Patent Number: 202241014988, Applicant: Ann Maria C G.
Humans are prone to heavy metals triggering many diseases and rising environmental concerns. Arsenic is one of the most harmful heavy metals which needs constant monitoring and control. A susceptible and selective sensor for arsenic (III) detection in polluted water samples has been developed by using chitosan stabilized silver nanoparticles. The glassy carbon electrode (GCE) is modified with chitosan stabilized silver nanoparticles, which provides sufficient sites for interaction with the analyte.
Patent Number: 202111033343, Applicant: Dr. Ruchi Tyagi.A system and a method for wellbeing assessment to assess psychological and mental needs of caregivers. The method comprising the steps of identifying categories of psychological need, wherein said categories comprises competence, results doubting, self-esteem and fears of failures, criticism, and expectations; plotting category theme on the basis of the identified categories; determining factors affecting the psychological needs of caregivers in COVID 19 situation on the basis of the plotted category theme, where said factors comprise depression, anxiety and/or stress assessment.
Patent Number: 202241004710, Applicant: Ghanesh Gunaseelan.
The invention block chain abetted'supply chain management comprising, a physical product receiver gets the information by a smart label through accessing a block of a blockchain stored on a computer system, a cold chain requirement for a product, wherein the smart label is associated with a package containing the product, the cold chain requirement ' for the product is stored in the block of the blockchain.
Patent Number: 202241004710, Applicant: Ghanesh Gunaseelan.
The invention block chain abetted'supply chain management comprising, a physical product receiver gets the information by a smart label through accessing a block of a blockchain stored on a computer system, a cold chain requirement for a product, wherein the smart label is associated with a package containing the product, the cold chain requirement ' for the product is stored in the block of the blockchain.
Patent Number: 202241000628, Applicant: Dr. C R Mahesha.
It is critical to have a monitoring system in place during every manufacturing process. The time it takes to process raw materials is one factor that influences how long it takes to make a product. A traditional company requires the operator to record the time it takes to process each order on a piece of paper. If you use this method to complete your work, you are likely to make numerous errors.
Patent Number: 202221009290, Applicant: Dr.Shilpa Bhakar.
The present invention is a device for analysis of market communication in tourism comprises of, a display unit is split into at the 4 parts to convert into a segmented display, thereby, an electronic kit is fitted into the display unit which is being getting the data therein, it is received by an analyser, this analysed data is send to the display unit to show the graphical representation of the tourism information under four different displaying ways.
Patent Number: 202221009290, Applicant: Dr.Shilpa Bhakar.
The present invention is a device for analysis of market communication in tourism comprises of, a display unit is split into at the 4 parts to convert into a segmented display, thereby, an electronic kit is fitted into the display unit which is being getting the data therein, it is received by an analyser, this analysed data is send to the display unit to show the graphical representation of the tourism information under four different displaying ways.
Patent Number: 202241004392, Applicant: Dr.Gopala Rao Thellaputta.
Off-site development seeks to move building activity to a production setting, allowing for autonomous modularity paneling. While this strategy has proved to be beneficial to the Indian development sector, developments in panelized wall production techniques provide new problems and possibilities for the architecture industry. Assessment for protection and labeled compounds manufacturing quality may be automated in such a supervised environment. Regarding framework assemblies, optical sensing may fulfill several functions.
Patent Number: 202211009293, Applicant: Rakesh Kumar Yadav.
The present invention is a retail merchandising aided by shop display systems: comprises of, three or more display modules but at least 3 should be available therein, once side of the display structure should be open and provided space to access it, but the other side is closed thereby pivoted vertically to provide the provision for fastening it firmly, therein displaying the items have a better space along with facility is given to the system that it state the items placed in the display modules while pressing the corresponding button provided to the individual display unit.
Patent Number: 202211009293, Applicant: Rakesh Kumar Yadav.
The present invention is a retail merchandising aided by shop display systems: comprises of, three or more display modules but at least 3 should be available therein, once side of the display structure should be open and provided space to access it, but the other side is closed thereby pivoted vertically to provide the provision for fastening it firmly, therein displaying the items have a better space along with facility is given to the system that it state the items placed in the display modules while pressing the corresponding button provided to the individual display unit.
Patent Number: 202241006289, Applicant: Dr.K.Santhana Lakshmi.
Impact of Management- Information- System (MIS) on effective HRM in a business Abstract: Human resource management is now recognised as a critical component of business. The human resources department of an ERP system has a transaction processing layer that handles tasks such as attendance tracking and wage calculation. Tracking employees is also a component of operational work. This serves as the jumping-off point for strategic work. With the increasing importance of human resource management and the growing size of businesses, maintaining employee data and producing accurate reports have become critical components of any business's operations and strategy.
Patent Number: 202241006289, Applicant: Dr.K.Santhana Lakshmi.
Impact of Management- Information- System (MIS) on effective HRM in a business Abstract: Human resource management is now recognised as a critical component of business. The human resources department of an ERP system has a transaction processing layer that handles tasks such as attendance tracking and wage calculation. Tracking employees is also a component of operational work. This serves as the jumping-off point for strategic work. With the increasing importance of human resource management and the growing size of businesses, maintaining employee data and producing accurate reports have become critical components of any business's operations and strategy.
Patent Number: 202241006289, Applicant: Dr.K.Santhana Lakshmi.
Impact of Management- Information- System (MIS) on effective HRM in a business Abstract: Human resource management is now recognised as a critical component of business. The human resources department of an ERP system has a transaction processing layer that handles tasks such as attendance tracking and wage calculation. Tracking employees is also a component of operational work. This serves as the jumping-off point for strategic work. With the increasing importance of human resource management and the growing size of businesses, maintaining employee data and producing accurate reports have become critical components of any business's operations and strategy.
Patent Number: 202241006289, Applicant: Dr.K.Santhana Lakshmi.
Impact of Management- Information- System (MIS) on effective HRM in a business Abstract: Human resource management is now recognised as a critical component of business. The human resources department of an ERP system has a transaction processing layer that handles tasks such as attendance tracking and wage calculation. Tracking employees is also a component of operational work. This serves as the jumping-off point for strategic work. With the increasing importance of human resource management and the growing size of businesses, maintaining employee data and producing accurate reports have become critical components of any business's operations and strategy.