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Exploring Bio Signals for Smart Systems: An Investigation into the Acquisition and Processing Techniques
Bio signals play a vital role in terms of communication in the absence of normal communication. Bio signals were automatically evolved from the body whenever any actions took place. There are lots of different types of bio signal based research going on currently from several researchers. Signal acquisition, processing the signals and segmenting the signal were totally different from one technique to another. Placing electrodes and its standard measurements were varied. The signals gathered from each subject may be varied due to their involvement. Each and every trial of signals can generate different patterns. Each and every pattern generated from the activities also has a different meaning. In this study we planned to analyze the basic measurement techniques handled to record the bio signals like Electrooculogram. 2023 IEEE. -
Behavioural Intention towards adoption of Robotic Accounting for a profitable leading digital transformation
Leading digital transformation accelerates impactful changes in business environments and work places and helps them thrive in this age dominated by physical, emotional, and financial disruptions. This is very much evident during the pandemic-induced current economic climate; the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) industry has been found to grow at an exponentially increasing rate throughout 2020, and based on the response towards it, it can be logically predicted that this trend will continue to be in vogue for several years into the future. The use of RPA technology enables auditing firms to not only automate business processes but also significantly improve the way the company currently completes tasks. In view of the above, the present study focuses on the nature of digital automation of business processes in auditing firms using RPA and its impact on revenue management and client engagement. The study proposes to make use of qualitative research methods and also aims to theorize the role of various antecedents that develop a strong intention among the auditing firms to adopt RPA for the purposes of accounting and auditing. 2022 IEEE. -
Rational suitability of low cost activated carbon in removing hexavalent chromium ions from wastewater by uninterrupted mode of adsorption
Heavy metals such as chromium, lead, arsenic and others are dense metals whose contamination of water may exterminate life on earth at the niche in industrial activities, foodstuffs or medicines and so on. Activated carbons are very helpful in removing heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption, and have been investigated by many researchers so far. The practical relevance of activated carbon made from de oiled soya in the removal of hexavalent chromium ions through continuous adsorption mode is reported in this paper. A breakthrough plot was plotted in finding the effect of initial concentration and adsorbent bed height in the adsorption of hexavalent chromium through activated carbon of de oiled soya. The breakthrough time and saturation time increased as the concentration of the initial solution shot up from 40 mg/L to 60 mg/L. The saturation time was in an incremental mode when the thickness of the adsorbent bed height in a fixed bed was increased from 5cm to 7cm for 40 mg/L initial concentration of hexavalent chromium. The Adams-Bohart's model was found to fit perfectly the fixed bed column in the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions. The fabricated adsorbent worked well in detoxifying hexavalent chromium metal ion contaminated wastewater. 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Impact of air pollution in health and socio-economic aspects: Review on future approach
Air contamination is mainly induced by human activity and environmental pollution. Consumption of Air pollution in fewer amounts leads to a significant range of harmful effects on public safety. Nevertheless, with the accelerated pace of economic growth and modernization and the high quantity of electricity need results in huge amounts of pollutants and waste creates significant air pollution. The latest research has shown that because humans only use a tiny part of their day to drive, their constant air quality intake is primarily attributed to the commuting microenvironment. The nature of life on this planet is dependent on clean air. This article presents the literature to include a review of the effect on different facets of human existence of air emissions. The effect is narrowly classified into health and climate change. The study shows that air contamination has a broad variety of consequences, from infectious illnesses and life-threatening disorders and the breakdown of particular organ systems and psychological health. There is no question that this problem has to be addressed with the utmost focus. Such results should be used to prompt further work and to deliver clean air initiatives to officials. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Envisioning the potential of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Health Care Management
Natural Language Processing (NLP) continues to play a strategic role in disease detection, intensive care, drug discovery and control of mushrooming infections during the current pandemic. It energizes chat programs to reduce outbreaks during the initial stages of coronavirus infection. NLP technologies have reached new heights in terms of utility, and are at the heart of the success of a multilingual conversation system, and Deep learning language models. It supports more languages around the world. NLP powered AI such as Health map and Copweb platforms track patient requests and perform incident detections. This study looks at the role of NLP and its technologies, challenges, and future possibilities using AI and machine learning for crisis mitigation and easier electronic health records (EHRs) maintenance in the health care industry. This research work explores the strategic approach and potential of NLP which maximizes the value of the EHR and healthcare data, making data a critical and trusted component in improving health outcomes 2021 IEEE. -
Reimagining the Digital Twin: Powerful Use Cases for Industry 4.0
Novel cohorts of information technologies are transformation and upgrading the global manufacturing sector. The analysis of product procedure in discrete globe might furnish significant perceptions resting on scheme routine which may change manufacturing product design. Digital twin predictive analysis on both historical and future performances of an organizations physical resources leading to proficient industry functioning. In digital twin, cloud-based virtual image of industrial asset is maintained throughout the lifecycle which can be accessed at any time. Digital twin enhances the degree and functions of manufacturing world by integrating with the physical world. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
An overview of nanomaterial technologies in the management of wastewater treatment
Nanomaterials are the foundation stone of nanotechnology. It is a broad and trans disciplinary section of exploration. Its developmental commotion has been rising intensively across the world in the last few years. Applications of nanotechnology are abundant in various fields like medicines, electronics, machines, and so on. This paper describes one such application that is nanotechnology in wastewater treatment viz nanosorption, nanophotocatalysis and Nano membrane technology. The Nano compounds engaged in such treatments have been discussed here. As of now the world is in distress from the non-Availability of drinking water and even the very existence of drinking water in nature are becoming toxic due to the addition of chemicals and heavy metals by man-made and by natural happenings as well. The distinctive properties of nanomaterial such as surface area, competent to toil at required and even at low concentration and their potential have prodigious prospects to reform wastewater treatment. Carbon based nanomaterial, metal oxide nanomaterials and nanomebranes have been discussed at this juncture. There are several disputes in treating wastewater with nanomaterials such as insufficient information about the nanomaterial. Still researchers have a lack of knowledge about how these materials are travelling and the effect of nanomaterial on human health. Though the nanostructured catalytic membranes, Nano sorbents and nanophotocatalyst are the established methods to eliminate water pollutants from wastewater, they need more energy and additional investment. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Broad-spectrum of sustainable living management using green building materials-an insights
Owing to the recurrent modifications in the lifestyle and demands of humans the regular life of buildings is decreasing whereas the demolition or renovation of the buildings increases. Building materials and their components ingest just about 40 percent of world-wide vigour per annum in their life segments such as fabrication and procurement of building materials, construction and demolition. The development of the construction industry completely relies on the deployable resources. To abate the consumption of construction materials in current years, the construction industry has established an environmental track, which wishes to use naturally available materials. Reviving such technology, further developing this technology green building materials are paramount for constructing green buildings. Such a green-building constructional model does not require energy contributions frequently for production. The advantage of reducing the energy used in manufacturing, increases strength. Green Building material is one which utilizes less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste, produces less carbon dioxide emissions and provides improved space for inhabitants as compared to conventional buildings. It includes environmental, economic, and social benefits as well. This paper aims to provide knowledge about some of the green building materials that help for sustainable living. These elucidations can obligate a significant influence in contemporary construction owed to the escalation in the charges of traditional construction materials. 2021 by the Authors. -
Unraveling the Potential of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Blockchain Technology in Environment Management
Blockchain as an emerging technology provides a ray of hope to the most intensive environmental issues facing the planet. Blockchain with its decentralized business model has great relevance not only in the field of finance but also in environmental sustainability. The World Economic Forum has identified blockchain as a repair mechanism to the most challenging global environmental issues. It is a highly promising technology gaining traction in diverse fields. Blockchain through this technology unveils its capabilities as a decentralized ledger of all dealings across peer-to-peer networks, where participants can ratify transactions without any central authority. Blockchain technology is an indestructible electronic ledger of transactions designed to record and store everything of value in addition to financial transactions. Blockchain can ensure a shift to cleaner and more resource conserving decentralized solutions, unravel natural capital and to empower communities. This chapter attempts to study the applicability of blockchain in protecting and sustaining the global environment at various levels including life on land, life below the earth and climate changes. Deployment of blockchain technology is needed in areas like climate change, biodiversity conservation and healthy water bodies to overcome the threats they face. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Unlocking the potentials of using nanotechnology to stabilize agriculture and food production
In the face of alarmingly increasing climate change, agricultural sector is exposed to innumerable and unprecedented challenges globally. This has led to food insecurity worldwide and in order to achieve the required food security at the global level, various methods and techniques have been put forth by researchers from around the world for boosting crop production and ensuring sustainability. Advanced nano-engineering is found to be of great import in improving production in agriculture and increasing input efficiency and minimization of losses. The fertilizers and pesticides, used for increasing and protecting the crop production respectively, can gain not only specific but also wider surface area with the help of nanomaterials, which serve as exclusive agrochemical carriers and assure facilitation of nutrients to target areas with the help of delivery monitoring techniques. Nanobiosensors, an example of the wide ranging nanotools, scaffold the growth of high-tech agricultural farms and also stand proof for the practical and proposed applications of the nanotools in terms of agricultural inputs control and their management precision. Nanosensors the off-spring of the culmination of biology and nanotechnology has an increased potential level in sensing and identifying both the advantageous and adverse conditions of the environment. The other applications of nano-technology include nanofertiliers with release-control techniques for healthy growth and rich yield and productivity of crops, nano-based target delivery approach, also referred to as gene transfer technique, for improved quality of crops, nanopesticides for effective protection of crops and other nanomaterials for promotion of stress tolerance among plants and enhancement of quality of soil [4]. In our review paper, we intend sum up the recent research and studies on the nanotechnology's innovative uses in agriculture to cope up with the ever-increasing necessity for food and sustenance of environment. 2021 Author(s). -
Harnessing nanotechnology applications and solutions for environmental and climate protection-an overview
Nanotechnology is an emerging technology that has drawn considerable interest from environmentalists. Numerous nano techniques identify Nanotechnology applications as having the potential for imperative advantages and innovation. This work offers a wide-overview of the main beliefs that strengthen s nanotechnology. We focus on the potential applications of nanotechnology for environmental protection and management by thoroughly reviewing past literature. To our understanding, this is an academic, peer-reviewed work to deliver a systematic review of nano-activities in the areas of environmental and climate protection. Our study has been systematically arranged into two different groups (1) Potential applications of nanotechnology in r environmental protection and (2) The best part of Nanotechnology that combats Climate Change. For each of these cases, our contribution is twofold: First, in identifying the technical ways by which nanotechnology can solve environmental risks, and secondly, in briefly presenting its potential advantages. The paper ends with deliberation of challenges and operational barriers that technology needs to overcome to prove its commercial viability and for being adopted for commercial use. 2021 Author(s). -
Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Ethical, Legal Challenges and Changes in Economy and Business
Artificial intelligence (AI) and global governance are an inclusive platform to discover the policy challenges worldwide augmented by artificial intelligence. The platform has three predominant subjects: AI and the global order, governance of AI, insights on the platform consider for mapping of AI futures. AI has great impact in revolution of geopolitical order and the reaction of multifaceted organizations which minimize AI risks and unpremeditated significances and its social aids are maximized through governance structures. It focusses on setups, collaborations, and tensions between different actors responsible for plan, deployment, support and governance of AI. AI improves the benefit for human well-being, productivity, social good, and safety with substantial risks for workers, developers, firms, and governments. The actors and organization begin to realize the ethical, legal, and regulatory challenges associated with AI. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Upskilling and Curating the Potentials of IoT Enabled Smart Cities: Use Cases and Implementation Strategies
The reason for opting the Internet of Things in the smart city system was to manage assets, resources and services efficiently and improve the operations across the city. This will be achieved by the inception of cognitive technologies, including the Internet of things (IOT). The IoT enabled Smart cities enables the utilities for improving transportation and accessibility, improve social services, promote sustainability, and give its citizens a voice. However, the barriers to smart cities are siloed, piecemeal implementations, growing expectations, uninformed citizens and shrinking budgets and little or no investment capital. Smart streetlights, lighting adapts to the activity on the street. Parking sensors provide real time information on an app where to find vacant parking spaces. Garbage sensors and automated waste collection are recent eras of smart cities. Overall it improves the operational efficiency and provides better quality of service. Thus, India thought of IoT enabled Smart cities which include housing, schools, offices and retail. In this paper, we examine significant aspects of an IoT infrastructure for smart cities, outlining the innovations implemented in the cities of India as use cases and Implementation Strategies. Exceptional attention is devoted to the potential applications of smart cities. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Nurturing the Rudiments and Use Cases of Ongoing Natural Language Generation for a Future Profitable Business More Profitable
Decoding the world of artificial intelligence and its usage in the current intelligence landscape enhance bottom-up growth in building resilient global business. The areas of artificial intelligence (AI) concerned with human-to-machine and machine-to-human interaction. The Next Wave in AI-driven speech is Natural Language Generation (NLG). Natural Language Generation (NLG) is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) programming to produce written or spoken narrative from a dataset. NLG is related to computational linguistics, natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU). NLG research often focuses on building computer programs that provide data points with context. Sophisticated NLG software has the ability to mine large quantities of numerical data, identify patterns and share that information in a way that is easy for humans to understand. The speed of NLG software is especially useful for producing news and other time-sensitive stories on the internet. At its best, NLG output can be published verbatim as web content. The goal of Natural language generation (NLG) is to use AI to produce written or spoken narrative from a dataset. Therefore, this study aims to study how NLG enables machines and humans to communicate seamlessly, simulating human to human conversations and using NLG how organizations are building new customer experiences, monetizing information assets, introducing new offerings and streamlining operational costs. Therefore, the coverage of this chapter will answer to the industrialists and new start-ups. What can NLG do for business? and what are the future applications of NLG? 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Ethical living and work self efficacy beliefs of academicians of higher education in ASIA: A key determinant of one's belief in one's ability to achieve the desired result in a precise state of affairs
Ethical academicians are perfectly virtuous. They always strive for greater virtue and follow strictly the moral stands of their profession. The ethical living and self-efficacy are important to them because of being fair and honest in their academics. Determinants of ethics include knowledge, values, attitude and intention. The domain-specific framework developed by Verbeke et al. (2004) has been considered as fundamental for identifying the dimensionality of work Self-efficacy and ethical challenges of academicians. A comprehensive literature review is undertaken regarding the concept of work Self-efficacy to assess workers' confidence and their ethical living in the workplace. This article examines theoretically and analytically the antecedent processes and information cues involved in the formation of work self-efficacy. Theoretical and numerical analysis of the key determinants of work self-efficacy increases the understanding of moral values, truthful fair and honest. Factors which decisively affect ethical living were identified from literature collected from the academicians who are working in the Five Regions of Asia-Central Asia (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan) East Asia (China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau) South Asia (Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, the Maldives) through Google classroom. Methods of Statistical Analysis of self-efficacy data are descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Kolmogorov-Smirvnos normality test and KruskalWallis one-way analysis of variance and Principal Component Analysis. Positive, mastery experiences give academicians a sense of accomplishment when they have faced a challenge ethically. Positive Zeal during Academic interaction, vicarious experiences that occur when academician see others succeed and feel an increased sense of their own ability to succeed. Sincere & deeper self, mingling with students, Social persuasion increase a teachers sense of confidence and ability to succeed. A proper plan of action has drawn special attention, and inferences pertaining to future research are discussed at the end of the critique. 2019, Sciedu Press. All rights reserved. -
Environmental Management: Pragmatic Suitability of Low Cost Activated Carbon in Lead (II)Ion Removal by Continuous Mode of Adsorption
Heavy metals such as chromium, lead, and arsenic are usually present in trace amounts in natural waters but many of them are toxic even at very low concentrations. An increasing quantity of heavy metals in our resources is currently an area of greater concern, especially since a large number of industries are discharging their metal containing effluents into freshwater without any adequate treatment. Activated carbons show a significant ability in removing heavy metal ions from an aqueous solution by adsorption, which has been examined by many researchers. Activated carbon derived from Manilkarazapota tree-wood (MZTWAC), which was found to be a suitable adsorbent for the removal of lead ions through continuous adsorption mode, was examined in this paper. A breakthrough curve has been plotted to find the effect of initial concentration and adsorbent bed height in the adsorption of lead (II)ion through MZTWAC. The breakthrough time and the saturation time increased as the initial concentration increased from 40 mg.L-1 to 60 mg.L-1. The saturation time was in the incremental mode when the bed height was increased from 5 cm to 7 cm bed thickness for 40 mg.L-1 concentration. Adams-Boharts model perfectly fits with this fixed-bed column in the removal of lead(II) from an aqueous solution using MZTWAC. Activated carbon derived from MZTWAC is better suited for the purpose of detoxifying metal-contaminated wastewater. 2021 Technoscience Publications. All rights reserved. -
Key challenges in developing and executing higher education learners' learning outcomes
This chapter examines higher education institutions' complex obstacles in developing and implementing effective learning outcomes. It emphasizes the need for outcomes that include subject-specific and general skills, meet students' diverse requirements, align with market demands, and incorporate emerging technologies. To facilitate student success in the 21st century, institutions must address these. It examines multidisciplinary programs, technology integration, faculty training, and student participation in outcome formation. It proposes enhancing outcomes through emerging technologies, social and emotional learning, global citizenship education, and entrepreneurship education, emphasizing student-centred approaches. Effective learning outcomes are essential for fostering student success in a constantly changing environment. Case studies from India, the United Kingdom, and the United States provide insights, emphasizing India and lessons from the US and UK experiences. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Reimagining Future of Future by redesigning Talent Strategy in the Age of Distraction and Disruption
The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic promoted the development of Industry 4.0 leading to the fifth industrial revolution (Industry 5.0). It brought in new ways of working and the role of the office in the future. It redesigned the workplace to support organizational priorities and resize the footprint creatively. Digitalization and globalization have sparked radical shifts in how employees live and work. In an age of digital disruption, companies and HR leaders are forced to revise organizational on how they organize, recruit, develop, manage and engage the 21st-century workforce. The big questions are: how can HR help business leaders reconstruct the workforce of the future? What effort has the company take to change future work and their workforce today so that it looks different 15 years later? Organizational agility, careers and learning disruption, talent disruption, rethinking performance management and people analytics in addition to creating the right structure, analysis, and standardized people metrics are the key to success and critical drivers to design talent strategy. This study aims to identify the magic ingredient (or strategies) behind managing an organization's talent in creating business success. We further examined and mathematically modelled these strategies in attracting and retaining high-quality employees, developing their skills, and continuously motivating them to improve their performance in the age of distraction and disruption. 354 employees from IT companies participated in the survey. The findings of the study show, as expected, that a compelling employer brand is the most effective talent management strategy of all when it combines three key drivers: organizational culture, organization goodwill and competition for talent. Gender was statistically, significantly and positively associated with the imperatives to reset the future of work agenda. 2021. All Rights Reserved. -
The Hubble tension: Change in dark energy or a case for modified gravity?
Recently, much controversy has been raised about the cosmological conundrum involving the discrepancy in the value of the Hubble constant as implied by Planck satellite observations of the CMBR in the early Universe and that deduced from other distance indicators (for instance using standard candles like supernovae, tip of the red giant branch, etc.) in the present epoch. The Planck estimate is about 67km-1Mpc-1, while that deduced from distance indicators at the present epoch is around 73-74km-1Mpc-1. Also the independent determination of the local value of the Hubble constant based on a calibration of the tip of the red giant branch and applied to Type Ia supernovae found a value of 69.8km-1Mpc-1. Here we propose a modification of the gravitational field on large scales as an alternate explanation for this discrepancy in the value of the Hubble constant as implied in the above-mentioned method, i.e., by Planck observations of the CMBR in the early Universe, and that deduced from other distance indicators in the present epoch. 2021, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science. -
A hybrid technique linked FOPID for a nonlinear system based on closed-loop settling time of plant
Wind and hydroelectric systems are more cost-effective and environmentally beneficial. A hybrid technique is proposed for the fractional-order proportional-integral-derivative (FOPID) controller to regulate the wind and hydro system. The proposed hybrid technique combines the feedback-artificial-tree (FAT), and atomic-orbital-search (AOS); together known as FAT-AOS approach. The proposed technique is utilized to decide the optimum controller parameters, and it guarantees system constancy in large disturbances using less computation and overshoot by restraining the parameter variation. The FAT is used to predict the optimum gain parameter of FOPID, and minimizing the system error is accomplished with the AOS approach. The performance metrics are peak time, rise time, settling time, and peak overshoot, are analyzed. The performance of the proposed method is done in the MATLAB platform. The simulation result of proposed approach for the rise time as 0.001 sec, settling time is 0.012 sec, and the overshoot percentage is 0.02 %. By comparing the existing methods, like Ant lion optimizer (ALO), Salp swarm algorithm (SSA), Particle swarm optimization (PSO), the proposed approach rise time and settling time overshoot, is less. The comparison proves that the proposed system delivers improved outcome than existing systems. 2024