Patent Number: 201741040903, Applicant: Anwin Varghese.
IT world thrives on quality software products that helps business sustain and grow. These software products help reduce the effort in time & bring in better economic efficiency making these products highly dependable. The challenge of having quality product releases frequently is not quite an easy task as it sounds. To meet this challenge of producing reliable software products, the IT managers & leads need a team of dedicated developers, system programmers, testers along with a highly efficient process in place.
Patent Number: 201741040903, Applicant: Anwin Varghese.
IT world thrives on quality software products that helps business sustain and grow. These software products help reduce the effort in time & bring in better economic efficiency making these products highly dependable. The challenge of having quality product releases frequently is not quite an easy task as it sounds. To meet this challenge of producing reliable software products, the IT managers & leads need a team of dedicated developers, system programmers, testers along with a highly efficient process in place.
Patent Number: 201741040903, Applicant: Anwin Varghese.
IT world thrives on quality software products that helps business sustain and grow. These software products help reduce the effort in time & bring in better economic efficiency making these products highly dependable. The challenge of having quality product releases frequently is not quite an easy task as it sounds. To meet this challenge of producing reliable software products, the IT managers & leads need a team of dedicated developers, system programmers, testers along with a highly efficient process in place.
Patent Number: 201941054190, Applicant: Dr. Arish P.
Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognizer (AVLPR) is used to read license number of a vehicle by itself without direct human control. It is used to track citizens, movements and misidentiflcation of vehicles. Traditional ALVPR is mounted on police cars or on object like road signs and bridges. The challenging tasks in recognizing the license plate numbers in Kannada script are high contrast foreground or background colour, shape of the license plate, location of the plate in the bottom and middle of the vehicle.
Patent Number: 202041005122, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju.
Vitamins are available in abundant quantities in all natural resources. Inadequate intake of vitamins lead to severe abnormalities. Because of the rapid civilization, limited land resources, busy lifestyle and limited awareness, attention on the natural vitamin resources wafted towardsNutraceuticals that are supplemented with synthetic vitamin sources and preservatives. In order to bring awareness about the availability of bioactivevitamins in natural food sources, the current design, VITAWARE-CULS 2020 Kitwas developed.
Patent Number: 202041006858, Applicant: Debanjan Konar.
Human activity detection has gained popularity owing to wide range of applications from! game development to surveillance. Recent development of Deep Pose (Human pose detection using deep neural network) allows extrapolating the skeletal structures and joint sequences of the actors in a video sequence. This work aims to promote the violence-activities of human-being using Deep Pose on multi-person interaction in real-time.
Patent Number: 202041002544, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju.
Rapid urbanization and increase in population have evoked tremendous attention for biofuels production to combat shortage of fuels, environmental concerns, foreign exchange savings and socioeconomic issues. In recent years bioethanol production from agro-industrial wastes acquired a prominent place to fulfil the gap between production and demand.
Patent Number: 202041002544, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju. Rapid urbanization and increase in population have evoked tremendous attention for biofuels production to combat shortage of fuels, environmental concerns, foreign exchange savings and socioeconomic issues. In recent years bioethanol production from agro-industrial wastes acquired a prominent place to fulfil the gap between production and demand.
Patent Number: 202041040245, Applicant: Dr. Ilango Velchamy.
Disclosed is a learning and assessment system and methods that facilitates the visually and speech impaired learners seamless learning in a digital learning environment. People with disabilities often have difficulty in learning independently. Hence, they require assistance. For the visually impaired, the visuals in the digital content which would be in the form of text or image or video is converted into audio signal.
Patent Number: 201941054190, Applicant: Dr. Arish P.
Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognizer (AVLPR) is used to read license number of a vehicle by itself without direct human control. It is used to track citizens, movements and misidentiflcation of vehicles. Traditional ALVPR is mounted on police cars or on object like road signs and bridges. The challenging tasks in recognizing the license plate numbers in Kannada script are high contrast foreground or background colour, shape of the license plate, location of the plate in the bottom and middle of the vehicle.
Patent Number: 202041009633, Applicant: Pramod Kandoth Madathil.
A detachable electronic chalk dust collector consisting of a control unit having dust collecting components, a dusting unit with alternative directional suction, inbuilt collection unit and sensors. An attachable recharging and recycling unit with di-suction
unit and multifunctional ports and sensors.
Patent Number: 201941052225, Applicant: Rajesh R.
Yoke Chess Board is chess board with 8 12 squares of alternative colors of white (light) and black (dark) labelled A to L on bottom side and 1 to 8 on left side. This board is used to play chess for four players comprising of two teams. That is, each team will have two members. The members are designated as main attacker and supporter.
Patent Number: 202041003843, Applicant: Shardul Ajinkya Koli.
There are various diseases that can benefit from targeted drug delivery. Many of these diseases occur in areas like stomach and the intestine. These diseases are hard to cure as there is no way to apply medications directly to the affected area. Some of them are Ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Pancreatitis, Colon cancer, Chrons disease.
Patent Number: 202041003844, Applicant: Rincy T A.
Data compression becomes a vital and pivotal role in the process of computing as it helps in space reduction ocuupied by a file as well as to reduce the time taken to access the file. The present invention relates to a system for compressing and decompressing a UTF-8 encoded stream of data pertaining to Lempel-Viz-welch (LZW) and method of operation thereof.
Patent Number: 202041046897, Applicant: Dr.G Suresh.
The banking industry now is widely using the internet and mobile applications for rendering services to their customers. Customers now use the technology-enabled banking pervasively as it enables them to make self-controlled transactions€”the data collected through crowd-sourcing method, which considered to be the most relevant. The study found that perceived Trust on m-bankers has a direct effect on m-banking user behavioural intention.
Patent Number: 201941016219, Applicant: Saji Varghese.
The embodiments herein relate to a bio-degradable food handling device (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60) for use as at least one of a drinking straw, a stirrer, a chopstick, a balloon stick and a candy stick. Further, embodiments herein relate to systems (100) and methods (200, 300) of making the bio-degradable food handling devices (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60).
Patent Number: 202041033794, Applicant: E Immanuvel Bright.
In this current scenario, the traffic solutions for public transport are used in many countries and can be adapted and implemented on vehicles that are used for two wheelers. The aim of this innovation system is to avoid triples riding in two wheelers. Intelligent speed control and over speed control is currently used in our country. But traffic police are controlling only over speed in certain areas only.
Many accidents are created on triples riding and over speeding in two wheelers.
Patent Number: 202041006860, Applicant: Nabil Hossincy.
This device is conceived and will be developed with a primary objective to avoid head on collisions on curved undivided rural highways. Till date, device-to device communication and device-to-human communication as a complete mechanism to avoid head-on-collisions has never been devised. Even though, there are studies and inventions related to highway safety and roadway accident
Patent Number: 202041047576, Applicant: Dr. Sunanda Dixit.
System alarms on detection of Trespassers in agriculture fields .The system will receive data of trespassers with the help of camera, weight sensors & RFID Tags of employees of filed, the data upon processing will alert the alarm on detection of trespassers if any.
Patent Number: 202041040245, Applicant: Dr. Ilango Velchamy.
Disclosed is a learning and assessment system and methods that facilitates the visually and speech impaired learners seamless learning in a digital learning environment.