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Accounting fraud and bankruptcy: The case of wirecard AG
This chapter examines the scandal at Wirecard AG, a German payment processing and financial services company, that became one of the most valuable companies on the German stock exchange in the 2010s. From 2010 to 2018, Wirecard reported consistent revenue growth and profitability. In 2019, the company reported revenues of 2.8 billion ($3.2 billion). As of September 2018, its market capitalization was over 24 billion ($27 billion). In late 2019, the Wirecard scandal was discovered through investigative reports by the Financial Times, which raised questions about Wirecard's accounting practices. The company faced a major scandal in 2020 when it was revealed that 1.9 billion ($2.1 billion) was missing from its balance sheet. Subsequent investigations revealed a massive accounting fraud that had been going on for years. Subsequently, the company filed for bankruptcy. Multiple Wirecard executives, including its CEO, were charged with fraud and market manipulation. German regulators and auditors were criticized for failing to detect and prevent the fraud. 2023, IGI Global. -
Exploring the influence of emotional intelligence on decision-making across diverse domains: A systematic literature review
Emotional intelligence (EI) is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor in decisionmaking across various professional domains. This systematic literature review, covering the period from 2017 to 2023, explores the intricate relationship between EI and decision-making in healthcare, business, education, ethics, and the realms of neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI). Employing a qualitative research design, the study systematically analyzes articles retrieved from renowned databases including Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO, J Gate, and Google Scholar. The findings reveal that elevated EI levels among healthcare professionals lead to improved clinical decision-making, characterized by enhanced patient-centered care and ethical considerations. In business and legal contexts, EI competencies are associated with ethical decision-making, effective leadership, and strong client relationships. In education, emotionally intelligent educators create supportive learning environments conducive to better pedagogical decisions and student emotional well-being. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
A case study on a beacon of hope transition: India's renewable energy integration and the Ujwal DISCOM assurance Yojana (UDAY)
This case study examines the transformative impact of the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) on India's energy landscape, focusing on its role in facilitating renewable energy integration. India's energy sector faced daunting challenges, including financially distressed power distribution companies (DISCOMs) and high aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses. UDAY's financial restructuring and operational efficiency improvements led to remarkable reductions in DISCOMs' debt burdens and AT&C losses, respectively. The policy aligned with India's renewable energy goals, driving DISCOMs to procure renewable energy sources. Consequently, India witnessed significant growth in its renewable energy capacity, environmental benefits through reduced emissions, and economic growth via job creation. This case study offers insights into the challenges faced, technological advancements incentivized, and the long-term sustainability of these reforms. Moreover, it presents broader lessons for energy sector reform and renewable energy integration, both within India and globally. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Mapping the AI landscape in healthcare quality: A bibliometrics analysis
This study explores the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare quality improvement through a bibliometric analysis of 222 documents retrieved from the Scopus database using the keywords "healthcare," "quality," and "AI." By examining bibliographic coupling, citations, co-citations, author keywords, and co-occurrence networks, the research unveils the key themes, prominent authors, and emerging trends in this field. The analysis reveals a focus on areas like machine learning for disease prediction, clinical decision support systems, and patient safety improvement. Leading authors and research groups are identified, and promising future directions such as explainable AI and integration with electronic health records are highlighted. This study contributes to understanding the current landscape of AI in healthcare quality improvement and guiding future research for maximizing its impact. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Predicting cryptocurrency prices model using a stacked sparse autoencoder and Bayesian optimization
In recent years, digital currencies, also known as cybercash, digital money, and electronic money, have gained significant attention from researchers and investors alike. Cryptocurrency has emerged as a result of advancements in financial technology and has presented a unique opening for research in the field. However, predicting the prices of cryptocurrencies is a challenging task due to their dynamic and volatile nature. This study aims to address this challenge by introducing a new prediction model called Bayesian optimization with stacked sparse autoencoder-based cryptocurrency price prediction (BOSSAE-CPP). The main objective of this model is to effectively predict the prices of cryptocurrencies. To achieve this goal, the BOSSAE-CPP model employs a stacked sparse autoencoder (SSAE) for the prediction process and resulting in improved predictive outcomes. The results were compared to other models, and it was found that the BOSSAE-CPP model performed significantly better. 2023, IGI Global. -
Prediction and analysis of financial crises using machine learning
This study presents a comparative analysis of various machine learning algorithms for credit risk assessment. The algorithms were tested on two credit datasets: German Credit Dataset and Australian Credit Dataset. The performance of the algorithms was evaluated based on several metrics, including sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, F-score, and Kappa. The results showed that the FCPFS-QDNN algorithm outperformed other algorithms in both datasets, achieving high accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F-score. On the other hand, the ACO Algorithm and Multilayer Perceptron algorithms were found to perform poorly in both datasets. The findings of this study have significant implications for credit risk assessment in banking and financial institutions. The study recommends the use of the FCPFS-QDNN algorithm for credit risk assessment due to its superior performance compared to other algorithms. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Dynamic strategies and evolutionary trajectories: A comprehensive review of experiential marketing in the soft drink industry
This comprehensive review explores the evolution of experiential marketing in the soft drink industry from 2005 to 2024. It uses analysis from a diverse set of 62 scholarly articles, Google books, Google Scholar, SSRN, Fig share, and various publishers such as Taylor & Francis, IGI Global, and Springer. The study traces the industry's trajectory from traditional marketing approaches to a digital-centric paradigm. The research captures pivotal moments in the development of experiential marketing strategies, emphasizing the integration of technology, sustainability, and community engagement. Key findings highlight the industry's adaptability to changing consumer preferences, the strategic use of data-driven insights, and the importance of inclusivity in crafting compelling brand narratives. The study identifies overarching trends, challenges, and opportunities that shaped the experiential marketing landscape in the soft drink industry over the past two decades. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Does gamification affect customer brand engagement and brand value co-creation?
The study examines the relationship between gamification and customer brand engagement, focusing on its impact on brand value co-creation. It analyzes various studies published between 2013 and 2023, revealing that gamification positively influences brand engagement by fostering active participation, emotional connections, and increased motivation. It also facilitates brand value co-creation by encouraging consumers to actively contribute to brand development, innovation, and advocacy. Design considerations like game mechanics, aesthetics, and personalized experiences are crucial for maximizing gamification's impact on customer engagement and brand value co-creation. The review identifies potential moderating factors, such as consumer characteristics, cultural differences, and industry-specific dynamics, which may influence the effectiveness of gamification strategies. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Social media and economics education: Addressing challenges and leveraging tools for K-12 educators
This case study focuses on the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating social media into the K-12 economics curriculum. Ms. Smith, a high school economics teacher, faced a number of challenges when implementing social media into her teaching practices, including issues related to student engagement, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns. However, she also recognized the potential benefits of using social media in the classroom, including increased student engagement, improved collaboration and communication, and enhanced access to information and resources. To address these challenges, Ms. Smith implemented a number ofremedies and measurements, including providing professional development for teachers, establishing clear guidelines for social media use, providing technical support, encouraging parent involvement, and regularly assessing the impact of social media on student learning. Through her approach, Ms. Smith was able to effectively integrate social media into her economics curriculum and enhance student learning and engagement. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The role of social media in empowering digital financial literacy
This systematic review examined the role of social media in enhancing financial literacy among individuals by collecting and reviewing 60 articles published from 2021 to 2023. The findings revealed that social media has a positive impact on financial literacy through the dissemination of financial education, promotion of financial awareness, and sharing of financial experiences. The review also identified digital financial literacy, entrepreneurial learning, and financial knowledge as significant determinants of financial literacy, while demographic characteristics, social media usage behavior, risk attitude, and overconfidence played a role in determining financial literacy. The study recommends that financial institutions, policymakers, and educators leverage social media for promoting financial literacy, and social media usage skills to improve financial literacy among individuals. Overall, the study suggests that the use of social media can democratize financial literacy and enable individuals from diverse backgrounds to access financial education and information. Copyright 2023, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Bibliographic Analysis of Soft Computing Components from 1999 2018 in India
The core component of the Soft Computing (SC) domain gives outstanding performances for solving problems compared to other problems solving techniques. In order to solve difficult problems, the majority of researchers are concentrating on the soft computing field. The sub-domains of the soft computing field include Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and others. In this paper, we aimed to investigate the contributions made by Indian organizations and authors on the topic of soft computing and its applications for the years 1999 to 2018 for the Scopus database. The study confirmed that the most number of papers published in the neural network with a count of 2127 and the most productive author was M.ChintamaniDeo, with 22 papers with the highest h-index and the Indian Institute of Technology, The most productive institution in the subject of Soft Computing is Roorkee, which has contributed 109 publications overall, garnered 355 citations, and has an h-index of 9. This led us to the conclusion that, in comparison to other sub-domains in the field of Soft Computing and its Applications, Indian Institutions and Indian Authors have produced the majority of publications in Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. 2024, Ismail Saritas. All rights reserved. -
Psychological science and COVID-19: An agenda for social action.
This report summarizes what is known about the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and proposes ways for psychology organizations to engage in addressing pandemic-related challenges. A stress and coping framework is used to describe key factors that account for mental health difficulties resulting from the stress of pandemics including the pandemic course, political leadership and public response, cumulative stressors, risk and protective factors, and coping strategies. Psychology organizations could do much to provide help particularly to vulnerable healthcare and frontline workers, the elderly, and the socially isolated. They could offer clinical services and design prevention programs, train non-professional community workers to provide mental health first aid, assist NGOs and political leaders, and translate basic research on psychological factors that influence acceptance of public health measures. The pandemic occurs at a time of advanced connectivity that provides an opportunity for (a) scientific information exchange, (b) alleviation of distress of social isolation, but also (c) infodemic, unprecedented spread of hoaxes and online incitements to non-compliance with preventative measures. Psychologys role is not limited to addressing mental health needs but also includes promoting adjustment to changes in the economy, education and employment, and developing effective communication strategies that encourage acceptance of public health measures. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) 2021 Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice -
Effect of a surface polarized layer on the optical properties of a nematic cell
The optical properties of a cell of nematic liquid crystal presenting a tilted surface polarization submitted to an electric field are theoretically investigated. The origin of the surface polarization is assumed to be related to the interaction of the nematic molecules with the substrate and to the polar order due to the cell filling procedure. The analysis shows that the coupling of the surface polarization with the external field has different effects on the two surfaces limiting the sample. On one of them, the coupling gives rise, in an unbounded sample, to a continuous variation of the easy angle, whereas on the other one it is responsible for a first-order like transition of the easy axis orientation. For a sample of finite thickness our analysis shows that in the presence of a coupling between the two surfaces, operated by the elastic properties of the liquid crystal, the abrupt variation of the easy axis on one of the surfaces induces also on the other surface a discontinuity on the nematic surface orientation. The optical transmission of the cell versus the amplitude of the applied voltage, for an impinging monochromatic linearly polarized light, presents a discontinuity for the critical voltage at which the first-order transition of the surface tilt angles appears. 2023 Elsevier B.V. -
Exploration of the dual fuel combustion mode on a direct injection diesel engine powered with hydrogen as gaseous fuel in port injection and diesel-diethyl ether blend as liquid fuel
The present study explores the possibilities of the use of diesel-diethyl ether (DDEE) blends as pilot fuel, and hydrogen (H2) as inducted gaseous fuel in a diesel engine operated on dual fuel mode (DFM). DEE was added to diesel in ratios of 525% in increasing steps of 5%, to prepare the DDEE5, DDEE10, DDEE15, DDEE20, and DDEE25 blends that were used as pilot fuel. In this current study, for hydrogen gas generation, a hydrogen production kit was fabricated which was powered by solar energy. The hydrogen gas was produced from the electrolysis of water-KOH solution. During the experiment, hydrogen was inducted through the engine intake port employing an electronic gas injector. The quantity of hydrogen injection was set constant of 0.2 lpm for all the test cases. DDEE-hydrogen (DDEE+H2) blends accomplished overall good results compared to diesel. DDEE20+H2 furnished optimal results compared to diesel and other DDEE+H2 blends. Peak cylinder pressure for DDEE20+H2 was 66.91 bar at 5.2oCA aTDC, and the maximum HRR was 32.75 J/deg.CA. Compared to diesel, the BTE of engine for DDEE20+H2 was augmented by about 0.6% and the BSFC was diminished by about 3.7%, at maximum load conditions. A decline in CO and HC emissions of 29.6%, and 35% were observed for DDEE20+H2 at maximum load condition, but the NO and CO2 emanation was observed to be higher by around 29.4%, and 17.4% in comparison to diesel respectively. 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC -
Does financial inclusion control corruption in upper-middle and lower-middle income countries?
Presence of corruption in a system is always a path breaker for transparent distribution of public services in the economy. Therefore, controlling corruption is a high priority for progress of a countrys growth. The main objective of this study was to empirically examine the impacts of financial inclusion on control of corruption in selected upper-middle and lower-middle income countries. Using cross-country annual data from 2004 to 2018, the study applied fixed effect, random effect, panel corrected standard errors, feasible general least square and 2SLS (two-stage least-squares regression) models to evaluate the impacts of financial inclusion on control of corruption across all samples from upper-middle and lower-middle income countries. The results from the upper-middle income (UMI) countries demonstrated that a basic level of financial inclusion has no impact on the control of corruption, whereas higher intensification of financial inclusion beyond the basic level positively impacts it. Similarly, the findings from lower-middle-income (LMI) countries indicated that financial inclusion up to a certain threshold level helps to control corruption, whereas financial inclusion above the threshold level negatively impacts the control of corruption. These empirical findings suggest that in the overall sample, financial inclusion plays an important role to control corruption. 2022, The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International. -
Financial Inclusion and Human Development in Indian States: Evidence from the Post-Liberalisation Periods
This article examines the existing synergy between financial inclusion and human development in Indian states during the post-liberalisation periods (19932015). Using both principal component analysis and panel data regression models, first, the impact of financial inclusion on human development is measured. Second, the reverse causality from human development to financial inclusion is estimated to know whether human development should be a pre-condition for ensuring greater financial inclusiveness in Indian states. It is found that financial inclusion has a positive and statistically significant impact on human development, along with other control variables such as social sector expenditure, per capita state gross domestic product and capital receipt. However, the lack of urbanisation (measured by the percentage of rural population) has a negative and significant impact on the process of human development in Indian states. On the other hand, since human development has also a significant reverse causal connection with financial inclusion, it is argued that ensuring financial inclusion through urbanisation measures would not only improve the level of human development in Indian states, but it would also sustain the process of inclusive development in itself due to the existing feedback loop with the later. 2022 Institute for Human Development. -
Blue ocean marketing- A promising strategy /
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2013) ISSN: 2278-5612 -
Comparing maritime piracy along the coasts of Africa: In search of a solution for the Gulf of Guinea
Merchant ships at sea have been under threat for centuries from criminal activities such as maritime piracy and armed robbery. Such acts have seen a rise in recent years, with new breeding grounds mushrooming across the globe. In Africa, such criminal activities are as old as maritime trade, with three severely affected regions, each with its own dynamics. While piracy on the eastern coast (Gulf of Aden) has been brought under control by international maritime forces and that on the south-eastern coast (Mozambique Channel) by local maritime forces, piracy on the western side (Gulf of Guinea) continues unabated and has become a matter of concern for the world's maritime fraternity. In an effort to find a solution for piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, this article aims to compare and analyse incidents of piracy along the coasts of Africa and understand whether the countermeasures adopted on the eastern coasts can be replicated on the western one. 2020 National Maritime Foundation. -
RPA Revolution in the Healthcare Industry During COVID-19
Over the last year, the evolution in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been staggering. The automation it brings to applications has yielded efficiency, reduced operating costs, and decreased the time of research, development, and production. Industries have already integrated RPA into their workflow and are profoundly transforming into an intelligent automated industry with minimum human intervention, calling this the fourth industrial revolution. In this race of transformation, the healthcare industry is quite ahead of many other industries. It stood the test of time when COVID-19 was spreading rapidly and was also resilient against all odds. The system did experience an unprecedented crisis that depicted its weakness, fragility, and unpreparedness. The healthcare system was forced to adapt to a new paradigm. And though there was the loss of life and economy, we learned to evolve as a community to tackle this crisis. This chapter sheds light on the role of RPA and covers how these technologies can assist healthcare workers in their day-to-today activities, reviewing what the fourth industrial revolution would look like in the healthcare sector. The intelligent, automated system would provide a seamless experience of gathering information by various means, processing, and assisting healthcare workers to deliver quality treatment. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Detecting Infectious Disease Based on Social Media Data Using BERT Model
Seasonal diseases are those diseases that are widespread during a particular time of the year including monsoons, winter etc. In the absence of preventative measures, the human race remains vulnerable to the hazardous effects of seasonal diseases following regular patterns of increased inci- dence and transmission which remains a global concern. Dengue, Influenza, etc. are such types of diseases where every year many people get affected globally. The primary focus of this research paper is to understand the opinion of people regarding the seasonal diseases. The research paper covers sentiment analysis on textual data from social media where people have vocalized their sentiments or thinking regarding seasonal diseases and seasonal infectious diseases. Influenza, Dengue, Malaria, Japanese Encephalitis, and Chikungunya are the seasonal diseases that have been covered in this research paper. To achieve this, the language model Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) was used to verify the sentiments about the seasonal diseases. The result of the investigation hold the potential to significantly enhance our comprehension of societal sentiments, discerning between states of tranquility and concern among individuals. The outcome of the study will help healthcare department to plan the necessary actions. 2024 IEEE.