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Adoption of Digital Technologies in Channel Management of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
The main thrust of this research is in the area of adoption of digital technologies in channel management of pharmaceutical industry in India. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is making rapid strides in the past decade, and is recognised internationally .However, the adoption of electronic methods like the internet, extranet, barcoding, digital data bases, e-payments, RFID and others are only at a nascent stage. This inertia is likely to affect the growth projectile of the industry. The international stature which the industry is acquiring will be at stake. The study attempts to assess the current status of adoption of digital technologies with particular reference to contributing factors that can trigger rapid growth. It assesses the respondents expectation of the benefits of digital adoption. It also deals with the factors which will help the industry to transit from legacy systems to digital technologies. This information was obtained through structured questionnaire administered to respondents who had experience in the distribution aspects of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The research revealed that although implementation of electronic methods was at an early stage, the expectation regarding the benefits of employing this technology was high. The study also found that some of the tools which were necessary to transit from legacy systems to digital technology were in a nascent stage of its use. -
Certain comics achieve cult status, a status which ensures they are replicated in other forms to reach out to a wider audience. The Adventures of Tintin is one such cult series which has been loved by generations across the globe. Each reader of Tintin is unique in his/her own way and the research aims to figure out if the educational background of the readers influences the way in which they perceive the series. This perception is being looked at from two the point of view of two groups, one consisting of readers from the Journalism/media background and another consisting of readers from various other backgrounds. -
For centuries newspaper designers have been in the background working to present information and hard news to the society in a creative way. Creating the layout of a newspaper page is a tedious and time consuming process that employs a set of rules and guidelines. For this purpose the technology employed are in the form of various software??s. And such a program that can create layout designs is a very valuable tool. The layout of a newspaper has to undergo revivals to keep in tune with the recent trends and graphic designing techniques. This dissertation will study the change in the layout and design of The New Indian Express in 2008. Whether or not there is a relationship between the change in layout and its popularity will be also be found out. This study blends empirical and theoretical methodologies of graphic designing. The graphic design theories draws from the principles of design like balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, unity and scale. Layout principles and theories are varied, but most fall into one of two camps: grid-based design and non-grid-based design. There are also layout principles like white space and proximity to consider, all of which contribute to the background study related to newspaper designing. Analyzing closely studying the content in this case the designs of The New Indian Express newspaper and the changes brought about there off will be effective method to research the change in the format of the newspaper has brought in its readers and also its prospective readers. The aspects that will be studied are the logo, masthead, layout, fonts, color and visuals or graphics. The newspaper also has some ??invisible elements?? like whitespace, gutter, margins, columns and grids. -
The medium of film has been one of the most influential communication tools to the masses since its emergence. Life is reflected in cinema and many a times our perspective of life is manipulated by what we see in the media. There have been various studies conducted of various cultures (including African American, Asians in general, etc) being represented in a stereotypical way in Hollywood movies. However, there have not been studies about how Indians are portrayed in Hollywood movies. This study aims to find how Hollywood has portrayed Indians and Indian culture in their movies, also, to see if and how they are stereotyped. -
This study is to analyse if readers read an article they come across, due to its presentation style (writing style, graphic designs, layout and topic). Readers pick a magazine based on their interest and the magazines may contain what they already know, something additional to the knowledge they already have and also from the areas that they are ignorant about. They may or may not read all the articles from that particular magazine and if at all they read there can be a solid reason behind it. The researcher wants to analyze if it is because of their interest or due to the presentation style. There have been studies done in this particular field but not with any particular point of view. They have also not stressed much on the contrast of presentations style and content. This study can be a means through which many magazines or other print media can reach up to the audience and make them read the articles or even view a website. The researcher prefers qualitative study as an analysis on why they read an article has to be done. It is by means of a questionnaire that the researcher is going to do the qualitative study. The questions in the questionnaires are not going to be in- depth but are going to, mainly, depend on a number of closed ended questions and a few open ended questions as the analysis is steadily depending on a perspective of the respondents, though their opinions might differ, and the sample the researcher chose are readers of magazine or newspapers or both. The researcher will be distributing the questionnaire among 75 readers and the samples are going to be picked randomly. -
The research is an analysis on how the magazine ??National Geographic has portrayed India over the years and whether or how it has changed. National Geographic being an all American historical magazine might have its own ways of portraying particular nations. India being known for festivals, colors, superstition and snake charmers has always been portrayed countless number of times as only the above mentioned stereotypical explanation. May it be in movies, cartoons, books, etc., National Geographic being a credible magazine has never failed to bring forth to the world all historical aspects of any country. Bollywood, Spicy food, Religion etc. has been a hot topic for both Nat Geo magazine and television. The researcher wishes to find out if the magazine has portrayed India differently over the years. -
An Autonomic Systems approach to Online Retail Systems
In 2003, IBM released a document presenting its vision of autonomic computing. In this article, the author observes that the ever increasing complexity of computing systems will cross the borders of human capabilities, leading to systems that are too complex to be administrated by human beings. System administrators will no longer be able to install, configure, maintain and optimize these computing systems of the future. The solution to this problem is developing a technology that allows computing systems to manage themselves. This solution is referred to as autonomic computing. In today??s economic scenario, Online Retail Systems are gaining prominence and day by day increasing in size, leading to complexities difficult to be managed by human beings. E-Commerce Shops with thousands of articles are becoming the rule of the day. With hundreds of articles being added everyday, the administration required for efficient management of these articles, especially display selection, rejection etc are becoming a mind boggling task for human beings to manage. Parallel developments in study of buying behaviors based on various techniques like data mining, decision trees, neural networks etc are gaining significant practical ground, which also increases the complexity to be managed. The basic idea is lay foundation for creation of autonomic systems based on the outputs from behavioral study, inventory management, etc to autonomically handle management of display, inventory predictions etc. The efficiencies achieved should in turn result in higher revenue as well as profits. In short, the study intends to explore the feasibility of applying autonomic techniques for efficient display organization in online retail contexts by borrowing the intelligence from techniques evolving from data mining, artificial intelligence. This paper will address the development of a taxonomy, a model framework for ??autonomic online retail?? systems and the application of related standards. It will also delve into the theoretical background of specific techniques, which can be applied in this scenario. A basic model of the framework is also implemented. The complete implementation of the framework and measurement of the efficiency gains and other effects will be continued in the doctoral research. The design of the framework and also the measurement framework is being discussed in this document. -
An Empirical Analysis of Consumer's Environmental Attitude and Purchasing Behavior of Green Product with Special Reference to Bangalore City
This study examines the consumers attitude and purchasing behavior of green product of Indian consumers. To meet this objective, a structured questionnaire has been used to collect the data samples of 300 respondents. The survey results obtained from Bangalore City provide reasonable support for the validity of the proposed model. The collected data has been filtered and found 261 valid data to carry out the data analysis to find the result and conclusion of this research study. The result of this study, consumers who have positive attitude about the environment are giving more importance to buy eco-friendly product (Green Product) and it is clearly observed that there is a positive relationship between the consumers environmental attitude and purchasing behavior of the green product. This study also outlines the green product categories and examines which category is more preference by the consumers with regards to their gender, age, occupation and income. The green product categories are Grocery Items, Health and Beauty, Apparel, Produce, Cleaning and Households, Pet Products, Meat/Fish and Poultry, Paper Products and Electronics and Appliances. Despite the age, gender, occupation and income differences, it is found that majority of the consumer preference to buy Electronics and Appliances and Health and Beauty products out of those green product categories. Even though they also buy other category of the green product but the counts are minimal as compare to Electronics and Appliances and Health and Beauty Products. Furthermore, this study also discusses the different factors that impact on buying decision taken by the consumers. This study specifically studied with three main factors that influence the purchasing decision of the consumer regarding the eco- friendly product. These are constant factor such as Price and Quality; Brand and Environmental Factors. -
An Empirical Analysis of Price Discovery in Spot and Futures Market of Gold in India
The broadest classification of the Indian financial market can be made in terms of commodity market, stock and security markets and foreign exchange market. Commodity markets are markets where raw or primary products are exchanged. These raw commodities are traded on regulated commodity exchanges, in which they are bought and sold in standardized contracts. Gold is a commodity which has been undergoing very serious price fluctuations in recent years. It has had its own impact on commodity trading too. Price discovery process of gold has always been a matter of wide discussion among researchers and policy makers. In this context this study aims at analyzing the price discovery process of Gold in Indian commodity market. It also looks into the volatility impact of futures price on spot price as well as the volatility impact of spot price on futures price. The study is completely based on the secondary data collected from the official website of NCDEX. The data extend for a period ranging from 23rd April 2009 to 29th December 2011. The daily data of spot and futures prices of gold during the period is taken into account. Various econometric tools are employed to test the hypotheses set. The VAR model result confirms the unidirectional relationship runs from the spot market to the futures market of gold in India. It reveals co integration and dynamic relationship between spot and futures markets of gold. The result of GARCH model implies that both futures as well as spot markets do have significant impact in the price volatility of gold in India. The result of VECM tells that spot market is dominant in the price discovery process which is a clear indication of the fact that spot market of gold is information efficient in India. The result is of great significance for the investors who wish to improve portfolio performance. With regard to policy making, a better understanding of the interconnectedness of these markets would be useful for the policy makers who coordinate the stability of financial markets. For marketers, it provides a reliable forecast of spot prices in the future to allow them to effectively manage their risks in the production or marketing process. The unprecedented uptrend in the price of gold and high volatility in recent years provides room for some important social implications. -
An Empirical Study on the psychographic factors influencing financial decisions of informed individual investors, with special reference to Bangalore financial market
Behavioural finance has been emerging as a significant discipline in academia as it speaks about the irrational behaviour of investors. Behavioural finance is the combination of classic economics and finance with psychology and decision making sciences. It is the study of how investors systematically make errors in judgment, or mental mistakes.Specifically, behavioral finance has two blocks: cognitive psychology and the limits to arbitrage. Cognitive refers to how people think. There is a huge psychology literature documenting that people make systematic errors in the way they think: they are over confident they put too much weight on recent experience etc. Their preference may also create distortions. Behavioural finance uses this body of knowledge, rather than taking arrogant approach that it should be ignored. Limits to arbitrage refer to in what circumstances arbitrage force will be effective, and they wont be. An Empirical Study on the psychographic factors influencing financial decisions of informed individual investors, with special reference to Bangalore financial market, has done with the objective of identifying the effect of three major anomalies namely over confidence, fear of loss, and effect of information and media and relationship of age and fear of loss on the investment decisions. Primary Data collection has been done with the help of questionnaire and had a sample size of 242. The above three aspects have studied and proved using various statistical tools like chi square, one sample t test, ANOVA and correlation. From the study it was proved that investors are overconfident but at the same time there is high fear of loss as well. Study shows that effect of information and news stories plays a major role in investment decisions. Age and fear of loss also have a significant relationship. Only 3 Anomalies has been considered for the study, considering the remaining will give further scope of research. -
An Expert System for Diabetes Diagnosis
Expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert. That is it acts in all respects like a human expert. It uses human knowledge to solve problems that would require human intelligence. The expert system represents expertise knowledge as data or rules within the computer. These rules and data can be called upon when needed to solve problems. Diabetes is a knotty disease and very common in the modern world. Diabetes is a serious disease that affects almost every organ in the body like heart, eyes, kidney, skin, nerves, blood vassals, foot etc. If left the disease unchecked it will make serious complications including death. Though the disease can not possible to cure completely, it can be well managed or control and can lead a very healthy life. Early diabetes diagnosis plays a crucial role in diabetic control, and can prevent further medical complications. This paper presents the design and development of medical expert system for Diabetes disease and it support diagnosis, give information about complications and act as diabetes trainer. It used rule based approach to collect data and forward chaining inference technique. This system provides a user interactive, menu driven environment. Symptoms and risk factors associated with diabetes are taken as the basis of this study. In case of diagnosis the system will ask a bunch of questions about the symptoms and risk factors to the expert system user and user should give yes or no answer. According to the answer the system will make judgment about the possibility of illness, how much severe it is like slight chance, moderate chance, high chance, very high chance, diabetic or not. If the user wants to know the details of diabetes complications he can select the complication option from the menu. It can also used in teaching practice. The system is drawn up with CLIPS expert system building tool version 6.3 and in Windows/Dos environment.