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Bombay High Court (re)assures that copyright registration is not required to remedy infringement
Sanjay Soya Private Limited v. Narayani Trading Company, Interim Application (L) No. 5011 of 2020 and Commercial IP Suit No. 2 of 2021, High Court of Bombay, Maharashtra, judgment of 9 March 2021, by Mr. Justice G.S. Patel The Bombay High Court, in the case of Sanjay Soya Private Limited v. Narayani Trading Company, held that copyright registration is not a prerequisite to claiming relief in copyright infringement cases. The judgment clarifies the dubiety created previously by a contrary judicial opinion and aligns the Indian position with international copyright principles. 2021 The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. -
An empirical analysis of ICT tools with gamification for the Indian school education system
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are used as a part of different fields, for example, training, business, and healthcare. The main objective of this paper is to introduce ICT as a better method to teach and test student's performance so it can become a part of the school curriculum and enhance learner's experience. To accomplish this objective, multiple kinds of literature were studied to get insights into the factors associated with ICT and gamification. Based on the findings, a survey was conducted on teachers to know the favourability of ICT in modern schools. Based on the response, two application prototypes are developed for students to get their performance and results that support the study. Most importantly, similar concepts were taught to students using both, traditional and ICT based approaches. A test was conducted via both methods. It was discovered that the performance of the students increased by 13% when the modern approach was followed to conduct the test. Copyright 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Chitosan stabilized platinum nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxic impacts on human breast cancer cells
Platinum nanoparticles are widely studied as a nanomedicine against many of the solid tumours. Due to their promising physicochemical properties, chitosan-stabilized platinum nanoparticles may exhibit exceptional cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. This article describes the synthesis and characterization of chitosan-stabilized platinum nanoparticles (Ch-Pt NPs) through a wet chemical method and in vitro studies of their anticancer effect on human breast cancer cells (MCF-7 cell line). Different analytical methods confirmed the formation of chitosan-stabilized platinum nanoparticles. The structural and surface morphological analyses were done using XRD, FTIR, TEM, FESEM, etc. Elemental analysis was done using XPS and EDX. The hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential were determined using DLS and zeta analyzer. These platinum nanoparticles have a spherical shape and FCC structure with an average particle size of 3.4 nm and an average hydrodynamic diameter of 248 nm. The characteristic FTIR peaks of chitosan in the sample confirmed the capping of chitosan on the surface of the Pt NPs. The surface charge estimation using a zeta potential analyzer showed ?23.8 mV, elucidating the stability and dispersity of the as-synthesized Pt NPs. The in vitro cytotoxicity study using MTT assay revealed a non-toxic behaviour on normal L929 cell lines and a severe anti-proliferative activity on a human breast cancer (MCF-7) cell line with an IC50 value of 35.60 ?g/ml after 24 h of incubation. This result indicates a better anticancer therapeutic application against human breast cancer cells for the as-synthesized chitosan-stabilized platinum nanoparticles. 2024 Elsevier B.V. -
Network Security Tools and Applications in Research Perspective
The modern world technology is civilized, globalized and modernized. The technological development of social networks and e-commerce applications produce larger data. This data communication is major task, because device to device communication need network terminal. This data transmission is not safe because of different types of tools and software available to destroy the existing network. In the field of network security during data transfer from one particular node to other node some security vulnerability is happened this is the one of the critical issue in this sector. The reason for this network security is different types of data attacks are happen in day to day life. It is easy to establish a new network but protecting the entire network is a big issue. This network security is generally two parameter first one is communication and second one is data automation. The network security field is directly or indirectly linked with the concept of data encryption. The development in this network security has taken us to a level that from signature again we came back to thumb print. For example maintain the data secure we use the lock system which is a finger print type. This technology helps us to protect the physical data theft, but logical data theft is still problem for data transmission. This article will brief about the network security it also presents the various network security types. Those types are wired and wireless network security. Apart from the network security the following topics is also discussed in this article. Those are network security protocols and simulation tools in network security. The research problems in network security are privacy and vulnerability of data. 2019 IEEE. -
Differential query execution on privacy preserving data distributed over hybrid cloud
Hybrid cloud is proposed as a solution for ensuring security and privacy for data outsourced to cloud. Hybrid cloud uses a mix of both private and public cloud with distribution of sensitive information to private cloud and insensitive information to public cloud. Though data distributed over multi storage provides enhanced security and privacy, query performance is distorted. This work proposes a privacy preserving data distribution with goal of ensuring reduced query latency for data distributed over hybrid clouds without any compromise to the security and privacy. The proposed solution also provides different queries results for the query depending on the access control provided to the users. 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
An ettective dynamic scheduler tor reconfigurable high speed computing system
High Speed Computing is a promising technology that meets ever increasing real-time computational demands through leveraging of flexibility and parallelism. This paper introduces a reconfigurable fabric named Reconfigurable High Speed Computing System (RHSCS) and offers high degree of flexibility and parallelism. RHSCS contains Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as a Processing Element (PE). Thus, RHSCS made to share the FPGA resources among the tasks within single application. In this paper an efficient dynamic scheduler is proposed to get full advantage of hardware utilization and also to speed up the application execution. The addressed scheduler distributes the tasks of an application to the resources of RHSCS platform based on the cost function called Minimum Laxity First (MLF). Finally, comparative study has been made for designed scheduling technique with the existing techniques. The proposed platform RHSCS and scheduler with Minimum Laxity First (MLF) as cost function, enhances the speed of an application up to 80.30%. 2014 IEEE. -
Dynamic task distribution model for on-chip reconfigurable high speed computing system
Modern embedded systems are being modeled as Reconfigurable High Speed Computing System (RHSCS) where Reconfigurable Hardware, that is, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), and softcore processors configured on FPGA act as computing elements. As system complexity increases, efficient task distribution methodologies are essential to obtain high performance. A dynamic task distribution methodology based on Minimum Laxity First (MLF) policy (DTD-MLF) distributes the tasks of an application dynamically onto RHSCS and utilizes available RHSCS resources effectively. The DTD-MLF methodology takes the advantage of runtime design parameters of an application represented as DAG and considers the attributes of tasks in DAG and computing resources to distribute the tasks of an application onto RHSCS. In this paper, we have described the DTD-MLF model and verified its effectiveness by distributing some of real life benchmark applications onto RHSCS configured on Virtex-5 FPGA device. Some benchmark applications are represented as DAG and are distributed to the resources of RHSCS based on DTD-MLF model. The performance of the MLF based dynamic task distribution methodology is compared with static task distribution methodology. The comparison shows that the dynamic task distribution model with MLF criteria outperforms the static task distribution techniques in terms of schedule length and effective utilization of available RHSCS resources. 2015 Mahendra Vucha and Arvind Rajawat. -
An Alternative Deep Learning Approach for Early Diagnosis of Malaria
Considering the malaria disease-related moralities prevailing mainly in underdeveloped countries, early detection and treatment of malaria must be an essential strategy for lowering morbidity and fatality rates. Detection of Malaria using traditional investigation methods through blood samples and expert judgments was found to be time-consuming. In this paper, the authors introduced a Machine Learning automated system to eliminate the need for human intervention, which in turn enables early detection of malaria. The study has used various Deep Learning techniques such as traditional Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), VGG19, ConvNeXtXLarge, ConvNeXtBase, ConvNeXtSmall, ConvNeXtTiny, InceptionResnetv2, Xception, DenseNet169, EfficientNetB7, MobileNet, ResNet50, and NasNetLarge as base models. These models have been trained and tested with microscopic blood smear images dataset and observed that ConvNeXtXLarge detects malarial parasites with an accuracy of 96%. The proposed method outperforms the existing approaches in terms of both accuracy and speed. The findings of this work can contribute to the development of more accurate and efficient automated systems for early detection of Malaria. 2024 IEEE. -
Graphs Emerging from Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces
A vector space over a field is defined as a collection closed under finite vector addition and scalar multiplication. Over the course of time, researchers have delved into exploring the intricate relationships between existing algebraic structures and graphs. This exploration led to the emergence of a distinctive class of graphs derived from vector spaces, following investigations into graphs originating from groups and rings. This thesis undertakes a thorough examination of a well-established algebraic structure known as the non-zero component graph of a finite-dimensional vector space over finite fields. Expanding on this, the thesis introduces the concept of orthogonal component graphs over finitedimensional vector spaces with a particular emphasis on the field Zp. The non-zero component graph of a finite-dimensional vector space over a newlinefinite field is a graph where vertices represent all possible non-zero vectors in newlinethe vector space. Vertices in the graph are made adjacent if they share a common basis vector in their linear combination. The thesis explores a variety of properties relating to distances, domination, and connectivity. Furthermore, it conducts in-depth study of coloring, color connections, topological indices, and centrality-based sensitivity specifically for non-zero component graphs. The concept of orthogonality among vectors in the vector space paves the way for a novel algebraic graph structure the orthogonal component graph. In this graph, vertices represent all possible non-zero vectors in the vector space, and adjacent vertices correspond to orthogonal vectors. The study extends to determining the properties of the orthogonal component graph, particularly in the newlinecontext of the field Z p. Additionally, it characterises the relationship between newlinenon-zero component graphs and orthogonal component graphs. In the latter chapters, the concept of non-zero component signed graphs is introduced and thoroughly discussed. -
Effect of Computer Learning on performance in early Architecture Education
A mixed cohort of students with different experience backgrounds join the architecture degree. While some are well familiar with the user interface of computer and 3-D digital tools, others are not. The effect of such prior knowledge and their corresponding digital and analog performance in a designed experiment was evaluated with a sample of 38 first-year students. This was done to understand the performance effects of previous computer learning in students. Computer learning of the sample was studied in terms of years of computer exposure, the number of software known, and knowledge of 3D software or SketchUp. The results suggest that none of the factors contributed to the digital performance of students. This provided suggestions regarding the computer teaching emphasis which should be placed on students having less computer learning. 2022, Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology. All rights reserved. -
Design Cognition while using digital tools: A Distributed Cognition Approach
The use of digital tools in the conventional architecture design thinking process which derives its basis from sketching is followed in many colleges in India. Various shortcomings due to the integration of digital tools to the manual design process have been enumerated during the past 30 years. Digital tools provide affordances different from the manual sketching design process, the effects of which can be understood by adopting a distributed cognition approach. The paper builds on design cognition research while using externalization tools in the design process. It does so by developing a theoretical framework derived from distributed cognition and an understanding of visual thinking processes from design literature. The paper utilizes the distributed cognition framework by Zhang and Norman, to arrive at resultant affordances of externalization tools in design. The same is then utilized for a protocol study which was coded for its visual thinking components and other relevant codes. The same protocol study was also coded for ideation flow analysis. The findings pointed towards compromised visual thinking and reduced ideation while utilizing digital tools in quick conceptualization. 2021 ACM. -
Exploring the Influence of Ethnicity and Environmental Values on Eco-Entrepreneurship: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
In today's world, sustainability is of immense importance due to population growth, pollution and resource depletion. Consequently, there is an urgent need to devise future-oriented strategies for sustaining life on Earth. The rise of green business and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reflect society's growing awareness and commitment to environmentally friendly living. Our research examines the link between eco-entrepreneurship and the SDGs among young adults who are the next generation of entrepreneurs. We aim to understand how these individuals plan to incorporate the SDGs into their future business. Conducted primarily through surveys of 17- to 26-year-olds, our research uses the Statistical Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the relationship between eco-entrepreneurship, the SDGs and today's youth. In addition, we examine how current educational practices influence young adults' attitudes toward sustainability. By delving into these aspects, our paper seeks to improve the understanding of how young adults, our future leaders, perceive and pursue green business and sustainable development goals, ultimately determining the importance of these concepts for our future. 2024 IEEE. -
The Difference is in the Details: Attachment and Cross-Species Parenting in the United States and India
The purpose of the current research was to explore changes in Indian attitudes and practices with pet dogs and cats and compare them with responses from the United States. Pet parenting, defined as the investment of money, emotion, and time in companion animals, is a form of alloparental care (care given by someone other than the offsprings biological parents). Pet parenting appears to emerge in cultures that (1) demonstrate high rates of urbanization, (2) have declining total fertility rates (average births per woman), and (3) support life orientations beyond reproduction (collectively called the second demographic transition). A total of 1,417 respondents (US, n = 991; India, n = 426) completed online surveys (one in each country) to compare demographic profiles, attachment (as measured by the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale [LAPS]), and companion animal caretaking behaviors in each culture. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to compare Indian and United States populations on the LAPS and caretaking behaviors (titled CARES in our study). Our findings document the emergence of pet parenting in India with many similarities to the United States. However, cultural variations in how these societies engage with nonhuman animals result in nuanced differences. For example, when reporting terms used to refer to themselves (e.g., Mom/Dad, friend, owner) and their companion animals (e.g., kids, pet, animal), United States respondents were more likely to code switch to less familial terms when speaking to coworkers and strangers. Additionally, Indian respondents reported higher agreement with all three LAPS scales, and they also reported higher frequency of behaviors related to Affective Responsiveness and General Care. Both cultures reported a moderately high frequency of Training and Play, with the United States respondents reporting slightly more training than Indians. These differences suggest that philosophical disparities exist between the United States and India, shaping the practice of pet parenting. We suggest continued, cross-cultural investigation of changing norms surrounding companion animals and the emergence of pet parenting. 2021 International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ). -
An exploration of attitudes toward dogs among college students in Bangalore, India
Conversations in the field of anthrozoology include treatment and distinction of food animals, animals as workers versus pests, and most recently, emerging pet trends including the practice of pet parenting. This paper explores attitudes toward pet dogs in the shared social space of urban India. The data include 375 pen-and-paper surveys from students at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) in Bangalore, India. Reflecting upon Serpells biaxial concept of dogs as a relationship of affect and utility, the paper considers the growing trend of pet dog keeping in urban spaces and the increased use of affiliative words to describe these relationships. The paper also explores potential sex differences in attitudes towards pet and stray dogs. Ultimately, these findings suggest that the presence of and affiliation with pet dogs, with reduced utility and increased affect, is symptomatic of cultural changes typical of societies encountering the second demographic transition. Despite this, sex differences as expected based upon evolutionary principles, remain present, with women more likely to emphasize health and welfare and men more likely to emphasize bravery and risk taking. 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
An organocatalytic C-C bond cleavage approach: A metal-free and peroxide-free facile method for the synthesis of amide derivatives
A facile organocatalytic approach has been devised towards the synthesis of amide derivatives using 1,3-dicarbonyls as easily available acyl-sources under peroxide-free reaction conditions. This transformation was accomplished by the cleavage of the C-C bond in the presence of TEMPO as an organocatalyst and excludes the use of transition-metals and harsh reaction conditions. A broad range of substrates with diverse functional groups were well tolerated and delivered the products in high yields. The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. -
Identifying the Existing Oral Proficiency Testing Patterns
The research aims to identify the different activities or patterns used for the teaching and testing of oral proficiency. Furthermore, the issues in the assessment of oral proficiency are also analyzed. The data was collected from the English teachers teaching in the selected Aided Kerala State Syllabus Schools in Trivandrum, Kottayam and Pathanamthitta districts from the grades 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. The present study incorporated an exploratory research design based on a qualitative approach. The sample size consists of eleven teacher participants that were selected based on purposive sampling. The research study was divided into three phases. The phase 1, consists of open-ended questionnaire which were distributed to eleven teachers and the data obtained was categorized into different themes based on the responses from the teacher participants. Phase 2 consists of classroom observations of eleven teachers in which three teaching sessions per teacher and a total number of one thousand two hundred eighty-seven students were observed based on the classroom observation checklist. Moreover, phase 3 consists of interviews among the eleven teacher participants to gain further insights. The findings of the present research based on the analysis of the phase1, phase 2 and phase 3, indicates that the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach is an effective approach to enhance the oral proficiency of the students. Moreover, the teaching and the testing patterns implemented by the school teachers are considered effective as it enables them to teach and to assess the oral proficiency of the students in a systematic manner. The research findings based on the triangulation prove that the use of reading, role play and storytelling are found to be consistent across the three phases and are commonly used by the teachers to enhance the oral proficiency of the students in the English language viii classrooms. Moreover, in the triangulation of assessment of oral proficiency, it has been observed that the activities such as reading and role play are found to be consistent across the three phases and are commonly used by the teachers. Furthermore, regarding the issues in the assessment of oral proficiency, lack of time is considered as one of the issues that is consistent across the three phases. The overall analysis of this research indicates that there is a positive or a parallel impact between the CLT approach and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) on the development of the oral proficiency of the students. The researcher suggests that there should be a standardized assessment tool to test the oral proficiency of the students in order to ensure grading consistency among the test assessors in the Kerala State Syllabus Schools. -
Performance Analysis of Novel Compact Octagonal Shaped Fractal Antenna for Broadband Wireless Applications
Antenna plays an important role in any part of the communication system. It has to be designed very cautiously to provide improved system performance to meet the developments in wireless technologies with various design constraints such as small size, low cost, high data, low power consumption and wideband capabilities. Several efforts have been made by various investigators around the globe to amalgamate benefits of fractal structures with electromagnetic concepts and applications to reduce the size of the antenna without obstructing the performance of the antennas. This paper proposes a novel compact octagonal shaped broadband fractal antenna. The proposed antenna was designed on an inexpensive FR4-epoxy substrate and simulated using the High Frequency Structure Simulator. The antenna resonates in dual bands in 3.8 and 1GHz with lowest return loss of ?32.80dB and gain of 10.22dB while maintaining the VSWR in the 2:1 level. Attempts have been made to reduce the size and improve the bandwidth using fractal concept and truncation of ground plane. The fabricated antenna was verified experimentally and the results are agreeing with the simulations. The point of attraction of this antenna is the use of single patch for broadband coverage with easy fabrication. 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Crown shaped broadband monopole fractal antenna for 4G wireless applications
This paper proposes a novel crown shaped fractal antenna design suitable for 4G wireless applications. One of the promising approaches in miniaturizing the antenna size is to use the fractal geometries. Several efforts have been made by various investigators around the globe to amalgamate benefits of fractal structures with electromagnetic concepts and applications. This paper outlines a new approach in designing broadband monopole 2.1 GHz fractal antenna. The design starts with square patch antenna and goes up to third iteration for obtaining better performance and impedance matching. The proposed antenna was designed and simulated using the HFSS EM simulator. Performance analysis of the antenna was done with characteristics such as return loss, VSWR, efficiency and radiation pattern found to be good at 2.1 GHz. Wireless application demands miniaturization in system as well as antenna size with better performance, hence attempts have been made to reduce the size and improve the gain, efficiency and bandwidth of the proposed antenna. 2017 IEEE. -
Identification of Phishing URLs Using Machine Learning Models
In this study, we provide a machine learning-based method for identifying phishing URLs. Sixteen features, including Have IP, Have At, URL Length, URL Depth, Non-standard double slash, HTTPS domain, Shortened URL, Hyphen Count, DNS Record, Domain age, Domain active, iFrame, Mouse Over, Right click, Web Forwards, and Label, were extracted from the 600,000 URLs we gathered as a dataset of legitimate and phishing URLs. We then used this dataset to train a variety of machine learning models. These included standalone models such Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). We also used ensemble models likeHard Voting, XGBoost, Random Forests, and AdaBoost. Finally, we used deep learning models such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).On evaluation of performance metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, train time and prediction time it was found that XGBoost provides the best performance across all categories. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.