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Applicability of Search Engine Optimization for WordPress (WP) Website
91 percent of online experiences begin with a search, according to the Content Marketing Institute. That is the hunt for an explanation. As a result, search marketing is a critical practice for any businesses looking to grow and improve. Marketers and clients that paid for adverts began researching SEO and SEM at that time. This pursuit plans to give knowledge into the paid and unpaid procedures of search engine marketing (SEM) and what falls under its umbrella including search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click (PPC). So in this exploration work, we feel the most ideal approach to utilize a web search tool SEM, is such a method of Internet showcasing that incorporates the utilization of web crawler result pages to advance business sites. SEM was earlier used as a protective gadget for anything to be done with the online search marketing field and it was girdled along with SEO. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Parametric Study on Compaction Characteristics of Clay Sand Mixtures
The behaviour of fine-grained soils can be attributed to their mineral composition and the amount of fines present in them. The present study aims to determine the effect of mineral composition and quantity of fines on the Atterberg limits and compaction characteristics and to determine the correlation between them. Two types of fine-grained artificial soil mixtures were prepared in the laboratory representing kaolinitic and montmorillonitic mineral compositions.The amount of fines was varied at 10% intervals, from 50 to 100%. The Atterberg limits like liquid limit, plastic limit, shrinkage limit, and compaction characteristics like maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) for two compaction energy levels, i.e. standard proctor (SP) and modified proctor (MP) tests, were determined. The correlations were developed between percentage fines and Atterberg limits and similarly between percentage fines, Atterberg limits, and compaction characteristics for artificial mix proportions. The developed correlations were used to predict the properties of natural soil samples, and the predicted and actual values are compared. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Dynamic response of parabolic reflector antenna subjected to shock load and base excitation considering soil-structure interaction
Parabolic reflector antenna structures are subjected to dynamic loads along with normal loads. Determining the dynamic response of the antenna structure subjected to short-duration loads such as earthquake loads and shock loads considering soil-structure interaction is very important to ensure the safety and functionality of the antenna system resting on soft soil. A 7.2m diameter parabolic reflector antenna with a 90-degree elevation orientation is considered for the study. A triangular pulse of shock load is applied to the antenna at different locations and responses are estimated to understand the coupling effect of soil and structure on frequencies, damping, and response. Transient response analysis is carried out. Earthquake analysis is also carried out as per IS 1893 part 4:2016 considering Zone V site location. The foundation soil below the antenna is considered homogeneous with shear wave velocity (Vs) of 100m/sec. A direct method of analysis considering soil-structure interaction as per ASCE 4-16 is performed. FEM software MSC NASTRAN is used for analysis. The absorbing boundary conditions are used to reflect radiation damping. The depth-wise stress variation in foundation soil is evaluated. The results of free vibration analysis, transient response analysis with fixed base and SSI are compared. 2022 the Author(s). -
Machine Learning based Plant Disease Identification by using Hybrid Nae Bayes with Decision Tree Algorithm
Artificial intelligence or machine learning as a domain started as a distinct domain marketplace for enthusiasts. Over an extended period of time, this has evolved into an industry with boundless potential. This is the focal point of a plethora of technologies like real-time analytics, deep learning in computer science. It's inherent to various customer needs such as fault detection, home automation, health monitoring devices as well as appliances, and multiple RPM devices Artificial intelligence which has been tested and trained to recognize and determine a plethora of flaws and inaccuracies. This could be intriguing procedures in day-to-day applications. An unimaginable number of prediction models, packages, libraries as well as sensors are utilized to sieve through flaws with the aid of mobile app development and other multispectral sensors. These trendy devices have become ever present and a part of our extensive routine. The demand for dependable and efficient algorithms is satisfied while implementing these devices. The objective primarily dictates emphasis on the prediction of plant diseases in the agricultural arena in reality by providing aid in the field of agriculture, and industry. In this case, the device incorporates a database which stores and keeps track of previously detected flaws or defects. In addition, the history of detected plant infections is maintained in an online repository. This can help with the forecast of the defects within the gadgets that are to be enhanced. Furthermore, the suggested approach of this text inculcates the invigilation of every leaf in the plant via machine learning model. Hence, this approach of implementation limits interaction of humans with the interface and it detects disease ridden plants efficiently with accuracy. The plant disease identification problem is to solve the proposed hybrid Nae Bayes with Decision Tree algorithm. The proposed model provides higher accuracy level compare to the regular model. 2023 IEEE. -
Hunter Prey Optimization for Optimal Allocation of Photovoltaic Units in Radial Distribution System for Real Power Loss and Voltage Stability Optimization
Renewable Energy (RE) based Distribution Generation (DG), is a widely accepted eco-friendly alternative to conventional energy production. On the basic note, a DG is used to provide a part of or all of a customers real power demand and/or as a standby supply, and of all various existing types of DG technologies, Photovoltaic (PV) type distribution generation is considered for the study. The location of distributed generation is defined as the installation and operation of electric power generation modules connected directly to the distribution network or the network on the customer side of the meter, hence signifying the optimal location and size of the DGs used. This paper proposes a new algorithm of Hunter-Prey Optimization (HPO) to determine the optimal allocation of PV integration in the radial distribution systems (RDS). HPO is a new population-based algorithm inspired by the hunting behavior of a carnivore. The optimal sizing and siting of the PVs are determined by the proposed algorithm of HPO and are tested in MATLABR2021b on standard IEEE-33 and 69 test bus systems. On the basic of comparative study with literature, HPO is performed efficiently for solving multi-variable complex optimization problem. Also, the performance of RDSs is significantly improved with optimal PV allocations. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
An Efficient Machine Learning Approach: Analysis of Supervised Machine Learning Methods to Forecast the Diamond Price
Diamond, a found natural process compound of carbon, is one of the hardest and most immensely expensive material known to men, especially more to women. Investments in expensive gems like diamonds are in significant demand. The rate of a diamond, nevertheless, is not as easily calculated as the value of either gold or platinum since so many factors must be taken into account. Because there is such a broad range of diamond dimensions and qualities; as a result, being able to make reliable price predictions is crucial for the diamond industry. Although, making accurate predictions is challenging. In this study, we implemented multiple machine learning techniques employed to the challenge of diamond price forecasting's such as Linear Regression, Random Forest, Decision Tree Random Forest, Cat-Boost Regressor and XGB Regressor. This article's goal is to develop an accurate model for estimating diamond prices based on its characteristics such as weighting factor, cut grade, and dimensions. We compared the sum of estimated values and test values of predicted values with overestimated, underestimated and exact estimations. We applied cross-validation to calculate how much the model deviates from the actual when faced with a difference between the training set and the test set. We predicted values side by side. We performed a comparative analysis of supervised machine learning models with other models to evaluate the model accuracy and performance metrics. The Study's experimental findings show that out of all the supervised machine learning models, Random Forest performs well with R2score and Low RMSE and MAE values and CV Score. 2023 IEEE. -
Experimental Investigations on Turbine-Generator Shaft Under Subsynchronous Resonance
Energy exchange takes place between turbine and generator in the power system during subsynchronous resonance (SSR) which leads to torsional interaction between the shafts. Resonance in the power system is caused by the series capacitors connected to the transmission line. This paper aims to present an electromechanical approach to analyse and interpret subsynchronous resonance using the Finite element method. Subsynchronous resonance is introduced in two test rigs consisting of turbine, generator, shaft, and coupler with capacitors. Experiments and simulations (torque analysis and frequency response analysis) are conducted in test rigs and ANSYS workbench 16.0. Moreover, a spring damper is modelled to improve the stability of the shaft. From the results, it is clear that mechanical stress is increased when capacitors are connected to the test rig. A spring damper is installed at the point where the deformation is high. The damper reduced the stress and the vibration. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Review of Deep Learning Methods in Cervical Cancer Detection
Cervical cancer is one of the most widespread and lethal malignancy that affects women aged 25 to 55 across the globe. Early detection of cervical cancer reduces burden of living and mortality drastically. Cervical cancer is caused through human papillomavirus transmitted sexually. Since the hereditary aspect is absent in cervical cancer, it can be cured completely if diagnosed early. Cervix cell image analysis is gold standard for classifying cervical cancer. Also known as pap smear, this histopathological test can provide dependable, and accurate diagnostic support. The current study examines the most recent research breakthroughs in deep learning models to classify cervical cancer. Three benchmark datasets are comprehensively described. Selective key classification models were implemented and comparative analysis was conducted on their performance. The findings of this study will allow researchers, publishers, and professionals to examine developing research patterns. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
SemKnowNews: A Semantically Inclined Knowledge Driven Approach for Multi-source Aggregation and Recommendation of News with a Focus on Personalization
The availability of digital devices has increased throughout the world exponentially owing to which the average reader has shifted from offline media to online sources. There are a lot of online sources which aggregate and provide news from various outlets but due to the abundance of content there is an overload to the user. Personalization is therefore necessary to deliver interesting content to the user and alleviate excessive information. In this paper, we propose a novel semantically inclined knowledge driven approach for multi-source aggregation and recommendation of news with a focus on personalization to address the aforementioned issues. The proposed approach surpasses the existing work and yields an accuracy of 96.62% 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Gender Identification of Silkworm Pupa and Automated Cocoon Cutting Machine for Benefiting the Sericulture Grainages in Karnataka
Sericulture is the backbone of a mediocre farmer family in India. Sericulture provides a major financial support to the farmers with minimum infrastructure and maintenance. Farmers collect the seed cocoons from the grainages also known as seed factories. Grainages produce high quality seeds by mating the male and female cocoons. There is a huge demand of labor in these seed factories to process cocoons. The process includes deflossing, removal of pupa from the cocoon, gender identification, mating, storage of seeds, dispersal of eggs to farmers. Removal of pupa from the cocoon requires the labor to cut open a small portion of the cocoon and remove the pupa from inside. Presently in India, most of the grainages induce female laborers to perform the above job. Pupa is removed from the cocoon by cutting the cocoon using a stainless-steel blade. Each labour is given certain amount of cocoons to cut in a day. This requirement would force the laborers to perform the job at a higher speed which poses a threat of getting wounded by the blade. Hence the process of removal of pupa from the cocoon and sex identification of pupa to be automated. Thereby it is important to automate the possible processes in the grainages which could reduce human intervention and increase productivity. Bivoltaine hybrid race of silkworm namely FC1 and FC2 are the varieties under consideration for the research. Theses silkworm varieties are majorly used in grainages for seed production and hence the proposed machine was introduced. This semi automated cocoon cutting machine identifies the gender of the cocoon and later cut the required amount of cocoons minimally. This process would help in maintaining the maximum reliability of silk thread. Thereby the silkworm gender identification has to be non destructive. Image classification were done using Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Visual Geometry Group 16 (VGG16) and Efficient net methods, among which the latter produced highest accuracy. The Efficient Net method has produced the validation accuracy of 98.99% for FC1 and 99.9 for FC2 variety. An automated cocoon cutting machine was developed to cut open the cocoons at a high speed. It is important to automate the possible processes in the grainages which could reduce human intervention and increase productivity. This paper focuses on automating the gender identification and removal of the pupa from the cocoon. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Optimal Shortest Path Routing over Wireless Sensor Networks Using Constrained Genetic Firefly Optimization Algorithm
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), a large number of sensor nodes are placed over a specific area in any real-life application. The sensor node is small, with limited battery life, memory, and computing capacity. Due to the limited power of the battery, WSNs must expand the system life by minimizing the energy usage. In the existing system, the methods have limitations related to optimal shortest routing path, node energy consumption, network reconfiguration, and so on. In order to overcome these issues, aConstrained Genetic FireFly Optimization Algorithm (CGFFOA) is proposed. The CGFFOA algorithm is designed to select the best shortest path routing through the selection of Cluster Head (CH) nodes based on the better energy utilization, delay, and high throughput sensor nodes. It is used to optimize the routing path based on the energy, hop count, inter and intra cluster delay, and lifetime. The simulation findings therefore conclude that, with regard to reduced energy consumption, higher throughput, and lower end-to-end delay, the proposed CGFFOA algorithm is preferable to existing methods such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
An Effective Deep Learning Classification of Diabetes Based Eye Disease Grades: An Retinal Analysis Approach
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a common misdiagnosis of diabetes mellitus, which damages the retina and impairs eyesight. It can lead to vision impairment if it is not caught early. Tragically, DR is an unbreakable cycle, and treatment only serves to reinforce the perception. Early detection of DR and effective treatment can significantly lower the risk of visual loss. In comparison to PC-aided conclusion frameworks, the manual analysis process used by ophthalmologists to diagnose DR retina fundus images takes a lot of time, effort, and money and is prone to error. As of late, profound learning has become quite possibly the most well-known procedure that has accomplished better execution in numerous areas, particularly in clinical picture examination and classification. Thereby, this paper brings an effective deep learning-based diabetes-based retinography in which the following are the stages: a) Data collection from MESSIDOR which contains 1200 images classified into 4 levels and graded from 03 followed by b) Preprocessing using grayscale normalized data. Then followed by c) feature extraction using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), d) feature selection using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and finally given for e) classification using Densenet 169. Experimental states that the proposed model outperforms and effectively classified grades compared to other state-of-art models (accuracy:0.95, sensitivity:0.96, specificity;0.97). 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Artificial Intelligence in Disaster Management: A Survey
This paper provides a literature review of cutting-edge artificial intelligence-based methods for disaster management. Most governments are worried about disasters, which, in general, are unbelievable events. Researchers tried to deploy numerous artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches to eliminate disaster management at different stages. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms can manage large and complex datasets emerging intrinsically in disaster management circumstances and are incredibly well suited for crucial tasks such as identifying essential features and classification. The study of existing literature in this paper is related to disaster management, and further, it collects recent development in nature-inspired algorithms (NIA) and their applications in disaster management. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
An Efficient Machine Learning Classification model for Credit Approval
Credit authorization is a critical step for banks as well as every bank's main source of revenue is its line of credit. Thus, banks can profit from the loan interest they approve. Profitability or lost opportunity of a bank is highly dependent on loans that are whether consumers repay the debt or refuse. Loan collection is a significant factor in a bank's economic results. Forecasting the customer's ability to repay the loan in order to determine whether it should authorize or deny loan documents is a significant undertaking and a critical method in data analytics is being utilized to investigate the problem of loan default prediction: On the premise of assessment, the Logistic-Regression Classification Model, Random-Forest Classifier and Decision Tree Classification Models are compared. The mentioned classification algorithms were created as well as subsequently various evaluation metrics were obtained. By utilizing a suitable strategy, the appropriate clients for loan providing may be simply identified by assessing their probability of non-performing loans. This indicates that a bank really shouldn't simply prioritize wealthy consumers when giving loans, but it should also consider a client's other characteristics. This approach is critical in making credit judgments and forecasting default risk. 2023 IEEE. -
Soft Computing Approach for Student Dropouts in Education System
The education system has increased the number of dropouts in the coming years, decreasing the number of educated people. Education system refers to a group of institutions like ministries of education, local education bodies, teacher training institutes, universities, colleges, schools, and more whose primary purpose is to provide education to all the people, especially young people and children in educational settings. The research aims to improve the student dropout rate in the education system by focusing on students performance and feedback. The students dropout rate can be calculated based on complexity, credits, attendance, and different parameters. This study involves the extensive study that inculcates student dropout with their performance and other parameters with soft computing approaches. There are various soft computing approaches used in the education system. The approaches and techniques used are sequential pattern mining, sentimental analysis, text mining, outlier decision, correlation mining, density estimation, etc. The approaches and techniques will be beneficial to calculating and decreasing the rate of dropout of students in the education system. The research will make a unique contribution to improved education by calculating the dropout rate of students. In particular, we argue that the dropout rate is increasing, so soft computing techniques can be the solution to improvise/reduce the dropout rate. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Hybridization of Texture Features for Identification of Bi-Lingual Scripts from Camera Images at Wordlevel
In this paper, hybrid texture features are proposed for identification of scripts of bi-lingual camera images for a combination of 10 Indian scripts with Roman scripts. Initially, the input gray-scale picture is changed over into an LBP image, then GLCM and HOG features are extracted from the LBP image named as LBGLCM and LBHOG. These two feature sets are combined to form a potential feature set and are submitted to KNN and SVM classifiers for identification of scripts from the bilingual camera images. In all 77,000-word images from 11 scripts each contributing 7000-word images. The experimental results have shown the identification accuracy as 71.83 and 71.62% for LBGLCM, 79.21 and 91.09% for LBHOG, and 84.48 and 95.59% for combined features called CF, respectively for KNN and SVM. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
3D CNN-Based Classification of Severity in COVID-19 Using CT Images
With the pandemic worldwide due to COVID-19, several detections and diagnostic methods have been in place. One of the standard modes of detection is computed tomography imaging. With the availability of computing resources and powerful GPUs, the analyses of extensive image data have been possible. Our proposed work initially deals with the classification of CT images as normal and infected images, and later, from the infected data, the images are classified based on their severity. The proposed work uses a 3D convolution neural network model to extract all the relevant features from the CT scan images. The results are also compared with the existing state-of-the-art algorithms. The proposed work is evaluated in accuracy, precision, recall, kappa value, and Intersection over Union. The model achieved an overall accuracy of 94.234% and a kappa value of 0.894. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Formula One Race Analysis Using Machine Learning
Formula One (also known as Formula 1 or F1) is the highest class of international auto-racing for single-seater formula racing cars sanctioned by the Fation International de automobile (FIA). The World Drivers Championship, which became the FIA Formula One World Championship in 1981, has been one of the premier forms of racing around the world since its inaugural season in 1950. This article looks at cost-effective alternatives for Formula 1 racing teams interested in data prediction software. In Formula 1 racing, research was undertaken on the current state of data gathering, data analysis or prediction, and data interpretation. It was discovered that a big portion of the leagues racing firms require a cheap, effective, and automated data interpretation solution. As the need for faster and more powerful software grows in Formula 1, so does the need for faster and more powerful software. Racing teams benefit from brand exposure, and the more they win, the more publicity they get. The papers purpose is to address the problem of data prediction. It starts with an overview of Formula 1s current situation and the billion-dollar industrys history. Racing organizations that want to save money might consider using Python into their data prediction to improve their chances of winning and climbing in the rankings. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
An Analysis of Levenshtein Distance Using Dynamic Programming Method
An edit distance (or Levenshtein distance) amongst dual verses refers to the slightest amount of replacements, additions and omissions of signs essential to turn one name addicted to the additional is referred to as the edit distance (or Levenshtein distance) amongst dual verses. The challenge of calculating the edit distance of a consistent verbal, that is the set of verses recognised by a fixed mechanism, is addressed in this research. The Levenshtein distance is a straightforward metric for calculating the distance amongst dual words using a string approximation. After witnessing its efficiency, this approach was refined by combining certain comparable letters and minimising the biased modification between associates of the similar set. The findings displayed a considerable enhancement over the old Levenshtein distance method. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
IoT Cloud Systems: A Survey
IoT has gained a massive prevalence in the last decade. Various businesses are leveraging IoT Applications for industrial and commercial use cases. IoT also presents use cases in research and academia. However, setting up IoT Systems is complex due to the distributed and multi-disciplinary nature of IoT Systems. As a direct consequence of this complexity, the entire service industry has emerged that assists users to deploy and manage IoT systems. This paper aims to survey some of the Cloud management systems that help simplify and shorten the deployment process of IoT Systems. 2023 IEEE.