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Facile Fabrication of Nano carbon Derivatives for Optical and Electro chemical Applications
From synthesis of novel materials to their end-use applications, the prime objective of the material science community is to address the burgeoning social issues across the world. Noxious emissions from fossil fuel combustion, increased incidence of skin cancer, drug misuse, and ever-increasing demand for energy are some of the global concerns that require urgent consideration. This drives a relentless quest for a multifunctional material with broad applicability that can directly and constructively impact the quality of life, environment, and economic progress. However, materials of this kind should embrace versatile characteristics, improved competency, plausibility, and lower cost. In light of this, the current doctoral research emphasizes the development of trailblazing graphene-based materials with manifold usages derived from a naturally abundant carbonaceous fossil fuel coke to discover scientific solutions to the aforesaid trials and tribulations. Fossil fuel coal, mainly used for energy purposes, is often discouraged from industrial and domestic consumption due to its contribution to global warming. Despite the fact that coal is a non-renewable resource and a source of greenhouse gas emissions, it is one of the world's bountiful carbon resources. Therefore, it can be exploited as a potent substitute for conventional graphite, enabling the extraction of value-added graphene derivatives along with the sustainable utilization of coal. However, the purity of the precursor is a vital criterion to guarantee the quality and supply of graphene materials. In this doctoral work, coal-coke with 99% carbon content was used for the production of high-quality oxidized multilayer graphene derivatives by employing an environmentally-benign synthesis technique. The obtained graphene structure exhibited a multi-emissive fluorescence property having emissions ranging from blue to green-yellow. In addition, it also possessed remarkable electrochemical performance, good rate capability, and durability, signifying its expediency in energy storage devices. In an attempt to further enhance the scope of as-synthesized coke-based graphene derivatives, heteroatoms such as nitrogen and phosphorus were introduced into the graphene lattice via substitutional doping. It was perceived that nitrogen doping impressively amended the photophysical properties, especially in terms of quantum yield and fluorescence lifetime. Therefore, the as-synthesized nitrogen-doped multilayer graphene derivative was used as a fluorescent biomarker for imaging melanoma skin cancer cells with the purpose of early detection. Wherein co-doping of nitrogen and phosphorus endorsed excellent electrochemical characteristics and sensing performance, owing to the synergistic effect from heteroatoms and the imparted structural corrugations. Thus, by utilizing the as-synthesized nitrogen, phosphorus co- doped heteroatom derivative, oxytocin, a high-risk abused drug, was electrochemically detected in an nM range and validated the possibility of real-time surveillance over its mishandling in edibles and biological models. The coke-based graphene derivatives were further refashioned to obtain optimum textural and surface chemistry characteristics beneficial for energy storage characteristics. Accordingly, simultaneous heteroatom-doping and activation of graphene derivative were achieved. The obtained sample had a high surface area, hierarchical porous structure, increased defect densities, and co-active heteroatom enriched graphene network, suggesting its potential as an electrode material for supercapacitor applications. It was observed that the as-synthesized simultaneously heteroatom-doped and activated samples demonstrated high capacitance value, appreciable cyclic stability, and lower charge-transfer resistance. Henceforth, such enhanced supercapacitive performance points toward the cradle-to-gate transformation of fossil fuel, i.e., the conversion of sluggish black coal to green energy. -
Discrimination and Coping of Old Settlers in Sikkim
The study was conducted to explore the existence and manifestation of discrimination in Sikkim. In the Indian context, race-based discrimination has been extensively studied from the point of view of the northeasterners residing in mainland India. An important reason for this is the differences in race, culture, language, and minority status of the northeasterners in mainland India. However, within the northeastern states all of the above mentioned aspects are reversed newlineand the minority is the mainland Indian community, race-based discrimination has not been studied. Sikkim was considered as the region for study as it is part of the sister states of the northeastern region and the Rajya Sabha Committee on Petitions has acknowledged that discrimination has been practiced in the state. An exploratory sequential mixed design was adopted for the newlinestudy. Eleven telephonic semi-structured interviews were conducted for the qualitative phase with members of the old settlers of Sikkim. A survey was conducted for the quantitative phase. Thematic analysis revealed two global theme, five organizing themes and 44 basic themes. Survey method revealed that 51% of old settlers felt discriminated daily in Sikkim. The results newlinerevealed that race based discrimination does exist in Sikkim with it being purported at newlineinstitutional and interpersonal levels. -
Financial Capability and Decision Making Effects on Financial Wellbeing of Women in Community Based Organisations
Financial Social Work (FSW) is a multi-disciplinary interactive approach that deals with financially vulnerable populations financial issues/solutions. FSW deals with individual, family and community wellbeing by increasing access to good financial services, asset-building opportunities, financial education and guidance. The two concepts newlineunderlying FSW are financial capability and financial wellbeing. Financial capability is increasingly becoming a priority for policymakers, social workers, academicians and organisations of economic and social newlinesignificance. In India, limited studies are available for measuring the financial capability of Indian citizens. While literature suggests various studies on financial capability and financial wellbeing, the focus on their combined effect has been limited. The feminisation of poverty is an newlineessential topic when discussing the capability and wellbeing of women. This refers to the increasing tendency for those in poverty to be women and children due to the reasons such as economic conditions, demographic composition and government policy. Hence, it is relevant to consider newlinewomen as the focus point of the study. The present study measures women s financial capability and examines how demographic factors influence the same. The study also explores the impact of financial capability on the decision making ability and financial wellbeing of women associated with Community Based Organisations (CBOs). It further newlineexamines whether the decision making ability mediates between financial capability and financial wellbeing. Primary data was collected from the respondents through a structured questionnaire to identify and establish these aspects. In total, 1000 women who were associated with the CBOKudumbashree in the state of Kerala, India, identified through the multistage sampling technique, participated in the survey-based study. -
Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Nanofluids in The Presence of Motile Microorganisms
This dissertation deals with the analysis of heat and mass transfer in Newtonian and newlinenon-Newtonian nanoand#64258;uid in the presence of motile microorganisms. The major application of the and#64258;uids in heat and mass transfer process is its capability to conduct heat. Hence, the and#64258;uids act as a source that conducts heat and cools down the temperature of the appliance. Whereas, the capacity of heat conductance is low in case of regular and#64258;uids, hence the concept of nanoand#64258;uids was introduced whose thermal conductivity is more when compared to regular and#64258;uids. The high thermal conductivity of nanoparticles helps in conducting more heat and the property of and#64258;uid to and#64258;ow helps the nanoparticles to and#64258;ow all over the desired surface and conduct heat. During the process of nanoand#64258;uid and#64258;ow, the nanoparticles undergo random motion that is termed as Brownian motion and they also experience the thermophoretic force that causes the nanoparticles to move from hotter region to colder region. Further, the presence of nanoparticles would either result in sedimentation or formation a layer of nanoparticles over the surface. This layer of nanoparticles adhered to the surface creates corrosion. Hence, it is important to prevent the nanoparticles from forming its layer over the surface and also the sedimentation of nanoparticles must be avoided to have no blockages in the system. Hence in this regards, self propelled microorganisms newlineare allowed to swim in the nanoand#64258;uid which in turn constitutes bioconvection. Considering these assumptions, problems in this dissertation are modelled such that it deals with the analysis of bioconvection caused due to the swimming of microorganisms in the and#64258;ow newlineof nanoand#64258;uid. The mathematical models of the and#64258;ow, heat and mass transfer of Newtonian and non Newtonian nanoand#64258;uids are designed using the partial differential equations with various assumptions to achieve realistic results. -
Dynamics of Newtonian Fluids and Nanofluids in Various Geometries
In this thesis, the boundary-layer flows of Newtonian fluids in different geometries newlineprimarily, a horizontal surface and a vertical surface. To account for the imperfections arising in realistic scenarios, we have considered a horizontal surface with undulations and a vertical surface with a non-uniform temperature distribution. Additionally, it is wellknown that to meet the cooling rate requirements in the industry, the thermal performance of ordinary heat transfer fluids is not suitable. The concept of insertion of nanometresized metallic particles in the fluid leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity of the newlineordinary base liquids. Therefore, to fully comprehend the affect of these nanoparticles on the onset of convection and fluid motions and to assess how the enhanced thermophysical newlineproperties may affect the heat transfer is another key objective of this research. newlineA Comparative Study of Thermo-convective Flows of a Newtonian Fluid over Three newlineHorizontal Undulated Surfaces in a Porous Medium In the first problem of this thesis, elaborated in Chapter 5, a comparison has been presented between the results of three thermoconvective flows of a Newtonian fluid over uniformly heated, undulated horizontal surfaces in a porous medium against the background of the results of a flat plate. The undulations are assumed to have sinusoidal, sawtooth, and triangular waveforms. At large surface amplitudes, secondary flow is observed in the cases newlineof sinusoidal and triangular waveforms, but not in the cases of a sawtooth surface and a newlineflat plate. The variation of the mean Nusselt number and mean skin friction with surface newlineamplitude and the Rayleigh number indicate that heat transfer and viscous friction at the boundary increase with individual and collective increases in the values of the amplitude and the Rayleigh number. The heat transfer and skin friction by the flat surface are much less than that of all three undulated surfaces. -
Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse : A Protection Motivation Theory-Based Intervention for Mothers of Preadolescents
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a growing concern in the world. Prevention of CSA in India is challenging due to deep rooted traditional values and beliefs. Sex and related matters newlineare difficult topics for parents to discuss. Lack of parental awareness leads to increased newlinerisk for CSA. Maternal care is the most influential aspect of child rearing and they need information and skills to educate children on sexual abuse. The literature review was based on Bloom s taxonomy for academic writing. The need for systematic and evidencebased approach in primary prevention was identified. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT)-based psycho education program in enhancing mothers knowledge, attitude and sense of parental competence among mothers. An interactive mixed-method design embedding quantitative and qualitative methods selected 72 mothers as participants from Kannur, Kerala. Mothers aged between 30-40 years who had preadolescent children (8-12 years) were assigned to control and experimental group. A facilitator s psycho education manual was developed embedding PMT constructs for the intervention. The quantitative results indicated significant differences between the groups for CSA knowledge and attitude. The impact of the intervention was moderate to high. The qualitative results indicated the benefits of intervention. Mothers have overcome communication blocks, misconceptions regarding CSA education are cleared, are aware of risks and warning signs and are confident to deal with CSA disclosure. The involvement of mothers in the prevention program was found to be effective in this study. The findings of this study have important implications for developing theory- based interventions for CSA prevention. The application of systematic evidence-based interventions promotes active engagement of participants for applying the learnt skills effectively. The culturally sensitive issues like CSA needs more contextual understanding of the problems to find effective solutions. -
Perceived Morbidity, Health Seeking Behaviour and Healthcare Utilisation among Inter-State Women Migrant Workers in Kerala
Internal migrants in India are estimated to be 37% of the total population with Kerala estimated to host over 25 lakhs of internal migrants. Migration, both internal and international can influence a country or region s socio-economic development. The interrelation between health and migration is highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals where health is determined as an indicator of people-centred, rights-based, inclusive, and equitable development . Though migrants as such are a vulnerable population, the gender experience of migration differs, as women migrants often face triple discrimination of being a woman, unprotected worker and a migrant making them the most vulnerable within the migrant community. They are often overlooked while formulating schemes and policies depriving them of health and social security benefits. The present newlinestudy aims to understand the perceived morbidity, health seeking behaviours and healthcare utilization among Interstate Women Migrant Workers in Kerala. The sequential exploratory research design was employed to newlinecollect data from workers in the seafood processing and textile manufacturing sectors. The qualitative phase had two focus group discussions with 8 participants each and four in-depth interviews while the quantitative newlinephase had cross-sectional surveys with 300 respondents. The focus group discussion and in-depth interview paved the way for understanding the issues and concerns of the respondents regarding their health seeking newlinebehaviours and healthcare utilization as well as hinting at their attitude towards health in general. Themes were able to provide insight into the factors underlying healthcare utilization as well as provided suggestions from the respondents which could have policy implications. The quantitative data was elaborate and was able to address the various dimensions of health seeking and determine the factors influencing healthcare utilization among interstate women migrants in Kerala. -
Topological Indices Based on Distance Labeling
This thesis explores the prospect of combining two prime branches of graph theory, newlineviz., topological indices and graph labeling, specifcally radio labeling. The majority newlineof the work includes the topological radio indices of graphs and their properties. Topological indices are numerical values associated with graphs and invariant with graph isomorphisms. Apart from Topological Radio Indices, it provides some additions to the eccentricity-based topological indices. newlineRadio labeling or radio coloring, c, is assigned to a graph G such that the label difference between any two vertices must be greater than diam(G)+ 1 and#8722; d(u,v). Optimum radio labeling is the foundation for defning Topological radio indices. Labeling whose span is the radio number of the graph and which leads to the minimum value of the index newlineis considered the optimum radio labeling. The topological radio indices and coindices newlineare defned and are found out for some special classes of graphs, including gear graphs, newlinewheel graphs, and star graphs. The bounds for the frst, second and third Zagreb radio indices have been established and characterized for the classes of graphs for which the bound is sharp. Furthermore, newlinespecifc relationships between Zagreb radio indices and coindices are established concerning different parameters of the graph. newlineThe idea of consecutive radio labeling is explicitly studied. We have characterized the newlinegraphs with diameter 2 admitting consecutive radio labeling. We have studied the properties of graphs admitting consecutive radio labeling and stated the necessary and suffcient conditions for a graph to follow consecutive radio labeling. The study extended to eccentricity-based topological indices, viz., the forgotten eccentricity indices. The maximum d(u,v) for all v in V(G) is the eccentricity of the vertex u in G. This work also investigates eccentricity-based coindices and some of their properties. newlineApart from this, some uniquely radio colorable graphs are examined and characterized. -
Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles Leading to the Biocontrol of Aedes Aegypti
Mosquitoes are the potential vectors of many diseases such as malaria, dengue, brain newlinefever, etc. There is a need to check the proliferation of the population of vector newlinemosquitoes to reduce vector-borne diseases by appropriate control methods. Nanotechnology, a promising field of research, opens up in the present decade and is expected to give major impulses to technical innovations. Over the past few decades, nanoparticles of noble metals such as silver exhibited significantly distinct physical, chemical and biological properties. Presently, there is a need for increased efforts to develop newer and more effective methods to control mosquito vectors. Due to different technical and operational reasons, the existing chemical and biological methods are not as effective as in the earlier period. Therefore, this study is designed to extract silver newlinenanoparticles from plant, fungal and bacterial species and assess their impact on the third and fourth-instar mosquito larvae and the adult mosquito (Aedes spp). The study has formulated a gel material that is composed of nanomaterials that exhibited promising properties to develop a nano gel product. The study is designed in a way to have an impact on the control of mosquito larvae using biologically synthesized nanoparticle formulations. Green synthesis is expected to show a higher yield of nano products that can be formulated in various forms to standardize the biocontrol of mosquito species. Bioinformatic studies revealed the good binding potential of the extracted bio compounds against the juvenile hormone binding proteins in A. aegypti. The study deduced meaningful outcomes that can benefit the environment by controlling the mosquito population and thereby reducing disease transmission in many developing countries. -
Topologies Emanating From Graphs
A topology on a set is a collection of its subsets, including the set itself and the empty set, which is closed under union and fnite intersections. This dissertation introduces the notions such as graph topology, spanning graph topology, generalised graph topology, and generalised spanning graph topology by considering subgraphs and spanning subgraphs of a graph. Analogous to the set-theoretic notion, a graph topology is a collection of subgraphs of a given graph, including the null graph K0 and the graph itself, that is closed under newlineany union and any intersection. At the same time, a spanning graph topology of a graph is a collection of spanning subgraphs, including the spanning empty graph Nn, where n is the order of the graph and the graph G, which is closed under any union and any intersection. The topological concepts such as open sets, closed sets, base, subbase, neighbourhood, interior, subspace, and connectedness of spaces are extended to graph topology and spanning graph topology. In order to study the closed graphs in the above-mentioned graph topologies, two new graph complements are introduced in these graph topologies, such as decomposition and neighbourhood complements, to defne decomposition closed newlineand neighbourhood closed graphs. The decomposition complement is defned with respect to the edge set and the neighbourhood complement with respect to the vertex set. Since all the members of a spanning graph topology have the same vertex set, the neighbourhood closed graphs are described in terms of the edge set. The notion and characteristics of subspaces of both these graph topologies are defned, and the properties of closed graphs in these subspaces are also studied. Connectedness in topology holds a prominent role and applications in various felds of mathematics. The idea of connectedness is extended newlineto these graph topologies, and the same is characterised in the context of graph newlinetopology. -
Role of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Sustainable Performance of the Service Sector Organizations
The prominence revolution took place in the 1980s, and then the Green HRM practises movement blew over the sustainable development literature in the 1990s. This represents an excellent practice because it newlineincorporates sustainable development principles into the operational processes newlineof the human resources department. According to Mishra (2017), Green HRM is a tactical instrument for arranging human resource competences and promoting ideas that motivate businesses to embrace sustainable strategies. newlineThe term human resource management (HRM) is used to describe a set of practices, procedures, and methods that are focused on managing and optimizing the performance of personnel within a business, thereby providing the organization with a competitive advantage. Despite the fact that green human resource management has grown to be a major source of concern, India has only relatively handful of first-hand studies done in this area. While conventional HRM concentrates on functions to provide an organisation a competitive edge, green HRM places an emphasis on the capture and retention of green efforts to meet corporate objectives. newlineGreen HRM in India is plagued by a variety of issues. The study has chosen a few traits from the research at hand that may be utilised to create Green HRM practices for sustainable development. It stands to reason for contemporary businesses to take environmental responsibility seriously (Jackson, Renwick, Jabbour and Camen, 2011). Numerous studies show that environmental newlineinitiatives increase production and provide companies a competitive edge (Bombiak and Marciniuk-Kluska, 2018). Although organizational solutions quotmoved beyond pollution control and the mitigation of environmental degradationquot, Saeed, Jun, Nubuor, Priyankara and Jayasuriya (2018) have highlighted its significance in the New Millennium Era. -
Development of Family Intervention for Management of Psychogenic Seizures : A Qualitative Study
Background: In the somatoform and dissociative spectrum, family functioning has been poorly researched based on the search in PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PROQUEST, EBSCO and Cochrane Reviews. In Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES) primarily, family functioning has been understood as a comparison between Epileptic Seizures (ES) and PNES. However, an attempt to study different aspects of family functioning and its ability to influence the newlinemanifestation of the disorder is yet to be made. Methods: This study attempted to understand different family functions qualitatively by interviewing both the patients and family members of these patients. Nine patients and seven families of these patients participated in the study. Braun and Clarke s thematic model was used. Latent thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Based on the analysis, major and sub-themes were used to develop family intervention and a family psychoeducational model. Both were developed with the help of the GUIDED Checklist to report health interventions; the TIDieR format and Delphi newlinetechnique was used to collect the expert opinion of the developed intervention. newlineResults: Two sets of results and analyses were compiled with qualitative data, that is, for patients and families. Major themes and sub-themes were developed for both, including family interaction, attachment, poor communication, structural-systemic aspects, distressful family aspects, negative newlineexpressed emotions, cultural aspects, nature of the illness, family s views of the illness and coping mechanisms. These themes indicated the importance of family functioning and its impact on the manifestation of the disorder. newlineConclusion: The researcher concludes that family dysfunction can impact the manifestation of the disorder. Hence, an additional family intervention or psychoeducation is essential for holistic newlinetreatment. -
Admissibility of DNA Profiling Evidence in Criminal Trials in In India : A Comparative Study with Specific Reference to Legal Systems of United States of America and England
The use of Forensic technique of DNA profiling now constitutes a standard element of the system of Law Enforcement, and the findings of DNA testing are often acceptable in the proceedings of Legal cases. Despite newlinethe fact that they first relied on Expert Testimony based on DNA Evidence, the Courts in India have come to acknowledge DNA Evidence as both a fact that is significant to the case as well as proof that is conclusive. On the other hand, the scope of guilt that is capable of being concluded from a seeming match between samples is a topic of on-going debate. In most cases, it will newlinemerely be capable to locate the position of a suspect in relation to the site of the Crime. The uncritical acceptance of this Forensic Evidence as the objective answer to the challenge of determining the identity of a criminal raises the potential for scientific appropriation of the Criminal Justice system. newlineIn the vast majority of contested Legal proceedings involving Criminal offenses, the issue at hand is not one of identification but rather one of Intent or Mens-Rea, and DNA Evidence is irrelevant in this regard. Additionally, it is imperative to create a Regulatory framework which controls how the newlineForensic technique of DNA Profiling is used and applied with the objective to ensure its methodical and organized implementation. In light of this, it is very important to make rules about DNA Profiling that will only allow it to be used for Legal investigations. In an effort to regulate DNA profiling in the newlinecountry, the DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill 2019 has been proposed. The emphasis of this study, is the particular difficulties experienced by the Indian Judicial system as a consequence of introducing this novel Forensic technique into the Criminal Proceedings, and the research aims to examine the evolution and use of DNA profiling in India. -
Antecedents of Psychological Capital and Its Consequences on Affective Commitment and Psychological Wellbeing
Jharkhand Education Board stakeholders face the problem of dealing with the educational environment, thereby escalating a teacher's morale. To address this situation, a positive mindset in education, particularly among teachers, is desirable. Hence, based on positive psychology discipline resource theory conservation, and broaden and build theory, the study was carried out using a sequential explanatory mixed-method study design. The research questions addressed in the study were as follows: To what extent can the categories of proactive personality, emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and perceived organizational support predict PsyCap of teachers? To what extent will PsyCap predict the categories of affective commitment and psychological wellbeing? We considered both quantitative and qualitative methods; hence, this study had two phases. In the first phase, the data was gathered from 900 teachers using the survey instruments. The statistical analyses performed were Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with the software SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0. For teachers of rural Jharkhand, the study found that psychological capital has three dimensions. Besides proactive personality, emotional intelligence, and servant leadership also impact psychological capital. Further, psychological capital affects affective commitment and psychological wellbeing. In the second phase, this study examined the way and the reason behind the functioning of the antecedents of psychological capital using qualitative content analysis. The results offered a comprehensive understanding and identification of the antecedents that form rural teachers' psychological capital. Implications of the research include recommendations for recruiting teachers with higher levels of psychological capital and professional development through in-service teachers' training with a specific focus on psychological capital. -
Modification of Carbon Based Electrodes as Robust Scaffolds for Electrochemical Sensing of Vitamins and Hormones
Electrochemical sensors are for vitamins and hormones are constructed on employing various newlinemodifications (molecular imprinting technology, coating of 2D sheet like materials and also modifying using supramolecular complexing material) on the transducer host, carbon fiber paper electrode (CFP). From our observation, the electrochemical oxidation/reduction current newlineof the analytes studied, intensified significantly on the surface modifications employed over the CFP substrate. Surface morphology was characterized using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Electron Diffraction X-ray (EDX), X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Optical Profilometry and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Nyquist plots revealed the least charge transfer resistance at the finally modified working electrodes compared to other control electrodes. Optimization of experimental conditions such as effect of pH, investigating the reaction mechanism via effect of scan rate, number of cycles for the electrodeposition of the film in order to achieve maximum current response and potential window were studied in detail by using cyclic voltammetry (CV). Quantification of the analytes was performed using Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV). newlineAnalytical corroboration for real samples were carried out using the finally modified newlineelectrode. Therefore, all the works carried out have established simplicity and selectivity in the principle of the novel approach in the development of an ultrasensitive voltammetric sensor for vitamins and hormones studied. -
Sum Signed Graph
A sum signed graph S = (G, f, and#963;) is a signed graph of the underlying graph G where f : V (G) and#8722;and#8594; {1, 2, . . . , | V (G) |} is a bijective function and and#963; : E(G) and#8722;and#8594; {+, and#8722;} is newlinea mapping such that and#963;(uv) = +, whenever f(u) + f(v) and#8804; n and and#963;(uv) = and#8722;, whenever f(u) + f(v) gt n. The minimum number of negative and positive edges among all the sum signed labelings of G is known as rna and rna complement number respectively. The maximum number of positive edges among all the sum signed labelings of G is known as adhika number. The set X and#8838; V (G) is said to be a s - dominating of a signed graph whenever X is a dominating set and there exists exactly s number of negative edges between X and its complement. The minimum cardinality of such a dominating set over all signed graphs of the graph G is called an s - domination number. newlineIn the present study, we initiate the study of a new labeling in signed graphs namely, newlinesum signed labeling. The characteristics of sum signed graphs and the bound of rna number of in terms of the number of vertices in the underlying graph are explored by examining the rna number of different graphs. The properties of signed graphs such as negating and balancing is analyzed. The relation between rna number and rna complement number is established. The connection of sum signed labeling with parity signed labeling and cordial labeling is discussed. The absolute cordial condition for graphs satisfying sum signed labeling is examined. The concept of s - domination was also introduced during this period of study. The s domination in both the positive and negative homogeneous signed graph is investigated for each value of s. The properties of s domination in sum signed graphs are also analyzed. The s - domination number for specifc values of s is investigated for various graphs. The maximum value of s for a graph for which the s - domination will exist is discussed. -
Animal-Assisted Therapy : Effect on Neuropsychological Functioning, Depression and Emotion Regulation
The mere presence of a dog in a therapeutic setup is known to bring about positive newlineoutcomes, so when incorporated into therapy, dogs can bring multifarious benefits that are not entirely tapped upon. There also exist cultural differences in the perception towards and acceptance of animals which limits the generalisability of western literature. This research aimed to study the effect of animal-assisted therapy, with therapy dogs, on depression, emotional newlineregulation and neuropsychological functioning of individuals. A pretest-posttest experimental research design was used wherein 42 participants were matched and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Both the groups received therapeutic interventions once a week, for 45 minutes, over a period of 2 months, however, only the experimental group received animal-assisted therapy. Beck Depression Inventory-II, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale newlineand NIMHANS Neuropsychology Battery were used to gauge the level of depression, emotion newlineregulation and neuropsychological functioning before and after the intervention. The findings reveal that both the experimental and control group saw a significant improvement in their level of depression and emotion regulation, however, only the experimental group showed a significant improvement in all the measured domains of neuropsychological functioning. No newlinesignificant changes were observed in the domains of neuropsychological functioning of the control group. The results help validate the animal-assisted therapy interventions provided to improve the individuals neuropsychological functioning, and emotion regulation and alleviate depression. Further implications are identified and discussed as per the results. -
Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic Trading Activity in the BSE Using Limit Order Book of Select Stocks
With the existence of a heterogeneous market compounded by asymmetric information, technology has become one of the major newlineenablers in stock market development. Introduction of algorithms for trading gave a fillip to many stock market participants and allowed them to trade rapidly and profitably. In the present day in Indian stock market, newlinewe have two types of market players; algorithmic traders and nonalgorithmic traders. The algorithmic traders are playing a dominant role in order placement, order modification and order execution while the newlinenon-algorithmic traders still continue to use their intuition. This study aims to understand the trading activity of both the market participants. The study uses the Limit Order Book data from Bombay Stock Exchange. newlineThe LOB data of selected nine stocks is considered for the study whose variables namely Order Added, Order Updated and Order Deleted data along with the Bid Ask Quotes are considered for measurement. Based on newlinethe Limit Orders it is observed that there is a statistically significant difference in the trading behavior of algorithmic and non-algorithmic traders based on stock market session timings and market capitalization. newlineThe market making ability of the algorithmic traders was examined using Order-to trade Ratio and it is observed that large number of orders are not executed indicating that there is no significant Market Making happening. newlineThe algorithmic traders possess an edge over the non-algorithmic traders in Order Modification resulting in dominance in the Stock market. The Mann Kendal Trend test indicates upward and downward trend in newlinevolume adjusted spread indicating that market making is happening especially in the stocks where algorithmic activity is high. This study enables regulatory authorities to monitor stock market activity especially during pre- open session. This study provides sufficient scope for further research on future of algorithmic trading activity and its ramifications on non-algorithmic trading activity in the future. -
Synthesis, Process Parameter Control and Performance of Nano Ceramic Coatings for Diesel Engine Applications
Ceramics are non-metallic inorganic solids which are used in various forms (bulk and newlinecoatings) and environments (low and high temperature) to provide protection from newlinethermal, wear or chemical attack. Due to their high melting point, compressive newlinestrength, oxidation and corrosion resistant properties, ceramics are strong, hard, newlinebrittle and harsh environment resistant. Ceramic coatings are generally applied on newlinemetal components to either enhance their life or augment the performance of the devices they are mounted on. Furthermore, coatings being thin (few small units to hundreds of microns); they do not demand significant alteration in component design. Among the many types of coatings used in engineering applications, Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) and wear resistant coatings (WRC) are used to protect metallic components from thermal and mechanical damages respectively. 6 to 8%Yttria stabilized zirconia (6-8% Y2O3-ZrO2), generally designated as 8YSZ has been newlineextensively used as TBC and alpha alumina (and#945;-Al2O3) find applications as WRC. 250 to 300m thick micron grained TBC, with grain sizes typically up to 20 m or even higher are well known to thermally insulate diesel engine combustion chamber to provide enhanced fuel efficiency characteristics. 8YSZ and and#945;-Al2O3 coatings also find use in power plants, textiles, automotive and aero-space industries etc. to provide benefits like improved product quality and energy efficiency, extended wear life, reduced maintenance cycles and costs etc. Among ceramic coatings, nanostructured coatings have received further interest because of their extraordinary properties including enhanced hardness, strength, ductility, and toughness when compared with coatings with micron grained newlinemicrostructure. Nanostructured zirconia is also expected to serve as advanced TBC in newlineengine applications, although information on its feasibility and the technology is mostly classified. -
On the Maximization of Some Graph Coloring Problems
A graph coloring problem involves labeling the vertices or edges in a graph with newlinecolors or numbers subject to some constraints. The most frequently known graph newlinecoloring problems are the ones that usually minimize the number of colors used in newlinecoloring the vertices or edges. The chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by and#967;(G), is the least number of colors used in a proper coloring of G. The chromatic sum of a graph G, denoted as P(G), was introduced in [1], which is to and the smallest possible coloring sum in a proper coloring of the graph G using natural numbers. Lately, a few studies have endured in a distinct area of the literature where the number of colors used in a graph coloring problem is maximized under certain conditions. Some of these works have applications in network sciences. newlineThe concerned study focuses on the maximization of three dierent edge coloring newlineconcepts, viz., the vertex induced kand#8722;edge coloring, vertex incident kand#8722;edge coloring, newlineand edge incident 2and#8722;edge coloring of a simple connected graph G, where k and#8805; 2. The newlinenumber of colors assigned to the edges of the graph G has been maximized under certain conditions. The vertex induced kand#8722;edge coloring and the vertex incident newlinekand#8722;edge coloring concepts are the generalized version of the edge coloring approach newlineintroduced and studied in [2]. Furthermore, the concept of the achromatic sum of a graph G has also been introduced here. This concept is to and the greatest possible coloring sum of the graph G in an improper edge coloring using natural numbers. An extensive study newlineon three achromatic sums, namely the vertex induced 2and#8722;edge coloring sum, the vertex incident 2and#8722;edge coloring sum, and the edge incident 2and#8722;edge coloring sum are carried out. A few bounds for these parameters on a simple connected graph G and the exact values for some elementary graph classes have been investigated. A few comparative results between some of these parameters have also been obtained.