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Admissibility of DNA Profiling Evidence in Criminal Trials in In India : A Comparative Study with Specific Reference to Legal Systems of United States of America and England
The use of Forensic technique of DNA profiling now constitutes a standard element of the system of Law Enforcement, and the findings of DNA testing are often acceptable in the proceedings of Legal cases. Despite newlinethe fact that they first relied on Expert Testimony based on DNA Evidence, the Courts in India have come to acknowledge DNA Evidence as both a fact that is significant to the case as well as proof that is conclusive. On the other hand, the scope of guilt that is capable of being concluded from a seeming match between samples is a topic of on-going debate. In most cases, it will newlinemerely be capable to locate the position of a suspect in relation to the site of the Crime. The uncritical acceptance of this Forensic Evidence as the objective answer to the challenge of determining the identity of a criminal raises the potential for scientific appropriation of the Criminal Justice system. newlineIn the vast majority of contested Legal proceedings involving Criminal offenses, the issue at hand is not one of identification but rather one of Intent or Mens-Rea, and DNA Evidence is irrelevant in this regard. Additionally, it is imperative to create a Regulatory framework which controls how the newlineForensic technique of DNA Profiling is used and applied with the objective to ensure its methodical and organized implementation. In light of this, it is very important to make rules about DNA Profiling that will only allow it to be used for Legal investigations. In an effort to regulate DNA profiling in the newlinecountry, the DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill 2019 has been proposed. The emphasis of this study, is the particular difficulties experienced by the Indian Judicial system as a consequence of introducing this novel Forensic technique into the Criminal Proceedings, and the research aims to examine the evolution and use of DNA profiling in India. -
Adolescents considering approval from others as a contributor to self-worth
Adolescence is a period that starts from biological puberty till the individual is legally adult. This stage of life is filled with confusion, energy, and curiosity. As much as education is going to determine their future, the self-worth they have plays a critical role in choosing the future path. In India, the adolescents are dependent on their parents and guardians financially. They need approval from others to be acceptable. This study focuses on the effective support from others have on their self-worth. RJPT All right reserved. -
Adopted online marketing strategies for newly opened cafes in Delhi and Bengaluru /
Cafes in India have become a major business activity. It’s demand has grown so much so that people no longer want to go for fine dining and eat their food in an enclosed space with sophisticated colored walls. Though cafes are a borrowed concept from West but in the last seven to eight years, cafes have become a booming sector in the gastronomic industry. Particularly, if we look at the metropolitan cities of India, they all are bustling with cafes and pulling crowd like never before. -
Adopting Metaverse as a Pedagogy in Problem-Based Learning
Pedagogical practices vary from time to time based on the requirement of various academic disciplines. Course instructors are constantly searching for inclusive and innovative pedagogies to enhance learning experiences. The introduction of Metaverse can be observed as an opportunity to enable the course instructors to combine virtual reality with augmented reality to enable immersive learning. The scope of immersive learning experience with Metaverse attracted many major universities in the world to try Metaverse as a pedagogy in fields such as management studies, medical education, and architecture. Adopting Metaverse as a pedagogy for problem-based learning enables the course instructors to create an active learning space that tackles the physical barriers of traditional pedagogical practices of case-based learning facilitating collaborative learning. Metaverse, as an established virtual learning platform, is provided by Meta Inc., providing the company a monopoly over the VR-based pedagogy. Entry of other tech firms into similar or collaborative ventures would open up a wide array of virtual reality-based platforms, eliminating the monopoly and subsequent dependency on a singular platform. The findings of the study indicate that, currently, the engagements on Metaverse are limited to tier 1 educational institutions worldwide due to the initial investment requirements. The wide adoption of the Metaverse platform in future depends on the ability of the platform providers to bridge the digital gap and facilitate curricula development. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Adoption and Usage of Artificial Intelligence in Food Processing Industries
In recent years, technological changes and advancements have forced Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries, especially food processing, to redesign their functionality. This includes the integration of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance performance. Future trends in the food processing industry will be shaped by sustainability, efficiency, traceability, wellness, safety, hygiene, health, and newlinetransparency. Food processing industries are compelled to embrace digitalization in the newlinecurrent era of globalization and digital transformation. AI encompasses programs, newlinealgorithms, robotics, drones, data mining, cloud computing, sensors, driver-less newlinevehicles, the internet of things, digital platforms, and machines, representing a new newlinelevel of intelligence. AI aims to replicate human reasoning and problem-solving newlinecapabilities, leading to task automation, increased efficiency, and reduced human newlineeffort. The growth of AI is reshaping the food processing industry, with potential newlineapplications spanning from cultivation, supply chain management, storage and safety, newlineHuman Resource Management (HRM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Integrating and adopting AI in food processing can address unique challenges and offer substantial benefits across these functions. While large-scale food processing newlineindustries have made significant progress in adopting AI systems, small and mediumscale food industries are also integrating AI technology. The current research study employs a quantitative research methodology and obtained data from 320 small and medium-scale food processing industries employees in the city of Bengaluru. The primary surveyed data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach through AMOS 26. The research used the UTAUT 2 model to measure the usage and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) among the employees of small and medium-scale food processing industries. -
Adoption and Usage of Digital Financial Services in Karnataka, India: Spatial, Gender and Age Disparities
Financial services are digitized to widen access to finance and ensure transparency in financial transactions using technologies such as "Artificial Intelligence" (AI), "Machine Learning" (ML), "Big Data Analytics" (BDA), and "Blockchain Technology" (BT). Digital Financial Services (DFS) have increasingly been adopted by customers as the DFS are safe and secure, affordable, faster, convenient, and accessed anytime. The government and the RBI have taken many initiatives to promote DFS. Further, Digital Financial Services Providers (DFSP)-FinTech companies and formal financial institutions-come up with innovative DFS to suit the needs of the customers. As a result, DFS adoption and usage have grown multifold. The pandemic indirectly enhanced the adoption and usage of DFS. India has been the number one country in the world in real-time payments with 20.5 billion transactions in the year 2020 and DFS has not penetrated uniformly across gender, ages, and regions. Indian Institute of Finance. -
Adoption Laws in India : A critical Analysis through a Sociological Lens
Golden Research Thoughts Vol.2, Issue 6, pp.1-7 ISSN No. 2231-5063 -
Adoption of blockchain technology in the real estate sector toward the improvement of smart cities
The rapid urbanization of global population causes many social, economic, and environmental issues, which does significantly influence the quality of life and living conditions of the people over the past years. The idea of smart city has grown popular, and it brings the opportunity to solve these urban issues. The motives of smart cities are to create the best use of public resources, enhance the quality life of people, and provide high quality services. Also, smart cities benefit from innovative applications of new kinds of information and communication technology to support communal sharing. Blockchain technology (BT) is more helpful to promote the development of smart cities through the implementation of BT in all the sectors. Blockchain-based smart contracts are disrupting the smart real estate sector of the smart cities. With this background, the study aims to explore the adoption of green BT in real estate sector toward the implementation of smart cities. 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Adoption of cashless payment systems among consumers
The primary goal of any national payment system is to ensure smooth circulation of money. It is recognized worldwide that an efficient and secure payment system triggers the economic activity. Efficiency in payment systems in general and electronic payment systems in particular, benefits both customer and country’s economic growth. There are diverse payment systems functioning in the country, ranging from the paper-based systems where the instruments are physically exchanged and settlements worked out manually to the most sophisticated electronic fund transfer systems which are fully secured and transactions settled on a gross, real time basis. Many researchers have used various technology adoption models to predict the adoption of a technology. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the key driving factors responsible for the consumers’ adoption of cashless payment system. A descriptive study method using the paradigm of post - positivism was employed in the study with a sample of 390 respondents from Bangalore who have already used cashless payments. These consumers were selected by purposive sampling using snowball sampling. The study is based on both primary and secondary sources of information collected from various sources. -
Adoption of cashless payment systems among consumers
The primary goal of any national payment system is to ensure smooth circulation of money. An efficient and secure payment system triggers economic activity and electronic payment systems in particular, benefit both the customer s and the country s economic growth. Diverse payment systems function ranging from paper-based ones where the instruments are physically exchanged and settlements worked out manually, to the sophisticated electronic fund transfer systems which are fully secured and transactions settled on a gross, real-time basis. Researchers have used various technology adoption models to predict their usage. The purpose of the study is to investigate the key driving factors responsible for the consumers adoption of cashless payment system. A descriptive study method using the paradigm of post - positivism was employed with a sample of 390 respondents from Bangalore who have used cashless payments. They were selected by purposive sampling using snowball sampling. The study is based on both primary and secondary sources of information. The current study extended the UTAUT with new constructs Habit, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, Trust, Innovativeness, Perceived Risk, Attitude Towards Using Cashless Payment System and Anxiety. The findings of the study reveal that the factors namely Effort Expectancy, Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Habit, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, Trust, Innovativeness, Perceived Risk, Attitude Towards Using Cashless Payment System and Anxiety have significant influence on the consumers cashless payment usage. A close positive correlation of cashless payment systems usage with the independent variables was seen. The gender, age, income, occupation and educational qualification of the respondents has a significant role to play in their willingness to use cashless payments. The study gives an insight on what the considerations to look into while launching a new payment system are and the means to deal with consumers to adopt and use the same. -
Adoption of Digital Technologies in Channel Management of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
The main thrust of this research is in the area of adoption of digital technologies in channel management of pharmaceutical industry in India. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is making rapid strides in the past decade, and is recognised internationally .However, the adoption of electronic methods like the internet, extranet, barcoding, digital data bases, e-payments, RFID and others are only at a nascent stage. This inertia is likely to affect the growth projectile of the industry. The international stature which the industry is acquiring will be at stake. The study attempts to assess the current status of adoption of digital technologies with particular reference to contributing factors that can trigger rapid growth. It assesses the respondents expectation of the benefits of digital adoption. It also deals with the factors which will help the industry to transit from legacy systems to digital technologies. This information was obtained through structured questionnaire administered to respondents who had experience in the distribution aspects of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The research revealed that although implementation of electronic methods was at an early stage, the expectation regarding the benefits of employing this technology was high. The study also found that some of the tools which were necessary to transit from legacy systems to digital technology were in a nascent stage of its use. -
Adoption of digital technologies in the procurement process to improve supplier lead time
Supply chain is a complicated process involving a number of stakeholders. A proper integration of all the stakeholders helps to improve the efficiency of the system in terms of time, money and effort. Adoption of digital technology has been a hindrance in many industries, thereby affecting their business processes. The study aims to throw light on the adoption of digital technologies in procurement process to improve supplier lead time in the automotive industry. An observational study was conducted in a major automotive supply chain company in South India. Researchers tried to identify the possible contributing factors to improve supplier lead time and derive the root cause of the issue. A framework for an advanced shipping notice portal was created which can help both the supplier and recipient. Digital technology adoption can increase supply chain efficiency, decrease manual error rates, and streamline communication. Additionally, the portal can serve as a centralized hub for data sharing, promoting improved teamwork and real-time information sharing. 2024 by IGI Global. -
Adoption of enterprise risk management erm practices in the zimbabwean banking sector
Corporate failures that occurred in the mid-1990s as well as the global financial crisis that unfolded in the US in 2007 and subsequent banking crises in many countries underscored the need for banking institutions to develop and implement robust risk management systems and controls to prevent the occurrences of such crises. Enterprise risk management (ERM) has emerged as the best practice approach that provided banks with means for mitigating and controlling risks giving rise to such financial crises. Attempts have been made to find out the factors driving the implementation of ERM and the majority of these studies had conflicting newlineconclusions on the effect of some of these factors. Further, weaknesses were noted in variables used by researchers as proxies for ERM adoption. It was noted that several studies used the appointment of a chief risk officer as a variable representing ERM adoption while a number of other researchers focused on surveys or renowned frameworks such as COSO to ascertain the extent of adoption of ERM. These approaches however, had shortcomings. This study therefore sought to address some of the above gaps in literature. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of adoption of ERM newlinepractices as well to examine factors (adequacy of risk governance structure, newlinequality of organizational culture, intensity of regulatory environment and size of the bank) influencing the adoption and implementation of ERM by banks in Zimbabwe. A mixed method approach was utilized in this study. The population of the study comprised of 18 commercial banks which have been operating in Zimbabwe since the adoption of the multi-currency system in 2009. Respondents for the study were selected using the purposive sampling approach. This was to ensure the respondents had the right experience and expertise to answer questions on enterprise risk management practices newlinewithin their respective banks. -
Adoption of Fintech Towards Asset and Wealth Management: Understanding the Recent Scenario in India
The finance sector as a whole has seen a significant transformation as a result of technological advances, which has impacted how financial institutions function and how financial activities are carried out. Fintech is currently a facilitator and a disruptor. Today Fintech companies have the greatest influence on the wealth management industry financial technology, or Fintech, began with nimbler start-ups upending banks with their innovative methods, and later developed into the latter forging partnerships with banks to strengthen the whole financial services ecosystem. At the intersection of both money and technology, the term wealthtech was developed. Any digital solution designed to simplify wealth management procedures is referred to as digital wealth management solutions. The fintech sector, which also encompasses digital payments, regulatory technology, insurance technology, etc., includes wealthtech. Fintech in wealth management has created a paradigm change in the investing sector. Wealthtech's technology is disrupting the wealth management industry. This study analyses the recent development of the wealth management industry and financial investment in the digital Indian age. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2023. -
Adoption of knowledge-graph best development practices for scalable and optimized manufacturing processes
Using data analytics to properly extracting insights that are in-line to the enterprises strategic goals is crucial for the business sustainability. Developing the most fitting context as a knowledge graph that answer related businesses questions and queries at scale. Data analytics is an integral main part of smart manufacturing for monitoring the production processes and identifying the potentials for automated operations for improved manufacturing performance. This paper reviews and investigates the best development practices to be followed for industrial enterprise knowledge-graph development that support smart manufacturing in the following aspects: Decision for intelligent business processes, data collection from multiple sources, competitive advantage graph ontology, ensuring data quality, improved data analytics, human-friendly interaction, rapid and scalable enterprise's architectures. Successful digital-transformation adoption for smart manufacturing as an enterprise knowledge-graph development with the capability to be transformed to data fabric supporting scalability of smart manufacturing processes in industrial enterprises. 2023 -
Adoption of Sustainable Digital Technologies in Industry 4.0
We are living in a society that has been engulfed with growing technology, and the integration of it has become such an important part of our lives that it is scary to think of our daily lives without mobile phones, internet, or smart gadgets. Industry 4.0, briefly, means using new age technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things, and big data in the different real-world applications of manufacturing, processing, and distribution of goods and services. Industry 4.0 involves making use of smart factories and technologies to minimize waste and to gain an absolute advantage in the development process. We already know the different use cases of these technologies and how these things help in lessening our workload, so it seems logical to apply them to broader aspects of our daily lives. Technologies mitigate our workload and improve efficiency. We have seen that these technologies are proving useful in different spheres of economics, with the help of new decision-making processes, model predictions, and even to improve healthcare. Through the scope of this chapter, we would shed light on how these different technologies are being incorporated and how these would help in stabilizing industry by its constant integration. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Vandana Sharma, Balamurugan Balusamy, Munish Sabharwal, and Mariya Ouaissa. -
Adsorption and storage of hydrogen- A computational model approach
Due to the imperative global energy transition crisis, hydrogen storage and adsorption technologies are becoming popular with the growing hydrogen economy. Recently, complex hydrides have been one of the most reliable materials for storing and transporting hydrogen gas to various fuel cells to generate clean energy with zero carbon emissions. With the ever-increasing carbon emissions, it is necessary to substitute the current energy sources with green hydrogen-based efficient energy-integrated systems. Herein, we propose an input-output model that comprehends complex hydrides such as lithium and magnesium alanates, amides and borohydrides to predict, estimate, and directly analyse hydrogen storage and adsorption. A critical and thorough comparative analysis of the respective complex hydrides for hydrogen adsorption and storage is discussed, elucidating the storage applications in water bodies. Several industrial scale-up processes, economic analysis, and plant design of hydrogen storage and adsorption approaches are suggested through volumetric and gravimetric calculations. 2024 Elsevier Inc.