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Planetarism and eco humanism in the buddhist beat bards allen ginsberg and gary snyder an interdisciplinary thematic study on their literature philosophy and ecological perspectives
The Beat Generation, also known as the Beat movement, were a group of American writers who emerged in 1950s. Among its most influential members were Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Jack Kerouac, William Burrough, William Carlos Williams and Lawrence Ferlenghetti. What could be loosely described as the underlying philosophy was visionary enlightenment, Zen Buddhism, environmentalism and Amerindian culture. The Beat Generation invented a literary collage movement as a counter-brain wash method for reversing effect of Mass media-Military-Industrial-Communist-Capitalist-CIA-KGB disinformation reality image bank. A common theme that linked them together was a rejection of the newlineprevailing American middle class values, deterioration of the Planet s health, the newlinepurposelessness of modern society and the need for withdrawal and protest. The Beats have tried to break the restraints imposed on the western man s mind by the official ways of thinking. They find the official morality unacceptable and tried to arrive at metaphysical and ethical enlightenment through the methods adopted by the oriental thinkers like Gauthama Buddha, and Zen ascetics. They begin with the problems the western civilization is encountering, like the one of war and ecological degradation and use the concepts of oriental civilizations to find causes and remedies of the miseries people and the planet have been ecountering. The mechanistic paradigm underlying the industrial society gives way to the newlineviirealization that we belong to a living, self-organizing cosmos. General systems newlinetheory, emerging from the life sciences, brings fresh evidence to confirm ancient newlineindigenous teachings; the earth is live, mind is pervasive, all beings are our relations. newlineThe Beats rediscovered this perennial truth which changed our views about the planet newlineand its life systems. The beats were a product of the Second World War and of the cold war. -
Bioactive Compounds and Biological Activities of Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.Lotus (Nelumbonaceae A. Rich.) is a beautiful aquatic flowering plant with a subterranean rhizome. With a vast array of culinary applications and a storehouse of bioactive compounds in its plant parts, N. nucifera functions as both an underground food crop and a valuable medicinal plant. With a more than 7,000-year history of cultivation, this plant is one of the few aquatic plants used as a vegetable. N. nucifera possesses copious amounts of alkaloids and flavonoids as phytochemicals, along with various other derivatives. The rhizome is consumed as a vegetable since it has more carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins, and it also possesses phytocompounds that exhibit immunomodulatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. Many countries in Asia use N. nucifera starch as a major culinary ingredient. To date, many phytochemicals isolated from this plant are used in many medicinal systems, including traditional, Ayurvedic, herbal, and oriental medicine. The extracts of various organs of this plant are used to treat numerous types of cancers, cardiac diseases, liver ailments, diabetes, and nervous disorders. The flower extracts are effective against fever, adipsia, cholera, and diarrhea. Eaten raw or puffed, lotus seeds are high in protein and contain minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. The seeds are used as antibiotics to cure skin diseases like leprosy. Chinese medicine uses lotus seeds to treat renal and cardiac problems. Accordingly, N. nucifera is employed in food, medicine, culture, and religion. Furthermore, N. nucifera is an excellent environmental adapter and has the capacity to modify its resistance to environmental stress in order to adapt to a variety of abiotic stresses including flooding, extremely high temperatures, salt, low light, and heavy metals. It can therefore be grown in a variety of environments. Although this aquatic crop is restricted to an extensive geographical region and has a huge variety of cultivars, many parts of the world are still uninformed about this crop. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the medicinal and nutritional benefits of this tuberous crop in order to investigate it as a potential replacement for present-day food crops as well as a source of medicine. In order to effectively utilize this aquatic underground crop, this chapter aims to embody the nutritional advantages, traditional uses, phytochemistry, and bioactivity of the phytocompounds from the various parts of N. nucifera. It also emphasizes lotus breeding to date, applications as food, cultural aspects, and future production of potential N. nucifera underground crops of the highest quality. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Bioactive Compounds and Biological Activities of Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. (Nelumbonaceae A. Rich.) is a beautiful aquatic flowering plant with a subterranean rhizome. With a vast array of culinary applications and a storehouse of bioactive compounds in its plant parts, N. nucifera functions as both an underground food crop and a valuable medicinal plant. With a more than 7,000-year history of cultivation, this plant is one of the few aquatic plants used as a vegetable. N. nucifera possesses copious amounts of alkaloids and flavonoids as phytochemicals, along with various other derivatives. The rhizome is consumed as a vegetable since it has more carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins, and it also possesses phytocompounds that exhibit immunomodulatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. Many countries in Asia use N. nucifera starch as a major culinary ingredient. To date, many phytochemicals isolated from this plant are used in many medicinal systems, including traditional, Ayurvedic, herbal, and oriental medicine. The extracts of various organs of this plant are used to treat numerous types of cancers, cardiac diseases, liver ailments, diabetes, and nervous disorders. The flower extracts are effective against fever, adipsia, cholera, and diarrhea. Eaten raw or puffed, lotus seeds are high in protein and contain minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. The seeds are used as antibiotics to cure skin diseases like leprosy. Chinese medicine uses lotus seeds to treat renal and cardiac problems. Accordingly, N. nucifera is employed in food, medicine, culture, and religion. Furthermore, N. nucifera is an excellent environmental adapter and has the capacity to modify its resistance to environmental stress in order to adapt to a variety of abiotic stresses including flooding, extremely high temperatures, salt, low light, and heavy metals. It can therefore be grown in a variety of environments. Although this aquatic crop is restricted to an extensive geographical region and has a huge variety of cultivars, many parts of the world are still uninformed about this crop. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the medicinal and nutritional benefits of this tuberous crop in order to investigate it as a potential replacement for present-day food crops as well as a source of medicine. In order to effectively utilize this aquatic underground crop, this chapter aims to embody the nutritional advantages, traditional uses, phytochemistry, and bioactivity of the phytocompounds from the various parts of N. nucifera. It also emphasizes lotus breeding to date, applications as food, cultural aspects, and future production of potential N. nucifera underground crops of the highest quality. 2023, Springer Science and Business Media B.V.. All rights reserved. -
Modeling requirements with diabetes using supervised machine learning techniques
Diabetes is characterized by either insufficient or inefficient insulin production by the body. High blood glucose levels result from this, which over time can harm a number of tissues and organs in the body. Diabetes can be brought on by a specific age, obesity, inactivity, insufficient physical activity, inherited diabetes, lifestyle, poor diet, hypertension, etc. This chapter explores modeling requirements with diabetes using supervised machine learning techniques. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Affecting computing in multimodal mobility
Computational models that simulate human emotions have witnessed a substantial development in recent years for widening the spectrum of applications. Emotional computation is becoming crucial in human-to-computer interactions with exponential growth of artificial intelligence. Normally referred to as emotion recognition, it is widely believed that the prospective detection of a person 's emotional state of mind should be computed from their facial expressions. Face-movement combinations may express many different emotion types, for instance, hate, anger, panic, joy, grief, surprise, shock, to name a few. The goal and emphasis of this manuscript is the deployment of different algorithms and computation models for emotions. Considerable advancements in this domain of emotion recognition can be made through AI model development that discusses the challenges of the system and Facial Action Coding as an integral part of the models. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
3D Modelling and Rendering Using Autodesk 3ds Max
This is outlined how to create a 3D custom kitchen design, including how to set up the sources, details, work with managing various modifiers like edit poly, slice, mesh select, turbo smooth, lattice, bend, shell modifier, so to provide the kitchen an authentic appearance. The method materials are fitted to the model output, together with illuminating the environment leveraging Arnold lights that are intended to be utilized with this renderer only. It has features that are optimised for rendering with Arnold. Procedures and methods regarding rendering are indeed specified. The final rendering was made out of several drawings. Our report's intention is to develop a kitchen design that enriches models with materials and ample shapes from standard extended primitive along with the mostly utilization of pro-boolean. Finally, a material editor was used to improve the model. target illumination, too. 2023 IEEE. -
User request scheduling for multimedia resource using improved fuzzy logic with hybrid lyapunov based algorithm in hybrid cloud
The hybrid cloud provides vast opportunity to access the varied resources for effective provisioning of services to its users. The proposed scheduling algorithm uses the K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) to locate the current location of the user and the nearest available computing resource. The Improved Fuzzy Logic (IFL) is applied for improving the resource balancing so that the resources are better utilized for the scheduling process. The wastage of resource usage and ideal resource are reduced considerably. The HLA scheduling is applied with the IFL, and based on the waiting of the jobs; the slots are allocated with jobs for execution. All the jobs are executed successfully with minimized execution time and makespan of the workflow application request. The performances of three algorithms are measured with parameters such as execution time, makespan time, in millisecond (ms). The execution speed is measured as throughput in MIPS (Millions of Instruction per Second). The resource utilization and usage of VMs are increased in the proposed scheduling algorithm resulting in a less number of ideal resources and reduced application cost. BEIESP. -
Collaborative intrusion detection system in cognitive smart city network (CSC-Net)
Smart environment is about incorporating smart thinking in the environment and implementing the technical intervention that improvise the city's environment. Artificial intelligence (AI) provides solutions in huge technological issues in various aspects of day-to-day life such as autonomous transportation, governance, healthcare, agriculture, maintenance, logistics, and education that are automated, managed, controlled, and accessed remotely with the aid of smart devices. Cognitive computing is denoted as a next-generation AI-dependent method that gives human-computer interactions with personalized services that replicate manual behavior. Simultaneously, massive data is generated from the applications of the smart city like smart transportation, retail industry, healthcare, and governance. It is necessary to obtain a reliable, sustainable, continuous, and secure framework in the cloud centralized infrastructure. In this research article, the authors proposed the architecture of cognitive smart city network (CSC-Net) that defines how data are collected from applications of smart city and scrutinized by cognitive computing. This research article predicts the mobile edge computing solution (MEC) that permits node collaboration between internet of things (IoT) devices for providing secure and reliable communication among smart devices and fog layer, conversely fog layer and cloud layer. This proposed work helps to reduce the excessive traffic flow in smart environment with the support of node to node communication protocols. Collaborative-dependent intrusion detection system (C-IDS) is proposed to solve the data security issues in fog and cloud layers. Copyright 2021, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. -
A Study of Simulated Working of A* and RRT* for Cargo Ship in ASVs
With the increased amount of algorithms for the path planning and collision avoidance of ASVs. The need for an unbiased protective path planning directs the need for decision in stochastic areas in the vast ocean for cargo ship. Autonomous surface vehicles should take appropriate decision on the path according to the dynamic environment and the obstacle that is before them. In some cases, environment, time, and size should be considered to acquire the fastest path and methods that could be suited for collision avoidance. This paper investigates the need for a well-known path planning method that has handled the situation based on the dynamic properties of the vehicle in the ocean. The simulated result shows a slight variation in their proposed path in terms of time and collision in terms of size. Therefore, using a realistic approach of the A* algorithm and the RRT*, we can handle the scenario of dynamic environment. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
An In-Depth Analysis of Collision Avoidance Path Planning Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles
Path planning is a way to define the motion of an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) in any existing obstacle environment to enable the vehicle's movement by setting directions to avoid that can react to the obstacles in the vehicle's path. A good, planned path perceives the environment to the extent of uncertainty and tries to build or adapt its change in the path of motion. Efficient path planning algorithms are needed to alleviate deficiencies, that are to be modified using the deterministic path that leads the ASV to reach a goal or a desired location while finding optimal solution has become a challenge in the field of optimization along with a collision-free path, making path planning a critical thinker. The traditional algorithms have a lot of training and computation, making it difficult in a realistic environment. This review paper explores the different techniques available in path planning and collision avoidance of ASV in a dynamic environment. The objective of good path planning and collision avoidance for a dynamic environment is compared effectively with the existing obstacles movement of different vehicles. Different path planning technical approaches are compared with their performance and collision avoidance for unmanned vehicles in marine environments by early researchers. This paper gives us a clear idea for developing an effective path planning technique to overcome marine accidents in the dynamic ocean environment while choosing the shortest, obstacle-free path for Autonomous Surface Vehicles that can reduce risk and enhance the safety of unmanned vehicle movement in a harsh ocean environment. 2024 Bentham Science Publishers. -
Evaluating the effect of different ligands on the supercapacitance and hydrogen evolution reaction studies of Zn-Co MOF
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have recently attracted a lot of interest because of their potential uses in energy storage and catalysis. In this study, we investigate the impact of various ligands on the electrochemical performance of Zn-Co MOFs for both energy storage and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) studies. Specifically, Zn-Co MOFs are synthesized using different ligands, and their structural and electrochemical properties are characterized by a range of analytical techniques. 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DBA) and benzene-1,2,4,5-tetracarboxylic acid (BTC) are employed due to their distinct structural features and potential effects on MOF performance. Subsequently, electrochemical studies are conducted to assess the supercapattery performance and HER activity of these MOFs. The specific capacitance and overpotential value at 10 mA/cm2 of Zn-Co/DBA MOF is observed to be 1775.3 F/g and 186 mV, whereas that of Zn-Co/BTC MOF is found to be 136.6 F/g and 279 mV. The MOF synthesis using DBA as a ligand is more effective for energy-related applications. This study aims to report a multifunctional MOF composite for energy and environmental applications with better efficiency than other reported systems. Our findings provide insights into how the choice of ligand influences the structural properties and electrochemical behavior of Zn-Co MOFs, shedding light on the potential of these MOFs as versatile materials for energy storage and HER applications. 2024 Elsevier B.V. -
Effect of salt fingers on heat transfer for different non-uniform concentration profiles in a micropolar liquid
This paper discusses the theoretical aspects of the effect of salt fingers on heat transfer for different non-uniform concentration profiles in a micropolar liquid layer kept between two parallel plates of infinite extent separated by a thin layer, heated and soluted from above. The onset of salt finger convection (convection due to the salt finger process) is studied through the linear stability analysis theory. The system of partial differential equations is solved numerically using the normal mode analysis method and the required solution is found by applying the Galerkin method. The effect of heat transfer and concentration of micropolar liquid is obtained for (i) freefree, (ii) rigidrigid, and (iii) rigidfree isothermal, permeable with no-spin boundary conditions. The effect of different micropolar parameters (i.e.,coupling parameter, micropolar heat conduction parameter, couple stress parameter, and inertia parameter) has been analyzed on the onset of stationary convection, and the results are depicted graphically. It is shown that different non-uniform concentration gradients, diffusivity ratio, coupling parameter, and solutal Rayleigh number influence the heat transfer in the system. The phase of concentration flow for different boundary conditions is compared and analyzed. 2022 Wiley Periodicals LLC. -
Design and simulation of CPW fed circular spike antenna for wireless applications
The aim of the paper is to design, and simulate circular spike Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) fed antenna for wireless applications. The size of the antenna is very small occupying a space of 36mm 36mm including the substrate board. The antenna is designed using FR-4 substrate of thickness 1.6mm with dielectric permittivity of 4.4. The Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) fed system is used, so we can avoid double side printed board. This proposed antenna covers the bandwidth frequency range from 2.85GHz to 3.31GHZ and 5.09GHz to 5.65GHz for various wireless applications. The antenna design and performance are analyzed by using High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) electromagnetic software for wireless applications according to frequency bands. The results of proposed antenna simulation on return loss, VSWR, gain and directivity are calculated. 2015 IEEE. -
System method for crop and fertilizer recommendation through soil nutrient monitoring using cyber physical system and machine learning /
Patent Number: 202141022914, Applicant: Dr. Ajith Danti.
The present invention relates to system and Method for crop and fertilizer recommendation through soil nutrient monitoring using cyber physical system and machine learning. The objective of the present invention is to solve the problems in the prior art technologies of crop and fertilizer recommendation based on soil nutrient, soil type and agriculture field location. -
Automatic blood group identification device /
Patent Number: 202141026963, Applicant: Ajit Danti.
Our invention Automatic Blood Group Identification Device is an event of a coffee price image process system that enables the determination of human blood sorts. to see the blood sorts, it had been used the plate check that accommodates the mixture antigens specifics of blood sorts determination and also the sample blood of the donor. -
Smart toll collection through GPS /
Patent Number: 202141032100, Applicant: Manohar Madgi.
In this approach no toll plaza and no card at all. As soon as the vehicle comes on the toll road, information is captured through GPS (Referring Google Map). At the starting point, the driver gets a welcome message as Welcome, your toll starts now•. Once the vehicle leaves the toll road and takes the service road, the driver gets another message like, Thank you for traveling these many kilometers, and the toll collected is Rs. -
Impact of Traditional Practices on Domestic Violence among the Women of the East Khasi Hills
Khasi hills is situated in the northern part of India. Many issues of domestic issues are reported in this area. The reasons, intensity or frequency of domestic violence varies according to the cultural background and socio-economic class. In many societies, women face a lot of issues associated with the culture and traditional practices of that community. According to certain traditional practices followed in societies, women are expected to conduct herself according to what has been taught and practice for generations. Violations of those norms lead to severe consequences. Domestic violence is also an outcome of such norms followed in the society. Therefore, the present study focuses on understanding the traditional practices followed in the Khasi community and its effect on domestic violence. For the study, the researcher selected 150 women from East Khasi Hills Districts. A descriptive research design is used for the study. Convenient sampling method was used along with a close-ended questionnaire for gathering information. Descriptive statistics, Man-Whitney test, Chi-Square, Spearman Correlation were used for analysis of the different traditional practices and type of domestic violence. The research finding indicates that women in the Khasi hills faced physical and psychological violence, in which psychological violence is found to be more prominent. Inheritance is one of the factors that have a significant impact on domestic violence. The traditional practices followed by the Khasi community is a reason for women being abused by their spouse. Effective intervention programme and Capacity Building for different Stakeholders on the different causes and preventive measures on incidence of domestic violence can bring about positive change in matters related to domestic violence towards women in the state of Meghalaya. -
Machine Learning's Transformative Role in Human Activity Recognition Analysis
Human action recognition (HAR) is a burgeoning field of computer vision that seeks to automatically understand and classify the intricate movements performed by humans. From the graceful leaps of a ballerina to the decisive strides of a surgeon, HAR aims to decipher the language of motion, unlocking a plethora of potential applications. This abstract delves into the core of HAR, highlighting its key challenges and promising avenues for advancement. We begin by outlining the various modalities used for action recognition, such as RGB videos, depth sensors, and skeletal data, each offering unique perspectives on the human form. Next, we delve into the diverse set of algorithms employed for HAR, ranging from traditional machine learning techniques to the burgeoning realm of deep learning. We explore the strengths and limitations of each approach, emphasizing the crucial role of feature extraction and model selection in achieving accurate recognition. Challenges in Human Action Recognition (HAR), such as intra-class variations, inter-class similarities, and environmental factors. Ongoing efforts include robust feature development and contextual integration. The paper envisions HAR's future impact on healthcare, robotics, video surveillance, and augmented reality, presenting an invitation to explore the transformative world of human action recognition and its potential to enhance our interaction with technology. 2024 IEEE. -
Role of Silk Fiber Loading on Physico-Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Composites
Researchers have suggested the usage of lightweight materials in the automotive and other engineering components which has proven to be one of the potential ways to meet demand for fuel efficiency and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions generated by the manufacturing industries. In this study, silk fiber (Bombyx-mori) reinforced epoxy biocomposites were fabricated by hand layup method with different loadings of fiber and their physico-mechanical properties were studied following acceptable ASTM standards. The properties of the epoxy matrix were significantly enhanced with the silk fiber loading, displaying optimum properties at 50wt. % silk fiber loading. The findings also led that morphology of silk fiber and surface adhesion with the epoxy matrix affects the properties of biocomposites. Such findings provide perspective into the benefits of fiber reinforcements to the physio-mechanical performance of the epoxy resin. The mechanism of failure and consequently the adhesion between fibers and matrix were analyzed by observing the photomicrographs of the damaged coupons. 2021 Taylor & Francis.