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Income Inequality in Globalization Context: Evidence from Global Data
This paper empirically investigates the relative effectiveness of economic globalization, trade openness, and financial openness on income inequality in low-, middle-, and high-income countries for the panel data over the period from 1991 to 2020 by endogenizing economic growth, urbanization, agriculture, industry, and service sectors value-added as % of GDP as control variables in income inequality function. The results emanating from the panel pooled mean group-autoregressive distributed lag (PMG-ARDL) test provide evidence of a significant long-run relationship among the variables. Interestingly, economic globalization reduces income inequality for high- and middle-income countries and increases it in low-income countries. On the other hand, trade openness reduces income inequality in high- and middle-income countries but increases it for low-income countries. In contrast, financial openness lessens income inequality in low-income countries but increases it for middle- and high-income countries. We find that urbanization increases income inequality in low-, middle- and high-income countries. We also find that economic growth decreases (increases) income inequality in high (middle and low)-income countries. Moreover, it is found that industrial and service sectors output decrease (increases) income inequality in high (middle and low)-income countries, whereas agricultural output improves (deteriorates) income distribution in middle- and low- (high) income countries. In light of these findings, we suggest that the governments of low-income countries need to focus more on improving the level of globalization and trade openness to improve their economic conditions in long run. Both high- and middle-income countries should also improve their financial openness so that effective utilization of overseas finance will flourish their overall economy. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023. -
An asymmetric analysis of overall globalization on financial inclusion
Purpose: Financial inclusion is acknowledged as a critical facilitator of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals agenda for 2030. Therefore, this study aims to examine the asymmetric role of overall globalization on financial inclusion by controlling economic growth, urbanization and population for the selected South Asian countries. Design/methodology/approach: Applying the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration explores the impact of overall globalization on financial inclusion in the presence of additional variables like economic growth, urbanization and population in the designed financial inclusion function. Findings: The estimated econometric outcomes show that increasing overall globalization fosters financial inclusion while decreasing overall globalization reduces financial inclusion. Furthermore, a positive (negative) change in economic growth leads to an increase (decrease) in financial inclusion while varying short-run findings. Moreover, both positive and negative changes increase financial inclusion in the long run in connection with urbanization. Although the short-run results are not significant, the study finds that an increase (decrease) in population leads to a decrease (increase) in financial inclusion. Finally, to support the promotion of financial inclusivity throughout South Asia, several policies pertaining to financial inclusion are suggested. Originality/value: To the best of the authors knowledge, this is the first study to examine the asymmetries related to overall globalization on financial inclusion by controlling economic growth, urbanization and population. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Towards sustainable resource management: A short and long-run dynamics of mineral production on ecological footprint
The effect of mineral production on ecological footprint is examined in this study while controlling for economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and trade openness as additional determinants for Pakistan. On the empirical front, the study uses the Dynamic Autoregressive Distributed Lag (DYNARDL) simulations for the data collected between 1990 and 2021. The result portrays movement to the long-run equilibrium relationship when considering the ecological footprint as the outcome variable amidst mineral production, economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and trade openness as the covariates. Further, the finding shows temporal dynamics of mineral production on environmental quality with a short-term degradation versus long-term amelioration, which suggests that mineral production can be conducted more sustainably over time with an implication towards taking measures such as technological advancements, improved efficiency, and better waste management practices. Additionally, it failed to find evidence for the conventional Environmental Kuznets Curve, implying a need for policy reevaluation, reassessment of economic development models and accounting for environmental externalities in economic decision-making. Besides, as expected, the outcome demonstrates that using renewable energy lowers the ecological footprint both in long and short terms, which indicates that utilization of renewable energy sources reduces reliance on fossil fuels, resulting in decreased environmental degradation, thereby fostering the need for emphasis on the importance of continued technological innovation in renewable energy technologies to reduce the ecological footprint further. Moreover, it shows that trade openness improves the environmental quality in the short run (worsens it in the long run), thereby highlighting that trade openness may lead to short-term environmental benefits by promoting cleaner technologies and increasing resource efficiency. However, in the long term, trade openness can exacerbate environmental degradation due to economic priorities often taking precedence over environmental concerns. 2024 Elsevier Ltd -
Environmental degradation in geopolitical risk and uncertainty contexts for India: A comparison of ecological footprint, CO2 emissions, and load capacity factor
This study assesses the role of geopolitical risk and uncertainty in the degradation of the environment by forming the functions for ecological footprint, CO2 emissions, and load capacity factor for the period 19902019 in India. Besides, the specified function endogenizes economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and natural resource rent as the additional covariates. The use of the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) confirms the long-run relationship between study variables. Further, the dynamic simulations of the autoregressive distributed lag model (DYNARDL) outcomes show that geopolitical risk improves the quality of the environment by reducing the ecological footprint and CO2 emissions. However, it degrades the environment by reducing the load capacity factor. Furthermore, the uncertainty improves the environmental quality by reducing the CO2 emissions and ecological footprint, but the reduced load capacity factor due to uncertainty implies the degradation of environmental quality in India. Given these findings, the study proposes different environmental conservation policies. 2023 Elsevier Ltd -
Variable initial energy and unequal clustering (VEUC) based multicasting in WSN
Multicast Communication plays an important role in most of the resource constrained networking environments such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Internet of Things (IOT). Communication in WSN is restricted by energy, computation and memory capabilities of sensor nodes. Designing an efficient routing algorithm to achieve communication between Stationary Base station (BS) and a cluster of sensor nodes in a specific region requires the base station to send individual messages to all sensor nodes. This approach consumes a large amount of energy and bandwidth. A variety of algorithms exist to address this issue by dividing the sensor nodes into clusters. Each cluster is monitored by a Cluster Head (CH), responsible for gathering and aggregating data to send the same to the BS. In this paper, we reviewed existing clustering techniques and propose an unequal clustering based scheme. This allows the BS to communicate a multicast message to cluster members as well as a cluster head to communicate with other cluster members. The results show that our approach improves network lifetime. 2017 IEEE. -
Ecc-based secure group communication in energy-efficient unequal clustered wsn (Eeuc-ecc)
With an advent of the Internet of things (IoT), wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are gaining popularity in application areas like smart cities, body area sensor networks, industrial process control, and habitat and environment monitoring. Since these networks are exposed to various attacks like node compromise attack, DoS attacks, etc., the need for secured communication is evident. We present an updated survey on various secure group communication (SGC) schemes and evaluate their performance in terms of space and computational complexity. We also propose a novel technique for secure and scalable group communication that performs better compared with existing approaches. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. -
A Study on Decision Paralysis in Customers with Special Reference to Placing Order in Restaurant
Owing to the vast number of choices open to customers, they can often feel paralysed in their decision-making. Offering a wide range of options can activate the effect of Decision Paralysis, which delays the client's final decision. The impact of Decision Paralysis can prevail in restaurants. This study reveals the existence of decision paralysis among customers in restaurants when placing an order. The aim is to investigate the prevalence of Decision Paralysis among customers, with particular reference to placing an order in a restaurant and the influence on consumers purchase decisions. A survey questionnaire was rolled out using Google forms to customers who have experienced dining in a restaurant. A total of 416 survey responses were collected for data analysis through the convenience sampling method. It was found that, customer purchase decision has been affected by the decision paralysis effect. It was also found that customers experience a dilemma due to tremendous options or choices in the food sector by the service providers. This study was limited to restaurants and in terms of cuisine, with hotels not being considered. Hence, the main limitation is not being able to generalise the findings of this study to the whole of the food catering sector. The study will benefit both scholars and marketing practitioners in understanding the difficulty a customer faces during purchase decision-making. 2021 Transnational Press London -
Decoupling Identification Method of Continuous Working Conditions of Diesel Engines Based on a Graph Self-Attention Network
For diesel engine malfunction detection, machine learning-based intelligent detection approaches have made great strides, but some performance deterioration is also observed due to the significant ambient noise and the change in operating circumstances in the actual application situations. Diesel engine fault diagnostic models can be negatively impacted by complex and erratic working circumstances. Identifying the working condition can provide as a baseline for the current unit operating state, which is crucial information when trying to pinpoint the source of an issue. Many existing techniques for identifying operational states use power as an identifier, segmenting it into discrete intervals from which the current state's power may be derived using a classification model. However, the working condition characteristics should be constant, and defining it exclusively in terms of power would lead to the connection of speed and load elements. In this study, we offer a regular working situation model that is independent of speed and load characteristics, and we use a graph self-attention network to construct a model for identifying the working condition. On a diesel engine research bench, a vast amount of experimental data is acquired for training and testing models, including 32 different operating situations under normal and typical fault scenarios. The R2 adj values of 99.70% and 99.27% for normal and typical defect experimental data, correspondingly, demonstrate the efficacy of the suggested technique under the circumstance of uninformed nnerating situations. 2023 IEEE. -
Preparation and characterisation of amorphous mesoporous aluminophosphate and metal aluminophosphate as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for transesterification reaction
Preparation, characterisation of pure aluminophosphate and aluminophosphate modified with different transition metals (V, Fe, Co Ni & Cu) and their catalytic activity in mono/dibenzyl substituted malonates synthesis are explained. The materials were prepared by the coprecipitation method in the absence of any structure-directing species and characterized for their composition, crystalline nature, total surface acidity, specific surface area pore diameter and pore volume by different techniques. Catalytic activity of the materials was investigated in transesterification of diethylmalonate with benzyl alcohol in liquid phase. Pure aluminophosphate resulted only in benzyl ethylmalonate whereas the incorporation of transition metals favored the formation of both benzyl ethylmalonate and dibenzylmalonate. Catalytic activity parallels the surface acidity and mesoporosity of the catalysts. The effect of the molar ratio of reactants, amount of catalyst, and reaction time on the conversion of diethyl malonate and transester yield has been studied. The highest activity of iron aluminophosphate is attributed to its mesoporous nature with uniform pore size distribution, higher surface acidity and surface area. Further, the scope and generality of iron aluminophosphate as a catalyst in the transesterification was studied using various aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic alcohols. The catalysts could be recycled by retaining most of its initial activity. 2011 Acadie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. -
Mesoporous iron aluminophosphate: An efficient catalyst for one pot synthesis of amides by ester-amide exchange reaction
A series of metal aluminophosphates (MAlP: M = V, Fe, Co, Ni & Cu) were prepared by co-precipitation method. All the materials were characterized by various physico-chemical techniques. The materials were found to be mesoporous and moderately acidic. The catalytic activity of the materials was investigated in the synthesis of benzamides in a single pot reaction under solvent free refluxing conditions from methyl benzoate and different amines. Iron aluminophosphate was found to be the most effective catalyst for the synthesis of benzamides with 100% selectivity. The isolated yield of benzamide varied from 46% to 100% depending on the nature of amine. A possible reaction mechanism has been proposed which correlates the surface acidity and catalytic activity of the catalyst. The catalyst could be recycled for about three times without any appreciable loss in activity, thus making the method ecofriendly and economical. -
Role of incorporated transition metal on surface properties and catalytic activity of mesoporous vanadium aluminophosphates in the synthesis of tetrahydroquinolin-5-(1H)-ones
Aluminophosphate incorporated with transition metals (Co, Cu, Fe, V) were synthesized by co-precipitation method. The synthesized materials were characterized by different techniques (pXRD, FT-IR, N2 adsorption-desorption, NH3-TPD) to understand the structural and textural properties. The incorporation of transition metal into aluminophosphate plays an important role in designing the surface properties like pore size, surface area, and surface acidity. The materials were studied as a catalyst for the synthesis of tetrahydroquinolin-5-(1H)-ones by a one-pot cyclocondensation reaction of dimedone, substituted benzaldehydes, 4-fluoro/4-nitro phenyl acetonitrile, and ammonium acetate in ethanol at 25 C. The structures of the compounds were identified and confirmed by FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and ESI-MS spectral data. The mesoporous nature of vanadium aluminophosphate (VAlP) along with a uniform pore size distribution, high surface acidity, surface area attributes to its high catalytic activity when compared to pure aluminophosphates. 2020 -
Catalytic Activity and Reusability of Mesoporous Iron Aluminophosphate Catalyst in Pharmacologically Important Organic Transformations
Journal Atoms and Molecules an International Online Journal, Vol-4 (1), pp. 675-681. ISSN-2277-1247 -
Preparation and characterisation of amorphous mesoporous aluminophosphate and metal aluminophosphate as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for transesterification reaction.
Volume 14, Issue 12, December 2011, Pages 1109-1116 -
Dec 1; 67(Pt 12): o3271 -
Mechanical Properties of FSW Joints Magnesium Alloy at Different Rotational Speeds
Magnesium (Mg) has become a focus in the transportation industry due to its potential in reducing fuel consumption and gas emissions while improving recyclability. Mg alloys are also known for their low neutron absorption, good resistant of carbon dioxide as well as thermal conductivity which makes them suitable for use in industrial equipment for nuclear energy. there has been an increasing interest in the research and development of Mg alloys. These are the lightest of all metallic structural materials and are approximately 33% lighter than aluminium (Al) and 75% lighter than ferrous (Fe) alloys and have excellent specific mechanical properties. In this work, FSW of AZ31B Alloy was examined at the various rotational speeds of 900 -1440 rpm, with fixed welding speed of 40mm/min and 2 tool tilt angle using an HSS tool. The mechanical properties were compared for the different rotational speeds. The quality of FSW joints is dependent on input value of heat and material flow rate, which are prejudiced by process parameters., higher rotation speeds may cause abnormal stirring, resulting in a tunnel defect at the weld nugget due to increased strain rate and turbulence. 2024 E3S Web of Conferences