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Scrutiny In-Utero to recognize Fetal Brain MRI Anomalies
In utero MRI distinguishes fbrain irregularities high precisely compared to ultrasonography as well as gives extra medical data during the pregnancies. fMRI is medically performed to get the knowledge of the brain in conditions where the inconsistency are perceived with the help of pre-birth sonography. These are common regularly solidify ventriculomegaly, not regular of the corpus callosum, and oddities of the back fossa. Fbrain inconsistencies can cause authentic brain hurt. Therefore, it is vital to recognize them from the get-go in their course so treatment can be managed to the mother, if conceivable. The job of imaging is to decide the presence, assuming any, and the degree of brain harm in the contaminated hatchling. Even though MRI is most generally utilized as a subordinate to sonography when clinical doubt is high in the setting of a typical ultrasound or to all the more likely characterize irregularities recognized by ultrasound, MRI is regularly utilized in toxoplasmosis seroconversion to conclusively preclude brain injuries, in any event, when the ultrasound examination is viewed as ordinary. X-ray is likewise utilized sequentially all through the pregnancy to check for the improvement of brain anomalies; clinical treatment brings about the astounding clinical result if the brain is typical. Intracranial irregularities are ordinarily speculated discoveries on antenatal US that are needed for assessment which is used by MRI. This audit portrays numerous irregularities imaged as a way to direct clinicians' inappropriate determination. 2021 IEEE. -
Scrutinization of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation and Joule heating effects on Marangoni convective two-phase flow of Casson fluid with fluid-particle suspension
The impact of Marangoni convection on dusty Casson fluid boundary layer flow with Joule heating and viscous dissipation aspects is addressed. The surface tension is assumed to vary linearly with temperature. Physical aspects of magnetohydrodynamics and thermal radiation are also accounted. The governing problem is modelled under boundary layer approximations for fluid phase and dust particle phase and then Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method based numeric solutions are established. The momentum and heat transport mechanisms are focused on the result of distinct governing parameters. The Nusselt number is also calculated. It is established that the rate of heat transfer can be enhanced by suspending dust particles in the base fluid. The temperature field of fluid phase and temperature of dust phase are quite reverse for thermal dust parameter. The radiative heat, viscous dissipation and Joule heating aspects are constructive for thermal fields of fluid and dust phases. The velocity of dusty Casson fluid dominates the velocity of dusty fluid while this trend is opposite in the case of temperature. Moreover qualitative behaviour of fluid phase and dust phase temperature/velocity are similar. 2018 -
Scrutinization of joule heating and viscous dissipation on MHD flow and melting heat transfer over a stretching sheet
The present paper deals with an analysis of the combined effect of Joule heating and viscous dissipation on an MHD boundary layer flow and melting heat transfer of a micro polar fluid over a stretching surface. Governing equations of the problem are transformed into a set of coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations by applying proper transformations and then they are solved numerically using the RKF-45 method. The method is verified by a comparison with the established results with limiting solution. The influence of the various interesting parameters on the flow and heat transfer is analyzed in detail through plotted graphs. 2018 K.G. Kumar et al., published by Sciendo. -
Scripts influence on reading processes and cognition: a preamble
[No abstract available] -
Scripts About Happiness Among Urban Families in South India
The ways in which parents socialize positive emotions have important implications for youth wellbeing, though little is known about parental goals and responses to adolescents happiness in culturally diverse families. Using an open-ended qualitative methodology, we explored parent and adolescent views about situations leading to happiness, responses and justifications to the expression of happiness, and what parents would like to teach their children about happiness in a sample of 209 parent (56.3% fathers; Mage = 42.79years) and adolescent (85.2% girls, Mage = 14.95years) dyads in Bengaluru, India. When prompted to identify adolescents recent experiences of happiness, both parents and adolescents primarily described academic and extracurricular achievements, followed by special events and receipt of tangible items, social interactions, and overcoming difficult situations. The two most common parent responses to adolescents happiness were responding with appreciation or encouragement of the achievement and providing further instruction or advice, with fewer responses focusing on enhancing/maintaining the emotional state of happiness itself. A substantial proportion of participating parents reported that their child should focus on task improvement when feeling happy, followed by affect maintenance (i.e., the child should be happy), or express their emotion with restraint. The findings contribute to developing a culturally-informed understanding of socialization of happiness in diverse families. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. -
Screens and scars: SEM analysis of the relationship between childhood trauma, emotion regulation, and social media addiction
Background: Addiction is an increasingly significant global public health concern, affecting individuals across diverse age groups and demographics. With the rapid rise of digital technology, social media addiction has emerged as a growing behavioral issue, impacting mental health, interpersonal relationships, and daily functioning. Methods: This study employed an online cross-sectional self-report questionnaire, with university students aged 1635?years as the target population. Data were collected using Google Forms questionnaires, accessible via the university registration system, and sent to the participating students smart phones. The data collection instruments included the Social Media Addiction Scale (SMAS), the Childhood Trauma Scale (CTS), and the Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). Results: Data from 318 university students were analyzed. The analysis of sociodemographic data revealed a mean participant age of 21.2?years, with 87.3% being female. An analysis of the relationship between social media addiction and childhood trauma revealed that participants with childhood trauma had higher social media addiction. The linear regression model, including childhood traumas and emotion regulation difficulties for social media addiction scores, was statistically significant. A positive correlation was observed between social media addiction and difficulty in emotion regulation. Conclusion: These findings suggest that individuals who struggle with emotion regulation tend to use social media more frequently. Furthermore, the negative effects of childhood trauma on emotion regulation capabilities during adulthood contribute to the development of social media addiction. Copyright 2025 Elkin, Mohammed Ashraf, K?l?nl, K?l?nL, Ranganathan, Sakarya and Soydan. -
There is a gap in existing literature regarding Over the Top (OTT) platform use contributing to the excessive and problematic screen time. We aimed to assess OTT platform use among college students and its associations with increased screen time, mental well-being, COVID-19 related anxiety and personality traits. A total of 1039 students from a college in India were invited to participate in this web-based survey. A majority of participants used OTT platforms regularly. Subscription to paid OTT platforms, poor mental well-being were associated with problematic OTT use; whereas personality trait of conscientiousness seemed to offer protection against problematic OTT use. 2021 Medicinska Naklada Zagreb. All rights reserved. -
SCN1A Genetic Alterations and Oxidative Stress in Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy Patients: A Causative Analysis in Refractory Cases
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) have found it be associated with drug resistance in epilepsy. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of SCN1A gene polymorphism in developing drug resistance in idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) patients, along with increased oxidative stress. The study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Delhi, India. We recruited 100 patients diagnosed with IGE patients, grouped as drug-resistant and drug-responsive, and then further compared the SCN1A SNP rs10167228 A*/T analysis between the two groups. We utilized the PCR-RFLP technique to investigate the association between polymorphisms and refractory epilepsy. Serum HMGB1 levels were estimated using the ELISA technique to analyze oxidative stress in both groups. rs10167228 A*/T polymorphism genotypes AT and AA genotypes are significantly associated with an increased risk of developing drug resistance. Serum HMGB1, IL-1?, and IL-6 levels were significantly higher in drug-resistant cases, compared to the drug-responsive group. The association of SCN1A gene polymorphisms, in conjunction with raised oxidative stress, may be predictive of the development of drug-resistant epilepsy. The AT and AA genotypes of rs10167228 may pose a risk factor for developing drug-resistant epilepsy. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Association of Clinical Biochemists of India. -
Scientific basis for the preparation and characterization of iron based traditional drug annabhedi sindooram: A materialistic approach
Iron based traditional Ayurvedic drug Annabhedi Sindooram is used therapeutically for the treatment of diseases like Anaemia, Leucoderma, Prolapse of rectum and uterus, Spleenic disorders. The preparation method of iron based Indian traditional drug Annabhedi Sindooram involves conversion of a pure metal into its mixed oxide by drying and incineration. Commercially available ferrous sulphate is used as the source of iron for the preparation of Annabhedi. The structural and textural properties of the starting materials and the prepared drug were characterized systematically by different characterization techniques like PXRD, Zeta Potential Analysis, particle analysis, FTIR, ICP -AES, SEM and BET surface area analysis. The results obtained by characterization of the samples clearly explain the formation of Fe2O3, reduction in particle size, modification of surface energy and formation of metal complex with organic moieties. The strict post and pre preparation conditions followed play an important role in the morphology and medicinal activity of the drug Annabhedi Sindooram. -
School Counseling in India : School Counselor Roles, Policy and Implementation
With a lack of comprehensive policy and literature on stakeholders perspectives and the counseling program s implementation, there is much to be known about the present status of school counseling in India. Three research questions examined in two phases were the perception of actual and preferred roles of the school counselors from the perspective of school administrators, school counselors, teachers, students, and parents; awareness and implementation of school counseling policy from the perspective of administrator and counselors; and implementation of the school counseling program. Quantitative phase I met newlineobjectives one and two using cluster sampling to select 1029 participants. School newlineadministrators and counselors completed the Survey on Knowledge and Implementation of newlinePolicies Regarding School Counseling which was developed and validated by two experts in newlinethe study. All participants completed the International Survey of School Counselor Activities (ISSCA) (Fan et al., 2018). Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, the KruskalWallis H test, and post-hoc Bonferroni-Dunn. Qualitative phase II met objective three using purposive sampling to recruit 14 participants for a semi-structured interview. Qualitative newlinecontent analysis indicated that school counseling in India is still developing, with newlineinconsistencies in understanding the counselor s role among stakeholders. There were differences in awareness and knowledge about the responsibility of implementing school counseling policies. School counseling programs were affected by role ambiguity, stigma about mental health issues, lack of comprehensive structure to the counseling program, and lack of research and evaluation. Implications of the study are discussed. -
School corporal punishment, family tension, and students internalizing problems: Evidence from India
There is considerable evidence that parental corporal punishment (CP) is positively associated with childrens behavioral and mental health problems. However, there is very little evidence addressing whether CP perpetrated by teachers or school staff is similarly associated with problematic student functioning. To address this gap in the research literature, data were collected from students in a locale where school CP continues to be widely practiced. Participants were 519 adolescents attending public or private schools in Puducherry, a city in eastern India. Students completed surveys assessing school CP, internalizing problems, social support, and resilience. The results indicated that 62% of the students reported experiencing school CP in the past 12 months, with males and those attending public schools being significantly more likely to report school CP than females and those in private schools. Youth who reported school CP reported more anxiety and depression. That relation was more pronounced in youth who reported family tension. Social support and resilience did not moderate the relations. The findings add to the substantial evidence about negative associations regarding the use of CP but in a new venuethe school, and provide some evidence for the need to change how students are disciplined in schools in India and elsewhere. 2016, The Author(s) 2016. -
School alienation in online schooling scale (SAOSS): development of a measure to assess school alienation among students
This study reports on developing and validating the School Alienation in Online Schooling Scale (SAOSS). School alienation in online schooling is conceptualized as opposed to school belonging and the main reason for minimal participation, reduced educational benefits, and school dropout in school aged-children, especially during the online learning forced due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study includes three phases. The first study included item generation and analysis. After the initial analysis, 13 items from the tool were retained. In the second study, exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Two factors emerged from principal component analysis (PCA). In the third study, we investigated the confirmatory factor analysis of SAOSS with a sample of urban students in Iran (grades 79, n = 317). The SAOSS has important implications for researchers, school counselors and psychologists, policymakers, and stakeholders. Implication for theory, practice and future research is discussed. 2024 International School Psychology Association. -
Scan data classification for diagnosis of alzheimer disease using 3D MRI slices by convultional neural network /
Patent Number: 202141042517, Applicant: Dr.V. Muthukumaran.
The medical industry attains the highest priority among all the other industrial sectors as people expect high-quality treatment and timely execution of medical procedures regardless of cost. The biomedical imaging and its contributory aspects have taken the medical industry to another level, even though it has yet to fulfil the social expectations but still consume the maximum budget. In many of the interpretation of the case of medical images being performed by the medical expertise or a doctor has got certain limitations due to many factors as a normal human eye cannot distinguish variations which exist among the different interpreters and an image can have many sorts of internal complexities among the arrangement of pixel entities where visual interpretation simply may not provide insightful information and result in fatigue. -
Scalar multiplication based matrix public key cryptography
In this work, a matrix key is used as Global Parameter. The work is considered for a large prime number which constitutes the field. A random integer is considered as private key and the Global matrix is exponentiated by the private key to generate public key. The process supports for Security features like authentication and confidentiality which are the necessary services for encryption process. Since the process supports Discrete Lagorithm problem, which is a hard problem it supports sufficient security against crypto analysis. In this work, instead of doing direct exponentiation of matrix key to the power of integer (Private Key), the study focuses on different scalar multiplication techniques that can be performed on matrix key during its exponentiation process to reduce the amount of computing resources for the completion of the process. 2020, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Scalable, Cost Effective IoT Based Medical Oxygen Monitoring System for Resource Constrained Hospital Environment
Oxygen therapy is one of the critical treatments employed in epidemics, pandemics, and natural calamities. Recent covid pandemic worldwide witnessed many deaths due to improper management, delayed delivery, and wastage of medical oxygen. Therefore, efficient utilization of available oxygen is very important. To monitor and manage oxygen, several hospitals employ IoT-based systems. Scalability is an essential feature in such monitoring systems in order to cater to the needs of a sudden surge in the number of patients requiring oxygen. The most commonly employed technique to monitor and manage an oxygen cylinder uses a pressure sensor where scaling up is an issue. Therefore, in this paper, a scalable solution that efficiently measures and monitors the available oxygen in the cylinder is proposed. The approach measures oxygen level using a weight sensor module and raises alerts during critical conditions such as low oxygen level and blockage or leakage of oxygen. The proposed system is a cost-effective, plug-and-play system that aids rapid deployment thereby providing timely care to the patients. Also, it does not require any change in the existing infrastructure making it suitable for a resource-constrained environment. The proposed system supports a web-based dashboard and mobile app that can be remotely accessed. 2022 IEEE. -
Scalable synthesis of 2D-layered Ti3C2 MXene by HF etching method; electrochemical investigations and device fabrication to enhancing capacitive nature
The goal of the current effort is aimed to synthesise the uniform exfoliated titanium carbide (Ti3C2) MXene sheets by utilising hydrofluoric (HF) acid to remove/etch aluminium from the parental Ti3AlC2 MAX phase. The Ti3C2 MXene was investigated by structural analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Higher Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), and EDS with mapping for morphological and elemental analysis, Moreover, the Ti3C2 MXene was studied its electrochemical properties to electrochemical energy storage application using cyclic voltammetry (CV), Galvanostatic chargedischarge (GCD) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. Since the GCD analysis of Ti3C2 MXene, a great specific capacitance (Csp) of 318F/g was attained with current density of 1 A/g and up to 90 % retentivity was attained after 7500 cycles. Besides, fabricated Ti3C2 MXene||Ti3C2-MXene symmetric supercapacitor device (SSD) has described the energy density (ED) of 27.78 Wh/kg at a power density (PD) of 400 W/kg and the capacitive retention existed attained 92.1 % after 7500 cycles with 5 A/g. 2024 Elsevier B.V.