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Responsible Service of Alcohol: An Evaluation of Policies and Practices of Five Star Hotels in Karnataka
Networking and socializing has been a human practice since ancient times and alcohol has been the social lubricant ??yesterday, today and also tomorrow. While we cannot trace its origin to a particular culture or civilization, its role and impact has been recorded in ancient texts and literature across cultures. A person can get drunk for a few rupees or spend a few lakhs for the same. It is consumed across social classes- by a daily wage worker to a business tycoon. The only thing differentiating the two being the price he has paid for the drink and the glass he is having it from. Even though the price and glass differs the effect it has on a person is more or less the same. This research and study is based on the belief that alcohol in itself is not the major cause of all the issues and troubles it is blamed for, but it is the nature and manner in which it is treated, consumed and served. This study is based on the latter aspect, ????the service of alcohol???. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, alcohol is a social lubricant and bars and restaurants have always been a popular place for socializing. The people who deal with the sale and service of alcoholic beverages along with the management and owners have a moral responsibility to ensure that alcohol is both served and consumed responsibly. This practice of Responsible Beverage Service or Responsible Service of Alcohol might look simple and easy on paper but to practice it, is a different story! It involves the support and approval of all the stakeholders. The owner and management on their part have to compromise on the earnings from the extra sale alcohol. The server has the additional responsibility of checking that his customers are not getting intoxicated and that he is following all the rules and regulations associated with alcohol service and above all the consumers too have to support and accept responsible service practices by the establishment. This study has looked into the practice of Responsible Beverage Service followed in the bars and restaurants in five star hotels, in the state of Karnataka. The initial study involved a review on early research and study on Responsible Beverage Service, Its impact on controlling alcohol abuse and intoxication, Responsible Beverage Service practices and various other dimensions and issues associated with Responsible Service of Alcohol. VII This research has focused on both the consumer as well as the server???s perspective on Responsible Beverage Service. The primary data for the study was collected from both consumers and hotels through a structured questionnaire, followed by data analysis using the appropriate tool. The findings give an insight and understanding into the acceptance of responsible beverage service in the state. What works and what needs to be improved? The practices which has the most impact in controlling alcohol abuse and answers to other questions associated with the study. -
Employee performance prediction model /
With the dominance of knowledge power in the success of an organization, competent human resource has become crucial for realization of organizational objectives. Human Resource Management, HRM is a set of tasks to maintain and develop a proficient human resource. A performance appraisal process helps the HRM in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an employee. This evaluation of employee is based on several different parameters according to the work domain and organizational objectives. This activity of employee evaluation has a high significance in making strategic decisions of manpower planning than just salary reviews. The objective of the prediction model constructed in the study is to assist HR personnel in decision making by predicting the performance of an employee. -
Identifying the Existing Oral Proficiency Testing Patterns
The research aims to identify the different activities or patterns used for the teaching and testing of oral proficiency. Furthermore, the issues in the assessment of oral proficiency are also analyzed. The data was collected from the English teachers teaching in the selected Aided Kerala State Syllabus Schools in Trivandrum, Kottayam and Pathanamthitta districts from the grades 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. The present study incorporated an exploratory research design based on a qualitative approach. The sample size consists of eleven teacher participants that were selected based on purposive sampling. The research study was divided into three phases. The phase 1, consists of open-ended questionnaire which were distributed to eleven teachers and the data obtained was categorized into different themes based on the responses from the teacher participants. Phase 2 consists of classroom observations of eleven teachers in which three teaching sessions per teacher and a total number of one thousand two hundred eighty-seven students were observed based on the classroom observation checklist. Moreover, phase 3 consists of interviews among the eleven teacher participants to gain further insights. The findings of the present research based on the analysis of the phase1, phase 2 and phase 3, indicates that the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach is an effective approach to enhance the oral proficiency of the students. Moreover, the teaching and the testing patterns implemented by the school teachers are considered effective as it enables them to teach and to assess the oral proficiency of the students in a systematic manner. The research findings based on the triangulation prove that the use of reading, role play and storytelling are found to be consistent across the three phases and are commonly used by the teachers to enhance the oral proficiency of the students in the English language viii classrooms. Moreover, in the triangulation of assessment of oral proficiency, it has been observed that the activities such as reading and role play are found to be consistent across the three phases and are commonly used by the teachers. Furthermore, regarding the issues in the assessment of oral proficiency, lack of time is considered as one of the issues that is consistent across the three phases. The overall analysis of this research indicates that there is a positive or a parallel impact between the CLT approach and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) on the development of the oral proficiency of the students. The researcher suggests that there should be a standardized assessment tool to test the oral proficiency of the students in order to ensure grading consistency among the test assessors in the Kerala State Syllabus Schools. -
A study of Malayalam amateur music videos on YouTube
The research is a study on the amateur music video trend that has created a buzz among the Malayalee audience. The researcher intends to find the reason behind such a success despite of receiving negative criticisms. The topic is given importance as such amateur videos have been becoming very famous among Malayalee audience. The Malayalam amateur video trend on YouTube has paved its way and a lot of people have started noticing this. Though these videos lack in a lot of aspects they are a huge success. The researcher is keen on finding reasons as to how and why these videos gain so much attention. The researcher also wishes to find the audience perspective towards such videos and their opinion about the same. The levels unto which people gain publicity through such videos are remarkable. It also creates an impact on the minds of the viewers. The creators of such videos have a lot of expectations in mind when they create such videos which may or may not be fulfilled. Two songs are taken up by the researcher and a detailed study is done on the same. Quantitative data collection method is followed. The study is supported by a questionnaire which is distributed to 80 respondents. The creators of such amateur videos have gained so much popularity. This raises a lot of questions whether such videos will be still appreciated and encouraged in the future even after so much of criticisms. The researcher wishes to unveil the answers to such questions. -
Intention to Stay in Relation to Organisational Socialisation Processes
Attrition is significant in an organisation as replacing human capital bears a significant cost. This study focuses on the effect of organisational socialisation processes, followed in Indian and Multinational BPO organisations on an employees intention to stay within that organisation. A field research with 395 samples was steered using a standardised 21 item questionnaire, to capture the four constructs of Organisational Socialisation and Intention to stay. Results show that there a significant relationship is prevalent between Intention to Stay and Organisational Socialisation in BPOs. Also, amongst the dimensions of organisational socialisation, future prospects and understanding of the role were associated significantly with intention to stay. It is acknowledged that higher organisational socialisation leads to greater intention to stay among employees. The critical purpose in employee retention includes keeping the organisation relevant to the employees by carefully creating their career development plans, helping them manage their work-life balance, and providing timely recognition of talent and then rewarding them. This is imperative to the HR Management as a remedy to soaring attrition rates which is also due to Future prospects and Understanding of the role, as per the findings. Keywords: organisational socialisation, intention to stay, business process outsourcing, attrition, turnover intention -
Capital Punishment is a much debated topic in the country and around the world. Films are a major of information where one can propagate an idea to a wide range of audience. Being a topic of general concern, it is important to discuss the relevance of capital punishment on screen (in a movie) and carry forth the happening debate onscreen. The paper tries to do a comparative study between English and Indian movies dealing with the topic. -
Education, in any form of media is an aspect for the audience and it is immensely newsworthy. When the broadcast media counterparts are dominating the print scene, it is important that the newspapers introduce new sections to attract the audience and increase readership. Times of India, the leading Indian English daily is known for its innovative features and stylish presentation. The researcher will look at the serious side of the newspaper and try to establish the efforts and the ideas gone behind covering the education subject and establishing a trust between its readers on education. The researcher will try to identify and analyze the different kinds of features and articles which are constantly placed for the education section and which are different from any other daily newspaper. The paper tries to find out how effective these segments on education can be on the readers. -
The study aims to understand the influence of hypnotic relaxation on stress among BSc. Nursing Students. It tries to find out whether hypnotic suggestions can be useful in dealing with stressful events in their hospital and study level experiences. Convenience sampling technique was employed. The GHQ -12 was administered as a screening tool to the 1st and 2nd year nursing students from NIMHANS. 60 BSc. nursing students were selected after GHQ screening. These 60 participants responded as having high perceived stress and divided into two groups. The experimental group had 30 participants and control group had 30 participants. Post assessment indicated that the experimental group who were provided with regular hypnotic relaxation had significantly reduced their perceived stress. Key Words: Hypnotic Relaxation, Stress, BSc. Nursing Students. -
Analysis of Web Mining Patterns Using Custom-Built Apriori Algorithm
The dissertation entitled Analysis of Web Mining Patterns Using Custom-Built Apriori Algorithm has developed a custom-built apriori algorithm for the discovery of association rules in web log data. Web server log containing the information about all the web requests to the Christ university website is used for analysis. The methodology adapted by this research is a four step process, containing data preprocessing, frequent pattern discovery, analysis and developing a tool for implementing web mining. The custom built apriori takes the preprocessed weblog file as input and generates the frequent folders and the relationship among them. This thesis has also developed a tool written in java for this web usage mining process. The tool assists the user to execute the custom built apriori algorithm and to view the associations among folders based on the given support and confidence values to the tool. The web is a highly dynamic information source. Most of the organisations put information on the web because they want it to be seen by the world. Now a days the web is well beefed up with more information in an unstructured fashion. As the web and its usage continue to grow, there is an opportunity to analyse web data and extract useful knowledge from it. The objective of this research is to predict the user behaviour in interacting with the website that helps the website designer in improving the quality of website. The dissertation is organised into 5 chapters. Chapter1, Introduction starts with a brief overview of web mining and presents the objective of the study and the problem statement. Chapter 2, Literature review, discusses background work in the field of web mining and pattern discovery. Chapter 3, methodology elaborately discusses the process used for analysing the web patterns. Chapter 4 is dedicated for results and discussion. Chapter5, conclusion, summarises the inferences concluded based on the results obtained. The chapter also discusses the limitations and challenges and concludes with future scope of the study. KeyWords: Web Mining, Preprocessing, Web Server log, Frequent pattern