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Environmental Reporting Practices : Evidence From Indian Commercials Banks
The last decade has witnessed increasing concern towards the environment due to the ravages inflicted on them by mankind. With the concept of sustainable development perpetually growing over the years, global institutions have been acknowledging their other duties towards the society, and have been integrating environmental practices into their strategic framework to significantly contribute to the sustainable bandwagon. However, since the financial crisis of newline2008, it has been found that banking institutions have become active participants in fostering environmental sustainability. Also, due to the increased awareness and pressure from the stakeholders, these institutions have been reporting their environmental initiatives and practices in their bank reports and websites. The extensive review of the literature reveals that there are hardly any studies that have been carried out in the Indian context, pertinently in the banking sector. Therefore, considering this as a major research gap, the present study aims to comprehensively evaluate the environmental reporting practices of selected commercial banks in India for the period from 2011 to 2022. newlineThis study follows an explorative and descriptive research design, with a deductive research approach. However, this research is based on secondary data, and adopts both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Following the judgmental sampling technique, the sample of the study consists of thirty public and private commercial banks in India. The content analysis technique has been adopted to extract environmental information from bank reports and websites using the developed environmental reporting index. The independent sample t-test is newlineused to compare the environmental reporting performance of public and private-sector newlinecommercial banks. This study analyses the relationship between environmental reporting and bank-specific characteristics using the Pearson correlation coefficient analysis. -
Environmental Sustainability in Tourism : Developing Green Service Transportation Intiatives in Karnataka
Environmental sustainability in transportation aims to decrease carbon emissions and preserve resources, while ensuring that the rise of tourism is in harmony with ecological preservation. Adopting sustainable mobility in ecotourism destinations entails utilizing renewable energy sources and enhancing green transport systems, thereby benefiting both environmental preservation and visitor contentment. This study investigates the dynamics of green transportation practices within the context of ecotourism destinations, focusing on Karnataka, India. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines quantitative surveys with newlinequalitative interviews of tourism logistics service providers. Through exploratory factor analysis, the study identifies key factors influencing green initiatives, drivers, and challenges faced by tourism logistics service providers. Hypothesis testing and path analysis affirm the relationships among internal initiatives, external drivers, challenges, and environmental sustainability newlineperception. The qualitative analysis extracts insights from tourism logistics service providers, tourism stakeholders revealing diverse perspectives on progress, green initiatives, challenges, and government support. The study concludes with a roadmap for sustainable tourism development, emphasizing policy formulation, feasibility assessment, stakeholder collaboration, newlineand tourist education. The implications and recommendations underscore the need for ongoing government intervention, infrastructure development, and community engagement to foster a holistic and sustainable approach to green transportation in ecotourism destinations. -
Equality Versus Discretion in Imposing Death Penalty in The Criminal Justice System : A Comparative Analysis Between India, UK and USA
The criminal justice system has two phases, namely, pre-conviction and postconviction, which are based on some theories which have to be exercised by the four major organs of administration of the criminal justice system, namely police (investigation), prosecution, defence and judiciary as well as correctional institutions. For this purpose, every legal system permits this mechanism to exercise equality and discretion at various phases such that justice is served according to the procedure established by law as it is required. The attempts to maintain a balance between the two in the sphere of criminal justice had begun long ago, although not succeeded yet by various countries. In the United States, more equality is emphasised in the postconviction stage. It focuses on offence egalitarianism quotrather than quotoffender egalitarianismquot. In Europe, the position is almost contrary. In India, strict adherence specifically to neither equality nor discretion at any step cannot be traced out. However, when it comes to sentencing cruel and heinous crimes, almost all countries fix a definite punishment where there is a broad scope for judicial discretion, often ending up squeezing the discretion to attain the idealistic concept of equality. This Study aims to discuss and point out the merits and demerits of the said system with suggestions. -
Establishing a service composition framework for smart healthcare system
As the idea of location awareness has already matured and numerous applications are flooded in today s word, the logical next step reasons out, to context-awareness. Though the idea of context-awareness has been in the newlineresearch field for close to two decades, the recent advancement in Internet of Things has brought a more compelling thrust in its research. Sensor networks integrating billions of sensors and actuators will be prevalent in the near future producing big data. Filtering and analysing this data with the contextual information will yield more significant results. But deducing the newlinecontext information itself poses many challenges and unresolved research problems. Context-awareness systems involve acquiring, analysing, reasoning the data and composing the services for suitable action. Service newlinecomposition either by orchestrating or choreographing technique has been deployed in certain applications, however, each domain requires unique methodology. Healthcare has always been the top priority when it comes to newlineapplying novel technologies. Applying context-awareness computing in the healthcare service sector is of paramount importance. newlineThe problem context for this research lies in a cardiology speciality hospital s Intensive Therapy Unit or the post-surgery recovery ward which has lot of scenarios emanating that involves course of actions to be delivered by the healthcare professionals depending on the context. Depending on newlinemere human service may not be adequate. With the available advancements in technologies, it would be possible to leverage optimum service in that time critical situations, provided technology can sense the changes in context and act accordingly. The course of actions to be taken involves an amalgamation of understanding the location, presence availability, relevance of and coordination among various departments, machines and personnel. This can be summarized as Response with Context-Awareness . newline -
Evaluation of Bending Stiffness of Transmission Line Conductors
Cables are made of helically wound wires and have a wide range of engineering applications. This thesis considers the use of such cables in overhead electrical power transmission lines. The loading on such cables is generally axial pull or tension and torsion. The oscillation of the overhead power transmission lines due to the wind or static bending in any applications, newlineintroduce an additional bending load on such cable assemblies and are subjected to varying newlinebending curvatures and results in reduction in bending stiffness. The effective stiffness of the cable assembly in its bent state varies widely between two extreme newlinebehaviours a monolithic infinite friction state offering the maximum stiffness and a newlinecompletely loose wire zero friction state offering the minimum thickness. Due to the wide variation of this extreme values, the estimation of the cable stiffness at any intermittent stage of bending has been quite challenging and is under continuous refinement. Though many mathematical models are stipulated in the last seven decades in cables, seldom they consider the influence of wire forces and moments about its normal, bi-normal, and axial directions together, in any analysis and evaluated the cable response. newlineThe dominant wire force and moments about the axial directions were never missed by many newlineauthors. Though the global behavior of the cable apparently seems to be all right even with the omission of some forces/moments, the mechanism of its constituent wires needs a fully proven scientific explanation that predicts the local behavior also correctly. The ultimate response of the cable will be complete when accurate theories are attributed for the global and local newlinebehaviours. Hence, this research work addresses the complete mechanics of the helically wound cables and considers the influence of wire forces and moments, in all the three directions, together in the newlineanalysis and evaluates the cable response. -
Experience and Agency of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Schools : An Ethnographic Study in Haryana, India
India currently has more than 24 million children within the age group of 0-18 years experiencing some form of disability. Among them, India has the highest population of children at risk of developmental disabilities (UNICEF, 2011). However, there is a significant dearth of knowledge regarding their lived experiences. Surprisingly, qualitative understandings of the lives of children with intellectual disabilities within their school environments are lacking in India. Thus, this research aims to fill this gap by focusing on comprehending the lived experiences and agency of these children within their schools, families, and neighborhoods. Recognizing them as social agents has the potential to challenge the marginalized status often attributed to them. The objective of this research was to understand the lived experiences of children with intellectual disabilities across various school setups, including government schools, private schools, and mainstream schools. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the values and perspectives of the schools, school authorities and teachers, and the manner in which children with intellectual disabilities employ their agency in their day- to-day lives within different educational structures. Ethnographic research was, therefore, conducted in four government schools, two private schools and two special schools in Karnal district, Haryana, India. Haryana was chosen due to the existence of previous research on the cultural understanding of disability in the state. A total of 25 children with intellectual disabilities and 44 school teachers were interviewed and observed. Classroom observations and shadowing also served as important methods of data collection. The findings reveal that policies, school structures and processes, as well as teachers' practices and attitudes, continue to perpetuate exclusionary practices for children with intellectual disabilities. The notion of "inclusive schooling" remains superficial within the Indian context. However, within these exclusionary systems and processes, a diverse range of differences were noted in terms of the experiences, beliefs, and preferences of children. These differences are influenced by a complex interplay of their social environment (school and home), cultural norms and personal attributes. Academic aspirations and experiences of personal friendship emerged as dynamic and intricate aspects of their lives. Evaluating these elements presents challenges as children's academic achievements and friendships are continually evolving, forming, and dissolving. Data analysis also demonstrates that children with intellectual disabilities not only actively construct meanings but also possess an awareness of the cultural context in which they exist. Their interactions with others, including the researcher, were heavily influenced by these cultural contexts. Their actions contribute differently to social and relational networks, depending on the barriers they encounter within each institution. The performativity of their agency was explored through an understanding of their "silences," which proved to be an essential element in analyzing their agency.Additionally, their agency was examined through their utilization of digital technologies which was actively used by children to maintain friendships with old friends, to develop new friendships and for entertainment purposes. This research, therefore, aims to integrate the notions of agency, culture, and structure in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of children with intellectual disabilities in various educational environments in an Indian state. -
Experience of Resilience in Women with Breast Cancer : Implication for Resilience-Based Intervention
Breast cancer is prevalent among Indian women and affects their physical, emotional, and social well-being. Resilience in breast cancer refers to the ability to maintain newlinepositivity and adapt to challenges. However, evidence-based studies and theoretical newlineframework interventions on resilience in the Indian context are lacking. The current newlinestudy aims to explore the subjective experience of resilience and intend to provide resilience-based intervention in Indian women with breast cancer. The study also explores sociodemographic, clinical outcomes, relation with resilience, quality of life and posttraumatic growth in the Indian context. The study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological paradigm to understand the patterns, processes and outcomes in exploring the concept of resilience. Purposive sample of 33 participants from two hospitals in Bengaluru, India were recruited. The participants consisted of 21 breast cancer survivors on follow-up, four on anti-cancer therapy and eight family members of breast cancer survivors for triangulation. Along with sociodemographic, clinical details, and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003) to screen for categorising the resilience levels was collected. The in-depth interview guide was validated with experts to collect data. The interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed, and subjected to member checks, triangulation, intercoder reliability, and thick description to ensure the validity of the findings. The data was analysed using reflective thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2019). The finding describes four themes of experience of resilience in women with breast cancer. (1) Cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. Breast cancer diagnosis and therapy causes existential crisis, psychological distress, and social stigma. (2) Restoring healthy perception in an adverse event. Navigating challenges and achieving a balance between internal and newlineexternal factors. (3) Types of support-the pathway to resilience. -
Experiences of mindfulness-based relapse prevention on the smoking behaviour of working women
Smoking is the highest cause of preventable deaths in the world. The number of working women prone to addiction is high due to the levels of stress witnessed. The number of working women who have taken up to smoking has increased and is said to increase by 20 percent by the year 2025 if not addressed. Mindfulness, a Buddhist meditative technique helps with managing addiction to nicotine. Mindfulness based relapse prevention has showed promise to reduce relapse levels amongst people who smoke. The primary objective of the study is to check the experiences of mindfulnessbased relapse prevention (MBRP) on the smoking behaviour of working women in India. An embedded experimental design was carried out on eight working women who were selected using purposeful sampling. The participants went through eight two- hourly sessions of MBRP therapy, one session a week. Three sets of interviews (pre-intervention, mid intervention and post-intervention) were conducted including pre and post-test to check the levels of abstinence self-efficacy, mindfulness, perceived stress and craving. Follow up was carried out one week, one, two and six months post intervention. Thematic analysis was used for interpretation of qualitative data and paired sample t test was used for analysis of quantitative data. Themes that emerged were experiences with the habit of smoking, which included history of newlineinitiation, reasons for smoking, transformation seen and history of quit attempts. Four weeks into the intervention the themes that emerged were impactful components within self, supporting outcomes of practice and challenging experiences. Post the intervention experiencing changes, experiencing challenges through the intervention and strategies for abstinence and continued practice emerged. Mindfulness and abstinence self-efficacy had risen whereas craving and stress had reduced. Follow up at one week showed no changes in results. One and two months follow up showed newlinereduced practice hours of mindfulness with no full-blown relapse. -
Experiences of raising children with autism :
The purpose of the study was to address the gap in the literature related to fathers role and experiences in raising boys with autism in the Indian context. Though the study has tried to homogenise the sample to the best possible extent it does not aim to generalise the results; rather it seeks newlineto get an insight into some facets of the fathers experiences. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used for this study which addressed the three research questions: 1) What are the experiences of fathers before and after the diagnosis of autism? 2) What are the challenges that fathers experience as they raise their child with autism? 3) What are the personal changes that fathers go through as they raise their child with autism? Tied together these research questions sketches the journey travelled by the fathers and gave a sweeping picture of their overall newlineexperiences as fathers of children with autism. The study has mapped and constructed the passage of thirteen fathers of children with autism aged between six to 11 through a one on one interview. All the ethical newlineconsiderations have been followed. The participants were able to provide a rich and detailed account of their experiences of bringing up a child with autism. The analysis was done using Interpretative Phenomenologic alAnalysis. newlineSix major themes emerged from the study. They are 1) Making sense of early warning signs 2) The impact of diagnosis 3) Negotiating the social world 4) Accepting and accommodating autism 5) Personal transformations 6) Bonding with the child. One of the earliest behaviours noticed by all the fathers was a delay in speech. None of the fathers resisted going for a diagnosis. In fact, once they found that something was different in their child, they relentlessly pursued the reason for it. -
Explanations for anomalies in semi strong from of efficient market hypithesis
The tradition notion of efficient market described in the academic literature is quite strong and probably is unrealistic because of following factors: short selling, short covering, fresh buying and profit booking. After all, science is just a human idea about phenomena which can change over time. In real markets, traders can cause markets to be inefficient. According to verifiability newlinetheory of meaning, most of statements are meaningless such as prices reflect earning .in order to make a statement meaningful that statements have to be tested with all ideas related to it. Researcher is testing EMH under various conditions to make meaningful. In this study, researcher is testing so called semi strong under market condition and firm size which is based upon market capitalization. National stock exchange provides classification of companies based newlineupon market capitalization. This is an event study to study stock return to earning newlineannouncements in recession and post recession periods. In other words, testing so called semi strong under market conditions and firm size of market capitalization such as large cap, mid cap and small cap. Researcher uses AARs, CAARS and T-test to study the impact of earning announcements on stock returns. Result of this study shows its onerous to accept semi strong so Fama received the Nobel prize in economics for what? -
Exploring character strength in the functioning and well beings of religious leaders
Positive psychology is the scientific study of optimal functioning, flourishing and well-being of individuals and organizations. The backbone of positive psychology, the character strengths are significant in effective leadership functioning. The current study explored the character strengths development and character strengths utilization in the functioning and well-being of religious leaders (consecrated nuns and priests). There were 17 participants, nine female and eight male consecrated Catholic religious leaders. The study used the mixed design. The Values in Action Tests was administrated to identify leaders top strengths and a phenomenological approach was used to explore character strengths development as well as the usage of character strengths in the functioning of the religious leaders. The findings illustrated that the most prevalent character strengths of leaders are honesty, gratitude, teamwork, fairness, and kindness. The least prevalent strengths are love of learning, humour, appreciation of excellence, zest, judgement and creativity. Results showed that the influencing factors of character strengths development are family influences, experiences at school, formative programmes in the religious formation, critical events and factors enhancing strength. The strength of wisdom and knowledge were used mainly at organizational and administrative level of leadership functioning. Strengths of courage manifested at the implementation level. The strength of humanity is identified as the most striking character strength in leader-member exchange. The strength of temperance has the role of controller in leadership functioning. The strength of justice is seen as a catalyst in promoting cohesion in the community. The leaders pivotal manifestation of the strengths of transcendence is in their intimacy with God that gives higher purpose and meaning in leadership, that is, do the Will of God. Character strengths were found in promoting wellness through achievements, facilitating total engagement, giving a great purpose in leader life and in promoting better leader-follower interactions. The highlighted character strengths that promote well-being were gratitude and appreciation. The study has brought out an ongoing leadership training programme for religious leaders that can be completed in three phases. -
Exploring Determinants of User Generated Context : A Consumer Behaviour Perspective
The advances in digital technology and the Internet have accelerated the growth of the online ecosystem. The ease of access to the Internet by the masses has ensured phenomenal expansion among online users. The past decade newlinewitnessed tremendous growth of online applications, platforms and apps that are newlinehelping to solve complex human needs. The online ecosystem itself witnessed newlinetremendous change, while static information sources have been replaced with dynamic ones that allow online users to participate in the system. The vast information society has transformed from being just the consumer of information to the participant in the generation of the information source. Business finds the exponential growth of online users and their active participation as an opportunity. Business benefits by sensing the market trends quickly in a better newlineway and take timely remedial actions. newlineDespite immense benefits offered by the online mode of business, many challenges have surfaced in recent times on account of ever-increasing technological sophistication and exponential growth of unique and similar newlineproduct offerings and associated reviews. The presence of many similar product offerings and associated reviews creates a technology-induced hurdle, with the potential to impair the rational thought process of consumers, who often search, scan and vote for only the top few reviews of selected products. This has the potential to make aged reviews continuously accumulate votes over time and newlineretain their near top position in the helpful review list, compared to recent quality newlinereviews. The current study applies statistically and scientifically derived newlinehelpfulness scores for ranking reviews and placing them at their appropriate positions. The study derived helpfulness scores enable re-ranking reviews of consumer products. The initial review dataset is constructed from publicly available reviews in -
Exploring Meaningfullness of Life among Survivors of Sex Trafficking in India
Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking which is considered a contemporary form of slavery. It is made up of victims (supply), buyers (demand), and traffickers (distributors). Sex trafficking is a billion dollars industry. It generates more profit than any other industry in the world, illicit or otherwise. It is estimated that one woman or child is commercialized to be a sex slave every hour. The present study aimed to explore the meaningfulness of life among survivors of sex trafficking in India. It is a two-phase research design where the researcher has collected quantitative data first, and qualitative data was collected during the second phase. The qualitative phase comprises data from 126 subjects They were divided into two groups. Group 1, survivors rescued within two years (N=63), and group 2, survivors post two years after the rescue (N=63). Group 1 (M=15.58) scored lower on the meaningfulness of life compared to group 2 (M=23.15). Group 1 (M=16.80) is less satisfied with life compared to group 2 (M=22.65). Group 1 (M=61.09) has a lower quality of life compared to group (M=77.49). Group 1 tends to have lesser positive emotions and more negative emotions compared to group 2. There was a moderate positive correlation between the current meaning in life and satisfaction with life, r=.42, n=126, p<.001. There was a negative moderate correlation between the current meaning in life and negative emotions r=-49, n=126, p<.001, and there was a strong, positive vii correlation between current meaning in life and positive emotions, r=.53, n=126, p<.001. Results from the qualitative phase, which comprises data from 20 participants show that survivors' life in slavery was meaningless and marked by torture and rape. The meaningfulness of life for participants in the current study depends on a new identity, acceptance, education, spirituality, and respect. Those who have children found the meaningfulness of life in motherhood. Participants reported not being fully satisfied with their life and they described what they need to increase their life satisfaction. First is livelihood, that is food and shelter over their heads, good health, and dreams/goals fulfillment that for most of them is to get an education and/or professional training. Survivors reported having more negative emotions than positive emotions. Physical health problems found among participants were headache, gastritis, cough, and fever. Psychological health symptoms found among them were depression, anxiety, isolation, crying spells, and fatigue. Survivors have a limited social life because they distrust almost all people. The environment was found to be unsafe for girls and women and they ask for protection for themselves and for all females in the country. -
Exploring The Multifaceted Benefits Of Strobilanthes Jomyi P. Biju, Josekutty, Rekha & J. R. I. Wood : A Comprehensive Pharmacognostic Investigation On Its Medicinal And Insecticidal Properties
Plant-based medication, is an established practice in Indian medicine, initially newlineinvolvedin the direct use of raw plant parts for treating various health conditions. Later, valuable components are identified, isolated, and utilized to treat diseases. The newlineStrobilanthes Blume genus has a rich therapeutic history around the globe, especially in countries such as India, China, Myanmar, and Thailand. Strobilanthes jomyi, a recently identified species found in Kerala, India is still in wide use by tribal communities in the Kasaragod district for wound healing. This study aimed to evaluate the microscopic, macroscopic, organoleptic, fluorescent, physicochemical, mineral composition, phytochemical, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, antioxidant, anthelmintic, insecticidal, antimicrobial, and cytotoxicity activities of S. jomyi leaves, stem, and root. The different vegetative parts were subjected to Soxhlet extraction using methanol as a newlinesolvent and analysed using standard Protocols. Macroscopic andmicroscopic examinations revealed non-glandular trichomes and paracytic stomata in the leaves, raphides in the stem and petiole, and tannin cells in the root. Cystoliths were observed only in the petiole. Powder analysis exhibited the presence of fibres, trichomes, palisade cells, spiral xylem vessels, bordered pit vessels, and raphides. The leaves contained higher phenolics, flavonoids, carbohydrate, protein, proline, and chlorophyll content compared to the root and stem. The methanolic extract of leaves showed higher antioxidant activities than the root and stem. GC-MS analysis identified bioactive compounds such as 2,4-di-tert-butyl phenol, phytol,squalene, phenol, neophytadiene, and lupeol in the root, stem, and leaves. All vegetative partsof S. jomyi exhibited excellent anthelmintic activity, with the highest newlineobserved in the leaves, followed by the root and stem. Insecticidal activity was only newlineobserved in the leaf extract. Anti-microbial and anti-cancerous activities were remarkable newlineacross all vegetative parts. -
Fabrication of electrochemical sensors for pharmaceuticals and biologically significant molecules
Newer properties of electrochemical sensors for various target molecules are being developed in continuum. Such sensors have attracted a lot of attention due to their simplicity, high sensitivity and trace-level detection of analytes in real samples. Sensor is a system that on stimulation by any form of energy undergoes change in its own state which helps to analyze the stimulant qualitatively and quantitatively. In the thesis studies presented, we have also described the development of electrochemical sensors for the determination of pharmaceuticals and biologically significant molecules. This can be achieved by modifying newlineelectrodes by electrochemical method. Electrode modifiers like metal nanoparticles dispersed on conducting polymers and carbon nanospheres were employed for modification of carbon fiber paper working electrode substrate. These modified electrodes were physicochemically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning newlineelectron microscopy (FESEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron newlinespectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemically characterized using Cyclic voltammetry and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). newlineThe modified electrodes have exhibited remarkable electrocatalytic behaviour towards oxidation or reduction of chosen analytes. These modified electrodes were used as electrochemical sensors after optimization of experimental conditions. Under optimal conditions, the sensors have displayed significantly an ultra-low level detection limit with wide linear response and high selectivity towards analyte in the newlinepresence of other interfering substances. newlineThe ultrasensitivity and reliability of the fabricated sensors towards analyte of interest were effectively determined in real samples. -
Fabrication of Molecularly Imprinted Electrochemical Sensors for Food Additives
Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have emerged as a promising technique for the newlinepreparation of synthetic polymers with specific binding sites for target molecules. These polymers have found applications in various fields, including sensing, where they serve as a recognition element for the detection and quantification of analytes in chemical and biological environments. In recent years, MIPs have been utilized as sensing materials for biomolecules, food additives, pesticides, metal ions, and other target species. This work presents the development of MIP-based electrochemical sensors for the selective and rapid detection of food additives, namely tartrazine, 4-hexylresorcinol, butylated hydroxy anisole, and brilliant blue FCF. Conducting polymers, metal nanoparticles and 2D material-based electrode modifications have been employed in newlinethe preparation of MIPs for electrochemical sensing applications. Investigations reveal newlinea significant enhancement in the electrochemical oxidation/reduction current of the analytes upon the surface modifications applied to the Carbon Fibre Paper (CFP) substrate. The surface morphology of the modified electrodes was characterized using techniques such as Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Electron Diffraction X-ray (EDX), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Optical newlineProfilometry, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Nyquist plots newlinedemonstrated the lowest charge transfer resistance at the finally modified working newlineelectrodes compared to other control electrodes. Optimization of experimental newlineconditions, including pH effects, investigation of reaction mechanisms through scan rate variations, determination of the number of cycles required for film newlineelectrodeposition to achieve maximum current response, and determination of the potential window, was carried out using cyclic voltammetry (CV). The quantification newlineof analytes was performed using Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV). -
Fabrication of Robust Wettability Gradients on Soft Surfaces Through Physicochemical Modulations
The creation of robust surface gradients on soft materials is an emerging area of research in materials chemistry. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), an elastomeric soft material, is widely employed in diverse research fields due to its exceptional properties including ease of processability, newlinebiocompatibility, and transparency. These properties make it an ideal choice for applications in microfluidics, soft robotics, and biomedical devices. Creating surface gradients on soft surfaces can be challenging, requiring expensive chemicals, sophisticated instrumentation, time, and complex experimental setups. This study presents simple and cost-effective methods newlinefor creating chemical (wettability) and physical (morphological) gradients on newlinePDMS surfaces. The methods we developed to create wettability gradients involves (i) newlinecreation of a gradient of crosslinking density on the PDMS surface by using newlinea differential curing method and (ii) selective inhibition of normal curing newlineusing an inhibitor. Contact angle measurements confirm the successful newlinecreation of both radial and linear gradient of surface wettability using both these methods with regions of higher crosslinking density exhibiting higher hydrophobicity. We have also devised an innovative technique for fabricating morphological gradients on soft surfaces. The method makes use of newlinedifferential curing and buckling instability to create hierarchical wrinkled patterns on the PDMS surface. Optical microscopy and profilometry confirm the uniformity, reproducibility, and controlled optical properties of the wrinkled surface patterns. newlineGradients we prepared demonstrated excellent performance in various applications, including water collection, cell adhesion, and triboelectric charge generation. They can be utilized in microfluidics, sensors, and newlinebiomedical devices due to their structural consistency, controllable physical newlineresponses, and reproducibility of the performances. -
Facile Fabrication of Nano carbon Derivatives for Optical and Electro chemical Applications
From synthesis of novel materials to their end-use applications, the prime objective of the material science community is to address the burgeoning social issues across the world. Noxious emissions from fossil fuel combustion, increased incidence of skin cancer, drug misuse, and ever-increasing demand for energy are some of the global concerns that require urgent consideration. This drives a relentless quest for a multifunctional material with broad applicability that can directly and constructively impact the quality of life, environment, and economic progress. However, materials of this kind should embrace versatile characteristics, improved competency, plausibility, and lower cost. In light of this, the current doctoral research emphasizes the development of trailblazing graphene-based materials with manifold usages derived from a naturally abundant carbonaceous fossil fuel coke to discover scientific solutions to the aforesaid trials and tribulations. Fossil fuel coal, mainly used for energy purposes, is often discouraged from industrial and domestic consumption due to its contribution to global warming. Despite the fact that coal is a non-renewable resource and a source of greenhouse gas emissions, it is one of the world's bountiful carbon resources. Therefore, it can be exploited as a potent substitute for conventional graphite, enabling the extraction of value-added graphene derivatives along with the sustainable utilization of coal. However, the purity of the precursor is a vital criterion to guarantee the quality and supply of graphene materials. In this doctoral work, coal-coke with 99% carbon content was used for the production of high-quality oxidized multilayer graphene derivatives by employing an environmentally-benign synthesis technique. The obtained graphene structure exhibited a multi-emissive fluorescence property having emissions ranging from blue to green-yellow. In addition, it also possessed remarkable electrochemical performance, good rate capability, and durability, signifying its expediency in energy storage devices. In an attempt to further enhance the scope of as-synthesized coke-based graphene derivatives, heteroatoms such as nitrogen and phosphorus were introduced into the graphene lattice via substitutional doping. It was perceived that nitrogen doping impressively amended the photophysical properties, especially in terms of quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime. Therefore, the as-synthesized nitrogen-doped multilayer graphene derivative was used as a fluorescent biomarker for imaging melanoma skin cancer cells with the purpose of early detection. Wherein co-doping of nitrogen and phosphorus endorsed excellent electrochemical characteristics and sensing performance, owing to the synergistic effect from heteroatoms and the imparted structural corrugations. Thus, by utilizing the as-synthesized nitrogen, phosphorus co- doped heteroatom derivative, oxytocin, a high-risk abused drug, was electrochemically detected in an nM range and validated the possibility of real-time surveillance over its mishandling in edibles and biological models. The coke-based graphene derivatives were further refashioned to obtain optimum textural and surface chemistry characteristics beneficial for energy storage characteristics. Accordingly, simultaneous heteroatom-doping and activation of graphene derivative were achieved. The obtained sample had a high surface area, hierarchical porous structure, increased defect densities, and co-active heteroatom enriched graphene network, suggesting its potential as an electrode material for supercapacitor applications. It was observed that the as-synthesized simultaneously heteroatom-doped and activated samples demonstrated high capacitance value, appreciable cyclic stability, and lower charge-transfer resistance. Henceforth, such enhanced supercapacitive performance points toward the cradle-to-gate transformation of fossil fuel, i.e., the conversion of sluggish black coal to green energy. -
Factors influencing family reintergration of children in conflict with law
The Children in Conflict with Law (CCL) is one of the two categories of children under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 (JJA, 2015). The behaviour formation of the CCL is significant because it could help the children: (a) from being a possible threat to society, and (b) being disciplined at all stages of their growth. The failure of newlinebehaviour correction of CCL may lead to severe recidivism, and can potentially newlinetransform them into experienced criminals who would not be tolerated by any society. newlineReintegration of CCL back into their family is the best solution for the problem. The newlineresearch Factors influencing family reintegration of CCL is an attempt to find the factors influencing these children, their family environment, and the society as a newlinewhole for reintegration. This fact-finding study has been completed with an explanatory sequential method in a mixed-research approach. The child offender s demographic details, personality, family environment, social support, and protective factors were part of this research s study. The data were collected both quantitatively and qualitatively. The self-made interview schedules and a standardised tool of the newlineBig Five Personality Inventory were used quantitatively. Case studies through in depth interviews and observations were applied qualitatively to collect data. Simple newlinefrequency analysis and cross-case study with thematic analysis have been used for newlineanalysing the data. Though many powerful social support systems like the Juvenile newlineJustice Board (JJB), District Child Protection Unit (DCPU), Police and Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) supported the reintegration of CCL actively, the newlinepersonality of the children and their family environment with its traditions had created adverse effects on the attempts towards reintegration. Twenty to thirty per cent newlineof successful reintegration proves that a scientific and timely intervention can solve newlinethe problems of juvenile delinquency to a great extent. -
Financial Capability and Decision Making Effects on Financial Wellbeing of Women in Community Based Organisations
Financial Social Work (FSW) is a multi-disciplinary interactive approach that deals with financially vulnerable populations financial issues/solutions. FSW deals with individual, family and community wellbeing by increasing access to good financial services, asset-building opportunities, financial education and guidance. The two concepts newlineunderlying FSW are financial capability and financial wellbeing. Financial capability is increasingly becoming a priority for policymakers, social workers, academicians and organisations of economic and social newlinesignificance. In India, limited studies are available for measuring the financial capability of Indian citizens. While literature suggests various studies on financial capability and financial wellbeing, the focus on their combined effect has been limited. The feminisation of poverty is an newlineessential topic when discussing the capability and wellbeing of women. This refers to the increasing tendency for those in poverty to be women and children due to the reasons such as economic conditions, demographic composition and government policy. Hence, it is relevant to consider newlinewomen as the focus point of the study. The present study measures women s financial capability and examines how demographic factors influence the same. The study also explores the impact of financial capability on the decision making ability and financial wellbeing of women associated with Community Based Organisations (CBOs). It further newlineexamines whether the decision making ability mediates between financial capability and financial wellbeing. Primary data was collected from the respondents through a structured questionnaire to identify and establish these aspects. In total, 1000 women who were associated with the CBOKudumbashree in the state of Kerala, India, identified through the multistage sampling technique, participated in the survey-based study.