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Effect of magnetic field on the onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a micropolar fluid with internal heat generation
The effects of through flow, internal heat generation and magnetic field on the onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection in electrically conducting Micropolar fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. The eigenvalue is obtained for rigid-free velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic on the spin-vanishing boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The microrotation is assumed to vanish at the boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. The problem suggests an elegant method of external control of internal convection. -
This research focuses and examines the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in hotel industry in Bangalore. Organizational culture is palpable in any organization which has a diversified work force. Hotel industry is built with employees with various values and beliefs. These factors reflect in the culture and are related with the various human resource management practices. There is a significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry in Bangalore. There were eleven dimensions of organizational culture and thirteen dimensions of human resource management practices that were considered for examining the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices. The sample for the study was 135 mid-level managers of different category of hotels in the geographical location of Bangalore. Organizational culture survey scale developed by Pareek, U. (2003) and human resource management practices scale developed by Sebastian, S., & Patrick, H. A. (2010) was administered for this study. This research concludes by the finding fact that there is significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry. The study also shows that the culture in hotel industry is narcissistic. Keywords: Organizational culture, Human resource management practices, hotel industry -
Recommender Systems Using Semantic Web Technologies
Recommender Systems (RS) have risen in popularity over the years, and their ability to ease decision-making for the user in various domains has made them ubiquitous. However, the sparsity of data continues to be one of the biggest shortcomings of the suggestions offered. Recommendation algorithms typically model user preferences in the form of a profile, which is then used to match user preferences to items of their interest. Consequently, the quality of recommendations is directly related to the level of detail contained in these profiles. Through the review of related literature, it is evident that the genre of a movie is a major factor influencing user decisions about movies. However, the degree of membership of a movie to a genre is typically unavailable. Sometimes, certain genres memberships to a movie might not be assigned at all. Such genre membership information, if available, would provide a better description of items and consequently lead to quality recommendations. To capture complete information on content pertaining to different genre in movies, we have used two approaches ?? one that utilizes the available binary genre information and augments it by inferring the genre degree using the information available in folksonomies and another that does not rely on previous movie categorization but captures genres that manifest automatically when forming keyword clusters. Folksonomies or tags are user-defined metadata for items and embed abundant information about various facets of user likes and their opinions on the quality and the type of object tagged. The degree of genre presence in a movie is inferred by examining the various tags conferred on them by various users. Leveraging on tags to guide the genre degree determination exploits crowd sourcing to enrich item content description. Fuzzy logic naturally models human logic, allowing for the nuanced representation of features of objects and thus is utilized to derive such gradual representation as well as for modelling user profiles. Fuzzy user and object representations are leveraged for the design of both content-based as well as collaborative recommender systems. Experimental evaluations establish the effectiveness of the proposed approaches as compared to other baselines. We call this the Fuzzy User-Based Recommendation Approach (FUBRA). Keywords related to a movie indirectly contain information related to the various narrative styles. User profiles are also constructed based on user preferences for such keyword clusters. We call this the Keyword Clustering-Based Recommendation Approach (KCBRA).These profiles are then utilized to perform both Content-Based (CB) filtering as well as Collaborative Filtering (CF). This approach scores over the direct keyword-matching, genre-based user profiling method and the traditional CF methods under sparse data scenarios as established by various experiments. -
Beta decay is one of the most widely studied research problems in nuclear physics. There has been a growing interest in understanding the dynamics of beta decay transitions for many decades. Many research groups have invested a lot of time, money and effort in experiments as well as developing the theory for the same. Lot of work was done using Fermis theory and huge amount of data is available in that domain of nuclear physics. But recently, standard model has gained a lot of attention in the eyes of theoretical nuclear physicists and particle physicists to understand nuclear transitions with more importance to gluons mixing and quark mixing by incorporating CKM matrix and PMNS matrix elements. Subsequently, the standard model theory is applied to beta decay to gain a better insight with the application of standard weak interaction Hamiltonian to compute decay rates. The half life and stability of these nuclei depends on decay rates. Also, it gives us an idea about the kind of transitions which happen and which dont. Recent interest in comparison of two modes of beta decay namely, continuum and bound state for same mother and daughter set, paved way for a lot of interesting calculations by various research groups. It is exciting to understand as to how their differences are compared. The aim of this work is to predict continuum and bound state beta decay rates using approach incorporating standard weak theory for some new transitions, which has not been done so far and also compare few decay rates with existing experimental values done by various groups all over the globe. -
A Comparative Study on Customer??s Expectations and Perceptions on Credit Card Services in Old and New Generation Banks
Card usages have been drastically increasing in India due to the convenience and safety provided by the issuers. At the same time, these issuers are finding it very hard to maintain and gain the market share for this particular service product. In the present scenario credit cards are playing a vital role in every one??s life. Thus, the study has attempted to find out the customer??s expectations and perceptions on credit card services in old and new generation banks. A sample of 225 respondents, who were the users of credit cards in the Bangalore city, was concentrated upon for the study. This was analyzed and tested using Factor analysis, ANOVA and Multiple Linear Regressions. The paper has found the factor the people are expecting more on card services and as well the factor where the users have perceived more. The gap was also analyzed between the expectations and perceptions of the users. The results from the study pointed out the factors the banks have to concentrate upon in order to delight its users and maintain its market share. Hence, businesses should focus on the factors analyzed so as to improve the quality of services provided on cards and to retain the customer base. Keywords: Credit Cards, Customer Expectations, Customer Perceptions,New Generation Banks and Old Generation Bank. -
Children's Well-Being in Traditional Vs. Montessori Schools. A test of Self-Determination Theory
The present study is a test of Self -Determination theory, which is well established in the field of education with a huge body of empirical evidence to support its assumptions that when the three universal psychological needs (Autonomy, Competence & Relatedness) of a child are met they will grow and function optimally leading to enhanced well-being. It is evident that Montessori philosophy is overlapping with the components of SDT. This study was conducted to examine the extent to which the three psychological needs are satisfied in Montessori schools in comparison to the Traditional schools. A purposive sample size of 80 children in elementary grades was selected from both Montessori and Traditional schools. Perceived support experienced by the children and their Well-Being was determined to establish the assumption of the SDT. The results showed that children in Montessori schools experienced greater satisfaction of needs when compared to traditional school children. However, the well-being of children from both school types didn???t vary much and the causes can be attributed to factors outside classroom. These findings have some strong implications for policy makers, educators and parents. -
Current status of e-governance in healthcare in the large hospitals of Bangalore /
Healthcare industry has seen a lot of transformation and innovation over the years. It is coming forward as a recognised sector in India after Information Technology and Pharmaceutical. But despite this Indias healthcare infrastructure has not kept pace with the economies and the sectorial growth. Enormous amount of resources have been spent but very little change on actual health status is noticed. This study is undertaken to assess the current status of e-governance (ICT) in large hospitals and try and find out the awareness and accessibility of e-governance to the patients. The survey conducted in hospitals involved the patients responses and responses from the Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). An attempt has been made to find out the effectiveness of various ICT applications in the healthcare like EHR/ EMR or Telehealthcare. Majority of the research on e-governance focussed on overall effective governance and administration but very few studies have been done to highlight the status of e-governance in healthcare in India. -
Changing and unchanging domination parameters /
Graph Theory is a delightful playground for the exploration of proof techniques in discrete mathematics, and its results have applications in many areas of computing, social, and natural sciences. How can we lay cable at minimum cost to make every telephone reachable from every other? What is the fastest route from the national capital to each state capital? How can n jobs be filled by n people with maximum total utility? What is the maximum flow per unit time from source to sink in a network of pipes? How many layers does a computer chip need so that wires in the same layer don’t cross? How can the season of a sports league be scheduled into the minimum number of weeks?