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Transition and Negotiation of Gender-Role Identity: The Experience of the Indian Air Force Women Piilots
The masculine culture of military and the feminine attributes of women officers stand in total contrast to each other. The conundrum at the heart if this research is to analyse the experience of the Indian Air force women pilots in terms of transition of the gender-role identity and further how they negotiate their identity as a woman while performing highly masculine military role. Military provides an interesting ground to study gender identity and possibility for cultural change because it categorically rejects prevailing models of femininity.12 Indian Air Force pilots (serving and retired) were interviewed utilizing in-depth interview technique. Findings indicated transition of gender role identity as these women begin to give a new meaning to their identity. While these women move away from the traditional femininity, they do not cease to recognize and explore their feminine side when needed. Indeed the Indian Air Force women pilots exemplify and redefine the culturally recognized definition of femininity. They craft a place where they appear to be enjoying the privileges of both the worlds and rise above the gender debate or biases. Key words: Gender-role identity, femininity, transition, negotiation. -
Analysis of Web Mining Patterns Using Custom-Built Apriori Algorithm
The dissertation entitled Analysis of Web Mining Patterns Using Custom-Built Apriori Algorithm has developed a custom-built apriori algorithm for the discovery of association rules in web log data. Web server log containing the information about all the web requests to the Christ university website is used for analysis. The methodology adapted by this research is a four step process, containing data preprocessing, frequent pattern discovery, analysis and developing a tool for implementing web mining. The custom built apriori takes the preprocessed weblog file as input and generates the frequent folders and the relationship among them. This thesis has also developed a tool written in java for this web usage mining process. The tool assists the user to execute the custom built apriori algorithm and to view the associations among folders based on the given support and confidence values to the tool. The web is a highly dynamic information source. Most of the organisations put information on the web because they want it to be seen by the world. Now a days the web is well beefed up with more information in an unstructured fashion. As the web and its usage continue to grow, there is an opportunity to analyse web data and extract useful knowledge from it. The objective of this research is to predict the user behaviour in interacting with the website that helps the website designer in improving the quality of website. The dissertation is organised into 5 chapters. Chapter1, Introduction starts with a brief overview of web mining and presents the objective of the study and the problem statement. Chapter 2, Literature review, discusses background work in the field of web mining and pattern discovery. Chapter 3, methodology elaborately discusses the process used for analysing the web patterns. Chapter 4 is dedicated for results and discussion. Chapter5, conclusion, summarises the inferences concluded based on the results obtained. The chapter also discusses the limitations and challenges and concludes with future scope of the study. KeyWords: Web Mining, Preprocessing, Web Server log, Frequent pattern -
Job related stress is one of the highest health risks influencing employees, regardless of the size of the organization or the work sector. Most of the researchers view stress as an interaction between the person and some environmental event or stressor. Job stressors are defined as job demands, constraints, and or opportunities and job related events or situations that might affect the individuals feelings of stress. The fact that employee stress is an increasing problem in almost all organizations has indeed been the driving force for a variety of researches on occupational stress. The literature on occupational stress recognizes its inevitability in many jobs where pressures of work begin to build up and cause adverse strain on the emotion of employees, their thought process and their physical condition. Stress vulnerability has also been major focus to determine how stress effects differently across similar jobs. During the 1980s, personality[Type A/ Type B, locus of control] was found to be related to job stressors[ work load, role conflict, lack of autonomy], job strains[ job dissatisfaction, anxiety, health complaints]. The research aims to investigate the relationship between Work locus of control and occupational stress of team leaders working in IT companies in Bangalore. The purpose of research is to study whether the team leaders have an internal or external locus of control, which in turn determines how they perceive situations and life events, and how stressed they are due to this. It was hypothesized that the higher the internal locus of control of the team leader, the lower level of occupational stress they experience and the higher the external locus of control of the team leader, the higher the level of occupational stress. A sample of 100 team leaders working in three different IT companies were examined by administering the Occupational stress index by AP Singh and AK Srivastava and Work locus of control scale by Paul E Spector. The extent of work stress was examined on its twelve sub-scales, i.e. role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, unreasonable group and political pressure, responsibility for persons,under participation, powerlessness,poor peer relations,intrinsic impoverishment, low status, strenuous working condition and unprofitability of Occupational stress index. A structured questionnaire was designed to gather information on the socio demographic profile of the respond -
The research is carried out to study the impact of photographs and its placement on readers in newspapers. The photographs and headline are the heavyweights, more than any other element they attract attention. This study tries to focus on the role of photographs in newspaper articles on its readers. It evaluates on the terms of its placement as well. Photographs in newspapers are researched through semiotics analysis, content analysis and other qualitative techniques. This study is undertaken in both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The researcher has used the random sampling technique with a sample size of 108. The analysis is also made on the basis of in-depth interview with experienced and seasoned members of print organisations. Based on the analysis of the data collected the research has thrown light upon the findings that, before even scanning pages in detail, the first element seen by a reader is the photographs. Both the genders have equally shown that the photographs are the first component that attracts them to read an article. A well placed photograph plays an important role by breaking the monotony of text placement and leads to visual appeal of the reader. In conclusion the photographs have high visual impact on readers. Its placement and size play a vital role in not only leading the readers to read the article but also creates an aesthetically designed layout. -
As the society has shifted from the industrial to the information era, recreation activities in organisations represents ever more important area of social responsibility and organisational growth. Organisations of all hue and texture- governmental,private or commercial enterprises- will need well planned and aligned recreational facilities to ramp up their productivity.Todays challenging social context increasingly calls on the leadership expertise of these organisations to address the important issue of human resources ??burnout. Their charge is to contribute to quality of life of the people at their organisations in the dynamic context of new modes of communication, new information, changing demographics, changing attitudes towards work and play, individualism and globalisation. A recreation facility is provided in premises or precincts of an organisation,for fun,diversion,enjoyment relaxation,amusement and physical, psychological, spiritual or social well being of members of the organisation. Activities engaged in the facility are planned by management with the view to enhance productivity by looking at the well being and development of employees. It is inclusive of hiring recreation organisations services. The steel baron Andrew Carnegie endowed hundreds of public libraries across the country in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, explaining, "How a man spends his time at work may be taken for granted but how he spends his hours of recreation is really the key to his progress in all the virtues." Among the important literatures, study by Sabarirajan, Meharajan & Arun. (2010) titled Positive correlation between welfare activities and employee attitude in textile mills, remains prominent beacon of welfare studies on Indian organisations. In this exploratory research the authors have established the positive influence of various welfare activities practiced in Indian organisations on employee attitudes including employee productivity.The study has concluded that,generally, welfare measures are recreational,medical, educational, housing, sanitation and so on. Every organization provides the statutory welfare measures but some organizations provides some more welfare facilities to the employees so that they may retain the employees and by improving their quality of work life. By the result of improved quality of work life among the employees their involvement in job gets increased and results in increased productivity of the organization. The organizations maintaining smooth relationship between workers and management, which leads to attainment of organisation goals. Recreational facilities has received a great deal of interest by human resources management, professionals and organisational behaviour researchers in Western countries over the years; however, its practice is fairly nascent in Indian organisations. The organisations in India are facing many diverse and complex challenges of the growing economy and ever increasing demands of the workplace. Recreational facilities at the place of work play bigger and a vital role in ensuring an organisational sustained productivity by systematically building team, leadership and communicative skills. Enhanced and informal contact amongst all employees across hierarchy enriches and secures retention of cultural, social and intellectual assets, its skill and inventiveness. This study analysed organisational employees perceptions of Recreational facilities, Recreation activities and Employee contribution as one of the consequences of recreational facilities. 202 employees from 10 organizations (5 manufacturing and 5 IT services) were surveyed. The judgemental sampling technique was adopted to draw the sample. A questionnaire was designed and pilot tested. The reliability of the questionnaire was above . 850 (Cronchbachs Alpha reliability). The major findings of the study were: 1.Statistical analysis and interpretation of data reveal that organisations have provided varying level of recreational facilities to their employees since the level of perception of importance of recreational facilities varied considerably.Overall, the perception of the facilities was moderate. 2. Employees perception of level of recreation activities provided was higher than recreational facilities although the perception varied considerably again. Employee perception of recreation facilities was high. 3.The level of perception of importance of employee contribution as a result of recreational facilities varied considerably in the range. The mean value was considerably high at mean value of 5.89, with standard deviation 1.00. 4.There was significant correlation between the perception of importance of recreational facilities and recreational activities and the level of employee contribution. Thus, the level of employee contribution has been found to be related to each of the perception of importance of recreational facilities and recreational activities. 5.Multiple linear regression of level of employee contribution on the independent variables of perception of importance of recreational facilities and perception of importance of recreational activities was found to be statistically significant. Both of the independent variables were found to have a significant impact on the level of employee contribution, and together explained 60.2% of the overall variation in level of employee contribution. 6.There were significant differences in the perception of importance of recreational facilities, recreation activities and the level of employee contribution across variable demographics. The study empirically indicates that employee contribution made to the organisation productivity is strongly linked to recreational facilities provided by the organisation to their employees.In addition,at the same time it also reveals that the employees perceive only moderate recreational facilities from their organisations.This means that the system of recreational facilities and recreation activities in the organisations is yet not formalised and is ad-hoc and haphazard. Organisations should dedicate efforts to increase perception of recreation among the employees by including the aspects and goals of recreation in the organisational strategy. -
The stability of a rotating horizontal layer of ferromagnetic fluid heated from below is examined when, in addition to a steady temperature difference between the walls of the layer, a time-dependent sinusoidal perturbation is applied to the wall temperatures. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The effects of the oscillating temperature field are treated by a perturbation expansion in powers of the amplitude of the applied field. The onset criterion is derived when the condition for the principle of exchange of stabilities is valid. The shift in the critical Rayleigh number is calculated as a function of the frequency of modulation, magnetic parameters, Taylor number and Prandtl number. The effect of various parameters is found to be significant for moderate values of the frequency of modulation. It is shown that, when the thermal excitation is symmetric, supercritical motion is more pronounced for low Prandtl number ferro fluids. Further, for the case in which only the bottom wall temperature is modulated, the effect of rotation is to stabilize the system at low frequencies and the opposite is true for moderately large frequencies. The problem throws light on external means of controlling convection in ferromagnetic fluid applications. -
This study is to analyse if readers read an article they come across, due to its presentation style (writing style, graphic designs, layout and topic). Readers pick a magazine based on their interest and the magazines may contain what they already know, something additional to the knowledge they already have and also from the areas that they are ignorant about. They may or may not read all the articles from that particular magazine and if at all they read there can be a solid reason behind it. The researcher wants to analyze if it is because of their interest or due to the presentation style. There have been studies done in this particular field but not with any particular point of view. They have also not stressed much on the contrast of presentations style and content. This study can be a means through which many magazines or other print media can reach up to the audience and make them read the articles or even view a website. The researcher prefers qualitative study as an analysis on why they read an article has to be done. It is by means of a questionnaire that the researcher is going to do the qualitative study. The questions in the questionnaires are not going to be in- depth but are going to, mainly, depend on a number of closed ended questions and a few open ended questions as the analysis is steadily depending on a perspective of the respondents, though their opinions might differ, and the sample the researcher chose are readers of magazine or newspapers or both. The researcher will be distributing the questionnaire among 75 readers and the samples are going to be picked randomly. -
Employee Performance Prediction Model
With the dominance of knowledge power in the success of an organization, competent human resource has become crucial for realization of organizational objectives. Human Resource Management, HRM is a set of tasks to maintain and develop a proficient human resource. A performance appraisal process helps the HRM in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employee. This evaluation of employee is based on several different parameters according to the work domain and organizational objectives. This activity of employee evaluation has a high significance in making strategic decisions of manpower planning than just salary reviews. The objective of the prediction model constructed in the study is to assist HR personnel in decision making by predicting the performance of an employee. This study, has developed an Employee Performance Prediction Model which can predict the performance category of an employee. Academic industry data is used for the analysis. The supervised learning approach of classification has been first applied to the performance data to construct the model. The methodology adapted by the study is a five step process of Data preprocessing, Dimensionality Reduction, Application of classification algorithm to build the classifier and Evaluation of the classifier. Based on the hierarchical characteristics of the data, three different approaches ?? Direct, Hierarchical and Integrated are followed for the construction of the classifiers. A comparative analysis of the classifiers performances based on prediction accuracy and error rate is performed. Unsupervised learning approach is used to understand natural similarities among the employees to enhance the evaluation process. The thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter1, Introduction, starts with a brief overview of HRM and presents the objective of the study and the problem statement. It further describes a typical KDD process and role of data mining in a KDD process. Chapter 2, Literature review, discusses background work in the field of data mining and HRM. Different models and techniques used in the context are described. Chapter 3, Methodology elaborately discusses the processes and techniques used for constructing the Employee Performance Prediction Model. Starting with the block diagram, the chapter elaborates the sequence of steps that led to the results. Chapter 4, Results and Discussion discusses the performance statistics of the different classifiers constructed in the study. Chapter 5, Conclusion, summarizes the inferences concluded based on the results obtained. The chapter also discusses limitations and challenges and concludes with future scope of the study. Keywords: Human Resource Management, Performance Appraisal, Knowledge discovery, Data Mining, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Classification and Prediction. -
The effects of through flow, internal heat generation and magnetic field on the onset of Rayleigh-B??nard convection in electrically conducting Micropolar fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. The eigenvalue is obtained for rigid-free velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic on the spin-vanishing boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The microrotation is assumed to vanish at the boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. The problem suggests an elegant method of external control of internal convection. -
The effects resulting from the substitution of the classical Fourier law by the non-classical Maxwell-Cattaneo law in Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection in an electrically conducting Newtonian fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh??B??nard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic boundaries. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The classical approach predicts an infinite speed for the propagation of heat. The present non-classical theory involves a wave type heat transport (SECOND SOUND) and does not suffer from the physically unacceptable drawback of infinite heat propagation speed. It is found that the results are noteworthy at short times and the critical eigenvalues are less than the classical ones. -
A Study on the Entrepreneurial Traits and Characteristics of Waste Pickers and Their Contributions to the Economy and Ecology
Solid waste is problem created by mankind due to thoughtless consumerism and actions. But for surprise, a group of people of the same mankind is working day and night without support, acceptance or even without the consideration that they are also human being, to reduce the same problem. They are called waste pickers. The study intends to describe the aspects/qualities possessed by waste pickers to carry out waste picking and recycling for their existence. A sample of hundred waste pickers (n=100) were involved in completing the interview schedule to identify their entrepreneurship qualities and their contributions to economy and ecology, for the study a schedule which contain demographic and occupational details along with entrepreneurship audit and entrepreneurial traits Center (Vasant Desai) was used.. The ANOVA test helped to know whether there is a significant difference in the entrepreneurial trait among different variables. T-test analysis was used to compare entrepreneurial trait score and entrepreneurship characteristics score with independent sample variations. All statistical computations were carried out using SPSS. Results revealed that majority of the waste pickers are with innate qualities of entrepreneurs and they are largely contributing to economy and ecology. It also reveals facts related to demographic details like gender, education types of residents and duration in this occupation etc. They reveal that they get lot of public abuse and not at all getting any support. -
Word of mouth which is synonymous to organic marketing, buzz marketing and viral marketing is one of the most popular and a non expensive form of advertising which is undertaken by almost anyone and everyone. The changing times are seeing a changing use of this form of advertising. The study revolves around this medium of mass communication and mass consumption. The researcher thus seeks to understand the use of word of mouth advertising in case of movies and fast moving consumer goods and to find out its credibility in terms of usage. A sample size of 100 was selected using snowball sampling technique. The method of primary data collection comprised of surveys in the form of questionnaire which was distributed online. The study revealed that word of mouth advertising is more preferred, trusted and considered credible in case of movies which is the greatest source of entertainment for people even today and not fast moving consumer goods which are tried and tested by consumers themselves. -
This study is concentrated on Irula women population in Chengalpet of Tamil Nadu. The social life of Irula women was studied for the better understanding and to acquire knowledge on Irula tribal community and the social life of women. These Chengalpet Irulas are located in the plain areas near the forestry boundaries. Their social life was mainly concentrated in the present study because their lives are surrounded with non tribal population in the plain areas and also they are the indigenous tribal population of TamilNadu. Their life style, culture, education, economy and social life was included for research purpose in this study. This is a descriptive and comparative component study. The two types of villages were selected, one is developed village and the other one is undeveloped village. These villages were chosen based on the infrastructural facilities. The developed village was with the basic facilities like water, electricity, transport, roads, schools and hospitals. The undeveloped village was without the water, transport, proper roads, and electricity for all the houses, schools and hospitals. The Irula women population from both the village, particularly the age group between 18 and above was considered as a universe of this study. The stratified random sampling method was adopted to select the samples. The sample size was 100, and there were more than 60 Irula families living in respective villages and the samples were collected randomly 50 from each village. The primary data was collected using different techniques. It had framed totally 50 questions based on the hypothesis and objectives. Most of the questions are focused on social and cultural life of Irula women. The other technique was used by the researcher was case study method which focused on the social life of Irula women. It also enables the researcher to get a better in to a polygamy marriage and other cultural aspects. Interview schedule administrated on Irula women were codified and tabulated. Data processing was carried out with the help of computer. Numerical symbols were assigned to the responses in the interview schedule yielding a total of 40 variables. Computer was also used for statistical analyses of data. In the first instance sorting was done to generate frequency tables for the variables. The report that follows incorporates the data, analysis, the interpretation and the inferences draw there from. The major findings were expressed and determined the social life Irula women. In developed village 28 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28 and in undeveloped village 40 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28.Both in developed and undeveloped village 72 and 52 percent of the respondents were illiterates. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 86 and 82 percent of the respondents were married. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 60 and 68 percent of the respondents were working as coolies. In developed village 37.21 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.2000-3000 and in undeveloped village 47.83 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.1000-2000.Both in developed and in undeveloped villages 74 and 50 percent of the respondents were not getting equal wages in their work sector. The major findings were described under 6 main headings as socio-demographic life, educational background, economic conditions, health and awareness and social life. These findings incorporate the social life Irula women in Chengalpet of TamilNadu. -
Influence of Rock/Metal on youth
??Influence of Rock and Metal on youth is a research paper which deals with various kinds of influence that this genre can have over its fan followers. It tries to elaborate on the change that an individual will go through, whilst he/she consumes or listens to rock/heavy metal music. Influence of music on its listeners is an obvious factor. Serious impact on huge fans may vary from different genres and the way the individual perceives it. Music can be a pastime, hobby and a career as well. Rock and heavy metal music have their own characteristics. Known to be highly influential in terms of substance and drug abuse, this genre of music is worshipped throughout the world, with a spectacular growth in its fans and followers. This study, which is based on a focus group discussion emphasizes widely as to how rock and heavy metal music has influenced its fans, but has no serious impact. The research conducted has proved that youngsters and fans who listen to this genre of music are influenced only as far as change in lifestyles, attitudes and behavior is concerned. Exposure to substance abuse, psychological changes, evil thoughts, suicide, etc. cannot be shown as the result of listening to rock and heavy metal music. -
An Expert System for Diabetes Diagnosis
Expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert. That is it acts in all respects like a human expert. It uses human knowledge to solve problems that would require human intelligence. The expert system represents expertise knowledge as data or rules within the computer. These rules and data can be called upon when needed to solve problems. Diabetes is a knotty disease and very common in the modern world. Diabetes is a serious disease that affects almost every organ in the body like heart, eyes, kidney, skin, nerves, blood vassals, foot etc. If left the disease unchecked it will make serious complications including death. Though the disease can not possible to cure completely, it can be well managed or control and can lead a very healthy life. Early diabetes diagnosis plays a crucial role in diabetic control, and can prevent further medical complications. This paper presents the design and development of medical expert system for Diabetes disease and it support diagnosis, give information about complications and act as diabetes trainer. It used rule based approach to collect data and forward chaining inference technique. This system provides a user interactive, menu driven environment. Symptoms and risk factors associated with diabetes are taken as the basis of this study. In case of diagnosis the system will ask a bunch of questions about the symptoms and risk factors to the expert system user and user should give yes or no answer. According to the answer the system will make judgment about the possibility of illness, how much severe it is like slight chance, moderate chance, high chance, very high chance, diabetic or not. If the user wants to know the details of diabetes complications he can select the complication option from the menu. It can also used in teaching practice. The system is drawn up with CLIPS expert system building tool version 6.3 and in Windows/Dos environment. -
The effects of non-linear temperature gradients and rotation on the onset of Rayleigh ?? Benard ?? Marangoni magneto ?? convection in an electric conducting Newtonian fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh-Benard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic temperature conditions on the boundaries. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The four non-linear temperature profiles are considered and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. -
A study of Malayalam amateur music videos on YouTube
The research is a study on the amateur music video trend that has created a buzz among the Malayalee audience. The researcher intends to find the reason behind such a success despite of receiving negative criticisms. The topic is given importance as such amateur videos have been becoming very famous among Malayalee audience. The Malayalam amateur video trend on YouTube has paved its way and a lot of people have started noticing this. Though these videos lack in a lot of aspects they are a huge success. The researcher is keen on finding reasons as to how and why these videos gain so much attention. The researcher also wishes to find the audience perspective towards such videos and their opinion about the same. The levels unto which people gain publicity through such videos are remarkable. It also creates an impact on the minds of the viewers. The creators of such videos have a lot of expectations in mind when they create such videos which may or may not be fulfilled. Two songs are taken up by the researcher and a detailed study is done on the same. Quantitative data collection method is followed. The study is supported by a questionnaire which is distributed to 80 respondents. The creators of such amateur videos have gained so much popularity. This raises a lot of questions whether such videos will be still appreciated and encouraged in the future even after so much of criticisms. The researcher wishes to unveil the answers to such questions. -
For centuries newspaper designers have been in the background working to present information and hard news to the society in a creative way. Creating the layout of a newspaper page is a tedious and time consuming process that employs a set of rules and guidelines. For this purpose the technology employed are in the form of various software??s. And such a program that can create layout designs is a very valuable tool. The layout of a newspaper has to undergo revivals to keep in tune with the recent trends and graphic designing techniques. This dissertation will study the change in the layout and design of The New Indian Express in 2008. Whether or not there is a relationship between the change in layout and its popularity will be also be found out. This study blends empirical and theoretical methodologies of graphic designing. The graphic design theories draws from the principles of design like balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, unity and scale. Layout principles and theories are varied, but most fall into one of two camps: grid-based design and non-grid-based design. There are also layout principles like white space and proximity to consider, all of which contribute to the background study related to newspaper designing. Analyzing closely studying the content in this case the designs of The New Indian Express newspaper and the changes brought about there off will be effective method to research the change in the format of the newspaper has brought in its readers and also its prospective readers. The aspects that will be studied are the logo, masthead, layout, fonts, color and visuals or graphics. The newspaper also has some ??invisible elements?? like whitespace, gutter, margins, columns and grids.