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Contemporary Indian Way of Settling Down: Emerging Adults Perspective
Settling down in India historically entailed a culturally constructed notion for individuals, focusing on marriage. An exploration of the modern Indian idea of Settling down was explored in light of the driving forces of globalization and increased migration. The current study explored the concept of Settling down among emerging adults aged between 18 and 29 years who had migrated within the borders of India for education or employment purposes. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted. The reflexive thematic analysis method was employed for analysing the data. Emerging themes unveiled that despite marriage being endorsed by a few of the participants, co-habiting relationships were convenient and burden-free. Employment, financial independence, and professional stability emerged as the primary markers of Settling down among migrant emerging adults. It was also recognized that migration had a critical impact on peoples decisions about settling down.. 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Online cooperative learning: exploring perspectives of pre-service teachers after the pandemic
Mainly, research has explored pre-service teachers perspectives toward cooperative learning within face-to-face teaching. However, in a post-pandemic scenario, previous research has yet to effectively explore pre-service teachers (PSTs) perspectives toward online cooperative learning (OCL) in teacher education programs. So, recognizing the gap in the literature, this paper aims to explore the perspectives of PSTs towards OCL. The researchers employed a qualitative research design for the present study. The researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 PSTs who underwent OCL during the pandemic. These PSTs may possess digital proficiency, virtual collaboration abilities, flexibility in evolving educational environments, and an enhanced understanding of online cooperative learning methodologies within modern education. Researchers employed a thematic analysis to analyze the qualitative data obtained. The various themes that emerged from the study are perceived benefits of OCL, challenges to OCL, technological proficiency, learning strategies and support, and building a supportive online learning community. Future researchers may contribute to advancing effective online learning practices by gaining a deeper understanding of pre-service teachers perspectives towards OCL through research on a larger scale, including various teacher education programs in various countries. 2024, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Sales Prediction Scheme Using RFM based Clustering and Regressor Model for Ecommerce Company
Machine learning models are being used for better insights and decision making across many industries today. It shows to be quite useful for businesses in the ecommerce industry as well due to the vast amount of data generated and its potential. This research aimed to find insights on future sales of an ecommerce company [1]. The vast number of variables including both categorical and continuous variables under product data, customer information, transaction information, led us to implement a prediction model using regressors rather than just time series forecasting techniques. First an RFM (Recency, Frequency and Monetary) based clustering algorithm was used to get customer related information and then integrate those results into a regressor to achieve the desired goal of prediction of sales. Two schemes were tested one being predictions on individual clusters and the other where the clusters were one hot encoded back into the main data. Results show quite high accuracy of prediction. The high R-squared also indicated that our hypothesis of including the variables contributed significantly to the predicted sales values was correct in this case. This research fulfills an identified need to understand how machine learning algorithms can be implemented by multiple algorithms being integrated in sequential and logical orders thus helping derive business specific strategies rather than making it a mere technical process by providing empirical results about how the predicted sales values along with given inputs can contribute in business decision making relating to marketing, inventory management, dynamic pricing or many more such strategies. 2022 ACM. -
Business Intelligence in Action: Way of Successful Implementation of Automated Systems
This chapter presents an overview of the role of automated systems in Business Intelligence (BI). BI has emerged as a critical element for modern organizations in decision-making processes by analyzing large volumes of data. Automated BI systems offer several advantages over traditional manual systems, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and customized insights. Despite these benefits, there are several limitations and challenges associated with the implementation of automated BI systems. This chapter examines the benefits and limitations of automated BI systems and identifies common success factors for successful implementation. The chapter also explores different types of automated systems, including predictive analytics, machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics process automation. These systems can help organizations analyze and interpret large amounts of data more quickly and accurately, enabling them to make informed decisions. However, despite the potential benefits of automated BI systems, there are several challenges associated with their implementation, including technical expertise and integration issues. To address these challenges, careful planning, collaboration, and ongoing monitoring are essential. In conclusion, this chapter highlights the importance of automated BI systems in modern businesses and provides valuable insights into their benefits and limitations. The chapter also emphasizes the need for careful planning, collaboration, and monitoring for the successful implementation of automated BI systems. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Nidhi Sindhwani, Rohit Anand, A. Shaji George and Digvijay Pandey; individual chapters, the contributors. -
PBIB-designs and association schemes arising from minimum bi-connected dominating sets of some special classes of graphs /
Afrika Matematika, Vol.29, Issue 1-2, pp.47–63, ISSN: 1012-9405. -
Comparative optimization studies (Isp 4 vs isp 3 vs isp 2 media) of mangrovian streptomyces pluripotens anukcjv1 for its ?-amylase production and geographical correlation of mangrovian actinomycetes strains
Streptomyces pluripotens ANUKCJV1 was isolated from Coringa Mangroves which was located along the South Indian Delta. The Current work which was in continuation to our previously reported work which suggests that Streptomyces pluripotens ANUKCJV1 was the potential strain and the same has been subjected to comparative optimization studies in the current work by employing three media: ISP 4; ISP 3; ISP 2 media for enhanced ?-Amylase Production. Physico-Chemical variables viz Incubation period, PH, Temperature, Carbon and Nitrogen sources with respect to three different media (ISP 4, ISP 3 and ISP 2) were tested and cumulative analysis of three different media for differential bioactivity of ?-Amylase was done. Results suggest that ISP 4 found to be the best medium with cumulative value of 24.2 U/mL, where as the cumulative value of ISP 3 and ISP 2 were 19.3 U/mL and 19.4 U/mL respectively. Peptone as Nitrogen source of ISP 4 found to be the favourite Individual variable among all with production value of 8.0 U/mL. Geographical correlation with respect to number of Actinomycetes strains and ?-Amylase Bioactivity depicts that Distant geographical soil samples from the shore found to be favourable for higher number of Actinomycetes strains: A1 soil samples (~ 500 m)-33 %; A2 samples (~ 400 m)-22 %. With regard to ?-Amylase Bioactivity, A5 samples (~ 100 m) analysed to be the potential geographical bioactive zone for ?-Amylase Production. From the study it can be concluded that since ISP 4 found to be the favourite medium of the potential strain, by employing the same large scale exploration of the Streptomyces pluripotens ANUKCJV1 of the Coringa Mangroves may be done to tap the industrial benefits of ?-Amylase. EM International. -
FEC & BCH: Study and implementation on VHDL
Channel encoding and Forward Error Correction is a crucial element of any communication system. This paper gives a brief overview of the fundamentals, mechanism and importance of Forward Error Correction. The design and implementation of a (63,36,5) BCH Codec is also projected in the later sections. All simulations are made on MATLAB R2018b and the VHDL implementations have been carried out using Xilinx Vivado 2018.2. 2019 IEEE -
Design and Verification of a Novel Anchor Shaped Double Negative Metamaterial Unit Cell
In this manuscript, a novel anchor-shaped double negative metamaterial is proposed. The structure is designed to resonate at 2.45 GHz. The unit cell is designed on a 1.6 mm thick FR4 substrate having a dielectric constant of 4.4, and simulated using Ansys HFSS. The unit cell exhibits a double negative behavior and negative refractive index behavior. The robust and popularly used Nicolson-Ross-Weir and Transmission-Reflection methods were implemented on MATLAB to extract and validate the metamaterial characteristics. This novel metamaterial unit cell covers 1 GHz to 4.8 GHz which is one of the most extensively researched and employed bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. The bandwidth performance of this new structure for double negative behavior is compared to other unit cells. It shows better performance with comparable size and outperforms the other geometries. This metamaterial is well-suited for a wide range of applications like wireless communication, biomedical applications in ISM (2.4 GHz) band and 5G communication services in the sub-6 GHz range. 2022 IEEE. -
Sustainable intensification of water guzzling crops: Identifying suitable cropping districts of India
With food sufficiency being achieved, emphasis of policy makers is now on to sustainable intensification in line with the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Widening discrepancy between the water-resource supply and demand necessitates relook into the cropping pattern of the country.Based on district-level secondary data of area, productivity and level of groundwater extraction, this study aims to identify critical and potential area for cultivation of three major water-intensive crops, i.e.rice, wheat and sugarcane.Study found that 1.93 million ha of area under rice, mainly in north-western and western India, need a gradual shift.Nearly 43% of the rice cultivated area in eastern and north-eastern states of West Bengal, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Assam has potential for further intensification of rice cultivation.In case of wheat, around 0.65 million ha of area, mostly in Rajasthan, is critical in terms of sustainability.Livestock is an integral part of agriculture in this region and hence diversification of wheat would require mixed strategy of shifting to alternative dual-purpose crops and wheat cultivation with water conservation technologies.Study ftirther found that around 13543 ha of sugarcane in mainly in western Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu is deterring the groundwater resources.Recommendations emanating from the study include differentiates agricultural price policy, payment for ecosystem services and greater focus on productivity enhancement in eastern India. 2021 Indian Council of Agricultural Research. All rights reserved. -
Irrigation water policies for sustainable groundwater management in irrigated northwestern plains of India
Increasing global water shortage emphasizes the need for demand-side water management policies, especially in the agriculture sector, being the largest consumer of freshwater. Such policies are relevant in India, where groundwater depletion may have severe implications at various socio-economic levels. In this study, using mathe-matical modelling, we assess the feasibility of two alter-native irrigation water pricing policies (i) uniform wa-ter pricing policy and (ii) differentiated water pricing policy, wherein farmers growing less water-requiring crops (<4488 m3/ha) get an incentive for saving water, while those growing water-intensive crops pay for it. Us-ing a case study of Punjab, the breadbasket and one of the fastest groundwater-depleting states in India, alter-native cropping patterns are also suggested. The findings reveal that the current rate of groundwater withdrawal could not sustain agricultural intensification in the state. Although optimization of resource allocation has the pote-ntial to save water by 8%, this alone is unlikely to break the ricewheat mono-cropping pattern in Punjab. The analysis of two different volumetric irrigation water pricing policies shows that differentiated water pricing would be more effective in halting groundwater deple-tion in the state. However, adequate investment in irri-gation water supply infrastructure, mainly for installing water meters, is required to implement the policy. 2022, Current Science. All Rights Reserved. -
Ethical AI in Humanitarian Contexts: Challenges, Transparency, and Safety
This chapter elaborates on how emerging technologies for artificial intelligence (AI) can help create social change and solve worldwide problems. The chapter brings to light the issue of ethical matters and responsible AI practices that should be considered to avoid technology usage by the vulnerable population to harden already present inequalities. This chapter also examines the role of AI in ensuring that quality education is accessible to all, in addressing poverty through innovative approaches, and in the amplification quest of human rights advocacy by marginalized groups. This chapter presents a complete picture of the impact of AI on humanitarianism, exemplifying the devices of new horizons and emphasizing the necessity of responsible and inclusive applications. This chapter provides findings and advice for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and all interested parties who are involved in using the new technologies to make their world fairer and well-sustained. The chapter aims to comprehend the AI-humanitarianism nexus and simultaneously proclaim safety measures and transparency for the sake of social upheaval. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Adeyemi Abel Ajibesin and Narasimha Rao Vajjhala; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Algorithmic Trading: Financial Markets Using Artificial Intelligence
This research study gives an in - depth view of the recent developments in the fields of Machine Learning (ML) and Reinforced Learning (RL) techniques as they are related to various models for forecasting and systems for financial trading. The practical usage of deep learning models, that incorporates Neural Networks such as Recurrent, Convolutional along with hybrid models integrating genetic algorithms with LSTM networks, for forecasting the stock market patterns as well as bank failures, and fluctuations in exchange rate which is addressed in this study in an in - depth review analysis of the latest literature. In addition to this it also investigates how trading algorithm performance as well as risk management can be enhanced by applying techniques of deep reinforcement learning. This study also demonstrates the enhanced, efficacy, precision and the profitability achieved by using these artificial intelligence methods as compared with conventional economic modelling and detailed technical study models by analysing a number of stock markets and different kinds of assets. 2024 IEEE. -
Analysing Employee Management Using Machine Learning Techniques and Solutions in Human Resource Management
In the contemporary landscape of Human Resource Management (HRM), organizations are increasingly turning to advanced technologies to streamline employee management processes. This study explores the integration of machine learning (ML) techniques as a transformative solution for optimizing HRM practices, with a specific focus on employee management. By leveraging the power of ML algorithms, this research aims to enhance decision-making, efficiency, and overall effectiveness in HRM. The study encompasses a comprehensive analysis of existing HRM challenges, such as talent acquisition, performance evaluation, and employee retention, and proposes ML-based solutions to address these issues. By applying natural language processing, pattern identification, and predictive analytics, businesses may learn a great deal about employee behavior, performance patterns, and possible areas for development. HR professionals are more equipped to make well-informed choices, customize employee experiences, and put proactive talent development initiatives into action thanks to this data-driven approach. Additionally, the study examines the moral issues and difficulties surrounding the use of ML in HRM, stressing the significance of openness, justice, and privacy. By understanding and mitigating these concerns, organizations can successfully harness the transformative potential of ML in employee management, fostering a more dynamic and adaptive HRM framework. The study's conclusions add to the growing body of knowledge on the relationship between technology and HRM and offer useful advice to businesses looking to use cutting-edge approaches to improve labor management procedures. 2024 IEEE. -
Deep learning framework for stock price prediction using long short-term memory
Forecasting stock prices is always considered as complicated process due to the dynamic and noisy characteristics of stock data influenced by external factors. For predicting the stock market, several approaches have been put forward. Many academics have successfully forecasted stock prices using soft computing models. Recently, there has been growing interest in applying deep learning techniques in combination with technical indicators to forecast stock prices, attracting attention from both investors and researchers. This paper focuses on developing a reliable model for anticipating future stock prices in one day advance using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Three steps make up the suggested model. The approach begins with ten technical indicators computed from previous data as feature vectors. The second phase involves data normalization to scale the feature vectors. Finally, in the third phase, the LSTM model analyzes the closing price for the next day using the normalized characteristics as input. Two stock markets, NASDAQ and NYSE are chosen to evaluate the efficacy of the developed model. To demonstrate how effective the new model is in making predictions, its performance is compared to earlier models. Comparing the suggested model to other models, the findings revealed that it had a high level of prediction accuracy. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
Convolutional neural network for stock trading using technical indicators
Stock market prediction is a very hot topic in financial world. Successful prediction of stock market movement may promise high profits. However, an accurate prediction of stock movement is a highly complicated and very difficult task because there are many factors that may affect the stock price such as global economy, politics, investor expectation and others. Several non-linear models such as Artificial Neural Network, fuzzy systems and hybrid models are being used for forecasting stock market. These models have limitations like slow convergence and overfitting problem. To solve the aforementioned issues, this paper intends to develop a robust stock trading model using deep learning network. In this paper, a stock trading model by integrating Technical Indicators and Convolutional Neural Network (TI-CNN) is developed and implemented. The stock data investigated in this work were collected from publicly available sources. Ten technical indicators are extracted from the historical data and taken as feature vectors. Subsequently, feature vectors are converted into an image using Gramian Angular Field and fed as an input to the CNN. Closing price of stock data are manually labelled as sell, buy, and hold points by determining the top and bottom points in a sliding window. The duration considered over a period from January 2009 to December 2018. Prediction ability of the developed TI-CNN model is tested on NASDAQ and NYSE data. Performance indicators such as accuracy and F1 score are calculated and compared to prove effectiveness of the proposed stock trading model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed TI-CNN achieves high prediction accuracy than that of the earlier models considered for comparison. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Forecasting intraday stock price using ANFIS and bio-inspired algorithms
The main focus of this study is to explore the predictability of stock price with variants of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and suggests a hybrid model to enhance the prediction accuracy. Two variants of ANFIS model are designed which includes genetic algorithm-ANFIS (GA-ANFIS) and particle swarm optimisation-ANFIS (PSO-ANFIS) to forecast stock price more accurately. The standard ANFIS is tuned employing GA and PSO algorithm. The experimental data used in this investigation are stocks traded per minute price of four companies from NSE. Sixteen technical indicators are calculated from the historical prices and used as inputs to the developed models. Prediction ability of the developed models is analysed by varying number of input samples. Numerical results obtained from the simulation confirmed that the PSO-ANFIS model has the potential to predict the future stock price more precisely than GA-ANFIS as well as other earlier methods. Copyright 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Stock market prediction using subtractive clustering for a neuro fuzzy hybrid approach
Stock market prediction is the challenging area for the investors to yield profits in the financial markets. The investors need to understand the financial markets which are more volatile and affected by many external factors. This paper proposes a subtractive clustering based adaptive neuro fuzzy approach for predicting apple stock data prices. The research data used in this study is from 3rd Jan 2005 to 30th Jan 2015. Four technical indicators are proposed in this study. They are Simple moving average for 1week, simple moving average for 2weeks, 14days Disparity and Larry Williams R%. These variables are used as inputs to the neuro fuzzy system to predict the daily apple stock prices. Also, this study compares the proposed work with the ANFIS training method and subtractive clustering method etc. The performance of all these models is analyzed. The measures like training error, testing error, number of rules and number of parameters are calculated and compared for analysis. From the simulation results, the average performance of subtractive clustering based neuro fuzzy approach was found considerably better than the other networks. 2017, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. -
Forecasting gold prices based on extreme learning machine
In recent years, the investors pay major attention to invest in gold market because of huge profits in the future. Gold is the only commodity which maintains its value even in the economic and financial crisis. Also, the gold prices are closely related with other commodities. The future gold price prediction becomes the warning system for the investors due to unforeseen risk in the market. Hence, an accurate gold price forecasting is required to foresee the business trends. This paper concentrates on forecasting the future gold prices from four commodities like historical data's of gold prices, silver prices, Crude oil prices, Standard and Poor's 500 stock index (S & P500) index and foreign exchange rate. The period used for the study is from 1st January 2000 to 31st April 2014. In this paper, a learning algorithm for single hidden layered Feed forward neural networks called Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is used which has good learning ability. Also, this study compares the five models namely Feed forward networks without feedback, Feed forward back propagation networks, Radial basis function, ELMAN networks and ELM learning model. The results prove that the ELM learning performs better than the other methods. 2006-2016 by CCC Publications. -
Prediction of stock market price using hybrid of wavelet transform and artificial neural network
Background/Objectives: Accurate prediction of stock market is highly challenging. This paper presents a forecasting model based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for predicting financial time series. Methods/Statistical analysis: The idea of forecasting stock market prices with discrete wavelet transform is the central element of this paper. The proposed forecasting model uses the Discrete Wavelet Transform to decompose the financial time series data. The obtained approximation and detail coefficients after decomposition of the original time series data are used as input variables of back propagation neural network to forecast future stock prices. Approximation coefficients can characterize the coarse structure of the data and detail coefficients capture ruptures, discontinuities and singularities in the original data, to recognize the long-term trends in the original data. Findings: The proposed model was applied to five datasets. For all of the datasets, accuracy measures showed that the presented model outperforms a conventional model. It also proved that the hybrid forecasting technique has achieved better results compared with the approach which is not using the wavelet transform. Applications/Improvements: The accuracy of the proposed hybrid method can also be improved by developing a model using artificial neural network with Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interference System. -
Foreign exchange rate forecasting using Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm
Background/Objectives: Foreign currency Exchange (FOREX) plays a vital role for currency trading in the international market. Accurate prediction of foreign currency exchange rate is a challenging task. The paper investigates the FOREX prediction using feed forward neural network. Methods/Statistical analysis: This paper employs artificial neural network to forecast foreign currency exchange rate in India during 2010-2015.The exchange rates considered between Indian Rupee and four major currencies Euro, Japanese Yen, Pound Sterling and US Dollar. The network developed consists of an input layer, hidden layer and output layer. The neural network was trained with Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) learning algorithm. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Forecasting Error (FE) are used as indicators for the performance of the networks. Findings: Simulation results are presented to show the performance of the proposed system. The paper also aims to suggest about network topology that must be chosen in order to fit time series kind of complicated data to a neural network model. The proposed technique gives the evidence that there is possibility of extracting information hidden in the foreign exchange rate and predicting into the future. Applications/Improvements: Finally, this paper presents the best network topology for FOREX prediction by comparing the effectiveness of various hidden layer performance algorithm using MATLAB neural network software as a tool.