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The Evolution of Forecasting Techniques: Traditional Versus Machine Learning Methods
Forecasting is used effectively and efficiently to support decision-making for the future. Over time, several methods have been created to conduct forecasting. Finding a forecasting technique with the ability to provide the best estimate of the system being modeled has always been a challenge. The selection and comparison criteria for forecasting methodologies can be organized in a variety of ways. Accurate forecasting has a great demand for various fields like weather prediction, economic condition, business forecasting, demand and supply forecasts and many more. When deciding whether to utilize a certain model to predict future events, accuracy is very important. In every field, machine learning (ML) algorithms are being used to forecast future events. These algorithms can handle more complex data and make predictions that are more accurate. Based on the least values of forecasting errors, forecasters create a model to determine the best strategy for prediction. For centuries, forecasting has been used to assist individuals in making future-related decisions. In the past, forecasts were based on intuition and experience, but as technology has advanced, so have forecasting methods. Currently, advanced ML models and methods for data analysis are used to provide forecasts. To forecast the future, these models incorporate a range of inputs, including historical data, present trends, and economic indicators. Forecasting is a vital tool for businesses to employ when making future plans. It is used in a wide range of industries, from finance to weather prediction. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
Mediating Effect of Digital Literacy Between Attitude Towards AI and Job Insecurity Among HR Professionals
As businesses continue to incorporate technologies that use AI into a variety of business processes, the connection between employee attitudes towards AI and job insecurity has attracted some attention. However, a critical aspect that has not been covered in the existing literature is the potential mediating role of digital literacy in shaping this relationship. This study investigates the interplay between attitudes towards AI, job insecurity, and digital literacy among HR employees through an online survey. Utilizing established scales, including Attitudes Towards AI (ATAI), Job Insecurity, and Digital Literacy, significant results reveal a substantial mediated relationship. Finding also states a significant impact of attitudes towards AI on job insecurity. Acceptance AI attitude indirectly reduce job insecurity through heightened digital literacy. Also, the pivotal role of digital literacy as a mediator, emphasizing its importance in alleviating job insecurity concerns amidst AI integration. These findings offer practical insights for organizations seeking to foster employee confidence in AI-rich workplaces. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Public-Private Partnership Ventures: A Diasporic Initiative in India Through Social Remittances and Philanthropic Work
Diaspora networks across the globe think of their homeland, which makes them continuously assist various projects that have public-private partnership ventures. Many of the members of the Indian diaspora had difficult times during their childhood in their native country. The conditions were not favorable within India prior to Indian Independence for acquiring desired skills in entrepreneurial activities. However, they managed to sail through the rough sea and reach the western coast in great adversity. The journey itself was a training for the early diaspora that resulted in learning the skills needed for setting up their business in the adopted countries. Indian diaspora from various developed countries have learned a great deal about the local culture, new skills in business partnership, consultancy services, research and innovations in technology that helped them to prosper in the adopted land and implement those ideas in their home country as a part of social remittances and giving back to the society. Developed countries have exhibited the feasibility of sustainable development through social entrepreneurship. Compulsory community service that trains people in new skill development also educates them in preserving the environment in which they reside. The public-private partnership model, which is in practice in developed countries, has become the agent of creation of social entrepreneurship with accountability toward the society. Diaspora communities that send social remittances to their home countries not only in the form of money but also ideas, identities and behaviors help set up public- private models of undertakings that would ensure sustainable growth in the long run. Philanthropic work is reckoned in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model that we see in various parts of India, especially in states like Punjab (Sikh diaspora), Kerala (Malayali diaspora) and Gujarat (Gujarati diaspora). In this background, this chapter tries to examine the Indian diasporas schemes in India on the model of public-private partnership that they had either set up or observed in their adopted countries. This chapter also looks into how far diaspora remittances in totality help mitigate the existing problems in Indian villages, create new job opportunities for the local population, manage skill development centers and educate the masses in preserving the environment that would help in sustainable development through social entrepreneurship. 2024 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. -
Socio-economic Development and Value Creation Through Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Bosch India Foundation
In recent years, it is mandatory for profitable organizations in India to work toward Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Many thinkers in the industry have appreciated the move of the Indian Government by mandating profitable businesses to take responsibility for society by sharing certain portions of the profit made by these organizations. This study focuses on various initiatives taken by BOSCH India Foundation (BIF) for socio-economic development and value creation through its CSR activities. The primary data are collected by conducting interviews with the seniorlevel managers working in the CSR department of the Bidadi plant. The data are also collected by visiting the field of action, discussing with various stakeholders and observing their initiatives. The secondary data are collected from published sources and official records of the company. This case study shows that BOSCH India Foundation is focusing on the development of the villages in Bidadi. Their CSR initiatives focus on education, agriculture and livestock development, health and hygiene, environment, women empowerment, youth development and access to potable water. This study analyzes the economic and social impacts it has created in the society. The case provides new insight for researchers and students about the CSR approaches and best practices which can be a model for companies working on CSR projects. 2024 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. -
Involvement of Social Enterprises in Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Practices: The Case of Uravu and Buffalo Back
Social enterprises are not-for-profit or for-profit organizations that work for the development of the community in different ways and are sustainable through their products or services. One such initiative of social enterprises is supporting and promoting agriculture and agricultural products. This chapter focuses on two social enterprises, Uravu and Buffalo Back, which work with farm products and their role in promoting sustainable agriculture practices. The primary data are collected through personal interviews with top-level managers, and secondary data are collected from websites and other published documents. This study looks at the concept of sustainability in terms of finitude, fragility and fairness. These two case studies explain how social enterprises promote the development of agriculture. The former organization ensures the communitys livelihood through farming support, upgrading local knowledge, technologies, skill development and marketing their commodities. The latter focuses on promoting farmers to focus on sustainable organic farming techniques and selling their products to customers. This study can help future entrepreneurs understand different models they can use to develop the agricultural sector through their social actions. 2024 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. -
The Intellectual Structure of Application of Artificial Intelligence in Forecasting Methods: A Literature Review using Bibliometric Thematic Analysis
Crude oil is a valuable asset class which forms the nucleus of the energy core of the transport sector for any country. According to report [1], crude oil helps in meeting 93% of energy needs for the transportation sector globally. It has been projected across various forums that crude oil along with coal and natural gas is going to satisfy world energy needs for the forthcoming years. Consequently, it has been observed that fluctuations in crude oil prices tilt the economies of scale across the world. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
Business and Society: A Symbiotic Relationship
Business can be a for-profit, not-for-profit or hybrid organization. But all these businesses focus on the satisfaction of their stakeholders. Although many businesses adopt a limited perspective of their stakeholders, focusing primarily on the interests of their investors, customers and, in some cases, their employees, it is a fact that the long-term sustainability of any business will depend on its contributions to the society. The long-term objective of all businesses is to serve and support the society and contribute to the socioeconomic development of their people. Therefore, this chapter presents a comprehensive review of the relationship between business and society, with special reference to the three main types of businesses: commercial businesses, social enterprises and non-governmental organizations. As in the case of biological systems, the relationship between business and society may be characterized predominantly by one of the three types of symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalism and parasitism. However, the successful co-existence of business and society, in the long run, would depend on the degree of mutualism in their relationship. 2024 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. -
Blockchain Using Wireless Technology
In today's dynamic digital landscape, blockchain technology emerges as a pioneering force with the potential to redefine industries and transform the way we conduct business, share information, and establish trust. This chapter explores the foundational concepts of blockchain technology, its versatile applications, and the profound impacts it can have on various sectors. While blockchain holds immense promise, challenges like scalability, energy consumption, and regulatory frameworks must be addressed. Decentralized apps and smart contracts introduce new vulnerabilities that demand vigilant management. The integration of blockchain with wireless technology expands opportunities and streamlines processes. Wireless connectivity enhances accessibility, reach, and interaction with blockchain applications, benefiting finance, supply chain, and healthcare sectors. Real-time data sharing and reduced infrastructure reliance boost productivity. Environmental concerns, including blockchain's energy consumption and e-waste from wireless devices, need mitigation. In conclusion, the fusion of blockchain and wireless technology offers tremendous potential but demands a delicate balance between technological progress and environmental stewardship. Addressing reliability, security, scalability, and environmental impacts through innovative solutions and ethical practices is vital for a connected and sustainable future. 2024 CRC Press. -
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Neuroimaging for Cognitive Research
Artificial intelligence (AI)-based solutions are used in most of our daily activities. AI has been adapted and it has found various applications. Cognitive research is one area where AI has been applied to understand the hidden patterns in the data. Neuroimaging techniques investigate the neural basis of cognitive processes like perception, attention, memory, language, reasoning, decision-making, and problem-solving. The irregularities in the cognitive process lead to cognitive disabilities and diseases. Neuroimaging techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and positron emission tomography (PET), along with other data-gathering techniques, are studied to identify cognitive disorders. The imaging techniques generate large amounts of complex data. AI methods, including machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision, are applied and used to analyse and interpret the data generated by various imagining techniques. Numerous techniques have been designed, developed, and proposed to handle the neuroimaging data for cognitive research with the help of AI techniques. AI techniques include ML algorithms like decision trees, random forest, support vector machine (SVM), principal component analysis (PCA), and DL algorithms, including convolution neural networks (CNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM), and generative adversarial networks (GANs). Recent advancements in the field of neuroimages use AI techniques to preprocess, process, and analyse the data generated by various neuroimaging modalities. This chapter provides an in-depth analysis and summary of various AI techniques for processing neuroimages for cognitive disorders. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Anitha S. Pillai and Bindu Menon; individual chapters, the contributors. -
A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Machine Learning Forecasting Techniques
Forecasting is the process of making predictions or estimates about future events or conditions based on historical data, trends, and patterns. It involves analyzing past data and using statistical or other quantitative methods to project future outcomes, such as sales figures, market trends, weather patterns, or financial performance. Forecasting can be used in a wide range of fields, including economics, finance, business, weather forecasting, and sports. The accuracy of a forecast depends on the quality of the data, the methods used, and the assumptions made about the future. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
Practical Benefits of Using AI for More Accurate Forecasting in Mental Health Care
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the general term for being able to make computers do things that require human-like intelligence. AI is the novel idea of the computer pioneers like Alan Turning and John von Neumann in the 1940s. Their novel intuition towards making machines think is the key start for this AI technology evolution. As shown in Fig. 1, the first milestone of AI happened in the year 1956 when it was proved by a group of researchers that a machine could solve any problem with the use of an unlimited amount of memory. Here they named this program General Problem Solver (GPS). 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
Integration of Mobile Edge Computing in Wireless Technology
This chapter delves into the potential for Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) to revolutionize wireless networks through its incorporation in wireless technologies. The authors give a thorough introduction to MEC, including its components, design, and the reasoning behind combining it with wireless networks. This chapter provides a foundational understanding of technologies for wireless communication, focusing on the establishment and improvement of 4G, 5G, and Wi-Fi networks. Different deployment strategies and supporting technologies for MEC integration with mobile networks are explored to demonstrate the adaptability and scalability of this approach. Improved connection, lower latency, and higher bandwidth utilization are just some of the benefits and obstacles of MEC integration that are demonstrated using practical scenarios and applications. This chapter also discusses techniques for optimizing performance and managing resources, as well as security and privacy concerns unique to wireless networks that make use of MEC. In this article, we explore the continuing standardization efforts and industry activities that are pushing MEC usage in wireless networks. Finally, the authors describe the unanswered questions and potential future developments in MEC-enabled wireless networks. This chapter presents a thorough analysis of MEC's incorporation into wireless technology, revealing how this development has the potential to revolutionize mobile communications and open up fresh avenues for developing useful services and applications. 2024 CRC Press. -
The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in Social Value Creation
The fundamental idea behind CSR is that corporations have duties that go beyond lawful execution of their economic duties (Steiner & Steiner, 2009). The waning hold of states over powerful transnational corporations and the increasing recognition of the potential of corporations to contribute to the welfare needs underline the importance of CSR in contemporary society. It is believed that a good CSR strategy would lead to significant reductions in business risks, including stakeholder, regulatory or marketplace sanctions. India being the first country to make CSR mandatory recognizes the potential of firms to synergize with the state in achieving larger developmental causes. This chapter is an attempt to review the CSR contributions toward public health during COVID-19. This chapter analyses the ways in which corporate social responsibility could contribute toward value creation in society and proposes a community-based convergent model of CSR implementation. 2024 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. -
Forecasting of Environmental Sustainability through Green Innovation of E-Vehicle Industry
E-mobility sustainability forecasting is getting more detailed with study, taking into account social cost in addition to technological, economic, or environmental factors. One solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to implement green innovation in the transportation sector. The citizenrys view and acceptance of electric cars must be improved, more research into the social cost of these innovations is required. Consequently, the transportation industry might decarbonize more quickly. Another approach to do it is to advocate for more all-encompassing green innovations that can enhance sustainable development. Using Our Common Future, published in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development [1], the commission emphasized the importance of sustainability while integrating social and economic development. Additionally, it recommended that governments take environmental factors into account while making decisions. The significance of sustainability was then increased and institutionalized, which meant that nations began passing laws that promoted sustainability. Consumer awareness of sustainability is rising largely from an economic and environmental standpoint. This also has an impact on the transportation industry and poses significant environmental, social, and economic difficulties. However, given that it generates close to 5% of the GDP and employs almost 11 million people, transportation is crucial from an economic standpoint. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
Legal and Bioethical View of Educational Sectors and Industrial Areas of 3D Bioprinting
Recent advancements in three-dimensional printing (3D printing) within the medical field, particularly in the realm of 3D bioprinting, have shown tremendous potential in transforming various medical therapies, offering new approaches to treat organ failure and injury. However, amidst this optimism, several significant ethical and legal challenges remain unresolved before the application and transplantation of 3D bioprinted technology and organs in human subjects can become a reality. This chapter focuses on exploring the ethical and legal constraints associated with 3D bioprinting technology from both educational and industrial perspectives, recognizing their crucial roles as cornerstones for future applications. Furthermore, the analysis of 3D bioprinting technology will be conducted through the lens of the fundamental medical ethics principle, Primum non nocere; First, do no harm. Moreover, the pressing need for effective and timely standalone laws to regulate the subject of 3D printing is emphasized. This urgency arises from the grave concerns posed by the future implications of this technology on Indias scientific research and medical practice. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive examination of the ethical and legal challenges posed by 3D bioprinting technology. By considering both educational and industrial perspectives, this research seeks to shed light on the complexities surrounding the application and transplantation of 3D bioprinted organs. Additionally, the analysis through the principle of Primum non nocere will contribute to the understanding of the ethical implications inherent in this innovative technology. Ultimately, this study advocates for the formulation of appropriate regulations and guidelines through the implementation of effective standalone laws, ensuring the responsible development and utilization of 3D printing technology in the realm of scientific research and medical practice in India. 2024 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
Forecasting Demand for Paddy and Cotton in India: Empirical Analysis Using Machine Learning Models
India has a thriving and varied agricultural sector, which has long served as the foundation of the economy. Agriculture contributes significantly to Indias economy and is essential to the nations food security because a sizable percentage of the countrys agricultural population works in farming and associated industries. Indian farmers have managed to successfully produce a variety of commodities, including cash crops like cotton and sugarcane as well as staples like rice and wheat, despite confronting numerous obstacles like small landholdings, poor infrastructure, and unpredictable weather. In this context, it is crucial to examine the status of Indian agriculture at the moment, its advantages and disadvantages, and the possibilities and difficulties confronting farmers and policymakers. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
Harnessing the Power of Climate Activism: Insights from Psychological Perspectives on Climate Change EngagementA Systematic Review
Scientific evidence has validated the inevitability of global warming and its effect in the form of climate change. There has been an increase in climate strikes and other forms of climate activism in recent years. It is important to understand the research landscape in psychological literature with regards to climate change and climate activism, to help guide future researchers. The databases of PubMed (Keywords: climate activism, climate change, psychology, n?=?1), Google Scholar (Keywords?=?climate activism, climate change, psychology, n?=?200) and Scopus database (Keywords: climate activism AND climate change AND psychology, n?=?160) were searched to create the pool of research documents. This was further filtered according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the first section of this article, we have tried to explore the temporal and geographic growth trends of climate change research and collaborations using R (Bibliometric package). In the second section, we have used a text-mining approach to identify the research topics being explored in the climate change literature. R package tm along with associated packages were used to do the processing and subsequent grouping of the themes. In order to refine the classification the identified groupings were supervised by the authors. The final documents have been scoured to extract an overall understanding of the existing concepts explored so far and gauge their impact in the realm of climate change research. This systematic study casts light on the psychological views on climate activism and offers insightful information about the underlying causes that affect peoples involvement in the fight and struggle against climate change. The creation of more effective techniques for encouraging climate activism and utilizing its capacity to inspire significant action to address climate change can be influenced by an understanding of these elements. In order to address the complex issues of climate change, this chapter emphasizes the value of multidisciplinary collaboration amongst psychologists, policymakers, educators, and activists. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Wireless Technology for Providing Safety in Vanets
Both the safety and efficiency of our present transportation systems might benefit greatly from the implementation of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). In this book chapter, the author investigates the significance of wireless technology in improving VANET security. Before discussing the numerous wireless technologies that form the backbone of VANET security, this chapter digs into VANET architecture and communication paradigms. These can be anything from tried-and-true standards like IEEE 802.11p (WAVE) to forward-thinking concepts like 5G cellular networks ability to link vehicles to other objects. Collision avoidance, cooperative adaptive cruise control, junction collision alarms, and pedestrian safety are just some of the real-world applications of V2V communication that have been shown. The importance of security mechanisms, such as authentication, encryption, and data integrity, is discussed at length in this chapter. The narrative also delves into the fascinating intersections of VANETs with autonomous cars and AI, all while tackling issues like spectrum allocation, scalability, and privacy concerns. Case studies shed light on the concrete effects of VANET safety installations, showing how they may reduce accident rates and ease traffic congestion. This last chapter summarizes the potential of wireless technologies to usher in an era of enhanced road safety via the medium of VANETs, distills important insights, and calls for greater advances. 2024 CRC Press. -
Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models in Brain Imaging Analysis
Brain imaging is an umbrella term including many non-invasive techniques that objectively monitor brain function. Such monitoring leads to understanding how the brain works by presenting selected stimuli. More importantly, brain function monitoring allows physicians to diagnose and predict brain disorders. In the last decade, several machine learning and deep learning models have been developed by researchers to process and analyse brain imaging data for the diagnosis, detection, and prediction of brain disorders, such as stroke, schizophrenia, autism, psychosis, and Alzheimers. This chapter reviews the various applications and properties of machine learning and deep learning models for brain image analysis. The chapter also highlights the deep learning models that have either understood the test of time or shown the promise to solve challenging problems involving brain imaging data. The review also discusses various open issues yet to have practical solutions or methodologies with the help of machine learning and deep learning. The research covers a wide range of imaging modalities, disorders and models to expose researchers and practitioners in neurological disorders and machine learning and deep learning to each others field, hopefully leading to fruitful collaborations and practical solutions for processing brain images. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Anitha S. Pillai and Bindu Menon; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Internet of Things (IoT) as a Game Changer to the Education Sector
This study examines the use of internet of things (IoT) technology in the field of education, concentrating on its uses, advantages, and difficulties. The current educational system frequently fails to provide individualized learning opportunities since it is characterized by traditional classroom settings and teacher-centered learning. But the emergence of IoT and its companion technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence, and network communication, offers fresh chances to transform education. The IoT architecture in the education sector is covered in the opening section of the paper, with an emphasis on the function of IoT devices in building a networked environment. These tools, such as smart HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, make it easier to gather and analyze enormous volumes of data. Institutions of higher learning can get important insights and create individualized learning strategies, thanks to the integration of big data and artificial intelligence. The report also examines a variety of IoT uses in education. It emphasizes the importance of IoT in remote learning, which has become more popular recently. It also demonstrates how the internet of things has influenced the development of smart campuses with interactive whiteboards and other IoT gadgets. The importance of personalized learning in contemporary education is also discussed, with IoT acting as a catalyst for experiences that are specifically suited for students. The study also looks at how IoT might benefit students with disabilities and improve staff and student health monitoring. The use of augmented reality and virtual reality tools in teaching is also investigated. The study explores Edutech-based IoT solutions, concentrating on their function in the processes of teaching, learning, and evaluation. It examines management and government initiatives on both a national and international scale, including those from Ireland's Future Schools, Jharkhand's DigiSAT, and Assam's online job advisory portal. The Kajeet Smart Bus, C-Pen, and Ipevo VZ-X Wireless Document Camera are just a few examples of IoT deployments in education that are highlighted in the study. These instances highlight the concrete contribution of IoT to improving educational practices. IoT tools are also examined in relation to several educational contexts, such as primary, secondary, and higher secondary education. The study also examines the distinct needs of special schools and universities and emphasizes the importance of IoT in STEAM teaching at the university level. The chapter discusses the advantages, disadvantages, possibilities, and difficulties that players in the education sector would have when implementing IoT. It highlights how crucial it is to take advantage of the capabilities of big data, artificial intelligence, and network communication to enhance teaching and learning results. The article also highlights problems with the research and suggests potential fixes, noting areas that could use more investigation. This chapter's conclusion highlights the IoT's disruptive potential in the field of education. Education can be revolutionized by integrating IoT devices, utilizing big data and artificial intelligence, and utilizing network communication. It makes it possible to create individualized, engaging, and data-driven learning experiences that get students ready for the digital era. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Alex Khang, Vugar Abdullayev, Vladimir Hahanov and Vrushank Shah; individual chapters, the contributors.