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Shadowing the image archive: In medias res: Inside Nalini Malani's shadow plays, Mieke Bal (2016) /
Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), Vol.7, Issue 2, pp.325-335, ISSN No: 2045-6298. -
Sexual violence in cyberspace: breaking the silence of international law
The increasing dependence of the world on digital technology and the internet has consequently led to the juxtaposition of the problematic social structure in online transactions and communications. This has resulted in increasing cases of cybersexual violence against women. The article argues that the effects of cybercrimes are transnational and, therefore, the traditional domestic criminal law is rather inept in preventing crime and punishing offenders. This increases the obligation of international law, which has so far remained silent on the issue. The articles conclusion suggests that the proposed World Convention on Cybercrime should include cybersexual violence as a core crime. This would serve as a beginning for addressing the threat, effect, and extent of the crime of cybersexual violence. The article concludes that the masculinist normative structure of international law is to blame for its culture of silence. Copyright 2024 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Sexual Selection, Signaling and Facial Hair: US and India Ratings of Variable Male Facial Hair
Objective: The objective of this study was to address the putative ancestral social signaling value of male facial hair, in concert with variable cultural meaning. The ability to grow facial hair might have served as an honest ancestral signal of male age, social dominance, strength and health. Male facial hair may also have had signaling value for attractiveness, though these might be less strong than effects tied to male-male competition. Male facial hair can also be modified, giving rise to cultural variation in its potential signaling function. Methods: We surveyed N= 252 US men and women and N= 280 Indian men and women, ages 1825, about sociodemographics and attitudes toward male facial hair. Participants rated a randomized series of nine images of a composite male model with facial hair with respect to: preferred style, estimated age, attractive to potential partners, assertive, physically strong, friendly, and healthy. Types of facial hair were group into three categories: clean shaven, partial (e.g., Van Dyke, soul patch, stubble) and beard. Results: Supporting hypothesized differences, results show that more male facial hair was positively associated with age estimates and negatively with friendliness, and positively related to assertiveness and physical strength. Supporting hypotheses, women preferred less facial hair and rated less facial hair as more attractive. Some sample differences arose, such as Indian participants perceiving greater age range estimates than US respondents. Conclusion: These data indicate patterned variation in evaluations of male facial hair that can be situated within an evolutionary and culturally evolved signaling framework. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Sexual Relationship Decision Making Based on Entertainment Media: A Qualitative Perspective Among Young Couples
As important as physical, mental, or social health is sexual health. Teenage pregnancy, STDs/STIs, and unsafe abortions are just a few of the population health issues that can arise from the absence of adequate sex education for young people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of sexual decision-making as influenced by media intervention among couples. Entertainment education (EE) is an approach that uses storytelling to influence large-scale behaviour change. EE has been used as a potent tool to educate, enlighten, and influence society and individual behaviour change worldwide. Through entertainment education, people have been taught about themes like HIV, family planning, pregnancy and child health, violence against women, and other subjects. Web series or movies that are accessible on the online subscription service, Netflix was taken into consideration for this study. Although there is a great deal of research on adolescent sexuality, studies of sexual decision-making have traditionally been gendered, meaning that men and women have been examined separately. This study is designed for a qualitative investigation using a phenomenological approach. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse semi-structured interviews of couples in a heterosexual romantic relationship. The findings will reveal the influence of entertainment education on young couples choices in their intimate relationships. 2024, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Sexual realism?: (Hetero)sexual excess and the birth of obscenity in malayalam literature
Introduction The 1930s and 1940s were a period when the reform-centric language of Malayalam literature came under blistering attack from a group of authors who initiated a movement called Jeevatsahithyam - meaning literature close to life. This signified a new momentum in the career of modern Malayalam literature in Keralam in the southern part of India with social realism being introduced as a mode of challenging erstwhile trends. Jeevatsahithyam heralded a novel attempt to eliminate the distance between literature and social realities. Its authors deliberately opposed the hegemony of reform language in literature - a product of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century reform movement. According to them, the language of the reform movement which continued to dominate Malayalam literature was clearly embedded in a vicious circuit consisting of caste, class, and morality. This, as it was commonly argued, was a stumbling block in the realistic representation of social realities in the realm of literature. Jeevatsahithyam was renamed in 1944 as Purogamana Sahithya Sangham (Progressive Literature Society - from here on PLS) (Chandrasekharan 1999; Kumaramkandath 2013). Openly declaring itself against the established morals operating then, its ideological base, however, had to be justified by incorporating the term progress (purogamanam) in its title. Thus, in a larger sense, it signified progressive realism rather than simply social realism. This chapter attempts to delve inside the debates around social realism in Malayalam literature where an ideological battle was staged in the regional public sphere around the questions of, broadly put, aesthetics and morality. It maps the discursive sequences of textual practices from the 1940s to the early 1970s when the depiction of desire in literature was a point of heated debates. I concentrate more on the early debates, particularly in the 1940s and early 1950s because they literally mediated between the rising social (progressive) realisms transgressive writings and the erstwhile reform concerns of engendering disciplined subjects (Devika 2007). As a cultural era, the mid-twentieth century was deeply embedded in the old reform discourses of sexual discipline and the postcolonial euphoria of political freedom. The ensuing concerns over building the nation had a profound impact on the patterns of imagining the sexual in literature. Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla 2020. -
Sexual Narcissism among Men with Sexual Dysfunctions: An Exploratory Study
Objective: Previous studies have associated sexual narcissism with aggressive behaviours prevalent among most Cluster B populations. Recent evidence shows that certain characteristics of sexual narcissism could be beneficial for sexual and marital satisfaction. The present study is an exploration of the role of narcissism in Sexual dysfunctions. Method: A cross-sectional design involving a sample of 62 men aged 2260 years was used for the study. The sample consisted of 31 men having sexual dysfunctions and a matched control group of 31 men free from sexual dysfunctions. Tools used were the International Index for Erectile Functioning, Modified MINI, Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs Questionnaire, Sexual Narcissism Scale, and Questionnaire for Cognitive Schema Activation in Sexual Context. Scores were subjected to discriminant analysis, and relevant variables were correlated to assess the strength of the association. Results: Results indicated that beliefs about Female Sexual Power (FSP), Helplessness Schema, and Exploitative behaviours of Sexual Narcissism were the best predictors that differentiated the two groups. The higher the scores on these variables, the lower the erectile functioning. FSP shared a positive correlation with both Exploitation and Helplessness, while the latter two variables were unrelated. Conclusions: A higher need to stick to traditional gender roles and fear of being overpowered could be contributing to sexually exploitative behaviours and relationship distress, which in turn, could affect self-efficacy and contribute to Sexual dysfunction. (2023), (Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences). All Rights Reserved. -
Sexual health and safety of adolescents with intellectual disability: Challenges and concerns among special educators in India
Sexual health education among adolescents with intellectual disabilities is an area of concern among parents and educators. Special educators play a vital role in teaching sexual health and safety to their students with disabilities. The present study explores special educators' concerns in teaching sexual health among adolescents with intellectual disabilities. The participants included 35 special educators working with adolescents with intellectual disabilities in India. Summative content analysis of the data collected using a semi-structured interview schedule highlights the neglect of the issues related to sexual health among adolescents with disabilities. Special educators reported the challenges in providing sexual health education. Teachers lacked skills in imparting sexual health education. Developmentally and culturally appropriate sexual health education can help adolescents with a disability learn healthy life skills. The paper emphasizes the need for professional support and training among special educators on sexual health education. The Author(s) 2022. -
Sexual Function and Sexual Satisfaction among Non-Working Married Women in Bengaluru
Background: Sexual function and satisfaction are two important components of the sexual health of women. Both are influenced by various external and internal factors over their life cycle. This study aims to explore the factors of sexual function and newlinesatisfaction among non-working married women in Bengaluru using an exploratory newlinesequential research study and highlighting the implications for social work practices. newlineMaterials and Methods: The study has two phases. The first phase was a qualitative newlineexploratory research study that adopted an inductive thematic data analysis. In-depth newlinequalitative interviews were conducted with 11 non-working working married women. The interviews were audio recorded and the transcribed data were analyzed with ATLAS.ti software. The results were presented thematically. The second phase was a newlinecross-sectional survey of 180 non-working married women. The data were collected newlinethrough semi-structured interviews with the Female Sexual Function Index, the New newlineSexual Satisfaction scale, the Psychological Distress Scale, the Subjective Happiness newlinescale, and questions related to socio-demographic details, and health. Descriptive and inferential statistics were carried out and multiple regression analyses were conducted with jamovi v2.3. to find the predictors of both sexual function and satisfaction. Results: In the qualitative phase various factors of sexual function and satisfaction were explored and organized into three global themes. They are Somatic and personal factors, Factors related to the mind, and Situational and extrinsic factors. The quantitative study found that physical, psychological, couples characteristics-related, family, and socio-cultural factors together predict a 17.3% variance in sexual function and a 78.6% variance in sexual satisfaction of women. Conclusion: The study could find positive and negative factors of sexual function and satisfaction. -
Sex Identity vs. Sexual Orientation: Understanding Transgender Category in India
Social Work Chronicle, Vol-1 (2), pp. 82-99. ISSN-2277-1395 -
Sex determination using finger print ridge density among the medical students of NIMS medical college, Jaipur
To determine the sex of an individual plays an important role among forensic pathologists and scientists particularly when the fingerprints recovered from the crime scene does not match any of the criminal record so in that case fingerprint ridge density plays an important role in determining the sex of an individual. The present study was done among the 100 medical students of NIMS Medical college (50 males and 50 females) shobha nagar, Jaipur. Finger ridge density was counted on the radial border of each print. Result of the study shows that females have higher number of finger ridge density count as compared to males. Application of Bayes theorem suggests that finger print ridge density count <14ridges/25mm2 is more likely to be male while finger print ridge density count >14ridges/25mm2 is more likely to be female. 2016, World Informations Syndicate. All rights reserved. -
Media organizations have an immense role to play in disseminating informa-tion and shaping perspectives across borders. Though the information revolution pro-vides us with many new opportunities, it also helps in establishing a single narrative through the cultural cultivation of popular media over time. Orientalism, in this manner, presents an image that the West created of the Near East centuries ago and these second-hand experiences are enhanced over the years by the powerful states and media organi-zations to maintain the established hegemony. This current study focuses on understanding the British Broadcasting Corporation's narrative and its ability to include and exclude certain historical facts while reporting on the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan through Instagram posts. The study found BBC portraying a favorable image for the role played by the NATO allies in Afghanistan and described the Taliban as a sheer group of terror, barbaric, and inhumane organization, following extreme Sharia laws. 2022 Pluto Journals. All rights reserved. -
Setting benchmarks through Destination Management Organizations (DMOs): A study on the tourism policy of Karnataka, India /
Asian Journal of Management Sciences, Vol.2, Issue 6, pp.33-39, ISSN No: 2348-0351. -
Sesquiterpenoid-rich Java Ginger rhizome extract prompts autophagic cell death in cervical cancer cell SiHa mainly by modulating cellular redox homeostasis
Java Ginger or Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. has long gained focus among tribal people of Java, for its medicinal properties mainly against gynaecological challenges. The present study aims to identify the most potent phytocompound present in the extract and determine primary mode of action accountable for cytotoxic activity of Curcuma zanthorrhiza rhizome extract against HPV16-positive SiHa cervical cancer cells. The phytochemically-rich extract of rhizome (CZM) was capable to inhibit proliferation of target cells in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of 150?g/ml. Dysregulation of intercellular antioxidant defence system resulted to surges in ROS and RNS level, increased calcium concentration and compromised mitochondrial membrane potential. Nucleus got affected, cell cycle dynamics got impaired while clonogenicity and migration ability diminished. Expression of viral oncogenes E7 and E6 decreased significantly. Accumulation of toxic cell metabolite and decrease in level of essential ones continued. Finally, alteration in PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling route was followed by onset of autophagic cell death concomitant with the upregulated expression of Beclin1, Atg5-12 and LC3II. Curcumin and a novel crystal as well as few phyto-fractions were isolated by column chromatography. Of these, curcumin was found to be most potent in inducing cytotoxicity in SiHa while two other fractions also showed significant activity. Thus, CZM acted against SiHa cells by inducing autophagy that commences in compliance to the changes in PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway mainly in response to oxidative stress. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. inducing autophagy. 2022, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. -
Service request scheduling based on quantification principle using conjoint analysis and Z-score in cloud
Service request scheduling has a major impact on the performance of the service processing design in a large-scale distributed computing environment like cloud systems. It is desirable to have a service request scheduling principle that evenly distributes the workload among the servers, according to their capacities. The capacities of the servers are termed high or low relative to one another. Therefore, there is a need to quantify the server capacity to overcome this subjective assessment. Subsequently, a method to split and distribute the service requests based on this quantified server capacity is also needed. The novelty of this research paper is to address these requirements by devising a service request scheduling principle for a heterogeneous distributed system using appropriate statistical methods, namely Conjoint analysis and Z-score. Suitable experiments were conducted and the experimental results show considerable improvement in the performance of the designed service request scheduling principle compared to a few other existing principles. Areas of further improvement have also been identified and presented. Copyright 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Service quality matters of private hospitals in prevention of orthopedic issues during the covid-19 outbreak in india
This chapter explores patient satisfaction with healthcare service quality particularly medical and nonmedical service quality as a significant component in the appraisal of service quality attention of the COVID-19 outbreak. In this way, this investigation discovers how the patients evaluated service nature of facilities at private medical clinics in India. This examination in private emergency clinics with 300 patients arbitrarily chose from five private medical clinics. Information was gathered utilizing a survey,the legitimacy and dependability of which was affirmed in past examination. The outcomes demonstrated that among eight hypotheses of service quality, the patients were progressively happy with doctor meeting, services expenses, and confirmation process. There was a noteworthy connection between the positive impression of service quality and socio-economic factors in this research process. Most of the patients had positive involvement in visiting facilities and non-medical service quality arrangement. Copyright 2023, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Service learning beyond the classroom: Engaging students in environmental stewardship
Service learning offers a dynamic approach to education, extending learning beyond the classroom and into the community. This chapter explores integrating service learning principles with environmental stewardship, focusing on engaging students in meaningful activities that contribute to the conservation and protection of the environment. By immersing students in real-world environmental projects, this chapter integrates six stages of the IPARDC model with environmental stewardship. Besides that, this chapter discusses a six-step system focused on environmental stewardship for service learning. Moreover, it discusses strategies for designing and implementing effective service-learning experiences that promote environmental awareness, sustainability, and social responsibility. Through collaboration with community partners and integration with the academic curriculum, service learning empowers students to actively participate in environmental stewardship efforts actively, fostering a sense of responsibility and advocacy for the natural world. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Service learning as a pedagogical strategy: A case study on disability inclusion
Diversity and inclusion are the growing concerns of society and every organisation including higher educational institutions (HEIs) is designing strategies to ensure diversity equality and inclusion (DEI). To understand how students engage with the idea of disability and inclusion in education, this study explores the journey of undergraduate students with an organization for visually challenged students. This qualitative, descriptive study used interviews and focus group discussion (FGD) along with the analysis of chosen reflective journals. SL activities enabled students to reflect on the learning challenges faced by the visually challenged students as well as their caretakers. This also made them reflect on the larger academic environment at the higher education level and come up with suggestions to make the HEIs more inclusive for the visually challenged. This study emphasizes the nature of their engagement and the transformative aspects of the learning process that they experienced by focusing on the students' experiences and challenges. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Service industry alchemy: A symphony of digital innovations in customer engagement
The emergence of digitization, automation, and artificial intelligence has transformed service delivery, allowing businesses to increase productivity, tailor client experiences, and provide cutting-edge solutions. The delivery, use, and accessibility of services are changing in various service sectors due to innovations. Among them, healthcare, education, and finance have received considerable attention in recent years. To synthesize prior research on innovations in the service industry, the chapter attempts a thematic, sentiment, and bibliometric analysis of the research domain. For the analysis, data was extracted from the Scopus database and was filtered by application of inclusion-exclusion, with the use of NVivo and Bibliometric software VOS viewer. Most productive and influential articles, authors, journals, and affiliations were recognized. Thematic mapping and trend analysis revealed past and present research subdomains that were used for the prediction of future research agendas. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Service delivery quality improvement models: A review /
Procedia Social Science And Behavioral Sciences, Vol.144, pp.510-527, ISSN No: 1877-0428.