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The Role of Corporations in Achieving Ecological Sustainability: Evaluating the Environmental Performance of Corporations
Industrial development of the past 200 years has brought immeasurable wealth and prosperity. However, it has also caused an unintended eco-logical degradation. Hence, the focus of environmental law has shifted from the creation of global frameworks to deal with environmental problems to comply with those frameworks. As a result, the primary actors in environmental law have shifted from the state and the global community to corporations. As a consequence, environmental policies must develop along legally holistic lines. The role corporations have had in achieving ecological sustainability is poorly understood. In the backdrop of the above issues, the chapter examines the implications of ecologically sustainable development for corporations. It articulates corporate ecological sustainability through the concepts of environmental management and ecologically sustainable competitive strategies. It further examines the implications that these concepts have for a corporation in the long run. 2020 by IGI Global. -
Classification of myocardial ischemia in delayed contrast enhancement using machine learning
This chapter addresses the classification of myocardial ischemia in delayed contrast enhancement using machine-learning techniques for magnetic resonance imaging which solves the social issue of a sudden cardiac death. To automate the classification of myocardial ischemia, the computer-aided design has a crucial path on the mixture ensemble of machine learning. The mixture ensemble of machine learning can partition a high-dimensional image in a simultaneous and competitive way. The detection and the segmentation processes are carried out through Fuzzy C-Means multispectral and single-channel algorithms along with a morphological filtering technique for feature extraction. Furthermore, the feed forward neural network (FFNN) technique is trained through the Levenberg-Marquardt Back Propagation algorithm for the classification of myocardial ischemia in delayed contrast enhancement. The proposed classification model performs well for the classification of myocardial ischemia. The rigorous process of the proposed result reveals that the FFNN classifier produces 99.9% accuracy on the classification of myocardial ischemia and also shows that the given classifier is considered one of the best methods in classifying medical myocardial ischemia. 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Internet of Things Security and Privacy Issues in Healthcare Industry
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an imagines unavoidable, associated, and hubs connecting independently while offering a wide range of administrations. Wide conveyance, receptiveness and moderately high handling intensity of IoT objects made them a perfect focus for digital assaults. Additionally, the same number of IoT center points is assembling and taking care of private data, they are changing into a goldmine of information for malignant on-screen characters. Subsequently, security and particularly the capacity to recognize traded off hubs, together with gathering and safeguarding confirmations of an assault or malignant exercises develop as a need in effective arrangement of IoT systems. This paper is deal with some major security problems and challenging factors of IoT. This IoT security issues on really challenging factor in current world. 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
The broad-basing process in India and muslims
Muslims are recognised as numerically the most important among religious minorities in India. Broad-Basing has covered them, but the rate of catching up with the rest is not satisfactory. There has been a faster decline in poverty rate among Muslims than among the rest. The preponderance of the informal economy into which most of the Muslim workers are caught, their lower representation in higher education and gender biases are major stumbling blocks in their progress. The lower work participation of Muslim women is a significant factor in Muslims lagging behind others in employment. Most Muslim converts in India are believed to have come from the lower social groups, particularly artisans. Rural artisans suffered deprivation both during the colonial period due to cheaper imports of manufactured goods from England, and also subsequently after independence due to the rise of modern industry. Most of the artisans were reduced to the status of agricultural labourers. Thus the destiny of Muslims in India is tied up greatly with that of the informal sector. Their Broad-Basing can be promoted with the improvement in the status of the informal sector. 2020 selection and editorial matter, M. V. Nadkarni. -
Is there a Broad-Basing process in the Indian economy?
Chapter 8 is by Malini L. Tantri and Shruthi Mohan Menon. They answer the title question, Is There a Broad-Basing Process in the Indian Economy?' with the help of three criteria: food security, poverty and unemployment. Though economic growth in terms of GDP has been significant in the last two decades, the achievements on the fronts of food security, poverty reduction and employment growth have not been equally impressive. The states which have high levels of poverty are showing a slower decline in poverty. The number of the poor is declining, though still high. Employment growth is taking place mainly in the non-farm sector, but it is in the farm sector where there is a crisis. Even within the non-farm sector, informal employment is increasing more than the formal. Thus a large portion of the workforce - in agriculture and also non-farm sector - does not have job security, paid sick leave, medical reimbursement and retirement benefits. Economic growth has not yet brought the marginalised into the mainstream of the advantaged. The authors recommend greater stress on employment generation, skill creation, a boost to education and health sectors ensuring benefits to the marginalised, and a massive push to the village economy. 2020 selection and editorial matter, M. V. Nadkarni. -
Introduction, scope and significance of fermentation technology
Fermentation technology is a field which involves the use of microorganisms and enzymes for production of compounds that have applications in the energy, material, pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries. Though fermentation processes have been used for generations as a requirement for sustainable production of materials and energy, today it has become more demanding for continuous creations and advancement of novel fermentation processes. Efforts are directed both towards the advancement of cell factories and enzymes, as well as the designing of new processes, concepts, and technologies. The global market of microbial fermentation technology was valued at approximately USD 1,573.15 million in 2017 and which is expected to generate revenue of around USD 2,244.20 million by end of 2023. However, regular supply of materials, such as nutrients, microorganisms, the complex nature of production process, and high manufacturing cost hinder the market growth. 2019 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. -
Artemisinin: A potent antimalarial drug
Artemisinin is known to be a potent antimalarial drug which is naturally obtained from the plant Artemisia annua L. Malaria is a global health problem with nearly 1.2 billion people at high risk. In 2001, WHO recognised artemisinin based combination therapies (ACTs), as the frontline drugs to fight against malaria and therefore, artemisinin is the most effective anti-malarial drug. It appears to be a safe drug with no adverse reactions or noticeable side effects, even for pregnant women. However, access to ACTs by malarial patients, especially in poor countries, is inadequate due to high volatility in price, unpredictable demand and low yield from A. annua. The huge gap in demand and supply has motivated researchers to explore artemisinin production in alternative systems like bacteria, yeast and tobacco. Scientists have been successful in producing this wonder molecule in heterologous hosts. Challenges associated with large-scale production and drug resistance against artemisinin has also been discussed to present a comprehensive picture of artemisnin production, application and limitations. 2019 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. -
Saccharomyces - eukaryotic probiotic for human applications
Probiotics are viable microorganisms which are meant to confer health benefits to host after ingestion. Any probiotic strain has a special characteristic to survive in the extremely acidic and hostile conditions of stomach and intestine. Among all the commercially available probiotic strains, prokaryotes constitute the bulk of it, with quite a few belonging to eukaryotic yeasts. Eukaryotic probiotics are very limited and currently there are only two yeast strains (Saccharomyces boulardii and Kluyveromyces sp.), which are approved for human consumption and are available commercially in market. S. boulardii has been reported to have tremendous therapeutic potential. The main mechanism of action for S. boulardii includes strong antagonistic effect against a number of enteric pathogens, trophic effects on the intestinal mucosa, neutralisation of bacterial toxins as well as modification of host cell signaling pathways involved in inflammatory and non-inflammatory intestinal disease. Pertaining to these advantages, S. boulardii have been reported to be exceptionally effective against diarrheal diseases and intestinal inflammatory conditions including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Increasing scientific reports confirming the therapeutic potential of eukaryotic probiotics and their advantages over prokaryotic probiotic strains have dramatically increased the worldwide interest in these probiotics. 2019 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
Sumset valuations of graphs and their applications
Graph labelling is an assignment of labels to the vertices and/or edges of a graph with respect to certain restrictions and in accordance with certain predefined rules. The sumset of two non-empty sets A and B, denoted by A+B, is defined by A+B=\(a=b: a\inA, b\inB\). Let X be a non-empty subset of the set \Z and \sP(X) be its power set. An \textit of a given graph G is an injective set-valued function f: V(G)\to\sP_0(X), which induces a function f+: E(G)\to\sP_0(X) defined by f+(uv)=f(u)+f(v), where f(u)+f(v) is the sumset of the set-labels of the vertices u and v. This chapter discusses different types of sumset labeling of graphs and their structural characterizations. The properties and characterizations of certain hypergraphs and signed graphs, which are induced by the sumset-labeling of given graphs, are also done in this chapter. 2020, IGI Global. -
Cyber secure man-in-the- middle attack intrusion detection using machine learning algorithms
The main objective of this chapter is to enhance security system in network communication by using machine learning algorithm. Cyber security network attack issues and possible machine learning solutions are also elaborated. The basic network communication component and working principle are also addressed. Cyber security and data analytics are two major pillars in modern technology. Data attackers try to attack network data in the name of man-in-the-middle attack. Machine learning algorithm is providing numerous solutions for this cyber-attack. Application of machine learning algorithm is also discussed in this chapter. The proposed method is to solve man-in-the-middle attack problem by using reinforcement machine learning algorithm. The reinforcement learning is to create virtual agent that should predict cyber-attack based on previous history. This proposed solution is to avoid future cyber middle man attack in network transmission. 2020, IGI Global. -
Probiotics as an alternative food therapy: A review on the influence of microbial nutraceuticals in disease management
Antibiotics have been responsible for the evolution of multidrug-resistant microbes. The side-effects of existing drugs and increased treatment costs have led to nutraceuticals gaining popularity. Nutraceuticals have therapeutic applications due to the ability of the probiotics to be viable in encapsulated pills and drinks. Due to their ability to exclude carcinogenic microorganisms by limiting the nutrients available and by competing for receptors nutraceuticals are useful against cancers. Nutraceuticals are useful against diabetes by controlling the genes involved in the insulin-signaling pathway. The future perspective for nutraceuticals includes an increase in production, reduction in manufacturing cost, and enhanced benefits. 2020 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Internet of Things Based Autonomous Borewell Management System
Water is a basic need for all living beings. At present, due to a large population, water level is getting depleted at an alarming rate particularly in urban region. During summer season, there is no continuous flow of water or availability of water. In electrical contingency situations, bore-wells are prone to damages. The utilization of power at dry run condition affects the economy of the consumers. Despite having no water in the bore-well, if the motor runs, the motor windings may burdened and gives rise to unnecessary power loss. In the present scenario, conservation of energy is a major concern. The conservation of energy as a whole will take place when an individual take an active part by using autonomous and effective methodologies or controllers. The issue is solved by managing the borewell using Internet of Things (IoT) as a platform to automate and manage. The IoT based borewell management system is designed to provision scheduling, manual operation, avoidance of borewell motor running at dry run condition and also nullifies energy loss. The automated borewell operations can be executed from a remote control and measurement unit by the measurement of electrical parameters and analytics. The proposed system minimizes man power, saves time and conserve energy loss. The paper presents operating the conventional borewell by deployment of smart controller which handles the information and communication technology at client and base units. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
Development of Internet of Things Platform and Its Application in Remote Monitoring and Control of Transformer Operation
Internet of Things platforms deployed on the system will exhibit numerous benefits such as real time monitoring, faster operation and cost effectiveness. A system oriented IoT platform is developed which features database connotation, web services, setup portal, cloud hosting, drivers or listener for programming languages and hardware devices. The functional parameters of transformer in electrical power system vary around the limit and beyond, which is observed by the IoT platform for remote analysis and to report deformation in the winding. The frequency response measurement from the transformer terminal unit is send to cloud database which is then fetched to remote application through IoT client. At remote monitoring tool, the diagnostic algorithm is executed to estimate the location and extent of deformation. IoT based frequency response analyzer and transformer diagnostic tools developed reports the status of the transformer health condition. Depending upon the extent of deformation, the transformer is isolated from power system. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
Optimal Charging Strategy for Spatially Distributed Electric Vehicles in Power System by Remote Analyser
The burden on the consumer for the price of fuel for classic vehicles is the root cause for the emergence of the fast growing trend in the power driven vehicles or electric vehicles. Less acceptance of electric vehicles by the customers and the hesitancy to replace traditional fuel powered vehicles by considering the economic factor is a major concern that existing in the current scenario. Therefore, for the proper balancing of the load with respect to the power available among different neighbouring charging stations in a given area, a load scheduling algorithm is used. The optimal route planner for the electric vehicles reaching the charging station is identified and then the power carried by each feeder is calculated by cumulative power of all the charging stations. The identification of the possible route is performed by the spatial network analysis which will be executing at remote analyzer. The location, state of charge, and other details of the electric vehicle through telemetry is used to find the best charging station for the particular vehicle in view of the cost, distance and the time. The performance of the technique is evaluated with and without optimization by considering the logical constraints; and the results are presented. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
The aesthetics of corpses in popular culture
[No abstract available] -
A secured predictive analytics using genetic algorithm and evolution strategies
In the banking sector, the major challenge will be retaining customers. Different banks will be offering various schemes to attract new customers and retain existing customers. The details about the customers will be provided by various features like account number, credit score, balance, credit card usage, salary deposited, and so on. Thus, in this work an attempt is made to identify the churning rate of the possible customers leaving the organization by using genetic algorithm. The outcome of the work may be used by the banks to take measures to reduce churning rates of the possible customers in leaving the respective bank. Modern cyber security attacks have surely played with the effects of the users. Cryptography is one such technique to create certainty, authentication, integrity, availability, confidentiality, and identification of user data can be maintained and security and privacy of data can be provided to the user. The detailed study on identity-based encryption removes the need for certificates. 2020 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Nanoarchitectures as photoanodes
This chapter looks into providing detailed information on the state-of-the-art and recent trends on materials and nanoarchitectures for improved photoanode device. It provides a roadmap for researchers toward optimization of photoanodes using advanced material engineering. The chapter casts some light on the performance of various photoanode materials and nanostructures, such as TiO2, ZnO, SnO2, Nb2O5, Al2O3, ZrO2, CeO2, SrTiO3, Zn2SnO4, and carbon in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Plasmonic photoanodes are an emerging field in DSSC spanning a wide range of materials where the paramount challenge is coming up with effective strategies to incorporate suitable plasmonic structures into nanocrystalline and nanostructured electrodes. Optical excitation of the dye is the basis of DSSC operation, where an electron is excited from the dye molecule into the conduction band of a wideband metal oxide. 2020 JohnWiley & Sons Inc. All rights reserved. -
An experimental study on utilisation of red mud and iron ore tailings in production of stabilised blocks
Construction of bricks using waste materials is one among the many ways to address the problems encountered in infrastructure. In the present study, various industrial and mining wastes have been used to manufacture stable bricks. These wastes include red mud (RM) from Hindalco, and iron ore tailings (IOT) from BMM Ispat, Bellary. Both RM and IOT were combined in different proportions with ground-granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and waste lime. In first series, IOT was replaced in the range of 45% to 60% with increments of 5%, and RM was replaced in the range of 15% to 30% with increments of 5%. In the second series, RM was replaced in the range of 45% to 60% with increments of 5%, and IOT was replaced in the range of 15% to 30% with increments of 5%. Tests were performed as per the Indian and ASTM standards on both the raw material and the developed composites. These tests include liquid, plastic limit, particle size, XRF, XRD, and SEM on raw materials, while tests performed on composites were compressive strength, water absorption, efflorescence, porosity, apparent specific gravity, and bulk density. Results of the study indicate that addition of IOT up to 55% is acceptable as brick material. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2020. -
Internet of things: Service-oriented architecture opportunities and challenges
Internet of Things is now a subject that is increasingly growing on both the job and modern devices. It is a concept that maybe not just get the potential to influence how we live but in addition how we work. Intelligent systems in IoT machines in many cases are used by various events; consequently, simultaneous information collection and processing are often anticipated. Such a characteristic that is exclusive of systems has imposed brand new challenges towards the designs of efficient data collection processes. This article is to be discussing various layers in Internet of things. Those layers are sensing layer, network layer, service layer and application layer. Various data processing techniques are integrated along with data filtering and data conversion. Protocol transformation is also feeling the major challenges faced by enterprises wanting to shift to the style in brand new technology. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. -
The industry use cases for the Digital Twin idea
Digital Twin Technology has taken the place in top 10 strategic technology trends in 2017 termed by Gartner Inc. Digital Twin concept brings out the virtual depiction or the digital representation of the real world equipment, device or system whereas the real world and the virtual world gets the highest synchronization. The digital representation of the complete life cycle of a product from its design phase to the maintenance phase will give the prophetic analysis of the problems to the business. This greatest advantage of foreseeing problems in the development of a device will give early warnings, foil downtime, cultivate novel prospects and inventing enhanced devices or gadgets for the later use at the lesser expense by means of digital representations. Indeed, these will devise a larger influence on conveying superior consumer feeling also in the enterprise. The emerging trends such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Internet of Things and Big Data used in Industry 4.0 play a vital role in Digital Twin and they are mostly adopted in the world of manufacturing, Industrial Internet of Things, and automobile business world. The penetration, wide coverage and the advancement of the Internet of Things in real-world have elevated the power of Digital Twins more economical and reachable for the world of various businesses. 1. Manufacturing: Digital Twin has brought out the change in the existing manner of the manufacturing segment. Digital Twins have a substantial influence on the design of products and their manufacturing and maintenance. Because of its influence the manufacturing more competent and augmented while dropping throughput times. 2. Industrial IoT: Integrating digital twin with industrial firms will facilitate the activities such as monitoring, tracking and controlling industrial systems in digital means. We can potentially experience the power of digital twin since it captures environmental data such as locality, settings of the devices, financial frameworks, etc., other than the operational data, which benefits in foreseeing the forthcoming operations and incongruities. 3. Healthcare: Since the healthcare sector demands higher accuracy in diagnosis and treatment, with the important data from IoT, digital twins can play a vital role by reducing the expense for the patient, precautionary alerts to avoid health deterioration and giving tailored health support system. This will be great support especially in developing countries like India. 4. Smart cities: Digital Twin coupled with IoT data can augment the efficient planning of the smart city and execution of its building by supplementing financial progress, effectual administration of resources, lessening of environmental impression and escalate the complete worth of a resident's life. The digital twin prototypical can aid city organizers and legislators in the smart city planning by retrieving the visions from numerous sensor networks and smart systems. The information received from the digital twins supports them in reaching well-versed choices concerning the future as well. 5. Automobile: Automobile industry can get voluminous benefits out of Digital Twins for producing the simulated framework of a coupled vehicle. It retrieves the behavioral and functional information of the vehicle and services in examining the inclusive performance efficiency of the vehicle as well as the features connected along with it. Digital Twin also supports in supplying a justly enhance support and service for the consumers. 6. Retail: Alluring client satisfaction is a fundamental factor in the merchandising world. Digital twin employment can play a key role in supplementing the retail customer experience by forming virtual twins for customers and modeling fashions for them on it. Digital Twins also supports enhanced planning of stock maintenance, safekeeping procedures, and human resource administration in an augmented means. 2020 Elsevier Inc.