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An Early-Stage Diabetes Symptoms Detection Prototype using Ensemble Learning
Diabetes is one of the most increasing health issues that the whole world is facing. Recent research has shown that diabetes is spreading quickly in India. Having more than 77 million sufferers, India is actually regarded as the diabetes capital of the world. The lifestyle and eating patterns of people who move from rural to urban settings alter, which raises the prevalence of diabetes. Diabetes has been linked to consequences like vision loss, renal failure, nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, foot ulcers, and digestive issues. Diabetes can harm the blood arteries and neurons in a variety of organs. FPG (Flaccid Plasma Glucose) is a popular test that is done to find out whether a person is a diabetic patient or not. However, not all people consistently take medication and neither monitor their blood sugar levels on a regular basis. Early detection of this disease is also an important thing that people usually don't do. Technology these days has emerged a lot in the healthcare zone. Many prototypes have already been made for the detection of diabetes. The prototype discussed in this paper is an ensemble learning approach for the detection of diabetes in a very early stage. Ensemble learning which includes the use of multiple model prediction has been used to make the outcome stronger and more trustworthy. The overall accuracy achieved by the model is 96.54%. XGBoost also records the minimal execution time of 2.77 seconds only. 2023 IEEE. -
An ecology intervention in an English studies programme: Contexts, Complexities and Choices
Over the past few decades, there has been a critical mass gained regarding the need to engage purposefully with Ecology. Unfortunately, this has not provoked any stimulating work within the Humanities and Social Sciences academia. In fact, alongside growing realisations about the necessity to address Ecology, there is a glaring absence of any significant engagement. In response to such a vexing reality, the Department of English at Christ University chose to initiate an Ecological venture within its Honours programme. This paper captures - the vigorous debates it lit up, the tough choices that had to be made, and the promise it offers - that complex journey. 2014 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies (Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore). -
An Econometric Approach Towards Exploring the Impact of Workers Remittances on Inflation: Empirical Evidence from India
This paper attempts to study short and long run impact of increased workers remittances on general price level. It uses the real GDP growth, real effective exchange rate (REER), M3 (broad money), fiscal deficit to gauge the impact of foreign remittances on inflation. The study makes use of VAR/VECM framework to gauge the impact of workers remittances on inflation. Inflation is measured in terms of CPI and WPI, real income or GDP at constant prices is taken as a measure of GDP growth, REER is used for exchange rates and M3 is taken as a proxy for money supply. Monthly data of all these variables has been taken from Bloomberg and World Bank data base. The findings provide important insights into the nature of association between remittances and inflation suggesting causality between inflation, remittances, real GDP, real effective exchange rates and money supply due to increased workers remittances. The findings have policy implications for decisions to channelize workers remittances in a way to increase real GDP growth and money supply while at the same time not causing the general price levels to soar. The present study focuses on how increased (decreased) workers remittances is leading to increase (decrease) in general price levels in India. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
In every competitive enterprise, there has been a resurgence of interest in increasing the quality of products. In this paper, we create new acceptance sampling plans based on truncated life tests for the Marshall-Olkin power Lomax distribution. The minimum sample sizes needed to declare the specified mean life with respect to the newly developed sampling plans are obtained for different values of the model parameters. Besides, the operating characteristic function values, minimum ratios of the true value and the required value of the parameter with a given producer risk are discussed. Moreover, the results are illustrated using numerical examples, and a real data set is considered to illustrate the functioning of the recommended acceptance sampling plans. The result shows that the proposed plan is more adequate compared with other acceptance sampling plans available in the open literature. So, it can be used for industry applications. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60E05, 62E15, 62F10. 2022, Asia Pacific Academic. All rights reserved. -
An Effecient Approach to Detect Fraud Instagram Accounts Using Supervised ML Algorithms
Nowadays social media plays a vital role in different fields including business, economic communication and personal. Many person get profit from the different origins of availability of data from these social media, but cyber-crimes are increasing day by day. A person can generate many fake accounts and hence pretenders can easily be made. Instagram, as one of the popular types of online social media site, carries big information and messages through the posts. Most of the person use Instagram as a digital life marketing place because it is a one of the big social media site. The goal of the research paper is to recognize and stop fake IDs and pages. Because through the professional pages of Instagram, many fake cases and things are occurring present days. So the main thing is to recognize fake pages and fake accounts also. In this paper, we work on various IDs of Instagram. We want to observe an ID is real or not using Machine Learning techniques namely Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Support vector machine, Decision tree, Random Forest. 2022 IEEE. -
An effective analytical method for fractional Brusselator reactiondiffusion system
In recent years, reactiondiffusion models have attracted researchers for their wide applications. In this article, we consider Brusselator reactiondiffusion system (BRDS), which is known for its cross diffusion and pattern formations in biology and chemistry. We derive an analytical solution of the fractional Brusselator reactiondiffusion system (FBRDS) with the help of the initial condition by a novel method, residual power series method (RPSM). The system solution has been analyzed by graph. 2023 John Wiley & Son Ltd. -
An effective Approach for Pneumonia Detection using Convolution Vision Transformer
Early detection of pneumonia in patients through effective medical imaging may enable timely remedial measures and reduce the severity of the infection. There is an increase in cases among new-borns, teenagers and also people with health issues in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic also revealed the major impact pneumonia had on the lungs and the consequences of delayed detection. The presence of the infection in the lungs is examined through images of Chest X-ray, however, for an early diagnosis of the infection, this paper proposes an automated model as a more effective alternative. Convolutional Vision Transformer (CVT) which gives an accuracy of 97.13%, and is a robust combination of Convolution and Vision Transformer (ViT), is suggested in this paper as a potential model to detect pneumonia early in patients. 2022 IEEE. -
An Effective BiLSTM-CRF Based Approach to Predict Student Achievement: An Experimental Evaluation
Currently, massive volumes of data are accumulated in databases when people configure new requirements and services. Data mining techniques and intelligent systems are emerging for managing large amounts of data and extracting actionable insights for policy development. As digital technology has grown, it has naturally become intertwined with e-learning practices. In order to facilitate communication between instructors and a diverse student body located all over the world, distance learning programs rely on Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Colleges can better accommodate their students' individual needs by using and analyzing interaction data that reveals variances in their learning progress. Predicting pupils' success or failure is a breeze with the help of learning analytics tools. Better learning outcomes might be achieved through early prediction leading to swift focused action. Preprocessing, feature selection, and model training are the three components of the proposed method. Data cleansing, data transformation, and data reduction are the preprocessing steps used here. It used a CFS to enable feature selection. This study has used a BiLSTM-CRF hybrid approach to train the model. When compared to tried-and-true techniques like CNN and CRF, the proposed method performs effectively. 2024 IEEE. -
An Effective Deep Learning Classification of Diabetes Based Eye Disease Grades: An Retinal Analysis Approach
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a common misdiagnosis of diabetes mellitus, which damages the retina and impairs eyesight. It can lead to vision impairment if it is not caught early. Tragically, DR is an unbreakable cycle, and treatment only serves to reinforce the perception. Early detection of DR and effective treatment can significantly lower the risk of visual loss. In comparison to PC-aided conclusion frameworks, the manual analysis process used by ophthalmologists to diagnose DR retina fundus images takes a lot of time, effort, and money and is prone to error. As of late, profound learning has become quite possibly the most well-known procedure that has accomplished better execution in numerous areas, particularly in clinical picture examination and classification. Thereby, this paper brings an effective deep learning-based diabetes-based retinography in which the following are the stages: a) Data collection from MESSIDOR which contains 1200 images classified into 4 levels and graded from 03 followed by b) Preprocessing using grayscale normalized data. Then followed by c) feature extraction using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), d) feature selection using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and finally given for e) classification using Densenet 169. Experimental states that the proposed model outperforms and effectively classified grades compared to other state-of-art models (accuracy:0.95, sensitivity:0.96, specificity;0.97). 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
An effective face recognition system based on Cloud based IoT with a deep learning model
As of late, the Internet of Things (IoT) innovation has been utilized in applications, for example, transportation, medical care, video observation, and so on. The quick appropriation and development of IoT in these segments are producing an enormous measure of information. For instance, IoT gadgets, for example, cameras produce various pictures when utilized in medical clinic reconnaissance sees. Here, face acknowledgement is one of the most significant instruments that can be utilized for clinic affirmations, enthusiastic discovery, and identification of patients, location of fake gadgets. patient, and test clinic models. Programmed and shrewd face acknowledgement frameworks are profoundly precise in an overseen climate; notwithstanding, they are less exact in an unmanaged climate. Additionally, frameworks must keep on running on numerous occasions in different applications, for example, insightful wellbeing. This work presents a tree-based profound framework for programmed face acknowledgement in a cloud climate. The inside and out pattern have been proposed to cost less for the PC without focusing on unwavering quality. In the model, the additional size is isolated into a few sections, and a stick is made for each part. The tree is characterized by its branch area and stature. The branches are spoken to by a leftover capacity, which comprises of a twofold layer, a stack game plan, and a non-direct capacity. The proposed technique is assessed in an assortment of generally accessible information bases. An examination of the method is likewise finished with top to bottom craftsmanship models for the eye to eye connection. The aftereffects of the tests indicated that the example was considered to have accomplished a precision of 98.65%, 99.19%, and 95.84%. 2020 -
An Effective Strategy and Mathematical Model to Predict the Sustainable Evolution of the Impact of the Pandemic Lockdown
There have been considerable losses in terms of human and economic resources due to the current coronavirus pandemic. This work, which contributes to the prevention and control of COVID-19, proposes a novel modified epidemiological model that predicts the epidemics evolution over time in India. A mathematical model was proposed to analyze the spread of COVID-19 in India during the lockdowns implemented by the government of India during the first and second waves. What makes this study unique, however, is that it develops a conceptual model with time-dependent characteristics, which is peculiar to Indias diverse and homogeneous societies. The results demonstrate that governmental control policies and suitable public perception of risk in terms of social distancing and public health safety measures are required to control the spread of COVID-19 in India. The results also show that Indias two strict consecutive lockdowns (21 days and 19 days, respectively) successfully helped delay the spread of the disease, buying time to pump up healthcare capacities and management skills during the first wave of COVID-19 in India. In addition, the second waves severe lockdown put a lot of pressure on the sustainability of many Indian cities. Therefore, the data show that timely implementation of government control laws combined with a high risk perception among the Indian population will help to ensure sustainability. The proposed model is an effective strategy for constructing healthy cities and sustainable societies in India, which will help prevent such a crisis in the future. 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
An Effective Time Series Analysis for Equity Market Prediction Using Deep Learning Model
A stock Exchange is a market where securities are traded. Every day, billions are traded at various stock exchanges across the world. In recent years prediction of movement of stock market is regarded as fascinating and has created a demand in financial market time series prediction. A precise forecasting of equity market is needed to provide higher returns for investors. Since there is high complexity in predicting stock market profits, developing models for it becomes difficult. The data mining and machine learning techniques has played an important role in Prediction of stock market movement. This study attempted to develop a deep learning model using Recurrent Neural Network for forecasting movement in the National Stock Exchange of India's benchmark broad based stock market index(NIFTY 50) for the Indian equity market. In this paper the NIFTY 50 index and INFYOSYS Ltd historical data from Yahoo finance companies has been selected for forecasting and analysis. 2019 IEEE. -
An effectuation perspective on the development of global e-commerce among small and medium-sized /
Patent Number: 202211041077, Applicant: Amrita Chaurasia.
E-commerce that spans international borders makes it possible for smaller businesses to more swiftly penetrate many international marketplaces. The purpose of this article is to investigate the ways in which effective market creation influences the international performance of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that are involved in international e-commerce. Using the effectuation theory as a foundation, we propose that businesses can generate demand in foreign markets by developing innovative new ways for customers to interact and engage with them in the digital world. -
An efficient 2-Step DNA symmetric cryptography algorithm based on dynamic data structures
The security of text has become highly demanding in today's fast growing networking world. DNA computing is one of the emerging technologies in the arena of huge data storage and parallel computation. A single gram of DNA holds 5.5 petabytes of data. This leads to the increased risk in data communication. DNA in computers is mapped to human genome. Thus, the sequence of nucleotide base constructs the foundation of uniqueness. In this paper, a new scheme acronymed as -'Cryptography on DNA Storage'-CDS is provided. It performs the DNA data encryption in just two-step by using random private key for each letter in the plaintext and parallel swapping of the resultant text in small clusters. It is discussed keeping the time and space complexity of the algorithm in concern. 2018 Authors. -
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is a system in which attribute are used for user's identity and data owner determine the access policy to the data to be encrypt. Here access policy are attached with the ciphertext. In the form of a monotone Boolean formula monotone access structure, an access policy can be interpreted and a linear secret-sharing scheme (LSSS) can be implemented. In recent CP-ABE schemes, LSSS is a matrix whose row represent attributes and there exist a general algorithm which is proposed by Lewko and Waters it transforms a Boolean formula into corresponding LSSS matrix. But we may want to transform the monotone Boolean formula to an analogous but compressed formula first before applying the algorithm. This is a very complex procedure and require efficient optimization algorithm for obtaining equivalent but smaller size Boolean formula. So in this paper we are introducing an extended LSSS called multi-linear secret-sharing scheme where we can eliminate above optimization algorithm and directly convert any Boolean formula to multi-linear secret-sharing scheme. 2022 Little Lion Scientific. All rights reserved. -
An efficient adaptive reconfigurable routing protocol for optimized data packet distribution in network on chips
The deadlock-free and live lock-free routing at the same time is minimized in the network on chip (NoC) using the proposed adoptive reconfigurable routing protocol (ARRP). Congestion condition emergencies are avoided using the proposed algorithm. The input packet distribution process is improved among all its shortest paths of output points. The performance analysis has been initiated by considering different configuration (N*N) mesh networks, by sending various ranges of data packets to the network on chip. The average and maximum power dissipation of XY, odd-even, Dy-XY algorithm, and proposed algorithm are determined. In this paper, an analysis of gate utilization during data packet transfer in various mesh configurations is carried out. The number of cycles required for each message injection in different mesh configurations is analyzed. The proposed routing algorithm is implemented and compared with conventional algorithms. The simulation has been carried out using reconfigurable two-dimensional mesh for the NoC. The proposed algorithm has been implemented considering array size, the routing operating frequency, link width length, value of probability, and traffic types. The proposed ARRP algorithm reduces the average latency, avoids routing congestion, and is more feasible for NoC compared to conventional methods. 2024 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
An Efficient and Robust Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Securing Smart Healthcare System
The advent of IoT technologies has a tremendous impact on the healthcare sector enabling efficient monitoring of patients and utilizing the data for better analytics. Since every activity related to a patients health is monitored, the focus on smart healthcare applications has significantly transferred from service provision to a security perspective. As most healthcare applications are automated security plays a vital role. The technique of machine learning has been widely used in securing smart healthcare systems. The major challenge is that these applications require high-quality labeled images, which are difficult to acquire from real-time security applications. Further, it highly time-consuming and cost-expensive process. To address these constraints, in this paper, we define an efficient and robust explainable artificial intelligence technique that takes a small quantity of labeled data to train and de-ploy the security countermeasure for targeted healthcare applications. The proposed approach enhances the security measure through the detection of drifting samples with explainability. It is observed that the proposed approach improved accuracy, high fidelity, and explanation measures. Also, this approach is proven to be considerably resistant against numerous security threats. 2023 IEEE. -
An Efficient andOptimized Convolution Neural Network forBrain Tumour Detection
Brain tumour is a life threatening disease and can affect children and adults. This study focuses on classifying MRI scan images of brain into one of 4 classes namely: glioma tumour, meningioma tumour, pituitary tumour and normal brain. Person affected with brain tumours will need treatments such as surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Pretrained Convolution Neural Networks such as VGG19, MobileNet, and AlexNet which have been widely used for image classification using transfer learning. However due to huge storage space requirements these are not effectively deployed on edge devices for creation of robotic devices. Hence a compressed version of these models have been created using Genetic Algorithm algorithm which occupies nearly 3040% of space and also a reduced inference time which is less by around 50% of original model. The accuracy provided by VGG19, AlexNet, MobileNet and Proposed CNN before compression was 92.18%, 89.45%, 93.75% and 96.85% respectively. Similarly the accuracy after compression for VGG19, AlexNet, MobileNet and Proposed CNN was 91.34%, 88.92%, 94.40% and 95.29%. 2023, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
An efficient approach for fractional nonlinear chaotic model with Mittag-Leffler law
In this work, we exemplify the behaviour of the nonlinear model of arbitrary order differential equations by adopting q-homotopy analysis transform method (q-HATM). In the present study, the illustrated scheme is a graceful amalgamation of Laplace transform with q-homotopy analysis algorithm and we considered arbitrary order derivative using Atangana-Baleanu (AB) operator. The suggested nonlinear system exhibits chaotic behaviour in nature with respect to considered initial conditions. Fixed point hypothesis heard present the existence and uniqueness for the attained solution. We exemplified suggested arbitrary order system with to illustrate and confirm the efficiency of the projected solution procedure. Further, the numerical simulation is illustrated and also the chaotic behaviour of the obtained result captured with respect to arbitrary order in terms of plots. The obtained results confirm the projected scheme is highly methodical, easy to implement and very powerful to exemplify the nature of the dynamical system of arbitrary order. 2021 The Author(s) -
An Efficient Approach for Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation in Robots
Reinforcement learning has emerged as a prominent technique for enhancing robot obstacle avoidance capabilities in recent years. This research provides a comprehensive overview of reinforcement learning methods, focusing on Bayesian, static, dynamic policy, Deep Q-Learning (DQN) and extended dynamic policy algorithms. In the context of robot obstacle avoidance, these algorithms enable an agent to interact with its physical environment, learns effective operating strategies, and optimize actions to maximize a reward signal. The environment typically consists of a physical space that the robot must navigate without encountering obstacles. The reward signal serves as an objective measure of the robot's performance towards accomplishing specific goals, such as reaching designated positions or completing tasks. Furthermore, successful obstacle avoidance strategies acquired in simulation environments can be seamlessly transferred to real-world scenarios. The promising results achieved thus far indicate the potential of reinforcement learning as a powerful tool for enhancing robot obstacle avoidance. This research concludes with insights into the future prospects of reward learning, high-lighting its ongoing importance in the development of intelligent robotics systems. The proposed algorithm DQN outperforms well among all the other algorithms with an accuracy of 81%, Through this research, we aim to provide valuable insights and directions for further advancements in the field of robot obstacle avoidance using reinforcement learning techniques. 2023 IEEE.