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Accumulation of heavy metals (Cr, Cu, As, Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe, Ni, Co) in the water, soil and plants collected from Edayar Region, Ernakulam, Kerala, India
The accumulation of heavy metals in the environment is a significant concern due to their potential toxicity and persistence. This study investigates the levels of heavy metal contamination in the water, soil and plants of the Edayar region in Ernakulam, Kerala, India. The region has experienced industrialization and urbanization, leading to concerns about heavy metal pollution. The study aims to assess the concentrations of chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co) in water, soil, aquatic and terrestrial plants. Samples were collected from various locations within the Edayar region, and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was conducted to quantify heavy metal concentrations. The findings of this study will contribute to the assessment of heavy metal pollution in the Edayar region. Plants with a high diversity index were taken for analysis from both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Scoparia dulcis L. seems to specialize in metal accumulation, possibly for protective purposes. Synedrella nodiflora Gaertn demonstrates adaptability to metal-rich environments through robust metal uptake and tolerance mechanisms. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb, on the other hand, appears to have developed mechanisms to manage heavy metal exposure. The results indicate significant levels of heavy metal contamination across all samples, with the highest concentrations detected in soil, followed by water and plants. Chromium and lead levels in soil exceeded the permissible limits set by international standards, posing potential risks to human health and the ecosystem. The accumulation patterns in plants varied, with higher bioaccumulation factors observed for zinc and copper, suggesting their preferential uptake. This study highlights the urgent need for remediation strategies and continuous monitoring to mitigate the impact of heavy metal pollution in the Edayar region. The results will help in understanding the environmental impact of human activities. Copyright: The Author(s). -
Accumulation of lead (Pb II) metal ions by Bacillus toyonensis SCE1 species, innate to industrial-area ground water and nanoparticle synthesis
Groundwater samples were collected from Peenya Industrial area of Bengaluru, India to check its inherent bacterial population. After the isolates were grown in lead-induced media, the bacteria that could resist lead were further isolated, identified, and grown. The isolated bacterium was identified as Bacillus toyonensis SCE1 species, and the maximum amount of lead taken up by it to sustain itself as a live biomass was 8ppm. Lead accumulation was studied based on different factors such as pH, concentration, and time. Bacterial characterization through scanning electron microscopy showed there was lead sorption on the bacterial cells. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that accumulated lead ions inside the bacteria were in the range of 180190nm, this was found to correlate with the data obtained by the particle size analyzer. The optimum pH for highest lead accumulation was 7.2, for a time period of 160min. It was observed that the stable production of homogenous nanoparticles using biomass could be achieved by optimizing factors such as incubation period, agitation, pH, temperature, and contact time. 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. -
Accuracy Enhancement of Portrait Segmentation by Ensembling Deep Learning Models
Portrait segmentation is widely used as a preprocessing step in multiple applications. The accuracy of portrait segmentation models indicates its reliability. In recent times, portrait segmentation using deep learning models have achieved significant success in performance and accuracy. However, these portrait segmentation models are limited to a single model. In this paper, we propose ensemble approach using multiple portrait segmentation models to improve the segmentation accuracy. The result of experiment shows that the proposed ensemble approach produces better accuracy than individual models. Accuracy of single models and proposed ensemble approach were compared with Intersection over Union (IoU) metric and false prediction rate to evaluate the accuracy performance. The result shows reduced false negative rate and false discovery rate, this reduction in false prediction has enabled ensemble approach to produce segmented images with optimized error and improved result of segmentation in portrait area of human body than individual portrait segmentation models 2020 IEEE. -
Acetylcholine esterase inhibition activity of leaf extract of Saraca asoca using zebrafish as model organism
Alzheimers disease, also called as Senile Dementia, is a progressive neurogenerative disease that slowly destroys important mental functions like memory, reasoning and thinking. A plethora of factors including genetics, lifestyle, environment, age etc. play a part in determining its incidence. One of the commonly used techniques to slow down the progression of Alzheimers is to reduce the functioning of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Plants have been found to be natural sources of AChE inhibitors. Hence the present investigation was an attempt to screen Ashoka plant (Saraca asoca) for such inhibitors. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) was used as a model organism due to its genetic similarities with humans. Both in vivo and in vitro analyses using zebrafish indicated inhibitory action of the leaf extract on AChE. Gas Chromatography- Mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis of the methanolic leaf extract and further docking studies of prominent phytochemicals revealed the AChE inhibitory potential of molecules like Stigmasterol, ?-sitosterol, Vitamin E etc. Hence these molecules can be thought of as targets in the therapy of Alzheimers disease. 2020 World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
Achievement of children in academics: An exploration into parental philosophies /
The current study is an exploration into parental philosophies behind their involvement in the academic lives of their children. 14 pairs of parents and children were interviewed and the data gathered was analyzed using thematic analysis. The role that parents play in shaping the academic and vocational choices of their children was analyzed. The framework of this study included childrens perspectives on parental involvement in their academic lives as well. This was to gain insight into childrens point of view on how similar or different their thinking was from their parents on matters such as education, hobbies, career goals, academic expectations. -
Achievenment motivation and self esteem among handicapped children
How the children with handicap perceive themselves and their self esteem levels are important yet not much focussed aspect in disability research. If we have a correct evaluation of their motivational level and self esteem it may help us to modify their training interventions and also would make them feel more satisfied and confident. So we planned to study achievement motivation and self esteem levels of handicapped children. The Objective of the study is that to to compare achievement motivation of physically handicapped to that of non-handicapped school children, and to compare self esteem of physically handicapped to that of non-handicapped school children. Methodology 40 physically handicapped school students and 40 age, gender and education matched non handicapped students were included in the study. Handicapped children of other categories like sensory disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment and speech impairment were excluded. Achievement motivation questionnaire was used to measure the motivational behaviour and Rosenberg self-esteem scale was applied by asking the respondents to reflect on their current feelings. Results and Conclusions Achievement motivation and self esteem were observed to be significantly lower in physically handicapped students compared to healthy controls. Significant gender difference in favour of females was observed i.e., self esteem and achievement motivation was significantly higher in females of both the groups compared to males. The study emphasizes need for interventions to improve self esteem and motivation levels of handicapped children. -
Achieving organizational performance by integrating industrial Internet of things in the SMEs: a developing country perspective
Purpose: This research investigates the adoption of the industrial Internet of things (IIoT) in SMEs to achieve and increase organizational performance. With the latest technology, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can create a competitive edge in the market and better serve customers. Design/methodology/approach: Twelve hypotheses are proposed for this study. This study constructed a questionnaire based on technological, organizational, environmental and human perspectives. A survey is conducted on the SMEs of India using the questionnaire. Findings: Eight hypotheses were accepted, and four hypotheses were not supported. The hypotheses rejected are infrastructure, organizational readiness, internal excellence and prior experience. The findings suggested that adopting IIoT in SMEs will increase organizational performance. Research limitations/implications: This study will be helpful for the manager, top management and policymakers. This study identified the areas SMEs need to work on to adopt the technologies. Originality/value: In the literature, no article considered IIoT adoption in SME firms as a human factor. Therefore, this study is unique, including human, technological, organizational and environmental factors. 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Achieving SDGs through MSMEs: An empirical assessment of environmental consideration initiatives in India
Today, addressing environmental concerns and reducing carbon emissions has become imperative for every organization. Hence, eliminating the adverse impacts of business operations is no longer limited to large organizations, even small business organizations are taking a proactive approach in this direction. The present study aims to investigate pertinent issues related to the adoption of environmental practices faced by MSMEs in India and how these practices can fulfill the aim of achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs 2030). However, in this chapter, the authors are only going to emphasize the environmental aspect of the sustainability dimensions. Further, this study also identifies the factors that impact the adoption of environmental consideration initiatives among MSMEs in India. The findings of the study offer significant contributions to the research related to environmental consideration initiatives of the Indian MSMEs sector. Further, it also highlights the need for mandatory frameworks and guidelines to facilitate the adoption of sustainability practices among MSMEs in India. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Acid functionalized Arachis hypogaea skin based carbon nanosphere as efficacious material for enhanced energy storage
The present introduces a single step approach for enhancing supercapacitor performance by utilizing acid-functionalized porous carbon derived from the inner skin of Arachis hypogaea as a sustainable biomass precursor. Through pyrolysis at 800 C in a nitrogen atmosphere, the resulting porous carbon material demonstrates unique structural and electrochemical behavior as confirmed by FTIR, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, FE-SEM, HR-TEM,EDS,BET analyses. The acid functionalized variant (FAH8) significantly outperformed the non-functionalized carbon (AH8), showing a fourfold increase in specific capacitance. Electrochemical evaluations revealed that FAH8 achieved a high specific capacitance of 273 Fg?1 at 0.25 Ag?1 in 3 M KOH, with an energy density of 22.5 Wh kg?1 and a power density of 125 W kg?1 in a three-electrode setup. The symmetrical CR2032 device of FAH8 exhibited a maximum capacitance of 98 Fg?1 and displayed excellent stability, with 98.5 % efficiency and 97.4 % capacitance retention after 7500 cycles. Notably, the device also delivered a high energy density of 23.17 Wh kg?1 and power density of 325.0 W kg?1. The enhanced performance attributed by the simple acid functionalization highlights the potential of this material in energy storage. Thus, the study not only emphasizes the effective use of low-cost biomass precursors but also provides a straightforward functionalization strategy to boost energy storage capabilities, paving the way for sustainable high-performance supercapacitors. 2025 Elsevier Ltd -
Acid Orange-7 uptake on spherical-shaped nanocarbons
Acid-dyes, typically used in textile productions, could infer poisoning harmful effects on the environment as well as on human health, if not properly treated during their disposal. Henceforth, there is an absolute necessity to achieve new efficient low-cost techniques to remove these dyes from industrial chemical waste. Here, the leaves of oil palm, which are abundant in tropical countries, were used as precursor in the development of carbon nanospheres (adsorbent) to remove hazardous acid Orange-7 (AO-7) dye (C16H11N2NaO4S). The removal efficacy of spherical-shaped nanocarbons was investigated as a function of contact period, by varying their dose (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5mg), pH (acidic, native and basic), and initial AO-7 concentration (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30?M). Amazingly, the oil palm leavesbased carbon nanospheres removed acid-dye up to an efficiency of about 99%. Pseudo second-order kinetics governs the adsorption mechanism and the RedlichPeterson isotherm model fits well to the adsorption results, with regression co-efficient close to unity. This study suggests the importance of natural biowaste-based carbon nanoparticles in sustainable recycling, within the worldwide demanded circular economy. The Author(s) 2021. -
Acidified groundnut cake for enhanced bio adsorption of anionic textile dye Reactive Red 195
This study focuses on the improvement of bioremediation of textile dye Reactive Red 195 using agro-industrial waste, groundnut oil cake (GNOC) obtained after oil-pressing. The treatment of GNOC with 1 N H2SO4 had resulted in physiochemical changes on the insoluble porous adsorbent, which improved their adsorption efficiency. The dye removal efficiency increased from 55% to 94% on acidification of GNOC. The raw groundnut oil cake (RGNOC) and acid-treated groundnut oil cake (AGNOC) were characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction, and zeta potential. The rate and efficiency of dye adsorption were examined using adsorption kinetics and isotherm models. The results confirm that acid-treated GNOC eliminates impurities, alter the surface functional groups, and significantly increase porous surface areas of RGNOC. The investigation of key factors such as contact time, initial concentration of dye, static/agitation impact, particle size, and adsorbent dose had significantly influenced adsorption capacity of GNOC. Adsorption of dye fits best into the Langmuir model and equilibrium data of dye on AGNOC was explained by psuedo-second-order reaction with maximum adsorption capacity of 12.65 mg/g. This emphasis AGNOC has a very excellent potential to remove the textile dye Reactive Red dye from industrial effluent. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Action genre in tollywood-A study of Pawan Kalyan films /
The present study deals with analyze how dialogue delivery seeped through action sequences by noting the chronological changes in the Telugu films, as well as analyzing four movies of a famous Telugu movie celebrity who has indulged his fans by delivering smart witty dialogues while beating up the baddies.Various aspects of the protagonist’s roles have been explored in order to elicit the importance of these elements and their contribution to the overall plot. -
Active galactic nucleus feedback in NGC 3982
The energetic feedback from supermassive black holes can influence star formation at the centres of galaxies. Observational evidence for active galactic nucleus (AGN) impact on star formation can be searched for in galaxies by combining ultraviolet imaging and optical integral field unit data. The ultraviolet flux directly traces recent star formation, and the integral field unit data can reveal dust attenuation, gas ionisation mechanisms, and gas kinematics from the central regions of the galaxy disk. A pilot study on NGC 3982 shows star formation suppression in the central regions of the galaxy, likely due to negative AGN feedback, and enhanced star formation in the outer regions. The case of NGC 3982 could be observational evidence of AGN feedback operating in a Seyfert galaxy. 2022 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
Active Learning from an Imbalanced Dataset: A Study Conducted on the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Dataset
The proposed chapter deals with psychological data related to depression, anxiety, and stress to study how the classification and analysis is carried out on imbalanced data. The proposed study not only contributes on providing practical information about the balancing techniques such as synthetic minority oversampling technique but also reveals the strategy for dealing with the working of many existing classification algorithms such as the support vector machine, random forest, XGBoost, etc. on the imbalanced dataset. The present use of evaluation metrics that are solely implied for the imbalanced data classification is also illustrated. It was observed that the ordinary model assessment techniques do not precisely quantify model execution when gone up against imbalanced datasets and that the common techniques such as the logistic regression and decision tree have a predisposition toward classes that have many observations. The attributes of the minority class are treated low and are routinely overlooked. Henceforth, there is a high likelihood of misclassification of the minority class when compared to the majority class. A confusion matrix which contains data about the real and predicted class is used as an assessment standard to check the exhibition of grouping calculation. Rather than going for accuracy, F-score and the area under the curve are considered as the measures to evaluate the classification model. 2022 selection and editorial matter, Vishal Jain, Sapna Juneja, Abhinav Juneja, and Ramani Kannan. -
Activity Classifier: A Novel Approach Using Naive Bayes Classification
Activity movements have been recognized in various applications for elderly needs, athletes activities measurements and various fields of real time environments. In this paper, a novel idea has been proposed for the classification of some of the day to day activities like walking, running, fall forward, fall backward etc. All the movements are captured using a Light Blue Bean device incorporated with a Bluetooth module and a tri-axial acceleration sensor. The acceleration sensor continuously reads the activities of a person and the Arduino is designed to continuously read the values of the sensor that works in collaboration with a mobile phone or computer. For the effective classification of a persons activity correctly, Nae Bayes Classifier is used. The entire Arduino along with acceleration sensor can be easily attached to the foot of a person right at the beginning of the user starts performing any activity. For the evaluation purpose, mainly four protocols are considered like walking, running, falling in the forward direction and falling in the backward direction. Initially five healthy adults were taken for the sample test. The results obtained are consistent in the various test cases and the device showed an overall accuracy of 90.67%. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
Activity recognition using machine learning techniques for smart home assisted living
The statistical survey by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division says, quotglobally the number of persons aged 60 and above is expected to be more than double by 2050 newlineand more than triple by 2100quot. Especially in India, 9.5 percent of the population comprises of elders above 60 years. This may reach 22.2 percent in 2050 and 44.4 percent in 2100. On one side, the population of newlineelders are gradually increasing and on the other side there is a challenge to take care of the wellbeing of the elders when they are living alone. Smart home assisted living system can address these problems. Smart newlineHome Assisted living System is one among the growing research areas in smart computing. Advances in sensing, communication and ambientintelligence technologies created tremendous change in smart living newlineenvironment. The development in technology made smart home to support elders, disabled persons and the needy person. newlineActivity recognition is a growing technology in recent research and it plays a vital role in smart home assisted living system. Activity Recognition is a more dynamic, interesting, and challenging research newlinetopic in different areas like Ubiquitous Computing, Smart Home Assisted Living, Human Computer Interaction (HIC) etc. It provides solution to various real-time, human-oriented problems like elder care and health newlinecare. newlineIn order to address the issue on providing support on elder care this research proposes a machine learning based activity recognition model and an enhanced communication protocol for a smart home system, which are collaborated for designing the architecture of a smart home assisted living system. This system consists of three sub phases viz., data acquisition, monitoring system, and tracking system. -
Actualization of educational vision of chavara by principals of congregation of mother of carmel (CMC) school as perceived by teachers inrelation to transformational leadership organizational socialization and organizational learning
Education is one of the most powerful instruments of desirable social changes and transformation. It plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development. St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara. a transformational leader of the 19th Century strived to transform the society through education. This educational vision immensely contributed in the development of the archaic society of Kerala. The education envisaged by Chavara was a flawless blend of intellectual, practical and spiritual formation. He aimed at the growth of the individual from the narrow boundary of self and doing service for the society. The religious Congregations (CMI and CMC) which were established by Chavara play a vital role in the field of education. These Congregations made its mark in the Indian educational system by their systematic and excellent performance through their educational institutions. In this study, the author explores the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Chavara by the principals in CMC schools. Descriptive survey method was used in the study. The population consisted of all the teaching faculty members of CMC schools and the sample size was 844. The study includes the independent variables such as Transformational Leadership, Organizational Socialization and Organizational Learning and its influence in actualizing Chavara vision by the principals. The finding of the study reveals that, the independent variables channelize the actualization of Chavara vision in CMC schools. The study throws light on the educational field of the CMC Congregation and inspires to renovate the present educational system on the basis of Chavara vision. -
Actualization of educational vision of Chavara by principals of congregation of mother of carmel(CMC) schools as perceived by teachers in relation to transformational leadership, organizational socialization and organizational learning
Education is one of the most powerful instruments of desirable social changes and transformation. It plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development. St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, a transformational leader of the 19th Century strived to transform the society through education. His educational vision immensely contributed in the development of the archaic society of Kerala. The education envisaged by Chavara was a flawless blend of intellectual, practical and spiritual formation. -
Actualization of the educational vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara through providing higher educational facilities in the formation of human capital in CMI and CMC higher education institutions
Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great educational visionary of the 19th century, had opened a new path in the education field of our nation through his valuable contributions. He has soared high in the caste-ridden society and took the initial step in the field of education by starting schools with the aim of educating all irrespective of caste or creed. Understanding that education is the best tool to transform the society, he promoted the poor and the marginalized to attend school and made the high caste and the lower caste sit in the same room and on the same bench. Kuriakose Elias Chavara comprehended the immense need for education, and his work has performed a distinct function in the formation of a contemporary nation. To realize his vision, he established two indigenous congregations named Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) for men and Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) for women. Being inspired by the vision of the founder, these two Congregations started many schools and colleges all over India. The current study throws light on the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara in relation to Higher Educational Facilities and Formation of Human Capital as independent variables.