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Startups' empowerment of employees: An analysis using VOSviewer
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and consolidate existing research on the factors that affect the performance of employees in startup companies. Specifically, it focuses on factors such as empowerment, motivation, dedication, leadership styles, and self-determination. This study aims to understand how these factors influence employee performance in the context of startup organizations. The theoretical framework of this study is based on the HR value chain model. The HR value chain model demonstrates how HR practices can benefit organizations by showing the various HR processes that support a company's goals. Additionally, the study incorporates psychological factors related to employee performance, such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The methodology section mentions that the research primarily covers management-related articles from 2010 to 2022. The research involved reviewing primary studies by searching computerized databases and selected journal articles from specific websites. VOSviewer 1.6.18 was used to analyze eligible articles, and bibliometric networks were generated to connect keywords to relevant articles. The study's findings indicate that empowerment, motivation, commitment, and other traits are linked to the success of new startup businesses. Effective leadership tactics play a crucial role in creating a healthier, happier work environment with dedicated employees. It appears that the study identified 20 papers, including 17 research articles, that establish connections between empowerment and startup performance. The use of VOSviewer's overlay bibliometric networks helped visualize these connections. 2024, Malque Publishing. All rights reserved. -
Starting from the roots of teacher education: Inclusion of educational neuroscience in teacher training in India
Educational neuroscience has warranted much research and showed much promise in recent times. However, there is a lack of effective bridging between research in this field and its implementation in actual classroom settings. In order to bridge this gap, a key strategy is to include educational neuroscience in teacher training and education. The current study uses a survey method to assess student-teachers' awareness, opinions, and openness toward educational neuroscience concepts and techniques. This study examines a snowball sample of 83 Indian student-teachers who joined the Bachelor of Education program in 2018, 2019, and 2020. The results of this study indicate that although most student-teachers are aware of certain techniques, they are unaware that it is part of educational neuroscience. Further, the student-teachers also showed interest in learning such techniques and considered it relevant and useful in classroom teaching. Finally, this study also highlights the role of decision-makers in including educational neuroscience in the B.Ed. program, possibly as an optional paper. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. All rights reserved. -
Star-forming, rotating spheroidal galaxies in the GAMA and SAMI surveys
The Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey has morphologically identified a class of 'Little Blue Spheroid' (LBS) galaxies whose relationship to other classes of galaxies we now examine in detail. Considering a sample of 868 LBSs, we find that such galaxies display similar but not identical colours, specific star formation rates, stellar population ages, massto- light ratios, and metallicities to Sd-Irr galaxies. We also find that LBSs typically occupy environments of even lower density than those of Sd-Irr galaxies, where ?65 per cent of LBS galaxies live in isolation. Using deep, high-resolution imaging from VST KiDS and the new Bayesian, 2D galaxy profile modelling code PROFIT, we further examine the detailed structure of LBSs and find that their Ssic indices, sizes, and axial ratios are compatible with those of low-mass elliptical galaxies. We then examine SAMI Galaxy survey integral field emission line kinematics for a subset of 62 LBSs and find that the majority (42) of these galaxies display ordered rotation with the remainder displaying disturbed/non-ordered dynamics. Finally, we consider potential evolutionary scenarios for a population with this unusual combination of properties, concluding that LBSs are likely formed by a mixture of merger and accretion processes still recently active in low-redshift dwarf populations.We also infer that if LBS-like galaxies were subjected to quenching in a rich environment, they would plausibly resemble cluster dwarf ellipticals. 2019 The Author(s). -
Star formation in a massive spiral galaxy with a radio-AGN
We present an analysis of new VLT/MUSE optical imaging spectroscopic data of 2MASX J23453268-0449256 (J2345-0449), a nearby (z = 0:0755) massive (Mstellar = 4*1011 M) spiral galaxy. This is a particularly interesting source for a study of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback since it hosts two pairs of bright, giant radio jets and a massive, luminous X-ray halo, but it has no massive bulge. The galaxy has a 24 kpc wide ring of molecular gas, and a source-averaged star formation rate that is factors 30 to 70 lower than expected from the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. With MUSE, we have analyzed the stellar continuum and bright optical line emission and have constrained the spatially resolved past and present star formation on scales of approximately 1 kpc. More than 93% of the stellar mass formed ?10 Gyrs ago including in the disk. Optical emission from the AGN is very faint and contributes 2% of the continuum around the nucleus at most. Most line emission is predominantly excited by shocks and old stellar populations except in 13 young star-forming regions that formed ?11 Myrs ago, of which only seven are associated with the molecular ring (the others are at larger radii). They avoid a region of high electron densities aligned with the radio source, and form stars at efficiencies that are comparable to those in normal spiral galaxies. We discuss the implications of our findings for the regulation of star formation in galaxies through AGN feedback in the absence of competing mechanisms related to the presence of a massive stellar bulge, such as morphological quenching. The Authors 2023. -
Star formation around three co-moving HAeBe stars in the Cepheus Flare
Context. The presence of three more Herbig Ae/Be (HAeBe) candidates in the Cepheus Flare within a 1.5 radius centered on HD 200775 suggests that star formation is prevalent in a wider region of the LDN 1147/1158, LDN 1172/1174, and LDN 1177 clouds. A number of young stellar objects (YSOs) are found to be distributed toward these cloud complexes along with the HAeBe stars. Various star formation studies clearly indicate ongoing low-mass star formation inside the clouds of this region. Sources associated with less near-infrared excess and less H? emission raise the possibility that more low-mass YSOs, which were not identified in previous studies, are present in this region. Aims. The aim is to conduct a search for additional young sources that are kinematically associated with the previously known YSOs and to characterize their properties. Methods. Based on the Gaia DR2 distances and proper motions, we found that the HAeBe candidates BD+681118, HD 200775, and PV Cep are all spatially and kinematically associated with previously known YSOs. Based on the Gaia DR2 data, we identified a number of co-moving sources around BD+681118. These sources are characterized using optical and near-infrared color-color and color-magnitude diagrams. Results. We estimated a distance of 3407 pc to the whole association that contains BD+681118, HD 200775, and PV Cep. Based on the distance and proper motions of all the known YSOs, a total of 74 additional co-moving sources are found in this region, of which 39 form a loose association surrounding BD+681118. These sources are predominantly M-type sources with ages of ?10 Myr and no or very little near-infrared excess emission. The distribution of co-moving sources around BD+681118 is much more scattered than that of sources found around HD 200775. The positive expansion coefficients obtained via the projected internal motions of the sources surrounding BD+681118 and HD 200775 show that the co-moving sources are in a state of expansion with respect to their HAeBe stars. A spatiooral gradient of these sources toward the center of the Cepheus Flare Shell supports the concept of star formation triggered by external impacts. 2021 ESO. -
Standards of human rights to palliative care: gaps and trends
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate key milestones in development of standards of human rights to health care in particular context of addressing palliative care, relevant efforts of advocacy in past decade and future area of growth. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, analysis of human rights and its standards in context of palliative care has been provided through the lens of freedom from ill treatment and torture, right to health care and older persons and childrens rights. Findings: Findings of this study highlighted significant developments in this area which include following: first treaty of human rights which explained right to palliative care; first resolution on palliative care by World Health Assembly; special rapporteurs report focussed on denial of pain; and addressing issue of controlled medicine availability in special session of UN General Assembly. Originality/value: Human rights standards and their development in context of palliative care have been most significant in relation to freedom from ill treatment and torture, right to health care and older persons rights. Further work is required in context of childrens rights and treaty bodies of human rights need to consistently address state obligations towards palliative care. 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Stand-Up: The Comic Public Sphere in India
Comic performances might take a subversive form, especially in an autocratic regime where used as an instrument of expression by the oppressed, the silenced, the unseen, and the unheard, thereby offering a political critique of the state, economy, and systemic failures. This article discusses the ability of contemporary Indian stand-up comic performances to undermine hegemony. The article begins with a theoretical evaluation of the comic in the public sphere, moves to a brief survey of South Asian forms of comic performances, and links these concerns to performances by two contemporary comedy collectives, Aisi Taisi Democracy (ATD) and East India Comedy (EIC). The article then concludes with the possible complications of ATD and EICs contribution to a robust public sphere. Copyright 2023 (Rashi Bhargava and Samarth Singhal). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd). Available at -
Stamp Ingot Collection
The Pride of India Collection is an official programme of Hallmark Group Limited issued under the Authority of India Post. It is the first Stamp Ingot Collection ever to be produced for India, and its release is strictly limited to 7500 editions worldwide. 25 stamps have been chosen to be preserved forever as engraved solid pure silver ingots, layered with pure 24-carat gold. -
Stalling angle predictions of symmetric aero foil by flow analysis
The computational examination of the 2D subsonic stream over a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 0012 airfoil at different approaches is done in an ANSYS R14.5 software. The stream elements are acquired by computing the fluid stream conditions of coherence and energy, momentum conservation with the K- model. The present investigation is fundamentally significant, ascribed to the way that the considered aero foil creates lift by moving rapidly through the air, and the examination of the flow over aero foil helps in execution assessment of the flight of the aero foil. In the current work, for a given stream speed with the aero foil set at an approach to the airstream, a pressure gradient among upper and lower wing surfaces exists, which involves the generation of lift, and the lift generated increases up to a certain angle of attack, beyond which the lift decreases, this particular point gives rise to stalling. The distinction in these pressing factor is very important to understand the effect of angle of attack on the lift of the wing. Consequently lift is a significant aspect to be evaluated for stalling angle predictions. The steps associated with assessment of the lift includes forecast of stalling angle at different flow conditions over a symmetric aero foil by modeling the NACA0012 aero foil using the co-ordinates provided by the NACA database and henceforth bringing in it to the ANSYS work bench for meshing, preprocessing followed by the interaction of post processing for different angles of attack. 2022 Author(s). -
Stakeholders' pedagogical preferences for teaching 'marketing' in management education
This study has been realized that there is a dire need for re-thinking, particularly obvious for matters of assessment and its relation to the current focus on teaching marketing. A descriptive design of the research was used where convenient sampling has been followed for data collection. In order to achieve the purpose, it was decided to collect independent opinions of students, teachers, and professionals. Analysis has been done through descriptive statistics and Spearman's rank correlation. As a result, a significant difference between the stakeholders' perceptions about the pedagogy for teaching marketing in management education was identified. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
Stakeholders' expressions of tech layoffs: A text mining analysis on the "Balance of Arguments"
The volume and nature of work undertaken by the tech employees is humongous, tech employees are known to manage those high tides because of attractive salary packages, perks, and other incentive options, which turn out to be a catastrophic collapse when such layoffs are levied, giving little or no room for a quick transfer to another job from the viewpoint of the affected employees. User-generated unstructured data content in the forms of either tweets, reviews, or comments from around seven major social media platforms were collected to understand the various expressions and discussions linked to layoffs. The collected data is further segregated into employee expressions, social media reviewers, news critiques views, etc., and their perspectives were further analysed. The overall analysis of sentiments on various stakeholders are formulated using Python (Juypter Notebook) package. The authors attempt to model out the viewpoints of various expressors and suggests various measures to be taken by the tech majors to better handle the phenomenon of layoffs. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Stacked LSTM and Kernel-PCA-based Ensemble Learning for Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the most prevalent causes of death and disability worldwide. Cardiac arrhythmia is one of the chronic cardiovascular diseases that create panic in human life. Early diagnosis aids physicians in securing life. ECG is a non-stationary physiological signal representing the heart's electrical activity. Automated tools to detect arrhythmia from ECG signals are possible with Machine Learning (ML). The ensemble learning technique combines the power of two or more classifiers to solve a computational intelligence problem. It enhances the performance of the models by fusing two or more models, which extremely increases its strength. The proposed ensemble Machine learning amalgamates the potency of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and ensemble learning, opening up a new direction for research. In this research work, two novel ensemble methods of Extreme Gradient Boosting-LSTM (EXGB-LSTM) are developed, which use LSTM as a base learner and are transformed into an ensemble learner by coalescing with Extreme Gradient Boosting. Kernel Principal Component Analysis (K-PCA) is a significant non-linear dimensionality reduction technique. It can manage highdimensional datasets with various features by lowering the dimensionality of the data while retaining the most crucial details. It has been applied as a preprocessing step for feature reduction in the dataset, and the performance of EXGB-LSTM is tested with and without K-PCA. Experimental results showed that the first method, fusion of EXG-LSTM, has reached an accuracy of 92.1%, Precision of 90.6%, F1-score of 94%, and Recall of 92.7%. The second proposed method, KPCA with EXGB-LSTM, attained the highest accuracy of 94.3%, with a precision of 92%, F1-score of 98%, and Recall of 94.9% for multi-class cardiac arrhythmia classification. (2023), (Science and Information Organization). All Rights Reserved. -
Stacked LSTM a Deep Learning model to predict Stock market
The goal of Stock Market Prediction is to forecast the future value of a company's financial stocks. The use of machine learning and deep learning technologies in stock market prediction technologies is a recent trend. Machine learning makes predictions based on the values of current stock market indices by training on their previous values in sequential timely order using the artificial neural network, while deep learning makes predictions based on the values of current stock market indices by training on their previous values in sequential timely order using the artificial neural network. 2022 IEEE. -
Stable copper nanoparticles as potential antibacterial agent against aquaculture pathogens and human fibroblast cell viability
The developments of green nanotechnology are generating interest of researchers towards synthesis of copper nanoparticles due to their increasing application towards the biomedical field. The utilization of phytochemicals in plant extracts have become a valuable trend in the synthesis of nanoparticles as they possess dual nature of reducing and stabilizing agents. In this work a simple and rapid biosynthesis route for producing stable fenugreek copper nanoparticles (FCuNPs) using Trigonella foenum-graecum is demonstrated and assessed its antibacterial activity against gram negative Vibrio species. The characterization of synthesized FCuNPs was carried out using UVvis spectrophotometer and the SPR of FCuNPs is observed at 350 nm. TEM, HRTEM SAED analysis was done to evaluate the morphology and size of FCuNPs. FTIR spectra of both the plant extract and FCuNPs were recorded in order to study the interaction of phytochemicals with FCuNPs. The antibacterial activity of biosynthesized FCuNPs was tested against V. vulnificus, V. harveyi and V. parahaemolyticus using agar well diffusion technique. Since this method of synthesizing copper nanoparticles does not involve any harmful chemicals, the FCuNPs produced are more biocompatible and were used to evaluate human skin fibroblast cell line by Alamar Blue reduction assay. The outcomes of this report will surely provide a new path in the field of nanotechnology and nano medicine where there is a significant need of antibacterial and cell viability studies. Hence, FCuNPs can be powerful therapeutic materials in numerous biomedical applications, which are to be discovered in the near prospective. 2021 Elsevier Ltd -
Stability Testing and Restoration of a DEIG-Based Wind Power Plant with Indirect Grid Control Strategies
In the current scenario, because of government policies, environmental factors, and technological improvements, there is a rapid growth in renewable energy sector. The emphasis is to obtain better system performance by effective resource utilization and providing security and reliability. This paper discusses the design and implementation of indirect grid control of a wind power plant by controlling the parameters in both grid and rotor side converters. The proposed system consists of Doubly Excited Induction Generator (DEIG) with Wind turbine system (WTS) and Mechanical and Electrical Power Controlling Systems (MPCS-EPCS). Various transmission line faults (symmetrical and asymmetrical faults) incur power imbalances in power grid. The developed MPCS and EPCS are helpful to perform grid monitoring and controlling under different types of faulty conditions. The MPCS monitors the effective source utilization and EPCS helpful for matching the grid energy levels under normal and faulty conditions. Modification in the converter topologies to minimize the impact of adverse effects of faults on the DEIG-WTS and to improve resiliency in the power grid is also discussed. To improve the stability and enhancing resource utilization to improve the efficiency of the overall system with the enhancement of fault voltage ride-through capability in DEIG-WTS under fault conditions are also considered. The stability of the system is tested under steady-state and dynamic-state conditions by applying faulty conditions in MATLAB/Simulink environment. 2023 IETE. -
Stability of porous medium convection in polarized dielectric fluids with non-classical heat conduction
International Journal of Mathematical Archive Vol.4, Issue 4, pp.136-144, ISSN No. 2229-5046 -
This study investigates the impact of firm characteristics, monetary policies, and fiscal policies on investor sentiment, specifically focusing on market volatility and trading volume in six Asian emerging markets during the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. Using panel data regression on a sample of 5,619 firms between 2015 and 2023, this study analyses the distinct roles of firm-specific factors and macroeconomic policies in shaping market behaviour during periods of economic instability. The findings reveal that firm characteristics such as capital structure and payout policies consistently drive both volatility and trading volume. Monetary policies, particularly interest rates and money supply, showed heightened significance during the pandemic, while fiscal policies, though largely insignificant pre-pandemic, became more relevant during the crisis. The study's results provide critical insights for policymakers and investors on the dynamic interplay between firm-level and macroeconomic factors during crisis periods, emphasising the need for coordinated policy responses. 2024, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. All rights reserved. -
Stability and statistical analysis on melting heat transfer in a hybrid nanofluid with thermal radiation effect
The dual solutions for the stagnation point flow in a cobaltCeO2/kerosene hybrid nanofluid with melting heat transfer and thermal radiation are analyzed. The partial differential equations are solved by the conversion of the partial differential equations into nonlinear ordinary differential equations by utilizing suitable scaling group transformations. Numerical solutions are obtained by employing the built-in function in the MATLAB software (bvp4c). Physically recoverable solutions are found employing stability analysis. The factor variables of interest (melting parameter, the nanoparticle volume fraction of cobalt and CeO2) are then further analyzed by utilizing the sensitivity analysis (based on the response surface methodology model) for heat transfer rate, as well as the skin friction coefficient. It is found that the heat transfer and skin friction tend to be significantly higher in a hybrid nanofluid due to the radiation and melting heat transfer. The lower branch is found to be unstable, whereas the upper branch is found to be stable. Also, the heat transfer rate and skin friction coefficient are found to be negatively sensitive toward the melting parameter. The model in this study can be applied for microscopic propulsion systems and the nano-electromechanical systems integrated with a nano-based system. IMechE 2021. -
Stability Analysis ofSalt Fingers forDifferent Non-uniform Temperature Profiles inaMicropolar Liquid
This paper describes the linear stability analysis of salt finger convection for different non-uniform temperature profiles by keeping the solutal concentration uniform throughout the system. The system consists of two parallel plates separated by a thin layer of micropolar liquid with infinite length, in which the system is heated and soluted from above the plate. Normal mode techniques are used to convert the system of partial differential equations into ordinary differential equations; further, Galerkian method is introduced to get the eigenvalue for isothermal, permeable with no-spin boundary conditions. The study also explains the effect of different micropolar parameters on the onset of convection. The phase of temperature flow for different boundary conditions explains the graphical solution of the energy equation and its gradients. It is shown that non-uniform temperature profiles, diffusivity ratio, coupling parameter, and solutal Rayleigh number influence the stability of the system. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.