Patent Number: 202041038823, Applicant: Dr. P. Selvan.
In daily life, increasing number of vehicles leads to difficulty of monitoring and controlling them. Monitoring crime on peak time is a crucial process. In night time, it is very difficult to identify the type of vehicles due to unwanted light sources. In this system, the above difficulties are overcome by monitoring and controlling the traffic using real time video image processing and controlling.
Patent Number: 202021048936, Applicant: Dr. A Baseera.
Road accidents in India are a prevailing wellspring of deaths, injuries and property harm each year. To defeat this issue on weighty traffic and street mishaps because of changing in climate conditions, we present a shrewd associated sign board for improved street security utilizing IOT gadgets. This is an extraordinary thought which makes the drivers to drive more secure than previously.
Patent Number: 202011038445, Applicant: Puneet Kumar Aggarwal.
The present invention relates to a machine learning based system for evaluation and prediction of lung cancer using computed tomography images. The objective of the present invention is to solve the problems in the prior art related to adequacies in technologies of diagnosis and prediction of the lung cancer.
Patent Number: 2021101384, Applicant: Siddhartha Bhattacharyya.
Multi-factor authentication aims in prevention of unauthorized access to any secured system, and the 2-way or 2-factor verification is one of the most effective and indispensable solution for this purpose. In this work, a low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication has been conceived to provide secured access to any assets or resources.
Patent Number: 202041049785, Applicant: Meenakshi.
500-700 years it takes for a Plastic waste to get degraded in the soil. In India this type of wastes sits as a Landfill and there by spoiling the fertility of the soil and even increasing the toxicity of the Ground water, by the way the dumped waste is always either unprocessed or untreated which has catastrophic problems in future. More over the growth of population is drastically changing thereby increase in waste production in the Country.
Patent Number: 202011040658, Applicant: Dr Priti Verma.
The invention discloses a mentoring system capable of improving student's performance in the field of Learning in Theoretical, practical, behavioral, sports, cultural activities and life skills for the betterment of the life of an individual. The feedback system has the capability of generating feedback with better accuracy and hence easily identifying the areas of weaknesses and strengths of the students.
Patent Number: 202011039249, Applicant: Dr. Purvi Pareek.
The increase in the rate of capital formation is an integral part of the economic development of a country. An women entrepreneur stimulates the economic forces in capital formation through his undertakings. When there is industrial development by means of establishing new industries at different locations, employment is generated, regional disparity is reduced and the better standard of living is achieved.
Patent Number: 202041033633, Applicant: A V Ramya.
The present invention provides various facile synthesis routes for simple, low-cost, scalable production of different nanocarbon allotropes from orange peel, for quantitative determination of Atropine Sulphate. The different synthesis methods include microwave pyrolysis of orange peel, acidic oxidation of microwave pyrolyzed orange peel, hydrothermal reaction of acidic oxidized orange peel, chemical exfoliation of microwave pyrolyzed orange peel and hydrothermal reaction of chemically exfoliated orange peel.
Patent Number: 202041045225, Applicant: Dr. Usha B A.
The invention discloses a mentoring system capable of improving student™s interpersonal skills in the field of Learning for the betterment of the life of an individual. The feedback system has the capability of generating feedback with better accuracy and hence easily identifying the areas of weaknesses and strengths of the students with respect to leadership interpersonal skills The feedback system has the capability of understanding students from perspectives of all the stakeholders involved, thereby generating a rating with areas of improvement, the system also has the capability of addressing the weaker areas by following a PDCA Cycle.
Patent Number: 202041038520, Applicant: Dr, E A Mary Anita.
The invention is directed to an loT based system for alerting the group of predetermined volunteers and officials located near the site of crime occurring to the end user. The system includes a manual activated push button switch for utilizing at times of distress occurring to the women which activation generates the alert signals to be transmitted wirelessly through the WiFi module to the central processing server.
Patent Number: 202041044754, Applicant: Prof.Santosh Kumar J.
Systems and methods are provided to understand mental health state of an individual by audio sensors, video sensors and log data of mobile devices. To get more accurate and reliable data machine learning module is also integrated with three input forms of data provided to the system. Once any abnormality is observed, it is reported to the caretakers with a coping strategy to solve the illness at initial stages.
Patent Number: 202011040658, Applicant: Dr Priti Verma.
The invention discloses a mentoring system capable of improving student™s performance in the field of Learning in Theoretical, practical, behavioral, sports, cultural activities and life skills for the betterment of the life of an individual.
Patent Number: 202041027734, Applicant: Dr.S Balamurugan.
The present invention based on a humanoid robot for assisting elder people based on their necessity the robot has a four-wheel with two arms which rotate all directions. It will help all time it has combined artificial intelligent it which updates every human activity day by day based on their activities the robot will work and update their behavioral and it will work accordingly.
Patent Number: 202021050705, Applicant: Dr. Chaitanya Singh.
Internet of Things integrated with image processing paves new ways for monitoring plant health and actuating response based on recent development of technologies. Early detection of plant diseases and its classification utilizes image processing along with analysis of environmental data which will help farmers to maximize their yield by producing healthy plants as plant diseases are eradicated at the initial stage.
Patent Number: 202041010986, Application: Dr.K.Suresh Kumar.
Web Security invention has grownup extremely vital over the years as the internet has become the place for the behavior of business in today's world. Numerous attacks stated worldwide that hamper web security by creating a substantial threat to appreciate user data. One amid them is a phishing attack. It is a technique by which an attacker attempts to snip vital data such as user names, PINs, and other private facts by constructing fake websites and cover them as if they remained legitimate ones.
Patent Number: 202041010349, Applicant: Dr. K Selvi.
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) autonomously and wirelessly monitors security within premises. The UAV includes a body, brushless dc motors (BLDC), a motor control dispatcher, a flight control board, sensors, wind propellers, solar panel, and a battery. The body uses a high landing gear skid to provide friction during flight maneuverability of the UAV. The BLDC actuates a rotor blade of the UAV, electrical wirings and connectors.
Patent Number: 202041043751, Applicant: Dr.S.Selvakanmani.
The Traffic Congestion is one of major problem in Internet of Things (IOT) occurs due to insufficient data transfer between the Sensor nodes or due to data perception. Data perception in the IOT guarantee the information being detected by the sensors, information is recouped from the sensor network without having any redundancies.
Patent Number: 202041036194, Applicant: Siddhartha Bhattacharyya.
Multi-factor authentication aims in prevention of unauthorized access to any secured system, and the 2-way or 2-factor verification is one of the most effective and indispensable solution for this purpose. In this work, a low cost electronic locking system using 2-way authentication has been conceived to provide secured access to any assets or resources.
Patent Number: 202041006858, Applicant: Debanjan Konar.
Human activity detection has gained popularity owing to wide range of applications from game development to surveillance. Recent development of Deep Pose (Human pose detection using deep neural network.
Patent Number: 202041005122, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju.
Vitamins are available in abundant quantities in all natural resources. Inadequate intake of vitamins lead to severe abnormalities. Because of the rapid civilization, limited land resources, busy lifestyle and limited awareness, attention on the natural vitamin resources wafted towards Nutraceuticals that are supplemented with synthetic vitamin sources and preservatives. In order to bring awareness about the availability of bioactivevitamins in natural food sources, the current design, VITAWARE-CULS 2020 Kitwas developed.