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Unsteady natural convection in a liquid-saturated porous enclosure with local thermal non-equilibrium effect
Stability analysis of free convection in a liquid-saturated sparsely-packed porous medium with local-thermal-non-equilibrium (LTNE) effect is presented. For the vertical boundaries freefree, adiabatic and rigidrigid, adiabatic are considered while for horizontal boundaries it is the stress-free, isothermal and rigidrigid, isothermal boundary combinations we consider. From the linear theory, it is apparent that there is advanced onset of convection in a shallow enclosure followed by that in square and tall enclosures. Asymptotic analysis of the thermal Rayleigh number for small and large values of the inter-phase heat transfer coefficient is reported. Results of DarcyBard convection (DBC) and RayleighBard convection can be obtained as limiting cases of the study. LTNE effect is prominent in the case of BrinkmanBard convection compared to that in DBC. Using a multi-scale method and by performing a non-linear stability analysis the GinzburgLandau equation is derived from the five-mode Lorenz modal. Heat transport is estimated at the lower plate of the channel. The effect of the Brinkman number, the porous parameter and the inter-phase heat transfer coefficient is to favour delayed onset of convection and thereby enhanced heat transport while the porosity-modified ratio of thermal conductivities shows the opposite effect. 2020, Springer Nature B.V. -
Unseen motivators: A study exploring the effect of subliminally priming known human faces vs unknown human faces on consumers product selection decisions
The human mind is constantly being influenced by a vast number of external stimuli that are perceived consciously as well as unconsciously. The chapter attempts to explore how unconscious (subliminal) priming of known and unknown human faces could impact product selection and decision-making time of consumers. 2 (Known face X Unknown face) X 2 (Product selection X Decision-making time) within-subject design was used for the study. A pilot study was conducted to estimate the subliminal time threshold of the population. It was found to be 17ms. A stimulus-priming experiment designed in Opensesame software was used to subliminally expose the participants to both known and unknown human faces. They were then asked to select a product that they were willing to buy from an option of four products, of which one of the products was primed along with human face (known vs. unknown). The product selection rates as well as the time taken to select the product were recorded. A total of 100 participants falling in the age category of young adults (18-39) took part in the study. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Unravelling the potential plant growth activity of halotolerant Bacillus licheniformis NJ04 isolated from soil and its possible use as a green bioinoculant on Solanum lycopersicum L.
Immensely expanding world population and narrowing arable land for agriculture is a mighty concern faced by the planet at present. One of the major reasons for decline in arable lands is the increased soil salinity, making it unfavourable for crop cultivation. Utilisation of these saline land for agriculture is possible with suitable invention for improving the soil quality. Biofertizers manufactured out of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria is one such innovation. In the present study, Bacillus licheniformis NJ04 strain was isolated and studied for its halotolerance and other effective plant growth promoting traits. The NJ04 strain was able to tolerate salt up to 10% and highlighted remarkable antifungal activity against common fungal phytopathogens. The preliminary seed germination test in Solanum lycopersicum seeds revealed a significant increase in root length (16.29 0.91 cm) and shoot length (9.66 0.11 cm) of treated plants as compared with the control plants and thereby shows its possible use as a green bioinoculant in agriculture and an ideal candidate to compete with salt stress. 2022 Elsevier Inc. -
Unravelling Post-harvest Ripening Metabolomics of a New White Variety Guava Fruit (Cv Arka Mridula) with Special Emphasis on Phenolics and Corresponding Antioxidants
The phenolic, antioxidant and metabolic profiling of a new white variety guava fruit Arka Mridula (AM) was performed during its storage at theroom temperature (28 2 C). The comparative profiles were generated at three ripening stages (pre-ripe, ripe and over-ripe) of the fruit. Generally, a steady decrease of the phenolic and antioxidant content from the pre-ripe to the ripe stage and a subsequent increase from the ripe to over-ripe stage was observed. Further, a powerful correlation between the phenolic content and antioxidant principles was noted through the principal component analysis. We could identify 53 compounds for the hydro-methanolic fruit extract through LC and GC-MS aided metabolic analysis, and the identified compounds were dominated by phenolics (~ 44%). The statistical analysis revealed that phytochemicals catechin, myricitrin, myricetin, kaempferol glycosides and n-hexadecanoic acid contributed significantly towards the ripening process of AM, during the storage. The present study is expected to provide important insight into the ripening biochemistry of AM. Subsequently, it may help in the future development of metabolically stable guava cultivars with extended post-harvest shelf life. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.) The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
Unravelling Financial Resilience in India: A Multi-Group Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors
This research investigates the intricate relationship between financial literacy (FL), financial behavior (FB), and financial resilience (FR) across various socio-economic dimensions such as age, gender, income, and education. Building on previous studies, this paper focuses on how these factors may moderate the connection between FL and FR, with FB's role as a mediator. Conducted in Kerala, a region renowned for its high literacy rate, data from 270 participants was collected through an online survey using convenience sampling. The data was then analysed using IBM SPSS AMOS for Structural Equation Modelling, a widely accepted statistical tool. The analysis reveals robust evidence supporting positive relationships between FL-FB, FB-FR, and FL-FR. Additionally, FB partially mediates the FL-FR relationship. Multigroup analysis highlights distinct impacts across subgroups, emphasizing the nuanced interplay between these socioeconomic factors and financial outcomes. The study's conclusions, which highlight the urgent need for focused initiatives to improve financial literacy and promote responsible financial behaviour across a range of demographic groups, provide important new insights into financial dynamics. Such initiatives are essential for bolstering financial resilience and ensuring economic stability amidst varying socio-economic contexts and should be a priority for policymakers and practitioners. 2024, Iquz Galaxy Publisher. All rights reserved. -
Unraveling Women's Involvement in the Digital Realm: An Empirical Investigation
A virtual world in which communication is done through the electronic medium using the computer. This world allows the user to gain knowledge in the form of information. Even though it has a lot of advantages, there are enormous issues when an individual exists in cyberspace. At hand are several challenges to be overcome by individuals to protectively survive cyberspace. Such as various attacks, financial risks, online crimes, and more. In cyberspace, the targeted audience is womanhood of all eons. Educating and promoting awareness about the risk in cyberspace for women in society is the need of the hour. Each individual is facing risk while they are in a digital world. Stakeholders are not given alertness of the threat and its consequences. The paper analyzes the risk and consequences of women's society, as most victims are from that environment. In this, different risks faced and the consequences affected by women's civilization, are discussed. Also remedial measures are taken and should be taken are also deliberated. Supporting this, an online survey is taken from various groups of common people to know the status of women's civilization in the current era. 2023 IEEE. -
Unraveling the synergy between oxygen doping and embedding Fe nanoparticles in gC3N4 towards enhanced photocatalytic rates
With graphitic carbon nitride (gC3N4) showing considerable potential for photocatalytic applications, the four significant limitations: surface area, light-harvesting capability, photogenerated charge separation, and charge transfer at the interface, need to be comprehensively addressed. The present work aims to exfoliate the gC3N4 stacking layers and fragment the layers horizontally to form ultra-thin nanosheets (NS) by a facile mixed-acid treatment. The surface area of gC3N4 increased by one order of magnitude (120 m2/g), due to the formation of nanosheets with planar size below ?50 nm. Moreover, incorporating non-metal (oxygen) anion dopants and metal (iron) nanoparticles enhances the overall reactivity of gC3N4 NS under light irradiation. Co-integration of these strategies led to ?17 times improvement in the photocatalytic pollutants degradation rate compared to pristine gC3N4. First-principles calculations and experimental evidence suggest the formation of an intermediate band within the bandgap of gC3N4, caused by the hybridization of N-Fe-O, which assists in harvesting a larger number of photons. Nanosheet morphology provides a shorter distance to photogenerated charges towards the surface, while the incorporation of Fe and O together offers the lowest charge transfer resistance at the interface to efficiently degrade the adsorbed pollutant molecules on the surface. With all these promoting features along with cost-effective and stable elements, Fe-O-gC3N4 NS provides an ideal solution for tuning the intrinsic morphological and electronic structure of gC3N4 for its effective application in various photocatalytic reactions. 2022 -
Unraveling the Potential of Artificial Intelligence-Driven Blockchain Technology in Environment Management
Blockchain as an emerging technology provides a ray of hope to the most intensive environmental issues facing the planet. Blockchain with its decentralized business model has great relevance not only in the field of finance but also in environmental sustainability. The World Economic Forum has identified blockchain as a repair mechanism to the most challenging global environmental issues. It is a highly promising technology gaining traction in diverse fields. Blockchain through this technology unveils its capabilities as a decentralized ledger of all dealings across peer-to-peer networks, where participants can ratify transactions without any central authority. Blockchain technology is an indestructible electronic ledger of transactions designed to record and store everything of value in addition to financial transactions. Blockchain can ensure a shift to cleaner and more resource conserving decentralized solutions, unravel natural capital and to empower communities. This chapter attempts to study the applicability of blockchain in protecting and sustaining the global environment at various levels including life on land, life below the earth and climate changes. Deployment of blockchain technology is needed in areas like climate change, biodiversity conservation and healthy water bodies to overcome the threats they face. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Unraveling the Interplay Between Indian Agricultural Sector, Food Security, and Farms Bill: Key to Sustainable Development Goals
Agriculture, along with its allied sectors, plays a significant role in the economic progress and expansion of any country; despite tremendous economic progress, Indias agriculture sector is in jeopardy for various reasons. Agriculture in rural areas has been the primary source of income for the poor. With the growing susceptibility, policymakers main problems are to design ways to promote sustain-able agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Sustain-able Development Goals emphasize the relevance of agriculture and the need to revi-talize agribusiness worldwide by aiding farmers, increasing investments in research, technology, and market infrastructure, and increasing knowledge sharing. It may lead to spur innovation and give farmers more power. One of the essential advantages of urban agriculture is its potential to boost social capital and civic participation in low-income neighborhoods. As a result, the most critical goal in agricultural develop-ment for food security should be to raise productivity and diversify food production. Diversification of crops should be encouraged among farmers. This would aid in the fight against starvation, but it would also assist in preventing biodiversity loss and strengthen farmer resilience. Hence, our Chapter attempts to analyze the poor food security and what strategies will contribute to the SDG goals to reduce hunger in India as well worldwide. It elucidates a variety of obstacles and opportunities for successful, sustainable, and resilient agriculture. It also covers topics such as the recent agricultural bill and its long-term implications for our growth and a few important takeaways that could help us get closer to our objectives, mainly through the application of technology. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. -
Unraveling the Interplay Between Biodiversity and Heavy Metal Content in Elookkaras Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Background and Objective: There exists a notable correlation between biodiversity and the concentration of heavy metals, particularly concerning their role in bioremediation efforts. This study was about the heavy metal content in the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem of Eloorkkara, located in the Kadungalloor Grama Panchayat of Kerala, India. Materials and Methods: Sampling was systematically carried out across all four seasons in order to capture the fluctuations in seasonal disturbances. Eight samples each of groundwater, river water, aquatic soil and terrestrial soil were randomly collected from the study area. Additionally, three dominant plant species from both aquatic and terrestrial habitats were carefully selected for analysis. Utilizing Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), the samples underwent thorough analysis to measure the levels of Cr, Cu, As, Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe, Ni and Co concentrations. Results: Indicate significant differences in heavy metal concentrations across various plant species and throughout seasonal changes, emphasizing the complex processes involved in metal accumulation. Terrestrial ecosystems exhibited higher species richness compared to aquatic ecosystems. Areas with high biodiversity tended to have lower metal concentration suggesting a potential mitigating effect of diverse ecosystems and areas with poor diversity had higher heavy metal concentration suggesting the vulnerability of degraded ecosystems. Conclusion: The research highlights the crucial role of biodiversity in influencing the absorption and dispersion of heavy metals within ecosystems. These findings carry significant implications for environmental management and conservation efforts aimed at curbing heavy metal pollution and safeguarding biodiversity in Elookkara and analogous environments. 2024 Chandni Asha Syamlal and D. Sayantan. -
Unraveling the Intangibles: Influence of AI and Employee Valuation on Corporate Sustainability
This study investigates the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human capital on a firm's sustainability based on the selected thirty companies in the Indian Information Technology (IT) Sector. It also involves an insight into the usage of AI tools for the same. This study takes three independent variables, namelySalaries and wages (SW), Provident Fund (PF), and Gratuity and superannuation (GS), which are dependent on the Return On Capital Employed (ROCE). Furthermore, the study evaluates these variables through multiple regression analysis to establish the link between them and determine how human capital affects a firm's profitability. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025. -
Unraveling the complexity of thyroid cancer prediction: A comparative examination of imputation methods and ML algorithms
Despite being relatively rare, thyroid cancer is being identified more often as a result of improved awareness and detection. Even if it has a high survival rate, it is crucial to comprehend its forms, risk factors, and therapies. Better results and prompt intervention are made possible by the early detection of thyroid cellular alterations made possible by evolving machine learning (ML) techniques. The USA Cancer Data Access System's Thyroid Cancer Factor Data, gathered from patient questionnaires, are used in this study. Missing values and imbalance in the dataset are addressed using resampling techniques (SMOTE, under-sampling) and imputation techniques (Median, KNN). To increase the accuracy of thyroid cancer prediction and improve early identification and prognoses for improved patient care, a comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms (ML) (Logistic Regression, LDA, KNN, Decision Tree, SVM, Naive Bayes) with imputation and resampling techniques is being conducted. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Unraveling connections with artificial sweeteners and their impact on human health: A comprehensive review
There is a recent trend showing an uptick in the artificial sweetener's usage, particularly the nonnourishing variety. The allure of a low-calorie choice that lets people indulge in their sweet tooths while consuming less calories overall is what motivates this. Children's food products often contain a substantial number of artificial sweeteners due to their properties that aid in moisture retention, act as fillers, and serve as bulking agents. This article provides a comprehensive overview of artificial sweeteners and influences in human wealth. Studies have linked the use of artificial sweeteners to premature birth, highlighting the teratogenic potential of these compounds, particularly in beverages. Pregnant women who incorporate nonnutritive sweeteners into their diet during pregnancy are more likely to have children with birth defects, as indicated by studies on the subject. Artificial sweeteners should not be added to food for children because studies show that eating them while a child's body is still developing might disturb the balance of gut microbiota and cause potential problems like heart disease, stroke, and cognitive decline. The ingestion of nonnourishing sweeteners has adverse effects on the fertility of both men and women. Studies indicate that exceeding the recommended daily consumption that the FDA has set for artificial sweeteners can result in conditions of infertility for both genders. Additionally, there is a connection between the onset of cancer and the use of artificial sweeteners. Presently, a considerable amount of research relies on animal models rather than human ones, creating a notable gap in research. The limitation of extensive human model studies represents a drawback in validating results. Furthermore, there is a necessity for increased research focused on advancing techniques that can minimize the adverse effects of artificial sweeteners, making them more suitable for addressing issues related to obesity and various types of diabetes. 2024 The Author(s). eFood published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. on behalf of International Association of Dietetic Nutrition and Safety. -
Unraveling Campus Placement Success Integrating Exploratory Insights with Predictive Machine Learning Models
The dynamics of campus placements have garnered considerable attention in recent years, with educational institutions, students, and employers all keenly invested in understanding the factors that drive successful recruitment. This surge in interest stems from the potential implications for academic curricula, student preparation, and hiring strategies. In this study, we aimed to unravel the myriad factors that influence a student's placement success, drawing from a comprehensive dataset detailing a range of academic and demographic attributes. Our methodology combined thorough exploratory data analysis with advanced predictive modeling. The exploratory phase unveiled notable patterns, particularly highlighting the roles of gender, academic performance analysis, Degree and MBA specialization in placement outcomes. In the predictive modeling phase, the spotlight was on state-of-the-art machine learning models, with a particular emphasis on their capacity to forecast placement success. Notably, algorithms like Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines not only confirmed the insights from our exploratory analysis but also showcased remarkable predictive prowess, with accuracy scores nearing perfection. These findings not only demonstrate the capabilities of machine learning in the academic and recruitment spheres but also emphasize the enduring importance of core academic achievements in influencing placement outcomes. As a prospective direction, future research might benefit from examining how placement trends evolve over time and integrating qualitative insights to provide a holistic view of the campus recruitment process. 2023 IEEE. -
Unpaid Work by Women: A State-level Analysis of Evidence from Time-use Survey
Low and declining female labour force participation in India over the past two decades has turned attention to the high unpaid work time spent by women. The question, however, remains whether women spend more time on unpaid work because there are not enough jobs or whether it is time spent on unpaid work that is holding them back from participation in the labour force. Against this backdrop, the present article explores Indias nationally representative time-use survey conducted by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) to estimate factors that explain variations in time spent by women in unpaid work at the state level. The results show that structural transformation, entailing a reduction in employment in agriculture and an increase in the share of industries in state GDP, does not necessarily entail any reduction in unpaid time spent by women if the technology embodied in industrialisation is not gender-friendly. Worryingly, progress in female literacy recorded by states is no guarantee of a reduction in unpaid work by women. However, a gender-friendly atmosphere does make a difference in the reduction in unpaid work reported by women. Similarly, targeted public policy intervention does relax the constraints that women face at home, with a positive effect on unpaid work time. 2024 Institute for Human Development. -
Unpacking the Psychology of Investment Intention: The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits, and Risk Behaviour
In the dynamic realm of wealth accumulation, investments demand a meticulous evaluation of both financial and non-financial aspects inherent in securities. Prudent decision-making surpasses a fixation on anticipated returns, requiring a nuanced assessment of an investment's potential to actualize desired earnings. This study challenges the presumption of investor rationality in traditional financial theories, emphasizing the profound impact of non-financial determinants on decision-making, including personality traits, emotional intelligence, and risk behavior. With a robust sample size of 396 respondents, the research establishes a statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence, personality traits, risk behavior, and the intricate domain of investment decisions. For middle-class investors, a pivotal recommendation emerges: fostering a discerning comprehension of one's psychological attributes. Active collaboration with seasoned financial advisers is imperative, serving as a compass through the complexities of the modern financial milieu. This holistic approach, harmonizing financial acumen with nuanced psychological insight, proves indispensable for navigating intricacies and facilitating judicious investment decisions aligned with individual aspirations and risk thresholds. The nuanced integration of financial prudence and psychological acuity fortifies investment portfolios and establishes a resilient foundation for adeptly navigating the dynamic terrain of wealth management. 2024, Iquz Galaxy Publisher. All rights reserved. -
Unpacking the burden of hypertension and diabetes in Karnataka: implications for policy and practice based on NFHS-5 findings
Objective: To investigate the prevalence, risk factors, and healthcare-seeking patterns of hypertension and diabetes in Karnataka, India, and to offer knowledge that might guide public health initiatives intended to lessen the burden of these illnesses. Methods: In order to examine the prevalence, risk factors, and healthcare-seeking behaviour of hypertension and diabetes in Karnataka, India, a cross-sectional study is carried out using the information gathered from 26,574 households on 30,455 women and 4516 men (who were in their reproductive period) from the National Family Health Survey (201920). The information was summarised using descriptive statistics, which included frequencies and percentages. The association between different risk variables and the likelihood of getting diabetes and hypertension was examined using the chi-squared test and a logistic regression model. Data were analysed using STATA software version 16. Results: The study found that age, gender, education level, religion, and BMI are all significantly associated with hypertension and diabetes (p < 0.001). Tobacco use and alcohol consumption were not significantly associated with hypertension, but tobacco use was significantly associated with diabetes (p < 0.001). However, alcohol consumption was not found to be significantly associated with diabetes whereas the older age groups, males, underweight, overweight and obese, and tobacco use were all associated with increased odds of diabetes. On the other hand, females, secondary education or higher, and alcohol consumption were associated with decreased odds of diabetes. Conclusion: In conclusion, the study found a high prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in Karnataka, India, and identified several risk factors associated with these diseases. The study also highlighted the need for improved healthcare-seeking behaviour among people with hypertension and diabetes. The findings can inform public health interventions aimed at reducing the burden of these diseases in Karnataka and similar settings. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India 2023. -
Unpacking power dynamics in coaching and leadership: A critical examination
This study examined the critical viewpoints regarding the convergences of coaching and leadership, elucidating the intricate complexities of power relations. Incorporated case studies from the business and nonprofit sectors shed light on the difficulties and achievements in these realms of transformation. The integration of insights gained underscores the profound impact of consciousness, openness, and moral behaviour on change. The obligation to exercise authority with discernment, promote inclusiveness, and empower entities and individuals alike. This study offers significant contributions for professionals, academics, and executives traversing the complex landscape of coaching and leadership. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Unopened windows: European existentialism and Indian classrooms /
International Journal Of English Language Literature and humanities, Vol.3, Issue 9, pp.434-440, ISSN No: 2321-7065. -
Unobtrusive Engagement Detection through Semantic Pose Estimation and Lightweight ResNet for an Online Class Environment
Analysing student engagement in a class through unobtrusive methods enhances the learning and teaching experience. During these pandemic times, where the classes are conducted online, it is imperative to efficiently estimate the engagement levels of individual students. Helping teachers to annotate and understand the significant learning rate of the students is critical and vital. To facilitate the analysis of estimating the engagement levels among students, this paper proposes a dual channel model to precisely detect the attention level of individual students in a classroom. Considering the possible inaccuracy of emotion recognition, a dual channel is configured with a Lightweight ResNet model for macro-level attention estimation and a 3d pose estimation using Euler angles for Pitch, yaw and roll that is trained, validated and tested on the Daisee database. The Emotional detection extracts the context of Engaged, frustrated, confused and disgust as higher levels of classroom attention cognition while the facial pose coordinates provide the real-time movement of the faces in the video to provide a series of engaged and disengaged coordinates. The Lightweight ResNet Model achieves a 95.5% accuracy and the Pose estimation test is able to distinguish the test videos at 92% as Engaged and Bored on the Daisee Dataset. The Overall Accuracies using the Dual channel was curated to 87%. 2023 Scrivener Publishing LLC.