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This research focuses and examines the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in hotel industry in Bangalore. Organizational culture is palpable in any organization which has a diversified work force. Hotel industry is built with employees with various values and beliefs. These factors reflect in the culture and are related with the various human resource management practices. There is a significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry in Bangalore. There were eleven dimensions of organizational culture and thirteen dimensions of human resource management practices that were considered for examining the relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices. The sample for the study was 135 mid-level managers of different category of hotels in the geographical location of Bangalore. Organizational culture survey scale developed by Pareek, U. (2003) and human resource management practices scale developed by Sebastian, S., & Patrick, H. A. (2010) was administered for this study. This research concludes by the finding fact that there is significant relationship between organizational culture and human resource management practices in the hotel industry. The study also shows that the culture in hotel industry is narcissistic. Keywords: Organizational culture, Human resource management practices, hotel industry -
The Impact of Changes in Monetary Variables on Stock Prices of Commercial Banks in India
Commercial banks in India, as agents of the reserve bank of India, are key players in the implementation of exchange rate and interest rates and have huge role to control the inflation in the country. The purpose of this study is to examine impact on banking stocks because of frequent changes in important monetary variables. The concern is whether or not current economic indicators, as reflected in interest rates exchange rates and inflation, can explain banking stock returns. This study considered NSE bank nifty index as banks stocks representative because this bank index consist of all major banks listed in the Indian capital market The explanatory variables in this study considered the three important monetary variables namely foreign exchange rates ,long-term interest rates and inflation rates. This paper tries to find the impact of changes in monetary variables on bank nifty. Also the relationship (long run and short run) between bank nifty and monetary variables has been analysed. Different econometric tools have been applied in the study to attain the objectives. The econometric tools like unit root test, ordinary least squares, Johansen-Juselius (1990) Multivariate Co integration test and Vector error correction model (VECM). Based on the unit root test, it is found that all the variables are used in the study are non stationary at level and become stationary at first differences. Johansen cointegration test prove that there is long run relationship between bank nifty and three monetary variables. Based on the result of Ordinary least squares on vector error correction equation this study find that monetary variables have significant impact on bank stock return, but major portion of the bank nifty movement is explains by its own innovations. And also this study find that changes in foreign exchange rates and long term interest rates are affecting the bank nifty movement negatively. But the whole sale price index or inflation rates does not affect the bank nifty or banks stock price movement significantly. Among the three monetary variables are used in this study foreign exchange rates have high influence on bank stock prices. -
Study on Effect of Overdraft facility on market liquidity and income of private banks in Bangalore
This Dissertation depicts about the use of overdraft facility by the business men/women as customers of the private banks and how it affects the liquidity status and income of those private banks in Bangalore. This study helps the private bankers to identify the financial changes in the annual reports supported by statistical tools depicting the significant changes in relation to market liquidity and the income of the private banks. An overdraft allows an individual to continue withdrawing money even if the account has no funds in it and the bank will cover the checks which would otherwise bounce. The interest on the outstanding balance of an overdraft loan often is lower than credit cards. Market Liquidity is an asset's ability to be sold without causing a significant movement in the price and with minimum loss of value. Referring this meaning to the banks, overdraft plays a small part in changing the interest rates and also incurring a very minimal expense to maintain the OD account for the customers among the banks compared to cash credits and loan repayable on demand which are the major reasons for the influence on bank rates. In order to provide for the overdraft facility to the customers, even though for period of 22 days up to 45 days depending on the respective banks policies, banks must maintain a ready source to compensate the customers demand to withdraw beyond a nil balance. Thus Total Deposits are considered to represent the market liquidity of the banks. Income of private banks mainly in connection to the topic of the study considers only the interest earned on the overdraft for approximate comparison between the overdraft balance and interest earned on it. Thus giving no grounds for confusions as to why net profit or income earned through other sources is not considered. Reason for taking the liquidity and income to compare it with overdraft is that all three factors are of shorts terms in nature. It gives a common ground for significant comparison. It also provides appropriate data for correct statistical analysis giving accurate result. While increase in overdraft balance increases the interest amount earned on it or the banks have to increase the deposits to provide for the increasing overdraft balances. Other than the problem of the study, smooth or turbulent financial periods, behaviour of funds rate in response to declining required reserves, political scandals, bad cheques etc. are the various factors practically influencing the overdraft to affect the private banks market liquidity and income The scope of the study reckons to give the results as an answer for various queries of not only to the selected sample private banks but also to other banks that are providing the overdraft facility. It also helps the other researchers to carry on the further study. The hypothesis is to prove whether or not the overdraft affects the market liquidity and income. Sample size N=20 taken for data analysis includes the five years of the three variables of the study from 17 NSE Listed and 3 non listed private banks located in Bangalore which are available from annual reports the websites of sample banks, pay sites like report junction and CMIE-business beacon. This sample size is accumulated through convenient sampling of non-probabilistic sampling technique. Mainly Correlation is used as Statistical Technique for analysis and other than that, financial analytical tools are also employed i.e. Growth analysis, Peer group comparison and Industrial benchmarking. Through correlation analysis, findings are drawn that the effect of overdraft on market liquidity and as well as the effect of overdraft on income of the 20 banks are highly significant (p<0.01). Thus, the null hypothesis 1 and 2which shows that overdraft does not affect the market liquidity and income is proved otherwise. Increase in overdraft does affect the market liquidity and income positively. -
Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions originating from India: An evaluation of long term post-merger performance of acquiring firms.
This research follows the enhanced M&A activity in the Indian market to trace the impact of outbound international Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) by Indian firms on the acquiring firm??s shareholders. The research makes a unique contribution in evaluating the long-term financial performance of acquiring firms in cross-border M&As and to detecting the strategic factors of their long-term success. The research used a sample of 91 events covering the period of deals occurring from 2004 to 2009 inclusively. The research used the Buy and Hold Abnormal Returns (BHAR) control firm method to evaluate the performance of firms. The research evaluated BHARs for 1-month, 3-months, 6-months and 12-months post the announcement of the acquisitions. The results obtained for the analysis showed significant negative returns for firms performing a cross border acquisition over a period of 12-months post the acquisition announcement. Hence the research concluded that cross-border acquisitions by firms from India generate negative effects on shareholder value for the acquiring firm??s shareholder, as on 12 months post the acquisition announcement. The above conclusion implies that the firms that perform cross border acquisitions actually perform worse than their counterparts that did not perform a cross border acquisition in the same period The research identified factors of long-term success for cross-border M&As. The results obtained suggest that acquiring firms engaged in cross-border M&As are able to realize efficiency gains and create value for their shareholders, under certain conditions: one when they possess high levels of R&D and secondly when the firm makes an acquisition in a related industry. These results were in accordance with the internalization theory of Buckley and Casson (1976) and Rugman (1981), which state that cross-border M&As help create value for acquiring firms by tapping into their expertise and know-how on international markets. While, Buy and Hold Returns were found to be substantially negative for the subgroup of firms that were larger in size as compared to firms that were relatively smaller in size. The size of the firm was negatively associated with performance of firms post an acquisition announcement and hence larger firms were more likely to fail in an acquisition as compared to smaller firms. Dissertation Layout: The first chapter of the dissertation titled ??Introduction?? primarily covered the conceptual framework, statement of problem and the objectives of the research. The second chapter ??Review of Literature?? covered the review of earlier literature on M&A performance and conclusions and gaps observed in the literature. The third chapter titled??Research Methodology?? covered the hypothesis, data collection and sample description and the methodology for data analysis. The fourth chapter ??Results and Findings?? covering results of the data analysis for the long term returns, strategic factors of M&A success, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The last chapter of the research ??Summary and Conclusions?? covered the summary of all the chapters, major findings of the study, the implications, limitations of the study and the conclusions drawn from the research. Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), cross border acquisitions, post-merger, Abnormal returns and Buy and Hold Abnormal Returns (BHAR), -
The retail industry in India has often been hailed as one of the sunrise sectors in the economy.The Indian government is mulling about allowing FDI in multi- brand retailing. While some people welcome this move, others oppose it. The study tries to identify the opinion of retailers towards this move. The study examines the issues related to various aspects of FDI including, product related, place related, process related, promotion related, people related, price related issues, physical evidence and environmental related issues. Survey research method was followed in this study. Questionnaire was used for collecting primary data. Secondary data is collected from selective sources of data like journals, websites, text books, company brochures, magazines and newspapers. The convenience sampling technique was used. A sample of 200 retailers was selected from the Bangalore city. The statistical techniques which are used in the study include descriptive statistics, frequencies and percentages, reliability test, chi- square test, one- way ANOVA, two- way ANOVA and Correlation. The following were the hypotheses in the study: H1 ?? Agreement on FDI in retail is dependent on the duration of business among the retailers H2 ?? Agreement on FDI in retail is dependent on the level of investment among the retailers H3 ?? There is statistically significant difference on perception on agreement of FDI in retail by various levels of agreed and non- agreed retailers H4 ?? There is statistically significant difference on perception on agreement of FDI in retail by various levels of investments of business among retailers H5 ?? There is statistically significant influence on perception on agreement of FDI in retail based on both agreed level and level of investments H6 ?? There is statistically significant relations among the perceived factors of agreement on FDI in retail among retailers. The major findings of the study was that there is a mixed reaction among the retailerstowards allowing FDI in multi- brand retail, a majority of them seems to directly or indirectly prefer the entry of foreign players. However the respondents prefer a calibrated and cautious approach towards the introduction of FDI thereby safeguarding the interests of small retailers. If FDI is allowed in retail, there could be a multi ?? sector growth. India Inc. can expect a path of growth to achieve its target of 9 per cent GDP growth rate. The new firms that enter the market will get new technology and can acquire competitiveness. . It is estimated that FDI in multi- brand retail will create nearly 10 million job opportunities in the next three to four years. This will help in reducing the countrys unemployment to a large extent. The creation of more jobs will enhance the standard of living of farmers as they would get better returns on their yields by selling directly to the retailers rather than selling it in the intermediaries. FDI will also help in bringing food inflation under control. Key Words: Multi- brand Retailing, FDI, Organized Retailing, Unorganized Retailing -
Reading Psychedelic Aesthetics in Kafkas Works
Franz Kafka has been discussed as an existentialist, a Zionist, a Marxist and also a philosopher. While most of the twentieth century studies centred around reading Kafka on the content plane, the contemporary Kafka studies show a change in trend where scholars and critics alike have shifted focus on re-reading Kafkas works on the expression plane??from the Hegelian school to the Kantian school of art without a concept. But it is interesting that even such studies only deal with the form??use of metaphor and the typical Kafkaesque expressions in writing, syntax and use of minimal narrative, not delving deeper to realize the aesthetic potential of his works in totality. It was Milan Kundera who first noted that most Kafka readings negate the presence of aesthetics. On reading Kafka from the aesthetic perspective, readers would be bound to reflect on its semblance with psychedelic aesthetics?? a field of aesthetics which itself has been much debated. The research involved an analysis of the Kafkan texts and works which fall under the umbrella term psychedelic art??music, painting and literature. A close study revealed that indeed there is a similarity in form, expression and representation in Kafkas works and psychedelic art. This research will provide a new perspective of reading Kafka and partially explain Kafkas use of hallucinatory descriptions, grotesque images and nightmarish scenarios. -
There are various aspects of the children influence on family purchase decision and it depends on a lot of parameters and situations. The children exercise various methods to influence parent??s decision. The children influence varies from products to products. It also depends on parent??s education, profession, income, single parent working or both parent working, number of working hours per week and type of family. The pocket money also contributes in the children??s influence. This research considers the children in the age group of 8-12. The Descriptive statistics is used to summarize variables in terms of central tendency and measure of dispersion. The Reliability test has been done using Cronbach??s alpha. Pearson??s Product correlation, one way ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA has been done using SPSS for Windows (version 18.0). The Linear regression is used to prove the causality between Independent variables on Dependent variable. The strategy adopted by children is mostly persuasive. The children??s influence is maximum for products bicycle, Ice Creams/chocolates/Juice and CDs/DVDs. There are few products like CDs/DVDs, video games and hobby activities which are used by the whole family and still children influence is higher than their parents on family purchase decision. It is the unanimous opinion from both parents and children that the children influence depend on profession as well as on the products. The ANOVA analysis on parent??s perception on children influence indicates that parent??s income impacts the children??s influence. The ANOVA analysis on parent??s perception on children influence indicates that parent??s working hour impacts the children??s influence. The relation between children influence and How many hours a week do you work average, Total Family Income and Amount you get from your parent on spending is linear. The pocket money, children get, is having highest impact on children influence. The second most influential parameter is the number of hours the parents work per week. -
A Study on Foreign Direct Investment in Multi-Brand Retail to Develop a Business Model for Domestic Supermarkets in the Convenience Stores Format.
The main focus of this research is in the area of organised retail specifically in the convenience stores format in India. The Indian organised retail is growing rapidly but is still in the nascent stage. There are many challenges in terms of infrastructure, supply chain efficiencies, cost structure and customer adaptability to the emerging retail formats. India is perceived to be a lucrative destination for retail and with opening up of foreign direct investment imminent many multinational giants are eyeing India. Indian companies are grappling with many challenges and experimenting with many formats in retail. This study attempts to understand the present scenario and the preparedness of domestic companies in consolidating their existing position to evolve a business frame work model for domestic companies to not only consolidate their existing position but also counter threats from multinationals entering into India. The research revealed that there are not many integrated business models, though there are models on different components of supply chain and retail, Indian companies will certainly benefit from creation of integrated business model which can assist them in taking strategic decisions in terms of managing cost and revenue structure and expansion plans. Scope of this study is Grocery and staples and fruits and vegetables business as food contributes to almost 63% in the organised retail business and was bifurcated into back end and front end operations. This study is intended to understand the drivers and factors influencing the back end operations in the area of supply chain efficiencies and the front end operations particularly in respect of costs, revenues and key drivers to create an integrated business model frame work to drive optimisations at all levels. Sample of this study was two major organised retail companies in Bangalore catering to about seventy outlets in Bangalore and having distribution centres. Tools used in this study was data observation sheets for all the key parameters for both back end and front end operations, in addition to unstructured in depth interview with expert group. However the protocol for the interview was predetermined to capture all key data and elements and involved some qualitative aspect and Linear programming for simulation and trying out various permutation combinations. Some of the major findings were: Stock keeping units, cost of procurement and secondary freight emerged as significant drivers to be controlled for efficiency and optimisation link in the back end grocery and staples. Cost of procurement, net sales value and operations cost emerged as the key drivers of efficiency and optimisation link in the back end Fruits and Vegetables. Rentals, Sales, Cost of goods sold, Total personnel cost and Total facilities cost had significant influence on EBIDTA in the front end super market. Break even point for same size stores differed depending upon the location and other cost drivers. Sensitivity analysis revealed that manpower, rent and total facilities cost had significant impact on EBIDTA in the front end. Limitations and future areas of research have also been discussed. -
A Comparative Study on Work Engagement in Relation to Leadership in Private and Public sector Undertakings in Bangalore
Employee contribution becomes a critical business issue because in trying to produce superior output, companies have no choice but to try and engage not only the body but the mind and soul of every employee. Most organizations today realize that a satisfied employee is not necessarily the best employee in terms of loyalty and productivity. The best employee is really an engaged employee, one who is intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization, who feels passionate about its goals and committed towards its values. This employee goes the extra mile beyond the basic job requirements. Leadership in organizations ought to be authentic in order to be effective and successful over the long term. Philosophers, religious leaders, and thinkers from ancient times have given emphasis on the importance of authenticity and ethicality for leaders, if they are to attain effective governance in any circumstances. Leaders are obliged to demonstrate the highest moral standards and ethical demeanour in their everyday talk, actions, decision, and behaviours, so that others in their organizations can follow suit. The most recent financial crisis has originated from failed corporate leaders who believed in manipulations of accounts and indulged into obvious unethical corporate practices. Engaging employees of an organization is critical to the organizations success. Work Engagement is often the most significant differentiator between private and public organizations. This is true particularly for service based companies as revenues are directly proportional to number of workforce engagement in the organization. Based on the review of literatures and identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to pursue with the current research. The sample consisted of 240 employees from both private and public sector organizations. The judgmental sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respondents. Two standard tools were used to measure the variables of the study- 1.The measuring instrument used for the independent variable (Leadership) is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (Form 5X) (Bass & Avolio, 1997). The reliability of the scale was 0.701 2.The measuring instrument used for the dependent variable (Work engagement) is the Schaufeli & Bakker (2003). The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. The reliability of the scale was 0.783 The major findings of the study were- 1. The dimensions of work engagement viz. vigor, absorption, dedication are found to have no significant relations with participative and democratic leadership style. 2. The dimensions of work engagement viz. vigor, absorption, dedication are found to have significant relations with autocratic leadership style. 3. For the dimension of Vigor, the difference between private and public organization on Vigor is statistically significant. It was found that the private sector employee scored high value(5.51) than the public sector employees(5.12) on the dimension of vigor. -
A Comprehensive Study On The Consumer Preferences Towards Online Marketing In Consumer Goods
Online Marketing has become an integral part of peoples lives in recent years. Currently as per the developments that have taken place due to the improvements and importance that has been created by online marketing has covered each and every type of business sector. The purpose of the study is to examine the preferences of consumers towards online marketing and how it varies across different age group, income levels and across gender. This study is conducted with the help of 300 sample data collected from the working population of Bangalore city. To analyze the collected data, the statistical tools like Pearsons correlation, Posthoc ANOVA test and Scheffes and Tukey,s test has been used. This study found that male consumers are more influenced in purchasing products online then female consumers. -
A comparative study on Personality Traits and Optimism among Women Employees and Women Entrepreneurs
This study is an attempt to contribute afresh with a perspective to the field of organization behaviour and psychological resource development with special reference to optimism (success/ lack of success) factors and big five personality traits among women employees and women entrepreneurs. This study provides more insight into the psychological profiles of female employees and entrepreneurs. Success/ lack of success factors and big five traits affects work choices, career choices, retirement choices, and marital choices. Women can be prepared and trained to be successful employees for both large and small organizations. The future policy making agencies can learn lessons to make meaningful plans and policies to prepare future generations for the future challenges of entrepreneurship. Policy makers can promote entrepreneurship through SMEs to strengthen future economy of the nation. This would help to increase the awareness of both educationists and students to follow entrepreneurial careers in the times to come. This study will help to understand entrepreneurial personality traits to carve and trained future entrepreneurs. The pedagogy institutions can train and carve leadership style and success factors amongst future women entrepreneurs. Short training interventions can be designed to develop positive psychological resource capacities which involves training the employees in set goals and engage in contingency planning to overcome potential obstacles. This training will lead to optimistic style and pessimism can be avoided.These activities and exercises also trigger self confidence among these employees. This also facilitates their emotional and behavioural adaptation at workplace. Hence the level of employees psychological capacities will increase.. 100 women employees from 5 employment sectors and 100 women entrepreneurs from 5 different sectors were the surveyed for the study. The sectors used for the study were manufacturing, IT services, services, trading and professionals.For employees sample was drawn from executive, sr.executive, assistant managers and manager??s level.The type of the organization studied were proprietorship, partnership, private limited and public limited. The tools used for the study are: 1. Optimism: Attribution of success and failure inventory- ASUFA-G. This is the inventory developed by Uday Paareek. It has got eight dimensions developed by Weiner 1974 and Seligman 1991. 2. Big Five Personality tool developed by psychologists John, Donahue and Kentle in 1991. It has got five dimensions. Major findings of the study 1. The study found that there was no relationship between big five personality traits and success and lack of factors among women employees. 2. The research revealed that there was significant relationship between big five personality traits and success and lack of success factors among women entrepreneurs. Extraversion was positively correlated with self directedness, self confidence and group directedness and negatively correlated with compliance. However the highest significance being compliance which is negatively correlated and the lowest being group directedness It was found that agreeableness was positively correlated with optimism and hope . The highest relationship being optimism and lowest positive relationship being hope. It was found that conscientiousness was positively correlated with self directedness optimism self confidence and hope and negatively correlated with fatalism. The highest significance being self directedness and lowest being fatalism which is negatively correlated. 3. The study conducted revealed that among big five personality traits it was found that extroversion and conscientiousness significantly influenced the lack of success factors among women entrepreneurs however the significance is negative. 4. It was found that the big five personality traits significantly influenced success factors among women entrepreneurs. Among these extraversion and conscientiousness positively influenced the success factors. The highest influence was conscientiousness followed by extroversion. 5. Very interesting observation was that there was no significant influence of big five personality traits on success factors and lack of success factors among women employees. 6. The findings revealed that no significant difference was found with the success factor self directedness, optimism, hope and lack of success factor fatalism, pessimism, among women employees vs. women entrepreneurs. 7. It was found that women entrepreneurs have higher group directedness and compliance compared to women employees. Whereas, in self confidence, women entrepreneurs are more confident when compared to women employees. 8. The study revealed an interesting facet that there was significant difference with neuroticism, extraversion and openness to experience between women employees and women entrepreneurs. Extraversion and openness to experience was more with women entrepreneurs compared to women employees and neuroticism was more with women employees compared to entrepreneurs. -
Rapid growth in IT sector poses unprecedented challenges to HR practices in organizations, which are primarily driven by constant pressure to recruit suitable candidates, meet the expectations of the new entrants and to reduce attrition. Some of the typical HR challenges faced by the rapid growth sectors are the expanding job demands that impact the structure and culture of the organization, the large recruitment of the new entrants and systematized induction training demands. In this dissertation, the focus is on understanding the socialization tactics of the new entrants in IT sector in terms of their role orientation, adjustment, organizational culture, self-efficacy and the overall satisfaction. Organizational Socialization of new employees has always been a critical process for most of the organizations. Over the years multiple aspects of socialization have been studied and the research on socialization has viewed it from multiple perspectives. Initially it was viewed as the process through which organizations acculturate the new entrants. However much of the recent research view it as a learning process in which the entrants role is much more important and organizations can only manage that process. The importance of socialization in organization needs to be overemphasized, as it is one of the essential components of building and maintaining organizational culture. The aspect of understanding organization culture is not a very new phenomenon but in most of the Indian organizations this study has not got momentum. Self-efficacy refers to ones personal belief regarding how capable one is in controlling events and situations in ones life, such as performing or completing specific tasks and behaviours. Socialization research has been conducted in several contexts. However, the context of IT sector has mostly been neglected. In the context of India there hasnt been much study. The lack of research this context coupled with contextual features of IT sector, which indicate greater new entrants self-efficacy with respect to their socialization tactics, has been the prime motive for this study. From such an interactionist perspective, it is necessary to investigate how both individual and organizational factors combine to influence (1) newcomers' subsequent adjustments to organizations (2) their role behaviours and (3) moderating effects of self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is to address these issues. The dependent variable is newcomers adjustment which is measured in terms of role outcomes such as role orientation, role conflict, role ambiguity and personal outcomes such as commitment to organization, intention to quit and job satisfaction. Independent variable is socialization tactics (collective vs. individual; formal vs. informal; investiture vs. divestiture; sequential vs. random; serial vs. disjunctive and fixed vs. variable). The moderating variables are demographic components such as gender, age, qualification, marital status, zone from where respondent has completed highest education, work-experience duration, number of past job experiences newcomers have and their future career choices. This study viewed socialization from an interactionist perspective and has investigated the link between socialization tactics and new entrants satisfaction. This study generated responses from newcomers having not more than 18 months of work- experience in a particular organization. The research includes responses from IT sector in Bangalore. A detailed standardized Questionnaire was adapted to be used as an instrumentation tool. The questionnaire was completed by 306 respondents using convenient sampling technique. The statistical techniques adopted are Cronbachs alpha reliability test, Descriptives (means and standard deviations), Percentile Quartile, Bivariate Correlations and ANOVA. Seven hypotheses were tested and analyzed. Innovative role orientation has a significant correlation with sequential random, serial disjunctive and fixed variable. A high score on orientation indicates an innovative role orientation in which a new entrant attempts to alter procedures for performing a role, the purpose of role itself, or both. There is significant influence of sequential random tactic followed by formal informal on the role orientation of the employees. In previous studies it was observed that invidualised tactics was positively correlated to innovative role orientation. But in current study the researcher found that institutionalized tactics were positively correlated to innovative role orientation. There is no significant influence of organizational culture on the satisfaction of the newcomers. The detailed findings, conclusions, and suggestions for further research have been discussed. Key Words: Organizational culture, Newcomers socialization tactics and Self-Efficacy -
Adoption of Digital Technologies in Channel Management of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
The main thrust of this research is in the area of adoption of digital technologies in channel management of pharmaceutical industry in India. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is making rapid strides in the past decade, and is recognised internationally .However, the adoption of electronic methods like the internet, extranet, barcoding, digital data bases, e-payments, RFID and others are only at a nascent stage. This inertia is likely to affect the growth projectile of the industry. The international stature which the industry is acquiring will be at stake. The study attempts to assess the current status of adoption of digital technologies with particular reference to contributing factors that can trigger rapid growth. It assesses the respondents expectation of the benefits of digital adoption. It also deals with the factors which will help the industry to transit from legacy systems to digital technologies. This information was obtained through structured questionnaire administered to respondents who had experience in the distribution aspects of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The research revealed that although implementation of electronic methods was at an early stage, the expectation regarding the benefits of employing this technology was high. The study also found that some of the tools which were necessary to transit from legacy systems to digital technology were in a nascent stage of its use. -
A Study on Identifying Causes for Non Institutional Deliveries among Beneficiaries of National Rural Health Mission
With the aim of ??Health for all and Health everywhere??, several health programs have been launched in the country and worldwide. National Rural Health Mission has been started in the country as well as Karnataka in order to improve our health care delivery system with a strong focus on improving health outcomes especially among women, children and vulnerable population. Bringing healthcare to the door steps of the poor rural population is one of the criticisms under National Rural Health Mission. The main goal of National Rural Health Mission is to bring down maternal mortality and infant mortality by promoting 100% institutional deliveries, this is also above goals of millennium development goal 2015. To reach this goals holistic approach is necessary. In Karnataka under National Rural Health Mission, many programs implemented in order to improve the health status of women and children. The programmes are Janani Suraksha Yojana, Prasuthi Arike, Thayibagya, 108 ambulance services, asha workers for every 1000 population and 24/7 Primary Health Centers have been initiated to promote institutional deliveries and to reduce maternal and infant mortality. Apart from the above programmes mother and child tracking system has been introduced in National Rural Health Mission in order to ensure 100% registration of pregnant women and status to ensure institutional deliveries of pregnant. Taking this as a background the study on ??Identifying Causes for Non- Institutional Deliveries??, was taken of by the researcher for identifying the researcher for identifying the reasons for Non-utilization of benefits provided by Government. There is increase of health services in terms of infrastructure, man power, drugs and equipment increase of health institution and other resources. Even though all health facilities are provided, the community is yet to encash the same due to several socio-cultural factors.This study encompass on religious, cultural, economical, infrastructural, medical causes/reasons for non-acceptance of Institutional deliveries which is critical for safe motherhood and child survival. Keywords: Non-institutional delivery, National Rural Health Mission, Pregnancy. -
Taking the road less travelled is one of the more interesting ways to travel as it allows a true glimpse into the truths of a culture. Fortunately for the travellers of today taking the road less travelled is a lot easier than strapping on a backpack and venturing, with only a prayer and hope, into the great unknown with all its variables and discomforts. Rural Tourism is a concept that has revolutionized the tourism industry and for the tourists it has opened a world of new possibilities. Rural Tourism is the cultural equivalent of ecotourism; while the latter is concerned with the preservation of the environment, the former is concerned with preserving and showcasing a ??slice of life- glimpse of a traditional way of life. A National Tourism Policy was introduced in 2002, with rural tourism identified as a focus area to generate employment and promote sustainable livelihoods in the rural areas. While in the initial two years of the scheme, only physical infrastructure (hardware) development activities were taken up under the scheme, from the year 2004-2005 capacity building (software) activities were also taken up. Kumbalangi, a small fishing hamlet based in Kerala was selected by the Government of India to launch its rural tourism project in the year 2003. As of today, there are 36 rural tourism destinations recognised by the Government of India. This study is an attempt to analyse the impacts and measure the perceptions of some of the principle stakeholders involved in the rural tourism project at Kumbalangi. This study focuses on the prime stakeholders namely the local community, local establishments and the Village Panchayat at Kumbalangi to understand the impacts of practising tourism alongside their traditional occupations and the benefits that rural tourism offers to them. It also studies the perception and attitude of tourists regarding the facilities and amenities available at the destination. Both primary as well as secondary tools for data collection were used. Four sets of questionnaires were used for the study. Two structured five point scale questionnaires were administered to the local community and owners of local establishments of Kumbalangi. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the tourists. The Panchayat officials were administered an unstructured questionnaire. The data obtained from the questionnaire was analysed by using various statistical tools such as correlation and ANOVA. The findings indicated that most of the stakeholders involved in the rural tourism project had a positive approach towards the project. -
This is a study conducted amongst working women of the Organised and Unorganised sector in Urban Bangalore. It is an attempt to understand the status of working women within their family by looking at their involvement in key decision making areas. The key areas that have been identified are distribution of household duties and money related decisions. Patriarchal traditions divide household into two domains the female and male domains. The female domain includes household responsibilities like child care, cooking and cleaning that belong to the woman of the house while the male domain includes money related issues where men are the primary breadwinners and decision makers at home. The study looks at the aspect that despite contributing to the family income, working women have very little involvement in the key decisions of the family. The topic of the study has been crystallised after conducting informal discussions with working women of Organised and Unorganised sectors. During the discussions women stated that even though they are working and making contribution to the household income, they do not feel a part of the key decision making areas within the household. The topic of this study has been chosen to clearly understand the role of working women in decision making at home. The two sectors have been chosen to understand the difference in the attitudes of women working in both sectors given the disparity in the level of their income. Random sampling method has been used to select the samples. The total sample size is 129, 66 from Organised sector and 63 from Unorganised sector. The area chosen for data collection from the Organised sector is software firms, apparel firm, educational institutions, insurance firms and banks. In the Unorganised sector the area chosen for the study is Rajendra Nagar, Koramangala in close vicinity to National Games Village, a residential complex. The respondents work as domestic cleaners and housekeeping staff in National Games Village. Primary data has been collected using questionnaire method substantiated by the case study method. The questionnaire had 58 questions along with four case studies. There are four case studies which focus on the involvement of working women from Organised and Unorganised sectors in decision making within the family to get a better understanding of their day to day lives. The findings of the study are discussed in this dissertation.