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Self-Discrepancy as a Moderator Between Romantic Attachment and Body Image Satisfaction
Body image satisfaction is about appreciating our body the way it is. One's romantic attachment style with their partner may impact their body image which this study wants to assess. The present study looks at romantic attachment and its effect on body image satisfaction, with self-discrepancy playing the moderator's role. Romantic attachment was measured through avoidance and anxiety dimensions along with trust, commitment, intimacy, physical proximity, support, and partner's suggestions on dressing and looks. Individuals in the age group of 18-25 in a romantic relationship (N=170) were sent an online questionnaire. The questionnaire included scales on body image satisfaction, self-discrepancy and romantic attachment. Correlations results revealed that attachment styles and specifiers of romantic relationships correlate highly with body satisfaction. Regression results indicated a high impact with attachment-related emerging as the single most impactful predictor for the model. The findings from the study can be used by individual and couple therapists dealing with romantic and body image concerns. In a period where romantic relationships are becoming very important in young adults' lives, this study probes into the possibility of romantic relationships affecting body image issues. Studies in the past have given more importance to body image dissatisfaction and parental attachment but this study looks at body satisfaction along with romantic attachment. In a collectivistic Indian culture where the concept of dating is gradually gaining popularity, the findings of this study are unique. 2021 RESTORATIVE JUSTICE FOR ALL. -
Self-Care, burnout, and compassion fatigue in oncology professionals
Context: With the rising number of cancer cases in India, the stress levels of the treating team have increased. It has affected their self-care and made them susceptible to problems like burnout and compassion fatigue that adversely affect the quality of patient care. Aims: The aim of the study was to assess and compare the levels of burnout, compassion fatigue, and self-care in three groups of oncology professionals (clinical oncologists, nurses, and psychologists). Settings and Design: The study included 134 oncology professionals working in New Delhi, Bengaluru, and Mumbai. Methods and Material: Sociodemographic data sheet, Professional Quality of Life Scale V and Self-Care Assessment Worksheet were used. Statistical Analysis Used: Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U test, and Correlation Analysis. Results: The majority of the professionals reported moderate levels of burnout (60.4%) and compassion fatigue (56%). Oncology nurses reported an elevated risk as they scored significantly higher on these domains and had a lower degree of self-care. Interestingly, psychologists reported comparatively lower levels of burnout and compassion fatigue, despite the fact that they interact with the patients at a deeper level, looking after their psychological and emotional needs. Young age and a poor degree of self-care were identified as major risk factors. Conclusions: The moderate levels of burnout and compassion fatigue, though not severe, are a cause of concern and cannot be overlooked. The study highlights the need for self-care in this regard and suggests that individual and institutional level interventions, particularly for nurses and young professionals, would prove useful. 2020 Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications. All rights reserved. -
Self-care practices, professional quality of life and challenges: An exploration among counsellors in Kerala
The profession of counselling continues to prove its importance in today's fastpaced world, where pausing down and listening to someone are becoming an odd and luxurious concern of people. The counsellor may feel as though they are in a marathon, which demands them to continuously offer unconditional positive regard and empathy for their clients. This may leave them incapacitated to look into themselves and to recognize what is happening tothem in this process of caring for others. Though profound discourses take place in the international scenario about the criticality of rendering to the need and wellbeing of counsellors, evidence-based studies, and effective interventions in this regard are still lacking in the Indian context. This study seeks to fill this gap by exploring, how the positive and negative feelings of continuous caring can affect the professional quality of life of counsellors, what are the self-care mechanisms they adopt, and which are the professional issues they find most concerning. To meet these objectives, the present research employs a mixedmethod design in a sequential explanatory fashion. The study encompasses three different phases wherein phase I and II; the sample consisted of counsellors working in various government projects in Kerala selected through dense sampling method and purposive sampling method respectively. -
Self-care practices, professional quality of life and challenges : An exploration among counsellors in Kerala
The profession of counselling continues to prove its importance in today's fast- paced world, where pausing down and listening to someone are becoming an odd and luxurious concern of people. The counsellor may feel as though they are in a marathon, which demands them to continuously offer unconditional positive regard and empathy for their clients. This may leave them incapacitated to look into themselves and to recognize what is happening to them in this process of caring for others. Though profound discourses take place in the international scenario about the criticality of rendering to the need and well- being of counsellors, evidence-based studies, and effective interventions in this regard are still lacking in the Indian context. This study seeks to fill this gap by exploring, how the positive and negative feelings of continuous caring can affect the professional quality of life of counsellors, what are the self-care mechanisms they adopt, and which are the professional issues they find most concerning. To meet these objectives, the present research employs a mixed- method design in a sequential explanatory fashion. The study encompasses three different phases wherein phase I and II; the sample consisted of counsellors working in various government projects in Kerala selected through dense sampling method and purposive sampling method respectively. In phase III, counsellor experts with more than 20 years of experience in the field are considered through purposive sampling. Findings describe that counsellors tend to follow an unbalanced self-care routine with significantly less focus on professional aspects. The presence of a high risk of burnout and secondary traumatic stress with a moderate feeling of compassion satisfaction call for immediate interventions for counsellors. Lack of benefits, safety issues, concerns about professional identity, poor working conditions, absence of career prospects, and lack of professional credentials are the major challenges identified by the counsellors. Considering these challenges, a set of recommendations are proposed by counsellor experts, which suggest reformations at both the systemic level and academic formation. Specific recommendations are also listed on the development of personal self and professional self for safe, effective and ethical practice of counsellors across a variety of practice settings. Implications exist for policymakers and counsellor educators to create an avenue for supporting a healthier and sustainable counsellor workforce. -
Self-assembled free nanocarrier prodrugs based on camptothecin and dihydroartemisinin exhibit accumulation and improved anticancer efficacy
Small molecule targeted inhibitor therapies often have several drawbacks, including limited oral bioavailability, quick metabolism, toxic effects that limit dosage, and poor water solubility. This study aims to develop a nanodrug self-delivery system that does not require a carrier by utilizing the self-assembly of camptothecin (CPT) and dihydroartemisinin (DHA). CPT/DHA nanoparticles (NPs) with varying diameters can be synthesized without requiring further carrier materials or chemical modifications by changing the CPT-to-DHA ratio (10:1, 5:1, 2:1, 1:1). Even more crucially, CPT/DHA NPs generate an AIE impact when they self-assemble. CPT/DHA NPs are used for cell tracking and bioimaging fluorescent probes. We chose CPT/DHA NPs (2:1) with a size of approximately 140nm for the anticancer examinations. The A549 cells were used to assess the cytotoxicity, morphological changes by biochemical staining methods and apoptosis by flow cytometric techniques of CPT/DHA NPs. Finally, in vitro anticancer research proved that CPT/DHA NPs are biocompatible and have strong synergistic anticancer properties. 2024 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. -
Self-adaptive Butterfly Optimization for Simultaneous Optimal Integration of Electric Vehicle Fleets and Renewable Distribution Generation
Fuel prices and environmental concerns have prompted an increase in the use of electric vehicle (EV) technology in recent years. Charging stations (CSs) are a great way to support this shift to sustainability. This has increased the demand for EV charging on electrical distribution networks (EDNs). However, optimal EV charging stations along with renewable energy sources (RES) integration can maintain EDN performance. This paper proposes a novel hybrid approach based on self-adaptive butterfly optimization algorithm (SABOA) for optimal integration of EV CSs and RES problems under various EV load growth scenarios. A multi-objective function is created from distribution losses, GHG emissions, and VSI. The ideal locations for CSs and RES are found using SABOA while minimizing the proposed multi-objective function. The simulation results on IEEE 33-bus EDN validate the suggested technique's superiority in terms of global optima. This type of hybrid strategy is required for optimal real-time integration of EV CSs and RES, taking into account emerging high EV load penetrations. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Self Risk Assessment Model Embedded with Conversational User interface for Selection of Health Insurance Product
In this research, we propose a dynamic model that works through Human-Computer Interaction to facilitate a smooth customer experience for health insurance prospects. The model facilitates the prospects to self assess their health risks. The integration of Conversational User interface, such as Mobile User Interface, Graphic User Interface and Bots with transcoder permits seamless use of the model by any category of prospects, irrespective of their language. Moreover, the model also helps the visually impaired person to interact without any hassle with the presence of a transcoder that permits conversion of text into speech and vice versa. The learner model comprises of the Prospects' detail module and Risk Assessment modules. The Prospects' detail module collects data from the predefined list. The risk assessment module profiles and assesses the risk based on the data inputted in the Prospects' detail module. The risk assessment level module categorizes the level of risk as low, moderate or high for each prospect depending on the total risk exposure level. The total risk exposure level is computed based on the pre-defined threshold. This model aids the prospect in determining the risk level and thereby facilitates self-selection of health insurance policy, thus reducing over reliance on the insurer. This model helps the prospect to take an independent purchase decision. 2022 IEEE. -
Self lubricating property of MWCNT in AA2219 composites during high energy ball milling
Revolutions in nanotechnology enabled the development of advanced nanocomposites with superior properties for engineering applications especially in automotive and aerospace industries. Among this carbonaceous nano materials like MWCNT have got more attention. Addition of MWCNT in metal matrix results in retardation of friction coefficient and improvement on other mechanical properties based on its dispersion. MWCNT won't have sufficient space to occupy over the powder surface, when the addition is beyond a limit and acts as a solid lubricant during milling. Investigations on self lubricating property during milling were done by using scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and powder density. Uniform dispersion was the bottleneck to utilize their attractive properties of the reinforcement. An attempt had been done for a uniform dispersion during premixing process using a combination of ultra-sonication, magnetic and mechanical stirring followed by high energy ball milling. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. -
Self in schizophrenia: Current issues and future directions
Background: The objective of this review is to discuss the current advancements, and critical issues, in the area of studying disturbances of self in schizophrenia. The critical and systematic review of the self in schizophrenia is significant because it has been regarded as a prodrome and a predictor of the development of future psychosis. In addition, it has been found to be over and above clinical symptoms and is common in people with schizophrenia. Methodology: A systematic electronic literature search was done using PubMed, MEDLINE, and PMC (PubMed Central) databases were searched systematically, and relevant articles published in English peer-reviewed journals were selected. Results: The findings were discussed, and critical analysis of the studies revealed methodological and conceptual issues in the literature studying self in schizophrenia. Conclusion: The review has concluded with the discussion on future directions in terms of research and clinical applications. 2018 Archives of Mental Health | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow. -
Self Compacting Concrete for Slip from Paving
Volume:04, Issue:07, July -
Self compacting concrete for slip form paving
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Vol-4(7), ISSN-2319-1163 -
Selective subset of relative density feature extraction algorithm for unconstrained single connected handwritten numeral recognition /
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol.8, Issue 6, pp.315-321, ISSN No: 1991-8178. -
Selective Oxidation of Hetrocyclic Alcohols Using Carbon Based Modified Electrodes
Electro-organic synthesis has achieved great significance over the conventional synthesis routes due to its diverse features which includes the in-situ generation of reagents, replacement of harmful redox reagents, rapid response, and low energy consumption. The choice of reactants (heterocyclic alcohols) for the electrochemical oxidation is solely based on the applications of its corresponding aldehydes. Furthermore, 2-thiophene methanol, piperonyl alcohol, 5-methyl furfuryl alcohol and Tetrahydro furfuryl alcohol have been chosen as reactants of interest as their corresponding aldehydes 2-thiophene carboxaldehyde, piperonal, 5-methyl furfural and Tetrahydro furfural possess various synthetic applications such as production of newlinedyestuffs, perfumes, veterinary products, agrochemicals and pharmaceutical drugs. newlineCarbon based electrodes provide a versatile platform for catalysis reactions. newlineElectrocatalysts for the selective oxidation of heterocyclic alcohols are designed on newlineemploying diverse modifications on the carbon fiber paper (CFP) electrode. Such newlinemodifications have attracted researchers due to their exceptional selectivity, stability, newlineelectrical conductivity and lower charge transfer resistance. The modifications newlineemployed in the current study include immobilized laccase-based materials and newlinegraphitic carbon nitride-based composites. newlineThe physico-chemical properties of the fabricated electrodes were studied using newlinedifferent characterization techniques like Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS), X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Optical Profilometry (OP) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Electrochemical investigations were performed using Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), Chronoamperometry (CA) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Optimization of experimental conditions such as effect of pH and scan rate to understand the reaction mechanism were studied in detail. -
Selection of tightened-normal-tightened sampling scheme under the implications of intervened poisson distribution /
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, Vol.15, Issue 1, pp.129-140 -
Selection of Tightened-Normal-Tightened sampling scheme under the implications of intervened Poisson distribution
Tightened-normal-tightened (TNT) sampling scheme is one of the most frequently used sampling schemes for making decisions about the finished product lots by examining certain samples from the lots. TNT sampling scheme includes two attribute sampling plans, one for tightened inspection and other for normal inspection along with switching rules. This paper introduces a procedure for TNT by incorporating two single sampling plans (SSP) under the conditions of intervened Poisson distribution (IPD) for the lots which may have a possibility of someintervention during the production process. The paper also assesses the performance of the proposed scheme procedure through its operating characteristic curves. Also, the unity value table is provided for certain parameters of specified producer's risk and consumer's risk for shop floor conditions. Further, the efficiency of proposed TNT scheme over the individual SSP under the conditions of IPD is demonstrated with illustrations. 2019 University of the Punjab. -
Selection of specialization In management program a decision tree approach /
International Journal For Research In Engineering Application & Management, Vol.4, Issue 11, pp.96-103, ISSN No: 2454-9150. -
Selection of cobot for human-robot collaboration for robotic assembly task with Best Worst MCDM techniques
Since the first industrial robot was produced at the beginning of the 1960s, robotic technology has completely changed the sector. Industrial robots are made for various tasks, including welding, painting, assembling, disassembling, picking and placing printed circuit boards, palletizing, packing and labeling, and product testing. Finding flexible solutions that allow production lines to be swiftly re-planned, adjusted, and structured for new or significantly modified product development remains a significant unresolved problem. Today's Industrial robots are still mostly pre-programmed to do certain jobs; they cannot recognize mistakes in their work or communicate well with both a complicated environment and a human worker. Full robot autonomy, including organic interaction, learning from and with humans, and safe and adaptable performance for difficult tasks in unstructured contexts, will remain a pipe dream for the foreseeable future. Humans and robots will work together in collaborative settings such as homes, offices, and factory setups to execute various object manipulation activities. So, it is necessary to study the collaborative robots (cobots) that will play a key role in human-robot collaborations. Multiple competing variables must be considered in a thorough selection process to assess how well industrial cobots will work on an industrial working floor. To select a collaborative robot for the human-robot collaborative application, a straightforward multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology is based on the best-worst method (BWM). The ranking derived using the BWM method is displayed. The outcomes demonstrated the value of MCDM techniques for cobot selection. 2023 IEEE.