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Detection of Malicious Nodes in Flying Ad-hoc Network with Supervised Machine Learning
An Ad-hoc network (FANET) is a new upcoming technology which has been used in several sectors. Ad-hoc networks are mostly wireless local area networks (LANs). The devices communicate with each other directly instead of relying on a base station or access points as in wireless LANs for data transfer. In an Ad-hoc network the communication between one node to another in a FANET is not secured and there isn't any authorized protocol for secured communication. Therefore, we suggest an algorithm to detect the malicious node in a network. This algorithm uses Linear regression to calculate the reputation or trust value of a node in the network. Then the above found trust value is used to classify the node as normal node or malicious node based on the Logistic Regression Classification. Thus, allowing a secure communication of data and avoiding attacks. 2022 IEEE. -
The mediating role of self-efficacy and networks in entrepreneurial intentions: Entrepreneurial education, university support, and user innovation in rural India
This research examines the complex relationships between entrepreneurial education, university support, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, network connections, and entrepreneurial intentions in Indian university students. The study uses a quantitative approach and structural equation modeling on a sample of 422 students enrolled in entrepreneurship-related programs to elucidate the mediating roles of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and network connections. Despite the insignificant direct links betweenentrepreneurialeducation/university support and intentions,entrepreneurial self-efficacy and network connections emerge as important mediators. The findings provide theoretical insights into the multifaceted nature ofentrepreneurial intentions and have practical implications for improving entrepreneurship support programs. By understanding these mechanisms, stakeholders can create an environment that fosters entrepreneurial aspirations among university students. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Women human rights defenders
[No abstract available] -
Allometry Authentication in the Field of Finance: Creation of Well Secured System using AI Algo Based Systems
It is true the banking sector is increasingly under pressure to tighten security in an ever-changing digital arena, even as the customer experience needs to be strengthened. Thus, the use of biometric authentication through enhanced AI-driven systems that would enhance the security protocols while at the same time smoothening the users' interactions was a promising way in response. The paper that follows explores the integration of biometric authentication within banking systems in a bid to make clear its effectiveness in relation to reinforcing security and enhancing user experience. Accordingly, bijson etal. argue that biometric security fits perfectly in banks, since with the increasing cyber threats, banks are bound to deploy more advanced security mechanisms. These traditional means, suchjson, use of passwords and PINs, have shown vulnerabilities that are liable to exploitation and should be changed into something much more resilient. The authentication under biometrics also validates a user's identity by basing it on unique physiological or behavioral traits, such as a fingerprint, features of the face, patterns of the iris, and the voice. Biometric systems authenticate users with a very high level of confidence through AI-based algorithms, averting the security risks associated with unauthorized access and identity theft. Further, biometric authentication overcomes the flaws that prevail with the traditional mode of methods and hence, it ensures a very comfortable and user-friendly mode of system security. 2024 IEEE. -
Hybrid shuffled frog leaping and improved biogeography-based optimization algorithm for energy stability and network lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks are significantly used for data sensing and aggregating dusts from a remote area environment in order to utilize them in a diversified number of engineering applications. The data transfer among the sensor nodes is attained through the inclusion of energy efficient routing protocols. These energy efficient routing necessitates optimal cluster head selection procedure for handling the challenge of energy consumption to extend the stability and lifetime in the sensor networks. The implementation of energy efficient routing is still complicated even when the process of clustering is enhanced through the cluster head selection. The majority of the existing cluster head selection schemes suffer from the issues of poor selection accuracy, increased computation, and duplicate nodes' selection. In this paper, hybrid shuffled frog leaping and improved biogeography-based optimization algorithm (HSFLBOA) for optimal cluster head selection is proposed for resolving issues that are common in cluster head selection schemes. This proposed HSFLBOA used the objective function that used the parameters of node energy, data packet transmission delay, cluster traffic density, and internode distance in the cluster. The simulation results of the proposed HSFLBOA is determined to be significant in achieving superior throughput and network energy compared to benchmarked metaheuristic optimal cluster head schemes. 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -
Social Network User Profiling With Multilayer Semantic Modeling Using Ego Network
Social and information networks undermine the real relationship between the individuals (ego) and the friends (alters) they are connected with on social media. The structure of individual network is highlighted by the ego network. Egocentric approach is popular due to its focus on individuals, groups, or communities. Size, structure, and composition directly impact the ego networks. Moreover, analysis includes strength of ego alter ties degree and strength of ties. Degree gives the first overview of network. Social support in the network is explored with the gap between the degree and average strength. These outcomes firmly propose that, regardless of whether the approaches to convey and to keep up social connections are evolving because of the dispersion of online social networks, the way individuals sort out their social connections appears to remain unaltered. As online social networks evolve, they help in receiving more diverse information. 2022 IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Synthesis and characterization of graphene filled PC-ABS filament for FDM applications
Present investigation focuses on development of graphene filled PC-ABS filament for Fused Deposition Modeling applications. Compounding and twin screw extrusion was employed to synthesis graphene filled FDM filament of 1.75mm diameter. Percentage of graphene was varied from 0.1 vol% to 0.25 vol% in steps of 0.05. Developed filaments were subjected to SEM studies, dimensional accuracy and density measurements. In order to achieve filament of 1.75mm diameter, filament extrusion temperature was optimized using Taguchi's L25 orthogonal array, microstructure shows homogeneous dispersion of graphene particles in PC-ABS matrix, density decreases with increased content of graphene particles. 2018 Author(s). -
Synthesis and characterization of flyash reinforced polymer composites developed by Fused Filament Fabrication
Fused filament fabrication (FFF) has seen an upsurge in its utilization towards development of tailored made materials of polymer base. The advancement and diversity in fabricating the polymer composite parts by using FFF has seen the embracement of this technology in wider aspects, ranging from automotive, aerospace, construction and has marched towards day to day requirements. This research article focuses on development of polymer composite; by using flyash (FA), an industrial waste produced during coal combustion, as reinforcement in Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) matrix, to study the physical and mechanical properties. FA, which is primarily made up of metal oxides, plays an imperative role as reinforcement. Easily and abundantly available, FA is being used in several applications to reduce the landfills utilization and also helps the environment. In this study FA was added as reinforcement in 5 and 10 wt. % respectively to ABS matrix and was developed into filament of 1.75 mm diameter. The developed ABS + FA polymer composite using FFF, were analyzed for physical and mechanical properties as per American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. Microstructure studies were carried out for the developed composite to understand their behavior in enhancing the dimensional accuracy and tensile strength with incremental addition of FA up to 10 wt%. Tensile strength was enhanced by 28.19% and 36.13% for ABS + 5wt. % FA and ABS + 10wt. % FA respectively. Dimensional stability was also enhanced. Similarly, surface roughness analysis was carried out and it was observed to reduce with addition of FA. The surface roughness measurements provided suitable results of decrement by 9.64% and 14.6% for ABS + 5wt. % FA and ABS + 10wt. % FA respectively. Overall, the usage of FA along with FFF, has paved a path in sustainable and green technology in manufacturing. 2022 The Author(s). -
Thermal behavior of PC-ABS based graphene filled polymer nanocomposite synthesized by FDM process
Property enhancement of polymers could be achieved through blending of two or more polymers and via addition of filler materials to meet the application requirements. In the present investigation Polycarbonate (PC) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), the two polymers were blended together and Graphene platelets as nanofiller was added in the ratio of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 wt% respectively. Polymer blend and graphene platelets were mixed at appropriate temperature and extruded out in the form of filament of 1.75 mm diameter. Filament was used as a feed material for Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) to develop the test samples. The nanocomposites developed using FDM were subjected to differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) to study the effect of graphene platelets. Addition of graphene platelets resulted in significant increase in Young's modulus with highest value of 4.038 GPa obtained for nanocomposite with 0.8% graphene content. Thermal analysis showed that addition of graphene platelets increases the glass transition temperature and reduces the mass with increase in temperature. 2019 -
Review of Development and Characterisation of Shape Memory Polymer Composites Fabricated Using Additive Manufacturing Technology
Structures as well as components are generated by depositing filaments on one another via the technique of additive manufacturing. Among the various processes of printing, 4D printing combines the technology of 3D printing with the passage of time, resulting in additively generated parts that are responsive to stimuli from the outside via modifications of their form, volume, size, or mechanical qualities. Thus, the materials of shape memory are used in 4D printing and respond to environmental factors including temperature, pH, and humidity. Shape memory polymers (SMPs) are materials with a shape memory effect that are best suited for additive manufacturing. Contrarily, the method named fused filament fabrication (FFF) is employed most frequently among all additive manufacturing methods. In this regard, the objective of the present study is to evaluate all investigations that have been conducted on 4D-FFF materials mechanical properties. The study offers an unparalleled overview that highlights the possibilities of 4D FFF printing across multiple applications in engineering while keeping the end structures or components structural integrity in consideration. 2023 by the authors. -
Prevalence and predictors of diabetes among adults in rural Dharwad, India: A cross-sectional study
Objective: Diabetes is a long life chronic non-communicable disease and emerging fast as one of the most serious health problems in developed and developing countries, also influences the risk of developing macrovascular complication including heart disease and stroke which are the leading causes of global death. This study aims to find the potential risk factors associated to diabetes among different community (Government, Private employees, and Businessmen) of adults 20 years and above. Methods: A cross-sectional study followed and conducted door-to-door survey using World Health Organization STEP Surveillance (WHO STEPS) questionnaire to collect the information of sociodemographic, anthropometric and behavioral characteristics. Multiple logistic regression is used to determine the risk factors of diabetes among study population. Data was pre-processed and used Chi-square test and t-test to find the comparison between the attributes. Results: Overall prevalence of diabetes is found to be 49.1% in which prevalence more in females with 51.7% than in males with 46.8%, the education, health examination, and waist circumference were found to be the potential risk factors. The total study subjects include 1083 in which male is 611 and female is 472. Conclusion: The current study reflects the importance of Diabetes disease among the study population in rural Dharwad and this study can be utilized to control and prevent diabetes. Its an early call for the females of the study population to take care and practice healthy food in day today life and the outcome of the study says that the education should be given prime importance in everyones life. 2018 The Authors. -
Water Demand Prediction Using Support Vector Machine Regression
Water is a critical resource for sustainable economic and social development of a country. To maintain health hygiene, energy agricultural products, and the environment management water plays a key role. Water demand prediction is essential to analyze the requirement that indicate emergency state for water management decisions. This paper explores the water usage data for dairy plants to understand the spatial and temporal patterns for future water requirements, to optimize the water demand estimation. It uses concept of Machine learning algorithms to compare and achieve an effective and reliable system for water prediction. 2019 IEEE. -
Recent Trends in the Synthesis and Mechanistic Implications of Phenanthridines
Phenanthridine derivatives are one of the most intensively studied families of biologically active compounds. There has been considerable scientific interest in the turn of this century in the synthesis of these N-containing heterocycles as they are prevalent in many alkaloids and also possess striking biological activities including antibacterial, antifungal, antitumor activities. In this regard, a number of synthetic approaches toward the construction of phenanthridine moieties with various substituents, and to increase their yield have been developed by the synthetic organic community. Even though many researchers have developed various innovative methods for the synthesis of phenanthridine derivatives for the past few years, still there is substantial scope for the discovery of novel synthetic methods. In this review, the latest developments in the diverse synthetic strategies of phenanthridine derivatives in the presence and absence of metals were described. The present review also enlightens the use of different reagents, the diversity of the substrates identified, and the plausible mechanisms unravelled towards the construction of these biologically relevant scaffolds. (Figure presented.). 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH -
White Light Emission from Dy3+-Activated CaY2O4 Phosphor
Synthesis and characterization of a Dy3+-activated calcium yttrium oxide (CaY2O4) phosphor are reported. The CaY2O4:Dy3+ (1.5 mol%) phosphor is synthesized using a modified solid-state reaction technique for calcination and sintering. The cubic structure is revealed by the X-ray diffraction technique. The morphology and particle size distribution of the prepared phosphor are investigated by the FEGSEM technique. The chemical bonds and functional group analysis are confirmed by the FTIR. A photoluminescence analysis of the CaY2O4:Dy3+ phosphor shows dual excitation wavelengths at 285 and 348 nm, especially in the ultraviolet region. At 383 nm, three distinct emission peaks are found at the wavelengths 238, 485, and 571 nm. The spectroscopic parameters are calculated using the CIE chromaticity coordinates. The CIE coordinates of the Dysprosium ion-activated CaY2O4 phosphor (1.5 mol%) show an emission near the white light region of the chromaticity diagram, suggesting that it is suitable for W-LED applications. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzlerland AG 2024. -
The Men and the Media
This chapter examines the significant transformations of the representations of lead male characters in Bollywood cinema post-2000 from the perspective of contemporary gender and cultural theories. The objective of the study is to gain an insight into the relationship between capitalism and masculinities; sports and masculinities; patriarchy and masculinities; the reversal of the male gaze into the female gaze, and how all these have contributed ultimately to the emergence of a new order of masculinity at the turn of the new millennium. Towards the end, the reader is invited to understand the entanglement of capitalism, sports and patriarchy in forming a kind of homosocial male bonding and how media has played a significant role in constructing it through a study of selected films. Masculinities and their consumerist connotations, which vary according to post-liberal economic and cultural contexts, have also been investigated in this study. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Francis Philip Barclay and Kaifia Ancer Laskar; individual chapters, the contributors. -
From commitments to actions: Towards impactful, decisive, and resolute impact investment
The many threats of climate change make it important for us as a society to prioritize sustainability and build a greener economy. While there may be initial costs associated with implementing environmentally friendly practices, the long-term benefits are immeasurable. Impact investments have the potential to generate significant profits and also allow investors to support innovative solutions aimed at addressing many ecological challenges. This study analyses the policies that are necessary for facilitating transformative investments while striving towards low GHG emissions, climate-resilient development, and conserving biodiversity along with essential ecosystem services. The authors delve into the efforts made by the Asian Development Bank towards climate change financing and its impact investments, exploring their strategies until March 2023 with an understanding of how these efforts have impacted the environment and also various economic sectors across Asia, and analyse ADB's investment approaches to gain insights on how they are achieving SDGs through their climate finance initiatives. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Analysis of impact investment for sustainable development in India
Impact investment is a form of investing the purpose of which is to generate not just financial returns, but positive social or environmental impacts also. The objective of this research is to observe the trends that are being followed in the Indian impact investing landscape and draw the comparisons and/or similarities with the data published by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a nonprofit organisation committed to expanding the scope of impact investing globally. For the objective of gauging the Indian impact investment movement, primary data was collected through a survey of 238 Indian impact investors, and the data collected was analysed descriptively and compared with secondary data available on the GIIN's website. The insights that are provided by this study shall aid investors as they are encouraged to review the implications for their own strategies and patterns of investing and investigate these actionable measures so as to facilitate a sustained responsible industry growth, improve market transparency, and reinforce the patterns of investment decision-making. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Impact of e-commerce on India's exports and investment
E-commerce has become an important mode of trade, both domestically and internationally. E-commerce provides a platform for exchange of goods and services and thus directly alters the cost of trade and profits of firms, while simultaneously, generates a demand for a different set of skilled managers and creates opportunities for increasing investment and thereby affects the volume of domestic and international trade and in-turn affects the overall level of output and employment in an economy. There are empirical evidences on how certain developed countries like UK, USA, earlier, and lately developing countries like China, have leveraged e-commerce to enhance international trade. This paper attempts to contribute to the literature by studying the impact of e-commerce on India's international trade, especially exports, and investment which in-turn impact the level of output/gross domestic product (GDP) and employment in the country. Copyright 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Examining the Benefits of AI in Wearable Sensor-based Healthcare Solutions
The emergence of the AI generation has introduced adjustments to the manner healthcare solutions are advanced and applied. Wearable sensor-based total healthcare answers were revolutionized by leveraging AI in diverse packages. AI may be used to enhance the accuracy and precision of facts analysis, simplify information collection procedures, and pick out affected person-unique styles from the accrued data. Furthermore, AI can provide both actual-time and predictive analytics abilities, which are particularly useful for devising personalized healthcare offerings. Its provision of scalable systems hurries up the traits of various programs and has enabled personalized healthcare answers to be deployed in a shorter length. In spite of a number of the associated challenges, including data privacy troubles, AI-based wearable sensor-based healthcare answers can revolutionize patient tracking and timely detection of capability health conditions, improve preventive fitness care, and decrease healthcare fees. 2024 IEEE. -
Functional carbon nanoparticles modified poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) nanocomposites with enhanced dielectric and antibacterial properties
The importance of nanocomposites with tailored properties is growing due to their applications in various fields. In the present study, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and functionalized carbon nanoparticles (f-CNPs) are synthesized by in-situ chemical oxidative polymerization and pyrolysis methods, respectively. The f-CNPs-PEDOT nanocomposites are prepared by varying the concentration of PEDOT (i.e., 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 wt%), and the thermal stability, dielectric properties and antibacterial activities of f-CNPs-PEDOT nanocomposites were evaluated. The dielectric studies indicated that the addition of PEDOT has enhanced the dielectric properties due to interfacial polarization effect, whereas decreased the thermal stability due to degradation of PEDOT in the nanocomposite, however, it is higher than the pure PEDOT. The antimicrobial potential of synthesized f-CNPs-PEDOT nanocomposites was studied against two different bacterial strains, namely Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli. The findings of this research have potential to open new opportunities for employing f-CNPs-PEDOT nanocomposites in physical sciences and antimicrobial applications. 2024 The Authors