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Understanding the emerging integrated marketing communication strategies used in marketing Tamil films /
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science, Vol.21, Issue 2, Ver. V, pp.33-37, ISSN: e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. -
Understanding the developmental relevance of animated cartoons: How people perceive the United Nations productions /
The mass media has emerged as one of the greatest tools and a catalyst in propelling some of the great changes in the society. Animated cartoon is one of the forms of mass media. Although often understated, mildly acknowledged and subtle in its ways, it holds the potential to make positive changes if used optimally. -
Understanding the business model of private equity & comparative analysis of emerging economics & developed economics
Research Revolution Vol.1, Issue 6,pp.18-20 ISSN No. 2319-300X -
Understanding the antecedents of service decisions: An integration of service promiscuity and customer citizenship behaviour
Promiscuity being casual and unrestrained towards any kind of service, the purpose of this article is to contribute to service literature by investigating the influence of customer citizenship behaviour and service promiscuity in the decision-making process in the context of public house services. This paper empirically draws a historic sum-up on the roots of service promiscuity towards the decision-making process. A questionnaire was administered to 1,509 pub customers using retrospective experience sampling technique. The proposed hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling. Results from this research yielded novel insights into the dual antecedents extending to customer decision making process through customer citizenship behaviour and service promiscuity. The findings have implications for the ongoing argumentation on the practicality of customer promiscuity, thereby broadening the theoretical understanding of 'why customers' decision-making process establishes such an efficacious effect in the service environment? Further, these new and interesting results enlighten the insights of consumer behaviour and more importantly contribute substantially to the existing knowledge of service marketing literature. The results provide managers with specific decision-making process variables and substantial service strategies. 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Understanding stigma and burnout among HIV/ AIDS health care workers Implications for counselling
The article examines the association between burnout and stigma among Health Care Workers (HCWs) and highlights the need for counselling services in the care of the HCWs. Stereotypes of HIV/AIDS and burnout in HCWs caring for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) were assessed using self-report methods. Stereotypes about AIDS Scale (SAAS) and Maslach Burnout Inventory MBI were completed by 120 staff from 8 community care centres for PLHIV across south India. Results of SAAS showed that about 33 percent respondents manifested high level of stigma while 35 percent exhibited moderate levels. The results of MBI showed high level of burnout in about 31 percent and moderate in 35 percent respondents. -
Understanding Startup Valuation and its Impact on Startup Ecosystem
Startups play a substantial role in the economic growth of a nation, by introducing new technologies, ground-breaking innovation, creating jobs, etc. A couple of decades back, it was extremely difficult to start a business, but today new businesses pop up every day, all around the world. Recognizing the importance of a startup, governments across the globe are doing their best to provide an atmosphere where startups can bloom. Despite its importance and all the support, the startup failure rate is at 90%; about 10% of startups fail in the first year and 70% fail in two to five years. The startup boom saw the emergence of alternative sources of funding like Venture Capitalist, Angel Investors, etc. These investors (Venture Capitalist, Angel Investors, etc.) played a crucial role in startup success by providing easy access to funds which is a critical and scarce resource for any founder. Traditionally business success is linked with sustainable profitability but in the startup world most used method to define success is valuation. Based on CB Insights research, as of January 2022, there are more than 900 unicorns (startup with a valuation of over $1 billion) around the world and of these unicorns less than 10% are profitable. It's difficult to explain/comprehend how startups' which are neither profitable nor foresee profitability in near future are valued higher than traditional business with stable profitability. Current valuation methods have impacted the startup ecosystem. Today, founders start their business with exit in mind, the focus of founders is on growth/scale rather than profitability. There is a school of thought that believes that such valuations will soon result in the bursting of the startup bubble just like the dotcom bubble seen in late 1990s. The focus of this paper is to investigate the techniques used by investors for startup valuation and how these techniques are impacting the startup ecosystem and its founders. The paper looks at all stages of the investment cycle, from seed to IPO or takeover and understands the process of valuation at each stage and how it impacts all stakeholders in the ecosystem. 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. -
Understanding Peer Victimisation and Related Coping Strategies Among Young Adults
Peer victimisation is a term used to describe the process of an individual being bullied by other peers, physically as well as socially, which affects the victims personality, emotional functioning, behaviour, and well-being. In response, the victims adopt several coping strategies to deal with the situation. However, the experience makes an indelible mark on those who have been victims of the process. This current study aims to understand the perspectives of young adults who have experienced peer victimisation and also explore the coping strategies used by them. The study adopts a qualitative research design, based on which data was collected from young adults (n = 10) using semi-structured interviews. After a process of screening, participants were chosen using a purposive sampling method. The data collected was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), through which various super-ordinate themes emerged. The significant themes focus on the nature of peers, experiences of peer victimisation, risk factors leading to peer victimisation, consequences of peer victimisation, coping mechanisms, and strategies to prevent peer victimisation. The findings highlight the understanding of the repercussions of peer victimisation and emphasise the need to adopt innovative strategies, implement pre-emptive interventions, and mandate decisive measures to mitigate instances of peer victimisation. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Understanding Nonsense Verse : A Study of Select Works of Sukumar Ray
Among all the literary genres created and cultivated over the ages, Nonsense verse newlineperhaps emerges as one of the most challenging to comprehend. Nonsense verse often employs subversion (language, syntax, logic, etc.) as its tool and usually leaves the readers in a state of confusion. A look into the limericks of Edward Lear would bear newlinetestimony to this fact. For readers and researchers, the quest for meaning has newlineunravelled many literary and philosophical pursuits. One such possibility, therefore, newlinecould be the attempt to comprehend and critically analyse the unique literary genre newlinetermed Nonsense verse. From the multiple understandings and debatable definitions newlineof verse forms, one striking and rare genre evolves into nonsense poetry. Following newlinethe cue, this thesis purports to seek sense and meaning from what is labelled newline nonsense . It depicts that the functionality of existing, creative stylistics in language newlineand understanding and the text s contextual placement bring out the sense in nonsense. As Edward Lear mastered this art form in the West, Sukumar Ray crafted this genre in India, though he was not the only one. The thesis traces the evolution of nonsense verse in India, literary and folk, to understand the possible functionality of this genre as it exists in India. As the study shows, the writer who made the most contributions to this evolution was Sukumar Ray. Therefore, understanding the evolution and function of Indian nonsense verse become the object of the study, and an in-depth, contextual study of the select poems of Sukumar Ray, the national pioneering writer of nonsense, becomes the subject. This research attempts to unearth a fresh approach to re-evaluating the function of nonsense verse and possibly confer upon it a more considerable eminence. The thesis aims to provide comprehension and newlinecredibility to the genre through the study of select works of Sukumar Ray. -
Understanding neurodiversity and mindfulness: A holistic approach to addiction in professional preparation programs
This chapter explores the interplay between neurodiversity, mindfulness, and addiction, emphasizing their incorporation into professional preparation programmes. Neurodiverse individuals, who exhibit various neurological characteristics, may encounter unique obstacles that make them more prone to addiction. The chapter begins by examining the unique challenges and requirements of neurodiverse individuals who may be at increased risk for addiction. The chapter advocates for incorporating mindfulness practises into programmes of professional preparation. It discusses how neurodiverse individuals can be introduced to mindfulness practises centred on present-moment awareness and the non-judgmental observation of thoughts and emotions as a valuable tool for addiction recovery. This chapter concludes by highlighting the importance of addressing the unique requirements of neurodiverse individuals in addiction recovery by incorporating mindfulness into professional preparation programmes. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Understanding magic realism in regional cinema: A content analysis of selected Malayalam films /
Magic Realism, was introduced in Latin America as an expression of the blend of realist and magical views of life in the perspective of the conflicting cultures of Latin America expressed through its art and literature, but later it was adopted as a term used to refer to all narrative fiction that includes magical events in a realistic matter-of-fact narrative, where, the unordinary or supernatural is not a plain or evident matter, but it is an ordinary matter, which can happen every day. -
Understanding Labor Market Dynamics in Urban India Amidst the Pandemic: A Study Employing Supervised Learning Methods
This study provides insights into the dynamic job ladder and challenges in the Indian labor market, particularly when facing external shock. It examines the fluidity of job transitions among the employed, unemployed, and those not in the laborforce, focusing on the urban labor market of India during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using data from the 2020-21 Periodic Labour Force Survey, a longitudinal panel dataset was created to track individuals across four quarters, enabling the monitoring of their activity status. Employing K-Nearest Neighbour classification, the study identifies vulnerabilities in labor market engagement. It further explores factors driving transitions among the three states of labor market involvement, using a multinomial logistic model adjusted for selection bias. The research reveals significant movement within the labor force, with notable shifts between employment statuses. Even those currently employed are often vulnerable, at risk of detachment from the labor force at any time. Women were disproportionately affected, with evidence of discouraged worker effect, as many ceased jobs search duo to perceived job scarcity or unavailability of decent jobs. The study raised concerns about the sustainability of self-employment and the security of regular jobs. These findings expose enduring structural challenges exacerbated by the pandemic, calling for urgent action to address widespread unemployment, low female participation, and prevailing inequalities in the labor market. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Indian Econometric Society 2024. -
Understanding inhibitors to XBRL adoption: an empirical investigation
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the awareness of extensible business reporting language (XBRL) and the perception of chartered accountants of India concerning the inhibitors of XBRL adoption, namely, environmental, organizational and innovation factors developed by Troshani and Rao (2007) from Rogers innovation diffusion theory. In addition, the analysis also investigated the relationship between the perception of issues regarding XBRL adoption and individual characteristics (training, age, gender and professional experience). Design/methodology/approach: A Web-based questionnaire was circulated through e-mail to chartered accountants registered with the Institute of Chartered Accountants India (ICAI) and 233 chartered accountants responded to the questionnaire. The data was analyzed using reliability statistics and multivariate regression analyses. Findings: The results indicate that accountants perceived that environmental, organizational and innovational factors were challenging in adopting XBRL. Interestingly, training and experience were significant factors in explaining respondents perceptions. Practical implications: From a practical panorama, the significance of issues implies that associations such as XBRL International, XBRL India, ICAI and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs should collectively take the appropriate steps to sustain and ameliorate the reliability and adoption of XBRL. Social implications: The results can motivate ICAI/Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) courses to teach academic content about XBRL. Originality/value: The present study differs from previous research because it examines the inhibitors in adopting XBRL, namely, environmental, organizational and innovation factors, in an empirical setting. Moreover, to the best of the authors knowledge, this is the first study to analyze the influence of individual factors on accountants perceptions about inhibitors of XBRL adoption. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Understanding green economy
Resource efficiency, environmentally friendly consumption and production, and the green economy's contribution to sustainable development resource efficiency refer to the ways in which resources are used to deliver value to society and aims to reduce the amount of resources needed, as well as emissions and waste generated, per unit of product or service. Sustainable consumption and production aim to improve production processes and consumption practices to reduce resource consumption, waste generation, and emissions across the full life cycle of processes and products. A macroeconomic strategy for achieving sustainable economic growth is offered by the green economy, with a primary emphasis on investments, jobs, and skills. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Understanding feminism on online platforms: Exploration and analysis of two online platforms
This article explores how feminism is practised and communicated on digital plat-forms. Feminism in India and Khabar Lahariya are two online platforms studied with interviews of respondents to understand how the online spaces are used for knowledge sharing that take feminist perspective. New media opened up spaces for people to communicate from any part of the world, create media content and circulate it. Visibility, privacy, accessibility and risks are negotiated by the report-ers and content creators to produce alternative cultural production from an inter-sectional feminist standpoint. 2022 Intellect Ltd Article. -
Understanding evolution, development, and transitioning of digital financial inclusion: A bibliometric study
Different countries across the globe are trying hard to address the challenges of poverty alleviation. Various studies conducted in the past have highlighted the essence of financial inclusion in poverty alleviation. Adoption of financial inclusion acts as a major trigger for developing countries to foster economic growth as it helps in fostering saving, investment, and helps society in attaining financial independence. Economies across the globe are striving hard to accomplish sustainable development goals. The speedy compliance with SDG goals can only be realized through the adoption of ICT. Some of the SDG goals like reduced inequalities (SDG10), quality education (SDG 4), and industry innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9) cannot be attained without the adoption of technology. Effective blend of technology helps countries in achieving targets like digital financial inclusion, digital education, advanced healthcare services, green energy, and addressing other climate related issues. Financial inclusion consists of providing sufficient access to a diverse range of financial products and services. In an era of information technology, digital transformation has brought a major shift in demand and supply side of financial inclusion. In order to understand the progress of the past 23 years in digital financial inclusion, the study has conducted a systematic review and bibliometric analysis of digital financial inclusion domain. The study intends to explore the present status of digital financial inclusion, most prominent studies published in this domain, influential countries, influential authors, and collaborative tendencies between authors. Through Biblioshiny R and Vos-viewer software, the study intends to conduct temporal analysis of influential authors and countries as it helps to understand the emergence of new researchers, institutions, and countries over a time. The study also intends to explore thematic analysis of digital financial inclusion domain, influential theories derived from literature, and assessment of influential studies published for the past 23 years. In the final phase, the study intends to propose various antecedents of digital financial inclusion that have been identified through in-depth scrutiny of literature. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Understanding environmentally sustainable Indian travel behaviour: an analysis of 2011 census data
Using census data of non-agricultural workers for 2011, this study aims to examine trends and determinants of travel behaviour in India. Descriptive statistics accompanied by a beta regression model of proportional outcomes are implemented on the obtained data. The study finds that men are the dominant users of motorized transport in the country. Most workers travel a short distance of less than 5km, irrespective of area or gender. Population density, the share of married population and the share of rural population in a district significantly influence the share of environmentally sustainable travel behaviour displayed by that region. To the best of our comprehension, this is one of the primary studies elucidating the comparison of travel behaviour in ruralurban areas of Indian states. Not many studies in India have addressed the issue of influence of socio-demographic factors on environmentally sustainable travel choices. With this analysis, policymakers in the transportation sector can get a clearer idea of the behaviour and demands of different divisions of society. The findings of this study demand the evolution of infrastructure of public transportation and non-motorized transportation in the country in such a way that is both efficient and secure to neither impede the goals of empowerment or sustainability. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Institute for Social and Economic Change 2023. -
Understanding document semantics from summaries: A case study on Hindi texts /
ACM Transactions on Asian Low-Resource Language Information Processing, Vol.16, Issue 1, pp.1-20, ISSN: 2375-4699. -
Understanding document semantics from summaries: A case study on Hindi texts
Summary of a document contains words that actually contribute to the semantics of the document. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is a mathematical model that is used to understand document semantics by deriving a semantic structure based on patterns of word correlations in the document. When using LSA to capture semantics from summaries, it is observed that LSA performs quite well despite being completely independent of any external sources of semantics. However, LSA can be remodeled to enhance its capability to analyze correlations within texts. By taking advantage of the model being language independent, this article presents two stages of LSA remodeling to understand document semantics in the Indian context, specifically from Hindi text summaries. One stage of remodeling is done by providing supplementary information, such as document category and domain information. The second stage of remodeling is done by using a supervised term weighting measure in the process. The remodeled LSA's performance is empirically evaluated in a document classification application by comparing the accuracies of classification to plain LSA. An improvement in the performance of LSA in the range of 4.7% to 6.2% is achieved from the remodel when compared to the plain model. The results suggest that summaries of documents efficiently capture the semantic structure of documents and is an alternative to full-length documents for understanding document semantics. 2016 ACM.