for maximizing the profitability. The working capital is the life blood of a business and an important function of finance that defines and deals with the liquidity of the firm. Also, profitability of firms is another major aspect of business. The research explores the correlation between the working capital and profitability to understand the effectiveness of working capital management in maximizing the profitability. The construction industry is the second largest industry of the country after agriculture. Construction activity is an integral part of a countrys infrastructure and industrial development. It includes hospitals, schools, townships, offices, houses and other buildings; urban infrastructure (including water supply, sewerage, drainage); highways, roads, ports, railways, airports; power systems; irrigation and agriculture systems; telecommunications etc. Covering as it does such a wide spectrum, construction becomes the basic input for socio-economic development. The construction industry generates substantial employment and provides a growth impetus to other sectors through backward and forward linkages. It is, essential therefore, that, this vital activity is nurtured for the healthy growth of the economy. With the present emphasis on creating physical infrastructure, massive investment is planned during the Tenth Plan. The construction industry would play a crucial role in this regard and has to gear itself to meet the challenges. In order to meet the intended investment targets in time, the current capacity of the domestic construction industry would need considerable strengthening. The construction sector has major linkages with the building material industry since construction material accounts for sizeable share of the construction costs these include cement, steel, bricks/tiles, sand/aggregates, fixtures/fittings, paints and chemicals, construction equipment, petro-products, timber, mineral products, aluminum, glass and plastics. The construction sector is one of the largest employers in the country. In 1999-2000, it employed 17.62 million workers, a rise of 6 million over 1993-94. The sector also recorded the highest growth rate in generation of jobs in the last two decades, doubling its share in total employment. -
This study explores the forms and features of Tibetan music that existed in the past and its gradual change to the present. It looks at the traditional music that Tibetans followed and the amalgamation of the same with other forms and genres of music as it altered during and after the Chinese invasion of 1949. The study will be working under the idea that the Tibetan music has lost its traditional trace as the prominence of commercial marketing of music have escalated and how this was brought on by the mentioned invasion: the political, social, cultural and economical aspects which directly or indirectly changed the musical culture of Tibet. It envelopes the idea that the musical tradition of Tibet has been lost due to the strong administrative control of the Chinese government and how that led to the failure of the native Tibetans to safeguard the Tibetan traditional forms and genres of music. -
Demographic Variables Influence on Work Engagement of Nurses and Doctors in Hospitals.
It has been foreseen that the healthcare sector in India will be at par with the IT services as well as education in terms of revenue, and would largely contribute to the countrys economy. The health-care industry is presently worth $ 7 Billion dollars (USD), and is predicted to grow at the rate of 13% every year. At this pace, work levels in hospitals have increased, and an employees contribution towards work has decreased. The psychological connection of employees towards their work has gained critical importance; as organizations find that their employees are not giving their best in these times when the demand is on its rise. Work engagement is a positive-fulfilling work-related state of mind characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption, where vigor being high energy levels and mental resilience, dedication being a state of mind where an individual is strongly involved in ones work, and absorption is characterized by engrossment and concentration towards ones work. Literature review on work engagement from the last decade has focused on the relationship of engagement with job satisfaction, employee turnover, performance, and other human resource related constructs. A sample of 372 respondents comprising of doctors and nurses form 20 hospitals (corporate, government and private/trust) of 150 beds and above. Respondents were chosen by using judgmental sampling technique. The variables under investigation were Work engagement and eight demographic characteristics of the respondents. Utrecht Work engagement scale (UWES), by Wilmar Schaufeli and Arnold Baker, (2003), and based on the objectives the eight demographics were included. Fourteen hypotheses were tested and the major findings were that the overall work engagement for doctors was significantly high, and for nurses it was found to be moderate. Significant difference on work engagement levels on doctors was found across gender, educational qualification, age of the respondents, marital status, number of children, and types of hospitals. No significant difference on work engagement levels was found across work experience for doctors. Significant difference on work engagement levels on nurses was found across educational qualification, age of the respondents, work experience, marital status, number of children, and type of hospitals for nurses. No significant difference on work engagement levels was found across gender for nurses. Implications suggested that hospitals develop a flexible training, and therapeutic program for men and women to manage stress customized to their requirement. Focus should be given on encouraging employees to continue higher education. Younger and less experienced employees should be encouraged to interact with senior staff as their sharing of ideas and thoughts would be beneficial to both older and younger employees. Hospitals should imbibe values and ethics which are based on compassion, love for mankind and development of society through good leadership which would inspire them to go that extra mile. Key words: Work engagement, Demographic influence, Doctors, Nurses. -
Design and Fabrication of Differential Thermal Analyser for Thermal Characterization of Materials
Thermal analysis techniques are widely used in both industrial and scientific domains to understand the changes in structural and chemical composition of materials. The structural and chemical composition of most of the materials undergoes changes when heated. Using various thermal analysis techniques such changes are monitored in various atmospheres of interest. Through these analytical experimental techniques the physical properties of the substance can be studied as a function of temperature. These techniques can be used to characterize, qualitatively and quantitatively a huge range of materials over a substantial temperature range. Results from the thermal analysis instruments can be obtained quickly and henceforth it has wide variety of applications. These thermal methods find widespread use for both quality control and research applications on polymers, pharmaceutical preparations, clay, minerals, metals and alloys. Differential thermal analysis is one of the thermal analysis methods, which records the difference in temperature (??T) between a substance and an inert reference material as a function of furnace temperature or time. Any transformation ?? change in specific heat or an enthalpy of transition ?? can be detected by Differential Thermal Analyser (DTA). The automated DTA is available readily from various manufacturers but it is expensive. Therefore researchers usually prefer to design and build their own instruments as per the individual requirements of experiments under various specialized conditions. Furnace, sample holder, controlled heating source, low noise-high gain amplifier and differential recorder are the main units of a differential thermal analyser. In the present work, we have made an attempt to design and fabricate a low cost differential thermal analyser for the thermal analysis of materials. -
Determinants of Charitable Giving of Employees in the Organized Sector: A Case Study in Bengaluru Urban District.
The study aims at identifying the determinants of charitable giving among working professionals who are into white collar jobs in the organized sector in Bengaluru urban district. The study also tries to understand the effect of Income and Non-Income factors that could affect decisions made by individuals towards charitable donations. The study captures charity donations in terms of money, time and gifts, based on its objectives; the focus is on monetary donations. Thus, based on the various available models based on demographic variables and attitudinal factors, the study has developed a comprehensive function that that includes both demographic and attitude related factors that could predict the charity behavior of an individual and in this case it is the working professional. The population includes all the white collar jobs and the sample size was 132 respondents. This includes both charity givers and non-givers. The sampling technique used was purposive random sampling and data was collected through questionnaire method and the questionnaire begins with an introductory question seeking if the respondent have made any donations in the last 12 months and based on their answer they are directed towards the three sections such as section A, B and C for those who said yes to the question and B and c for those who said no to the question. Section A is about the charity activities of the respondents, B is about the demographic details and C measures altruism, prestige, care and other attitude related factors using a 5 point Liker scale. Factor analysis was made used for the purpose of model testing. However, prior to the model testing, bi-variate and multi-variate exploratory analysis was done using cross tabulation in SPSS and python to understand the association between variables used in the study. To further clarify and conclude the relationship and strength of association between variables, Pearson???s Chi square was conducted. Based on these results most of the demographic variables seem to have positive relationship with charitable giving and few had partially negative relation with the incidence of giving. For example Gender, where being male have less chance of making charitable donations. Religion has no impact on the likelihood of making donations. viii Certain other variables such as age, education level and income have a positive relationship with charity giving. In other words as age, income, level of education are higher, the chances of making monetary donations increases. From the results of exploratory bi -variate analysis, certain variables were removed and were not part of factor analysis towards testing the model. The results of factor analysis shows that charitable giving (monetary) is the function of three factors namely benevolence, socioeconomic status and warm glow giving and thus it proves the model developed by the study. Thus the major determinants or predictors of charitable giving (monetary) are benevolent behaviour, socioeconomic status and warm glow giving. -
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour is defined as the voluntary behaviour in which employees go beyond what is formally expected of them to contribute to the well being of the organisation and people involved in it. The present study investigated whether Big five Personality Traits and Psychological Contract have significant influence on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of employees in Business Process Outsourcing Sector. Convenience sampling was adopted to administer the questionnaire (questionnaires were administered to the target sample from the business process outsourcing companies that gave permission, and through the online). Judgmental sampling method was adopted for deciding whom to administer the questionnaire. Employees must have worked for minimum 2 years in the present company to complete the questionnaire. 500 questionnaires were distributed and 381 fully completed questionnaires were compiled for analysis (76.2% response rate). In the present study the dimensions of Big Five Personality Traits ?? Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness to Change, the Psychological Contract Variables - Relational Contract, Transactional Contract, Employer Commitment, and Employee Commitment, and the dimensions of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour- Altruism, Conscientiousness, Courtesy, Civic Virtue and Sportsmanship were measured on 381 employees of top 10 BPO companies listed by NASSCOM . The result of the present study indicated that extraversion dimension of Big Five Personality Traits had a significant influence on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour. Psychological Contract variables Relational Contract, Transactional Contract and Employer Commitment had a significant influence on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour. In this study we have analyzed the implications based on the results found. Some of the implications of the study were the BPO employees high on extraversion, may display more citizenship behaviours towards the organisation. The employees who scored high on the psychological contract measures may result in exhibiting voluntary behaviour towards the organisation. It is suggested for the future researchers to replicate the study to determine how the findings reported here correspond to the results of studies conducted in other work environments to ensure proper generalization. Future researches also need to consider the moderating influences of person and situation-based factors on the relationship between Big Five personality Traits, Psychological Contract and OCB. Additionally, researcher may consider the respondents position in future studies as findings. A dyadic response from both the managers and employees can be a better study to avoid bias and self rating. Key words: Organisational Behaviour, Big Five, Psychological Contract, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour, Human Resource Management. -
Development and validation of analytical methods for the determination of anti-fungal drug in active pharmaceutical ingredient and other dosage forms
A simple and sensitive extractive spectrophotometric method is proposed for the determination of fluconazole drug, in pure form and in the available dosage forms. The method (A) is based on ion-pair formation between the fluconazole and Mo(V)-thiocyanate inorganic complex in the acidic medium and method (B) is based on ion-pair formation between the fluconazole and Co(II)-tetrathiocyanate inorganic complex in the acidic medium. For method (A), the formed coloured ion-pair is extracted with dichloromethane and absorbance is measured quantitatively with maximum absorption at 470nm. The molar absorptivity and Sandells sensitivity of the coloured species are 0.38x104 L mol-1 cm-1 and 0.8 ng cm-2 respectively. Beers law is obeyed between 4.0 -50.0 ?g mL-1 of fluconazole concentration. For method (B) the formed coloured ion-pair is extracted by using a mixture of (3.5:6.5) n-butanol : dichloromethane and the absorbance is measured quantitatively with maximum absorption at 620nm. The molar absorptivity and Sandells sensitivity of the coloured species are 0.268x104 L mol-1 cm-1 and 0.114 ng cm-2 respectively. Beers law is obeyed between 5.5.0-80 ?g mL-1 of fluconazole concentration. The first order derivative spectrophotometric method is also proposed for the determination of fluconazole in pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed methods are successfully applied for the assay of the fluconazole drug in different dosage forms without any interference from common excipients. The results are in good agreement with those obtained by the official pharmacopeial method. Keywords: Spectrophotometry, fluconazole, ion-pair complex, pharmaceutical preparation, molybdenum thiocyanate, cobalt thiocyanate. -
Development of efficient biometric recognition algorithms based on fingerprint and face /
The reliable verification systems are required to verify and confirm the identity of an individual requesting their service. Secure access to the buildings, laptops, cellular phones, ATM etc. is an example of such applications. In the absence of robust verification systems, these systems are vulnerable to the wiles of an impostor. The traditional ways of authentications are passwords (knowledge ?? based security) and the ID Cards (token ?? based security). These methods can be easily breached due to the chance of stolen, lost or forget. The development and progress of biometrics technology, the fear of stolen, lost or forget can be eliminated. Biometrics refers to the automatic identification (or verification) of an individual (or a claimed identity) by using certain physiological or behavioral traits associated with the person. The biometrics identifies the person based on features vector derived from physiological or behavioural characteristics such as uniqueness, permanence, accessibility, collectability with minimum cost. The physiological biometrics are Fingerprint, Hand Scan, Iris Scan, Facial Scan and Retina Scan etc., and behavioural biometric are Voice, Keystroke, Gait, Signature etc., The physiological biometrics measures the specific part of the structure or shape of a portion of a subjects body. But the behavioural biometric are more concerned with mood and environment. Chapter one presents the introduction to biometrics and its various traits. Further description like structure of the biometric system, different approaches are discussed. Also the design issues in biometric system such as universality, collectability, distinctiveness, permanence, acceptability, uniqueness, performance, circumvention etc., are discussed. Chapter two gives a detailed survey of biometric techniques. It includes the literature survey of fingerprint and face biometric traits and various approaches. In Chapter three, the algorithm of Fingerprint Verification based on Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transformation (DTCWT) is proposed. The original fingerprint is cropped and resized to apply the DTCWT. The features of Fingerprint are obtained by applying different levels of DTCWT. Performance analysis is discussed with the FRR, FAR and TSR. Chapter four discusses another highly recommended source of authentication such as face recognition. In this chapter, the algorithm of Performance Comparison of Face Recognition using Transform Domain Techniques (PCFTD) is proposed. The face databases L ?? Spacek, JAFFE and NIR are considered. The features of face are generated using wavelet families such as Haar, Symelt and DB1 by considering approximation band only. The face features are also generated using magnitudes of FFTs. The test image features are compared with database features using Euclidian Distance (ED). The performance parameters such as FAR, FRR, TSR and EER computed using wavelet families and FFT. The methodology described in this paper is accurate, simple, fast and better than the existing algorithms. Chapter five presents conclusion and future work. -
Development of Positive Self: Exploring the Experiences of Psychotherapists
Mental health professionals cater to the needs of people in distress. They utilise cognitive and emotional resources to completely empathise with the clientele and it can often lead to distress because helping profession is more prone to burnout. The benefits of practicing psychotherapy outweigh the hazards if they can bring work-life balance by creating a boundary between personal and professional lives. The aim of the current study was to explore the meaning and significance of professional experiences in the development of positive self. Seven psychotherapists with minimum ten years of experience participated in the study. Using semi structured in-depth interviews details about professional experience and the impact on personal life was explored. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. The study found the indicators of positive self as high self esteem, high self efficacy, experiencing positive emotions, signs of wisdom, hopeful behaviour, high optimism, self regulation, experiencing gratitude and forgiveness. Work experiences and coping strategies influenced the development of positive self. The results of the study can be used in training programmes for psychotherapists and building the conceptual model of positive self. keywords: psychotherapists, positive self, positive emotional state, functional coping strategies, professional growth, prosocial behaviour