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The reality of distribution faced by SMEs: A UK perspective
[No abstract available] -
The realist approach for evaluation of computational intelligence in software engineering
Secured software development must employ a security mindset across software engineering practices. Software security must be considered during the requirements phase so that it is included throughout the development phase. Do the requirements gathering team get the proper input from the technical team? This paper unearths some of the data sources buried within software development phases and describes the potential approaches to understand them. Concepts such as machine learning and deep learning are explored to understand the data sources and explore how these learnings can be provided to the requirements gathering team. This knowledge system will help bring objectivity in the conversations between the requirements gathering team and the customer's business team. A literature review is also done to secure requirements management and identify the possible gaps in providing future research direction to enhance our understanding. Feature engineering in the landscape of software development is explored to understand the data sources. Experts offer their insight on the root cause of the lack of security focus in requirements gathering practices. The core theme is statistical modeling of all the software artifacts that hold information related to the software development life cycle. Strengthening of some traditional methods like threat modeling is also a key area explored. Subjectivity involved in these approaches can be made more objective. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd. part of Springer Nature. -
The Rayleigh-Bard problem for water with maximum density effects
Linear stability and weakly nonlinear stability analyses are developed for Rayleigh-Bard convection in water near 3.98 C subject to isothermal boundary conditions. The density-temperature relationship (equation of state) is approximated by a cubic polynomial, including linear, quadratic, and cubic terms. The continuity equation, the Navier-Stokes momentum equation, the equation of state, and the energy equation constitute the governing system. Linear stability analysis is used to investigate how the maximum density property of water affects the onset of convective instability and the choice of unstable wave number for four different types of boundary conditions. Then, a weakly nonlinear stability study is done using the spectral Fourier method for isothermal tangential stress-free boundary conditions to quantify the heat transport of the system and demonstrate the transition from regular/periodic convection to chaotic convection. A Stuart-Ginzburg-Landau equation is obtained using the multiscale expansion method. Streamlines and isotherms are presented and analyzed. The influence of maximum density has been shown to delay the onset of instability and is, therefore, a stabilizing mechanism for thermal instability. Due to the maximum density, the onset of chaotic convection is also delayed. Among four different boundaries, the impermeable rigid boundaries require the highest Rayleigh number for instability to begin. Increasing boundary temperatures advance the onset of chaotic convection and improve the heat transport situation. 2023 Author(s). -
The quantum key distribution, attenuation and data loss over foggy, misty and humid environment
The quantum encryption is a method of key transfer in cryptography by using quantum entanglement of photons. The real power of quantum entanglement is instantaneous communication that is non interceptable. The advantage of quantum encryption method is, it can be incorporated with conventional encryption methods safely. The quantum cryptography can replace conventional key exchange mechanism with the polarized photons using channels like optic fiber cables. Quantum cryptographic can also provide far and secure data communication. The present day experiments clearly proved that the quantum cryptography can be implemented through medium like optic fiber cable or air. But the distance of transmission through the air is limited by rule of line of sight propagation. The quantum key distribution will have uses in different types of communication between distant parts of earth. So this paper discussing various aspects of Quantum key distribution and successfully calculated polarized photon loss during transmission of Quantum cryptography link, while using in various type of atmospheric conditions like Mist Fog Haze. Also successfully calculated probability of single polarized photon missing by successfully utilizing the Light transmission characteristics and power measurements in various Atmospheric conditions. 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved. -
The Quantification of Human Facial Expression Using Trapezoidal Fuzzy Membership Function
Fuzzy Inference System is an interesting approach. Major benefit of the FIS is, it permits the natural narration in linguistic terms of tribulations that can be resolved rather than in requisites of associations between accurate arithmetical points. This helps, handling with the complicated systems in easy way, is the major motive why fuzzy system is broadly incorporated in practice. In the present research paper, an effective approach is proposed that quantifies the human facial expression using Mamdani implication based fuzzy logic system. The recent principle engages in retrieving arithmetical values from persons face and feed them to a fuzzy classifier. Fuzzification and Defuzzification process issues trapezoidal fuzzy membership function for input as well as output. The diverse characteristic of this method is its effortlessness and maximum correctness. Experimental outcome on Image dataset depicts excellent accomplishment of the proposed methodology. In this paper, a legitimate procedure proposed for quantification of human facial expression from the features of the face by means of Mamdani type fuzzy inference system, which is proficient to set up a convenient membership association involving the various dimensions of the happy expression. Values representing features of the face are fed to a Mamdani-type fuzzy classifier. This system recognizes three levels of same happy expression namely Normal, Bit Smiley and Loud Laugh. The total output expressions for this proposed scheme is three. Another discrete element of the proposed methodology is the membership method model of expression outcome which stands on various surveys and readings of psychology. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019. -
The QSPR study of butane derivatives: (A mathematical approach)
The QSPR analysis provides a significant structural insight into the physiochemical properties of butane derivatives. We study some physiochemical properties of fourteen butane derivatives and develop a QSPR model using four topological indices and butane derivatives. Here we analyze how closely the topological indices are related to the physiochemical properties of butane derivatives. For this we compute analytically the topological indices of butane derivatives and plot the graphs between each of these topological indices to the properties of butane derivatives using Origin. This QSPR model exhibits a close correlation between Heavy atomic count, Complexity, Hydrogen bond acceptor count, and Surface tension of butane derivatives with the Redefined first Zagreb index, the Redefined third Zagreb index, the Sum connectivity index and the Reformulated first Zagreb index, respectively. 2018 Oriental Scientific Publishing Company. All Rights Reserved. -
The puzzle of pheromones in nature and their mysterious influence: a comprehensive review
Pheromones are chemical signals that are given off by creatures to communicate with other conspecifics. Because of their influence on animal behavior and relationships throughout the animal world, pheromones have fascinated scientists for decades. The newest findings and new perspectives on the intriguing field of pheromones are synthesized in this thorough review article. We investigate the many roles played by pheromones, from mating attraction and territorial marking to alarm signaling and social organization. The chemical diversity of pheromones is explored in depth in this paper, highlighting the variety of substances used by different animals as messengers. We go over the processes involved in pheromone detection and processing to help understand how chemosensory receptors and brain circuits interact in complex ways. Additionally, we discuss the role that pheromones play in ecology and evolution by promoting speciation and adaptation. This review emphasizes both the new research on pheromones in humans as well as their function in the animal world. We investigate the data supporting human pheromones and their possible impact on social and reproductive behaviors. The review aims to offer a detailed exploration and insight into the role and effects of pheromones in the natural world. This includes examining the chemical essence of pheromones and their functionality as communication signals across different species, investigating the specificity of these chemicals to certain species and how non-specific pheromones come about, and delving into the evolution of pheromones with a focus on the physiological and evolutionary mechanisms that drive communication. Additionally, the review seeks to understand the role pheromones play in pest management, specifically how species-specific pheromones can be utilized in eco-friendly pest control strategies. It will also explore the enigmatic impact pheromones have on the behavior and interactions within and among species. Drawing from a variety of sources, such as scientific research articles, studies on pheromone evolution, and articles on pheromone application in pest management, the review aspires to synthesize existing knowledge to provide a comprehensive overview of pheromones and their intriguing influence in nature. This study intends to not only summarize existing information but also encourage further research, shedding light on these cryptic chemical signals and their tremendous influence on the biology and behavior of species. It does this by offering a comprehensive perspective on the complex world of pheromones. 2024 Mighila Rixon, et al. -
The Puzzle of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia: From Epidemiology to Treatment
Inherited neurodegenerative pathology characterized by lower muscle tone and increasing spasticity in the lower limbs is termed hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP). HSP is associated with changes in about 80 genes and their products involved in various biochemical pathways, such as lipid droplet formation, endoplasmic reticulum shaping, axon transport, endosome trafficking, and mitochondrial function. With the inheritance patterns of autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked recessive, and mitochondrial inheritance, HSP is prevalent around the globe at a rate of 15 cases in every 100,000 individuals. Recent technology and medical interventions somewhat aid in recognizing and managing the malaise. However, HSP still lacks an appropriate and adequate therapeutic approach. Current therapies are based on the clinical manifestations observed in the patients, for example, smoothing the relaxant spastic muscle and physiotherapies. The limited clinical trial studies contribute to the absence of specific pharmaceuticals for HSPs. Our current work briefly explains the causative genes, epidemiology, underlying mechanism, and the management approach undertaken to date. We have also mentioned the latest approved drugs to summarise the available knowledge on therapeutic strategies for HSP. 2022 by the authors. -
The Problem of Perception in Sandor Mais Embers: An Advaitic Study
This article attempts to study the problem of perception in Sandor Mais celebrated novel Embers from the standpoint of the pramana (a method of knowledge) of Advaita Vedanta. An epistemic problem, the problem of perception, concerns the overwhelming questions of life, culminating in an enigmatic amalgamation of dilemmas and paradoxes. Genuine dilemmas and paradoxes problematize human relationships, which is evident in the complex narrative of Embers. Our contention in this article is to show how, even though enacted within the periphery of the purely fictional, Embers bears testimony to the complexities of life that are quickened by the limits of human perception, which keeps one from seeing how things really are by creating a shadow or reflected consciousness. Set against the backdrop of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the novel opens up a dialogic space at the intersection of a triangular relationship enacted on the threshold of perception and its multidimensional problems. 2024 Management Centre for Human Values. -
The Preservative Technology in the Inventory Model for the Deteriorating Items with Weibull Deterioration Rate
An EOQ model for perishable items is presented in this study. The deterioration rate is controlled by preservative technology. This technology only enhances the life of perishable items. So, retailers invested in this technology to get extra revenue. The Weibull deterioration rate is considered for the ramp type demand. Shortages consider partially backlogged, and discount is provided to loyal customers. The concavity of the profit function is discussed analytically. Numerical examples support the solution procedure; then, Sensitivity analysis is applied to accomplish the most sensitive variable. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
The presence of others increases prosociality: examining the role of dating Partners accompany on donation
Research in the field of prosocial behavior has shown that the presence of others has a significant effect on individuals prosociality. However, no research has explored such an effect of romantic partners presence. Studies in evolutionary psychology have shown benevolence/prosociality as an important factor when choosing a romantic partner. Therefore, in the present study, we hypothesized that people will donate more in the presence of dating partners to maintain a positive impression on them. The research followed a mixed-method approach. The first study, a vignette-based experiment showed that people believed the presence of a dating partner significantly enhances the chances of donation. The second study was a between-subject experiment that confirmed the findings of study 1 from both donors and receivers perspectives. The third study was a qualitative investigation, where a semi-structured interview method was used to find out how and why the presence of a dating partner may influence donation. The interviews showed that the presence of dating partners increases prosociality mainly because donors want to make a good impression and project the right image of them in their partners eyes. The research overall suggests that the human need for self-presentation that projects them more socially likable shapes their willingness to extend a helping hand to others in the presence of their romantic partners. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Religious mythology has perpetuated a certain idea of feminity and what ??constitutes a woman; it ascribes a particular role to the female. Religious treatises with time are normalized. This makes it extremely difficult to challenge gender stereotypes. Our religious beliefs and the stories and representations associated with them, become an important part of the ??self. In most texts, a womans identity is constructed in terms of what the man is not. She is given the role of the companion; her ??self is realized in the service of a man. They are never accorded individuality. Sita is the ideal example of this kind of gendered role-affixing. She exists within the patriarchal structures of the nation, religion and family without ever existing as Sita. Indian mythological texts have often been criticized for their misogynistic content. Both the Indian epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata have sequences which can be interpreted as simultaneously contemporary and regressive. For example Draupadis swayamvar is conducted to find her a desirable husband. However, she is being offered as a prize to the best archer. The visual mediums of films and television borrow heavily from religious mythology. When this happens, pre existing notions about gender are perpetuated in a popular and palatable format. Popular representations have given us the contours of what constitutes a mother, daughter and wife. This dissertation will analyze Valmikis Ramayana, Ved Vyasas Mahabharata, Ramanand Sagars Ramayana, B.R. Chopras Mahabharata, Prakash Jhas Rajneeti and Nina Paleys Sita Sings the Blues and study representation of women in each of them. Sometimes adaptations transgress or reinterpret the original text. However, do these retellings question a polarized, gender based social order and the role of women in it. The dissertation is a descriptive study and will employ the methodology of qualitative content analysis and text analysis to study how these themes are appropriated and the ramifications that these manifestations have on existing ideas of ??feminine. -
The position of digital society, healthcare 5.0, and consumer 5.0 in the era of industry 5.0
This chapter explores the dynamic interplay and positioning of Digital Society, Healthcare 5.0, and Consumer 5.0 within the overarching framework of Industry 5.0. The advent of Industry 5.0 marks a significant shift in industrial paradigms, emphasizing the fusion of digital technologies with traditional manufacturing processes. In this context, digital society emerges as a fundamental driver, influencing both industrial and consumer landscapes. Digital Society, characterized by ubiquitous connectivity and information sharing, acts as a catalyst for Industry 5.0. The integration of advanced technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), facilitates seamless communication and collaboration across industries, fostering innovation and agility in manufacturing processes. Healthcare 5.0, an integral component of this transformative landscape, leverages digital advancements to redefine healthcare delivery. The convergence of AI, big data analytics, and personalized medicine leads to a paradigm shift in patient-centric care. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The politics of the representation of Christian women characters in select Hindi films
This research will attempt to understand the politics of the representation of Christian women characters in Hindi films, Julie, and Bobby from a postcolonial feminist lens. This paper studies the portrayal of Christian women characters as westernized and common in Hindi films. To prove this argument, a postcolonial feminist approach with the theories of Partha Chatterjees idea of the role of nationalism in the representation of the westernized and common women; Gopal Gurus argument of the exclusion of the minorities from the mainstream imagination of the nation, and Diana Dimitrovas discourse of Otherism will be used. This research implies that the minority Christian women characters as the lead heroines in Hindi films are typecasted into the roles of immoral, sexually alluring, and unchaste woman who through her association with the Hindu hero poses a threat to the purity of Hindu dharma and hence the majoritarian idea of Indianness. 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: Representation of Northeast in Tinkle's WingStar Series
Tinkle, the children's magazine in English in India has been instrumental in shaping the imagination of the young urban Indian child ever since its inception in 1980. No other magazine has the readership and reach that Tinkle enjoys with a circulation of more than 3 lakh. The fact that Tinkle has survived unlike many other magazines in India for 40 odd years is testimony (marketing strategies aside) of its reach and popularity. Tinkle, ever since the days of its founder-editor Anant Pai, has been instrumental in constructing imagined communities of national identities for children in India over the decades since the 1970s ever since the Amar Chitra Kathas. One such attempt in constructing children's imaginaries is the addition of a series Wing Star in 2015, scripted by Sean D'mello and inked by Vineet Nair that features Mapui Kawlim, a 13-year-old superhero from Aizwal, Mizoram. While it is empowering that a national mainstream popular magazine for children would feature a female superhero from among the less represented Northeastern states, what is problematic, according to this study, is the manner in which there has been a conscious erasure of all markers of her ethnicity by appropriating her into the larger mainstream homogenised pan-Indian identity of a young female superhero with no specific markers to represent the culture she belongs to. This study will attempt to read this 'sanitised' representation of a Northeastern superhero in the light of the idea of cultural appropriation and deterritorialization and reterritorialization posited by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari that looks at the erasure of specific ethnic and other identities markers. This study will also engage with the implications of how 'sanitised' representations like this in popular narratives would construct and homogenise the imaginaries of the children of a country as they would grow up with erroneous notions of cultural ethnicities and diversity within the country adding to the problematics of marginalisation and hegemonic nationalities. 2022 Aesthetics Media Services. All rights reserved. -
The Political Uncertainties of the United Kingdom-2022 and Stock Market Reactions: An Event Study Analysis for LSE and Other Major European Stock Markets
The year 2022 has been one of the extremely uproarious in contemporary British politics, caused by severe political crises and uncertainties. The study aims to examine three major events related to the UK political uncertainties in 2022 and its impact on the UK and other major European stock markets using the market model of the event study methodology. The daily closing price data of the FTSE 100 index, its constituent stocks and the benchmark indices of 14 other major European stock markets were considered as per the event window constructed in the study. The empirical results of the study exhibited that the resignation announcement of Boris Johnson and Lizz Truss had positive abnormal returns on the day of the announcement. Subsequently, the announcement of Rishi Sunak as the PM of the UK had a stronger abnormal return on the announcement day. Further, the sector-wise impact analysis confirmed that Financials, materials, Energy, industrial, and real estate sectoral stocks have reacted with positive abnormal returns. Also, when verifying the impact on other major indices in European markets, it is noticed that only for the resignation announcement of Boris Johnson were there positive abnormal returns in benchmark indices of Italy, Netherlands, and Norway. The study confirms that political uncertainties like the prime minister's resignation bring short-run market inefficiency and provide opportunities for abnormal returns. The findings of the study offer some significant implications for the market participants such as traders, investors, portfolio managers and analysts. The findings will provide insights for them to devise trading strategies and risk management and to make investing decisions such that the portfolio of the investors is resilient to such uncertain political events. The Author(s) 2024. -
The Persistence of Untouchability: Working Conditions of Dalit Journalists in India
This article can be viewed as an extension of the Oxfam report of 2019, which revealed that Indian news media is dominated by upper castes and the near absence of Dalit and Adivasi journalists. Using critical political economy as a framework, and undertaking qualitative interviews of self-identifying Dalit journalists, their conditions of work in mainstream news media are examined. In addition to the problems faced by journalists in general, this research reveals that Dalit journalists experience considerable psychological stress and extra intensity of work. They tolerate a toxic work environment that results in mental trauma and have to navigate rigid caste networks. Supplementing in-depth interviews with secondary data, the article argues that the conditions within which Dalit journalists function contain all dimensions of untouchability: exclusion, humiliation, and exploitation. The article concludes with a call to end this untouchability, revive the Working Journalists Act to ameliorate the conditions of work of Indias fourth estate. Specific legislation is required to ensure favorable conditions of work for Dalit journalists. Further, the article calls for a theoretical revamping of critical political economy to include caste, particularly when analyzing South Asian media. The Author 2024 -
The Pendant Number ofLine Graphs andTotal Graphs
The parameter, pendant number of a graph G, is defined as the least number of end vertices of paths in a path decomposition of the given graph and is denoted as ? p(G). This paper determines the pendant number of regular graphs, complete r-partite graphs, line graphs, total graphs and line graphs of total graphs. We explore the bougainvillea graphs, e-pendant graphs and v-pendant graphs. If the pendant number is 2, then the number of paths in the path decomposition of the given graph is at most ? (G), the maximum degree of the graph. Hence, a large class of graphs give a more reasonable solution to Gallais conjecture on number of paths in the given path decomposition. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.