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Comparative Study of Graph Theory for Network System
The historical background of how graph theory emerged into world and gradually gained importance in different fields of study is very well stated in many books and articles. Some of the most important applications of graph theory can be seen in the field network theory. Its significance can be seen in some of the complex network systems in the field of biological system, ecological system, social systems as well as technological systems. In this paper, the basic concepts of graph theory in terms of network theory have been provided. The various network models like star network model, ring network model, and mesh network model have been presented along with their graphical representation. We have tried to establish the link between the models with the existing concepts in graph theory. Also, many application-based examples that links graph theory with network theory have been looked upon. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Traffic Management in Forest and Ecosystem Conservation. A Study on NH 766 Through Bandipore National Park and Proposing a Traffic Management Plan with Alternate Route Consideration
Transportation network is inevitable in the developing world. In India where we have a rich forest cover, many of the roads are passing through eco-sensitive areas such as national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. There are issues being reported due to these roads passing through the eco-sensitive areas such as animal deaths due to road accidents, loss of habitats, fragmentation of ecosystems, and loss of forest cover. The CalicutKollegal national highway, NH766 is passing through Bandipore national park on the stretch which connects Sultan Bathery and Gundelpette. Recently, a conflict had risen between environmental activists and the public for imposing a complete traffic ban along the NH766 passing through the Bandipore NP. A baseline study had conducted on the NH766, and the impact of the same on the ecosystem existing is analyzed through the data collected. A network analysis is performed on the alternate route available for bypassing the traffic. Traffic management plan and policies are derived out of the analysis on the baseline data collected and the inferences drawn from the network analysis performed on the alternate routes. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Systematic Review of AI Privileges to Combat Widen Threat of Flavivirus
In order to prevent the extraordinary spread of sickness caused by Flavivirus, the healthcare business as well as public health are working tirelessly. Individual lives have been affected, but mosquito-infested public locations have made a considerable influence on the general publics health. Site adaptability, climate change, and inadequate healthcare services and surveillance all contribute to the spread of the virus. The potential dangers of this virus, on the other hand, have been uncovered through extensive and ongoing research in the healthcare business. Modern healthcare facilities may benefit from the reasoning capabilities and ever-evolving analysis techniques provided by artificial intelligence. More conclusive findings have been demonstrated in the realm of AI applications in healthcare domains such as cancer, neurology, and cardiology. A number of research works have justified the use of AI-oriented algorithms for intelligently handling unstructured and huge healthcare data. When it comes to using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify, forecast, diagnose, and treat disease using data from public health and biological databases, the current effort aims to undertake an extensive examination. There may be issues in integrating assistive technology into the current healthcare system, as well. Because of this review, we hope that by merging AI research with clinical and public health specialists, critical knowledge may be extracted from data in order to unchain the relevant information of Flavivirus disease from its chains. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Ethical, Legal Challenges and Changes in Economy and Business
Artificial intelligence (AI) and global governance are an inclusive platform to discover the policy challenges worldwide augmented by artificial intelligence. The platform has three predominant subjects: AI and the global order, governance of AI, insights on the platform consider for mapping of AI futures. AI has great impact in revolution of geopolitical order and the reaction of multifaceted organizations which minimize AI risks and unpremeditated significances and its social aids are maximized through governance structures. It focusses on setups, collaborations, and tensions between different actors responsible for plan, deployment, support and governance of AI. AI improves the benefit for human well-being, productivity, social good, and safety with substantial risks for workers, developers, firms, and governments. The actors and organization begin to realize the ethical, legal, and regulatory challenges associated with AI. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Brief Review on the Role of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
Blockchain is a proficient technology when used in combination with other intelligent technologies which gives an opportunity to an organization to rethink about improvement of their supply chain internal and external processes. It helps in improvement of transparency and provenance by removing shortfalls and building a better organizational control overall. However, blockchain faces numerous challenges, e.g., transaction speed, decentralization, scalability, interoperability, and lack of standardization that could affect its adoption across organizations. However, a greater number of research are required to overcome the governance, standardization, and technological challenges involved within. Concisely, blockchain in supply chain is still in initial phase, many improvements are needed for better adaptation of blockchain using Machine Learning, Neural Network algorithms to make optimized computation decision of blockchain framework. In this paper, we studied and discussed about blockchain and its type, consensus mechanism, blockchain in supply chain, key issues of blockchain and supply chain and intelligence in blockchain. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Machine Learning Methods to Identify Aggressive Behavior in Social Media
With the more usage of Internet and online social media, platforms creep with lot of cybercrimes. Texts in the online platforms and chat rooms are aggressive. In few instances, people target and humiliate them with the text. It affects victim mental health. Therefore, there is a need of detecting the abuse words in the text. In this paper, a study of machine learning methods is done to identify the aggressive behavior. Accuracy can be improved by incorporating additional features. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Sentiment Analysis of Stress Among the Students Amidst the Covid Pandemic Using Global Tweets
Covid-19 pandemic has affected the lives of people across the globe. People belonging to all the sectors of the society have faced a lot of challenges. Strict measures like lockdown and social distancing have been imposed several times by governments throughout the world. Universities had to incorporate the online method of teaching instead of the regular offline classes to implement social distancing. Online classes were beneficial to most of the students; at the same time, there were many difficulties faced by the students due to lack of facilities to attend classes online. Students faced a lot of challenges, and a sense of anxiety was prevalent during the uncertain times of the pandemic. This research article analyzes the stress among students considering the tweets across the globe related to students stress. The algorithms considered for classification of tweets as positive or negative are support vector machine (SVM), bidirectional encoder representation from transformers (BERT), and long short-term memory (LSTM). The accuracy of the abovementioned algorithms is compared. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Teaching Learning-Based Optimization with Learning EnthusiasmMechanism for Optimal Control of PV Inverters in Utility Grids for Techno-Economic Goals
This study presents the optimal placement and operation of distributed generation (DG) sources in a distribution system embedded with utility-owned DG sources. Cost minimization and technical improvement of the network are the key objectives of the distribution company (DisCo). With the increasing popularity for renewable energy sources, DisCos are installing their own DGs to fulfill their electricity demand partially. When DisCos are the DG owners, the technical and economic considerations overlap. A novel method is proposed in this paper based on the recent variant of the teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm and learning enthusiasm-based TLBO (LebTLBO) to optimize locations, sizes, and operational power factors of DGs in a distribution system with DisCo-owned DGs. A multi-objective function to improve voltage stability, reduce distribution losses, and reduce energy costs has been considered for solving the problem. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Low temperature synthesis of MoO3 nanoparticles by hydrothermal method: Investigation on their structural and optical properties
Molybdenum trioxide nanoparticles have recently achieved notable attention in optoelectronic and biomedical applications by virtue of their excellent structural, optical, electrical, and catalytic characteristics. The work presented here demonstrates the synthesis of orthorhombic MoO3 through the facile hydrothermal method at low temperature. Structural and optical characterization of the prepared sample was examined. XRD studies and Raman spectroscopy were carried out to study the structural behavior of the sample. The XRD peaks were concordant with the standard peaks of MoO3, which corresponds to the orthorhombic structure of MoO3. Micro-strain effects were also verified by the W-H method using UDM, UDEDM, and USDM. Raman spectroscopic data ascertained the orthorhombic phase of MoO3. From Tauc plot, a wide bandgap value (4.9 eV) was evaluated. In photoluminescence spectroscopy, peaks are related to the transition among the sub-bands of Mo5+ defects. Being a wide bandgap oxide semiconductor, MoO3 is a promising and worthy material for luminescence applications. 2022 -
A Shortest Path Problem for Drug Delivery Using Domination and Eccentricity
The concept of domination was first introduced in by Ore in 1962. With this, the study of domination gained importance and has been vigorously studied since then. The idea about eccentricity for vertices in a graph was given by Buckley and Harary in 1990. This paper combined the ideas about domination and eccentricity and provides the observation obtained during the study. Most of the basic ideas about domination and eccentricity has been covered and also a comparative study between these two has been stated along with problem of drug transportation through networks. These ideas can be further used to solve the real-world problems which uses concepts of domination and eccentricity like for example drug delivery game theory problems, routing problem, assignment problem and many more. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Improvised Model for Estimation of Cable Bending Stiffness Under Various Slip Regimes
It is well known that the bending response of a stranded cable varies between two extremes, known as a monolithic stickslip state and a completely frictionless loose wire state. While the monolithic state offers the maximum stiffness for the cable, the latter loose wire assembly results in minimum stiffness. The estimation of the actual behavior of the cable under any loading scenario demands a proper modeling that accounts for the interaction of the constituent wires in the intermittent slip stages. During loading, the wires are not only subjected to forces along their axes but are considerably acted upon with radial forces that cause clenching effect. Major research works have focused on the frictional resistance of these radial forces from the Coulomb hypothesis, which contributes to the macro slip phenomenon. As the effect of these radial clenching forces are also significant in causing high contact stresses between wires at the adjacent layers, the need for considering the micro slip at these locations is also vital in the evaluation of the net cable stiffness. In this paper, a novel model is proposed that considers the slip caused by the Coulomb friction hypothesis and the micro slip caused by the Hertzian contact friction for the evaluation of bending stiffness. The variation of the bending stiffness has been evaluated for a single-layered cable as a function of bending curvature at various locations by studying their slip regimes. The predicted results are compared with the published results to establish the refined combined slip hypothesis suggested in this paper. The suggested slip model in this paper has also been accounted with the improvised kinematic relations that consider the wire stretch effect, a parameter that has been neglected in this cable research till date. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Review of the Detection of Pulmonary Embolism from Computed Tomography Images Using Deep Learning Methods
Medical imaging has been evolving at a steady pace generating enormous amounts of health data, and the use of deep learning (DL) has helped a great deal in processing the detailed data. Deep learning-based methods are used in different medical imaging tasks to detect and diagnose diseases. For example, medical imaging is used to diagnose pulmonary embolism (PE), a commonly occurring cardiovascular disease with high mortality and prevalence and a low diagnosis rate. According to medical experts, PE has resulted in many deaths because of missed diagnoses for the medical condition. Another critical aspect of the disease is the possibility of permanent lung damage if left untreated. The use of deep learning methods in medical imaging is attributed to their ability to use learning-based methods to process enormous amounts of data. However, there are some unique challenges in the detection of PE. PE is not specific in its clinical presentation and is easily ignored, making it difficult to diagnose. Deep learning-based detection methods help a great deal in the disease detection in miniature sub-branches of the alveoli, and images with noisy artifacts easily compared to manual diagnosis. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Effect of pH on the structural and optical properties of cobalt oxide nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal method
The paper focuses on the synthesis and characterization of cobalt oxide nanoparticles synthesized under different alkaline pH of the precursor solution by hydrothermal method. Cubic spinel Co3O4 crystallites were observed by X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) and Raman spectrum. The crystallite size decreases as the pH value increases. The absorption spectrum exhibited two broad bands which are in good agreement with the cobalt oxide band structure. The change in bandgap was observed with pH of the precursor solution in agreement with size effects. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra consist of a broad emission with different peaks which are due to point defects. 2022 -
Thickness dependent tungsten trioxide thin films deposited using DC magnetron sputtering for electrochromic applications
DC magnetron sputtering was used to grow tungsten oxide (WO3) thin films on FTO and corning substrates. SEM, XRD, Electrochemical Analyzer, and UVVis Spectrometer were used to analyze surface morphology, structural properties, electrochromic characteristics, and optical characteristics. At an 800 nm wavelength, a decrease in thin-film thickness increased optical transmittance from 87 % to 95 %. Furthermore, coloring efficiency was observed to vary with the thickness of thin films for both 500 nm and 375 nm are 10.34 cm2 C-1 to 18.57 cm2 C-1. In comparison to the high-thickness thin film, the lesser-thickness deposited nano-thin film has a higher diffusion coefficient. At 8 10-4 mbar partial pressure, the diffusion coefficients for the smaller and the high-thickness thin film are 7.28x10-14 cm2s?1 and 6.0x10-14 cm2s?1, respectively. The diffusion coefficient and coloring efficiency have been found to have a considerable influence on the thickness and surface-to-volume ratio, which could be important in electrochromic applications. 2022 -
Fractional ReactionDiffusion Model: An Efficient Computational Technique for Nonlinear Time-Fractional Schnakenberg Model
In this article, the q-homotopy analysis transform method (q-HATM) is committed to finding the solutions and analyzing the gathered results for the nonlinear fractional-order reactiondiffusion systems such as the fractional Schnakenberg model. These models are well known for the modelling of morphogen in developmental biology. The efficiency and reliability of the q-HATM, which is the proper mixture of Laplace transform and q-HAM, always keep it in a better position in comparison with many other analytical techniques. By choosing a precise value for the auxiliary parameter ?, one can modify the region of convergence of the series solution. In the current framework, the investigation of the Schnakenberg models is implemented with exciting results. The acquired results guarantee that the considered method is very satisfying and scrutinizes the complex nonlinear issues that arise in the arena of science and technology. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Integrated Health Care Delivery and Telemedicine: Existing Legal Impediments in India
The technological innovation in the healthcare sector has contributed to the growth of telemedicine in India. Health services fall under State responsibility as per the Indian Constitution by virtue of Schedule 7although policy and planning framework are under the scope of Central government. Telemedicine cannot not work as an autonomous service, rather, ought to be subjected to different regulations having complex ethical, medico-legal manifestations. As far as India is concerned, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India (MoHFW) is the body responsible for initiating the policy of digitization of healthcare. However the point ishow far digital health services going appropriately in India. Based on NDHBs comprehensive architectural framework of Federated National Health Information System in January 2020 and as the pandemic strategy Medical Council of India and the NITI Aayog released new guidelines on telemedicine with respect to registered medical practitioners, this research needed to be checked. Thus, the examination was done in these aspects. Guidelines were revisited to see how the hospitals in Delhi and NOIDA function based on the records submitted in medical consultation given to patients using telemedicine. It is felt that telemedicine being a nebulous concept in India, it needs to be analyzed in the light of prospective opportunities it would offer. There is a need for collaborative approaches on digital health, revision in the prevailing legal and ethical frameworks, the clinical practices corresponding to standing medical guidelines. Also, it is found that there exist no uniform telemedicine practices balancing the privacy norms, medico-legal responsibility and regulatory standards. To arrive at conclusion, the best practices prevailed in other countries are examined and adopted. It is felt that the policies existing in telemedicine need to be bifurcated as digital consultation, digital photography, remote patient monitoring (RPM) separately. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Potential Review on Self-healing Material Bacterial Concrete Methods and Its Benefits
Building plays an important role for survival of human being in a safe place to live and store basic requirements. The building can be constructed for any purpose and the architecture of each building (official, residential) differs according to the plan. Beyond the plan for a building, it is also significant in designing plans for the construction of bridges, dams, canals, etc. In all the construction, the key goal is the strength of a building which completely depends on the materials that are chosen for each work. Hence, it is essential to prefer high quality materials for the construction of a building and the major materials are such as cement, concrete, steel, bricks, and sand. Among these materials, the concrete is often used for construction which enables to harden the building by combining cement, sand, and water. The concrete looks like a paste that reinforce to prolong life of the building. In this paper, we discuss a review on the use of bacteria in concrete that has the ability of self-healing cracks in the building. The procedural process behind the activation and reaction of bacteria into concrete is studied with the benefits of this process. This bacterial concrete usage assures to enhance the property of durability and but still it is yet to be introduced in the industries. Hereby, we review the recent research works undergone in concrete using bacteria. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Modeling the Intention to Use AI Healthcare Chabots in the Indian Context
Covid-19 has accelerated the need and use of artificial Intelligence-based healthcare Chabots. Penetration of the internet, smartphone, computational capability and machine learning technology brings healthcare services close to the patients. The penetration of AI healthcare Chatbot technology worldwide is on the rise. However, the healthcare ecosystem in India is unique and poses challenges in the adoption of healthcare chatbots. The demographic characteristics, economic conditions, diversity, belief systems on health-seeking, and alternative medical practices play a role in accepting and using chatbots. In this study, we attempt to model the factors influencing the intention and the purpose of using the chatbot. Through a literature review, we identify the variables related to the adoption of healthcare chatbots. We then focus on the more relevant concepts to the Indian context and develop a conceptual model. Through cases and literature, we frame the propositions of the study. We look at the awareness of chatbot features, perception towards the chatbot, trust and mistrust of the healthcare system, the doctors and the chatbots, health-seeking behavior, and the belief in traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine prevalent in India. This study contributes by developing an initial conceptual model for healthcare chatbots adoption in the Indian context. In the future, we plan to operationalize the study and test the propositions through an elaborate survey to validate the model empirically. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Evaluation of Maximum Bending Stiffness of Stranded Cables with Refined Kinematic Relations
The mechanical response of a helically stranded cable depends on the effective stiffness offered by the collective assembly of its constituent wires. This can vary between two extreme conditions, namely a monolithic state, also known as the stickslip state, wherein all the wires in the cable behave as a single unit with no relative movements among themselves, offering the maximum stiffness for the cable. In the other extreme condition, all the wires are free to move among themselves, with no frictional holding among them, thus offering the minimum stiffness. This paper reviews the various mathematical models that are available for the estimation of maximum bending stiffness and brings out the need for considering a vital parameter known as the wire stretch effect that has been neglected by many authors till date. The consequent fundamental changes that occur in the basic kinematic relations are brought out and refined expressions for the internal wire forces and moments are established for the first time in the coupled axial-bending analysis. Further, the shear displacement of the wire due to the stretch has also been included in the wire normal and binormal shear forces. A single-layered cable with core-wire contact has been considered for analysis and the numerical results are evaluated with these new inclusions and are compared with the published results. It is hoped that the refined model suggested in this paper for the accurate estimation of the maximum stiffness, will pave way for more reasonable cable analysis in the subsequent slip stages. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Stability Analysis ofSalt Fingers forDifferent Non-uniform Temperature Profiles inaMicropolar Liquid
This paper describes the linear stability analysis of salt finger convection for different non-uniform temperature profiles by keeping the solutal concentration uniform throughout the system. The system consists of two parallel plates separated by a thin layer of micropolar liquid with infinite length, in which the system is heated and soluted from above the plate. Normal mode techniques are used to convert the system of partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations; further, Galerkian method is introduced to get the eigenvalue for isothermal, permeable with no-spin boundary conditions. The study also explains the effect of different micropolar parameters on the onset of convection. The phase of temperature flow for different boundary conditions explains the graphical solution of the energy equation and its gradients. It is shown that non-uniform temperature profiles, diffusivity ratio, coupling parameter, and solutal Rayleigh number influence the stability of the system. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.