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Does Packaging Elements Affects Consumers Preference During The Purchase Of Chocolate?
Chocolate is one of the highest consumed products and the packaging of such a product is important. The primary goal of the study is to understand if the packaging of chocolate has an impact on the consumer's preference during the purchase of chocolate. The researcher concentrates on the elements of packaging which are the color of the packaging, shape, and size of the packaging, labeling information on the packaging, and the material of packaging. The study helps the producer to understand what factors on the packaging impacts the customer during the purchase of chocolate. The researcher concentrates on how these elements of packaging play a role in affecting the consumer at the point of purchase of chocolate. Through this study one will be able to deliver the product i.e., chocolate more efficiently and effectively way to the consumers or the buyers. The Electrochemical Society -
Ear Recognition Using ResNet50
Deep learning techniques have become increasingly common in biometrics over the last decade. However, due to a lack of large ear datasets, deep learning models in ear biometrics are limited. To address this drawback, researchers use transfer learning based on various pre-trained models. Conventional machine learning algorithms using traditional feature extraction techniques produce low recognition results for the unconstrained ear dataset AWE. In this paper, an ear recognition model based on the ResNet-50 pretrained architecture outperforms traditional methods in terms of recognition accuracy in AWE dataset. A new feature level fusion of ResNet50 and GLBP feature is also experimented to improve the recognition accuracy compared to traditional features. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Detection and Classification of Thoracic Diseases in Medical Images using Artificial Intelligence Techniques: A Systematic Review
Artificial Intelligence is at the leading edge of innovation and is developing very fast. In recent studies, it has played a progressive and vital role in Computer-Aided Diagnosis. The chest is one of the large body parts of human anatomy and contains several vital organs inside the thoracic cavity. Furthermore, chest radiographs are the most commonly ordered and globally used by physicians for diagnosis. An automated, fast, and reliable detection of diseases based on chest radiography can be a critical step in radiology workflow. This study presents the conduction and results of a systematic review investigating Artificial Intelligence Techniques to identify Thoracic Diseases in Medical Images. The systematic review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. The research articles published in English were filtered based on defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The Electrochemical Society -
Green Orientation and Customer-Based Brand Equity in FMCG Industry in India
In the recent years, the idea of green-oriented approach gained traction in both academic research as well as corporate research. Companies are now able to identify the long-term benefits of being responsible towards the environment. This paper attempted to understand the relationship between green-orientation of a brand, antecedents of customer based brand equity namely of Aaker's Model with respect to the FMCG Industry in India. Data was collected from 207 FMCG product consumers from India above the age of 18. Person's correlation coefficient and Multiple Linear Regression were calculated to ascertain the relationship between green orientation and the antecedents of CBBE. It was found that Brand Loyalty was the most significant on CBBE whereas Brand Association was the least. The results of this research would be helpful for the brands to take decisions accordingly as it may act as an incentive to be more innovative towards sustainable ways of operating. The Electrochemical Society -
Single-use Plastic Packaging and Food and Beverage industry's take on it
Micro-plastics created by the gradual breakdown of SUP in oceans have recently been consumed by marine organisms, including fish, shellfish, etc. It is causing significant disturbance to marine life. The environment is littered with food packing. Snack food packaging is a great example of a long-standing, aesthetically obnoxious form of pollution. The majority of SUPs, especially perishable products, wind up in landfills within months of purchase.This is due to a rise in on-the-go food and beverage consumption, fueling the proliferation of single-use plastic packaging. The lack of dumpsters in some areas might contribute to an increase in littering. While the majority of food packaging plastics end up in the trash, municipal waste, landfills, and even the seas, a tiny fraction can be recycled. The reason for this is that poor countries have a prevalent culture of human waste. The Electrochemical Society -
Prefabricated Houses - A Model to Sustainable Housing Market
Effective spatial planning in an urban center is the need of the hour especially for offering affordable and sustainable houses. separate sheet. Spatial planning may help in achieving Sustainable Development goals (SDG) (09) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (11) Sustainable cities and communities, and (15) Life on Land. The prefabricated house model can be used as a strategy in achieving above mentioned SDGs. It is important to study the prefabricated housing market for a country like India, considering its growing population and the necessity of access to affordable and sustainable houses. The main objective of this study is to identify the determinant factors of prefabricated houses and its impact on preference among urban consumers. The study is quantitative in nature and adopts a survey method. SEM model is used to analyze the data. A structured questionnaire is developed based on the objectives of the study. The questionnaire majorly focused on the perception of Sustainability, Affordability, Durability, Barriers, Opportunities, and Quality. The Electrochemical Society -
Intelligent Smart Waste Management Using Regression Analysis: An Empirical Study
The term deep learning is seen as an important part of artificial intelligence that allows the system to understand and make decisions without special human intervention. In-depth learning uses a variety of statistical models and programs that allow different computational properties to reach the highest point. It is estimated that the market development of artificial intelligence and technology for deep learning will amount to USD 500 billion by 2026. The use of advanced technology, such as neural networks, enables better image recognition and the use of automated processes for deep operations. The main purpose of the study is to understand the critical determinants of Deep Learning in Creating a better City through Intelligent Smart Waste Management, the major determinants cover: System usability scale, Implementation of RFID sensors and Optimizing route selection. The proposed work is that implementation of advanced tools like deep learning methodologies and machine learning tools can support in managing the waste in a smart way, this will enable in creating better cities, enhance the environment and support sustainable living. Smart cities today need to use tools like deep learning and other artificial intelligence to effectively manage waste. Smart vessels are mainly controlled and implemented, which makes it easier for users to open vessels, it is also suitable for storing solid and dry waste, but provides information on the total degree of filling, can share data and information with central waste management service, you can collect waste quickly and avoid flooding. To achieve this, governments, administrators and communities are introducing sensors that transmit data and information to the waste management company in real-time and take appropriate action. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
A Review of Optimization Algorithms Used in Proportional Integral Controllers (PID) for Automatic Voltage Regulators
The voltage in electrical grids is maintained at its nominal value by automatic voltage regulators (AVR). In AVR systems, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) is the most popular controllers due to their robust performance and simplicity. Controlling the parameters of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers, which are used in AVR technology, is a nonlinear optimization problem. Optimization issues are of great importance to both the industrial and scientific worlds. A PID controller's objective function is designed to minimize the settling time, rise time, and overshoot of the step response of the resultant voltage. This paper presents the performance comparison of six optimization algorithms such as Enhanced Crow Search Algorithm (ECSA-PID), Slime Mould algorithm (SMA-PID), Future Search Algorithm (FSA-PID), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOAPID), Equilibrium Optimizer (EO-PID) and Archimede's Optimization algorithm (AOA-PID) used in recent literatures. The Electrochemical Society -
An Efficient Localized Route Recommendation Scheme using Fusion Algorithm for VANET based Applications
The evolution of vehicles has led to the need for improved and advanced techniques to solve traffic related problems. The improvement related to cooperative vehicles has been a recent focus in dealing with such difficulties. The most popular application of co-operative vehicles is the route planning for travelers. In this paper, an innovative module namely Localized Route Recommendation with Fusion Algorithm (LR2FA) is proposed to enumerate a localized route recommendation system to communicate to co-operative vehicles. Traffic parameters such as vehicle speed and density information collected from the centralized location and used as decision factor to provide suggestions of routes using a novel Fusion Algorithm (FA). To evaluate the factors for route suggestion, FA uses a combination of genetic and heuristic-based approaches. The performance of the proposed localized route references is analyzed using simulated values of vehicle speed and density. It is seen from the results that the proposed LR2FA provides top fitting routes compared to greedy based route suggestion. 2022 IEEE. -
FinTech: Answer for Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion in India
In India, financial literacy and financial inclusion is the need of the hour. Though economic growth of the country is growing in positive direction, it derailed by many factors such as financial literacy, accountability, and stability of the common public. It could be due to the deprived accessibility to the financial services in India. This study addresses the two key elements in economic growth of the country namely financial literacy and financial inclusion and how it could be handled by financial technology. This study sets up the platform in which it is trying to include perception and attitude of both the provider and the user of the fintech services and compiling its impact on both financial literacy and financial inclusion. A sample size of 644 respondents have been selected using multi-stage sampling technique and distributed with structured questionnaire. The study result gives implication for fin-tech service providers in understanding the consumer perspectives and government for policy making. The Electrochemical Society -
Problematic Gaming Among Adolescents within a Non-Clinical Population: A Scoping Review
Gaming is a pastime activity that has been enjoyed by millions of individuals worldwide for the past few years. The adolescent is in a developmental period that involves significant bio- psychosocial changes, including rapid changes in physical and mental states that make them more vulnerable to addiction. Online Gaming could have a higher risk of developing problematic gaming. Many studies have documented video gaming addiction and not problematic video gaming. Problematic gaming is a condition different from video game addiction. Further research remains needed to synthesise the factors behind problematic video game usage. The purpose of the scoping review is to synthesise the findings related to problematic video by identifying using a search through the following database: JSTOR, ProQuest, APA Psycnet, Ebsco. The research will help detect the early symptoms of addiction and understand the mechanism behind the addictive nature. Through the study, we can provide psychological care for adolescents by educating them and preventing and being aware of problematic gaming usage and experiences. The Electrochemical Society -
Sustainability In The Built Environment: Are We Doing Enough?
Sustainability is one of the key requirements for any business; however, there exist gaps in recognizing and aligning these sustainable practices with everyday operational activities. With this in mind, this study aims to explore the current awareness level in business leaders and stakeholders about corporate responsibility towards sustainability and reflects on the obstacles encountered by them in diverse built environments, laying the groundwork for addressing these hurdles and contributing towards the overall sustainable development. The study uses a thematic approach to analyzing data with the help of NVIVO12 software. The major findings include Energy Auditing process - not carried out frequently; both sustainability and profitability go hand in hand; absence of technology such as AI and Sensor technology has contributed to the built environment's energy performance gap; there is a knowledge gap that exists among business leaders in understanding the concept of sustainable development. The Electrochemical Society -
Molecular simulations to investigate the guest-induced flexibility of Pu-UiO-66 MOF
Actinide metal-organic frameworks are highly popular because of their significant coordination benefits. Due to production and characterisation challenges, An-MOFs are a relatively less explored coordination polymer. In this study, we considered the experimentally synthesised Pu-UiO-66 MOF, which was the first reported plutonium MOF. In most MOF studies, the framework has been maintained rigid, however, in this case, we investigate both rigid and flexible frameworks. To gain a better understanding of the framework's flexibility, flexible Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations were conducted and the calculated results were compared with that of rigid frameworks. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out to examine the effects of framework flexibility of Pu-UiO-66 MOF, a force field-built Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) on adsorption of guest molecules, and to analyse the self-diffusion coefficients of acidic gases such as CO2, SO2, and NO2 in the framework. The adsorption isotherms and radial distribution functions for both rigid and flexible frameworks in the presence of gas molecules were compared and analysed using GCMC simulation. Similarly, molecular dynamics simulations including guest molecules were carried out. Following that, the GCMC and MD results were compared and analysed to determine the flexibility of the system. Diffusion studies were conducted at various temperatures and the coefficient of self-diffusion of each gas was examined. In addition, structural analyses, such as angle analysis, were carried out to explore the local changes, such as tilting, observed in the organic ligand derivative. It was also shown that the UFF force field is suitable for Pu-UiO-66. 2022 -
An Interrogation and Analysis of Postmodern 'Self' in Robert Lowell's Sonnet Reading Myself
The interrogation and analysis of Self in Robert Lowell's Sonnet Reading Myself is the research statement. Jean Francois Lyotard proposed the idea of 'Delegitimation' of Grand Narratives in Modern Times (1). This concept of Delegitimation gives power to an individual to narrate her or his Self and gives complete control to have his power. The introspection of self in Robert Lowell's Sonnet is analysed critically in this postmodern sense. It aims at the liberation from the fixed system of beliefs or stereotypical norms of the society in writing a literary piece by analysing the lines of the sonnet in a postmodernist way. Specifically, the Sustainable Development Goal [SDG] of reducing inequality is examined through the poet's self in the paradoxical situation in a postmodern sense. It also questions the paradoxical existence and experiences faced by the poet in his life. The realisation of the self is significant in the present world gives the individual the freedom to create equal space for himself and others in society. The Electrochemical Society -
Financing for SDGs in India in Post Pandemic era - Challenges & Way forward
In 2015, a resolution known as Agenda 2030 was passed by United Nations General Assembly in which seventeen goals for Sustainable Development were laid down for global dignity, peace and prosperity. The post- pandemic era became full of uncertainties in pursuing those Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its implementation became a challenge especially for the developing economies like India. The country is facing a tremendous gap in arranging for resources to meet the climatic changes and attaining the SDGs. India requires 170 billion dollars per year from 2015-2030 to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals as per the estimation done by National Determined Contribution, a body setup after Paris agreement 2015 to monitor the efforts of the country towards reducing national emissions and adapting to climate change. There is a huge concern amongst the various agencies on exploring the ways to fill this financing gap especially after the economic slowdown seen in the post pandemic era. This research paper analyses the challenges imposed by the COVID 19 pandemic on financing for SDGs and also explores the options to mitigate them. The articles and research papers related to SDG financing are reviewed by the researchers to arrive at the above mentioned statements. This paper is an attempt to draw the attention of worldwide authorities towards this grim situation as sustainable finance is far from reality in India and requires immediate up scaling. The Electrochemical Society -
Progression of Metamaterial for Microstrip Antenna Applications: A Review
This article provides an overview of the evolution of metamaterials (MTM) and all the aspects related to metamaterial development for antenna applications. It will be a useful collection of information for antenna researchers working in metamaterials applications. It gives an insight into the various metamaterial structures utilized along with miniature antenna designs. Different types of design parameters studied by the previous researchers are showcased to understand better perception of the metamaterial usage. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Pre Packaged Insolvency - Exploring An Alternative Framework For Bankruptcy Resolution In India
This article is a review of literatures on the need for alternative bankruptcy resolution framework in India. The study explores the context & background to the recent initiation of limited Pre-Packaged Insolvency in India. The article makes a strong case for having a private & pre-negotiated mode of debt resolution along with the existing CIRP framework in India. The article provides a comparative perspective of CIRP and Pre-pack driven resolution model in India. The research paper also addresses some of the potential challenges & concerns related to initiation of pre-pack in India & accordingly discusses the relevant safeguards for the same. Lastly, the study also provide a brief view of pre-pack model currently practised in USA. The Electrochemical Society -
Sustainability & Comparative Impact Analysis of Coral reef bleaching in Indian context
An estimated value of 500 million of the population are directly benefited through coral reefs related jobs, food and defence of coastal areas. Coral reefs help to reduce wave energy by 97%. They help to protect the coastal areas from storms, floods and wave energy by 97%. Natural disasters such as Tsunami and erosion of coastal areas are protected by reefs. In this process, they help to protect the lives of many staying in the coastal areas including animals, properties, and other natural resources. There are reasons for reef deterioration like change of climate, high pollution, destructive fishing, bleaching of coral reefs is a big concern now worldwide. Severe coral bleaching is also reported in India. A significant rise in the surface temperature of Sea has become a critical reason for coral bleaching. This work attempts to Study the link between sustainability, SDG goals of 2030 given by United Nations and coral bleaching. In this work study period is focussed from 1985 to 2021 in the Indian coral reef bleaching areas. The Electrochemical Society -
Relevance of psychophysiological and emotional features for the analysis of Human behavior-A Survey
With fresh development in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the analysis of human physiological and psychological behavior has increased greater attention around the world. In this paper, we have provided a detailed survey of the approaches used for human behavior detection considering different modalities with physiological behavior, psychological behavior, and emotion detection with the help of sensors EEG, ECG, GSR, and temperature. At long last, it finishes up with the results of this study and represents the thoughts for future exploration in the zone of human behavior understanding. A rundown and comparison among the ongoing investigations done, that uncovers the currently existing issues and the future work has been examined. The Electrochemical Society -
Non-Antibacterial Carbon Nanoparticles and Its Fluorescence Properties
Highly fluorescent carbon nanoparticles are synthesized from corn starch via one-pot hydrothermal method. Upon treatment with the lime juice as the catalyst, carbon nanoparticles are functionalized with potassium, and an improvement in the luminescence behavior is also observed. The synthesized nanoparticles did not exhibit any antibacterial activity against gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis) and gram-negative (Pseudomonas fluorescence, E.coli) bacteria. The excellent photoluminescence coupled with non-toxic behaviour of the carbon nanoparticles would be best suited for biomedical applications. The Electrochemical Society