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Harnessing nanotechnology applications and solutions for environmental and climate protection-an overview
Nanotechnology is an emerging technology that has drawn considerable interest from environmentalists. Numerous nano techniques identify Nanotechnology applications as having the potential for imperative advantages and innovation. This work offers a wide-overview of the main beliefs that strengthen s nanotechnology. We focus on the potential applications of nanotechnology for environmental protection and management by thoroughly reviewing past literature. To our understanding, this is an academic, peer-reviewed work to deliver a systematic review of nano-activities in the areas of environmental and climate protection. Our study has been systematically arranged into two different groups (1) Potential applications of nanotechnology in r environmental protection and (2) The best part of Nanotechnology that combats Climate Change. For each of these cases, our contribution is twofold: First, in identifying the technical ways by which nanotechnology can solve environmental risks, and secondly, in briefly presenting its potential advantages. The paper ends with deliberation of challenges and operational barriers that technology needs to overcome to prove its commercial viability and for being adopted for commercial use. 2021 Author(s). -
Machine learning based Unique Perfume Flavour Creation Using Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR)
Artificial intelligence played a vital role in brings revolutionary changes in the field of perfumery. It is much evident with events including the success of Philyra, exhibitions showcasing the ideas of this concept. Machine learning made it user friendly and more comfortable for the users by means of suggestive interaction. Machine learning also benefited the perfumers in helping them to choose the best combinations and likely successful outcomes. With growing concern about a healthy lifestyle, the thoughts about having an artificial intelligence to predict the user friendliness could be a huge success. This definitely would require a huge database comprising a large detail about diseases and the causes and combinational results of the various chemicals used in perfumery. This system may not be a completely successful one but would be reliable to a better extent. It would gain a positive response from various governmental health departments and would be encouraged by the consumers. Also, another possible development would be Artificial intelligence that is able to predict how long a perfume can last. This would let the consumer choose the one that suits the need. Through this idea we could now get a clear idea about the progress that we have made till this day. Further we can also be driven into vague ideas about how the future of Artificial intelligence would likely grow into. Machine learning and deep learning is a major pillar of artificial intelligence with larger application. Coming to our domain of discussion, artificial intelligence changed the way that things were in the past centuries about fragrance. This article proposed Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) method is used to predict the best perfume flavour. The proposed system also reduces mean absolute error (MAE). The proposed QSAR is also reducing the chemical composition and increase the perfume quality. 2021 IEEE. -
Perceptive VM Allocation in Cloud Data Centers for Effective Resource Management
Virtual Machine allocation in cloud computing centers has become an important research area. Efficient VM allocation can reduce power consumption and average response time which can benefit both the end users as well as the cloud vendors. This work presents a perceptive priority aware VM allocation policy named P-PAVA algorithm, which takes into account the priority of an application along with its compute, memory and bandwidth requirement. The algorithm performs allocation of the applications based on the priority it gets using a machine learning based prediction model. Furthermore, to reduce the overhead of the allocation algorithm, parallelization is employed before assigning various workloads. To achieve this, the algorithm employs the First fit technique as a baseline for the requests allocation with a criteria as low priority. When compared to the state of the art algorithm for VM allocation for priority aware applications, P-PAVA performs better on several criteria such as average response time, execution time and power consumption. 2021 IEEE. -
Assesment of bone mineral density in X-ray images using image processing
X-ray application in medical fields has given rise to various research challenges related to bone, due to its wide usage in finding out the disease related to human anatomy. It has lot of research challenges to solve using available wide application of medical imaging techniques and inspired by this, a novel X-ray images based survey was conducted to understand the role of Xray images in medical field. Bone mass density identification is the standard procedure to monitor the risk of fracture in bone using DEXA. Lot of research has been carried out to calculate BMD using X-ray images and it provided prominent results. Since Xray is economically affordable and very economical compared to DEXA, we have decided to work on X-ray images. This paper explains us about various current advancements and disadvantages with respect to X-ray image in medical sector and various techniques related to BMD calculation. X-ray images characteristics and its fundamentals in the medical field for identifying bone related diseases are also discussed. 2021 Bharati Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. Copy Right in Bulk will be transferred to IEEE by Bharati Vidyapeeth. -
A Review on DC-DC Converters with Photovoltaic System in DC Micro Grid
Photovoltaic system is the low-cost source of electrical power in high solar energy regions. The benefits of PV system are like nonpolluting and minimum maintenance. Solar energy changes as per irradiance and temperature and also one factor which reduces the power output is the partial shading in the cells. Hence f o r th, various algo rith ms a r e p u t fo rth to obta in t h e maximum power f r o m t h e PV arrangement and dc-dc converters intend to regulate the supply. The concept of micro grid is emerging as an excellent solution for inter connecting renewable energy sources and loads. DC micro grid is a necessity in today's world. There is wide increase in usage of DC systems in commercial, residential and industrial systems. DC micro grids are dominant in reliability, control and efficiency. Direct current architectures will be used in demand in the future electrical distribution systems. This paper reviews on all above concepts to be used in DC micro grid for future DC applications. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
The world of communication & computing platform in research perspective: Opportunities and challenges
Computing paradigms are introduced for solving complex problems by analyzing, designing and implementing by complex systems. Computing can be defined as the effective use of computer or computer technology to solve tasks that are goal oriented. Computing is used in development of producing scientific studies, building intelligent systems, channeling different media for communication. Over the last few years, internet became so popular which lead to the increase in computer processing capacity, data storage and communication with one another. Computing has evolved from one technology to another in its field and formed a robust framework over the years. In this paper a survey on different computing paradigms like evergreen computing is cloud computing, to deal with basic scheduling is grid computing, for multi task handing is parallel computing, to handle smart phone data's that is mobile computing, cluster computing, and distributed computing is carried out. These technologies improved the way computing functions and made it easier to the computer world. The applications and research issues of the most of the computing paradigms are discussed in this article. The recent research issues in computing platform are scheduling and security. The scheduling is dealing with data processing from one computing platform to other computing device. Security is one of the important research issues. 2021 IEEE. -
Machine learning approach for automatic solar panel direction by using nae bayes algorithm
The upsurge in fuel prices are pointing out the fact that, the deficiency of conventional form of natural resources and building dams can never fulfill the demand of the growing population and it is exponentially increasing the electricity demand. Electricity is a day-to-day component, which is utilized for lighting, running appliances, machines. Moreover a large number of people are now switching to electric cars. Henceforth, it is equally important to achieve self-sustainability in energy needs and also it is necessary to have an infinite energy source. Sustainable power is the solitary solution to resolve this issue. On the other hand, the Indian government is promoting solar technology a lot in the year 2021 by providing subsidies to a maximum limit of 65% for the installation of home solar projects and this encourages people to switch to electric vehicles to reduce the pollution. This article presents a machine learning based dual-axis solar tracker to enhance the energy harnessing efficiency. Furthermore, the proposed method utilizes Nae Bayes algorithm to develop a better solution for producing higher energy from the solar panel. The Nae Bayes algorithm is a type of machine learning algorithm, which has been used to predict the reliable direction. This proposed method generates higher electricity, when compared with the traditional method. The experimental results aim to fix the north east direction of solar panel that produces 17.4 watts per hour, wherein the proposed method produces 24.8 watts. It is indicated that, more than 25% additional power generation is obtained by using Nae Bayes algorithm method. 2021 IEEE. -
Removal of Artifacts from Electroenchaphalography Signal using Multiwavelet Transform
The signal from the brain can be recorded using Electroenchaphalography (EEG). The proposed work summarizes a unique method which is used for the removal of mixed artifacts presented in the electroencephalography signal during the acquisition process. Artifacts comprises of various bio-potential unit such as electrooculogram, electrocardiogram, and electromyogram. These artifacts are referred as a noise sources which is responsible for the complexity of the EEG signal. The artifacts obtained from the EEG signal leads towards improper diagnosis of pathological conditions. The EEG signal which is obtained from the brain is the multi-dimensional signal with the various statistical properties. Time consumption of the EEG signal is not reproducible due to the biological properties of the signal. The information of the EEG signal consists of the data of the neuron levels which is collected for every millisecond with the temporal resolution scale. In account of special cases, EEG signal contains noise and artifacts where information is collected using the extraction of signals. To obtain the information of the artifacts the proposed technique is used to maintain higher accuracy in the extraction process. The proposed technique consists of multiwavelet transform to remove the artifacts from the input EEG signal. In the proposed multiwavelet transform, the signal which consists of noisy features can be decomposed using GHM and thresholding technique. This experimental analysis shows the removal of artifacts from the EEG signals. The pathological conditions are removed which leads to the increase in the accuracy of the system. Also, this research findings shows that the proposed multiwavelet transform based approach outperforms significantly with respect to conventional approaches. The reconstructed EEG signal has the lesser reliability range which is measured in-terms of signal to noise ratio and power spectral density. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Novel hybrid metamaterial to improve the performance of a beamforming antenna
This paper investigates the design and implementation of a novel hybrid metamaterial unit cell to improve a beamforming Wi-Fi antenna's performance. The proposed metamaterial unit cell is created on an FR-4 substrate (?? = 4.4) and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The metallization height of the unit cell is maintained at 0.035 mm. The designed metamaterial unit cell is simulated using HFSS Ver. 18.2 to verify the double negative behaviour. The unit cell consists of five Split Ring Resonators (SRR's) at the bottom and a hexagonal ring of six triangles. Initially, a conventional inset fed microstrip patch antenna is designed then an array of the proposed unit cell is created and used as a superstrate to study the performance. A Three Element Antenna Array (TEAA) is designed to operate at 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band, and the superstrate created out of the proposed unit cell is used to study its effect. Metamaterial superstrate improved the conventional Single Element Antenna (SEA) gain by approximately 2 dB. Superstrate with TEAA exhibited an improved gain of 1 dB over TEAA. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Comparison of HOG and fisherfaces based face recognition system using MATLAB
Face recognition and validation is not an easy task due to barriers in between like variation in pose, facial expressions and illumination. There are many algorithms available to build a face recognition system. One such popular method of approach is the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG). It is a simple but effective algorithm. Even though it gives satisfactory results, it sometimes mismatches query image with irrelevant images, especially in poor lighting conditions. This paper presents a more accurate technique called Fisherfaces. It is a more reliable method for face recognition and validation. Fisherface algorithm is utilized primarily for reducing the dimensionality of the feature space. Fisherface method for image recognition involves a series of steps. Firstly, the face space dimension is reduced using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method, then the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) method is used for feature extraction. Fisherface method produced good results even under complex situations like varying illumination conditions and images with different poses and expressions which is a major drawback of HOG. Fisherface algorithm can reach a maximum accuracy of 96.87%. Error Correcting Output Code (ECOC) is the classifier used for both HOG and Fisherfaces. 2021 IEEE. -
Categorization of artwork images based on painters using CNN
Artworks and paintings has been an integral part of human civilization since the dawn of the Stone Age. Paintings gives more insight about any subject compared to the scriptures and documents. Archiving of digital form of paintings helps to preserve the artworks of different painters. The anticipated work is aimed for the classification of painters' artworks. The artworks of Foreign & Indian painters are considered for the proposed work. The foreign painters' artworks are obtained from [14]. At present, the Indian painters' artwork dataset is not readily available. The images were downloaded from the specific genuine website [13]. Conventional Neural Network is used for Feature learning and classification. Around 20k images of artworks is used for the experiment and got an average accuracy of 85.05%. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Research challenges in self-driving vehicle by using internet of things (IoT)
This article summarizes the benefits, safety hazards, and limitations of owning a self-driving vehicle. Finding a way to use an SDV(Self Driving Vehicle) is minimizing the risk for an accident is important for public and road safety. The actual rate of accidents for self-driving vehicles are lower than that for regular vehicles since the total number of miles of self-driving vehicles combined is nowhere close to that of regular fossil-fueled vehicles. Even though there is no proof that self-driving vehicles will not cause accidents, it is important to know that self-driving vehicles weren't the cause in all the cases they have been involved. That is, it will not be purely considered as the machine's mistake. The safety level of self-driving vehicles has been proven to be one of the best and that has led to the number of serious accident-related wounds in self-driving vehicles to remain lower than the standard level. Nevertheless, Internet of Things plays a major role in developing the self-driving vehicle concept. 2021 IEEE. -
Food calorie estimation using convolutional neural network
The modern world healthy body depends on the number of calories consumed, hence monitoring calorie intake is necessary to maintain good health. At the point when your Body Mass Index is somewhere in between from 25 to 29. It implies that you are conveying overabundance weight. Assuming your BMI is more than 30, it implies you have obesity. To get in shape or keep up the solid weight individuals needs to monitor the calorie they take. The existing system calorie estimation is to be happened manually. The proposed model is to provide unique solution for measuring calorie by using deep learning algorithm. The food calorie calculation is very important in medical field. Because this food calorie is provide good health condition. This measurement is taken from food image in different objects that is fruits and vegetables. This measurement is taken with the help of neural network. The tensor flow is one of the best methods to classify the machine learning method. This method is implementing to calculate the food calorie with the help of Convolutional Neural Network. The input of this calculated model is taken an image of food. The food calorie value is calculated the proposed CNN model with the help of food object detection. The primary parameter of the result is taken by volume error estimation and secondary parameter is calorie error estimation. The volume error estimation is gradually reduced by 20%. That indicates the proposed CNN model is providing higher accuracy level compare to existing model. 2021 IEEE. -
Prediction of football players performance using machine learning and deep learning algorithms
In modern days the margin of error for football game is low, therefore the ultimate aim of the game is to win the match. The performance of the players in the match affects the results of the game. Due to this it is very important to evaluate the player and know his weakness. Manual evaluation tends to generate many errors and take more time. In the current research the statistical model is proposed to predict the stats of the football player based on previous session data by considering various aspects of the game. Through literature reviews it is observed that machine learning and deep learning algorithms can be used predict the performance of football player. But which model would be more efficient considering the positions of the player is not considered in any article. The proposed model has designed separate model as per the position of the player during the game. This can help to predict the player's performance as per their playing position. The current study has successfully implemented various machine learning and deep learning models and provide comparative analysis of the same. Each position has considered different variables associated with that position. The performance of these models is compared for further clarification 2021 IEEE. -
Bard-Taylor ferroconvection with time-dependent sinusoidal boundary temperatures
The combined effect of centrifugal acceleration and time-varying boundary temperatures on the onset of convective instability of a rotating magnetic fluid layer is investigated by means of the regular perturbation method. A perturbation expansion in terms of the amplitude of applied temperature field is implemented to effectively deal with the effects of temperature modulation. The criterion for the threshold is established based on the condition of stationary instability manifesting prior to oscillatory convection. The modulated critical Rayleigh number is computed in terms of Prandtl number, magnetic parameters, Taylor number and the frequency of thermal modulation. It is shown that subcritical motion exists only for symmetric excitation and the destabilizing effect of magnetic mechanism is perceived only for asymmetric and bottom wall excitations. It is also delineated that, for bottom wall modulation, rotation tends to stabilize the system at low frequencies and the opposite is true for moderate and large frequencies. Furthermore, it is established that, notwithstanding the type of thermal excitation, the modulation mechanism attenuates the influences of both magnetic stresses and rotation for moderate and large frequencies. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
COLPOUSIT: A Hybrid Model for Tourist Place Recommendation based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Tourism is an important sector for a country's economic growth. The travel recommendations should be made focused on better growth and attract more travelers. There is a huge amount of travel information and ideas available on the web that allows the users to make poor travel decisions. This paper focuses on building a hybrid travel recommender system by implementing collaborative-based, popularity-based, and nearby place weighted recommender system. The proposed system recommends the travel spots to the users based upon their interests and other criteria specified. In order to implement these methods, we applied a comparative study on different machine learning algorithms for collaborative-based approach and have performed weighted hybridization. These methods provide a personalized and customized list of similar places with respect to places of interest to the users. Thus, a hybrid system built using these methods provides a better recommendation of places with the advantages of these methods. The obtained results confirm that the hybrid method better than other recommender approaches when used separately. 2021 IEEE. -
Linear and non-linear magneto-convection in couple stress fluid with non-classical heat conduction law
A theoretical examination of the thermal convection for a couple stress fluid which is electrically conductive and possessing significant thermal relaxation time with an externally applied magnetic field is carried out. Fourier's law fails when fluids are subjected to rapid heating or when it is confined and in the case of nano-devices. A frame invariant constitutive equation for heat flux is considered. The linear analysis is carried out implementing a normal mode solution and the non-linear stability of the system is analyzed using a double Fourier series. The analysis of the transfer of heat is determined in terms of the Nusselt number. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Performance Analysis of Deep Learning Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in IoT
Due to the wide availability of IoT devices at affordable cost and the ease of use has increased IoT devices increased usage. Due to the enormous usage of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the security aspects related to the data are also a significant concern in this data-driven world. Negligence of security measures from users can result in severe data falsification or data thefts. In this scenario, the Intrusion Detection System has a pivotal role in IoT security. Incorporating the deep learning techniques is an effective way to predict various attacks, either known or unknown. This paper highlights the various security threats associated with IoT, the importance of deep learning in IoT intrusion detection, and various IoT intrusion detection systems using deep learning. Comparative analysis of the different deep learning techniques was performed. The results have shown Convolution Neural Networks gave high accuracy in prediction based on various evaluation metrics. 2021 IEEE. -
Cryptocurrency Security and Privacy Issues: A Research Perspective
Cryptocurrency has developed as a new mode of money exchange since it has become easier, faster and safer. The first cryptocurrency was introduced in 2009 and since then, the growth rate of cryptocurrency has been increasing drastically. As of 2020, the cryptocurrency exchange all over the world has exceeded 300%. The researchers face many challenges during their research on the various cryptocurrencies. For example, most of the high-tech companies still do not support bitcoin on mobile platforms. High-tech companies like Google and Apple are also thinking into banning the bitcoin wallet from their app stores. The work provides a review of cryptocurrency and its types, scope on the investment plans and its advantages also discussed. The growth and comparison between bitcoins and gold is also discussed. The challenges researchers face and the security issues concerning it. This review provides an overview of how the different forms of cryptocurrency are increasing from over a decade. It explains the different types and the year in which they were invented. It also gives a brief comparison with respect to bitcoin, which is one of the most used cryptocurrency. Furthermore, it gives a brief explanation on investments, and schemes for those who are new in the cryptomarket. Later emphasizes on the security issues faced by this technology. It talks about proof of work and the different data attacks the software faced and how the issues were overcome. In the end, it talks about the challenges researchers face while researching cryptocurrency. 2021 IEEE. -
Equalization of Finite-Alphabet MMSE for All-Digital Massive MU-MIMO mm-Wave Communication
For more than twenty years, growing the performance and efficiency of wireless communications systems using antenna arrays has been an active field of study. Wireless networks with multiple-input multiple-output are also part of the current norms and are implemented around the world. Access points or BSs with comparatively few antennas are used for standard MIMO systems, and the resulting increase in spectral efficiency was relatively modest. A Multiple-Input Multiple-Output platform's capacity is researched where the transmitter outputs are processed and quantified by a set of limit quantizes through an analogue linear combining network. The linear mixing weights and cutoff levels are chosen from with a collection of possible combinations as a function of the transmitted signal. Millimetre-wave networking requires optimum data transmission to various computers on same moment network in combination with large multi-user actually massive. In order to guarantee efficient data transmission, the heavy insertion loss of wave propagation at su ch a faster speed needs proper channel estimation. A new channel estimation algorithm called Beam space Channel Estimation is suggested. From a set of possible configurations, the capacity of a massive stream from which antennas signals are handled by an analog channel as a part of the channel matrix, linear mixture weights and frequency modulation levels are selected. Probable implementations of specific analogue receiver designs for the combined network model, such as smart antenna selection, sign antennas output thresholding or linear output processing. To demonstrate the effectiveness of BEACHES in service and have FPGA implementation results, we are developing VLSI architecture. Our results show that for large MU-MIMOs, mm-wave communications with hundreds of antennas, specially made denoising can be done at maximum bandwidth and in an equipment format. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.