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An investigation on structural and optical properties of reduced graphene oxide-tin oxide nanocomposite
Graphene-metal oxide composites have attracted tremendous research interest in recent days due to their unique and fascinating properties. In the present study, rGO and SnO2 were synthesized separately by modified Hummers' method and nitrate-citrate gel combustion technique respectively. One step hydrothermal method was used to prepare reduced graphene oxide-tin oxide nanocomposite of various concentrations of rGO and SnO2.The obtained samples were characterized by XRD, FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, SEM and TEM. The results of different characterization techniques showed the successful formation of SnO2, rGO and SnO2-rGO composites. X-ray analysis pattern indicates formation of the SnO2 nanoparticles in the graphene matrix. The size of the particles prepared is in nanoscale and was found to be 10-20 nm range. TEM images reveal the incorporation of crystalline SnO2 nanoparticles in graphene layers. Upon incorporation of tin oxide to graphene matrix, one could easily tailor the energy gap of the composite matrix. 2020 World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
An investigation on structural, electrical and optical properties of GO/ZnO nanocomposite
Coupling of graphene oxide with metal oxide is an effective way to enhance the opto-electric properties of the composite. Herein, a hybrid structure of graphene oxide (GO) -Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanostructure was successfully designed and fabricated with varying concentrations of ZnO. The GO and ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized through Hummer's and simple precipitation method respectively. Structural and physiochemical properties were examined via X-ray powder diffraction, FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The XRD results of GO showed a peak at 2? of 12.02 with particles of size 6nm and inter layer spacing 0.87 nm. The XRD patterns of ZnO nanoparticles showed a hexagonal unit cell structure and the average dimension of the sample was calculated to be 15 nm. The band gap of the synthesized GO is found to be 5.1 eV and that of ZnO to be 3.07 eV with the help Tauc plot. The dependence of various concentration of ZnO on the electrical behaviour is discussed by an impedance analyzer in the frequency range 100Hz to 1MHz. The ZnO/GO composite with best results have been obtained for 20% and 60 % ratios of ZnO. The composite has high dielectric permittivity and low loss tangent values and is identified as a promising candidate for energy storage applications. 2019 The Authors. -
An Investigation on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Structures Incorporated with Steel Slag Industrial Waste
The construction sector constantly looks for novel approaches to promote sustainability, minimize environmental impact and improve structural properties of construction materials. This work explores the incorporation of steel slag, a by-product from steel manufacturing industry, into concrete blocks. This research investigates the effects of steel slag on the mechanical strength and durability of the prepared concrete blocks, through a series of laboratory tests, including compressive, tension, flexure strength, water absorption and acid attack. This study evaluates the viability and feasibility of incorporating steel slag into concrete block production. In this study, samples of concrete mixture were set with 0% to 20% insteps of 5% steel slag as coarse aggregate. The findings show that concrete blocks consisting 20% of steel slag exhibited better compressive, tensile, flexural strength, reduction in water absorption and improved resistance to chemicals. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
An Investigation to the Hardness of the Cutting Tool During Machining Inconel 718 due to the Cryogenic Effect
The machining of superalloy Inconel 718 has seen a rapid demand in industries due to the superiority factor of its composition which makes it corrosion resistant, wear resistant and abrasive resistant. Due to these advanced features of this alloy, the cutting tool to be used to machine becomes a challenging one. There have been several cutting tools being used in the machine but wear of the tool and high surface roughness has been observed. Two cutting tools Tungsten Carbide RYMX 1004-ML TT3540 and Ceramic AS20 has been identified but the hardness on it is failed due to the machining conditions. The cryogenic treatment of these tools can see a remarkable change in machining and bring low surface roughness and reduce tool wear. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
An investigative approach to hard machining of inconel 718 with coated carbide tool
Super alloys sustain good strength at high temperature and pressure conditions. Such
materials have high demand in Aerospace industry, Marine industry, and Nuclear power plants. They have a great demand in Nuclear and Aerospace applications because of it retain its properties at temperature over 700 °C. Machinability of nickel based super - alloys is extremely poor, mainly due to their low thermal conductivity, build up edge and self-hardening, which leads to high dynamic cutting forces. They are difficult to machine because of its high shear strength, work hardening and precipitation hardening. High abrasive particles in its microstructure and tendency forming chip to weld to tool and form Built Up Edge (BUE) make it more difficult to machine. Friction between tool and material and its low thermal conductivity results in high temperature generation. They have Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Ferrous (Fe) or Cobalt (Co) as base contains. Small amount of Al, Ti, Nb, Ta, W, Mo added to these alloys to sustain at high temperature. Chromium is important alloying element in order to obtain the hot corrosion resistance property. Due to these factors the tool wear is extremely high and increasing the tool life by minutes is an enormous success. To overcome this situation, various materials have been developed for Inconel 718 machining. Though Ceramic tools, Silicon Carbide whiskers, reinforced alumina tools, carbide tools have been used to machine Inconel 718 but they have failed to produce good surface, better accuracy and minimum tool wear. -
An Investigative approach to hard machining of inconel 718 with coated carbide tool
Super alloys sustain good strength at high temperature and pressure conditions. Such newlinematerials have high demand in Aerospace industry, Marine industry, and Nuclear power plants. They have a great demand in Nuclear and Aerospace applications because of it retain its properties at temperature over 700 C. Machinability of nickel based super - alloys is extremely poor, mainly due to their low thermal conductivity, build up edge and self-hardening, which leads to high dynamic cutting forces. They are difficult to machine because of its high shear strength, work hardening and precipitation hardening. High abrasive particles in its microstructure and tendency forming chip to weld to tool and form Built Up Edge (BUE) make it more difficult to machine. Friction between tool and material and its low thermal conductivity newlineresults in high temperature generation. They have Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Ferrous (Fe) or Cobalt (Co) as base contains. Small amount of Al, Ti, Nb, Ta, W, Mo added to these alloys to sustain at high temperature. Chromium is important alloying element in order to obtain the hot corrosion resistance property. Due to these factors the tool wear is extremely high and increasing the tool life by minutes is an enormous success. To overcome this situation, various newlinematerials have been developed for Inconel 718 machining. Though Ceramic tools, Silicon newlineCarbide whiskers, reinforced alumina tools, carbide tools have been used to machine Inconel 718 but they have failed to produce good surface, better accuracy and minimum tool wear. The present study is to improvise the surface roughness, reduce tool wear and create better machining parameters for extensive use of the material. Taguchi methodology, Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) have been used to analyze the cutting parameters and determine better response parameters for the machining characteristics of Inconel 718. -
An invisible race from exclusiveness to inclusiveness of queer employees at workplace
Queer theory has been a significant part of the field of queer studies. Its presence can be found in women's studies, gay and lesbian studies and feminist theory, and postmodern and poststructuralist theories. Many types of research came around during the 1990s. One of the significant studies was in 1991. Teresa de Lauret coined the term "queer theory" to characterize a school of thought that rejected heterosexuality and binary gender constructions favoring a more open view of identity. Michel Foucault and Judith Butler's study is widely regarded as the founding text of this philosophy. This study adopts the lens of gender and sexuality to challenge people's cultural norms and ideals. There is hesitation among people regarding the acceptance of the third gender that exists in society. The queer theory suggests how the rest sees the queer community of the world. While studying the conditions of the queer community in India, it is imperative to undertake the recently legalized Section 377. The Indian Penal Code says that it is no more a crime to have sexual conduct between adults of the same gender as people have no control over their sexual orientation. The study discusses the practices and protocols of transgender inclusion at the workplace and how to look beyond the labels of the LGBT community. There are various issues when the company wants to employ transgender people at the workplace and accept the community. Qualitative research methods will be used in this research by reading several databases and conducting a systematic review. This chapter will also highlight how trans people confront significant job and career-related problems and barriers in the workplace and the concessions employers should make to ensure that trans people have a safe and discrimination-free workplace. This chapter observes how queer theory can be used as a conceptual framework to advance research in organizational research on trans people's several and many times conflicting needs. Ways could be explored to reach their goals around gender transgression and congruency, work, and career, by laying out some of the crucial concepts associated with the study of trans people in the workplace. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. -
An IoHT System Utilizing Smart Contracts for Machine Learning -Based Authentication
The Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) and blockchain technologies have made it feasible to share data in a secure and effective manner, but it is still challenging to ensure the data's veracity and privacy. This paper presents a blockchain authentication method that utilizes Machine Learning (ML) techniques that use smart contracts to ensure the security and privacy of IoHT data. The process utilizes smart contracts to manage access control and ensure data integrity, and deep learning algorithms to identify and validate the accuracy of user data. Furthermore, the approach improves the resilience and dependability of the authentication process and permits secure data ex-change between multiple IoHT systems. The proposed approach provides a potentially revolutionary solution to enhance the safety and confidentiality of IoHT data. It has the potential to fundamentally change how healthcare is provided in the future. 2023 IEEE. -
An Iot Application to Monitor the Variation in Pressure to Prevent the Risk of Pressure Ulcers in Elderly
Pressure sores are a common form of skin problem which occurs with patients who are bedridden or immobile. It is believed that the occurrence of ulcers due to pressure can be prevented. Making best use of resources available and providing comfort to the patient, it is very much important to identify people at risk and provide preventive measures. This work is associated with a method to analyze pressure from pressure points on bedridden patients. A system is presented in this work that continuously monitors the pressure from pressure points using force sensors and sends an alarm to the nurses or caretakers if there is a variation in the pressure exerted on a specific area. 2018 IEEE. -
An IOT based remote solar monitoring system design /
Patent Number: 202141010711, Applicant: Sathishkumar V E.
The rapid development of technologies, cost of renewable energy equipment is reducing worldwide and encouraging Solar Power Plants installations in large quantity. The Solar Power Plants generates the Solar Energy, converts sun light into electricity by Photovoltaic cells, mirrors, and lenses. The commercial way of producing the energy from the sun is the viable way of renewable energy. The large scale of the solar power plants are installing in the locations which are not accessible to monitor everyday. The remote real time solar monitoring system is required for each individual solar panel in the solar energy system to know the performance in the form of power output levels. -
An IOT based self phased analysis of adverse effects in covid recovered patients /
Patent Number: 2021101599, Applicant: Jasmine Selvakumari Jeya I. -
An IOT based self phased analysis of adverse effects in covid recovered patients /
Patent Number: 2021101599, Applicant: Jasmine Selvakumari Jeya I. -
An IOT based system for antitheft security detection in a cloud environment /
Patent Number: 202241007566, Applicant: Dr. S. Brinthakumari.
Internet of Things (IOT) is the connection of things / objects through networks, in which things or objects can interact with each other without or minimal human intervention. Now-a-days, Security has grown to be the maximum tough task. Everyone wishes protection however in present scenario, not anything is secure now no longer even of their very own houses. In this work, we are proposing an IoT based system for Antitheft Security Detection in a Cloud Environment. In this system we used PIR sensor, ultrasonic sensor and Vibration sensor. -
An IOT based system to track feasible business model /
Patent Number: 202241051204, Applicant: Amrita Chaurasia.
E-commerce that spans international borders makes it possible for smaller businesses to more swiftly penetrate many international marketplaces. The purpose of this article is to investigate the ways in which effective market creation influences the international performance of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that are involved in international e-commerce. Using the effectuation theory as a foundation, we propose that businesses can generate demand in foreign markets by developing innovative new ways for customers to interact and engage with them in the digital world. -
An iot based wearable device for healthcare monitoring
Nowadays IoT (Internet of Things) devices are popularly used to monitor humans remotely in the healthcare sector. There are many IoT devices that are being introduced to collect data from human beings in a different scenario. These devices are embedded with sensors and controllers in them to collect data. These devices help to support many applications like a simple counting step to an advanced rehabilitation for athletes. In this research work, a mini wearable device is designed with multiple sensors and a controller. The sensors sense the environment and the controller collects data from all the sensors and sends them to the cloud in order to do the analysis related to the application. The implemented wearable device is a pair of footwear, that consists of five force sensors, one gyroscope, and one accelerometer in each leg. This prototype is built using a Wi-Fi enabled controller to send the data remotely to the cloud. The collected data can be downloaded as xlsx file from the cloud and can be used for different analyses related to the applications. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
An IOT enabled seats management system of moving bus transportation and method thereof /
Patent Number: 202111041762, Applicant: Mr. Chandan Choubey.
The present invention discloses an IoT Enabled vacant seats management system of moving bus transportation and method thereof. The system and method include, but not limited to, a handheld device with a user interface to view the desired bus on the route available for commuting and checking the vacant seat information in real-time; a GPS unit provided with the handheld device and a communication device, which is installed at bus stand; an infrared sensor to detect further movement and number of the commuters entered the bus in conjunction with a camera device. -
An IoT-based agriculture maintenance using pervasive computing with machine learning technique
Purpose: In cultivation, early harvest offers farmers an opportunity to increase production while decreasing the chances of lower crop production rates, ensuring that the economy remains balanced. The significant reason is to predict the disease in plants and distinguish the type of syndrome with the help of segmentation and random forest optimization classification. In this investigation, the accurate prior phase of crop imagery has been collected from different datasets like cropscience, yesmodes and nelsonwisc. In the current study, the real-time earlier state of crop images has been gathered from numerous data sources similar to crop_science, yes_modes, nelson_wisc dataset. Design/methodology/approach: In this research work, random forest machine learning-based persuasive plants healthcare computing is provided. If proper ecological care is not applied to early harvesting, it can cause diseases in plants, decrease the cropping rate and less production. Until now different methods have been developed for crop analysis at an earlier stage, but it is necessary to implement methods to advanced techniques. So, the detection of plant diseases with the help of threshold segmentation and random forest classification has been involved in this investigation. This implemented design is verified on Python 3.7.8 software for simulation analysis. Findings: In this work, different methods are developed for crops at an earlier stage, but more methods are needed to implement methods with prior stage crop harvesting. Because of this, a disease-finding system has been implemented. The methodologies like Threshold segmentation and RFO classifier lends 97.8% identification precision with 99.3% real optimistic rate, and 59.823 peak signal-to-noise (PSNR), 0.99894 structure similarity index (SSIM), 0.00812 machine squared error (MSE) values are attained. Originality/value: The implemented machine learning design is outperformance methodology, and they are proving good application detection rate. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Parental comparison and parenthood testing are essential in various legal and medical scenarios. The accuracy and reliability of these tests heavily rely on the gene analysis algorithms used. However, analyzing the quality of succession data are quite challenging due to the presence of detrimental characteristics. To address this issue, we propose using machine learning-based algorithms such as clustering (Correlation-based) and Classification (Modified Naive Bayesian) to separate these characteristics from the parent-child gene array. This progression helps to identify, validate, and select tools, techniques for scrutinizing indecent sequences, leading to accurate and reliable results. In this paper, we present an IoT-based intelligence tool for parental comparison that uses a secure gene analysis algorithm. The model employs multiple sensors and devices to collect genetic data, which is then securely processed and analyzed using contemporary algorithms. The suggested model uses advanced techniques such as encryption and decryption to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of the genetic information. Our experimental consequences reveal that the proposed model is reliable, secure, and provides accurate results. The model has the potential to be used in various legal and medical contexts where the security and reliability of genetic data are critical. 2023 Little Lion Scientific. -
An iot-based fog computing approach for retrieval of patient vitals
Internet of Things (IoT) has been an interminable technology for providing real-time services to end users and has also been connected to various other technologies for an efficient use. Cloud computing has been a greater part in Internet of Things, since all the data from the sensors are stored in the cloud for later retrieval or comparison. To retrieve time-sensitive data to end users within a needed time, fog computing plays a vital role. Due to the necessity of fast retrieval of real-time data to end users, fog computing is coming into action. In this paper, a real-time data retrieval process has been done with minimal time delay using fog computing. The performance of data retrieval process using fog computing has been compared with that of cloud computing in terms of retrieval latency using parameters such as temperature, humidity, and heartbeat. With this experiment, it has been proved that fog computing performs better than cloud computing in terms of retrieval latency. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
An IoT-Based Model for Pothole Detection
Maintenance of the good roads plays a very important role in the growth of the country. Poorly maintained roads can lead to potholes which causes severe accidents. To overcome the damage caused by poor roads, the pothole detection model has been proposed in this paper. In recent days, the Internet of Things (IoT)-embedded models are developed in different applications. The main objective of the proposed work is to design the IoT prototype to collect data which can be used to detect potholes and humps. This prototype is embedded with three sensors, namely accelerometer, ultrasonic sensor, and GPS. The data from these sensors is collected by the controller and transmitted by Wi-Fi module to store in the cloud. The collected data can be downloaded as a spreadsheet from the cloud and can be used for different data analysis applications like pothole notifier application. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.