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A Study on Domination in Signed Graphs
Signed graphs, which represent the positive and negative interactions between networks, have gained signifcant attention in various felds, particularly social network analysis. Domination, a fundamental concept in graph theory, is important in understanding the structural characteristics of graphs and determining the minimum number of vertices needed to cover the entire graph. However, research on domination in the context of signed graphs has been limited, with most studies focusing on graphs. This thesis explores a variant of domination called restrained domination in signed graphs and investigates the characteristic properties of these signed graphs in relation to the restrained domination number. Throughout the thesis, we establish exact values and bounds for the restrained domination number in diferent classes of signed graphs. Additionally, we examine the restrained domination property in various derived signed graphs, including the line signed graph, semi-total point signed graph, semi-total line signed graph, and total signed graph. Additionally, we study criticality concepts associated with the restrained domination number in signed graphs. Specifcally, we analyze the efects of removing edges or vertices from signed graphs, as well as adding edges in signed graphs, on the restrained domination number. Further, we extend the concept of restrained domination number to encompass various variants, namely connected restrained domination number, restrained double domination number, and total restrained domination number for signed graphs. We derive relevant results and newlinefindings for these parameters, contributing to a deeper understanding of domination newlinein signed graphs. -
An Anthropologically comprehensive model of education
The educational realm we find ourselves in owes much to the work of philosophers. Educational policy and practice have evolved and progressed across the centuries through their influence, some of which have been through great social travails. Humanity has sifted and accepted them through careful consideration. However, not all philosophies are entirely beneficial. Some are given to aberrations. This doctoral dissertation is a systematic look at some of these philosophies, which on critical evaluation, reveal fault lines in our educational enterprise. newlineThe contemporary educational scenario is dominated by idealism and consumerism and, as such, falls short of promoting the comprehensive welfare of the anthropos or the human person. We present a thesis newlinestatement and employ the historico-critical methodology to examine these issues and use logical, ethical and moral arguments, besides, supporting texts, aphorisms and thought experiments to argue for our position. Jean-Paul Sartre had stated that philosophical anthropology is the study of the essence of the human being and the human condition. With its roots planted there, we present a conceptual model of the anthropos that could serve as the starting point for educational policy. We put forward five dimensions to be catered to by any educational program and call it the newlineAnthropo-Centered Model of Education or ACME. That completes Part I of the dissertation. newlineIn Part II, we explore the five dimensions. The attempt has been to zero in on the underlying issues and elucidate them. At some places, we use analysis, at others, speculation and close synthetically as we integrate our model. The dissertation ends with the prospectus of a high school, newlineenvisioned on the basis of this research, to come up in the city of Bangalore. -
The Impact of corporate governance and capacity utilization on zimbabwe aviation industry
The study investigates the impact of corporate governance and capacity utilization on Zimbabwe Aviation industry, focusing on Air Zimbabwe Holdings. The study examined and newlinecritically analyzed the governance process and level of capacity utilization of the aviation industry in Zimbabwe. The major objectives of the study were to analyze the impact of failures and weaknesses of corporate governance on Air Zimbabwe Holding and to measure the extent of capacity utilization in Air Zimbabwe Holding and its impact on the unit cost of service. The study utilized mixed method where both quantitative and qualitative research methods were combined in the research design. The research philosophy is rooted in both positivism newlineand Interpretivism. The philosophy accommodates the realist ontology and interpretivist. Quantitative approach was used because of its easiness in data analysis. Qualitative method was also used because of its in-depth approach in understanding phenomena under study. The population of this study constituted the board of directors of Air Zimbabwe, the owner newlineand the executive management. The population was considered given the nature of the study newlinethat is corporate governance. The research used questionnaires and interview techniques in collecting primary data. Secondary data was derived from different search engines, books and company periodicals. The research instruments, questionnaires were tested for reliability using Cronbach s Alpha at coefficient of 70. Content analysis of secondary data was used to define a check list of qualitative variables on corporate governance. The hypothesis was tested by means of Analysis of variance. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyse newlineprimary data. The SPSS was used to create a code book that enabled different scientific tests to be carried out. Frequency analysis was run in order to clean the data.ANOVA inferential statistics in the form of p-values for each of the independent variables was performed. -
Psychological capital in positive ageing :
Positive ageing is feeling good and maintaining a positive attitude, keeping healthy and being fully involved in life. Older adults add value to family and society by sharing of wisdom, gratitude,spirituality, resilience, optimism, hope and confidence (PsyCap). These are the mental resources that developed through their life experiences when things went well and when faced with challenges. The aim was to understand the process of development of psychological capital in positive ageing. The participants were chosen purposively, older adults 70-80 years, men and women, retired, tenth standard, middle socio-economic status, spouses have expired and living with family. They were interviewed with a validated semi structured interview schedule. Themes were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, substantiated by verbatim from participant interviews and connections with existing theories and literature. Three super ordinate themes emerged, Factors that promote the development of PsyCap varies , Personal trauma and inadequacies as learning opportunities and Spiritual and philosophical ways of adaptation . Results indicated that support from family and friends and their internal strength helped them face adversity and aided in the development of optimism, hope, gratitude, confidence and self-belief. Challenges, lack of adequate resources and retirement were opportunities for learning as they facilitated the growth of PsyCap. Participants were grateful for effectual social support in time of grief. Their resilient attitude kept them positive and helped to prioritize goals effectively. Religion and spirituality provided solace and meaning to their lives, reflection led to the evolving of a philosophy that left them feeling fulfilled as they reached out to those in need. The study has implications for promoting a positive and healthy attitude towards older adults and sensitising family, caregivers and policy makers. -
Predictive analytics for cardiac arrhythmia using machine intelligence
Myocardial Infarction (MI) is the primary cause of death worldwide. MI occurs when a plaque buildup in the inner surface of the coronary artery suddenly ruptures and prevents the blood flow. A heart attack is medically termed as MI. It is the irreversible damage caused by the prolonged ischemia. Ischemia is nothing but the heart organ doesn t get enough blood and oxygen which is also termed as coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease. The heart gets damaged if it has not received enough blood or oxygen. In connection to the damage of the heart, arrhythmia would occur. Arrhythmia is the problem based on the heart rhythm or rate of the heartbeat. Tachycardia, when there is a fast beat in the heart. Bradycardia, when the heart beats too slow. The common type of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation. The great concern is that the patient who has arrhythmia has to be treated immediately. They lose consciousness in a few minutes when the heart is not pumping enough blood mainly to the brain. Death occurs when the patient is not given emergency treatment. newline Treatment which is included in the emergency is defibrillation and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). CPR is an emergency procedure which is combined with the chest compressions. It is through artificial ventilation which gives manual effort, preserves the brain functions until further treatment for the restoration of spontaneous blood circulation. The common symptoms of sudden cardiac death are chest pain, shortness of breath, severe wheezing, irregular heartbeats, fainting etc. newlineHeart Scar tissue which is not like heart muscle. It doesn t contrast like the normal heart muscle. Heart muscles get damaged for the heart attack patient based on the time of the treatment. The damage of the heart is based on the blockage of the artery. Arrhythmia can be predicted based on the volume of the scar region in the heart. Arrhythmia patients are treated by fixing Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). -
A Study on defective colouring of graphs
If different technology represents distinct colours that are to be located on some geographical region which can be represented as vertices of a graph, then the proper colouring is obtained when no two technology of same type share a common edge between the vertices they are placed on. The minimum number of technology required for such a colouring of a graph is the chromatic number of the graph. However, if the available technology are less than that of the minimum required, then the question arises on how to place the technology on the vertices of a graph in such a way that there is a minimum adjacency between the technology of same type. The solution for this problem can be attained by defining certain rules for the properness of colouring in which a few thresholds are tolerated. We know that, in a proper colouring every colour class is an independent set. If the available colours to colour a graph is less than that of the chromatic number of graphs, then a threshold that can be tolerated is permitting few colour classes to be non-independent set. An edge uv is said to be a monochromatic edge or bad edge if the colours assigned to both u and v are the same. A near proper colouring of graphs is a colouring that minimises the number of monochromatic edges by permitting few colour classes to have adjacency between the elements in it. The minimum number of monochromatic edges obtained from near proper colouring is called near defect number, denoted by B_k (G). A and#948;^((k))-colouring of graph G is a near proper colouring of G consisting of k given colours, where 1and#8804;kand#8804;and#967;(G)-1, which minimises the number of monochromatic edges by permitting at most one colour class to have adjacency among the vertices in it. The and#948;^((k))-defect number is the minimum number of monochromatic edges obtained from a and#948;^((k))-colouring of graphs and it is denoted by b_k(G). The study concerned is the further work on a near proper colouring and a and#948;^((k))-colouring of graphs. -
Prognosis of Kidney Disease on Ultrasound Images Using Machine Learning
Kidney diseases can affect the ability to clean the blood, filter extra water out of your blood. The kidneys failure will affect the control over blood pressure and sugar level. It can also affect red blood cell production and vitamin D metabolism which is very important for bone health. When your kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluid can build up in the body. This is harmful to the health. This damages the kidney function, can get worse over time, and when the kidneys stop working completely, this is called kidney failure or end-stage renal disease. Not all patients with kidney disease progress to kidney failure. This disease has emerged as one of the most prominent reasons of death and suffering in this century. Recent studies states that, kidney disease affects most of the population and over two million people require kidney replacement. To help prevent Chronic Kidney Diseases and lower the risk for kidney failure, control risk factors for CKD, get tested yearly, make lifestyle changes, take medicine as needed. The detection of kidney abnormalities at their early stages helps to avoid the impairment of newlinekidney. The US imaging is considered as preliminary diagnostic tool in finding various kidney diseases in the clinical imaging field. This is one of the commonly used imaging modalities due to the inexpensiveness and non-ionization nature. The presence of noise in US images, degrade newlinethe quality and clarity of the images. Also, the heterogeneous structure of kidney, makes it very difficult to detect and measure the size of stones and cysts. Hence, an automatic kidney disease detection system is highly in demand. The proposed model can assist the radiologist in accurate abnormality detection. The proposed model includes different phases such as, pre-processing, features extraction, classification and newlinesegmentation. The pre-processing phase include cropping and noise removal. Further, the GLCM and intensity-based features are extracted for the classification of abnormal kidney images. -
Multi-component condesation mediated synthesis of bioactive heterocyclic compounds
Aromatic heterocycles constitute the most diverse family of organic compounds. Moreover, aromatic heterocycles are widely used for the synthesis of dyes and polymeric materials of high value. The development of selective reactions that utilize easily available and abundant precursors for the efficient synthesis of heterocyclic compounds is a long-standing goal of chemical research. Despite the centrality of its role in a number of important research areas, including medicinal chemistry, total synthesis, and materials science, a general, selective, step-economical, and step-efficient synthesis of heterocycles is still needed. newlinePyrano[2,3-c]pyrazole derivatives have been synthesised by a one-pot multicomponent condensation of different aldehydes, dialdehydes, and ketones with malononitrile, ethyl acetoacetate, hydrazine hydrate (or phenylhydrazine) in the presence of magnetic nano-[CoFe2O4] catalyst under ultrasonic irradiation. The catalyst can be retrieved using an external magnet and used repeatedly. A practical, scalable method for obtaining various pyranopyrazoles has been demonstrated. The extraordinary catalytic role of the various catalyst has been discovered in the processes, which reveals a possible character of enhancing reaction rates and stabilising the intermediates during the course of the reactions. -
Graphene and graphene enhanced nanomaterials from biological precursors synthesis characterization and proliferant applications
Graphene family materials with non-photocatalytic biocidal properties are highly sought after in the field of biomedicine and nanobiotechnology. But the applications of graphene-based materials were often hampered by their high production cost, low yield, non-renewable precursors, harmful processing newlinetechniques, etc. In this context, this study presented the successful usage of biomass materials as sustainable feedstock for the production of graphene derivatives. Five raw materials of biological origin namely, coconut shell, wood, sugarcane bagasse, Colocasia esculenta leaves and Nelumbo nucifera leaves, were investigated. The graphitized forms of the above materials were newlineused as precursors for the graphene nanomaterial synthesis. They were chemically oxidized and functionalized with tin oxide nanoparticles to form the composite. Nano-systems obtained using an identical chemical route from a universal source of carbon nanomaterials, namely carbon black, were also newlinestudied for the purpose of validation and comparison. The synthesis protocols adopted for the preparation of graphene-based materials were devoid of hazardous reducing agents or byproducts. The products obtained after each stage of treatment were characterized with the help of various spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. newlineEven though structural properties of all the precursors appeared to be broadly the same, a variation in their morphology and defect density was discerned. Various analyses revealed the formation of graphene oxide domains with distinct dimensions after the oxidative treatment. An increase in defect newlinedensity was also observed due to the intercalation of oxygen groups to the carbon layers. Post composite formation, a distribution of ultrafine tin oxide newlinenanoparticles on the graphene surface was observed. The distribution of oxygen newlinefunctionalities on the carbon backbone were found to play a major role in governing the dispersal of tin oxide particles during the nanocomposite formation. -
Economic Burden and Productivity Loss of Employees with Lifestyle Diseases in Sedentary Occupations During Pandemic
Over the past few decades, the prevalence of Lifestyle Diseases or Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) have increased. There has been an increasing concern about these lifestyle diseases, with hypertension acting as the most prevalent lifestyle disease in the populace. It further exaggerates the issue as its prevalence increases exposure to other lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD). With health being an important component of human capital, the presence of lifestyle diseases has an economic impact on the individual and the organisation. The presence of an illness reduces the productivity level delivered by the individual to work, resulting in productivity loss. Apart from impacting an employee's productivity, the prevalence of lifestyle diseases incurs a significant monetary expense in the form of healthcare required to manage them. This monetary expense is called an economic burden or out-of-pocket expenditure. On these grounds, the current study examines the economic burden and impact on the productivity of employees suffering from lifestyle diseases (Hypertension, Diabetes and CVD) working in sedentary occupations. With lifestyle diseases majorly influenced by the lifestyle patterns of an individual, employees working in a sedentary occupation are at greater exposure to lifestyle diseases and hence were selected as the target population. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 426 employees of sedentary occupations in the Delhi-NCR region. The economic burden has been measured as a sum of the direct and indirect costs of the diseases incurred in a year. Using the estimates of economic burden, Catastrophic Healthcare Expenditure (CHE) was measured at different threshold levels. The study has also evaluated productivity loss through presenteeism and absenteeism approaches. An attempt was made to examine the relationship between the economic burden 7 and productivity loss through presenteeism and absenteeism approaches. The result of the study shows a significant share of the economic burden for lifestyle diseases and their comorbidities. CHE was highest at the 40% threshold level. The level of disparity in catastrophe among lower and high-income individuals was also highest at the 40% threshold level. Further statistical results show a high cost of absenteeism due to lifestyle diseases compared to presenteeism and found that economic burden has a strong positive relationship with absenteeism and presenteeism. Overall, the study concludes that lifestyle disease incurs a substantial economic burden and CHE for employees working in sedentary occupations. The estimate for the same increases if multiple lifestyle diseases are present. Further, the impact of catastrophe is more for low-income than high-income individuals due to the limited availability of resources to manage the health issue. Apart from causing monetary expense, the presence of lifestyle diseases also causes a high cost of absenteeism and presenteeism, increasing the economic cost of managing lifestyle diseases. -
Investigations on Affective Computing to Improve Classroom Engagement Analysis in Higher Education by Deep Learning
The learning and teaching experience can be improved by using approaches that are not obtrusive to perform a comprehensive student engagement analysis throughout the classroom. In these modern times, when courses are conducted online, it is vital to accurately measure the levels of participation that each individual student has. It is crucial and essential to provide assistance to educators so that they may annotate and comprehend the signifcant learning rate of the students. A system that can perceive data and transpire it into information automates the learning and teaching experience in a classroom. In this study, videos are collected from online and ofand#64258;ine classes that have one single student per frame or many students per frame and are analysed for emotions and behavioural engagement through a multimodal system. newlineLarge amounts of video data processing call for an increase in the hardware resources newlineas well as the time required for processing images. This is particularly true in a newlineclassroom setting, where there are a large number of frames to analyse each and every minute in order to handle classroom involvement detection. Hierarchical Video newlineSummarization is used as a preliminary step on the videos to detect important frames newlinethat have the sum of all the information in the local neighborhood. These key frames newlineserve as important information units that provide details of facial emotions and behavioural aspects. The local maxima estimation based on the frst derivative provides summative information about the local neighborhood. The key frames serve newlineas an input for face detection and emotional analysis. In this research, the method newlinecan perform video summarization on a varied category of videos and with different newlineresolutions. Face detection in a temporal environment have not been trivial. Though there are methods that can identify multiple faces with varied sizes in a frame, it is still a current research topic to address false localization of faces in a frame. -
An Analysis of the effectiveness of HIV and AIDS policy implementation in teacher training colleges in zimbabwe
The study analyzed the effectiveness of implementation of the HIV and AIDS Policy for teachers colleges. The policy was enacted by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education in 2004 and implemented by teacher training colleges in Zimbabwe. Teacher training colleges were a ready captive audience for the young people with the potential to newlineinfluence behaviour change among student teachers, with a snowball effect to pupils in primary and secondary schools. Despite the newlinedevelopment of the policy, incidences of sexually transmitted infections continued to increase. The objectives of the study were to determine to what extent the HIV and AIDS Policy has been operationalized and its newlineeffects on the sexual and reproductive health of students. Literature reviewed explored the HIV and AIDS policy implementation and quality assurance practices in teaching of HIV and AIDS in the colleges. Effective implementation was discussed within the context of the reproductive health challenges faced by students and access to quality newlineservices. Pragmatism philosophical paradigm was used for the study, since it combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques, methods and approaches into a single study. The population, sample and sampling procedure for the study were defined. Selection of the colleges was newlinepurposive and stratified according to location (urban or rural); administrative authorities (government and church-related colleges). While research questions guided the collection of qualitative data from newlineinterviews and focus group discussions for college authorities and stakeholders, hypotheses guided quantitative data collected from questionnaires completed by male and female third year students and Lecturers. Key informants were selected based on their role in policy implementation at the colleges. Validity and reliability of both qualitative newlineand quantitative data collecting instruments was assured. -
Impact of Behavioural Biases, Emotional Intelligence and Financial Literacy on Financial Behaviour
Behavioural finance is the integration of finance and psychology. Finance pertains to the administration of finances by an individual, while psychology involves the examination of the mind and human conduct. Behavioural finance provides a reasonable explanation for the abnormalities observed in financial markets and the irrational decisions made by investors. The foundation of behavioural finance lies in the irrational choices made by individuals, which elucidates the reasons for investors frequently encountering different biases, emotional filters, and a lack of knowledge when making financial decisions. The primary challenges stem from three critical deficiencies: the investors' inability to express their cognitive and emotional biases, insufficient financial knowledge, and an inability to regulate emotions during financial decision-making. This study investigates the influence of investors' financial literacy, emotional intelligence, and behavioural bias on their financial conduct. Studies have shown that behavioural biases negatively impact financial behaviour. Financial literacy and emotional intelligence have been recognised as critical elements that significantly impact the financial behaviour of salaried class investors. -
Study of single and two component convection in micropolar liquid
In this thesis, we study linear and non-linear analysis of RayleighBard and double diffusive convection in a micropolar liquid. The effect of non-uniform basic temperature gradient, non-uniform basic concentration gradient, temperature modulation at the boundary and gravity modulation are studied. newlineThe problem investigated in this thesis through a light on externally controlled internal convection in a micropolar liquid. The problems investigated in this thesis have possible application in geophysics, newlineastrophysics, oceanography engineering and in space situations with gjitter connected with gravity stimulation study. With this motivation, we investigate in this thesis four problems and their summary is given below one by one. (i) EFFECT OF GRAVITY MODULATION ON HEAT TRANSFER BY RAYLEIGH-BARD CONVECTION IN A MICROPOLAR LIQUID newlineThe vertical oscillation, or g-jitter or gravity modulation, is known to appear in the situation of the satellite. In the laboratory, Rayleigh-Bard system subjected to time-periodic vertical oscillations may be useful in regulating the onset of convection and heat transfer. This aspect is also in newlinefocus in the thesis. In this problem the effect of time-periodic body force or grtavity modulation on the onset of Rayleigh-Bard convection in a micropolar liquid is investigated. The linear and non-linear analyses are performed. The linear theory is based on normal mode analysis and perturbation method. The expression for correction Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of frequency of modulation and other micropolar liquid parameters. The non-linear analysis is based on the truncated Fourier series representation. The resulting non-autonomous Lorenzvii model is solved numerically to quantify the heat transport. It is observed that the gravity modulation leads to delayed convection and reduced heat newlinetransfer. (ii) LINEAR AND WEAKLY NON- LINEAR STABILITY ANALYSIS OF DOUBLE-DIFFUSIVE CONVECTION IN A MICROPOLAR LIQUID. -
Biotechnological Approaches For the IN - VITRO Production of L-DOPA From Callus Suspension Cultures of Mucuna Pruriens (L.) DC.
Plants are an important source of drugs to treat wide array of disorders due to the newlineproduction of various classes of secondary metabolites which are used as active ingredients to treat and cure diseases. One such commercially important metabolite known as 3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) is used to treat various central nervous system disorders like Dementia, Parkinson s, Alzheimer s, etc. Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. belonging to Fabaceae family has been used since time immemorial to treat Parkinson s disease and the seeds are the main source of all herbal formulations to treat various disorders of nervous system and male newlinereproductive system. Though the metabolite is present in all parts of Mucuna, seeds possess newlinethe highest concentration and it has become a huge challenge to satisfy the emerging demand newlinefor L-DOPA. This is attributed to the conventional methods of extraction from the natural sources of Mucuna sps., which has a low germination rate, less viable seeds and an irritating, itching trichomes on the pods. The need for an alternative method with continuous supply of L-DOPA without affecting the natural biodiversity has been achieved through in-vitro procedures. But there hasn t been a systematic approach to optimize the cultural conditions for the optimal productivity. Hence in our study, we aimed at selecting an elite germplasm of Mucuna pruriens and growing them in-vitro, along with establishing a callus suspension newlineculture and optimizing the cultural conditions for high biomass and L-DOPA production. Callus was induced by supplementing various plant growth regulators like auxins (IAA, IBA, Picloram, NAA, 2,4-D), cytokinins (Kinetin, BAP, 2-iP and TDZ) and their combinations in different concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mg/L). -
Sustainable tourism management : Issues and challenges of eco wildlife resorts in karnataka
Sustainable tourism principles comprise of visitor satisfaction, the economic newlinesustainability of the industry, environment conservation, socio-cultural and economic newlinedevelopment of local communities. The tourism industry has to consider all these elements while developing any form of tourism for its long-term sustainability. Eco and wildlife resorts are one of the prominent and attractive segments of the accommodation sector. It has a major implication for implementing sustainable tourism practices in their daily operations since they are set close to nature and reside in pristine wildlife regions. It is inevitable for eco and wildlife tourism, to consider all newlinethe elements of sustainable tourism practices and to implement it in their day to day newlineactivities. At the same time, they might have to face issues and challenges in newlineimplementing sustainable practices. So, the main objective of the research is to newlineunderstand operational issues and challenges of eco and wildlife resorts in achieving newlinesustainable tourism principles. The purpose of the study is to investigate the issues and challenges faced by eco and wildlife resorts in implementing sustainable tourism practices and understanding the indicators used by the resorts to measure their sustainable tourism newlinepractices. The scope of the study covers selected eco and wildlife resorts in Karnataka because most eco and wildlife reserve areas are shared by pristine natural areas and are located near villages. The targeted respondents of the study are eco and wildlife resort managers and visitors of eco and wildlife resorts. Based on purposive sampling, 30 resorts are selected for the study, and 410 visitors are selected based on convenient sampling technique. The study employs a mixed-method research design. newlineTriangulation design is used in the study. The study adopted a tool to identify the newlinesustainable tourism indicators used by the resorts to measuring their sustainable newlinetourism practices. -
Aspect Based Multi Classification for Text Mining Using Neural Attention Model
Aspect-based text classification is crucial for multi-classification in e- commerce, including diverse sectors like food, online shopping, and restaurants. Traditional research often focuses on a few classes and domains, such as restaurants or electronics, and overlooks the need to categorize sentences based on domain- specific contexts. However, e-commerce involves numerous domains that require more sophisticated classification methods. E-commerce platforms generate vast amounts of textual data, including comments, product descriptions, and customer reviews, which contain valuable information about various aspects of products or services. Since customers often research product reviews from multiple sources before purchasing, these reviews become essential user-generated content for e-commerce businesses. To address this gap, the Aspect-Based Neural Attention Model (ABNAM) was developed. ABNAM enhances classification's accuracy and comprehensiveness by considering each domain's unique characteristics. This leads to better categorization and provides more relevant insights for businesses operating across various e- commerce sectors. Experimental real-world data results demonstrate that ABNAM identifies more meaningful and coherent features. It significantly outperforms other methods by achieving higher accuracy, better recall and precision, and more robust performance across different datasets. The current research introduces an efficient and innovative sentence classification model using ABNAM. Unlike traditional automated text classification models, which struggle to categorize data into sixteen classes, ABNAM excels by leveraging technologies such as TF-IDF, N-Gram, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Linear Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest, and Nae Bayes. Among these methods, ABNAM achieved the highest accuracy at 97%, successfully classifying sentences into one of the sixteen categories. The research positions ABNAM as a novel and highly effective classification model, particularly in achieving high-class categorizations. -
Linear and Nonlinear Convection In Dielectric Fluids
The thesis is concerned with linear and nonlinear Rayleigh-Bard electroconvection in a horizontal porous layer. Modified Darcy law is employed to describe the fluid motion. The effect of non-classical heat conduction, chemical reaction, thermal radiation and finite amplitudes on the onset of Darcy electroconvection is considered. The findings of the problems investigated in the thesis may prove useful in heat transfer application situations with dielectric fluids as working medium. The summary of the problems addressed in the thesis is given below.Effect of non-classical heat conduction on Rayleigh-Bard newlineconvection in a horizontal layer of porous medium saturated with a dielectric fluid The method of small perturbations is used to examine the effect of non-classical heat conduction on the onset of Darcy electroconvection. Exact solutions for both stationary and oscillatory instability are obtained and known results have been deduced as limiting cases of the present study. It is shown that electroconvective instability in a Darcy porous layer is hastened by increasing the strengths of second sound and electric newlineforces and that the presence of second sound and dielectrophoretic force leads to shorter wavelength electroconvection. Further, it is found that the effect of Vadasz number is to advance the onset of oscillatory Darcy newlineelectroconvection and oscillatory instability sets in before stationary convection provided that the Vadasz number and the Cattaneo number are sufficiently large. Rayleigh-Bard convection in a horizontal layer of porous medium saturated with a chemically reacting dielectric fluid The problem of the effect of chemical reaction on the onset of Darcy electroconvection in a horizontal porous layer heated from below is newlineinvestigated. It is assumed that the fluid experiences a zero-order exothermic chemical reaction and that there exists a local thermal equilibrium between the fluid and the solid phases. -
An efficient framework for scientific article recommendation system
Excess data makes it challenging to extract information that is relevant to a domain of study or research. Existing state-of-the-art systems focus majorly on the selection of highly connected, prestigious and cited articles, regardless of the relevance of papers. To improve quality of findings, recommender systems which are a subclass of information filtration systems are used. They filter out relevant information over prestigious data from an existing repository of information. There are various sub-domains under recommender systems. This study focuses on citation recommendation. Citations are an integral part of any scientific paper, academic dissertation or projects. Finding appropriate citations for any work is a scholar's most time-consuming task. Thus, a well-defined citation recommendation system provides fulfillment and completeness for citing the giants works. The thesis aims to study existing frameworks for citation recommendation systems and identify the best dataset to work on graph- based recommender systems. A framework that recommends the most similar and relevant article to the user rather than prestigious authors or papers is here by proposed. The study explores various machine learning and deep learning techniques and methods which can be used effectively in recommending loosely connected yet highly relevant articles.