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Animal-Assisted Therapy : Effect on Neuropsychological Functioning, Depression and Emotion Regulation
The mere presence of a dog in a therapeutic setup is known to bring about positive newlineoutcomes, so when incorporated into therapy, dogs can bring multifarious benefits that are not entirely tapped upon. There also exist cultural differences in the perception towards and acceptance of animals which limits the generalisability of western literature. This research aimed to study the effect of animal-assisted therapy, with therapy dogs, on depression, emotional newlineregulation and neuropsychological functioning of individuals. A pretest-posttest experimental research design was used wherein 42 participants were matched and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Both the groups received therapeutic interventions once a week, for 45 minutes, over a period of 2 months, however, only the experimental group received animal-assisted therapy. Beck Depression Inventory-II, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale newlineand NIMHANS Neuropsychology Battery were used to gauge the level of depression, emotion newlineregulation and neuropsychological functioning before and after the intervention. The findings reveal that both the experimental and control group saw a significant improvement in their level of depression and emotion regulation, however, only the experimental group showed a significant improvement in all the measured domains of neuropsychological functioning. No newlinesignificant changes were observed in the domains of neuropsychological functioning of the control group. The results help validate the animal-assisted therapy interventions provided to improve the individuals neuropsychological functioning, and emotion regulation and alleviate depression. Further implications are identified and discussed as per the results. -
Noise removal feature enhancement and speech recognition techniques for artificial larynx transducer speech
Speech impediments are the state of difficulty for a person to speak comfortably. These impediments make the spoken speech distorted and they are generally categorized as disordered speech. The quality of disordered speech is poor as clarity, intelligibility and naturalness is missing. In most type of disordered speech the voice is natural and produced by the vocal system of the human being. The vocal system includes the organ called as Larynx placed in the upper part of the neck. This organ has the vocal folds that contribute for pitch variation and volume of the speech. This organ will be malfunctioning some time or will be removed because of cancer. In both the case in order to restore speech, an external device called Artificial Larynx Transducer (ALT) is used to produce the sound. It is a small handheld battery operated device and is used for decades to obtain the audible speech for people who lost their speech because of removal of larynx. The quality of speech and its intelligibility of AL speakers have not improved for decades. The reason for poor quality is constant vibration of ALT, direct sound from ALT and pressure offered to produce the vibration. newlineSo in this research the nature of the speech produced from ALT is analyzed, a possible enhancement of the parameter is done and a recognition technique of the spoken word with the help of trained data is done. Here the approach followed to tackle the problem of poor quality in AL speech involves both speech enhancement and recognizer technique development. When it is looked as enhancement problem noise region localization, noise estimation and noise suppression methods were adopted. In the process of parameter enhancement, pitch frequency estimation and improvement is implemented. When it is looked as recognition problem the parameters pitch frequency, formant frequency, glottal excitation, spectral tilt, coefficients are extracted. As formant frequency is a sensitive parameter, its estimation was done using Recurrent Neural network. -
Design, Analysis and Validation of Electric Vehicle Control and Safety for Different Path Profiles and Braking Conditions
Energy conservation and Environmental pollution are two major challenges today for our society. Currently, utilization of the latest technology, to reduce energy consumption and harmful emissions from vehicles, is gaining significance in the contexts related to automobile, energy and power industries. Considerations of these contexts enable us to form a more realistic newlineperspective and a need for developing fuel efficient, comfortable and affordable electric vehicles. The importance of design and development of electric vehicle (EV) is better perceived when, there is a major impact on our future society due to (i) the energy saving aspect from newlineboth the customer side on individual expenditure as well as from the national economy viewpoint and (ii) the huge benefit due to reduction of emissions from internal combustion engines using fossil fuels. EV offers the best solution which not only avoids emissions but overcome the dependency on petroleum resources as well. Due to fewer moving parts, monitoring and controlling of EV are also smooth and relatively much easier. The embedded control techniques used in EV also contribute for a better controllable, observable, predictable newlineand efficient vehicle drive. This current research work focuses mainly on Electric Vehicle Mobility and Control aspects for a deeper study. This research work addresses topics related to mathematical modelling and simulation studies for design and analysis of EV control and safety. Validations of the several case studies done during this research are supported by software tools namely MATLAB/Simulink and IPG Carmaker Virtual Driving Simulation Platform. Starting from modelling, throughout the various stages of this work, realistic vehicle parameters and specifications are considered. The newlinedifferent levels of testing, validation and trial runs of the model-based designs are also validated by software in loop and hardware in loop approaches. Automotive Safety Integrity Level B/C hardware was used for the implementation purpose. -
Effectiveness of Classroom Interaction on English Language Production in Tamil Medium Schools in Coimbatore
The research study emphasized the importance of classroom interaction (CI) in English language classes for language learning among second language learners of English based on the interaction approach to language learning. The present study attempted to address the problem of students entering the tertiary level of education with dissimilar levels of English language proficiency due to the inequity in English language education among various types of schools in India. newlineThe main purpose of the study was to facilitate classroom interaction (CI) for newlineEnglish language learning in the context through the development of an Interactive Hour module and thereby providing opportunities for disadvantaged learners to be exposed to a graded target language and enabling them to produce the target language inside classroom spaces with corrective feedback on language use. The research was carried out in two phases using mixed methods research design in government-aided Tamil medium schools in the district of Coimbatore, newlineTamil Nadu, India. Phase I of the study, which was majorly qualitative in nature, was conducted to establish the need for the study in the context. It was aimed to Systematically present the actual teaching and learning scenario of English language classrooms in government-aided schools in Tamil Nadu in comparison to what is mentioned newlinein the national and state education policy notes and official documents related to newlineEnglish language teaching. The major objectives of phase I of the study were to newlineunderstand the pedagogic goals of English language teachers and their classroom newlineinteractional awareness and to observe and evaluate the nature and extent of classroom interaction in English language classes in the context of language policy and planning. -
A Study on Certain Topological Indices and Related Polynomials In Graphs
Topological indices are invariants of molecular graphs which are used for quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) or quantitative structure-activity newlinerelationship (QSAR) correlations. In this study, we have worked upon the bounds and exact expressions of certain specifc topological indices related with some graph newlineoperations. Further, we have determined the formulations of certain topological indices and co-indices for the total transformation graph. In addition, we have worked upon the reformulated forgotten index and obtained its exact expressions with respect to the transformation graphs and other graph product variants. We describe graph transformations, by means of which the reformulated forgotten index increases or decreases. Using these transformations, the trees, unicyclic and newlinebicyclic graphs extremal with respect to the index are characterized. We carried out newlinethe computation of equitable and non-equitable Zagreb and the relative equitable newlineand non-equitable Zagreb indices of certain chemical compounds like the polycyclic newlinearomatic hydrocarbons, the rhombus silicate, rhombus oxide and copper oxide networks using the equitable Zagreb polynomial formulations. As to demonstrate the application of our study, we have carried out the QSPR analysis of the anti-HIV and anti-Covid drugs with respect to the physico-chemical drug characteristics using the notion of Mand#8722;polynomial and topological indices, thus asserting that the indices taken under study are inherent units for the QSPR inspection of the drugs. -
Insurance coverage framework for assisted reproductive treatments for women
Giving birth to a child is considered as one of the purest and highest forms of giving by any human being. The harsh reality is that not all men and women can reproduce. Some remain childless their entire life. Infertility hurts both men and women, but women more. Women continue to face social stigma of not bearing a child and go through stress, anxiety, and depression (Donkar, 2007; Widge, 2002; Reissman, 2000). One of the most significant contributions of Medical Science is the invention of Assisted Reproductive Technology Treatments that help infertile couples to conceive. India has been a pioneer in adapting to this technology and since 1978 many couples have been able to give birth to a child. Unfortunately, these treatments are expensive. Infact, the high treatment cost is the predominant source of anxiety in patients going through these treatments across the world (Iaconelli, 2013). There are instances where, couples leave the treatment, mid way as they are not able to arrange more money (Brennan et al., 2006). However, countries like Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, Belgium, and Japan, to name a few have included these treatments under their Government health insurance policy, whereas countries such as UK, USA, and Singapore have their Private Health insurance companies covering them. In comparison with its western counterparts, India is far behind in using Insurance as a method to finance Assisted Reproductive treatments. A preliminary study indicated two things- The resistance from the Insurance company's side in venturing into a product of this sort and secondly, unavailability of an insurance framework to guide them to venture into such a product. Thus, study began with the sole intention of creating an Insurance framework for assisted Reproductive Treatments particularly for women. A Qualitative Methodology has been adapted for the study. As a first step, infertility treatment polices from developed and developing countries were gathered and analyzed to extract the components of the drafting an Assisted re productive Treatment policy framework. Using these components, interview schedules were made to solicit information from the three different stakeholders. In-depth face to face interviews with 13 Doctors, 12 Patients, and 10 Insurers were conducted and data was further analyzed using Qualitative Content Analysis Method as prescribed by Olle Rudolf Holsti in 1968 and refined by Downe-Wamboltdt in 1992. The concepts of reduction, distillation, and condensation as prescribed by Olle Findahl in 1981, Stephen Cavanagh in 1997, and Paul Atkinknson in 1996 have been used. The results pave the way for the proposed framework. This framework can be used as a guide by Insurance companies in defining the disease, designing the value proposition, entry and exit age, coverage as per stage of treatment, designing the proposal form to solicit information from the insured, arriving at the sum Insured, drafting conditions and exclusions of the policy, pricing, and promotional aspects, mitigation of moral hazards and claims management. The framework suggests a model that can benefit patients to avail insurance at a nominal price. -
Influence of behavioural traits on investment decisions
Behavioural traits exhibited by individual investors play a vital role in the investment decisions made by the investor. In this research, the researcher has identified the different behavioural traits shown by different individual investors by their unique characteristics. The study was conducted on a sample size of 811 individual investors from different parts of Bengaluru. The study classified the investment decisions into four aspects and also identified whether investment decisions vary significantlly due to demographic factors. The study further developed a model which explains the linkages between behavioural traits to investment attitude and investment attitude to investment decisions. Review of literature revealed that there exists a gap in the studies in behavioural finance showing the linkages between an investor's behavioural traits and investment attitude and investment decisions. Even though many research happened to identify the personality traits of individual investors, no significant attempt was made to study the linkage between behavioural traits on investment decisions. In this study, an attempt was made to show how individual investors behavioural traits can affect the investment attitude and how investment attitude can affect the investment decision of an individual investor. Result of the study indicated that behavioural traits influences the investment decisions of individual investors. The model developed in the study also proved a linkage between behavioural traits , investment attitude and investment decisions of individual investors with the moderating effect of demograpic factors. -
Study of Classical Be Stars in Open Clusters in the Galaxy
Classical Be stars (CBe) in open clusters older than 100 Myr are identifed. The objective is to study their characteristics relating to age, spectral type and evolutionary state. This study compliments with that of Mathew et al. (2008), where they identifed and characterized emission-line stars in open clusters younger than 100 Myr. For this research, we surveyed a sample of newline71 open clusters older than 100 Myr using the slitless spectroscopy technique, with the Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT). From the survey we identifed 15 CBe stars from the 11 open clusters older than 100 Myr. Out of 15 CBe stars, 13 CBe stars show Hand#945; in emission. Among these CBe stars, TYC 2679-432-1 is a new detection, belonging to Berkeley 50 open newlinecluster. Two more CBe stars, out of 15 CBe stars, are found to exhibit Hand#945; in absorption for the frst time. This suggests that they might be passing through a disc-loss episode (or transient phase). Apart from our survey of 71 old open clusters, we found additional 16 Be stars from 6 open clusters older than 100 Myr in the literature (which was not observed in the slitless survey due to observation limitations). In addition to HFOSC instrument mounted on HCT, we used Opto Mechanics Research (OMR) spectrograph newlinemounted on 2.3-m Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT) for taking the slit spectra of CBe stars. We performed the optical spectroscopy of 16 classical Be stars in 11 open clusters older than 100 Myr. Among these 16 stars, 15 newlinewere identifed from our previous slitless spectroscopic study. The remaining one, LS III +47 37b is a new detection, which is confrmed through the present study. Our analysis also suggests that one out of these 16 stars, [KW97] 35-12 might be a weak Hand#945; emitter in nature showing Hand#945; EW of -0.5 Moreover, it is found that the Hand#945; EW for 15 stars is lt -40 in agreement with previous works. Interestingly, we did not observe any FeII emission line or even the OI 8446 emission feature in any of our sample stars. -
Modulated rayleigh-benard ferroconvection in couple stress fluid
Ferromagnetic fluid with couple stress confined between two stress-free, isothermal horizontal plates is considered in this study. The effect of different types of modulation on Rayleigh-Bard convection in a ferromagnetic fluid with couple stress is examined by considering sinusoidal (sine) and non-sinusoidal (square, triangular, and sawtooth) wave types of modulation. Rayleigh- Bard convection in a ferromagnetic fluid with couple stress subjected to gravity, rotation, temperature, and internal heat modulation is discussed by performing linear and non-linear analyses. The expression for the critical Rayleigh number and the correction Rayleigh number are deduced using the Venezian approach. The effect of gravity, rotation, temperature and internal heat modulation on heat transport is studied using the generalized Lorenz model. The effect of various parameters on the onset of convection and heat transport is studied. The ferromagnetic parameters hasten the convection onset and enhance the heat transfer under various modulations. The results of a Newtonian fluid, ferromagnetic fluid, and couple stress fluid is obtained as the limiting cases of this study. -
Development and validation of an intimate relationship security scale
Relationships form an integral part of our lives, a key function being attachment. While newlineromantic relationships have mainly been studied with attachment theories as the basis,collectivistic cultures like India emphasize on togetherness more than individualism. To understand and measure security in any intimate relationship, a tool was developed, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods. An initial thematic analysis helped develop a basic model of relationship security that guided item generation. Items were developed to help newlinemeasure the newly operationalized construct, using stakeholders, literature review and social media. 520 participants, including both, marital and pre-marital and 7 experts, helped cut down the 206 item pool to (in the first phase of data collection) to 84 items. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted the second time on a sample of 486 participants that further narrowed down the scale to 58 items. The final confirmatory factor analysis, using SPSS AMOS, involved data collected from 408 participants. Validity, Reliability analysis and norms were developed for the final scale of 43 items. -
Computer Vision Based Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Deep Learning
Speech is a human default and unique modality for language development and communication which is essential for memory and overall cognitive development. Excellency in language permits a child to be extrovert enriching the development of cognitive and psychosocial skills; whereas, for auditory deprived children, the misalignment of the brain and ear makes them impotent to communicate with the society which creates a central dogma that hearing-loss is a disability which further ignores their psycho-social identity. To fill such gaps and make their community more freewheeling in India, Indian Sign Language (ISL) - a complete language with its own linguistic and verbal elements was framed. Though ISL is appropriate and absolute in every linguistic approach, lack of prerequisite and proficiency enforces dedicated teachers to teach the curriculum through contrived signs for the sake of convenience that not only diminishes the distinctiveness of ISL but also dislodges the idea of learning their mother tongue. This creates an imbalance in the analogous learning of communication and curriculum language. In order to balance the level in learning, effective vision-based days of the week ISL model is developed through Convolution Neural Network (CNN) architecture which boasts independent learning of ISL. The proposed model comprises of six stages: dataset creation, preprocessing, splitting dataset into train, validation and test, applying various types of image augmentation techniques according to split, constructing CNN model for feature extraction and classification and finally evaluating the result through evaluation measures. Initially, an image dataset is created as there is a scarcity of standard ISL datasets in internet sources. The images are created on vision-based technique to avoid of carrying additional superfluous hardware gadgets for human computer interaction. -
Experiences of raising children with autism :
The purpose of the study was to address the gap in the literature related to fathers role and experiences in raising boys with autism in the Indian context. Though the study has tried to homogenise the sample to the best possible extent it does not aim to generalise the results; rather it seeks newlineto get an insight into some facets of the fathers experiences. A qualitative phenomenological approach was used for this study which addressed the three research questions: 1) What are the experiences of fathers before and after the diagnosis of autism? 2) What are the challenges that fathers experience as they raise their child with autism? 3) What are the personal changes that fathers go through as they raise their child with autism? Tied together these research questions sketches the journey travelled by the fathers and gave a sweeping picture of their overall newlineexperiences as fathers of children with autism. The study has mapped and constructed the passage of thirteen fathers of children with autism aged between six to 11 through a one on one interview. All the ethical newlineconsiderations have been followed. The participants were able to provide a rich and detailed account of their experiences of bringing up a child with autism. The analysis was done using Interpretative Phenomenologic alAnalysis. newlineSix major themes emerged from the study. They are 1) Making sense of early warning signs 2) The impact of diagnosis 3) Negotiating the social world 4) Accepting and accommodating autism 5) Personal transformations 6) Bonding with the child. One of the earliest behaviours noticed by all the fathers was a delay in speech. None of the fathers resisted going for a diagnosis. In fact, once they found that something was different in their child, they relentlessly pursued the reason for it. -
A Study on the impact of e-service quality perceived customer value and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in online travel agencies
As the markets have become more competitive in every business sector especially in online, many companies have recognized the importance of developing a strong loyal customer base. The benefits associated with newlinecustomer loyalty include lower costs of retaining existing customers as compare to acquiring new customers, repeat business, word of mouth marketing, cross selling opportunities and so on. However, in case of newlineonline business, customers could effortlessly cover the globe at the click of a mouse in search of the lowest price and that results in break in customer loyalty. Hence, it is necessary to conduct research on newlineidentifying the drivers of customer loyalty and their influence on customer loyalty. newlineThis research explored the impact of e-service quality, perceived customer value, customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in online travel agencies. A conceptual model is proposed based on previous studies and newlinetested using structural equation modeling technique, bootstrapping estimates and multi group SEM (MSEM) analysis. The study employed newlinepurposeful sampling technique and was conducted on a sample size of 405 respondents working in information and communication technology organizations set up in Bengaluru. The study also tested the mediating effect of perceived customer value and customer satisfaction on the relationship between e-service quality and customer loyalty. The study also made an attempt to test the moderating effect of switching cost on newlinerelationship between e-service quality and customer loyalty, perceived customer value and customer loyalty as well as customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Results indicated that e-service quality, perceived newlinecustomer value and customer satisfaction has a significant and positive impact on customer loyalty.Results of the study also indicated that perceived customer value and customer satisfaction partially mediate the newlinerelationship between the antecedent and outcome variables. -
On the Way to Oneself : An Existential Study of the Select Plays of Sreeja K V and Sajitha Madathil
The perennial inquiries into human identity and the purpose of existence persist as enduring mysteries, often evoking a sense of introspection and existential angst. Amidst the quest for elucidation, individuals frequently find themselves entangled in the web of maya (appearance), wherein perceptions of reality become distorted, leading to emotional responses including jealousy, greed, guilt, and disappointment. However, amidst this labyrinth of existence, philosophical frameworks such as Existentialism and Advaita Vedanta offer invaluable lenses through which to perceive and engage with these existential inquiries. Existentialism prompts individuals to confront the subjective nature of their existence and assert autonomy in defining their identities and purpose. In contrast, Advaita Vedanta seeks to transcend the illusory veil of ego and perceive the ultimate reality of the Self (atman) as indistinguishable from the eternal consciousness (Brahman). Through the exploration of these philosophical paradigms, one can embark on a journey of Self- discovery, ultimately unveiling insights into the timeless questions of human existence. It is possible to identify this kind of crisis in the lives of the characters in the selected plays of Sreeja K V and Sajitha Madathil. Therefore, this thesis examines the selected plays of twenty-first-century Malayalam playwrights Sreeja K V and Sajitha Madathil through the lens of Simone de Beauvoir's existentialism and the pramana of Advaita Vedanta. It aims to explore the concept of the Self and how certain circumstances and experiences contribute to its realisation. By analysing the protagonists of these plays, the thesis seeks to uncover the notion that the Self is not merely a product of causality but rather the observer and creator of existence itself. This investigation raises further questions regarding the manifestation of the Self in one's life and the potential for misconceptions about its nature. The plays provide insights into the interaction between worldly illusions and the true essence of the Self, prompting consideration of how individuals often conflate these realms and succumb to materialistic temptations. Additionally, the thesis explores whether negative experiences are transient and whether individuals ultimately learn to overcome them. The selected plays open up the scope to understand the interplay of illusions of the world and the Self. This exploration leads to further questions like how does the Self appear in ones life? Is the Self mistaken? How often do people superimpose these two together and fall prey to the materialistic aspects? Is it true that the negative experiences are momentary, and often, one learns to survive from those experiences? Through the application of analytical frameworks of Existentialism and Advaita Vedanta into the select plays, this research endeavours to provide insights into these inquiries. -
A Critical Study in ADR Mechanism in India with Reference to Court Annexed Mediation in Family Disputes
Mediation has been in vogue in India since time immemorial. Sadly, it is yet to evolve into a major dispute resolution mechanism. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms like arbitration, mediation, conciliation, courtannexed ADR, and summary jury trial would help in resolving all types of disputes, including those of a civil, commercial, industrial and family nature. newlineGenerally, ADR mechanisms would use a neutral third party that help the parties to communicate, discuss their differences and resolve the dispute. With matrimonial dispute numbers rising and the significance attaching to matrimonial bond in our country, the researcher set out to examine the country s court-annexed mediation mechanism to ascertain how the flaws, if any, that obtain in the mechanism can be addressed. It should lead the researcher to recommend a strategy for a seamless and hassle-free implementation of the relevant regulatory provisions. The researcher embarked on descriptive research, employing the survey method, in the newlinecircumstances. She collected data from primary and secondary sources for the newlinepurpose. The ensure bias minimisation and accuracy of findings, she interviewed two categories of respondents, namely, litigants numbering 100 and mediators numbering 100. She used a 4-point Likert scale to elicit the newlinerespondents replies to the queries raised in the Interview Schedule. Since the two variables used in the study were categorical and nonordinal, she used the Chi-square test to examine the relationship. The researcher s analysis of the data led her to conclude that there obtains a certain degree of lack of clarity in terms of the enforceability of the outcomes of mediation. For example, in court-annexed mediation, a settlement reached newlineby the parties is not enforceable automatically. It is unfortunately assumed in newlineour country that mediation is resorted to by litigants who do not have a strong newlinecase. It is also assumed that the litigant that chooses mediation is the one that newlineblinks first. -
Isolation of Fungal Endophytes From Hulimavu Lake Flora and Characterization and Optimization of Fungal Enzymes
The present work was aimed at isolating fungal endophytes from Hulimavu Lake, newlineextracting their secondary metabolites and fungal enzymes to subsequently probe the newlinebiological properties of these fungal endophytic bioactive compounds and enzymes. newlineHulimavu Lake, known for its notoriously high levels of pollution contributed by newlineanthropogenic factors, was chosen for this study with the literature-evidence backed newlinehypothesis that plant habitat stress also positively favors the type and quanta of bioactive compounds with novel features produced by its endophytes. Literature survey was performed to identify the probable types of plants found in this lake that could be used for the study and these were subsequently collected, identified and processed under laboratory conditions. These plants were authenticated by a certified botanist and were identified as Alternanthera philoxeroides, Ricinus communis and Persicaria glabra. Fungal endophytes were then isolated from different plant parts collected and were screened using preliminary LCB staining followed by DNA sequencing analysis. Based on ITS region sequencing, nucleotide homology and phylogenetic tree mapping, these fungal endophytic cultures were identified as Aspergillus niger, Talaromyces amestolkiae, Cladosporium phaseolorum and Diaporthe phaseolorum. Crude extracts obtained from these fungal endophytes displayed bacterial growth inhibition and significant free radical scavenging/ reduction potential that was comparable to standard ascorbic acid, hence depicting antioxidant activity of these extracts. Owing to their biological properties these crude extracts were further tested for cytotoxic properties on newlinedifferent models like that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker s yeast), Artemia salina newline(Brine shrimp) and MCF-7 cell line. The presence of fungal endophytic enzymes like newlineprotease, amylase, laccase and lipase was detected qualitatively and estimated newlinequantitatively. -
Synergetic Effect of Metal Nanoparticle Embedded Graphene Membrane : A Novel Approach for Antimicrobial Filtration
Water, the elixir of life, holds a profound significance that extends far beyond its essential utility. It's not just a resource; it pulsates as the life force of our existence, intricately woven into the very fabric of our daily lives. Water is the silent force that shapes our world, from nurturing our health and sustaining social structures to fueling economic development and fostering the environment. However, the adequacy of potable water quality confronts adverse impacts stemming from inadequate wastewater treatment, escalating domestic and industrial waste, and the microbial contamination of surface water sources. Furthermore, climate change emerges as a pivotal factor intensifying the depletion of water levels in natural resources due to diminished rainfall. Reports project that, by 2025, two-thirds of global population might contend with water scarcity. Given the persistence of current scenario, there exists a notable potential for significant conflicts among nations stemming from water scarcity. However, such a predicament can be mitigated through proactive measures, including the preservation of natural resources and the implementation of advanced technologies to recover fresh water from contaminated sources. Advanced technologies for the purification of contaminated water encompass sedimentation, precipitation, filtration, and ion exchange, which can effectively extract clean water from diverse impurities. Notably, membrane-based purification has gained prominence in recent years, owing to its cost- effectiveness and energy-saving attributes. Carbon-based nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes,fullerenes and graphene have garnered considerable attention in recent research studies, particularly in the realm of membrane applications. Within this, membranes fabricated by carbon nanotubes (CNT) stand out, showcasing exceptional filtering properties attributed to their tubular carbon structure. However, the cost-effectiveness and ease of synthesis impediments pose significant challenges, acting as bottlenecks for their widespread application in water purification. Consequently, graphene-based membranes emerge as a promising alternative to CNT membranes, demonstrating selective separation of ions and molecules. Specifically, membranes derived from graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) exhibit superior filtering capabilities compared to ceramic and polymeric counterparts, owing to their layered structure featuring tunable nanochannels, hydrophilic or hydrophobic nature, and commendable mechanical resilience. Graphene oxide solution synthesis has been done using Hummer's method, followed by fabrication of high-quality membranes through vacuum filtration techniques. Current work emphasis on recognizing the pivotal influence of membrane thickness on both water flux and dye rejection, meticulous optimization of filtration properties by producing graphene oxide (GO) membranes at various concentrations. Furthermore, reduction of graphene oxide through the hydrothermal method, enabling a comprehensive comparative analysis of water flux and rejection between graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) membranes was carried out. In our investigation, the results unequivocally validate that the GO 500 sample exhibits optimized filtration properties. Furthermore, the reduced graphene oxide (rGO) variant surpasses graphene oxide (GO) in terms of filtration efficacy, demonstrating superior filtering properties. It is noteworthy to highlight that reduced graphene oxide (rGO) exhibits less antibacterial properties compared to graphene oxide (GO). The disinfection capability of the membrane is pivotal in ensuring the recovery of pure water. To bolster the antibacterial features of GO, we have undertaken an enhancement strategy by incorporating silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticle, showcases multifaceted properties including surface plasmon resonance and unique morphologies, which contribute significantly to the inactivation of bacteria. The conducted studies reveal that membranes incorporating graphene oxide with silver (GO-Ag) exhibit remarkable antibacterial properties against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Additionally, these membranes demonstrate appreciable filtration capabilities and exhibit effective antifouling properties, further emphasizing their potential for advanced applications in water purification systems. Fouling is a significant challenge in membrane technology, as the continuous passage of contaminants results in the formation of layers on membrane surface, thereby diminishing its filtration efficiency. Despite the antifouling properties exhibited by GO- Ag membranes, there exists further improvement in enhancing performance and extending the membrane's lifespan. To address this, we have undertaken a reduction of graphene oxide and incorporated silver nanoparticles, aiming to augment the antifouling properties and overall efficacy of membrane. The conclusive findings indicate that fine-tuned membrane exhibits remarkable antibacterial properties, superior filtration capabilities, and a minimal irreversible fouling ratio. These outcomes provide confirmation that the fabricated membranes stand as potential materials for water purification applications, showcasing a well-rounded set of properties essential for effective and sustainable water treatment. -
Process of Emotion Regulation in Relation to Attachment and Mindfulness Traits During Gottman's Dreams-WIthin-Conflict Intervention
Gottman Couple Therapy (GCT) promotes process research to comprehend how interventions function. A GCT intervention called Dreams-within-Conflict (DWC) encourages healthy emotional regulation techniques including expression and experiencing to diffuse impasses. The purpose of this study is to examine emotion regulation and experiencing changes during a single DWC session using convergent mixed methods on N=30 individuals (15 couples). The techniques for controlling emotions (Extrinsic/Intrinsic affect Worsening/Improving strategies EW, IW, EI, II) and experiencing mode/peak scores (ESM & ESP) were measured using self- assessments, observation rating and coding of video recordings, interviews, and feedback reports in relation to individual traits of emotion regulation (cognitive reappraisal & suppression), beliefs, attachment (avoidance & anxiety), and mindfulness. Paired-samples t-test revealed that DWC significantly reduced partners' EW and boosted partners' EI and II. Both ESM and ESP significantly improved. Results from hierarchical linear modelling showed that before-DWC EI, gender, cognitive reappraisal, and suppression predicted EI and before-DWC II and avoidance predicted II. None of the variables predicted EW or IW. Gender predicted ESM. The emotional regulation strategies, experiencing and preferences for expression (over suppression) shared by Indian couples were examined using thematic analysis. Avoidance, conflict behaviours, and prioritising parents' emotions over partners' (in men) were most used strategies. Experiencing levels 1-3 used before-DWC changed to 3-4 during-DWC. Expression was unanimously preferred by Indian couples. -
Hybrid Intrusion Detection Technique for Internet of Things
The rapid expansion and integration of Internet of Things (IoT) applications in newlinevarious aspects of daily life has significantly surprised and impacted contemporary society. The most crucial keyword concerning these applications is security, specifically, in the enormous amount of data generated every second, and how it is used. These applications are vulnerable to various attacks, which could result in an unthinkable catastrophe if not managed and controlled with sufficient foresight. Growing concerns about data security in the expanding IoT landscape are driven by factors such as increased vulnerability of devices to viruses, susceptibility to denial-of-service attacks, and heightened risk of intrusion attempts. To prevent such occurrences, stronger precautions should be taken, enabling system developers and manufacturers of IoT devices to enhance their approaches to better security mitigation. It is essential to identify all potential threats and vulnerabilities that are created explicitly for IoT infrastructures. It is believed that to lessen potential dangers, there is a need for more significant research on security attacks. Security difficulties have been found and must be dealt with, so they may be avoided. Further research must address security challenges in IoT-based environments, particularly for suppliers and consumers, to gradually raise the reliability of IoT applications. Although many conventional methods are still used, there might be superior options for devices with limited resources. Artificial intelligence plays a significant role in this issue. newlineThis research first tries to comprehend how machine learning methods relate to attack newlinedetection. The effects of different machine learning techniques are evaluated using the newlineUNSW-NB 15 dataset. Additionally, it has been found that each model performs worse overall, mainly when security issues are present. As a result, real-time datasets and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms for intrusion detection in the IoT need to be prioritized. -
Growth and Characterization of Sb2Se3 and SnSe2 Crystals for Photovoltaic Applications
Tremendous development in crystal growth technology led to the production of good newlinequality samples for the design and fabrication of optoelectronic devices. As naturally available solids exhibit undesirable characteristics, the present research work deals with the artificial synthesis and characterization of defect free binary layered chalcogenide materials newline(LCMs) for photovoltaic (PV) applications. Antimony selenide (Sb2Se3) and tin diselenide newline(SnSe2) have gained special attention in the PV industry due to their eco-friendly, sustainable, and non-hazardous nature as well as the salient features such as moderate melting temperature, p-type conductivity with direct transition, optimum band gap and high newlineabsorption coefficient. Therefore, cost-effective synthesis was implemented to engineer bulk Sb2Se3 and SnSe2 crystals for the enhancement of optoelectronic parameters. Single crystal growth from melt allows the fabrication of large size samples under controlled environment. It gives rise to complexities in maintaining stable temperature for crystallization and newlineachieving chemical homogeneity, if multiple elements are present in the system. The newlinechallenges associated with Bridgman-Stockbarger and Czochralski methods for preparing bulk crystals include irregular heat flow, mechanical movement of furnace or crucible, thermal stress, etc. Moreover, reactivity of the melted material with the ampoule leads to structural irregularities. Hence, horizontal normal freezing (HNF), the facile and inexpensive melt growth technique was employed to explore the suitability of cleaved samples. Most of the vapor phase synthesis methods, especially, the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) deteriorates material quality, which adversely affects the physical properties due to the presence of contamination or foreign elements. But, the physical vapor deposition (PVD) process is favorable as it offers feasible instrumentation and yields stoichiometric specimens with supreme quality and fine-tuned characteristics.