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Assessing Housing Preferences and Living Conditions of Migrant Workers in the Fringe Areas of Bengaluru City, India
This study investigates the housing preferences and its impact on living conditions of migrant industrial workers in the fringe areas of Bengaluru, India, where rapid urbanization and economic expansion have led to a significant demand for affordable housing. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multi-criteria decision-making framework, this study analyzed key factors influencing housing choices, such as proximity to the workplace, affordability, and access to essential amenities. Data were collected from 400 respondents through a combination of surveys, complimented by field observations and expert consultations. The findings indicate a strong preference for affordable housing close to employment hubs, with proximity to workplace emerging as the most critical criterion with a priority weight of 43.36%, followed by affordability with a priority weight of 12.47%. However, field insights reveal a trade-off with housing quality and living conditions. Many migrant workers are confined to overcrowded and poorly ventilated rental units, often provided by employers, which compromises their health and well-being. Our results contribute to the understanding of urban housing challenges in rapidly growing economies and emphasize the importance of sustainable, health-oriented housing policies that can mitigate environmental impacts and improve the quality of life for low-income migrant populations. 2024 by the authors. -
Assessing Human Stress Through Smartphone Usage
Stress occurs in a human being when they are faced with exigent situations in life. Assessing stress has been always challenging. Smartphones have become a part of everyones day-to-day activity in the present time. Considering humansmartphone interaction, sensing of stress in an individual can be assessed as todays youth spends most of their time with smartphones. Taking this into consideration, a study is carried out in this paper on assessing stress of an individual based on their interaction with the smartphone. In this work, humansmartphone interaction features, like swipe, scroll, and text input, are examined. Text input is incorporated by disabling the autocorrection and spelling checker features of the keyboard. Moreover, sensor data is used by Google activity recognition API to analyze the physical activity of the individual to assess the stress level. 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Assessing Individual Intention in Adoption of Green Loans for Solar Rooftop Projects
Amidst a global surge in environmental consciousness, this study investigates the adoption dynamics of green loans for solar rooftop projects, capitalizing on the increasing awareness of individuals seeking to embrace environmentally friendly technological innovations. Against the backdrop of escalating environmental concerns, this research explores the intricate relationships between financial considerations, heightened environmental awareness, regulatory support, and access to information in shaping individual intentions to adopt green loans for solar rooftop initiatives. Leveraging a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach and a sample size of 225 respondents, this study provides nuanced insights into the factors influencing sustainable financial choices, contributing to the ongoing discourse on the intersection of green financing, renewable energy, and individual decision-making. The findings hold implications for policymakers, financial institutions, and individuals striving to align their financial practices with eco-conscious initiatives to pursue a sustainable future. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Assessing Land Use Transformation in Kanhangad Town: A Special Emphasis on Wetland Ecosystems
Kerala, renowned for its lush landscapes, is facing environmental challenges due to rapid urbanization, particularly in Kanhangad. This area, notable for its unique wetland ecosystem crucial for biodiversity and human livelihoods, is experiencing a conflict between residential development and wetland conservation. A comprehensive study in Kanhangad, employing diverse data sources such as open-source data, Google Earth Satellite Imagery, OpenStreetMap, and tools like ArcGIS, provides a detailed analysis of land use and its environmental impacts. The study combines digital data analysis with physical surveys to understand the ecological and developmental status comprehensively. The study reveals a dominant trend in Kanhangad's land use, with residential areas comprising 52% of the total land, mostly large, detached single-family homes. This reflects a societal shift towards viewing homes as status symbols, contributing to natural resource depletion. The research underscores the need for sustainable, low-cost housing, suggesting vertical housing as a potential solution to balance residential demands with environmental conservation. Kanhangad's wetlands, essential for local biodiversity and livelihoods, face threats from urban development and infrastructural expansion. The study shows a drastic reduction in wetland area, from 12.9 km in 2004-05 to just 1.66 km by 2020-21, indicating severe ecological degradation. Despite the Kerala Conservation of Paddy land and Wetland Act of 2008, which aims to protect these ecosystems, its limited effectiveness is evident from the ongoing depletion of wetlands. This situation calls for stricter enforcement of environmental regulations and greater public involvement in conservation efforts. Furthermore, the research examines the Kerala Paddy and Wetland Conservation Act-2008, analysing its role and effectiveness in local environmental governance. The Act, focusing on prohibiting wetland and paddy land conversion, is vital for regional conservation. However, gaps in its implementation are highlighted, especially considering the exacerbation of the 2018 and 2019 Kerala floods due to land conversion practices. The study emphasizes the urgent need for more robust environmental protection measures. 2024 by authors. All rights reserved. -
Assessing Opportunities and Constraints of Community Engagement in Tourism Development at Hampi
Community Based Tourism will create a momentous milestone in improving the participation level of local communities in the arena of Heritage tourism as well as all the various branches of the travel and expedition industry. Whose heritage is being preserved, by whom, and for what purposes? (Shepherd 2006). This study particularly gives due emphasis on evaluating the level of participation from the resident???s part by assessing various development strategies offered by the respective authorities. The study also tries to address all the possible streams where the community can easily thrive and it also addresses the major obstacles which restricts their entry, indicating an inclusive approach towards community participation through community based tourism (CBT). Lack of cooperation among stakeholders was identified as challenges of CBT, (Tamir 2015). Tourism market of Hampi is developing year by year but the standard of living of the underprivileged community is always remains the same without any improvement and this is the core problem mentioned in the study. Quantitative research technique was used for the study with the help of a structured questionnaire which was used for collecting data. The collected data was analyzed with the help of quantitative data analysis software, SPSS. This research tries to bring out the various reasons behind the low level of community involvement in tourism industry with relevant evidence from the analyzed data. The study indicates the hopelessness of the community towards the major development strategies forwarded by the authorities especially Hampi Master Plan. It also addresses the poor level of education and lack of information about the potential of tourism employability and its scope in the field of community development. A unique relic of medieval commerce and religious faith into a lifeless ruin, (John and Michell2012) this study pinpoints the inefficiency of the tourism boards and poor functioning of other responsible authorities too. It VII also invokes the possibilities of promoting Agro-Tourism along with the existing Heritage tourism. There is enough scope for further study in the light of execution of CBT model as well as assessing the scope of Agro tourism in Hampi. This suggestion is propounded mainly because of the structural phase of the economy that is more than 70% of the working population is involved in agriculture and its allied sectors. There is a noticeable gap between the expectations of the local residents and what they are actually receiving from the authorities moreover, these entire gaps may hamper the idea of inclusive approach. If effective training and regular awareness creation program is initiated by the responsible authorities, it will create a better platform for inclusive approach. -
Assessing oral acute toxicity and histopathological effects of Strelitzia reginae Aiton leaf extracts in Zebrafish (Danio rerio Hamilton)
Strelitzia reginae, commonly known as the Bird of Paradise, is a decorative shrub endemic to southern Africa. This study marks the first comprehensive investigation into the safety of S. reginae leaf extract through oral acute toxicity assessments and histopathological examinations in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). The interest in this research arises from the historical use of S. reginae components by various indigenous South African societies to treat conditions like swollen glands and sexual problems. GC-MS analysis was used along with traditional methods to look at the phytochemical parts of S. reginae. The results showed the presence of several substances, such as eicosane, hexacosane, 1-octadecene, and neophytadiene. Notably, the analysis also identified certain chemicals with potential cytotoxic properties, such as octacosane and bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. Drawing upon the biological similarities between Zebrafish and humans, who share a majority of their genes, this study represents the first attempt to evaluate the toxicity and histopathology of S. reginae using D. rerio as the test model, aligning with the OECD recommendations outlined in Article 203. The oral acute toxicity tests were done using ethanolic leaf powdered extracts of S. reginae. Higher concentrations (1200 mg/L) were toxic, but lower doses were less harmful to D. rerio. As observed in the histopathology examination, exposure to higher concentrations of S. reginae extract induced severe histological abnormalities in the Zebrafish's gills, liver, kidneys, intestines, and brain. This work contributes greatly to our understanding of S. reginae's safety profile and its potential therapeutic applications for enhancing well-being. 2024 Horizon e-Publishing Group. All rights reserved. -
Assessing perceptions of COVID-19 self-protective measures: a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach
Purpose: This study aimed to develop scales to assess perceptions of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) self-protective measures (SPMs) and examine the psychometric properties based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Design/methodology/approach: A total of 412 participants from Bangalore, India, randomly volunteered to participate in this research. The questionnaire consisted of items related to the TPB scales and demographic details. Findings: A structural equation model showed a reasonable model fit. In total, 70% of the individuals' behavioral intentions of following COVID-19 SPMs were predicted by perceived benefits, barriers, social norms and social influence. Participants' age impacted on perceived benefits and perceived social influence and individuals' behavioral intentions of following COVID-19 SPMs, with a 13.6% difference in model prediction. Originality/value: The TPB can be used as a strong psychometric property to assess behavioral determinants of COVID-19 SPMs. 2021, Sangeeta Mehrolia, Subburaj Alagarsamy and Jeevananda S. -
Assessing performance of alkali-activated bricks incorporated with processed surgical masks
Since last few years the world is facing tremendous surge in the use of surgical masks due to the COVID19 pandemic. The uncontrolled disposal of surgical masks in the environment will pose serious threat to the living organisms due to plastic pollution. On the other hand, the construction industry is hugely dependent on natural resources, leading to increase in carbon footprint. Therefore, it necessary to investigate novel construction materials with sustainability perspective. In present study, alkali-activated bricks were synthesized with rice husk ash (RHA), ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), sand, and sodium silicate (SS). To this, processed surgical masks (PSM) were added in varying doses of 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% by volume of the mix. The results revealed that addition of PSM significantly improved the strength properties of the bricks with a maximum compressive strength of 6.85 MPa at inclusion of 4% PSM. At the same time, it has reduced the density of bricks with a minimum value of 1.54 g/cm3 at inclusion of 4% PSM. The incorporation of PSM has slightly increased the water absorption and porosity of the bricks, with a maximum increase of 4.76% and 7.75% for bricks with 4% PSM, when compared to bricks with 0% PSM, respectively. The accelerated ageing test showed that after three cycles of wetting and drying the bricks exhibited loss in compressive strength in the range of 55.2%58.6%. The microstructure results revealed the bridging effect of fibrous mask particles in improving the load transfer in polymer matrix, and thereby reducing the brittle tensile failure in bricks. The pushover analysis showed the benefit of PSM in improving the performance of the infill walls due to improvement in brick strength and reduction in its self-weight, and therefore, it can be considered as a potential material for use in construction of buildings in seismically vulnerable areas. 2023 The Author(s) -
Assessing Player Interaction for a Social Networking Cooperative Educational Game
Cooperative interaction in educational games, designed to stimulate teamwork, joint creativity and knowledge sharing, also carries potential security threats. One of the key dangers is data leakage. Player interaction involves the exchange of information, and in case of insufficient protection of the system, confidential data, such as personal information, game progress results or individual strategies, may become available to unauthorized persons. This may result in misuse of information, damage to reputation and violation of player privacy. The impact on the game space is also a threat. By interacting, players can change the game world, for example, by entering incorrect data, moving objects to an inappropriate location, or modifying the rules of the game. This can lead to a violation of the balance of the game, incorrect results and a deterioration in the learning effect. Substitution or falsification of game elements is no less dangerous. Attackers can introduce fake elements into the game space, for example, incorrect reviews, changed rules or incorrect data. This can lead to incorrect conclusions, distort learning outcomes, and undermine confidence in the game. In addition, the use of interaction tools can become an object of attack. Attackers can hack and modify tools, such as communication platforms or data storage systems. This can lead to data theft, incorrect operation of tools and malfunction during the game. It is shown that formal descriptions of the choice of a game strategy can exist in a game. Indicators that are essential for cooperative interaction are determined, and examples of their calculation for the case with remote interaction through a social network are given. The article contains information about collaborations, which can be used to assess and choose the direction of development in projects that use game cooperative strategies to implement tasks other than training. The project highlights aspects of cooperative interaction that affect the formation of game strategies in an educational project. Of particular interest are projects in which a social network is the tool and medium of interaction. The objectives of the project are to identify easy-to-use indicators that show the features of cooperative interaction within an educational game. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025. -
Assessing Role of Banking Sector in Financial Inclusion Process in India
Vels Management Journal, Vol-1 (2), pp. 54-71. -
Assessing stimulusorganism responses in impulse buying among young consumers on online platforms using a hybrid BWM-ISM approach
With the advent of online buying habits, this study employs three stages (identify, rank, and decode relationships) approach to investigate the enablers of online impulse buying behavior (OIBB) among young consumers. First, literature review in the backdrop of stimulusorganismresponse (SOR) framework was used to identify and experts opinions were used to validate 21 enablers of OIBB. Next, hybrid multi-criteria decision-making approaches, namely the bestworst method (BWM) was used to assign weights and rank; and interpretive structural modeling (ISM) to decide mutual relationship among the top ranked enablers. Results indicate that promotion, product variety, and product quality are the top ranked enablers of OIBB among young consumers. The study develops a hierarchical model to simplify complex relationships among key enablers, clarifying impulse buying through the first-time use of the BWM-ISM approach in OIBB research. This enables marketers and e-commerce sellers to better prioritize critical enablers of OIBB. This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply 2024. -
Assessing the Determinants of Metaverse Adoption for E-Commerce Retailing
The advent of metaverse technology has impacted the retail sector, shaping e-commerce platforms into a new form of metaverse-based online shopping environments. The metaverse e-commerce experience is new to shoppers, making it crucial to comprehend consumer reactions to this technology in the context of retail. This study explores the shopping intention and potential use of the metaverse for shopping using the UTAUT2 model and metaverse-based context-specific antecedents. Using a structured questionnaire, data from 1340 consumers were collected and analyzed through PLS-SEM. The findings indicated that factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, and facilitating conditions influence shopping intention in the e-commerce metaverse. The metaverse-related antecedents, namely, a sense of immersion and imagination, have a positive influence, whereas technological anxiety and perceived security and privacy concerns have a negative impact on e-commerce shopping intention in the metaverse. It was also found that shopping intention influences the potential use of metaverse for shopping and that stickiness to traditional shopping negatively moderates this relationship. This unique research explores consumer buying behavior in the metaverse. It provides marketers, e-commerce managers, designers, and developers of metaverse platforms with the antecedents of the potential use of the metaverse for shopping insights. Consumer policymakers can also draw insights from this study. 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Assessing the Effectiveness of Implied Volatility in Predicting Realised Return Volatility for Informative Decision-Making: Insights from the Nifty Bank Index
Implied volatility (IV) is crucial in option pricing models and serves as an essential tool for volatility traders to make informed decisions. However, its effectiveness in predicting realized return volatility is still debated. This study investigates the efficiency of implied volatility in forecasting realized return volatility in the Indian financial markets, specifically using Bank Nifty index options and also assesses the predictive capability of implied volatility against the realised volatility estimator. Utilizing data spanning five years, from January 2018 to December 2022. Finding of this study reveal that implied volatility significantly forecasts realized volatility, highlighting its efficacy as a forecasting tool. Moreover, historical volatility fails to enhance predictive power when combined with implied volatility. Nonetheless, caution should be exercised in generalizing these results to other markets or time periods, as further research is warranted. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse on implied volatility efficiency, offering practical insights for options traders and adding to the body of knowledge in financial economics. 2024, Iquz Galaxy Publisher. All rights reserved. -
Assessing the impact of smart city technologies on sustainable urban mobility in developing economies
In the face of escalating urban populations, the quest for seamless mobility in cities becomes increasingly complex, even in regions where transit options are presumably accessible within the developing world. The imperative to confront urban mobility challenges and forge sustainable cities equipped with adept transportation and traffic management systems cannot be overstated. This study delves into the technological paradigms employed by developed nations and evaluates their pertinence in the current milieu for mitigating urban mobility challenges. Simultaneously, it scrutinizes the deployment of smart city technologies (SCTs) within developing nations, investigating potential technological strides that can be harnessed to achieve sustainable urban transportation. By dissecting the intricacies of SCTs in developing countries, the study aims to unearth viable technological advancements that can be judiciously implemented to foster sustainable urban mobility. It aspires to provide nuanced recommendations for the integration of latent SCTs, unlocking untapped potential to augment the sustainability of urban transportation in the developing world. The research also elucidates strategies geared towards fostering international collaborations which are instrumental in propelling the development of cities characterized by equity and inclusivity. The study underscores the significance of a global alliance in overcoming urban challenges, emphasizing the need for shared knowledge, resources and experiences to propel the evolution of cities towards a more sustainable and equitable future. This research serves as a comprehensive exploration of the intricate interplay between technology, urbanization and international cooperation, offering insights and recommendations pivotal to steering the trajectory of urban development in developing nations. 2024 Mallika Sankar, Sathish Pachiyappan, Arjun B S and Anubha Srivastava. -
Assessing the loyalty of shoppers of attire multi - brand outlets : A research study /
Indian Journal Of Marketing, Vol.47, Issue 9, ISSN: 9738703. -
Assessing the loyalty of shoppers of attire multi - Brand outlets: A research study
This study aimed to ascertain whether the loyal shoppers referred their loved ones, friends, relatives, peer groups, well wishers, etc. to their preferred MBOs for fulfilling their shopping requirements. The study was conducted with 400 respondents at Coimbatore city, India. The research is a descriptive one. The data was collected using the mall intercept survey method. The data was analyzed using frequency distribution, cross tabulation, reliability and validity test, chi-square test, correlation, and t - test. Majority of the respondents sustained with the same MBOs due to various reasons like wider designs, collections, and product quality. The study revealed that the shoppers of MBOs were loyal towards their stores because 38% of the respondents referred five to ten people and 38.5% brought two to four new customers to shop from their preferred MBOs. The above facts like customer referrals and frequent purchases were the components chosen for this study, which proved the loyalty of shoppers towards the multi-brand outlets. -
Assessing the role of materialism and gratitude in life satisfaction through IPMA: the mediating role of meaningfulness in life
Purpose: This study aims to create a more humane and responsible workplace, individuals gratitude and meaningfulness seem of utmost importance. This study is an effort to understand the role of gratitude intent of potential managers. Design/methodology/approach: This study examines the psychological characteristic of business students in India. The researchers surveyed 333 Indian students as future managers. The collected data has been analysed with the Smart PLS 3 version to assess the formative-reflective scale by comparing model fit, measurement model and structural modelling. Findings: The results establish that gratitude significantly affects the life satisfaction of future managers. Findings also show that materialism is negatively related to life satisfaction and meaningfulness. The importanceperformance map analysis finding suggests that meaningfulness in life is a potential indicator of life satisfaction for the population studied. Originality/value: Due to the limited research available on the psychological underpinnings in the Indian context, there is a massive value in examining how materialism and gratitude concurrently and distinctively predict meaning in life and the life satisfaction of future managers. This paper gives a formative explanation of the model consisted gratitude, materialism and meaningfulness in life on the life satisfaction of future managers. This study establishes the importance of meaningfulness of life in attaining life satisfaction for young managers. 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Assessing the role of trade openness, FDI, and political stability on sustainable development: Evidence from developed and developing economies
The study tries to investigate the long run and short run relationship between trade openness (TO), political stability (PO), and FDI on sustainable development of select developed and developing nations. Time series data from 1995 to 2021 of about 25 economies-10 developed economies and 15 developing economies-was collected and analyzed using Phillips Perron Fisher panel unit root test, panel auto regressive distributed lag (PARDL) model, and panel fully modified least squares/fully modified OLS. From the result, it found that FDI and TO are positively contributing to sustainability development index (SDI) in developing countries rather than the developed countries in the long run. In addition to this, changes in the SDI score is significantly influenced by the present and past import and export activities in developed as well as developing economies in the short run. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Assessing the Skill Sets from the NEP Policy 2020: Scale Development and Validation
Purpose: The central aspect of this paper is the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, an education-based policy in the Indian context. The article captured the opportunities from the perspective of the skill set it offers to its important stakeholders, students; the current research has aimed to propose and validate an instrument to measure the skill set identified from the NEP document and academic expertise, which could be used to measure students skill-based performance. Design/Methodology/Approach: The first section used EFA to establish four skill sets: Employability Skills, Communal-Based Skills, Social and Emotional Skills, and Individualistic Skills. The CFA model was further deployed to confirm the factors; the study was administered to a sample of 820 students from various commerce and management colleges from South and North Bangalore. Findings: The research results could be applied to evaluate the effectiveness of skill sets on students performance to create holistic education. Originality: The first step is to develop and validate scales for measuring skill sets under NEP 2020. Second, in accordance with the pupils order of priority, to close the gap between the talents stated and those observed. Research Limitations/Implications: The study was conducted only with students of commerce and management disciplines in Bangalore. Practical Implications: NEP has placed a greater emphasis on competency development and skill enhancement, which aids in the development of higher-order cognitive, social-emotional, and 21st-century abilities necessary for employment in the future. NEP gave greater autonomy to students to choose their learning pathway and develop skill sets, which are likely to make them job creators, thereby giving rise to the entrepreneurial culture. Social Implications: To cultivate an aspirational student body, it is critical to instill the necessary skill sets in pupils. Policymakers and decision-makers could then organize their courses using these skill sets. 2024, Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Assessing transmission excellence and flow detection based on Machine Learning
Excellence in transmission can be assessed in optical transport networks before providing any additional connections or upgrading the connections. Generally, the Physical Layer Model (PLM) is used to assess the transmission quality which has high probability in uncertainty and inaccuracy due to the circumstances of physical layer. The network efficiency is directly proportional to the margins. If the margins getting increases in the PLM, the efficiency of the network decreases. Maintaining the excellence in transmission is the biggest challenge when the margins getting increased. Other significant factors for excellence in transmission is scalable, minimum latency with maximum speed and energy efficient. Photonic switching is a hopeful solution for handling these challenges. Machine learning technique is proposed to assess the excellence of transmission and flow detection. ML-E and Precedence based scheduling algorithms are proposed for excellence of transmission and flow detection respectively. The proposed techniques justify variations, uncertainties in kits like fiber dilution, dispersion and optimizes PSON (packet switched optical network). Simulation results are demonstrated and the proposed work results indicates that it can outperform a benchmark in all aspects. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.