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Advanced Cervical Lesion Detection using Deep Learning Techniques
Cervical cancer has been one of the common causes for mortality by cancer in women across the world. But there are currently not enough skilled colposcopists, and the training process is drawn out. This implicates that there is a significant scope for artificial intelligence based computational models for segmentation of colposcope images. This paper proposes a segmentation network to accurately segment the cervix region and acetowhite lesions in a cervigram. This research can lay a foundation for research aiming to classify the cervix malignancy using AI. The method performed with a precision of 0.73870.1541, accuracy of 0.9291, recall of 0.79120.1439, a dice score of 0.74310.1506 and specificity of 0.95890.0131. The results prove that the model is reliable and robust. 2024 IEEE. -
Biomedical Mammography Image Classification Using Patches-Based Feature Engineering with Deep Learning and Ensemble Classifier
In order to reduce the expense of radiologists, deep learning algorithms have recently been used in the mammograms screening field. Deep learning-based methods, like a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), are now being used to categorize breast lumps. When it involves classifying mammogram imagery, CNN-based systems clearly outperform machine learning-based systems, but they do have certain disadvantages as well. Additional challenges include a dearth of knowledge on feature engineering and the impossibility of feature analysis for the existing patches of pictures, which are challenging to distinguish in low-contrast mammograms. Inaccurate patch assessments, higher calculation costs, inaccurate patch examinations, and non-recovered patched intensity variation are all results of mammogram image patches. This led to evidence that a CNN-based technique for identifying breast masses had poor classification accuracy. Deep Learning-Based Featured Reconstruction is a novel breast mass classification technique that boosts precision on low-contrast pictures (DFN). This system uses random forest boosting techniques together with CNN architectures like VGG 16 and Resnet 50 to characterize breast masses. Using two publicly accessible datasets of mammographic images, the suggested DFN approach is also contrasted with modern classification methods. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Development of LIDAR-SLAM Integrated Low Cost Health Care Monitoring Robot with Sustainable Material
Beyond the global pandemic, healthcare has faced a myriad of challenges, from rising costs and accessibility issues to the need for precision in patient care and efficient medication delivery. This project embodies a visionary response to the multifaceted challenges faced by healthcare systems in health centers located in rural areas. The proposed research work focused on design and development of a health care monitoring robot with integration of 3D LIDAR Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) based navigation approach, introduction of sustainable materials like bamboo and wood composites for development of robotic arm and robotic body frames. Also, from the initial tests it has been observed that with the developed mobile robot functions like precision medicine delivery, Open AI-Enabled continuous monitoring, hospital environment sanitization and emergency oxygen supply can be performed efficiently. 2024 IEEE. -
Human-Machine Interactions andAgility inSoftware Development
A modern organization cannot function without project management. Organizations, governments, and non-profits recognize how important modern project techniques are to the success of their IT projects. Many people understand that excellent project skills are crucial for remaining competitive in the workplace. Many project management concepts will help them with their everyday interactions with people and technology. Project management aims to plan, organize, motivate, and control resources to accomplish specific objectives and meet specific success criteria. The major challenge is to achieve all the project goals and objectives while respecting the preconceived constraints of the project. Project management for data science is easy with Agile. Understanding the different approaches to project management and how they can fit into information science is essential. Several project management tools are available to maintain and report on a projects progress. As proposed in this paper, a comprehensive study on project management and Agile methodologies helps enhance the teams interactions when working for data science project management. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
AI-Enhanced IoT Data Analytics for Risk Management in Banking Operations
Using IoT data analytics in conjunction with artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to improve banking operations' risk management. Sophisticated analytical methods are necessary for the detection and management of possible risks due to the increasing complexity and amount of data generated by the banking industry. This research proposes a novel method for analysing real-time data from IoT devices by employing artificial intelligence algorithms. The risks associated with financial transactions and operations can be better and more accurately assessed using this method. Through the integration of AI's pattern recognition, anomaly detection, and predictive modelling capabilities with the massive amounts of data generated by Internet of Things devices, this project aims to substantially enhance the efficacy and efficiency of risk management approaches in the banking sector. Research like this could lead to innovative solutions that make financial institutions more resistant to rising risks by enhancing decision-making, reducing operational weaknesses, and so on. 2024 IEEE. -
IoT-Based Smart Indoor Navigation System with Voice Assistance for Museums
In the current era of smart heterogenous devices, the surrounding environment too needs to be smarter to match the gravity of such devices. Such advanced environment can be built with the technology called Internet of Things (IoT). Due to the presence of such vivid thing devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) environment, the task of automatically predicting the end users desires can play an important role when it comes to match the pace of modern society with too much diverse aspects. Since last decade, people have deviated their attention towards Indian ancient culture and Museums are eye catching attraction where our ancient cultural heritage exist. To improvise the slow pace growth of the tourism sector, there is the crucial requirement of technological improvement especially due to the restrictions on installations of external hardware within the close proximity. One prominent way of improving tourists experience at museums is to renovate existing museums with IoT-based smart devices which is programmed such a way to automatically navigate the user indoor and briefs the associated information about artwork without any user intervention. In this paper, we propose an IoT-based smart indoor navigation system along with voice assistance which can enhance the tourists experience in a museum. In addition, the proposed design also delivers the very personalized cultural contents related to the visited artworks. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
IoT-Driven Credit Scoring Models: Improving Loan Decision Making in Banking
By the game-changing possibilities of credit scoring models driven by the Internet of Things, this hopes to shed light on how the banking sector may enhance its loan decision-making procedures. Financial organisations are putting more and more faith in Internet of Things technologies to improve their risk assessment and lending processes. These IoT-driven models provide a more accurate and thorough assessment of creditworthiness by including real-time and detailed data on borrowers' activities, spending habits, and asset utilisation. This research examines the practicality and accuracy of Internet of Things (IoT) credit scoring by comparing it to conventional methods, looking closely at case researches, and analysing empirical data. The findings shed light on potential ways to enhance the loan approval and risk prediction procedures while also addressing concerns and considerations related to data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance. It is possible that decision-making frameworks could be altered by IoT-driven credit scoring algorithms, which could lead to a more inclusive and informed lending atmosphere. The contributes to the growing area of banking credit evaluation by showing that these models have promise. 2024 IEEE. -
Factors Effecting on Work Values Towards Career Choices Among University Students
The pandemic effect of COVID-19 triggered a global recession in the year 2020. The unpredictability that surrounds the coronavirus is the most challenging problem that many people must confront, particularly in terms of making decisions regarding their careers, considering the significant shift in employment opportunities. The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence anxiety and the Covid-19 pandemic have on work values and the reality of career choices among university students. A quantitative research methodology was applied to 110 respondents from a nearby institution to achieve the study's objective. This was done through online surveys and the snowball sampling technique. In order to acquire the findings, a data analysis using SPSS and PLS-SEM was carried out. It is evident from the study's findings that students work values are impacted by anxiety and the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the findings support the hypothesis that anxiety and the COVID-19 pandemic influence students employment decisions. The findings of the study provide insight into the body of knowledge. The influence of anxiety and the COVID-19 pandemic on current work values among university students about career choices are examined, and recommendations are made to various stakeholders, such as policymakers, university management, and career counselors. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Smart Agriculture: Machine Learning Approach for Tea Leaf Disease Detection
Across the globe, plant infections from pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and viruses are the major issues in the agricultural sector. Agricultural productivity is one of the most important things on which the nations economy highly depends. The detection of diseases in plants plays a major role in the agricultural field. This study proposes a multi-stage network involving Convolutional neural network, Pattern identification and Classification using Siamese network. The main objective behind this study is to enhance the disease detection technique performance. The image data of Tea leaves chosen for this study will be gathered. The algorithms based on techniques of image processing would be designed. The proposed algorithm was tested on the following diseases namely Red rust, Blister blight, Twig dieback, Stem canker, Grey Blight, Brown Blight, Brown root rot disease and Red root rot disease in Tea leaves. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Artificial Intelligence Influence on Leadership Styles in Human Resource Management for Employee Engagement
In this work, we investigate how the revolutionary effects of AI on leadership styles in the field of human resource management (HRM) have impacted employee motivation. To investigate the intricate relationship between AI adoption, HR management, and employee morale, we use a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative survey data with qualitative interview results. Both Leadership Style Change (LS-Change) and Employee Engagement (EE) show a statistically significant positive correlation with AI adoption. In the new AI-enabled HRM environment, HR executives are shifting their methods of leadership, adopting more flexible styles, giving workers more autonomy, and improving lines of communication. This research links theory and practice by providing actionable advice to HR managers and business owners. In order to further develop the topic of AI-enhanced HRM, future studies should investigate longitudinal dynamics, cross-industry variances, cultural and ethical issues, cutting-edge AI applications, and employee perspectives. 2024 IEEE. -
Analysis of Cardiovascular Diseases Prediction Using Machine Learning Classification Algorithms
Worldwide healthcare systems have faced enormous hurdles because of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially when it comes to treating individuals who already have pre-existing disorders such as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Prioritizing medical therapies and resources for COVID-19 patients who are at increased risk of mortality from underlying CVDs requires early identification. In this work, we investigate how well three machine learning algorithms-, Random Forest, XGBoost, and Logistic Regression-predict death in COVID-19 patients who already have cardiovascular disease. We performed grid search and cross-validation using a dataset of clinical and demographic features of COVID-19 patients with and without CVDs to reduce overfitting and maximize model performance. Our findings show that among patients with CVDs, Logistic Regression had the best accuracy in predicting COVID-19 fatality, followed by Random Forest and Decision Tree coming in a close second. These results highlight how machine learning algorithms can help clinical professionals detect high-risk COVID-19 patients who have underlying cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), enable prompt interventions, and enhance patient outcomes. 2024 IEEE. -
Unveiling the pattern of PhishingAttacks using the Machine Learning approach
This study introduces a unique approach to strengthening cybersecurity by combining advanced models for real-time detection of phishing websites. A classifier is trained to discern patterns associated with legitimate and phishing URLs, leveraging a carefully organized labeled dataset. The model in this paper forms the foundation for a real-time detection system, providing users with real-time information on potential phishing threats. Integrating an adaptive decision-making algorithm improves decision-making adaptability, particularly in scenarios challenging the model's confidence. A user feedback loop ensures the continuous learning and refinement of the system, aligning it more closely with user expectations. The future scope of this research involves exploring advanced models, improving explainability, and incorporating dynamic features for enhanced detection. Adaptive policies, large-scale deployment, and ethical implications are pivotal for real-world applicability. In conclusion, this study contributes to advancing phishing detection methodologies and lays the groundwork for future innovations in cybersecurity. The collaborative efforts of academia, industry, and cybersecurity stakeholders arenecessaryfor realizing the full potential of this paper and ensuring a safer online platform for users. 2024 IEEE. -
7Li Photodisintegration withCircularly Polarized Photons
The study of photodisintegration of 7Li is of importance to Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics and Astrophysics. Primordial abundances of light elements such as D, 3He, 4He and 7Li are predicted by Big Bang theory of early universe and is of great interest to cosmologists. Lithium, being fragile gets destroyed easily at relatively low temperatures. WMAP measurements have inferred that 7Li abundance is two to three times more than that inferred by the low metallicity halo stars [1]. In recent years based on lithium isotopes series of experimental measurements are being carried out using High-Intensity Gamma-Ray Source (HIGS) at Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory. Experiments [2, 3] were carried out, to measure the differential cross-section of the photoneutron reaction channel in photodisintegration of 7Li, where the progeny nuclei is in the ground state as well as in excited states. Theoretical study on photodisintegration of deuteron was carried out using a model-independent formalism [47] and in these studies, it was shown clearly that there could be 3 different E1? amplitudes leading to final relative n-p state. Subsequently, evidence for the existence of these three amplitudes was found in experimental studies [6] at slightly higher energies in different contexts. Using the same approach, model-independent formalism was developed for photodisintegration of 7Li [8] and an analysis was carried out to study the differential cross section with linearly polarized photons. Extending this study we propose to discuss the reaction channel 7Li+??6Li+n with initially circularly polarized photons. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Prioritizing Factors Affecting Customers Satisfaction in the Internet Banking Using Artificial Intelligence
Internet banking has revolutionised the way customers interact with their banks, providing them with convenient access to a wide range of financial services from the comfort of their homes or mobile devices. Customer satisfaction the success of an endeavour is contingent upon a vital component internet banking Service provision, as it pertains directly impacts customer retention and loyalty. This research explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, specifically random forest and convolutional neural networks (CNN), to prioritise the factors that affect customer satisfaction in internet banking. The study begins with data collection from a diverse sample of internet banking customers, including demographic information, transaction history, and customer feedback. These may include the ease of navigation, the response time of the platform, and the level of trust in the bank's security measures. Furthermore, convolutional neural networks (CNN) are utilised to analyse unstructured data such as customer feedback and reviews. By applying natural language processing techniques, CNN s extract sentiment and topic information from customer comments. This approach can ultimately lead to improved customer retention and loyalty, ensuring the long-term success and competitiveness of internet banking platforms. In conclusion, this study showcases the power of AI, specifically Random Forest and CNN, in prioritising factors affecting customer satisfaction in internet banking. It highlights the significance of using both quantitative and qualitative investigations in order to attain a comprehensive comprehension of customer sentiments and preferences in the digital banking landscape. 2024 IEEE. -
IoT and AI for Real-Time Customer Behavior Analysis in Digital Banking
Digital transformation has revolutionized the banking industry, ushering in an era of enhanced customer experiences and operational efficiency. The convergence of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has further propelled this evolution by providing real-time insights into customer behavior. This research explores the integration of IoT and AI for real-time customer behavior analysis in the context of digital banking. The proliferation of connected devices, ranging from smart phones to wearables, has generated an unprecedented volume of data. IoT facilitates the collection of diverse data points, such as transaction history, location information, and device interactions, creating a comprehensive digital footprint for each customer. Simultaneously, AI algorithms leverage this wealth of data to analyze, predict, and respond to customer behavior dynamically. In the realm of digital banking, understanding and adapting to customer behavior in real-time is crucial for providing personalized services, preventing fraud, and optimizing operational processes. This research delves into the mechanisms by which IoT sensors and devices, coupled with AI algorithms, enable banks to gain deeper insights into customer behavior patterns. Key components of the proposed system include data acquisition through IoT devices, secure data transmission protocols, and AI-driven analytics engines. In conclusion, this research advocates for the symbiotic relationship between IoT and AI in digital banking to enable real-time customer behavior analysis. 2024 IEEE. -
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence-Powered Chatbots for Enhanced Customer Support in Online Retail
In many e-commerce contexts, live chat interfaces have become popular as a way to communicate with consumers and provide real-time customer support. Conversational software agents, commonly known as Chatbots, are systems created to converse with users in natural language and are often based on artificial intelligence (AI). These systems have replaced human chat service agents in many cases. Although AI -based Chatbots have been widely used due to their time and cost savings, they have not yet met consumer expectations, which may make users less likely to comply with chatbot requests. We empirically study, through a randomized online experiment, the impact of verbal humanoid design cues and a direct approach on compliance with user requirements, based on Social Reactions and Attachment Commitment Theory. Our results show that consumers are more likely to cooperate with chatbot service response requests when there is humanity and consistency. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that social presence plays a mediating role between humanoid design cues and user compliance. 2024 IEEE. -
A Machine Learning Approach for Revving Up Revenue of Indian Tech Companies
This study addresses a critical gap in research by examining the effectiveness of various machine learning models in predicting revenue for Indian tech companies. The V.A.R, ARIMA, simple moving average, weighted moving average, and FB Prophet models were employed and their performances was compared. The findings demonstrate that FB Prophet consistently outperforms other models, exhibiting superior accuracy in revenue forecasting. This underscores FB Prophet's potential to offer precise revenue predictions, enabling companies to gain insights into their financial health, anticipate market trends, and optimize decision-making. Future research could further enhance accuracy by incorporating economic indicators, providing a more holistic view of revenue dynamics and empowering companies to make more informed strategic decisions. 2024 IEEE. -
Advancing Road Safety through Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Deep Learning Model
Driver drowsiness poses a significant threat to public safety, contributing to numerous road accidents and fatalities annually. Drowsy drivers exhibit characteristic changes in facial expressions and behaviors, including eye closure, head nodding, and yawning. These indicators can be detected through various techniques, including image processing, computer vision, and machine learning. This research investigates a promising approach: utilizing a ResNet-101 deep convolutional neural network (CNN) for driver drowsiness detection based on eye, head, and mouth states. The model was trained on a vast dataset of 2.2 million images, covering diverse driving conditions. Despite achieving a 69% accuracy, suggesting real-world potential, computational limitations restricted training to only a quarter of the data. This necessitates further research with larger datasets and increased resources to enhance accuracy and robustness. 2024 IEEE. -
A Novel Approach to Predicting the Risk of Illegal Activity and Evaluating Law Enforcement Using WideDeep SGRU Model
The main reaction to the illicit extraction of natural resources in protected areas around the world is law enforcement patrols headed by rangers. On the other hand, research on patrols' efficacy in reducing criminal behavior is lacking. Similarly, tactics to enhance the effectiveness of patrol organization and monitoring have received very little attention. Sequencing is crucial for model training, feature selection, and preprocessing. Preprocessing steps include cleaning, discretizing, duplicating, and normalizing data. Feature selection makes use of genetic algorithms, which are basically search algorithms with an evolutionary bent that factor in natural selection and genetics. Training stacked GRU models necessitates meticulous feature management. Even the most cutting-edge algorithms, GRU and BiGRU, are no match for the suggested technique. An astounding 97.24% accuracy grade was disclosed by the results, showcasing exceptional growth. 2024 IEEE. -
Human-Computer Interaction: Innovations and Challenges in Virtual Reality
In an effort to shed light on the advances and difficulties that are shaping the area of Virtual Reality (VR), this research paper digs into the ever-evolving world of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) within the context of VR. We have found important insights with theoretical and practical applications via a careful research technique comprising mathematical modelling, data collecting, and empirical analysis. Through our investigation of new technologies, we have shown the revolutionary potential of haptic feedback systems in VR settings. Our results, backed by a solid mathematical model, provide light on the measurable effect of haptic feedback and suggest it has the potential to radically alter user experiences in fields as diverse as gaming, instruction, and treatment. At the same time, we have overcome a number of obstacles inherent to virtual reality human-computer interaction, including motion sickness. Our mathematical model of motion sickness and its treatment lays the groundwork for creating VR experiences that are both enjoyable and safe for a wider range of users. This study highlights the ethical implications of VR HCI, highlighting the importance of responsible development and deployment in addition to advances and problems. To make sure that the advantages of this gamechanging technology are used in a responsible manner, we discuss issues like privacy, informed consent, and the possibility for addiction in VR. Our results, as we reach the end of our trip, are both a celebration of potential and a guide for where VR HCI is headed. They motivate more research into inclusive and human-centered design, personalized motion sickness prevention, and cutting-edge haptic feedback technologies. To further lead the development of VR HCI, we advocate for continuous multidisciplinary cooperation and the adoption of thorough ethical rules and regulations. 2024 IEEE.