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A Brief Review of Intelligent Rule Extraction Techniques
Rule extraction is a process of extracting rules which helps in building domain knowledge. Rules plays an important role in reconciling financial transactions. This paper presents a brief study of intelligent methods for rule extraction. The paper touches upon heuristic, regression, fuzzy-based, evolutionary, and dynamic adaptive techniques for rule extraction. This paper also presents the state-of-the-art techniques used in dealing with numerical and linguistic data for rule extraction. The objective of the paper is to provide directional guidance to researchers working on rule extraction. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Mechanical and tribological investigation on al lm4/tic composite fabricated through bottom pouring method
In the present investigation LM4 reinforced 6 wt% Titanium Carbide particles composite was developed by stir casting bottom pouring method. The cast composite specimen was obtained in a cylindrical shape of dimensions 50 mm dia and 100 mm length. The composite specimens were prepared for mechanical and tribological test as per ASTM standards. The obtained results reveal that the mechanical properties are high as compared to the as cast LM4 alloy specimens. Microstructure analysis confirms that the uniform distribution of TiC particles. Tribological test was performed using pin-on-disc machine based on Taguchi's design of experiments. L27 orthogonal array was selected by changing test parameter like applied load (10, 20, 30 N), sliding distance (600, 800, 1000 m) and sliding velocity (1.5 m/s, 2.5 m/s and 3.5 m/s). The most influencing test parameters were identified by using S/N ratio and ANOVA. The wear results reveled that wear rate increases as applied load increases, and it decreases with decrease in velocity. Also wear rate decreases as sliding distance increases and at some point, it became linear. The applied load was found to be most dominating (77.61%), sliding velocity (10.44%) and sliding distance (4.47%) are less dominating factors. Worn surface morphology was studied to understand the type of wear. 2021 elsevier ltd. all rights reserved. -
Design and Development of Terahertz Medical Screening Devices
This paper highlights the prospect of design and development of a terahertz medical screening system, giving an overview of existing devices, systems, for THz spectroscopy and imaging of biological samples (e.g., cell, tissue imaging or screening). Considering the non-ionizing nature of THz waves along with its reasonable soft-tissue sensitivity, terahertz instrumentation has opened up possibilities for medical screening devices. Some THz imaging systems presently use raster scanning for calculation of image region of interest. Here, a particular system is proposed as a medical screening device and factors like signal-to-noise ratio, image resolution, image contrast, etc., have been described and correlated with relevant clinical results for exploring possible prospects in medical applications of terahertz waves. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Securing medical images using encryption and LSB steganography
Medical imaging plays a vital role in the healthcare industry. Due to the advancements in the healthcare industry medical images are being transferred between geographically spread regions. As the medical images are transmitted through public networks several security challenges may arise such as authentication, integrity, and confidentiality. In this paper, the research focus is on preserving the confidentiality and integrity of the medical images. In general, integrity and confidentiality can be achieved by encryption (a piece of cryptography). To incorporate one more layer of security, steganography is applied to the medical image. In this paper, a one-time pad encryption algorithm is used to encrypt the medical image, then the encrypted image is implanted into a cover image to give a stego image making the system more resilient to the attacker. Further in this paper, the above said method is being implemented using MATLAB and the experimental results are compared with hiding the medical image using LSB steganography without encryption (one layer of security). Various formats of medical images have been taken into consideration such as DICOM, TIFF, BMP, and JPEG. Results show that the combination of encryption and steganography performs better than applying only steganography, concerning MSE and PSNR values. 2021 IEEE -
Content Based Scientific Article Recommendation System Using Deep Learning Technique
The emergence of the era of big data has increased the ease with which scientific users can access academic articles with better efficiency and accuracy from a pool of papers available. With the exponential increase in the number of research papers that are getting published every year, it has made scholars face the problem of information overload where they find it difficult to conduct comprehensive literature surveys. An article recommendation system helps in overcoming this issue by providing users with personalized recommendations based on their interests and choices. The common approaches used for recommendation are Content-Based Filtering (CBF) and Collaborative Filtering (CF). Even though there is much advancement in the field of article recommendation systems, a content-based approach using a deep learning technology is still in its inception. In this work, a C-SAR model using Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and association rule mining Apriori algorithm to provide a recommendation of articles based on the similarity in the content were proposed. The combination of a deep learning technique along with a classical algorithm in data mining is expected to provide better results than the state-of-art model in suggesting similar papers. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Hybrid Renewable Road Side Charging Station with I2V Communication Functionality
The faster adoption of Renewable-based Energy Sources for charging Electric Vehicles is highly required. The paper proposes a novel strategy of design and developing a hybrid Road Side Unit (RSU) that would be easy to install and provides easy access to Electric Vehicle charging. The system inculcates Infrastructure to Vehicle (I2V) communication framework enabling communication between the Infrastructure and the Vehicle to identify the nearest charging station based on the availability. The communication framework is based on Wi-Fi communication and enables bidirectional communication between the Vehicle and the Infrastructure as well. The modelling and development of the RSU, and the active power flow regulation from the RSU to the Charging Station is also developed, using a Fuzzy Controller. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Captcha-Based Defense Mechanism to Prevent DoS Attacks
The denial of service (DoS) attack, in the current scenario, is more vulnerable to the banking system and online transactions. Conventional mechanism of DoS attacks consumes a lot of bandwidth, and there will always be performance degradation with respect to the traffic in any of the communication networks. As there is an advent over the network bandwidth, in the current era, DoS attacks have been moved from the network to servers and API. An idea has been proposed which is CAPTCHA-based defense, a purely system-based approach. In the normal case, the protection strategy for DDoS attacks can be achieved with the help of many session schedulers. The main advantage is to efficiently avoid the DoS attacks and increase the server speed as well as to avoid congestion and data loss. This is majorly concerned in a wired network to reduce the delays and to avoid congestion during attacks. 2021, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Pad Vending Machine with Cashless Payment
A vending machine aims to provide required product or the service to the customer with certain ease, wherein not much effort is required. This research work aims to design a pad vending machine with an option of payment using QR code which is implemented using blockchain to make the system much more efficient and reliable than the existing systems present in the Indian market. The system is divided into two parts, first being the working of the machine and second being the mode of payment which is implemented using a blockchain. It is noticed many times that due to unpredictable menstrual flow women tend to face a lot problems. To overcome this problem, a pad vending machine is proposed with certain advancements through which women can help themselves in the stated circumstances. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transaction Using ANN and SVM
Digital Payment fraudulent cases have increased with the rapid growth of e-commerce. Masses use credit card payments for both online and day-to-day purchasing. Hence, payment fraud utilizes a billion-dollar business, and it is growing fast. The frauds use different patterns to make the transactions from the cardholders account, making it difficult for the organization or the users to detect fraudulent transactions. The studys principal purpose is to develop an efficient supervised learning technique to detect credit card fraudulent transactions to minimize the customers and organizations losses. The respective classification accuracy compares supervised learning techniques such as deep learning-based ANN and machine learning-based SVM models. This studys significant outcome is to find an efficient supervised learning technique with minimum computational time and maximum accuracy to identify the fraudulent act in credit card transactions to minimize the losses incurred by the consumers and banks. 2021, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. -
A Mathematical Correlation of Compressive Strength Among Silica, Alumina and Calcia Present in Composite Red Mud and Iron Ore Tailingbricks
Waste Red Mud generated from bauxite beneficiation in aluminium industry contains sodium oxide in minor amount along with silica and alumina in significant quantities. Waste iron ore tailings from beneficiation of iron ore in steel industry contain silica and alumina in significant quantities. A combination of both these materials in different amounts along with GGBS and lime addition resulted in complex alkali-activated reaction products consisting of (Si/Al), (Ca/Si) and (Ca/(Si+Al)) complexes which influence compressive strength of the test samples on curing for extended time periods at room temperature. Individual correlation coefficients of these complexes with compressive strength yielded high values with (Si/Al) and (Ca/Si+Al) ratios (0.92 and 0.96, respectively) while showing a poor correlation coefficient with (Ca/Si) ratio (0.88). A direct regression analysis between compressive strength and (Si/Al) ratio and (Ca/Si+Al) ratio indicated negative values with (Si/Al) ratios but positive values with (Ca/ (Si+Al)) ratios. It is therefore concluded that the addition of lime and GGBS (contributed from both GGBS and lime addition) resulted in Ca-Si-Al complex formations which are responsible for improved compressive strength of the samples. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Butterfly Optimization Algorithm-Based Optimal Sizing and Integration of Photovoltaic System in Multi-lateral Distribution Network for Interoperability
In this paper, a new and simple nature-inspired meta-heuristic search algorithm, namely butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA), is proposed for solving the optimal location and sizing of solar photovoltaic (SPV) system. An objective function for distribution loss minimization is formulated and minimized via optimally allocating the SPV system on themain feeder. At the first stage, the computational efficiency of BOA is compared with various other similar works and highlights its superiority in terms of global solution. In thesecond stage, the interoperability requirement of SPV system while determining the location and size of SPV system among multiple laterals in a distribution system is solved without compromises in radiality constraint. Various case studies on standard IEEE 33-bus system have shown the effectiveness of proposed concept of interline-photovoltaic (I-PV) system in improving the distribution system performance in terms of reduced losses and improved voltage profile via redistributing the feeder power flows effectively. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Survey on Solution of Imbalanced Data Classification Problem Using SMOTE and Extreme Learning Machine
Imbalanced data are a common classification problem. Since it occurs in most real fields, this trend is increasingly important. It is of particular concern for highly imbalanced datasets (when the class ratio is high). Different techniques have been developed to deal with supervised learning sets. SMOTE is a well-known method for over-sampling that discusses imbalances at the level of the data. In the area, unequal data are widely distributed, and ensemble learning algorithms are a more efficient classifier in classifying imbalances. SMOTE synthetically contrasts two closely connected vectors. The learning algorithm itself, however, is not designed for imbalanced results. The simple ensemble idea, as well as the SMOTE algorithm, works with imbalanced data. There are detailed studies about imbalanced data problems and resolving this problem through several approaches. There are various approaches to overcome this problem, but we mainly focused on SMOTE and extreme learning machine algorithms. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Stability Analysis of AFTI-16 Aircraft by Using LQR and LQI Algorithms
The stability analysis of the dynamical system of linearized plant model of Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI)-16 aircraft was proposed along with the optimal control methods by applying linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear quadratic algorithm (LQI) algorithms. The LQR and LQI algorithms results were compared with state-space model analysis results. The state-space methods like pole placement method, without using the LQR algorithm the negative feedback system were found to be unstable. By the application of LQR and LQI algorithms to the linearized plant AFTI-16 aircraft open-loop system having negative feedback found to be stable. The stability parameters were verified by using MATLAB programming software. The eigenvalues play a key role in finding closed-loop system stability analysis. MIMO dynamical system with state feedback gain matrices is calculated by using MATLAB programming software. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Indian Road Lanes Detection Based on Regression and clustering using Video Processing Techniques
Detecting the road lanes from moving vehicle is a difficult and challenging task because of road lane markings with poor quality, occlusion created by traffic and poor road constructions. If the driver is not maintaining the road lanes properly, the proposed system detects the road lanes and gives the alarm to the driver so that driver can take the corrective actions there by we can avoid the accidents. The paper mainly focusses on detection of road lanes from sequence of image taken from the video from moving vehicle. The Methodology mainly consisting of lane segments merging and fitting using clustering and weighted regression techniques to fit the curve in the place of group of lane segments and curve fitting separately. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Evaluation of ML-Based Sentiment Analysis Techniques with Stochastic Gradient Descent and Logistic Regression
In recent times, along with the expansion of technology, the Internet also has flourished exponentially. World is more connected today not only through the technology, but also through sharing sentiments to express views, either be constructive or destructive in front of the world through social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., are being used as social media to reach the world. The study of understanding peoples emotions, intentions, attitudes from unstructured data is opinion mining/sentiment analysis. This is an application of NLP or text mining. In this paper, an attempt is made to realize sentiment analysis's multiple dimensions using approaches such as ML and NLP-based technqies like word frequency and TF-IDF. Using ML approach, experiments were conducted, and the performance of the predictions was visualized. Three different datasets are used. A comparison of logistic regression (LR) and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithms are compared using two different document representation. An extensive comparison is carried out using three different types of dataset. Amazon instant video datasets, bank dataset and movie reviews datasets are being used for the same. Analysis of performance is accomplished by using different graphs. The results indicate that logistic regression performs better than stochastic gradient descent for movie review dataset by using word frequency and TF-IDF-based approach. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
On Statistical Tools in Finding Equitable Antimagic Labeling of Complete Graphs
Graph theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with representation of graphs with vertices and edges. Graph labeling is the assignment of integer labels to either vertices or edges. For a given graph G= (V, E), an edge-weighting is a function f:E(G)?{1,2,3,..,|E(G)|}. For a vertex v of G, let Wf(v) denotes the sum of edge-weights appearing on the edges incident at v under the edge-weighting f. A bijective edge-weighting f of G is said to be an equitable antimagic labeling (EAL) of G if |Wf(u) - Wf(v) | ? 1 for any pair of adjacent vertices u and v of G. A graph admitting an EAL is called an equitable antimagic graph (EAG). In this paper, the characterization of complete graphs Kn, for n? 6 is dealt using an algorithmic approach. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Fog-Based Retrieval of Real-Time Data for Health Applications
Fog computing is an emerging technology that offers high-quality cloud services by providing high bandwidth, low latency, and efficient computational power and storage capacity. Although cloud computing is an efficient solution so far to store and retrieve the huge data of IoT devices, it is expected to limit its performance due to low latency and storage capacity. Fog computing addresses these limitations by extending its services to the cloud at the edge of the network. In this paper, we use a fog computing network approach for efficiently retrieving the real-time patient data. The performance of our proposed approach has been compared with the cloud computing approach in terms of retrieval time of real-time data. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
ETL and Business Analytics Correlation Mapping with Software Engineering
Large information approach can't be effectively accomplished utilizing customary information investigation strategies. Rather, unstructured information requires specific information demonstrating methods, apparatuses, and frameworks to separate experiences and data varying by associations. Information science is a logical methodology that applies scientific and measurable thoughts and PC instruments for preparing large information. At present, we all are seeing an exceptional development of data created worldwide and on the web to bring about the idea of large information. Information science is a significant testing zone because of the complexities engaged with consolidating and applying various strategies, calculations, and complex programming procedures to perform insightful investigation in huge volumes of information. Thus, the field of information science has developed from enormous information, or huge information and information science are indistinguishable. In this article we have tried to create bridge between ETL and software engineering. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Comparative Analysis of Sentiment Analysis Using RNN-LSTM and Logistic Regression
Social media analytics makes a big difference in the success or failure of an organization. The data gathered from social media can be used to get a hit type product by analyzing the data and getting important information about the need of the people. This can be done by implementing sentiment analysis on the available data and then accessing the feelings of the customers about the product or service and knowing if it is actually being liked by them or not. Tracking data of the customers helps the organization in many ways. This study was done to get familiarized with the concept of data analytics and how social media plays an important role in it. Furthermore, Web scraping of Twitter and YouTube data was done following which a standard dataset was selected to do the other analytics. The field of sentiment analysis was used to get the emotions of the people. Logistic regression and RNN-LSTM models were used to perform the same, and then, the results were compared. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Automatic Generation Control of Multi-area Multi-source Deregulated Power System Using Moth Flame Optimization Algorithm
In this paper, a novel nature motivated optimization technique known as moth flame optimization (MFO) technique is proposed for a multi-area interrelated power system with a deregulated state with multi-sources of generation. A three-area interrelated system with multi-sources in which the first area consists of the thermal and solar thermal unit; the second area consists of hydro and thermal units. The third area consists of gas and thermal units with AC/DC link. System performances with various power system transactions under deregulation are studied. The dynamic system executions are compared with diverse techniques like particle swarm optimization (PSO) and differential evolution (DE) technique under poolco transaction with/without AC/DC link. It is found that the MFO tuned proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller superior to other methods considered. Further, the system is also studied with the addition of physical constraints. The present analysis reveals that the proposed technique appears to be a potential optimization algorithm for AGC study under a deregulation environment. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.