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India's outward foreign direct investment a study of host country determinants and implications on trade
India s outward foreign direct investment newline(OFDI) has registered substantial increase since the 1990s. It is significant to analyse the motivation, location choices and implications of this trend since empirical newlineresearch has largely addressed OFDI originating from developed countries. newlineThis study analyses the pattern of India s OFDI, its changing contours in terms of host country location, composition across sectors and its implication on exports. The study aims to link motivation of investment newlineto location factors across developed and developing countries. Using OFDI newlinedata from 2001to 2013, the study analyses host country economic factors that are significant in the location of India s OFDI in the ambit of eclectic paradigm. The study empirically tests market seeking, resource seeking and strategic asset seeking nature of India s OFDI adopting a panel data newlinemethodology. newlineThe results of the study show that India s OFDI is motivated by market seeking and resource seeking in both developed and developing countries. Strategic assets are a significant motivation for investment in the newlinedeveloped countries and not in the developing countries.India s OFDI is also positively associated with host country policies like openness. To study the implication of OFDI, the study empirically tests the relation between India s OFDI and exports using time series methodology. The empirical test newlineof the relation between OFDI and exports shows a significant long term positive relation between the two. newlineThe current research is presented in six chapters. Chapter 1 consists of the introduction, objectives, hypotheses and significance of the study. Chapter 2 consists of the literature review. The changing direction and composition by sectors is analysed in chapter 3. Chapter 4 contains the methodology. Chapter 5 presents the results of the study and chapter 6 contains the conclusion and policy implications. newline -
Operational excellence in relation to high performance engagement and quality of care among executives in the healthcare sector in kerala
Background Operational Excellence is a philosophy of leadership, teamwork and problem solving, to focus on the needs of the consumer, to empower employees, for ptimizing existing activities, continuous improvement and excellence. It is a competitive advantage which translates increased flexibility to improved consumer responsiveness, and lean management. Quality of care is about patient safety, institutional culture, attitude, clinical performance, clinical freedom with management as facilitators, efficient delivery of quality, high standard services, effective patient outcome, integration of legislation with regards to communities, health service providers, local health authorities and the government (WHO, 2013). The outcome of quality of care is health consumer (patient) satisfaction. High newlineperformance Engagement reflects how employees are engaged in their work, with commitment and passion, rather than mere compliance to impact performance. Health care is a balancing act between business excellence newlineand quality outcomes in practice. It is from the premise of high performance engagement and quality of care provided to health consumers with patient centered focus, the pedestal of success in operational excellence is achieved. Purpose This study focuses on establishing Operational Excellence in relation to High Performance Engagement and Quality of Care among executives in the health care sector. Method A descriptive study was carried out using quantitative method with a sample of 410 health care executives from NABH accredited and nonaccredited hospitals and qualitative analysis among patients in Kerala. Results newlineThe results indicate a positive correlation of operational excellence with high performance engagement and quality of care. The independent variables, high performance engagement and quality of care are significant predictors of operational excellence. -
Impact of gamification on learning outcomes in organizations
Background Operational Excellence is a philosophy of leadership, teamwork and problem solving, to focus on the needs of the consumer, to empower employees, for ptimizing existing activities, continuous improvement and excellence. It is a competitive advantage which translates increased flexibility to improved consumer responsiveness, and lean management. Quality of care is about patient safety, institutional culture, attitude, clinical performance, clinical freedom with management as facilitators, efficient delivery of quality, high standard services, effective patient outcome, integration of legislation with regards to communities, health service providers, local health authorities and the government (WHO, 2013). The outcome of quality of care is health consumer (patient) satisfaction. High newlineperformance Engagement reflects how employees are engaged in their work, with commitment and passion, rather than mere compliance to impact performance. Health care is a balancing act between business excellence newlineand quality outcomes in practice. It is from the premise of high performance engagement and quality of care provided to health consumers with patient centered focus, the pedestal of success in operational excellence is achieved. Purpose This study focuses on establishing Operational Excellence in relation to High Performance Engagement and Quality of Care among executives in the health care sector. Method A descriptive study was carried out using quantitative method with a sample of 410 health care executives from NABH accredited and nonaccredited hospitals and qualitative analysis among patients in Kerala. Results newlineThe results indicate a positive correlation of operational excellence with high performance engagement and quality of care. The independent variables, high performance engagement and quality of care are significant predictors of operational excellence. -
A study on socio-economic impact of remittances on forward migrants household of tibetan refugees in india
Migration and Development is an agenda of every country s economic policy in recent time. Migration has been linked to the flow of remittances influencing socio-economic development particularly of developing countries. Studies on remittances have also reflected its positive side having potential effect at all levels including micro (households), macro (country) and meso newline(community) levels.The existing literature on remittance manifested the prominent role of remittance in enhancing livelihood of receiving households. Empirical study conducted on developing economies concluded that households receiving remittances are better off than those of non-receiving newlinehouseholds. International remittance has a direct role on household s economy by raising newlinehousehold s standard of living. Remittances were used for household consumption activities including education, health, housing, accumulating assets leading to human capital development. Likewise, literature pointed out the potential role of remittance inducing investment in business and entrepreneurship development by employing households in becoming self-reliant. Further, remittance improves trust and network within households and community which indirectly helps poor in the community. Thus, it is evident from the previous literature that newlineremittances have enhanced human and financial and social capital development. However, the existing literature lacks information on remittance affecting livelihood in Tibetan newlinecontext. Hence, there is a need of in-depth study in this area of research which is latent and unexplored. In this study, it has made an attempt to understand the role of remittance on Tibetan refugee communities in India who rely on remittance as one of the major sources of income. The study focuses on the impact of remittances from forward migrants who migrated from India towards newlinewestern and European countries. They send remittances back home leading to socio-economic development in the country of origin. -
Suppression and redfinition of self in the selct novels of Toni Morrison and ALice Walker
Literature is a mirror held onto the society that reflects the culture, history and socio-political issues of specific periods. Books have the uniqueness of transforming lives by weaving characters, to whom we are able to relate their trials, tribulations and achievements become our own. Although confined to the Afro-American milieu, Alice Walker s The Color Purple and Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye, Sula and Beloved raises issues and concerns that are universal to women across the globe. These writers try to lend voice to an otherwise marginalized and newlinesuppressed group of women, who have been denied a dignified existence. This research, through the methodology of critical analysis and interpretation of texts, tries to understand the concept of self, from the western and eastern perspectives. In the due process, the various factors that contribute to the formation of an individual s self are also identified. Through an analysis of the newlinefemale protagonists in the works of Morrison and Walker, this study examines how it is possible for a woman to progress from the margins to a position that is central, from object to subject. newlineMost often, women are not even conscious that they too have an individuality of their own and need to lead a dignified life. Having got so habituated to oppression, it has almost become a way of life for them. They need to be conscious and aware of the fact that they have to create a space of their own, without compromising on their individuality and dignity. When they fail to do this,they just stagnate and become mere pawns in the hands of men and tend to get exploited. Most of newlinethe female protagonists discussed in this study, go through this phase and are unable to extricat themselves from the traumatized conditions that engulf them. newlineThis study clearly focuses on how women need to be conscious of what is happening to them and realize that they are being deprived of their individuality and dignity. -
Efficacy of Canine - Assisted Therapy on Social Competence among INdividuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), because of their deficits in social newlinecompetence, often suffer a great deal in the community. Canine-assisted therapy (CAT) seems to be a useful approach to improve social functioning. This study aimed to investigate whether CAT can assist in improving the social competence of adults newlinewith ASD. The study employed an ABAB single case experimental design with four newlineparticipants. The social performance and social interactions with the therapy dog and newlinetherapist were the target measures of the study, and they were assessed using the newlineVellore Assessment of Social Performance and Animal-assisted Therapy Flowsheet. The baseline measures for the study were taken four times for 4 weeks for two newlinebaseline/reversal phases of the study. CAT was delivered by a trained dog along with newlinea certified animal-assisted practitioner twice a week for 4 weeks for 45-60 minutes newlineduring two intervention phases. The results were interpreted using descriptive, newlinegraphical, and numerical analysis. The mean scores indicated improvement in social newlineperformance and social interaction scores in the intervention phases. The visual newlineinspection showed similar results as indicated by the increasing trend line in newlineintervention phases. The results of the non-overlap of all pairs showed a medium to newlinestrong effect of CAT on improving social performance. The results validated the use newlineof CAT in the enhancement of social competence among adults with ASD. The study newlinesignificantly contributed to the field of CAT as well as has implications for aiding the newlineintegration of adults with ASD into mainstream society by enhancing their social newlinefunctioning. -
Effectiveness of performance appraisal systems in relation to teacher dedication in public and private secondary schools in zimbabwe
Performance appraisal systems need to be effective in improving or sustaining employee performance; otherwise, they are a sheer waste of time and money spent on their development and implementation. This study was an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current teacher performance appraisal system, in relation to teacher dedication to work, newlineas practised in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools. Since the introduction of the current teacher appraisal scheme in Zimbabwe in 2011, no research was carried out to determine whether it serves the purposes for which it was designed. Evaluating the effectiveness of the system encompasses a wide scope, including the perceptions of those appraised. The question that comes to the fore is,and#8214; What are teachers perceptions of the effectiveness of the current system of teacher appraisal as practised in public and private secondary schools in Zimbabwe?and#8214; Both quantitative newlineand qualitative methods of research were used to address the question. The study sought to establish the strength of the relationship that exist between the current teacher performance appraisal system and day to day newlineduties of the teacher, the extent to which it leads to improvements in the teaching and students learning process. It also seeks to establish how it addresses teacher development needs and whether the mechanisms and procedures for the management and implementation of the appraisal system in the schools are adequate. The current Performance Appraisal System, Result-Based Management and is output oriented. The main objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the current performance appraisal system on the performance of teachers in public and private secondary schools in Zimbabwe, by studying its implementation in five of the ten provinces. The overall purpose of the newlinestudy is to contribute to current policy and practice debate on how to improve and strengthen teacher performance appraisal and management system in Zimbabwe. -
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process Under Insolvency and Bankruptcy : A Critical Study
A robust legal system is essential for corporations to carry on business smoothly. Previously in India, winding up and corporate rescue were dealt in multiple legislations for different entities. Provisions relating to winding up of companies were found in The Indian Companies Act 1913, Indian Companies Act, 1956 and further in the Companies Act, 2013. These provisions did not ensure expeditious winding up procedures and the same affected the interest of stakeholders. newlineThe increase in NPA compelled the need to bring an efficient framework to protect the rights of creditors and debtors. As a solution to this IBC was enacted in 2016, to facilitate timely resolution of insolvency and bankruptcy. This research aims to critically analyze the provisions of corporate insolvency resolution process, to examine whether IBC is facilitating newlinerehabilitation of insolvent corporations and protecting the interest of creditors, so as to balance their interests. It further aims to outline a draft policy for a better insolvency resolution process in India. Primary data for the study was collected through a structured interview of stakeholders and conclusion was drawn through a qualitative thematic analysis using NVivo software. The findings showed that, through CIRP there is debt recovery for financial creditors, but it is not expeditious. There are multiple reasons for the delay. The operational creditors are not able to newlinerecover from the process and as a result, many of them are turning insolvent. The rights of the corporate debtor are protected under the Code but they are not adequately protected under the Code as there is no value maximization under the Code. There are many delays in the process, resulting in more companies going into liquidation. IBC is a debtor friendly legislation. Both resolution and liquidation benefit the corporate debtor as it helps the company to resolve its newlineinsolvency. -
A catechism of pentecostal schisms and the efficacy of management in the stabilization of the church in zimbabwe
The Pentecostal church in Zimbabwe has of late experienced a rude awakening with the mushrooming of these incessant schisms which threaten the unity of purpose that should prevail in a religious set up. The current newlineincrease in schisms is of great concern to the Christian community. Are such schisms embedded in its original design, or are there other factors at play. The problem necessitated the commissioning of this study in order to explore the schism scourge with view to arresting it and bring stability to the splintering Pentecostal church. The conceptualization of the study began by identifying six hypothetical perspectives as the root hypothetical causes of church schisms, i.e., doctrinal, controversial relationship, secularization, institutionalism, leadership and management perspectives. Theoretical frameworks in the newlineexisting literature were reviewed to establish knowledge gaps that informed the newlinestudy approach. Using focus group discussion, document analysis, survey questionnaires, and interviews, the study sought causal and remedial validation on the problem at hand. To unveil the intricacies of the problem, an explorative mixed study framework was preferred. In order to generate a desired rich understanding and interpretation of schisms, a more qualitative catechism inquiry based on a combined ethno-methodology and hermeneutics paradigm was adopted. The study proposition was that church schisms are a result of management challenges in the Pentecostal church. The theoretical frame of the study was therefore modeled to explore newlinehow management protocols could be harnessed to induce real growth and stability. The Pentecostal church is renowned for shunning management, considering it secular and hence worldly. On one hand, the church is the most newlinecomplex institution, multifaceted and with multi-bottom lines, yet on the other hand, management is all about dealing with such complexities. -
Artificial Intelligence Based Computational Framework for Identification and Classification of Interstitial Lung Diseases Using HRCT Images
Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs) refer to a wide array of respiratory disorders characterised via infection and scarring of the lung's interstitial tissue. These conditions affect the space within the air sacs, compromising the lungs' ability to expand and contract properly. ILDs manifest with a range of symptoms, including persistent cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Diagnosis of ILDs often involves imaging methods, mainly High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT), to assess lung abnormalities. ILDs can have lasting effects on respiratory function, leading to progressive fibrosis. The primary obstacle in identifying ILDs lies in the diverse array of symptoms they present, making it challenging to distinguish them from other pulmonary disorders. The HRCT is a commonly employed method in ILD diagnosis. These images provide a detailed depiction of lung tissue, revealing its size, shape, and any notable abnormalities or changes. Moreover, HRCT plays a crucial role in monitoring disease progression over time. Deep Learning (DL) excels in detecting patterns in intricate medical images that may pose challenges for traditional methods. Moreover, DL algorithms exhibit the ability to identify subtle changes in medical images indicative of pathology, and they can automate object detection tasks. The application of DL in medical contexts can enrich the precision and rapidity of diagnoses. In this research aimed at improving the accuracy of artificial intelligence AI-based ILD identification, we harnessed the benefits of deep learning, employing full-training, Transfer Learning (TL), and ensemble voting techniques. Our approach involved the construction of three Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) from scratch for ILD detection. Additionally, we customized models named InceptionV3, VGG16, MobileNetV2, VGG19, and ResNet50 for both full-training and TL strategies. This comprehensive methodology aimed to take benefits of DL architectures to enhance the precision of ILD identification in medical imaging. Both the first dataset consisting of HRCT images and the second dataset comprising Chest X-ray were employed in our study. However, during the initial training phase of the TL models, we utilized pre-trained ImageNet weights. To enhance performance, modifications were made to the classification layers of all five models for both TL and full-training processes. To further improve training outcomes, a soft-voting ensemble approach was employed. The ensemble, combining the predictions of all three newly developed CNN models (ILDNetV1, ILDNetV2 and ILDNetV3), and ILDNetV1 achieved the highest test accuracy at 98.14%. Additionally, we incorporated machine learning (ML) models, including Logistic Regression, BayesNet, RandomForest, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), and J48, using statistical measurements derived from HRCT images. Our study introduces a novel AI-based system for predicting ILD categories. This system demonstrated superior performance on unseen data by leveraging the results from the newly constructed CNNs, transfer learning, and ML models. This comprehensive approach holds promise for advancing ILD category prediction, providing a more robust and accurate tool for medical diagnosis and decision- making. -
A Study on emotional labour and job embeddedness amongst the frontline employees in hotel industry in bangalore
In various studies, researchers have pointed out that there exists a high turnover in the hotel industry. It is also found that employees in the hotel industry practice high emotional labor. However, the researcher, wanted to understand if people leave the industry or the organisation and how emotional labor plays positively in this phenomena. It was also curious to understand if Pride in work and Social Intelligence plays a role between Emotional Labor and Job newlineEmbeddedness. The present study investigated the emotional labor along with pride in work and social intelligence, experienced by employees of different hotels as a factor affecting their Job Embeddedness. A descriptive study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires among 341 frontline employees of different five-star and five-star deluxe hotels of Bangalore. newlineThe results exhibited a significant impact of Emotional Labor, Pride-in-Work, Social Intelligence on Job Embeddedness as well as significant differences in perceptions of variables based on demographic factors of the employees. The implications and suggestions for the hotel industry were discussed in the study. -
Experience and Agency of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Schools : An Ethnographic Study in Haryana, India
India currently has more than 24 million children within the age group of 0-18 years experiencing some form of disability. Among them, India has the highest population of children at risk of developmental disabilities (UNICEF, 2011). However, there is a significant dearth of knowledge regarding their lived experiences. Surprisingly, qualitative understandings of the lives of children with intellectual disabilities within their school environments are lacking in India. Thus, this research aims to fill this gap by focusing on comprehending the lived experiences and agency of these children within their schools, families, and neighborhoods. Recognizing them as social agents has the potential to challenge the marginalized status often attributed to them. The objective of this research was to understand the lived experiences of children with intellectual disabilities across various school setups, including government schools, private schools, and mainstream schools. Furthermore, it seeks to understand the values and perspectives of the schools, school authorities and teachers, and the manner in which children with intellectual disabilities employ their agency in their day- to-day lives within different educational structures. Ethnographic research was, therefore, conducted in four government schools, two private schools and two special schools in Karnal district, Haryana, India. Haryana was chosen due to the existence of previous research on the cultural understanding of disability in the state. A total of 25 children with intellectual disabilities and 44 school teachers were interviewed and observed. Classroom observations and shadowing also served as important methods of data collection. The findings reveal that policies, school structures and processes, as well as teachers' practices and attitudes, continue to perpetuate exclusionary practices for children with intellectual disabilities. The notion of "inclusive schooling" remains superficial within the Indian context. However, within these exclusionary systems and processes, a diverse range of differences were noted in terms of the experiences, beliefs, and preferences of children. These differences are influenced by a complex interplay of their social environment (school and home), cultural norms and personal attributes. Academic aspirations and experiences of personal friendship emerged as dynamic and intricate aspects of their lives. Evaluating these elements presents challenges as children's academic achievements and friendships are continually evolving, forming, and dissolving. Data analysis also demonstrates that children with intellectual disabilities not only actively construct meanings but also possess an awareness of the cultural context in which they exist. Their interactions with others, including the researcher, were heavily influenced by these cultural contexts. Their actions contribute differently to social and relational networks, depending on the barriers they encounter within each institution. The performativity of their agency was explored through an understanding of their "silences," which proved to be an essential element in analyzing their agency.Additionally, their agency was examined through their utilization of digital technologies which was actively used by children to maintain friendships with old friends, to develop new friendships and for entertainment purposes. This research, therefore, aims to integrate the notions of agency, culture, and structure in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of children with intellectual disabilities in various educational environments in an Indian state. -
Isolation, Characterization and Evaluation of Potential Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria From The Rhizosphere of Coffea arabica L. From Kodagu District, Karnataka
Agriculture is fundamental to food security and economic stability. The utilisation of newlineplant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) an eco-friendly alternative to chemical newlinefertilisers is particularly promising as these microorganisms enhance nutrient newlineavailability, stimulate plant growth, and improve resistance to biotic and abiotic newlinestresses. This study aimed to isolate and characterise PGPR from the rhizosphere of newlineCoffea arabica L. in the Kodagu District of Karnataka, focusing on their potential as newlinebiofertilizers. Soil samples collected from ten different locations within Kamath Coffee newlineEstate led to the isolation of fourteen distinct bacterial colonies, labelled NJ01 to NJ14. These isolates were evaluated for various plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits like indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) siderophore and ammonia production, nitrogen fixation, newlinephosphate, and zinc solubilization and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production. Further newlinestudies were carried out using 3 isolates with significant PGP traits. Enzyme activity newlineassays indicated that NJ01, NJ04, and NJ14 had positive results for protease, cellulase, newlineamylase, and catalase activity. These strains also displayed varying degrees of newlinehalotolerance, with NJ01, NJ04 and NJ14 tolerating up to 8%, 10% and 11% NaCl, newlinerespectively. Heavy metal tolerance tests revealed that NJ01 tolerated Pb up to 250 newlineg/mL, NJ04 tolerated Pb up to 1500 g/mL and Cd up to 50 g/mL, and NJ14 tolerated Pb up to 1000 g/mL and Hg up to 100 g/mL. Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production was confirmed in all isolates, with NJ01 yielding the highest amount (6.4 g/L). The isolates exhibited significant antifungal and the 16S rRNA sequencing identified NJ01 as Bacillus albus (OP784795), NJ04 as Bacillus licheniformis (OM780221), and NJ14 as Bacillus subtilis (OM780222). A consortium was prepared after confirming the plant growth promoting abilities of these PGPR strains by carrying out an initial plant growth studies. The optimisation of media parameters was by using a two-factor interaction model. -
Multi-Objective Optimization Approaches for Solar Photovoltaic Inverter Control and Energy Balance in A Smart Grid Environment
Placement of distributed generation in electrical distribution system is a critical newlineaspect of optimizing grid performance and ensuring effcient integration of renewable energy sources. Renewable based sources must be properly positioned and sized to avoid bidirectional power and#64258;ows, voltage/frequency and#64258;uctuations and performance degradation. Solar Photovoltaic Systems and Wind Turbines are potentially becoming the preferred renewable energy based, distribution generation sources. Precise control mechanisms like advanced inverter strategies and direct load control are crucial for regulating voltage, frequency and reactive power output, thereby optimizing grid operation and maximizing integration benefts from these sources. However, optimizing the allocation and operation of these systems in grid connected and islanded modes, particularly in radially confgured systems, requires addressing algorithmic challenges, problems related to nonlinear optimization, newlinevariable generations and load variations. To effectively allocate these systems in the newlineelectrical distribution system, advanced optimization techniques capable of newlinehandling multi-objective, nonlinear problems are needed. Similarly, optimizing the power factor of the distributed generation sources and optimizing the load factor in these systems demand adaptive algorithms that can manage nonlinear objectives and dynamic system conditions. In response to the above research questions, this study focuses on determining the optimal placement and sizing of the distributed generation sources in the electrical distribution system with the objective to minimize real power loss and improve voltage stability. Learning enthusiasm based teaching learning based optimization algorithm has been employed for location selection and sizing optimization. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated on standard IEEE 33-bus and newline69-bus test systems, demonstrating decreased distribution losses and improved voltage stability. -
Effect Of Cooperative Learning Strategies on Self-Directed Learning and Reflective Thinking of Pre-Service Teachers
Cooperative learning (CL) research demonstrates its robustness. While acknowledging the empirical benefits, there is room for improvement in implementing CL in teacher education classrooms. Teacher educators often resist adopting CL, favouring the frontal teaching method. The cultivation of self-directed learning and reflective newlinethinking is crucial for pre-service teachers (PSTs) to evolve into lifelong learners, newlinemeeting the demands of 21st-century classrooms. Online cooperative learning (OCL) newlineplays a vital role in enhancing essential skill sets such as collaboration, digital newlineproficiency, communication, and interaction among pre-service teachers. This study newlineunfolded in two phases. The initial pilot study, utilizing a concurrent triangulation newlinemixed-method research design, delved into perceived challenges faced by teacher newlineeducators in India regarding cooperative learning implementation. The subsequent newlineexperimental stage employed a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group newlinedesign to investigate the impact of OCL strategies on self-directed learning (SDL) and reflective thinking (RT) among Indian pre-service teachers. Following the newlineintervention with OCL modules, the researcher also assessed pre-service teachers newlinesatisfaction and perceptions towards OCL, utilizing a mixed-method research approach with concurrent triangulation. The sample for experimental stage encompassed 130 pre-service teachers from two teacher education colleges affiliated with Mangalore University, Karnataka, India. The researcher constructed OCL intervention modules for the study and experts validated it. The researcher adopted standardized instrument for measuring SDL by Acar et al. (2016), and standardised instrument for measuring RT by Kember et al. (2000). The pilot study revealed that teacher educators perceived challenges at an average rate of 63% due to teacher challenges, learner challenges, curriculum syllabus, and administrative challenges. -
A Study on Partial Domination in Graphs
The theory of domination is one of the most studied fields in graph theory. Many new domination parameters have been defined and studied so far. One such parame- ter that was introduced in 2017 is partial domination number. For a graph G = (V, E) and for a p and#8712; (0, 1], a subset S of V (G) is said to partially dominate or p-dominate G if |N[S]| and#8805; p|V (G)|. The cardinality of a smallest p-dominating set is called the p-domination number and it is denoted by and#947;p(G). In scenarios wherein domination con-cepts are applied, partial domination concepts can also be applied with the added ad-vantage of being able to dominate the underlying graph partially, when the need arises. This advantage makes this parameter appear unique amongst most other domination parameters. We present some basic properties of partial dominating sets, some prop- erties related to particular values of p, some properties related to the eccentricity of a p-dominating set, some results in the line of classical domination and characterization of minimal and minimum p-dominating sets. Then we study partial domination in the con-text of prisms of graphs. We give some bounds for partial domination numbers of prisms of graphs G in terms of partial domination numbers of G for particular values of p. We define universal and#947;p-fixers and universal and#947;p-doublers and we characterize paths, cycles and complete bipartite graphs which are universal and#947;1 2 - fixers and universal and#947;1 2 - dou- blers. Then we concentrate on establishing a domination chain in the context of partial domination, which we call as partial domination chain . For this, we defined indepen-dent partial domination number (IPD-number), found exact values of IPD-numbers for some classes of graphs, found bounds for IPD-numbers in terms of independent domi-nation number and some relations between the independent partial dominating sets and the independent dominating sets. -
Purchase intention of deconstructed end-of-lifecycle fashion products in an online and offline retail environment
Obsolete or slow-moving inventory is one of the major influencers for the bottom line of any business today. Surplus stock- be it from overbuys, returns, defects or simply merchandise hitting the end of their lifecycle- need to be accounted, accommodated and dealt with in a manner that can least affect the planned margins. For the fashion newlinebusiness, such merchandise poses greater challenges. The business is ground by seasonal preferences, fast-changing trends, short lead-times and shorter shelf-lives. With rising costs of traditional retail businesses, the associated costs of carrying such inventory are something that the newlineretailer can easily do without. At the retailers end, such merchandise is newlineoften subjected to traditional liquidation methods such as Markdowns, carry forwards, or selling at lowered prices to discount stores or factory outlets. From a manufacturer s perspective, overruns from production newlineare either sold at discounted costs to the retailer or are diverted to other sources of sales. In either case, such decisions do affect the margins of the business, and retailers often account for these necessary evils while planning their pricing strategy. Liquidation methods for such obsolete merchandise also need to meet the additional challenge of maintaining the perceived value of the products, and to not adversely newlineaffect planned margins due to lowered price points. This study seeks to explore fashion consumers acceptance of Deconstructed or up-cycled fashion for such obsolete or EOLC (End-of-lifecycle) merchandise that newlineremain unsold. It also maps the Perceived value of such merchandise and explores the other factors that may affect the Purchase Intention of the merchandise, like the Internal reference price, Perceived monetary newlinesacrifice and Perceived quality. Through an experimental study, a comparative analysis is built across consumers in an E-commerce vs newlineOffline store purchase scenario, to derive if the method of presentation of such products affects the Purchase intention. -
Study of Rayleigh-Benard Dynamical System Involving Newtonian and Nanofluids in Rectangular and Cylindrical Enclosures
Analyzing and#64258;uid and#64258;ow behavior in the presence of temperature gradients subjected to internal and external forces in diand#64256;erent geometries is essential for optimization newlineprocesses for various engineering applications, guiding the design of more efcient thermal systems. This thesis focuses on investigating the Rayleigh-Bard convection problems occupying rectangular and cylindrical enclosures. The linear and newlineweakly nonlinear analyses are carried out that reveal the results on regular convection, heat transport and chaotic motion for each of the problems. Steady and newlineunsteady states of the Rayleigh-Bard system are studied using the Lorenz model. The dynamical system is investigated to look for possible chaotic motion. Fluid systems can exhibit chaotic behavior, and understanding the chaotic nature of these and#64258;ows is essential for accurate predictions of their evolution over time. In view of this, the regular, chaotic, and periodic natures of the dynamical system is thoroughly analyzed. Further, the inand#64258;uence of various parameters on the indicators of chaos is explored. Additionally, the thermal performance of the system is looked into by introducing nanoparticles/nanotubes into the base and#64258;uid. newlineWith the aformentioned motivation, we now present the abstract of each of the problems considered in this thesis one-by-one. 1. Impact of boundary conditions on Rayleigh-Bard convection: stability, heat transfer and chaos In the frst problem of the thesis, discussed in Chapter 3, a comparison is made newlinebetween the results of Rayleigh-Bard convection problem for diand#64256;erent boundary combinations, namely, rigid-rigid-isothermal, rigid-free-isothermal and free-free isothermal boundaries for a Newtonian and#64258;uid. The linear and weakly-nonlinear analyses reveal that the onset of regular and chaotic motions in the case of rigid-freeisothermal boundaries happens later than that of free-free isothermal boundaries but earlier than rigid-rigid-isothermal boundaries.+ -
Admissibility of DNA Profiling Evidence in Criminal Trials in In India : A Comparative Study with Specific Reference to Legal Systems of United States of America and England
The use of Forensic technique of DNA profiling now constitutes a standard element of the system of Law Enforcement, and the findings of DNA testing are often acceptable in the proceedings of Legal cases. Despite newlinethe fact that they first relied on Expert Testimony based on DNA Evidence, the Courts in India have come to acknowledge DNA Evidence as both a fact that is significant to the case as well as proof that is conclusive. On the other hand, the scope of guilt that is capable of being concluded from a seeming match between samples is a topic of on-going debate. In most cases, it will newlinemerely be capable to locate the position of a suspect in relation to the site of the Crime. The uncritical acceptance of this Forensic Evidence as the objective answer to the challenge of determining the identity of a criminal raises the potential for scientific appropriation of the Criminal Justice system. newlineIn the vast majority of contested Legal proceedings involving Criminal offenses, the issue at hand is not one of identification but rather one of Intent or Mens-Rea, and DNA Evidence is irrelevant in this regard. Additionally, it is imperative to create a Regulatory framework which controls how the newlineForensic technique of DNA Profiling is used and applied with the objective to ensure its methodical and organized implementation. In light of this, it is very important to make rules about DNA Profiling that will only allow it to be used for Legal investigations. In an effort to regulate DNA profiling in the newlinecountry, the DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill 2019 has been proposed. The emphasis of this study, is the particular difficulties experienced by the Indian Judicial system as a consequence of introducing this novel Forensic technique into the Criminal Proceedings, and the research aims to examine the evolution and use of DNA profiling in India.