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Role of Financial Literacy and Digital Financial Inclusion on Sustainable Development Among The Mao-Naga Tribe of Northeast India
This research empirically analyses the influence of financial literacy and digital financial inclusion on sustainable development. The notion of financial newlineliteracy, adopted from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, combines financial awareness, attitude, knowledge, and behaviour to achieve financial well-being. Digital financial inclusion is the process by which individuals or households in the underserved or unprivileged section of society have access to formal financial services through innovative digital technologies. The main features of digital financial inclusion include reduction of costs, security, ease of access, usefulness, and actual usage of digital financial services. The current study collected data from the Mao-Naga tribe of Manipur and newlineNagaland, Northeast India using a convenient and purposive sampling method. The research method is quantitative in nature, and primary data were collected from adult individuals who were 18 years old or above. These respondents were eligible and able to manage their own bank accounts independently. The study has a crosssectional time horizon with a deductive approach. The data consisted of 1147 samples of Mao-Naga tribe adults using a structured questionnaire on a seven-point newlineLikert scale. The statistical technique of Statistical Packages of Social Science newline(SPSS) software was utilised to ascertain the descriptive result of the study. The newlinehypothesis testing was conducted using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation newlineModelling (PLS-SEM) statistical model. The SMART-PLS 4.0 software was employed to test the hypotheses of PLS-SEM, explanatory variance, effect size, PLS predict, and importance-performance map analysis (IPMA). Financial literacy and sustainable development were analysed from a reflective-formative approach of higher-order constructs. This research indicates that financial literacy and digital financial inclusion can positively influence sustainable development among the Mao-Naga tribe. -
Development of Optical and Electrochemical Sensor for Environmental Pollutants
Carbon nanocomposites have garnered much attention among various nanomaterials newlineowing to their well-defined characteristics, such as large surface area, biocompatibility, newlineand concise synthetic routes. They are also a viable contender for fluorescence and newlineelectrochemical applications, notably sensing, due to their intriguing photoluminescence and electrochemical features. Fluorescence and Electrochemical sensors for environmental pollutants are constructed using carbon quantum dots with different surface functionalization (functionalized with boric acid, organic dyes, polymer composite, and 2-aminothiazole). The developed sensor was considered as potential material for detecting heavy metal ions and organic pollutants. Surface morphology was analyzed using Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), an X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD), Raman spectra, X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy newline(XPS), Optical Profilometry, and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) newlinestudies. UV-Visible and photoluminescence spectroscopy reveals the absorption, newlineemission, and excitation spectra for the synthesized sensor with and without the addition of analytes. In electrochemical investigations, Nyquist plots showed that the modified working electrodes had the lowest charge transfer resistance when compared to other working electrodes. The effect of pH, ionic strength, long-term storage ability, and quantum yield were optimized for the fabricated fluorescence sensor. For the newlineelectrochemical sensor, the influence of the scan rate and the appropriate thickness of newlinethe electrodeposited film was carefully examined in order to achieve the highest current responsiveness and potential window. Quantification of the analytes was performed newlineusing Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET), Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV), newlineand the square wave voltammetry technique (SWV). The designed sensor was used to newlinecarry out analytical corroboration for the real samples. -
Fabrication of Robust Wettability Gradients on Soft Surfaces Through Physicochemical Modulations
The creation of robust surface gradients on soft materials is an emerging area of research in materials chemistry. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), an elastomeric soft material, is widely employed in diverse research fields due to its exceptional properties including ease of processability, newlinebiocompatibility, and transparency. These properties make it an ideal choice for applications in microfluidics, soft robotics, and biomedical devices. Creating surface gradients on soft surfaces can be challenging, requiring expensive chemicals, sophisticated instrumentation, time, and complex experimental setups. This study presents simple and cost-effective methods newlinefor creating chemical (wettability) and physical (morphological) gradients on newlinePDMS surfaces. The methods we developed to create wettability gradients involves (i) newlinecreation of a gradient of crosslinking density on the PDMS surface by using newlinea differential curing method and (ii) selective inhibition of normal curing newlineusing an inhibitor. Contact angle measurements confirm the successful newlinecreation of both radial and linear gradient of surface wettability using both these methods with regions of higher crosslinking density exhibiting higher hydrophobicity. We have also devised an innovative technique for fabricating morphological gradients on soft surfaces. The method makes use of newlinedifferential curing and buckling instability to create hierarchical wrinkled patterns on the PDMS surface. Optical microscopy and profilometry confirm the uniformity, reproducibility, and controlled optical properties of the wrinkled surface patterns. newlineGradients we prepared demonstrated excellent performance in various applications, including water collection, cell adhesion, and triboelectric charge generation. They can be utilized in microfluidics, sensors, and newlinebiomedical devices due to their structural consistency, controllable physical newlineresponses, and reproducibility of the performances. -
Outcome Evaluation of Child Sponsorship Programme of A Non-Governmental Organization
Child sponsorship programme is a vital tool for the integral development of the children at risk. Family based child sponsorship programme is one of the best services for the marginalized children which ensure their education while also respecting the rights of the children. The current study attempts to evaluate the outcome of child sponsorship programme of a non-Governmental organization newlinethrough a mixed method. Quasi-experimental post-test only design is the methodology used to conduct the study. The study evaluated the programme with regard to Self-esteem, Achievement motivation and family functioning of the sponsored children. The data was collected from 80 individuals for the quantitative study; using 3 standardized scales. Thematic analysis of qualitative data collected by interviewing 5 pairs of beneficiaries of the child sponsorship programme. The data was analysed using SPSS and R. The findings that there is a significant difference in terms of self-esteem and achievement motivation between the two groups of children. With regard to family newlinefunctioning conflict is much lesser among sponsored children (M=20.75) while compared to non-sponsored children (M=43.80). In terms of parenting and intimacy, the sponsored children are having higher score. Also, it was found out that self-esteem significantly mediated the impact of family functioning on achievement motivation of the individual(plt0.05). It is noticed that the effect of family functioning on achievement motivation was 0.504 and the direct effect was found to be 0.333. Selfesteem was found to strengthen the impact of family functioning on achievement motivation.Academic excellence improves the employability of respondents. Employment of newlinethose who received sponsorship can provide financial stability to the family. Therefore, this evaluation study confirmed the phenomenal effect of child sponsorship newlinein realizing inclusivity goals, as well as facilitate the personal, familial, economic, and social growth of sponsored children. -
Access to Justice Through Law Schools Legal AID Activities in India : An Empirical Study with Special Reference to Kerala
The provision of legal services is a fundamental human right and is integral to the maintenance of the rule of law. Ensuring Justice and the rule of law are unique sustainable development goals in the 2030 Agenda. Law school clinics provide a novel way to reach SDG-16. The legal aid system has been influenced by both international and national legislation, which has contributed to the establishment of its framework. The judiciary plays a pivotal role in ensuring the provision of free legal assistance to indigent people. Access to formal and informal justice institutions must be improved so that people can seek and get justice. Law school clinics provide potential and challenges as informal justice nstitutions, yet they are mostly ignored. Under CLE, law schools LACs engage in a variety of legal aid initiatives. Through this, students acquire professional skills while clients get legal services. That is the beauty of law school LACs. In the end, this "laboratory of lawyering" helps individuals find justice. In the Indian context, this thesis answered three research questions. 1) How do the legal aid programmes undertaken by law schools clinics promote SDG-16 and improve access to justice? 2) What are the current practices being undertaken by law schools LACs to guarantee access to justice? 3) What are the shortcomings that law schools LACs face in delivering appropriate legal services in Kerala? Two methodologies were used in answering these three questions: the doctrinal method for the first two research questions and the empirical method for the third. The doctrinal study examines the operation of LACs in general. The purpose of this empirical research on law school clinics in Kerala is to investigate the numerous legal aid activities and barriers to law school clinic operations in Kerala. No meticulous study was conducted in Kerala to evaluate how law schools LACs worked. National and international law school clinics' best practises and case studies were incorporated. The study examined the relationship between BCI, NALSA, SLSAs as well as CLE requirements along with law school performance. The LACs' commitment will be assessed based on their legal aid operations pre- and post-Covid-19, including legal representation, legal awareness, legal advice, paralegal services, PIL and ADR services to beneficiaries, and the effective implementation of BCI and NALSA's CLE requirements. This study explores the relationship between dependent and independent variables, such as how the improper implementation of BCI and NALSA regulations on CLE hindered law school LACs' commitments. The prevailing policy has restricted law school LACs' activity and is not enough to achieve access to justice (ATJ). Due to multiple factors, law school LACs failed to ensure effective service learning and did not reach the needy. This gap in the current CLE and its insufficient attention to promoting access to justice have been addressed. The empirical investigation demonstrates that while the number of law schools increased, legal aid activities decreased during the past decade. Current legal aid practices of law school LACs in Kerala are unsatisfactory and inconsistent in providing access to justice. BCI and LSAs ineffective control over LACs in law schools has contributed to a decline in legal aid activities and services. BCI and NALSA must reform their CLE rules and establish mandatory legal services to foster inclusive and effective LACs that give meaningful justice to the disadvantaged. -
Equality Versus Discretion in Imposing Death Penalty in The Criminal Justice System : A Comparative Analysis Between India, UK and USA
The criminal justice system has two phases, namely, pre-conviction and postconviction, which are based on some theories which have to be exercised by the four major organs of administration of the criminal justice system, namely police (investigation), prosecution, defence and judiciary as well as correctional institutions. For this purpose, every legal system permits this mechanism to exercise equality and discretion at various phases such that justice is served according to the procedure established by law as it is required. The attempts to maintain a balance between the two in the sphere of criminal justice had begun long ago, although not succeeded yet by various countries. In the United States, more equality is emphasised in the postconviction stage. It focuses on offence egalitarianism quotrather than quotoffender egalitarianismquot. In Europe, the position is almost contrary. In India, strict adherence specifically to neither equality nor discretion at any step cannot be traced out. However, when it comes to sentencing cruel and heinous crimes, almost all countries fix a definite punishment where there is a broad scope for judicial discretion, often ending up squeezing the discretion to attain the idealistic concept of equality. This Study aims to discuss and point out the merits and demerits of the said system with suggestions. -
Antecedents and Consequences of Green Marketing Orientation in Automobile Industry : A Customer-Based Corporate Reputation Mediation Model
This dissertation presents a study that explores the influence of social cost and green innovation on environmental justice and their impact on green marketing. It also examines the role of customer-based corporate reputation as a mediator between customer cost-benefit (CCB) and customer loyalty. The research was conducted using a sample of 382 hybrid and electric vehicle owners in three major cities in India. The findings indicate that green innovation, social cost, and environmental justice significantly contribute to green marketing orientation. Moreover, green marketing orientation positively affects corporate reputation, which subsequently enhances customer loyalty and purchase intention. The study underscores the significance of implementing newlinesustainable and responsible business practices and developing effective green marketing strategies to gain a competitive edge in environmentally conscious markets. newlineThe outcomes of this study have practical implications for automobile companies, newlineoffering insights on how to enhance corporate reputation and customer loyalty through green newlinemarketing strategies. Additionally, future research may explore the moderating effects of cultural and contextual factors on the relationship between antecedents, green marketing orientation, and desired outcomes. newlineOverall, this research contributes to the existing body of knowledge on green newlinemarketing and corporate reputation. It emphasizes the need for automobile companies to adopt a more sustainable and responsible approach in their business practices, aligning with the growing environmental concerns and expectations of consumers. -
Modified Metal Organic Frameworks for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting and Energy Storage Applications
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of crystalline material formed by the newlinecombination of metal ions/clusters along with organic linkers. This work is mainly based on newlinesynthesizing MOFs and their application in electrocatalytic water splitting and newlinesupercapacitors. The MOFs synthesized in the present work are Ni-Cu, {Mn-NiNH2(h2fipbb)}, Mn-MOF/rGO, and Sm-MOF/rGO/PANI using different ditopic and tritopic linkers. Using various characterization techniques, the formation of the synthesized MOFs is confirmed. The increasing use of fossil fuels now contributes to a number of environmental problems, including climate change and global warming. High-performance electrochemical energy storage devices are essential for portable electronics, electric cars, newlineand renewable energy storage medium, driving demand. MOFs are emerged as a promising newlinecontender for energy storage applications owing to their novel microstructures, atomically dispersed metal centers, and earth-abundant metal components. Electrochemical water splitting is a crucial approach in the pursuit of producing environmentally friendly fuels such newlineas H2 and O2, reducing our dependence on traditional fossil fuels while promoting newlinesustainable and clean energy sources. In order to produce hydrogen with the best efficiency and lowest cost, these MOFs are used. Electrochemical studies like cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy reveal that the prepared MOFs can be used as supercapacitors. Linear sweep voltammetry and Tafel plot determine the performance of these MOFs towards water splitting studies. Supercapacitors, which are electrochemical capacitors, are popular energy storage devices with quick charge rate, high power density, excellent rate capability, and outstanding life expectancy. -
Thinking Beyond Empowerment : Understanding Autonomy in the Context of Kudumbashree
The concepts empowerment, agency and autonomy have gained a wider range of attention in newlinethe developmental research regimes. Amidst the conceptual drift these concepts are used newlineinterchangeably leading to uncertainty and proliferated meanings. The process of newlineempowerment may not always lead to autonomy. Through an ethnography of Kudumbashree, newlinean SHG in the South Indian state of Kerala, the current research focuses on how these women exercise agency to trouble the conventional boundaries between empowerment and autonomy. The transition of agency from the economic to the political domain is a subtle enterprise and is mediated by a number of factors including economic independence, decision making capability, mobility and political participation. Social - economic - political and cultural implications of women empowerment could be the first step in challenging and overcoming the relations of oppression in any society. The stereotypical assumptions can be negotiated by solely apportioning responsibilities and re-engaging with the system through everyday practices. The nuances of empowered women s re-engagement with local power regimes lead newlineto changes at the conceptual level that cuts beyond the individual and group level material transformations. The study figures how autonomy is a mediated process that is both agentic and subversive to the local patriarchal structures. -
A Critical Study in ADR Mechanism in India with Reference to Court Annexed Mediation in Family Disputes
Mediation has been in vogue in India since time immemorial. Sadly, it is yet to evolve into a major dispute resolution mechanism. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms like arbitration, mediation, conciliation, courtannexed ADR, and summary jury trial would help in resolving all types of disputes, including those of a civil, commercial, industrial and family nature. newlineGenerally, ADR mechanisms would use a neutral third party that help the parties to communicate, discuss their differences and resolve the dispute. With matrimonial dispute numbers rising and the significance attaching to matrimonial bond in our country, the researcher set out to examine the country s court-annexed mediation mechanism to ascertain how the flaws, if any, that obtain in the mechanism can be addressed. It should lead the researcher to recommend a strategy for a seamless and hassle-free implementation of the relevant regulatory provisions. The researcher embarked on descriptive research, employing the survey method, in the newlinecircumstances. She collected data from primary and secondary sources for the newlinepurpose. The ensure bias minimisation and accuracy of findings, she interviewed two categories of respondents, namely, litigants numbering 100 and mediators numbering 100. She used a 4-point Likert scale to elicit the newlinerespondents replies to the queries raised in the Interview Schedule. Since the two variables used in the study were categorical and nonordinal, she used the Chi-square test to examine the relationship. The researcher s analysis of the data led her to conclude that there obtains a certain degree of lack of clarity in terms of the enforceability of the outcomes of mediation. For example, in court-annexed mediation, a settlement reached newlineby the parties is not enforceable automatically. It is unfortunately assumed in newlineour country that mediation is resorted to by litigants who do not have a strong newlinecase. It is also assumed that the litigant that chooses mediation is the one that newlineblinks first. -
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process Under Insolvency and Bankruptcy : A Critical Study
A robust legal system is essential for corporations to carry on business smoothly. Previously in India, winding up and corporate rescue were dealt in multiple legislations for different entities. Provisions relating to winding up of companies were found in The Indian Companies Act 1913, Indian Companies Act, 1956 and further in the Companies Act, 2013. These provisions did not ensure expeditious winding up procedures and the same affected the interest of stakeholders. newlineThe increase in NPA compelled the need to bring an efficient framework to protect the rights of creditors and debtors. As a solution to this IBC was enacted in 2016, to facilitate timely resolution of insolvency and bankruptcy. This research aims to critically analyze the provisions of corporate insolvency resolution process, to examine whether IBC is facilitating newlinerehabilitation of insolvent corporations and protecting the interest of creditors, so as to balance their interests. It further aims to outline a draft policy for a better insolvency resolution process in India. Primary data for the study was collected through a structured interview of stakeholders and conclusion was drawn through a qualitative thematic analysis using NVivo software. The findings showed that, through CIRP there is debt recovery for financial creditors, but it is not expeditious. There are multiple reasons for the delay. The operational creditors are not able to newlinerecover from the process and as a result, many of them are turning insolvent. The rights of the corporate debtor are protected under the Code but they are not adequately protected under the Code as there is no value maximization under the Code. There are many delays in the process, resulting in more companies going into liquidation. IBC is a debtor friendly legislation. Both resolution and liquidation benefit the corporate debtor as it helps the company to resolve its newlineinsolvency. -
School Counseling in India : School Counselor Roles, Policy and Implementation
With a lack of comprehensive policy and literature on stakeholders perspectives and the counseling program s implementation, there is much to be known about the present status of school counseling in India. Three research questions examined in two phases were the perception of actual and preferred roles of the school counselors from the perspective of school administrators, school counselors, teachers, students, and parents; awareness and implementation of school counseling policy from the perspective of administrator and counselors; and implementation of the school counseling program. Quantitative phase I met newlineobjectives one and two using cluster sampling to select 1029 participants. School newlineadministrators and counselors completed the Survey on Knowledge and Implementation of newlinePolicies Regarding School Counseling which was developed and validated by two experts in newlinethe study. All participants completed the International Survey of School Counselor Activities (ISSCA) (Fan et al., 2018). Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, the KruskalWallis H test, and post-hoc Bonferroni-Dunn. Qualitative phase II met objective three using purposive sampling to recruit 14 participants for a semi-structured interview. Qualitative newlinecontent analysis indicated that school counseling in India is still developing, with newlineinconsistencies in understanding the counselor s role among stakeholders. There were differences in awareness and knowledge about the responsibility of implementing school counseling policies. School counseling programs were affected by role ambiguity, stigma about mental health issues, lack of comprehensive structure to the counseling program, and lack of research and evaluation. Implications of the study are discussed. -
On the Maximization of Some Graph Coloring Problems
A graph coloring problem involves labeling the vertices or edges in a graph with newlinecolors or numbers subject to some constraints. The most frequently known graph newlinecoloring problems are the ones that usually minimize the number of colors used in newlinecoloring the vertices or edges. The chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by and#967;(G), is the least number of colors used in a proper coloring of G. The chromatic sum of a graph G, denoted as P(G), was introduced in [1], which is to and the smallest possible coloring sum in a proper coloring of the graph G using natural numbers. Lately, a few studies have endured in a distinct area of the literature where the number of colors used in a graph coloring problem is maximized under certain conditions. Some of these works have applications in network sciences. newlineThe concerned study focuses on the maximization of three dierent edge coloring newlineconcepts, viz., the vertex induced kand#8722;edge coloring, vertex incident kand#8722;edge coloring, newlineand edge incident 2and#8722;edge coloring of a simple connected graph G, where k and#8805; 2. The newlinenumber of colors assigned to the edges of the graph G has been maximized under certain conditions. The vertex induced kand#8722;edge coloring and the vertex incident newlinekand#8722;edge coloring concepts are the generalized version of the edge coloring approach newlineintroduced and studied in [2]. Furthermore, the concept of the achromatic sum of a graph G has also been introduced here. This concept is to and the greatest possible coloring sum of the graph G in an improper edge coloring using natural numbers. An extensive study newlineon three achromatic sums, namely the vertex induced 2and#8722;edge coloring sum, the vertex incident 2and#8722;edge coloring sum, and the edge incident 2and#8722;edge coloring sum are carried out. A few bounds for these parameters on a simple connected graph G and the exact values for some elementary graph classes have been investigated. A few comparative results between some of these parameters have also been obtained. -
Synthesis, Process Parameter Control and Performance of Nano Ceramic Coatings for Diesel Engine Applications
Ceramics are non-metallic inorganic solids which are used in various forms (bulk and newlinecoatings) and environments (low and high temperature) to provide protection from newlinethermal, wear or chemical attack. Due to their high melting point, compressive newlinestrength, oxidation and corrosion resistant properties, ceramics are strong, hard, newlinebrittle and harsh environment resistant. Ceramic coatings are generally applied on newlinemetal components to either enhance their life or augment the performance of the devices they are mounted on. Furthermore, coatings being thin (few small units to hundreds of microns); they do not demand significant alteration in component design. Among the many types of coatings used in engineering applications, Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBC) and wear resistant coatings (WRC) are used to protect metallic components from thermal and mechanical damages respectively. 6 to 8%Yttria stabilized zirconia (6-8% Y2O3-ZrO2), generally designated as 8YSZ has been newlineextensively used as TBC and alpha alumina (and#945;-Al2O3) find applications as WRC. 250 to 300m thick micron grained TBC, with grain sizes typically up to 20 m or even higher are well known to thermally insulate diesel engine combustion chamber to provide enhanced fuel efficiency characteristics. 8YSZ and and#945;-Al2O3 coatings also find use in power plants, textiles, automotive and aero-space industries etc. to provide benefits like improved product quality and energy efficiency, extended wear life, reduced maintenance cycles and costs etc. Among ceramic coatings, nanostructured coatings have received further interest because of their extraordinary properties including enhanced hardness, strength, ductility, and toughness when compared with coatings with micron grained newlinemicrostructure. Nanostructured zirconia is also expected to serve as advanced TBC in newlineengine applications, although information on its feasibility and the technology is mostly classified. -
Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic Trading Activity in the BSE Using Limit Order Book of Select Stocks
With the existence of a heterogeneous market compounded by asymmetric information, technology has become one of the major newlineenablers in stock market development. Introduction of algorithms for trading gave a fillip to many stock market participants and allowed them to trade rapidly and profitably. In the present day in Indian stock market, newlinewe have two types of market players; algorithmic traders and nonalgorithmic traders. The algorithmic traders are playing a dominant role in order placement, order modification and order execution while the newlinenon-algorithmic traders still continue to use their intuition. This study aims to understand the trading activity of both the market participants. The study uses the Limit Order Book data from Bombay Stock Exchange. newlineThe LOB data of selected nine stocks is considered for the study whose variables namely Order Added, Order Updated and Order Deleted data along with the Bid Ask Quotes are considered for measurement. Based on newlinethe Limit Orders it is observed that there is a statistically significant difference in the trading behavior of algorithmic and non-algorithmic traders based on stock market session timings and market capitalization. newlineThe market making ability of the algorithmic traders was examined using Order-to trade Ratio and it is observed that large number of orders are not executed indicating that there is no significant Market Making happening. newlineThe algorithmic traders possess an edge over the non-algorithmic traders in Order Modification resulting in dominance in the Stock market. The Mann Kendal Trend test indicates upward and downward trend in newlinevolume adjusted spread indicating that market making is happening especially in the stocks where algorithmic activity is high. This study enables regulatory authorities to monitor stock market activity especially during pre- open session. This study provides sufficient scope for further research on future of algorithmic trading activity and its ramifications on non-algorithmic trading activity in the future. -
Animal-Assisted Therapy : Effect on Neuropsychological Functioning, Depression and Emotion Regulation
The mere presence of a dog in a therapeutic setup is known to bring about positive newlineoutcomes, so when incorporated into therapy, dogs can bring multifarious benefits that are not entirely tapped upon. There also exist cultural differences in the perception towards and acceptance of animals which limits the generalisability of western literature. This research aimed to study the effect of animal-assisted therapy, with therapy dogs, on depression, emotional newlineregulation and neuropsychological functioning of individuals. A pretest-posttest experimental research design was used wherein 42 participants were matched and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Both the groups received therapeutic interventions once a week, for 45 minutes, over a period of 2 months, however, only the experimental group received animal-assisted therapy. Beck Depression Inventory-II, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale newlineand NIMHANS Neuropsychology Battery were used to gauge the level of depression, emotion newlineregulation and neuropsychological functioning before and after the intervention. The findings reveal that both the experimental and control group saw a significant improvement in their level of depression and emotion regulation, however, only the experimental group showed a significant improvement in all the measured domains of neuropsychological functioning. No newlinesignificant changes were observed in the domains of neuropsychological functioning of the control group. The results help validate the animal-assisted therapy interventions provided to improve the individuals neuropsychological functioning, and emotion regulation and alleviate depression. Further implications are identified and discussed as per the results. -
Sum Signed Graph
A sum signed graph S = (G, f, and#963;) is a signed graph of the underlying graph G where f : V (G) and#8722;and#8594; {1, 2, . . . , | V (G) |} is a bijective function and and#963; : E(G) and#8722;and#8594; {+, and#8722;} is newlinea mapping such that and#963;(uv) = +, whenever f(u) + f(v) and#8804; n and and#963;(uv) = and#8722;, whenever f(u) + f(v) gt n. The minimum number of negative and positive edges among all the sum signed labelings of G is known as rna and rna complement number respectively. The maximum number of positive edges among all the sum signed labelings of G is known as adhika number. The set X and#8838; V (G) is said to be a s - dominating of a signed graph whenever X is a dominating set and there exists exactly s number of negative edges between X and its complement. The minimum cardinality of such a dominating set over all signed graphs of the graph G is called an s - domination number. newlineIn the present study, we initiate the study of a new labeling in signed graphs namely, newlinesum signed labeling. The characteristics of sum signed graphs and the bound of rna number of in terms of the number of vertices in the underlying graph are explored by examining the rna number of different graphs. The properties of signed graphs such as negating and balancing is analyzed. The relation between rna number and rna complement number is established. The connection of sum signed labeling with parity signed labeling and cordial labeling is discussed. The absolute cordial condition for graphs satisfying sum signed labeling is examined. The concept of s - domination was also introduced during this period of study. The s domination in both the positive and negative homogeneous signed graph is investigated for each value of s. The properties of s domination in sum signed graphs are also analyzed. The s - domination number for specifc values of s is investigated for various graphs. The maximum value of s for a graph for which the s - domination will exist is discussed. -
Modification of Carbon Based Electrodes as Robust Scaffolds for Electrochemical Sensing of Vitamins and Hormones
Electrochemical sensors are for vitamins and hormones are constructed on employing various newlinemodifications (molecular imprinting technology, coating of 2D sheet like materials and also modifying using supramolecular complexing material) on the transducer host, carbon fiber paper electrode (CFP). From our observation, the electrochemical oxidation/reduction current newlineof the analytes studied, intensified significantly on the surface modifications employed over the CFP substrate. Surface morphology was characterized using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Electron Diffraction X-ray (EDX), X-Ray Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Optical Profilometry and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Nyquist plots revealed the least charge transfer resistance at the finally modified working electrodes compared to other control electrodes. Optimization of experimental conditions such as effect of pH, investigating the reaction mechanism via effect of scan rate, number of cycles for the electrodeposition of the film in order to achieve maximum current response and potential window were studied in detail by using cyclic voltammetry (CV). Quantification of the analytes was performed using Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV). newlineAnalytical corroboration for real samples were carried out using the finally modified newlineelectrode. Therefore, all the works carried out have established simplicity and selectivity in the principle of the novel approach in the development of an ultrasensitive voltammetric sensor for vitamins and hormones studied. -
Antecedents of Psychological Capital and Its Consequences on Affective Commitment and Psychological Wellbeing
Jharkhand Education Board stakeholders face the problem of dealing with the educational environment, thereby escalating a teacher's morale. To address this situation, a positive mindset in education, particularly among teachers, is desirable. Hence, based on positive psychology discipline resource theory conservation, and broaden and build theory, the study was carried out using a sequential explanatory mixed-method study design. The research questions addressed in the study were as follows: To what extent can the categories of proactive personality, emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and perceived organizational support predict PsyCap of teachers? To what extent will PsyCap predict the categories of affective commitment and psychological wellbeing? We considered both quantitative and qualitative methods; hence, this study had two phases. In the first phase, the data was gathered from 900 teachers using the survey instruments. The statistical analyses performed were Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with the software SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0. For teachers of rural Jharkhand, the study found that psychological capital has three dimensions. Besides proactive personality, emotional intelligence, and servant leadership also impact psychological capital. Further, psychological capital affects affective commitment and psychological wellbeing. In the second phase, this study examined the way and the reason behind the functioning of the antecedents of psychological capital using qualitative content analysis. The results offered a comprehensive understanding and identification of the antecedents that form rural teachers' psychological capital. Implications of the research include recommendations for recruiting teachers with higher levels of psychological capital and professional development through in-service teachers' training with a specific focus on psychological capital. -
Admissibility of DNA Profiling Evidence in Criminal Trials in In India : A Comparative Study with Specific Reference to Legal Systems of United States of America and England
The use of Forensic technique of DNA profiling now constitutes a standard element of the system of Law Enforcement, and the findings of DNA testing are often acceptable in the proceedings of Legal cases. Despite newlinethe fact that they first relied on Expert Testimony based on DNA Evidence, the Courts in India have come to acknowledge DNA Evidence as both a fact that is significant to the case as well as proof that is conclusive. On the other hand, the scope of guilt that is capable of being concluded from a seeming match between samples is a topic of on-going debate. In most cases, it will newlinemerely be capable to locate the position of a suspect in relation to the site of the Crime. The uncritical acceptance of this Forensic Evidence as the objective answer to the challenge of determining the identity of a criminal raises the potential for scientific appropriation of the Criminal Justice system. newlineIn the vast majority of contested Legal proceedings involving Criminal offenses, the issue at hand is not one of identification but rather one of Intent or Mens-Rea, and DNA Evidence is irrelevant in this regard. Additionally, it is imperative to create a Regulatory framework which controls how the newlineForensic technique of DNA Profiling is used and applied with the objective to ensure its methodical and organized implementation. In light of this, it is very important to make rules about DNA Profiling that will only allow it to be used for Legal investigations. In an effort to regulate DNA profiling in the newlinecountry, the DNA Technology (Use and Application) Regulation Bill 2019 has been proposed. The emphasis of this study, is the particular difficulties experienced by the Indian Judicial system as a consequence of introducing this novel Forensic technique into the Criminal Proceedings, and the research aims to examine the evolution and use of DNA profiling in India.