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Growth and Characterization of Indium Monotelluride Crystals
Semiconductors have become an inevitable part of human life. The beginning of the modern electronic technology goes back to the invention and elaboration of the semiconductor-based transistor by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley in 1948. Thereafter, electronics industry has grown and become one of the worlds largest commercial establishments. The increasing demands for smaller electronic devices with improved performance at lower costs drive the conventional silicon-based technology to its limits. To satisfy the requirements from the industry and to extend the applications of semiconductor devices, new materials and fabrication techniques have to be used. The development, specification and quality control of these materials often require a very delicate crystal growth process and specific characterizations, which will be critical to a successful design of an electronic device. The knowledge of structural, electrical and mechanical properties of materials is essential for making use of them in various electronic devices. The operating abilities of a large part of modern technological hardware are based on active and/or passive crystalline core pieces. The fabrication of such crystals is normally connected with the well established growth methods such as Bridgman, Czochralski, Verneuil, zone melting, top seeded solution growth (TSSG), re-crystallization techniques, etc. Bulk crystal growth techniques are used to grow large crystals from which substrates are sliced. Substrate availability is a critical component in the success of a technology. Hence, even in this era of thin films and epitaxial layers, bulk crystal growth from melt still upholds its significance and plays an important role in the development of semiconductor-based technologies. Solar cell technology, as a sustainable source of energy, has shown a tremendous growth in recent years. The most widely used commercial solar cells are made from single crystalline silicon and have efficiencies up to 26.5%. However, such single crystalline solar cells are relatively expensive with the silicon itself making up to 20-40% of the final cost. In the search for low-cost alternatives to crystalline silicon, a great deal of work is being carried out in tailoring the applicability of compound semiconductor materials, which offer advantages over silicon. Indium monotelluride (InTe) is a III-VI layered semiconductor, which is particularly suitable for photovoltaic use, because of its suitable band gap (1.16 eV), optical and transport properties. In addition, its cleaved surfaces do not need any additional treatment for p??n junction formation and are chemically inert under ambient conditions. The crystal structure of InTe is tetragonal with lattice parameters, a = b = 8.454 ??, and c = 7.152 ??. The direct nature of transition supports the maximum efficiency of the InTe based opto-electronic devices. Indium monotelluride (InTe) crystals have been crystallized using directional freezing technique by employing a two zone horizontal furnace. The compound charge used for the growth was synthesised from its constituent elements (In and Te). The structural and chemical investigations of the grown samples were performed using powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and energy dispersive analysis by x-rays (EDAX). The dielectric constant, loss factor, AC conductivity and optical band gap of the grown InTe crystals were estimated from the capacitance measurements in the temperature range, 35-140??C. The frequency dependence of these dielectric parameters has been studied to understand the mechanism behind conduction. The mechanical strength of the cleaved samples of indium monotelluride was investigated using Vickers microhardness tester in the load range, 5-50 g, and the results obtained are discussed. The present research work titled ??Growth and characterization of indium monotelluride crystals has been organized into four chapters. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction about the concepts of nucleation with regard to the crystal growth of semiconducting materials. The effects of thermodynamical parameters on the growth of crystals are explained. The theories of crystal growth along with the factors affecting the crystallization phenomenon are described in chapter 2. The principle behind the different crystal growth processes is outlined. An account on the various crystal growth techniques highlighting their special features is also given. A review of the present national / international status on the growth and characterization of InTe is presented. The description of directional freezing method, experimental procedure and the various characterization techniques used for the study are presented in chapter 3. Chapter 4 covers the results and discussions of the research findings. It ends with a reference section, wherein the literature reviews used are listed as per the international standards and the order of its appearance in the text. -
Measurement of Profitability under IFRS and IGAAP Among Selected Indian Companies
Globalization has resulted in expansion of Indian companies across the world. There arouse a need for a common set of accounting standard for harmonization of financial statements. The six Indian companies listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange has converged to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) from the financial year 2007-2008. The consolidated financial statements are prepared under both Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (IGAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Therefore, this study focused on measurement of profitability under IFRS and IGAAP for the six companies which have adopted IFRS voluntarily. There are differences in treatment of items under IGAAP and IFRS like revenue recognition, foreign currency transactions and translations, fixed asset valuation, depreciation and impairment losses, etc. The analysis showed that there is gradual increase in profitability ratios under IFRS and there may be increase observed in future. Since, this study analyses results on six Indian listed companies until financial year 2011-2012. The reasons for the differences in profitability ratios are also discussed. There are many Indian companies which have not converged into IFRS. Therefore, the challenges faced by Indian companies and measures taken by ICAI to adopt IFRS are also studied from auditors. This showed that the companies are facing difficulty to converge into IFRS due to mainly fair value accounting, new method of presentation, tax liability and transparency in disclosure of items. The companies have to incur cost for valuation of fixed assets because an auditor is not an expert in valuation. This study concludes stating that there is need for sufficient training for the management and all users of financial information, which may gear up the companies to adopt IFRS in near future. Keywords: Harmonization, IGAAP, IFRS, fair value accounting -
The Role of Gender in the Experience of Intimacy: Narratives of Young Married Couples
Intimacy is a phenomenon in human relationships that usually develops in the context most love relationships. Gender refers to the social categories of men and women. The two are interwoven with each other and influence each other. Gender roles dictate how men and women should experience and express intimacy. This research study focuses on the gender differences in the experience of intimacy. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview and the narratives of were analysed to identify themes that indicated commonalities in the experience of intimacy for men and women. However, differences in the experience of intimacy for men and women were also identified. Another focus of the study on the experience of intimacy is the gender differences after the birth of children. Gender differences were identified in the experience of intimacy after the birth of children. The findings also indicated that with the progression of time, marital relationships change from an emphasis on physical experience and expression of intimacy during the initial stages to an emotional emphasis with increase in familiarity between them and the birth of children. Keywords: Intimacy, Parenthood, Gender -
The Experience of Meditation among Long Term Sahaja Yoga Practitioners and its Role in Facilitating Well Being and Managing Stress
Meditation is increasingly becoming a popular practice and is used as a strategy for stress management, coping with illness and spiritual growth. It is estimated that meditation is being practiced by a hundreds of millions worldwide (Deurr, 2004). However, results of the published studies on meditation have often been interpreted to be inconsistent (Shear, 2007). This could be attributed to the modification and westernisation of the original ancient meditation practice (Manocha,2008). Also, it is not clearly understood how the experience of meditation leads to stress management and well being. Hence, Sahaja yoga which is based on the classical understanding of meditation and begins with Self realization or Kundalini awakening was chosen for investigation for the present study. The present study aims to understand the experience of meditation among long term meditators and understand its role in facilitating well-being and management of stress. To achieve this 6 long term meditators were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide and were also requested to make diary entries of their daily meditation experience. All the participants were full time working adults. Interpretative phenemonological analysis was used to analyse the interview transcripts. The results of the study indicate that Sahaja yoga meditation practice aids its practitioners to attain thoughtless awareness and experience ??Sahaja and ??witness states which is accompanied by experience of indescribable bliss and peace. These states were found to create a sense of well-being among the practitioners and also had a significant role in facilitating physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being and helped in the management of stress as well. Since, participants found it easy to balance it with work and family responsibilities it can be recommended for working adults. Key words: meditation, Sahaja yoga, stress, well-being. -
Intention to Stay in Relation to Organisational Socialisation Processes
Attrition is significant in an organisation as replacing human capital bears a significant cost. This study focuses on the effect of organisational socialisation processes, followed in Indian and Multinational BPO organisations on an employees intention to stay within that organisation. A field research with 395 samples was steered using a standardised 21 item questionnaire, to capture the four constructs of Organisational Socialisation and Intention to stay. Results show that there a significant relationship is prevalent between Intention to Stay and Organisational Socialisation in BPOs. Also, amongst the dimensions of organisational socialisation, future prospects and understanding of the role were associated significantly with intention to stay. It is acknowledged that higher organisational socialisation leads to greater intention to stay among employees. The critical purpose in employee retention includes keeping the organisation relevant to the employees by carefully creating their career development plans, helping them manage their work-life balance, and providing timely recognition of talent and then rewarding them. This is imperative to the HR Management as a remedy to soaring attrition rates which is also due to Future prospects and Understanding of the role, as per the findings. Keywords: organisational socialisation, intention to stay, business process outsourcing, attrition, turnover intention -
A Study on the Factors Influencing Online Buying in Fast Moving Consumer Goods with Particular Reference to Household Items
Internet impact on retailing has been tremendous and it has provided the retailers another channel through which to reach customers situated far away. The internet penetration in the country is 11.4 % as per the latest figures. The E ??commerce space is growing by 47 % to more than $460 billion in 2011 ( IAMAI) The online buying has provided huge benefits to customers like 24/7 convenience shopping, saving time, discounts, more choice and assortment of goods, and price comparisons across brands. At present the online retail Industry is Rs 2500 crores and growing at 35 % annually. It is expected to reach Rs 7000 cr by 2015 ( Assocham 2011 ) In this study attempt has been made to identify factors responsible for buying online and also factors impacting customers for not buying through online household essentials. In the study demographic profile of the customers were looked into. The study is limited to Bangalore city only. Based on the literature survey, hypotheses have been developed. Out of 500 questionnaires distributed across Bangalore city, about 362 fully filled questionnaires were got and this was used for the study. The respondents profile and descriptive statistics has been analysed for online and non ?? online respondents. . Factor analysis has been done to find out the minimum factors involved in the online and non online buying decision. Hypotheses testing have been done using relevant tests. Some recommendations have been made on the strategies which Online retailers can adopt to attract more online buyers by taking care of some of their concerns. Some of the key findings of the study are:-- o Non - Online buyers feel there is lack of security of transactions in online shopping. o Non - Online buyers feel Touch and feel is important for buying household essentials. o One of the Reasons for Non ?? Online buyers not adopting online buying is they consider it is difficult to return goods. o Non ?? online buyers who are in the age group (36 -55yrs) are reluctant to switch to online buying. -
Employee Challenges and its Solutions in Virtual Information Technology Industry
This study aimed at identifying the challenges faced by the employee working in virtual environment, to further propose a conceptual model and to explore the enabling factors required to provide sustainable solutions to these challenges. An organizations precursors are a must to mitigate the identified challenges by adopting the suggested solutions. In this era of IT and ICT, it is inevitable to understand what are those challenges, issues or problems employee of a virtual team faces and how do they resolve them or behave in that particular scenario. Radically changing work environment impacts the workforce productivity. In this ICT environment, it is unavoidable to expect challenges emerged out of such working conditions. Further, to study challenges becomes crucial for a better work environment. The qualitative grounded theory method approach has been used to identify challenges of 20 cases through in-depth interview techniques. The interviews have been then transcribed, coded and categorized. The conceptual model is the final outcome of this research work that depicts the challenges, the precursors ?? a company must have and last but not the least the recommended solutions to mitigate challenges. Keywords ?? IT (Information Technology), ICT (Information and Communication Technology), Challenges (A challenge is a general term referring to things that are imbued with a sense of difficulty and victory). -
Relationship between Corporate Governance and Value Based Financial Performance Measures: Evidence from India
The concept of corporate governance is gaining momentum because of changing business environment and various other factors as well as. The EEC, GATT and WTO regulations have also contributed to raise the awareness and are compelling us to think in terms of adhering to the good governance practices. In recent years, value-added relationship between management and stakeholders is considered a requirement for corporate success. The performance measures of corporations have been transformed and value-based financial performance measures like Economic value added (EVA), Market value added (MVA) has been developed.Empirical studies in corporate governance focus on the link between corporate governance and firms performance. There are limited number of studies using performance measures such as EVA and MVA, etc. hence the current study is based on relationship between corporate governance and value based financial performance measures like EVA and MVA, the study focuses on Information technology sector in India. Independent Variables included in the study were CEO Duality, Size of the Board, Management Equity Ownership, Foreign Ownership, Number of Board Meetings, Leverage ratio andSize of the firm. LLC t-test and the IPS w-test were conducted to check the stationarity of series and results are analyzed by multiple panel regression models. Results indicate that EVA, MVA has significant relationship with Corporate Governance variables. SOTB has significant negative relationship with MVA, CEO Duality has positive relationship with the Market value added (MVA) of the firms, the study further indicates there is a significant relationship between Size of the firm and EVA and as the Firm size increases EVA is also increased for the firms. However foreign ownership is found to increase the performance in terms of MVA. Manager ownership is not found to be an important variable in increasing corporate performance with the context of value based management. The study concluded that corporate governance has significance influence on the financial performance of the Information technology firms in India. Keywords: Corporate Governance, EVA, MVA, Correlation, Panel Unit Root. -
A Study on Retirement Preparedness of Information Technology and Education Sector Employees in relation to Attitude and Knowledge
Retirement planning is a process of analysing the current financial situation, identifying the future financial need of the person upon retirement, investing on a disciplined basis through appropriate instruments and deriving benefits out of it when the need arises. With changing socio-economic factors, there is a great interest among academicians and practitioners alike, to find answers for inevitable post retirement survival crisis. This study is primarily based on a problem How well prepared are IT and Education sector employees to take up the post retirement financial survival? The objectives of the study are - to know the association between attitude, knowledge and retirement preparedness and whether attitude and knowledge has any relationship with the retirement preparedness. This study is based on primary data collected from 400 respondents (200 IT sector employees and 200 Education sector employees) using questionnaire. This study takes Attitude and Knowledge as independent variables and Retirement preparedness as dependent variable. With the help of statistical tools like Chi-square tests, ANOVA and Canonical Correlation, the association and relationship were tested. This study reveals that Attitude and Knowledge has relationship with retirement preparedness. The result is of great significance for government in policy making, for media and personal financial planners in pro actively influencing investment decisions of investors. -
An investigation of various algorithms suitable for 3D compute on heterogeneous platform
This research explores the usage of heterogeneous computing, which is the current trend in the computing industry, for the 3D compute based on the collaborative algorithm. As a part of literature review the areas related to the heterogeneous computing is investigated, which includes OpenCL, General Purpose Graphical Processing Unit [ GPGPU ], collaborative algorithm. The novelty of this research work is the application of collaborative algorithms, which have been used in other areas to 3D compute. This exploration of 3D compute algorithm was part of the exercise in order to find the suitable 3D compute algorithm for the monocular image to binocular image conversation engine. Here the two algorithms, i.e., intelligent water drops and zombie crowd algorithm were implemented using OpenCL to run on heterogeneous platform. The performance of both the algorithm was measured on the experimental setup rig. Based on the above research exercise, it can be inferred that, the collaborative algorithm can indeed be suitable for 3D compute and it can be also noted that each algorithm is suitable for particular 3D compute. KEYWORDS: Heterogeneous Computing, GPGPU, OpenCL, Collaborative Algorithm -
A Study on the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Multi-Brand Apparel Retail
Numerous research studies have been done in the area of retailing, but there is no research that identifies the main factors that influence customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. A study on this aspect is important as the apparel retail industry is growing very fast in India with the advent of many foreign brands in this sector. This study aims to understand the main factors influencing customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. Primary data is collected through survey method, using a structured questionnaire designed to capture the required variables to extract the factors influencing customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. The respondents are surveyed through convenience sampling method. The appropriate variables are identified through literature review of a number of articles on organised apparel retailing. After considering appropriate variables of apparel retail service quality and store characteristics, the structured questionnaire consisting of 17 independent variables and 1 dependent variable measured on a likert scale of 1 to 5, is used to collect data from the apparel retail customers. Factor analysis on these independent variables resulted in extraction of 4 main factors. Then Regression analysis is done on the 4 factors taking customer satisfaction as the dependent variable. The results of the analysis reveal that the factors significantly influence customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. It was also found through regression analysis that there is a significant impact of customer satisfaction on shopping budget in multi-brand apparel retail. Also, a significant relationship was found between family monthly income and shopping budget in multi-brand apparel retail. The implication of this research is that the results would help multi-brand apparel retailers to formulate marketing strategies with a focus on the factors identified, to improve customer satisfaction and refine their approach to reach out to their consumers and retain them, when they come to shop in their apparel retail store. -
K shell X-ray Fluorescence Parameters of Platinum and Lead
X-ray fluorescence phenomenon (XRF) has gained importance as a tool the fields of atomic, nuclear and radiation physics, material science, medical physics, and in such diverse fields as industry, agriculture, archaeology, forensic science and so on for elemental analysis. This demands for accurate values of XRF parameters such as shell wise and sub-shell wise x-ray fluorescence yield, fluorescence x-ray production cross-section, Auger transition rate, shell and sub-shell intensity ratios, K to L vacancy transfer probabilities and so on. In addition, measurements of these parameters are useful in obtaining physical parameters such as photoelectric cross-sections, jump ratios and x-ray emission rates. Over the years several researchers have measured these parameters employing variety of methods and detectors (Apaydin and Tira?o?lu 2012; Hopman et al. 2012; Kahoul et al. 2011; Cengiz et al. 2011; Cengiz et al. 2010; M??nesguen and M. -C. L??py 2010; S????t et al. 2009a; S????t et al. 2009b; Reyes-Herrera and Miranda 2008; Ertu?rul et al. 2007; Aylikci et al. 2007; Demir and ?ahin 2007; ?ahin et al. 2005; ??zdemir et al. 2002; ?imsek et al. 2002; Durak et al. 2001; 1998; Allawadhi et al. 1993). However these methods involve complicated single and double reflection geometries armed with sophisticated equipments and strong sources of the order of 109 Bq or more. These experiments involve many corrections such as attenuation of x-rays in the target itself (self attenuation correction), attenuation in the window of the detector (window attenuation correction), solid angle correction, photopeak efficiency and total detection efficiency of the detector, etc. Estimation of intensity of radiations incident on the target is a difficult task in these methods. The incident intensity and the total x-ray fluorescence intensity generated in the target are the quantities, which determine the accuracy of the K x-ray fluorescence parameters. Recently Gudennavar et al. (2003a; 2003b) and Horakeri et al. (2011; 1998; 1997) have developed a simple method to measure K-shell fluorescence yields, production cross section and other parameters by adopting a 2geometrical configuration and employing weak radioactive sources. K x-ray fluorescence parameters are independent of angle of emission because K x-rays are emitted isotropically from the target atom. It was found that the method yields K x-ray fluorescence parameter values as accurate as any standard reflection geometry experiment. The simplicity of method helps one to utilize it to develop student laboratory experiments to train students in x-ray fluorescence field. Since the method requires weak sources, it is of great advantage to student laboratories for they do not need special permission to acquire sources and sources can be handled safely without any personal radiation hazards. However the validity of the target thickness criterion and the method needs to checked with other X-ray detectors such as CdZnTe, HPGe as their construction arrangements are different from NaI(Tl) detectors and for all the elements in the periodic table. In the present study, we have measured the K x-ray fluorescence parameters for the elements platinum and lead using HPGe detector spectrometer and 57Co excitation source. The results are compared with the theoretical, semi-empirical fitted and other experimental values. -
The Experience of Transition From Being A Breast Cancer Patient to Survivor: Treatment Experience of Naturopathy/ Yoga
Women's experience of breast cancer and conventional treatment is challenging and demanding. The period after completion of first line of treatment for the removal of cancer, is known to be stressful. Women have to rebuild their life by accepting their illness and the limitations it brings on. They suffer from a wide range of psycho social issues such as low self esteem, body image concerns, difficulties in role functionality, added to which they must also deal with residual symptoms and a compromised state of health after undergoing invasive treatments such as surgery/ chemotherapy. The treatment plan does not adequately address these concerns which are critical for adjustment to life after treatment. Many women are increasingly looking for alternative treatments for support, which reflects their unmet needs. Naturopathy functions in a holistic domain that aims to help patients move towards a better state of health and treats every individual's experience as unique. Hence the present study aimed to understand the process of transition from being a patient to becoming a survivor, focussing on the treatment experience of Naturopathy. Six women participated in semi structured in-depth interviews and provided details about their life. Based on the phenomenological approach, data was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Themes that emerged have been organised into Life before diagnosis, Living with cancer and Surviving breast cancer, in order to understand the meaning participants' attached to their whole experience. Participants of the study found the treatment experience of Naturopathy to be helpful in enabling their transition towards becoming a survivor and regaining a sense of normalcy in their life. They associated positive feelings/ emotions during the process of therapy, and felt empowered through a greater sense of awareness and control over their body/mind Key words: Naturopathy, Breast cancer, Treatment experience, Cancer Survivorship -
A study on Celebrity endorsement as an effective tourism destination marketing tool with reference to Bangalore
Celebrity Endorsement is one of the major forms of advertising in which a business organisation makes use of famous individuals or well known organizations in order to boost consumer interest in the product and/or services that they want to sell. Now-a-days every company is trying to bring in a brand ambassador for their brands. Slowly the trend of tying up with a celebrity in promoting has moved towards promoting tourism destinations. This paper tries to find out the effect of celebrity endorsement as an effective marketing destination tool. The objectives framed to reach to this goal were to identify whether the consumers are consider the tourism advertisements that are endorsed by celebrities, to find out the various factors of celebrity endorsers that motivates people to visit the advertised tourist destination and to determine whether the use of celebrities have greater effect than the use of non celebrities when advertising a tourist destination. Data was collected from 250 respondents from Bangalore city in a questionnaire form. Some of the tools that are been used to test the hypothesis are One sample t- test, ANOVA, Chi Square test, Friedman test and Tukey test . The major findings from the study are that the main factors that a celebrity has to have when endorsing a tourism product is the match between the product and the celebrity and the factor that is not at all looked into by the consumers in a tourism product is physical attractiveness. It was also identified that most of the respondents would have better brand recognition and recall when done by a celebrity endorsement but more weightage for the advertisement, more convincing, easy to choose from the different destinations is only possible with the help of if the advertisement that are not done by celebrity. It was found out that occupation of the consumers would have no impact in getting attracted to celebrity endorsers but students were one category that loved to see celebrity endorsers on screen. Key words: Celebrity Endorsement, tourism destination advertisements, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Similarity, Familiarity, Likeability, Match between the celebrity, transfer meaning, Physical attractiveness. -
Effectiveness of Awareness Program in Raising Teachers Awareness about Learning Disabilities
??Learning Disabilities is a term associated with difficulties in reading, writing, doing Maths and motor coordination. Awareness about learning disabilities is required for early identification and further remediation. A learning disability in a child can be identified as early as in toddler stage. Teachers are the first ones , usually to suspect a learning disability in a child. For appropriate observation and referrals for further assessment , a teacher should be aware of the various characteristics of learning disabilities which differs from individual to individual. Literature says that there is need of raising the awareness of teachers about learning disabilities and its various etiological factors. Awareness program could help in enhancing the knowledge of teachers in this regard. The current study was organised with an aim of conducting an awareness program to raise teachers knowledge about learning disabilities. 20 teachers, teaching in a Government school in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala was selected for the study. A pre experimental study pre post without control was designed. The intervention package was framed with comprehensive information about the concept, characteristics, kinds, signs, symptoms, strategies and guidelines for early identification. The awareness of the teachers prior to and post intervention was assessed using a semi structured questionnaire. The effectiveness of the awareness program was gauged using statistical analysis. The findings of the study proved that the knowledge of the teachers about learning disabilities has significantly increased post intervention. The knowledge level was shifted from moderate level, prior to intervention to high level post intervention. The feedback from the teachers ascertained that the program was very useful and interesting. Awareness programs of similar kind are recommended in a broader spectrum. -
The effect of time-periodic body force (TBF, also called gravity modulation) of small amplitude in a weak electrically conducting couple stress fluid with saturated porous layer is investigated by using a linear stability analysis. A regular perturbation method is used to arrive at an expression for the correction Rayleigh number. The Venezian approach is adopted in arriving at the critical Rayleigh and wave number for small amplitudes of TBF. The effect of roles of Couple stress parameter, Hartmann number, Darcy number, Porous parameter and Prandtl number on the onset of convection is studied. It is found that TBF leads to delay in convection. Also the results suggest that instead of taking electrically non-conducting fluid it is better to consider electrically conducting fluid with weak electrical conductivity as this ensures a stable environment in the presence of a magnetic field. The system is most stable with respect to TBF.