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A critical review of determinants of financial innovation in global perspective
Financial innovation is the widely accepted process across the globe. 'What forces drive the financial innovation?' is the research question since long. Many studies were conducted in the past to answer and each study identified some or other factors that prominently driving financial innovation landscape in their respective economy. The present study critically review existing Literatures to suggest a comprehensive list of determinants. The study uses descriptive research design. A sample of 54 literatures focusing on financial innovation and it's determinants during the time period 1983 to 2018 is included in the study. Further, content analysis and descriptive statistics are used to explore the determinants. The study identified 23 different determinants of financial innovation and classify those under two bases. First, on the basis of influencing power and second on the basis of nature of the determinant. The study found that technological development, competition, firm size and regulations are the major sources of financial innovation from different categories. The study also raised the research agenda to study determinants of financial innovation in Asian context, as there are scanty literature covering Asian economies. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
A Search for X-Ray/UV Correlation in the Reflection-dominated Seyfert 1 Galaxy Markarian 1044
Correlated variability between coronal X-rays and disk optical/UV photons provides a very useful diagnostic of the interplay between the different regions around an active galactic nucleus (AGN) and how they interact. AGNs that reveal strong X-ray reflection in their spectra should normally exhibit optical/UV to X-ray correlation consistent with reprocessingwhereas the optical/UV emission lags behind the X-rays. While such correlated delay has been seen in some sources, it has been absent in others. Mrk 1044 is one such source that has been known to reveal strong X-ray reflection in its spectra. In our analysis of three long XMM-Newton and several Swift observations of the source, we found no strong evidence for correlation between its UV and X-ray lightcurves both on short and long timescales. Among other plausible causes for the nondetection, we posit that higher X-ray variability rather than UV and strong general relativistic effects close to the black hole may also be responsible. We also present results from the spectral analysis based on XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations, which show the strong soft X-ray excess and iron K? line in the 0.3-50 keV spectrum that can be described by relativistic reflection. 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. -
Correlated variability of the reflection fraction with the X-ray flux and spectral index for Mrk 478
The X-ray spectrum of Mrk 478 is known to be dominated by a strong soft excess that can be described using relativistic blurred reflection. Using observations from XMM-Newton, AstroSat, and Swift, we show that for the long-term (?years) and intermediate-term (days to months) variability, the reflection fraction is anticorrelated with the flux and spectral index, which implies that the variability is due to the hard X-ray producing corona moving closer to and further from the black hole. Using flux-resolved spectroscopy of the XMM-Newton data, we show that the reflection fraction has the same behaviour with flux and index on short time-scales of hours. The results indicate that both the long- and short-term variability of the source is determined by the same physical mechanism of strong gravitational light bending causing enhanced reflection and low flux as the corona moves closer to the black hole. 2022 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. -
The Impact of Computer-Mediated Communication on Relationships and Social Interactions
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has profoundly changed how we express or connect in the modern world. Various virtual platforms, like Instagram, WhatsApp, and online games, have transformed how we communicate, and there is an overlap between the virtual and the physical world. This reflective study uses a comprehensive literature synthesis to examine the transforming nature of CMC on relationships and socialization patterns. The findings emphasize the importance of a holistic approach to understanding technology in interpersonal communication. Through this study, we attempt to mitigate the potential harms of excessive internet use through digital literacy, reflecting on online interactions and mindfulness in using the medium, especially for school-age children. The main takeaway from this reflective research is that when using technology for communication, one should practice equality and fairness across the board. Both the real and virtual worlds operate on the same principles of similarity and social exchange to create relationships, even though these theories are based on traditional offline relationships. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Deep Learning Enabled Parent Involvement and Its Influence on Student Academic Achievement Analysis
Studying the substantial effect that Deep Learning Enabled Parent Involvement (DLEPI) has on kid academic success. Using a made-up data set and a neural network model, we find that parents' level of involvement, as measured by the Parental Involvement Score (PIS), is positively correlated with their children's academic performance. DLEPI, driven by cutting-edge deep learning algorithms, equips parents with unique insights and suggestions regardless of where they live, therefore promoting educational equality and diversity. This study underlines the potential of technology to reduce performance inequalities and highlights its central role in increasing parental participation. Critical elements for future study include ethical issues, real-world validation, effect evaluations over time, and chances for personalization. This research lays the groundwork for reinventing education in a future where DLEPI improves student outcomes and offers a more inclusive and personalized educational environment. 2024 IEEE. -
Artificial Intelligence Influence on Leadership Styles in Human Resource Management for Employee Engagement
In this work, we investigate how the revolutionary effects of AI on leadership styles in the field of human resource management (HRM) have impacted employee motivation. To investigate the intricate relationship between AI adoption, HR management, and employee morale, we use a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative survey data with qualitative interview results. Both Leadership Style Change (LS-Change) and Employee Engagement (EE) show a statistically significant positive correlation with AI adoption. In the new AI-enabled HRM environment, HR executives are shifting their methods of leadership, adopting more flexible styles, giving workers more autonomy, and improving lines of communication. This research links theory and practice by providing actionable advice to HR managers and business owners. In order to further develop the topic of AI-enhanced HRM, future studies should investigate longitudinal dynamics, cross-industry variances, cultural and ethical issues, cutting-edge AI applications, and employee perspectives. 2024 IEEE. -
Implication of emotional labor, cognitive flexibility, and relational energy among cabin crew: A review
The primary aim of the civil aviation industry is to provide a secured and comfortable service to their customers and clients. This review concentrates on the cabin crew members, who are the frontline employees of the aviation industry and are salaried to smile. The objective of this review article is to analyze the variables of emotional labor, cognitive flexibility, and relational energy using the biopsychosocial model and identify organizational implications among cabin crew. Online databases such as EBSCOhost, JSTOR, Springerlink, and PubMed were used to gather articles for the review. The authors analyzed 17 articles from 2001 to 2016 and presented a comprehensive review. The review presented an integrative approach and suggested a hypothetical model that can prove to be a signitficant contribution to the avaition industry in particular and to research findings of aviation psychology. 2018 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine | Published by Wolters Kluwer-Medknow. -
UAV Security Analysis Framework
This study presents a framework that allows for various types of checks to detect weaknesses in UAV subsystems. The UAV testing process is automated and allows the operator only to select the types of checks or types of structural and functional characteristics that the operator wants to test. To ensure the possibility of automated verification, implemented databases are used, which include a catalog of structural characteristics, threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks. These catalogs are many-to-many related, and thanks to these links, it is possible to identify threats or vulnerabilities specific to a particular structural characteristic. In essence, such an architecture is a knowledge base based on an ontological model. Thanks to this architecture of the system, it is enough for the operator to determine what types of structural characteristics need to be checked and the system will give him information about the vulnerabilities of the UAV. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Analysis of the UAV Flight Logs in Order to Identify Information Security Incidents
The article discusses issues related to the analysis of the UAV flight logs to identify information security incidents that occurred during flights. Existing methods and tools for analyzing logs are described, and sources for obtaining logs are presented. In the main part of the article, first, the parameters important for the analysis are highlighted. The features of analyzing the values in the flight logs for the detection of two types of attacksGPS Spoofing and GPS Jamming are also given. For this purpose, the parameters that are most important for the detection of each of these attacks have been identified, systems of equations have been compiled to analyze these parameters, the calculations of which make it possible to detect the fact of attacks with high efficiency. The paper also presents the developed software that implements a number of functions that allow automating the analysis of flight logs, as well as determining the presence of information security incidents that occurred during the flight. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
A discourse analysis on spiritual text of the weekly supplement "The Speaking Tree" by the Times of India /
This research looks at the creative ways by the Times Group in reviving the dying medium ‘print’ through its weekly supplement ‘the speaking tree’. The goal is to show the relevance of spirituality in the modern society and to educate them on necessity of spirituality in the contemporary times. The researcher has analysed some articles by the spirituality experts published in the supplement vis-a-vis discourse analysis and symbols vis-a-vis semiotics. -
Impact of national income and public expenditure on employment and its public-private sector composition in indian economy
The paper focuses on the analysis of the impact of Gross National Income and Public Expenditure on total employment and its public and private sector components. It also examines the ratios of public and private sector employment to total employment and public sector to private sector employment. Results of summary statistics of employment, public and private sector employment, public expenditure, and gross national income are briefly discussed. Growth of total employment, public and private sector employment, gross national income and public expenditure is examined to determine the direction and magnitudes of inter-temporal changes. Growth trend of all three ratios is determined to detect and to anticipate the interrelations of change. Stationarity of time series of total employment, employment in public and private sectors, gross national income and public expenditure of Indian economy is evaluated by Random Walk Model and Dickey-Fuller test. Results show that the time series data of total, public and private sector employment approximate normal distribution with extremely low skewedness and concentration. The coefficients of variation of all 6 time series data are relatively very low. But the time series of GNI is non-stationary at 0.05 probability level, while time series of public expenditure displays negative trend. Negative change in private sector employment is determined by lagged private sector employment and private income/expenditure. Results of Engel-Granger test of co-integration show the variables to be well co-integrated in the chosen distributed lag models. 2021 DAV College. All rights reserved. -
Preparation, characterization, and electrochemical properties of PEO/PVDF blend films
This paper reports the electrochemical properties of PEO, PEO/PVDF10, and PEO/PVDF30 blend films, The XRD spectra reveal the structural properties of the blend and, FTIR spectra provide the chemical interaction between the blends, and observed FESEM images of PEO/PVDF blend film shows the porous with spherulite grain structure and AFM images gives the surface topology. The thermal stability, melting point, and decomposes of the polymer blend film were examined through TGA, DTA, and DSC. CV curve shows the proper oxidation and redox reaction involved in the blend film, these results provide the prepared polymer blend film is a good candidate for used to the separator in energy storage applications. 2022 Elsevier B.V. -
Spiking neural network with blockchain for tampered image detection using forensic steganography images
Accurate tools are required to acknowledge misleading images in order to maintain image legitimacy, and these tools must allow for legal operations on images. Additionally, after posting their images to the Internet, image owners lose rights over the images because there are no measures in place to safeguard them from misuse. One of the most well-liked techniques for addressing copyright disputes is the use of steganography technologies. The embedded steganography images can, sadly, be easily altered or deleted. To address this problem, this work presents the spiking neural network (SNN) with blockchain for tampered image detection utilizing forensic steganography images. Forensic steganography images that have been altered can be found with this SNN. Using steganography images from the database, SNN is trained in this model. The blockchain stores the owners access policies. The Python platform is used to implement the proposed strategy. F-measure, specificity, accuracy, precision, recall false positive rate (FPR), and false negative rate (FNR) are used to gauge how well the proposed approach performs. When compared to state-of-the-art approaches, the proposed approach obtained an impressive rise of 98.65%, in classification accuracy. 2024 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
"Workplace ostracism, complacency and career plateau impediment in the career path of a dignified clerk"
Learning outcomes: The case study intends to depict the career plateau of an old committed and loyal employee of an organization. The deliberation on the case enables participants to understand the vitality of career planning for employees and organizations. The case helps to develop reflections on workplace ostracism, to arrive at the solutions to address the issues of career planning, to value the experience of the employee and give him a sense of satisfaction. Overall, to understand the importance of career planning for applying HR and OB concepts at the workplace. Case overview/synopsis: It is an account of a real scenario in the automation industry, with slight modifications to hide the identity. The essence of the case study is when a loyal employee is branded as a dignified clerk and gets a feeling of ostracism. The employees makes the organization, terminations because of outdated skills shall be a debatable topic. However, such practices have a profound impact on the other employees who stays in the organization and affect their productivity level. Career adaptability helps to overcome termination issues; adaptability is a psychological process of assisting an individual in coping with the challenges of automation technologies (Zhang Wenguang et al., 2019), it is a process of showing concerns, providing controls, solving curiosity and developing confidence during the transition process. When technologies are implemented the employer needs to address specific challenges access to technology, access to information, provide required skills and competencies to use technology, integrate people, these challenges support the successful implementation of technology (Kettunen and Sampson Jr., 2019). Career planning is a joint effort of employee and employer that sets the development target and path; the process sets demands for both the parties; it places an irreplaceable role for individual growth and corporate strategy (Zhai Meng et al., 2018). The Findings are the frequent review of job analysis and career planning that are critical for the organization's success; if done inappropriately, it would make one's roles obsolete. The critical implications of this case are the essence of career planning and the upskilling of employees. The case is useful for teaching job analysis, career planning concepts. The story is original and explains the transition of an automation industry from labor to capital intensive. The transition to automation makes a loyal employee feel ostracized due to a lack of skill sets. Complexity academic level: Post graduate students studying in business and management and working professional of human resources can use this case. Supplementary materials: Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS 6: Human resource management. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Exploring the consequences of ethical leadership on CSR: a study on the Indian manufacturing industry
Human beings react to their perception, often thinking it is reality. The present study examines perceptions of employees on ethical leadership and its consequences on CSR effectiveness. This study showcases a few ethical behaviours of the leaders that positively persuade their employees to see organisational CSR effectiveness. The study is conducted in the Indian manufacturing sector by capturing the data from 285 employees of the 61 companies that responded. The study comes with significant practical and research implications. The analysis used statistical methods such as exploratory factor analysis and structural equation model (SEM) to test the hypothesis. The study showed that it is essential to hold a positive employer branding via CSR. Practically, this study informs you of the need of the leader to maintain a positive perception among the employees. Research-wise, the study extends the literature on CSR by linking it with employees' ethical leadership perception. Copyright 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Development Mapping: Practical Application Beer and Nigel Roome Model
Toyota is one of the highly appreciated companies for CSR performance in India. The central theme of this research paper is to apply Beers and Nigel Roome model of sustainability to the Japanese automobile manufacturer operating in India. In the first part of analysis, we have discussed the relevance of Beers model to the Toyota CSR activity. In the second part of analysis, we make an effort to take forward the work of Basavaraj et al. (2018) who framed the questionnaire to map the Nigel Roome model to Toyota CSR case. The contribution of this case is to bring the new dimension in data presentation and analysis of Roome theoretical model on weak sustainability versus strong sustainability. The case analysis provides new insights for CSR managers to map their performance pictorially using Tableau software. Finally, we conclude, Toyota follows significant components of cybernetic model. Due to conscious effort of Toyota, India has positioned itself substantially well in the CSR ranking. 2022, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Employer branding on the creation of anticipatory psychological contract
The process of the psychological contract (PC) starts before the employee joins the organisation. The brand of the company remains in the mind of candidates who apply for the job. Considering this relation, this research work is carried out to offer a detailed analysis of the position of employer branding (EB) in the formation of anticipatory psychological contracts (APCs) among millennials. The empirical study was carried out with a sample size of 330 respondents who are studying post-graduation management studies; these students are about to join the corporates. The outcomes of this study show that EB significantly impacts the PC. EB has a strong influence on relational expectations as compared to transactional expectations and employee obligations among potential employees. This paper helps recruitment managers to understand the expectations of potential employees and their beliefs towards their employers during the pre-employment phase. Copyright 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Nonlinear stability analysis of double-diffusive convection in KelvinVoigt fluid with chemical reaction
The influence of Rayleigh friction and chemical reaction on the onset of double-diffusive convection in a NavierStokesVoigt (NSV) fluid layer is investigatedby conducting linear instability and nonlinear stability analyses. The fluid layer is subjected to isothermal conditions and chemical equilibrium at the boundaries. The solubility of the dissolved component exhibits a linear dependency on temperature. The analysis is conducted for two distinct cases: the fluid layer is heated and salted from the bottom (case-1), and the fluid layer is heated from the bottom and salted from the top (case-2). Analytical expressions for the thermal Rayleigh number are obtained for both linear and nonlinear theories, and these expressions depend on KelvinVoigt, Rayleigh friction, solutal Rayleigh, Lewis, Prandtl, and Damkohler numbers. Including the Rayleigh friction term in the NSV fluid model improves the stability of the system and hence instabilityoccurs with less ease. For lower solutal Rayleigh numbers, convection commences in the stationary mode and subsequently transitions to the traveling wave mode occurred in case-1. The Damkohler number plays a significant role in the linear instability thresholds. It is also found that the KelvinVoigt number acts as a stabilizing factor for oscillatory mode convection. The comparison between linear and nonlinear thresholds unveils the region characterized by subcritical instability. 2024 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -
Nonlinear stability analysis of Rayleigh-Bard problem for a Navier-Stokes-Voigt fluid
The linear and nonlinear stability analyses of thermosolutal convection in a non-Newtonian Navier-Stokes-Voigt fluid, considering Soret and Ekman damping effects, are conducted analytically. Instability thresholds are determined for thermosolutal convection within a viscoelastic fluid of the Kelvin-Voigt type, wherein a dissolved salt field exists. Two scenarios are examined: one where the fluid layer is heated from the bottom and concurrently salted from the bottom, and the other where the fluid layer is heated from the bottom and concurrently salted from the top. The governing partial differential equations system includes conservation laws of mass, momentum, energy, and salt concentration. Using the energy method, the disturbances to the fluid system are shown to decay exponentially. Analytical expressions are developed for the eigenvalue as a function of Soret, Lewis, Prandtl, Kelvin-Voigt, and Rayleigh friction numbers. The study illustrates the shift from a stationary mode of convection to an oscillatory mode and provides thresholds that indicate these transitions. It is found that the viscoelastic property of the fluid acts as a stabilizing agent for oscillatory mode convection. Rayleigh friction substantially controls the convection threshold. Upon comparing threshold values between linear and nonlinear theories, a subcritical instability region is observed in the heating bottom-salting bottom case (case-1), whereas such a region is absent in the heating bottom-salting top case (case-2). 2024 Elsevier Ltd -
Lie group analysis of flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid in conedisk systems with Hall current and radiative heat flux
A study of the rheological and heat transport characteristics in conedisk systems finds relevance in many applications such as viscometry, conical diffusers, and medical devices. Therefore, a three-dimensional axisymmetric flow with heat transport of a magnetized nanofluid in a conedisk system subjected to Hall current and thermal radiation effects is investigated. The simplified NavierStokes (NS) equations for the conedisk system given by Sdougos et al. [18] Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 138, 379404 are solved by using the asymptotic expansion method for the four different models, such as rotating cone with static disk (Model I), rotating disk with static cone (Model II), co-rotating cone and disk (Model III), and counter-rotating cone and disk (Model IV). The KhanaferVafaiLightstone (KVL) model along with experimental data-based properties of 37 nm Al2O3H2O nanofluid is considered. To obtain the transformations leading to self-similar equations from the NavierStokes (NS) and energy conservation equations, the Lie group technique is used. The self-similar nonlinear problem is solved numerically to examine the effects of physical parameters. There are critical values of the power exponent at which no heat transport from the disk surface occurs. Nanoparticles significantly enhance heat transport when both the cone and disk rotate in the same or opposite directions. The centrifugal force and thermal radiation improve the heat transport in conedisk systems. 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.