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E-Commerce in Indian Retail Industry: Its Proliferation and Performance
The growth of the e-commerce industry in India has seen a multitude of growth since the growth of netizens in India has reached its peak post the demonetization in Indian economy. Research in e-commerce acts as a catalyst for studies in the field of digital innovation. The developments made by India in the field of e-commerce are notable by the world. India has made extensive use of the advancement in the field of technology. Recent years have seen a transformation in the way Indian shops and exchanges grew from cash mode payments to digital mode of service delivery and payments. This research is focused on studying the parameters that have acted as impetus in the expansion of e-commerce in the Indian retail sector. 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Influence of Customer Relationship Management for the Success of E-Business
Customer relationship management has recently been one of the key factors in the success of many organizations. Organizations have realized the importance of customer satisfaction and are integrating their operations with that of customer relationship to serve the customers in a better way. This paper seeks to understand the importance of CRM in e-business. It also talks about the importance of customer relationship for an organization in its growth. Relationship marketing has been studied to show how customer relationship management software can be made use of for the benefit of an organization. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Human cognition and emotional response towards visual environmental features in an urban built context: a systematic review on perception-based studies
Urban built environments can influence human cognitive and emotional comforts. Human comfort in the built environment has challenged architects and urban designers while developing comfortable spaces. Emerging cognitive-architectural studies in architecture engineering inform new directions for improvising human spatial design practices. This paper intends to present a systematic meta-analysis of selected empirical studies to identify the gaps and future scope of research in human cognition and built environments. However, the scope of the literature review is to concentrate on experiments that consider physiological reading in different environments, such as nature and architectural spaces in cognitive study areas. The peer-reviewed literature published from 2010 to 2021 illustrates that only limited design parameters are considered in these experiments. The study analyses the extensive consideration of experimental medium, simulation categories, and participant factors like gender and age in this research domain. The survey recommends considering more visual features, contextual conditions, and ethnic groups. 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Design of Lowpower 4-bit Flash ADC Using Multiplexer Based Encoder in 90nm CMOS Process
This work describes a 4-bit Flash ADC with low power consumption. The performance metrics of a Flash ADC depend on the kind of comparator and encoder used. Hence open-loop comparator and mux-based encoder are used to obtain improved performance. Simulation results show that the simulated design consumes 0.265mW of power in 90nm CMOS technology using cadence-virtuoso software. The circuit operates with an operating frequency of 100MHz and a supply voltage of 1V. The Author(s). -
A Novel Approach to Optimizing Third-Party Logistics Growth through IT, Big Data, and Machine Learning for Superior Supply Chain Management
The purpose of this research is to explore proper development prospects of 3PL business, particularly focusing on the utilization of Information Technology and big data technologies for improving the solidity of supply chains. The change of the industry that started from the provision of services and then became an integrated solution implies the rising role of IT as one of the means for supply chain improvement. Based on the market study and investigation of customers' behaviors, as well as the contexts of the 3PL industry of the India, this research outlines how the IT and big data analytics can contribute to the operations improvement and innovation of the 3PL. Besides, this paper aims at finding out whether the Big Data analytics can enhance the competitiveness of third party logistics providers in a volatile market. 2024 IEEE. -
Changing and unchanging domination parameters /
Graph Theory is a delightful playground for the exploration of proof techniques in discrete mathematics, and its results have applications in many areas of computing, social, and natural sciences. How can we lay cable at minimum cost to make every telephone reachable from every other? What is the fastest route from the national capital to each state capital? How can n jobs be filled by n people with maximum total utility? What is the maximum flow per unit time from source to sink in a network of pipes? How many layers does a computer chip need so that wires in the same layer don’t cross? How can the season of a sports league be scheduled into the minimum number of weeks? -
A study on police personnels perception about causes for stress and frequency of stress occurrence
This paper states that Police Personnels Perception about causes for Occupational stress like organizational context (goals and objectives), organizational structure (size, degree of centralization), organizational processes (leadership style, decision making etc.), nature of work (shifts etc.) and physical environment (employee safety, rewards etc.) constitute the dimensions of the climate.This study is a descriptive one and it reveals the facts which are already exist. This report is about the policeconstables where it is in Tuticorin district, South part of Tamilnadu. This study focused on52 police stationswhichare divided into eight sub divisions and 600samples collected from three differentgrades of police constables. Police stress inventory (PSI) used to measure the level ofoccupational stress. Appropriate statistical tool was used for data analysis. According to theresults most of the police constables experienced more stress. Female constables facehigh stress compare with male police constables. This study concludes most of the constables areunder medium level stress group and results shows a significant difference between occupationalstressorganizational context (goals and objectives), organizational structure (size, degree of centralization), organizational processes (leadership style, decision making etc.), nature of work (shifts etc.) and physical environment (employee safety, rewards etc.). 2020 SERSC. -
An Improved Artificial Intelligence based Service Quality to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Banking Sector
This study clarifies and determines how service quality affects customer loyalty and reliability. The support of quality in the open and private financial sphere and understanding of its connection to customer loyalty and conduct goal Utilizing an upgraded SERVQUAL (BANQUAL) tool with 26 items, the review was conducted among 802 bank customers. The social goal battery was used to estimate the clients' expected conduct. The expert used a seven-point Likert scale to assess the standard and saw service quality (implementation), as well as the social expectations of the clients. The most reliable tool to quantify the conceptualization of the differentiation score is the BANQUAL instrument. It is used to evaluate gaps in service between assumptions and perceptions of service quality. The SERVQUAL instrument is modified to make it suitable in the banking industry. Questions on parking at the bank, the variety of things and programmes available, and the banks' genuine efforts to address customer grievances are added to the instrument (Responsiveness). The writing audit was sufficiently compiled from many sources, reflecting both an Indian and foreign environment. The postulation included several hypotheses then examined using structural equation modelling. To meet the exploration goals, the views were tested using the products AMOS and SISS. The data were analysed using corroborative and explorative element research to confirm the BANQUAL instrument's dependability and legitimacy of the financial business execution and service quality aspects. The resulting CFA model value exhibits excellent psychometric qualities. Professional businesses and clients increasingly use artificial intelligence support specialists (AISA) for management. However, no measure measuring the support quality can fully capture the essential factors affecting AISA service quality. By developing a scale for evaluating the quality of AISA service, this study seeks to solve this deficiency(AISAQUAL). 2023 IEEE. -
A study on impact of Green human resource management practice on its sector - Chennai
The implementation of important plans and choices is a crucial part of the function that Human Resource Management plays in the operation of an organisation throughout its life. This makes it possible for the organisation to continue to cultivate and sustain its culture of supportability. In order to bring about sustainable success via Human Resource Management, the fundamental thinking process behind Green Human Resource Management is to motivate it. Green HRM (Green Human Resource Management) initiatives are currently in progress and are gaining traction among workers and representatives. These initiatives are embracing new work methodologies such as energy conservation, the implementation of E-HRM, telecommuting, and, most importantly, avoiding potential risks to protect the mother climate. Over the course of the last several years, the rate of worry on a worldwide scale has begun to quicken. 2024 Author(s). -
Empirical evidence on usability of mobiles in health care
Healthcare industry today has seen a lot of innovation and transformation like any other industry. With technological advancements it is growing leaps and bounds. One of the major challenges before the world today is effective management of diseases. The healthcare industry has been benefitted with the usage of information and communication technology (ICT). When integrated properly this technology has the potential to provide solutions to increased demands in quality, efficiency and improved workflow to help streamline healthcare operations. newlineDeveloping countries today are facing an increasing incidence of non communicable and communicable disease. M-health has the potential to extend help in both the fronts. Peep into various scenarios reveal that majority of diseases that kill people in the rural areas are curable with little information and this information dissemination can happen through mobiles which have a deeper penetration than any other technology. Most of the innovations in mobile technologies have not been evaluated beyond the pilot stage. Thus there is a need newlineto evaluate these interventions for them to become acceptable and usable by the patients and healthcare professionals. Various researchers time and again have argued the need for usability studies in healthcare innovations. This study is unique as it caters to both the aspects: technology acceptance and health technology acceptance and the context of usability. There is a large pool of studies which are available for technology acceptance but for healthcare context there has to be a mix of technology acceptance behavior and health behavior newlineacceptance. Researchers like Nutbeam (1998) have highlighted the importance of health behavior which is defined as activities which individuals take up irrespective of their health status for the objective of health maintenance even if such behavior may not be effective in the end. -
Development of computational techniques for preserving privacy using secure multi-party computation protocols
Data related to individual wealth, financial status and health is sensitive and to ensure confidentiality of these data special mechanism is required. For betterment of research and development, requirement is right input from authorized users. Due to personal confidentiality concerns, it is very difficult to get individuals sensitive information even if it is for mutual benefits. To get the real time data from actual users is critical to achieve extraordinary quality research outcomes. In collaborative computation participants are unwilling to provide straight answers when the questions involve personal information. The service providers who collect s data need to establish substantial trust with the parties. The confidentiality and integrity guarantees of the proposed protocols can simplify this issue. newlinePrivacy preservation is a big challenge for the data generated from various sources such as social networking sites, online transactions, weather forecast to name a few. The socialization of the internet and cloud computing generates pica bytes of unstructured data online with intrinsic values. The inflow of big data and the requirement to move this information throughout an organization has become a new target for hackers. The collaborative computation data is subject to confidentiality laws and should be protected. newlinePeople are more interested toward outsourcing work to a third party rather than maintaining their own resources, in this circumstance there is a requirement of insuring security from the service provider as it may lead to security breaches and party may not be interested in such service providers. newlineSecure multi-party computations deals with collection of challenges in which the requirement is the collaborative computation result. This computation needs input from multiple parties, but all the parties are concerned about their individual input. -
Current status of e-governance in healthcare in the large hospitals of Bangalore /
Healthcare industry has seen a lot of transformation and innovation over the years. It is coming forward as a recognised sector in India after Information Technology and Pharmaceutical. But despite this Indias healthcare infrastructure has not kept pace with the economies and the sectorial growth. Enormous amount of resources have been spent but very little change on actual health status is noticed. This study is undertaken to assess the current status of e-governance (ICT) in large hospitals and try and find out the awareness and accessibility of e-governance to the patients. The survey conducted in hospitals involved the patients responses and responses from the Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). An attempt has been made to find out the effectiveness of various ICT applications in the healthcare like EHR/ EMR or Telehealthcare. Majority of the research on e-governance focussed on overall effective governance and administration but very few studies have been done to highlight the status of e-governance in healthcare in India. -
Empirical evidence on usability of mobiles in healthcare /
Healthcare industry today has seen a lot of innovation and transformation like any other industry. With technological advancements it is growing leaps and bounds. One of the major challenges before the world today is effective management of diseases. The healthcare industry has been benefitted with the usage of information and communication technology (ICT). When integrated properly this technology has the potential to provide solutions to increased demands in quality, efficiency and improved workflow to help streamline healthcare operations. -
A system for confidential training and inference for vertically partitioned dataset using secure multi-party computation /
Patent Number: 202241057386, Application: Kapil Tiwari.
The present invention applies to probabilistic inference employing secure multi-party computation (SMPC) methodologies including confidential training, inference, and model protection for vertically partitioned datasets. The proposed invention addresses privacy complexities of vertically partitioned data owners, model owners, and ML clients using confidential training, inference, and model protection (CoTraIn-VPD), a technique to boost data, model parameter, and client input privacy during ML inference without affecting accuracy or performance. -
A system for confidential inference and model protection using secure multi-party computation /
Patent Number: 202241004611, Applicant: Kapil Tiwari.
The present invention relates to probabilistic inference based on secure multi-party computation (SMPC) techniques, and more particularly to Confidential Inference and Model Protection. The present invention addresses the privacy concern of model owners and ML client, by using the confidential inference and model protection aka CoInMPro, a technique to boost privacy of model parameters and client input during ML inference without affecting accuracy by paying a marginal performance cost. -
Easy and swift cane juicer with augmented bagasse brick maker /
Patent Number: 202121042785, Applicant: Thomas K T.
Sugarcane being one of the largest agriculture-based industry in India, provides subsistence to a huge number of farmers whose life is completely dependent upon sugarcane cultivation and its related products. One major source of income is extraction of Juice from sugarcane by road side vendors and farmers through a traditional machinery which turns out to be old and tedious job to perform. This also results into increased waiting time for customers as the task requires repetition of similar activity of by vendors in order to extract satisfactorily amount of juice from sugarcane by obsolescence machinery. -
Easy and swift cane juicer with augmented bassage brick maker /
Patent Number: 202121042785, Applicant: Thomas K T.Sugarcane being one of the largest agriculture-based industry in India, provides subsistence to a huge number of farmers whose life is completely dependent upon sugarcane cultivation and its related products. One major source of income is extraction of Juice from sugarcane by road side vendors and farmers through a traditional machinery which turns out to be old and tedious job to perform. This also results into increased waiting time for customers as the task requires repetition of similar activity of by vendors in order to extract satisfactorily amount of juice from sugarcane by obsolescence machinery.