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The social representations of academic achievement and failure
This study tried to explore the ways in which the construct of academic achievement and failure is conceptualized and represented among different social categories based on educational roles. It was indicated that social representations of academic achievement and failure function in broader social contexts. Findings also suggested that academic achievement and failure are not the antinomies and have multidimensional aspects which collaborate and have greater bearing on the future social outcomes. National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) India 2015. -
Post-formalist explanation of academic achievement: Exploring the contribution of John Ogbu and Joe Kincheloe
The present paper attempts to interrogate the existing approach to understand academic achievement in the mainstream educational psychology. The paper explores the persistent question of "why academic achievement gap" in the modern society from the cultural ecological and postformalist framework of John Ogbu and Joe Kincheloe respectively. As mainstream educational psychology limits its scope in the narrowed individualistic lens, paper suggests that dominant identity based curriculum, pedagogy and knowledge may concretize the psychological categories unless revolutionary efforts are made to transcend the boundaries. Thus, paper adopts critical interdisciplinary framework, rejecting positivistic metatheory as an only relevant approach in educational psychology. -
Post-formalist explanation of academic achievement: Exploring the contribution of John Ogbu and Joe Kincheloe
The present paper attempts to interrogate the existing approach to understand academic achievement in the mainstream educational psychology. The paper explores the persistent question of "why academic achievement gap" in the modern society from the cultural ecological and postformalist framework of John Ogbu and Joe Kincheloe respectively. As mainstream educational psychology limits its scope in the narrowed individualistic lens, paper suggests that dominant identity based curriculum, pedagogy and knowledge may concretize the psychological categories unless revolutionary efforts are made to transcend the boundaries. Thus, paper adopts critical interdisciplinary framework, rejecting positivistic metatheory as an only relevant approach in educational psychology. 2016, De Gruyter Open Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Teaching as a political act: The role of critical pedagogical practices and curriculum
The present paper is an inquiry into the role of the teacher in the context of the dominant Indian value system, an imposed curriculum and teacher-students interactions from the social psychological and critical interdisciplinary perspectives. The role of the school in the present modernist worldview is to frame and impart knowledge which may lead to economic growth. In this context, the role of the teacher is observed as being limited to a bearer of information rather than a leader who visualizes change and develops critical ability among students. Based on the theoretical framework of postformalism and collective/social identity, the current work argues that the role of the teacher is not limited to passively following and communicating mainstream values but involves constructing a new participative identity through critical pedagogical engagement and by acting as an active agent of social change. Institute for Research in Social Communication, Slovak Academy of Sciences. -
Smell Technology: Advancements and Prospects in Digital Scent Technology and Fragrance Algorithms
Smell technology, a rapidly expanding sector of the scent business, aims to digitally replicate and transmit aromas. Its applications include virtual reality, e-commerce, and healthcare. Recent advances in the field include the creation of smell algorithms and the use of artificial intelligence to create more realistic fragrances. Fragrance algorithms are mathematical models that predict the scent of a fragrance based on its chemical composition. They might be used to the perfume industry to streamline the production of perfumes and do away with the need for expensive trial-and-error methods. Artificial intelligence is also being used to create digital representations of fragrances that closely resemble the real thing by analysing the chemical composition of actual odours. A possible benefit of this technology in the healthcare sector is that synthetic odours may mimic the scents of diseases and aid physicians in making more precise diagnoses. Additionally, some companies are developing small devices that can be connected to computers or mobile devices to emit odours on demand, providing users of virtual reality, gaming, and online shopping with a more realistic experience. In spite of these advancements, it is still exceedingly challenging to recreate the complexity of natural scents, which can include hundreds of different components. With more research and development, there is still a tonne of promise for fragrance technology in the future. 2023 IEEE. -
Design and optimization of three class object detection modalities for manufacturing steel surface fault diagnosis and dimensionality classification
The main objective of this research is to create and improve three different object identification techniques for identifying surface flaws and categorising dimensions in steel that has been fabricated. RetinaNet, YOLOv3, and Faster R-CNN are the selected modalities in the experiment. The main goal is to evaluate these modalities' ability to detect and classify defects on steel surfaces in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. This assessment makes use of a varied collection of steel surface photos that show different kinds and sizes of faults. Training, validation, and testing sets make up the dataset's partitioning. The training set is used to train and optimise the three modalities, while the testing and validation sets are used to evaluate their performance. According to the study's findings, all three methods provide excellent of 0.92. RetinaNet comes in second with an F1 score of 0.89, followed by YOLOv3 with an F1 score of 0.87, while the Faster R-CNN modality obtains the greatest overall performance with an F1 score. The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2024. -
Sterlite Technologies Ltd.: To Buy or Not to Buy is the Question
[No abstract available] -
Artificial intelligence based system and method for management, recommendation, mapping of skill /
Patent Number: 202111054501, Applicant: Durgansh Sharma.Artificial intelligence based system (100) and method for management, recommendation, mapping of skill comprising EmpNet (101), recommender system (102), automated machine learning system (103), skillset dataset (104), optimization system (105), industry interface system (106). The method for management, recommendation, mapping of skill comprising the steps of: a) capturing the required skillset personal data by the panchayat system (701); b) verify the skillset (702). -
Impact of Machine Intelligence on Clinical Disease Outbreak Prediction
This research paper examines the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in disease outbreak prediction and its importance in public health. It explores the hurdles associated with predicting disease outbreaks, including data quality and accessibility, ethical considerations, algorithmic bias, and integration and interpretability challenges. The paper presents an overview of AI techniques applied in healthcare and their relevance to forecasting disease outbreaks. Case studies demonstrate the efficacy of AI -based models in predicting infectious diseases, vector-borne diseases, and epidemics/pandemics, employing diverse data sources. The limitations and future prospects of AI in disease outbreak prediction are addressed, accompanied by recommendations for enhancement. In conclusion, the paper highlights AI's potential to revolutionize disease outbreak prediction, leading to proactive public health interventions and improved response strategies. 2023 IEEE. -
Psychometric Properties of the Moral Injury Symptom Scale Among Indian Healthcare Professionals
The spread of the novel coronavirus has led to a rise in morally conflicting situations for healthcare professionals. Doctors and nurses who were serving as frontline workers, require special attention to alleviate the long-lasting impact of the potentially morally injurious events. The current study aims to validate the Moral Injury Symptom Scale-Healthcare Professionals (MISS-HP) among Indian healthcare workers. The 10-item MISS was administered to 150 doctors and 150 nurses using the purposive sampling method. Firstly, reliability was assessed using internal consistency measure. Secondly, item discrimination index was assessed by calculating the point biserial correlation for each item. Cronbach alpha indicated high internal consistency (0.77). The point biserial correlation value for each item indicated good discrimination. Finally, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to replicate the factor structure. CFA results suggested a good fit to the data. In conclusion, MISS-HP is a reliable and valid tool to assess moral injury among Indian healthcare professionals in India. 2023 Hibino et al. -
The role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals
Despite the advances in studies conducted among healthcare professionals to explore the impact of the pandemic on their mental health, a large population still continues to display COVID-19 related psychological complaints. There has been recent awareness of moral injury related guilt and shame among doctors and nurses. However, the factors associated with moral injury have not received much attention, due to which the issue still persists. This study aims to explore the role of guilt-shame proneness, and locus of control in predicting moral injury among healthcare professionals. MISS-HP, PGI Locus of Control, and GASP scales were administered to a sample of 806 healthcare professionals. Pearson correlation coefficient indicated a significant positive relationship between moral injury and guilt-shame proneness, as well as the locus of control. Regression analysis indicated a significant role of guilt-shame proneness and locus of control in predicting moral injury. In conclusion, while studying moral injury, it becomes equally important to consider these factors to understand the concept better. 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
An analysis of factors associated with employee satisfaction in information technology companies
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: An employees satisfaction and performance are linked to the companys work discipline, personal factors, and organizational culture. This paper studies these three factors in the context of Information Technology companies and their connection to employee satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a significant issue in Information Technology Companies, leading to increased labour turnover in Information Technology Companies. The study highlights the relevance of Information Technology companies to understanding the reasons behind their employees satisfaction. Until now, little is known concerning the variants of job satisfaction among Information Technology employees, enriching the understanding in this particular professional area. The study was conducted to assess the job satisfaction needs of the employees in major Information Technology companies. The study helps to know the preferences and problems of the employees. METHODS: In this study, data was collected from employees from various Information Technology companies to uncover the factors that impact the satisfaction of employees. Considering the studys goal and the literature review, the technique was analytical and interpretive. Due to large populations random sampling method is convenient for the study. The studys objectives were achieved explicitly via the questionnaires design. To test the proposed hypotheses, all data were processed using the Structural Equation Modelling, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Analysis of Moment Structures. FINDINGS: Information Technology companies need their employees to feel satisfied to achieve the overall objectives and remain loyal to the company to achieve company success. From the responses, we learned that 31% of the respondents were satisfied with their employer about the various allowances and benefits they receive. Also, we knew that around 50% of the respondents were happy with their choice of the company because of its future commitments. 102 of the respondents highly disagreed that they were satisfied with the attitude and nature of their employees. Also, 22.26% of the male respondents have said they are only sometimes motivated to go to work. The limitation of this study was that the collected data was only of the general employees of the Indian Information Technology companies and not to specific departments of those companies. Also, no categories of companies were defined as per turnover. CONCLUSION: By recognizing the importance of job satisfaction, managers can create an environment that motivates and engages employees, leading to better performance, increased productivity and reduced employee turnover 2024 Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center. All Rights Reserved. -
Biotechnological advancements in microplastics degradation in drinking water: Current insights and Future perspectives
Microplastics (MPs) have emerged as persistent toxicants in the recent decade. MPs are reported to present in different samples such as soil, water, wastewater, and human samples including placenta, urine etc. Recent studies have reported its presence in drinking water. MPs presence in the drinking water is of concern to the research because MPs are associated with several toxicities in animal models including human. The presented review is focused on understanding MPs abundance, sources, detection, analysis, and biotechnological approaches for its degradation. The paper discusses MPs sources, distribution, and transport in drinking water. In addition, it discusses the MPs identification in drinking water, and advances in biotechnological, metagenomics, system, and synthetic biology approaches for MPs degradation. Moreover, it discusses critically the major challenges associated with the MPs degradation in drinking water. Heterogeneity in the MPs size and shape makes it its identification difficult in the drinking water. Most of the methods available for MPs analysis are based on the dried samples analysis. Development of MPs in liquid samples may bring a breakthrough in the research. 2024 The Authors -
Analysis of Flexoelectricity with Deformed Junction in Two Distinct Piezoelectric Materials Using Wave Transmission Study
Analysis of flexoelectricity in distinct piezoelectric (PE) materials bars (PZT-7A, PZT-6B) with deformed interface in stick over Silicon oxide layer is studied analytically with the help of Love-type wave vibrations. Using the numerical data for PE material, then research achieves the noteworthy fallouts of flexoelectric effect (FE) and PE. The effect of flexoelectricity is compared first between biomaterials of piezoelectric ceramics. Dispersion expressions are procured logically for together electrically unlocked/locked conditions under the influence of deformed interface in the complex form which is transcendental. Fallouts of the research identify that contexture consisting of FE has a noteworthy impact on the acquired dispersion expressions. Existence of FE displays that the unreal section of the phase velocity rises monotonically. Competitive consequences are displayed diagrammatically and ratified with published outcomes. The outcomes of the present research done on both the real and imaginary section of the wave velocity. The comparative study between the two piezo-ceramics bars helps us to understand the properties of one piezo-material over the another and as an outcomes the significance of the present study helps in structural health monitoring, bioengineering for optimizing the detection sensitivity in the smart sensors. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Perusal of flexoelectric effect with deformed interface in distinct (PZT-7A, PZT-5A, PZT-6B, PZT-4, PZT-2) piezoelectric materials
The present research article aims to describe that the flexoelectric affects the propagation of Love-type in various piezoelectric (PE) materials bars (PZT-7A, PZT-5A, PZT-6B, PZT-4, PZT-2) that rest over a silicon oxide plate under the presence of a deformed interface. With the help of material properties of these various piezoelectric, this article elucidates the impact of flexoelectric (FE) and piezoelectric (PE) on propagation characteristics of Love-type waves. Before this, the desire dispersion relation in the form of a complex, for both electrically unlocked/locked conditions, have been obtained by using mechanical as well as electrical quantities for the respective medium under suitable boundary and interface conditions. The complex dispersion relation is separated into real and imaginary terms which give Real(c) and Imag(c). Further, the effect of flexoelectric (FE) and piezoelectric (PE) on Real(c) and Imag(c) have been observed. In addition, a comparative study among various types of piezoelectric materials is also performed which serve as a major highlight of the present research work. The outcomes of this study may be very helpful in the specific problems of monitoring structural health system design with the help of simulation and alesser number of elaborate trials. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Study of Surface Waves Transmission in Orthotropic Bilateral Structure
This research work depicts the study of transmission of surface Rayleigh elastic waves in orthotropic layer having corrugated boundary resting over a pre-stressed orthotropic substrate. As a result, this study is made to spot the Rayleigh elastic wave transference under the consequence of initial stress in orthotropic material medium. Consequence of corrugation parameter, layer width parameter, initial stress parameter and density parameter on Rayleigh elastic wave propagation are marked separately. Distinguished parametric graphs are drawn following numerically the analytical study to exhibit the influence of distinct considered parameters on Rayleigh wave phase velocity of propagation. Frequency equations are obtained in closed determinant form under certain boundary conditions. Some particular cases have been deduced. Parametric results on the phase velocities yield a significant conclusion of which some are: (a) The corrugation parameter affects the more on phase velocity in comparison to initial stress (b) The orthotropic height stiffening can monotonically decrease the speed of phase. The present models may be applicable in engineering composites and for seismologist. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature India Private Limited. -
Analysis of SH-waves Propagating in Multiferroic Structure with Interfacial Imperfection
This article presents the study of wave mechanics in a multiferroic structure having imperfection in the structures interface. This article reflects the study of shear horizontal (SH) wave propagation in a layered cylindrical structure consisting of thin layers of different materials (reinforced material and piezomagnetic material) with an imperfect interface. The interface considered between both materials is mechanically imperfect. Dispersion relations are achieved analytically. Distinct graphs are drawn (numerically) to exhibit the influence of parameters like rotation, initial stress, and mechanically imperfect parameters on phase velocity. Numerical results are drawn analytically and explained for each affecting distinct parameters for materials and interface. Parametric results on the phase velocities yield a significant conclusion of which some are: (a) Performance of Piezo with reinforcement material have an influential impact on wave velocity. (b) The mechanical imperfection affects the significantly on wave velocity (c) The Reinforcement/PM stiffening can monotonically up the velocity of phase velocity. 2022 Published by Semnan University Press. -
The Impact of Workforce Diversity on Organizational Climate in the Banking Industry
Liberalization, privatization, and globalization have paved the way to open the economy and integrate new philosophies and ideologies into the organization. The banking organization and other MNCs had opted for the ethos of enhancing the diversity of working professionals with the adoption of LPG. The novel approach to workforce diversity and organizational climate in the banking industry is considered in this study. The relevance of workforce diversity and the formation of an organizational climate are emphasized in this research work. The study's goal was reached through a series of steps, such as reviewing relevant literature and creating an appropriate theoretical framework. These steps laid the groundwork for creating and finalising research tools, which were done with the help of experts in the field. The creation of instruments for evaluating diversity and organizational climate was the final phase in this process. The study was carried out by using stratified sampling method with the participation of 778 bank employees from public and private banks located in the geographical area of Bangalore. The study's outcome states that There is no significant relationship between workforce diversity and organizational climate in the banking industry is rejected; this can be interpreted as the better organizational climate is highly correlated with the employees attitude towards organizational diversity. It indicated the importance of inculcating diversity and a favourable attitude towards diversity in the banking sector for the smooth conduction of work. "There is a significant relationship between workforce diversity and organizational climate in the banking industry". "Workforce diversity significantly influences the variation in the Organizational Climate". "Employee's belief differs significantly based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry" findings show only a few categories in the hypothesis. The gender of the reporting authority and the classification of the bank offers the difference in employees belief about gender diversity. "Employee's attitude differs significantly based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry" only a few demographic categories (marital status, gender of the reporting authority, and classification of bank) have a difference. Employee perception differs based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry. The study found that gender, gender of reporting authority, classification of the bank, monthly salary, and employee work experience show the difference in employees' perception towards workforce diversity. Employee culture differs based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry; the gender of the authority and classification of the bank show the difference in employees' culture. "Employee's organizational climate differs significantly based on a demographic variable, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry, age, gender, gender of the reporting authority, and classification of the bank show the difference in organizational climate. The study found a positive correlation between the variable and the independent variables are the constant and strong predictors of the dependent variable. Employees' attitude towards workforce diversity is assessed based on demographics, job, and organisational profiles. Workforce diversity is appraised by evaluating different components of it, such as employees' beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and culture. The results show that employees with same-gender reporting authority have a positive attitude towards workforce diversity and experience a positive organizational diversity climate. The public bank employees have a positive attitude towards workforce diversity and experience a positive organizational diversity climate. Employees' attitudes differ based on their marital status also. Employees' perception differs based on their work experience in the same bank and the monthly salary; those with 11 to 15 years of experience tend to have a positive perception. Age, gender, gender of the reporting authority, and the bank's classification are considered contributing factors to the organizational climate. The current study found the gender of reporting authority shows a difference in perception of gender diversity and organizational climate; the employees who have same-gender reporting authority tend to experience a positive organizational climate and a positive attitude towards workforce diversity. Classification of the bank also shows a difference where public bank employees experience a positive organizational climate and a positive attitude towards workforce diversity. Six hypotheses were tested, and a model for the banking industry in Bangalore was developed based on the results of these hypotheses testing. Theoretical models support all hypotheses. Fit indices show that all CB-CFA and CB-SEM models are a good fit. -
The Role of Women in the Formation of Organizational Climates in Various Workspaces in Bengaluru, India
This study examined the influence of women in the formation of organizational climates and their effectiveness in this competitive era. Favorable climates and working conditions enhance work quality and increase organizational cohesion that develops interpersonal bonds to accomplish workplace goals. Women have faced multiple challenges in the banking industry. To address gender disparity, women leaders created initiatives to empower women and encourage society to pay attention to gender equality. Bank Presidents and Senior Managers have the responsibility of creating an organizational culture that is safer for women to participate in; organizations should be designed with women in mind. It is true that women employees appear to have a higher level of organizational commitment. They are often considered to be a key talent pool for industries. This study aimed to investigate the engagement of women in their organizational culture and to determine how this correlates with workplace conditions. The present study explored the challenges women face in maintaining positive working conditions and effective operative strategies. We collected data through a structured questionnaire with the help of convenience sampling from 124 working women of commercial, public, and foreign banks situated in Bengaluru. We analyzed the data quantitatively with the Likert scale, ranking analysis, and percentage analysis to identify antecedents of organizational climate and the role of women in building a professional environment. Results revealed that the significant problems faced by women to sustain a healthy climate in the workplace are lack of supervisor encouragement and the disparity in rewards and benefits. We further inferred that women employees shape their attitudes both in their personal and professional lives to accomplish their personal and organizational goals. They prioritize their jobs more than their personal needs to balance their personal and organizational requirements; however, they feel a lack of teamwork and require a better conflict management system. 2021. Journal of International Womens Studies. -
Social Inclusion, Equality, Leadership, and Diversity to Attain Sustainable Development Goal 5 in the Indian Banking Industry
The UN SDG 5 aspires to end all kinds of bigotry and abuse of women, although gender bias still exists in India. Most bank employees are men; few women hold senior positions in Indias banking industry because of the countrys early history of limiting chances for women to enter the profession. The solution to this is to hire women in leadership positions from international locations if the banking sector opens. The development of the banking industry in India relies on the best talent. The banking sector must open its position for multinational expatriates to maintain diversity and bring forth the inclusivity of a multi-talented global workforce. The concept of liberalization, privatization, and globalization in the Indian context is limited. Privatization and globalization can only be anticipated if they have a multicultural workforce within the country and globally. 2022